tv News RT December 9, 2020 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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u.k. regulators warn people with severe allergies to avoid taking the follow. up to some people who receive the job fell ill. the warning comes as america's drug authority reveals about 6 people who took part in trials for the pfizer vaccine. is coming in the french president pushes ahead with the bill islamic extremism measures which include. its. around the clock across the world this is our to international from the team myself
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you know neal hello and welcome to the program. or top story british health regulators are warning people with a history of allergic reactions against taking the. vaccine it comes after 2 people who received the job fell ill one day after the u.k. launched a massive vaccination program. any person with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine medicine or food should not receive the pfizer beyond seem very unfortunate news for pfizer and this is piling on to what we've already learned about deaths and side effects but in this instance 2 nurses became very ill. after being injected with the vaccine they were apparently they had a history of allergies and they were very very doing well now they're recovering but again this is something that somehow slipped clinical trials that people with previous conditions the history of severe allergies and reactions to allergies they
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are vulnerable they're vulnerable to the side effects tell us more about what the u.s. food and drug administration has revealed the problem is that we learned of these deaths not from pfizer whose very exceed the c's i mean you'd think that they're obligated to good public and to tell people be open and transparent about how their trials of going how people are taking the vaccine you know these deaths 2 of the people who died received the jab while 4 of them received politically cebu injections so they're saying that the vaccine is still safe they still believe it's safe it is effective. and that these deaths were it is unlikely that these deaths were caused by the vaccine a total of 6 of unrolled participants died during the reporting period all deaths represent events that occur in the general population of the age groups where they occurred at this similar rate well they believe that they're part of the
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statistical norm obviously you know we learn that people with severe allergies shouldn't take the prize of vaccine only today and after the fact of the vaccination public vaccination had gotten which is you know. alarm bells and people ought to know you know what they're getting into but the problem. here is that there is they seems to be a lack of communication from. the press and bear in mind the visor never published in open sources never published in medical journals but peer review the data that it gathered throughout the clinical trial so they really gave that to to various officials and watchdogs. greenlighted their vaccine and what else is there to be found in the f.d.a. as reported well the other scary thing i would say that has struck people and cause some concern is the side effects notably one side effect which is. paralysis it is a condition and not
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a lot known about what causes it but for people so there were 2 test groups the placebo test group and the test group that received the actual vaccine the interesting thing about these side effects is that nobody from the placebo group experience that nobody should any symptoms while 4 people in the group that received the real vaccine display the symptoms of partial thinks will paralysis among non-serious unsolicited adverse events there was a numerical imbalance of 4 cases of bell spell seen in the vaccine group compared with no cases on the placebo group though the 4 cases in the vaccine group did not represent a frequency above that expected in the general population. they've already dismissed these concerns saying this new scientific link between. may merely an anomaly why by some people suffered from these symptoms and others didn't do. a group or test group this large tens of thousands of people somebody with or without a vaccine should have experience if you have just statistics but you know it's
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piling on top of each other to these deaths these side effects and now we learn that people with severe allergies if they take the vaccine obviously it must be it is understood that every call to was cut safely they believe had to be cut to get a room to rule a vaccine out quickly as possible to get a vaccine out now before the end of the year less than a this is a process that usually takes decades it could take years at least to study the effects of the vaccine to study how people take it throughout the years you know how it affects them and their life obviously that didn't happen because of the agency because of the huge worldwide to get this vaccine out and to see it successful vaccine return the world to more or less normal so very you know sense that people should approach vaccination with abundant.
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earlier donald trump signed an executive order aimed at ensuring americans have priority when it comes to access to vaccines produced in the u.s. both the going and incoming president are upbeat about the prospects of a nation. signed the executive order to ensure that american citizens have 1st priority to receive american vaccines and then we're going to be working with other countries all over the world this team will help get at the latest at the last 100000000 covert 9000 vaccine at least 100000000 covert vaccine shots into the arms of the american people in the 1st 100 days 100000000 shots in the 1st 100 days well this week the pfizer biotech vaccine is expected to become the 1st to be approved for emergency use in the u.s. but supplies will be limited as many doses have already being shipped abroad picking up the story and. top u.s. officials are reassuring us that there's enough vaccine to go around and every
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american can get a jab hundreds of millions of doses will be available every month and we expect to have enough vaccines for every american but by the end of march early april enough across all of our vaccine portfolio to have for every american who would like to be vaccinated 100 percent of americans that want to baxi will had vaccine by that point time although not everyone is going to take it. from me it's nice to have a choice isn't it well as trump rolls out his vaccines for americans 1 first policies there are mounting fears that washington will not be able to deliver on its promises a white house summit expected to celebrate the victory of the jab had 2 key guests
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missing pfizer and madonna pfizer is reported to have told the trumpet administration that it cannot provide additional doses of the coded 19 vaccine until mid 2021 they say other countries beat the united states and bought up the supply of global justice now by u.k. based group reported back in november that 80 percent of pfizer's vaccine over 1000000000 doses had already been sold the buyers some of the wealthiest governments around the world now the usa did get some but only $100000000.00 vaccines the u.s. government placed an initial order of $100000000.00 doses for pfizer beyond techs covered 900 facts and pfizer is ready to begin ship an initial dose a soon after receiving an emergency use authorization from the u.s. food and drug administration any additional doses beyond the 100000000 subjected to separate. in mutually acceptable agreement rumors are circulating that after that
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pfizer offered to sell more to the united states but trump said no deal now the white house denies that let's do the math pfizer says you need to do with this per person so $100000000.00 vaccines covers only $50000000.00 people roughly 15 percent of the u.s. population but u.s. officials say they checked the numbers and there won't be any shortage we're confident that we will have 100000000 doses of find this vaccine is agreed to in our contract and beyond that we have 5 other vaccine candidates including 100000000 doses on the way from london so what does this america 1st document really mean pfizer privately funded to work without u.s. government support so washington cannot force its will to be 1st on the company and its to sell its vaccine across the planet private property and free markets something that america loves human rights groups are warning of an upcoming
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shortage of covert vaccines in low income countries choose to hoarding by rich nations a report by the people's vaccine alliance which includes unless the international oxfam fund that wealthy nations of reserves enough seems to cover their populations 3 times over until the end of next year as a result only one in 10 people in the 70 per countries will have access to cope with jobs the group is urging farm adjoins to share their intellectual property to allow other firms to produce the drugs at a lower cost earlier i spoke with max lawson head of inequality policy. you know you would be suicidal politician you could not recall. our point is we do not think for rich countries not united states for the united kingdom to protect the profits and the intellectual property in the milk committee of these big pharmaceutical companies so that they have enough vaccine for themselves but they don't thanks and
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nation for the world all the leading candidates that we are hearing. who funded using taxpayer money lead them to public property and not a prop to progress in trying to be a lot of old versus realism and if you're going to give away your intellectual property you've got these big big companies who are spending billions or you're saying that from the public purse as well but what incentive do they actually have to do all that work bring it to market and then just give it away it's not going to happen is it everyone makes their money no one is going to give these things away for free that's the point the point is the intellectual property and the barriers that puts up on behalf of these big pharmaceutical companies need to ignore most profit why are you beyond what's reasonable and in this situation is public money in the public good i think as the months and we see rich nations making their populations and we still see many many people dying in poor countries the pressure on the brands of these pharmaceutical firms the kind of moral arguments are we
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think we can move beyond the profit tax you to a people's vaccine which is always with me in the interest of the global economy it doesn't make sense to us to the kind of hobble the global economy in the interest of protecting the profits of. muslim groups and fronts of lashed out at the government over a new bill which targets islamic radicalism the measures being pushed by president follow a wave of terrorist attacks will include making it easier to stop mosque from receiving foreign financing more protection for moderate community leaders in part of syria short of defense. it was presented to the council of ministers on wednesday and it has now been approved by the prime minister was giving his press conference following that outlining parts of the bill he said that this is about promoting republican values fighting against separatism that has been something that has been
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coming from certain parts of the muslim community here in france the largest muslim community in europe and the prime minister said that france had to defend itself and it had to emancipate its citizens from the yoke of religion. radical islam islam is an ideology directed to dividing people and spreading hatred and violence in society faced with this the republic intends to defend itself by local authorities now will have more power to deal with religious spend news where they say there is hate speech coming from them whether there is a call to violence this bill will also fight against clandestine schools and it will make homeschooling much much more difficult the idea of ensuring that all children have access to their right a right to education we know that doctors issue virginity certificates will now face prison and fines possibly as well and we know that the religious associations
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will now have to declare foreign funding now muslims have long criticized this law it's been debated for the last few months saying that they are unfairly targeted by it and in fact this war has already provoked huge reaction in some muslim majority countries who've also been unhappy about the fact that president mackarness defended the fact that blasphemy is not illegal here in france no islamic scholars have described president macaroons views as being racist while the turkish president talked about this law specifically and said that it was open provocation for micron as a burden on. france macron and france are going through a very dangerous period actually my hope is that france gets rid of this macross trouble as soon as possible but some here in france see that this law doesn't go far enough they say that there needs to be a real declaration on a war against islam ist separatism here in france so there will be
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a huge amount reaction to this this bill now after being approved by the council of ministers will go to the parliament in 2021 where it will be debated and i'm sure those debates at going to be incredibly heated as will the reaction on the street. let's delve deeper into this story with yasser. a human rights activist national security expert speaking to us from paris this hour a welcome yes or the french government clearly has an urgent need to protect its citizens from terrorism for a long time it appears even though the scotian was stifled because of the fear of being called racist or offense being taken maybe this bill is the spark needed to finally get a conversation going that benefits all. i'm not sure i got the question but if the french government wants to protect us here in france how about the massive blows
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a specific targeting terrorism that has been adopted at the top of this or in this country into a police state like the laws or better still 2015 that allows the government to listen to all of our conversations after and the law was passed after these 2 little revelations so right now my communications online and all the websites i can see that people like doctor would exchange with the government knows all about it we have a permanent state of emergency that has been adopted since october 27th now the government wants to protect the country but the republican values 1st what's the definition of these republican values is this government in a position to speak of any moral values when the minister of interior himself is being the target of an investigation on rape and sexual allegations and sexual misconduct the other point if i may when we have the prime minister speaking of radical islam and a separate islam what are the legal definitions for them to act against such
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phenomenon in this vehicle separatism how come nobody speaking of the one who would be good per year in tax evasion that the rich you know it's not all 'd an issue of what to buy it isn't that the facts then it is that we need to clamp down on terrorism and attacks against your people president and just on that latter point he keeps talking about cracking down on islam ism as you say the so-called islamic separatism categorically not islam itself so why should law abiding moderate muslims be worried about that surely be a welcome the rooting out of extremist elements in their communities. first who are you are the government will see who is a moderate muslim and not or not so the government says there are docketing islamists so far they have dissolved an interest level 4 b. organization dissolve the humanitarian organization the whole ask for the right to vote a place you did and get involved in the how n.g.o.s are managed and how charities
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a are elected they are the board members and on top of it what many would look or speaks of of you know dealing with you know islam and you know and i guess is the wisdom he is using this sea of see if the national council of the muslim faith which was set up in 2003 in a vote of race you did but you could have this similar to those issues that is being composed of several for there are issues of who are the heads of either of the moroccan embassy or the algerian embassy and on top of it never had any free and fair elections never held in a women or it or its head so no sir this is a war against muslims look for 2 reasons to keep the poor or from organizing as muslims at the same with jews of armenians organize a hold on hold on that there is there is the issue of brave muslims as you know well of trying to stop their areas being engulfed by islam ism and this proposed law for what it's worth is going to try and help them who are the brave muslims
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when you put all the mosques under surveillance ever made i'm not sure what you mean what are the brave muslims and what they're talking about certain just to be precise i didn't mr understood so you've got community leaders in a lot of muslim majority areas which are having trouble with extremist elements within their own communities and people getting drawn into that through the streets through various other organizations and they are trying to stop that they have complained before on this program that they're not getting enough help from the state know that they are. sir i don't know which community do you want talking above because the overwhelming majority of the muslim community is asking the government to unload to manage its affairs not. talking so you don't think there's a problem with extremist islam isn't there was it pro with extremism there's a lot of how do you solve that you let muslims merge their own affairs and i know them to a little select their need there is set up their organizations abide by yes you do
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it which prohibits the government from getting involved in connecticut i fear is that when muslims get a chance to manage their own mosques without interference from the french state or a new foreign country well that's the point isn't it because the measures i'm sorry to interrupt but not so important it's an important point because the measures in the french bill include surveillance of mosques and their sources of financing if mosques are getting money from overseas particularly at times with a view to spreading a more extreme version of islam from someone hubby states that haas to be a concern for the french government. well if you speak about though of the state of the government has just you know i get a signed contract with said weapons to saudi arabia the question is not there sir when muslims are asked to manage their own affairs a in many ways michael answers in his discourse on this or the 2nd that he wants to be able to get involved in how n.g.o.s are managed and in case the faithfulness of
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a must for example are decided to kick out of boredom for whatever reason in a democratic election the french state should have it say who gets to represent muslims that's a blatant violation of the no that the going to hear if you sponsible how about we speak to listings i love them too but there's that when there is a civic there need there is a leg of them and those leaders will speak to the government based on the nature of the missie from the grassroots and not the opposite sir now the community leaders you are talking about i don't know who are talking about sir they have been shutting down in jos a raiding mosques shutting down must on mere accusations for example or the dissolution of the cia and cia excuse me has been made you know by the government on a political reason without getting to court no if you want i got a country with. ok we have to look we do need not there ok we do need to wrap that up on the point because we've got a little over time but we do appreciate you coming on the program and sharing your
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thoughts with us yes or yes yes or human rights activists specializing in us on the full be thinking. still to come this hour u.s. president elect joe biden courts controversy as he nominates a retired general with a less than stellar record in the middle east to be a secretary of defense were enough to head. the global feel money ponzi scheme has hit the my 1st i missed out collapsing like bernie made off. and now we're going back to poverty so the answer is always bad you need actual sound money like gold but of course that doesn't work so much as big point does and what will happen is they'll be hundreds of millions and billions of people in the world battle say their central bank and their their nation state
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government saying you know we're not interested in money anymore we just want to have our own money have our own peace of mind and you can go away. which is the point and it's find. an atmosphere. of geology and. water and since you're. those through bio that is just far beyond our wildest imagination. welcome back to the program but russian authorities are cracking down on bars and restaurants not fail to abide by code 19 restrictions at least conducted several
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raids in st petersburg choose the nights targeting bars not illegally remained open after 11 pm to cut off time the searches were part of citywide police inspections ahead of the new year holidays when all food and drink establishment will be shut down there many petersburg have said they'll have to defy the rules stay open or face financial it's. in calibers on tardio province people who refuse supposedly fallen tree vaccination against hope at 19 could face a number of restrictions is the warning of the province's health minister. there may be some restrictions in terms of travel or other restrictions death may arise as a result of not having a vaccination but that's going to be up to the person themselves to make that decision on the basis of what's more important to them will be health officials remarks come amid concerns that people will be made to have the job but the
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authorities are insisting that fix a nation will be voluntary earlier counted as prime minister announced that the country would receive its 1st doses of pfizer's vaccine next week political analyst i was somebody to threaten restrictions aren't an ideal way to make people trust in existing. i think. forcing people to be vaccinated with the. premise that we've heard in ontario is not the best way to persuade the population to consider being vaccinated in fact it is the worst way to do it especially now that we are in the very early stages of the rollout of the vaccine nobody has been vaccinated yet and at any rate the 1st people who would be vaccinated will be medical staff and personnel in high risk places for example or the johns and. other similar facilities so
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i think the health minister position was irresponsible in fact because i myself become even more. concerned about this. us president elect joe biden has chosen a retired general as his defense secretary if approved by the senate 67 year old lloyd austin would become the 1st black person to head the pentagon i chose lloyd austin as my nominee for secretary of defense because he will do whatever it takes to defend the american people when the islamic state emerged as a terrorist threat in iraq and syria president obama and i turn to austin who then led the u.s. central command he designed and executed the campaign that ultimately beat back isis lloyd austin served under the obama administration leading the u.s. central command he was the main military architect of the u.s. led offensive against the islamic state in syria and iraq he is widely remembered
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for admitting the other 500000000 dollar training program in syria hadfield back in 2015 it was shut down after producing literally 100 full of trained fighters it's that of the several 1000. can you tell us what the total number of trained fighters remains it's a small number. the ones that are in the fight. is we're talking 445 so is that still the goal to have about $12000.00 of them there is that still the goal what's the expectation then for them at the pace we're gone we want to reach the goal that we had initially establish for ourselves but but but the the overall goal is to make sure that we have enough mass to be able to get work done on the ground illusion another issue it could be a potential stumbling block for lloyd austin candidacy about is the fact he only retired 4 years ago and that's important because u.s.
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law states an officer must have left the service at least 7 years before becoming secretary of defense but senior research fellow at the global policy institute george and really told me he believes exceptions will be made to the rules general market is. trumps the defense secretary also had who come to this horrible and he overcame it without too much difficulty of course there was some of the time was that this is just one all we're not going to do this again you know we really mean it this time but we don't have to take it very seriously so having said all that matters are not likely to turn around. and make difficulties or all stand but peculiarly as you know will be honest about it i mean he is old. would be the black man who would be head of the pentagon so i don't think anyone with any hook. a lot is a lot for this hour but the newsroom just off camera are busy putting together all
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richards just shoot on disc in the. asian community no mommy. legion mom. and i'm going to go sit on the open a much the same new mama just back. and. join me every thursday on the alex simon shore and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see of that. one else seemed wrong why don't we all just don't all.
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