tv Watching the Hawks RT December 10, 2020 1:30am-2:01am EST
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the readings and sell you. my friends things are not going well in trump country this week not only has the brand name and cheap saw rudy giuliani the mr smeaton his captain hook get struck down and hospitalized with cobra but trump also saw his own hand-picked supreme court viciously strike down the 1st wave of the president's legal efforts to reverse the results of the november election but now the united states house of representatives in a supposedly be topo jordi past the oversight. $140000000000.00 national defense
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authorization act and yet another act of defiance to the now lame duck president you see trump had made it abundantly clear that he would veto the bill a at the did not remove a provision to rename military bases name for confederate generals yeah because apparently we need to keep that and it should also have included a repeal of section $230.00 liability protection for social media companies. naturally the donald is none too plus there's the n.d. double a mel waits a vote in the senate where it will more than likely get passed through the democrat out of washington representative adam smith the chairman of the house armed services committee gloriously amounts to throw up on high but today the house sent a strong bipartisan message to the american people our service members and our national security are more important than politics. yes far more important than politics they are and apparently far more important than the american people as
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well because while congressional democrats and republicans apparently can come together and sing kumbaya over handing the military industrial complex more than $740000000000.00 of our tax dollars. they just can't seem to find the money or the time to pass a bill to protect and fund the millions upon millions of americans who are heading into the holidays that are unemployed and have over 5000 dollars in rent do you have $5000.00 behind on their rent the washington post reports that according to moody's analytics nearly $12000000.00 renters will owe an average of $5850.00 in back rent and utilities by this january. that my friends is why we are always watching the homeless. if you will go on a cd you streets. that are so quick to see the prices you always
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stay see a. great city this least systemic deception is the late show which would be so when you feel. welcome on the watch in the entire world winter and i'm in the so major look at this they can come together magically to give about 740000000000 to the pennant. yeah you know. millions upon millions 12000000 americans can facing eviction come january but not enough money for them can't get along and you know twitter is a blaze for good reason because this is something that the american people have been a crying about now for months and something and it's a cliff we all saw it coming predictability in june we knew it was going to happen before you know right after christmas and i think that at this point there is a level of desperation that should be understandable most of these individuals
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don't have another lifeline we're talking about many people who have been unemployed their unemployment is about to run out we're talking about people who don't really have savings they've already burnt that we're talking about small businesses they didn't get those p.p.p. loans people are desperate right now and we have 8 congress that for whatever reason life to talk about the american people and what the american people need and want but when push comes to shove have a very hard time providing basic necessities at this point because we have country after country where we've seen over 1000 hit them as well and they've done a far better job of taking care of their of their people than america and the tragedy is felt like we've talked about this subject at least $34.00 times this year because it's always seems like that we always as a country have enough money for a 1000000 zillion other really interesting projects that come down the congressional way when it comes to passing of legislature but never for the actual like needs of the american people and i wonder mission is that why we see so many people now so blinded american of love with trump that they're buying into the idea
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that oh my god the election was overturned because we're talking about an oppressed dejected people the washington kind of left in the dirt a long time ago why i think you hit the nail on the hit there because what we know is that those depressed and dejected people no matter where they are on the globe that leads to a rise of authoritarianism in these so a rise of these dictatorial regimes because they're looking for anything that can help them get on their feet again and to donald trump's credit he ran on once and then try. to the 2nd time but you know kobe can at the end of that he way and on trying to you know build an economy that works for everyone now granted his policy didn't follow through with those things but that was something that he sold people on that in addition to the fact that there was a belief that you know immigrants were the reason that a lot of things went wrong. you know it's interesting because some of the military personnel subcommittee chairman that's a long name republican tom tillis talking about this recent m.b.a. that they passed told me i intend to vote for i understand the president's concern with section 230 but there is so much in this authorization that we we have to move
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forward with it there is a lot in this authorization and you know i don't want to repeal section 230 we've talked about that before you know and the you know it's like donald fighting to keep you know confederate maims on military bases again stupid things to fight over but there is a lot in this bill that is a little alarming number one the bill actually bards us troop reductions in afghanistan germany and south korea without significant justifications but doesn't really say what those significant justifications would be it targets china was 6900000000 prescribe for a new pacific to turn some initiative over the next 2 years it builds a 2nd burgeoning submarine contract authority for up to 2 columbia class submarines and it authorizes you'll love this $1000000000.00 for that wonderful wonderful f. 35 joint strike fighter program that's been just a beacon of government military wasted asked for 93 more of those why are we talking about those issues when everyone is singing kumbaya saying how great the
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end is well one of the things about riders is that when you have writers to deal for the most part unless you're somebody who is in congress strongly pushing against it but majority of people don't notice what those writers are so i think that you know you illuminating those here is a very strong thing because even with the people who are against the repeal of 230 none of them have mentioned anything else that's included in the bill at all and it's a messed up bill at the end of the day. joe biden has made a controversial pick for the next secretary of defense though the pick up retired 4 star general lloyd austin is historic the president elect's choice does pose new questions artie's alex hell of it as more. he's a familiar face in american military circles but not someone who spent a lot of time in the public eye until now retired 4 star army general lloyd austin is president elect joe biden's nominee for secretary of defense the choice is
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a big step towards biden's goal of creating a diverse cabinet austin would be the nation's 1st black defense secretary the 67 year old military man has been described as intensely private and razor sharp an individual who has masterfully avoided the spotlight while leading some of the u.s. as largest military campaigns often spent 41 years in uniform most notably as head of the u.s. forces in iraq and between 20132016 he led the u.s. military central command which oversees troops across the middle east central asia and parts of south asia while his impressive resume may make the west point graduate look like the perfect fit for defense secretary to the dismay of progressives and antiwar activists there is plenty of controversy surrounding austin as a general lloyd austin was one of the individuals who spearheaded the invasion of iraq in 2003 and was involved in the highly criticized war from beginning to end in
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addition austin played a key role in arming so-called rebel groups in an effort to overthrow syria's president assad on the program failed last an actively campaign to resurrect it austin built a personal relationship with joe biden which began in 2014 when the president elect was v.p. during that time austin was credited for initiating an international coalition against isis the same year he backed immunity for u.s. troops from war crimes process. by the government of afghanistan right after retiring the former general took a seat on the board of raytheon technologies an arms benefactor which spends millions a year on lobbying the us government and is known for supplying weapons to saudi arabia which have been used against civilians in yemen austin is also a member of an equity fund which invests in defense contractors simply put lloyd austin has profited from war good or bad austin has some hoops to jump through before he can lead the pentagon the retired general needs the help of congress to
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get the position the government body would have to waive a law designed to ensure civilian oversight of the military the legislation requires that former military brass are out of the game for at least 7 years before they could become secretary of defense biden is well aware of the hurdle but he defended his choice in an atlanta magazine op ed saying austin also knows that the secretary of defense has a different set of responsibilities than a general officer and that the civil military dynamic has been under great stress these past 4 years even with biden's pat on the back there seems to be some uncertainty about the choice and i am going to have to study the. bottom line is that. forced into a very well known mean will figure out where to go from there. i haven't talked to my colleagues yet about that i want to hear what they have to say biden selected austin over the long time front runner for the position michele flournoy
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a former senior pentagon official a biden supporter florida i would have been the 1st woman to serve as defense secretary floor knowing is a member of the same private equity fund which invests in defense contractors as austin for watching the hawks i'm alex mileage. oh goodness gracious what do you think of his pick because he did i in my sense it just seems like same old same old at the end of the day you know you see that same reza. you know come in the military you know coming out of the military all the time you know was in the military decorated you know led some u.s. wars went to the military industrial complex made a little bit of money and then comes back you so i you know i feel like that's every bit no matter i never no matter who the who the white house who's at the forefront of the white house at the time i don't necessarily have a problem with this pick personally and i think that his 4 decades of service speak for themselves him being a private person noting that he was a part of some of these more controversial missions in iraq and afghanistan totally
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understandable but i think that by choosing him not only because of the influence of him being the 1st african-american in that position but also acknowledging the fact that he has a congressional hurdle to get over before this can even happen in a congressional hurdle that even some democrats push back against my of my senator senator tammy duckworth who also served in the military pushback notably saying that she supports him however she definitely believes in that civilian you know you have to be one for at least 7 years and she would not vote to bypass that i think that that speaks volumes and for buying to know going in that this was going to be controversial just because of that alone i think that that says something about his reasoning and what he was looking at when he decided to choose him it makes one wonder why he chose him knowing that that hurdle was going to be there and knowing that ok we're going to we're going to bend the rules right now and coming out of you know 4 years of all you heard from the democrats was look at how donald trump
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is bending the rules or justifiably you know look at all donald bending the rules and not listing the rules and throwing the rule book out the window to kind of come in and say ok i'm one do the same thing with this pick with him like you said every pair that they parade up for that pentagon position really comes from the same background regardless of skin color or or gender it's always that same revolving door i was in the military i come out i go to raytheon or lockheed i get paid and then i come back in them as a boy and then act as a broker. these companies and doing business deals you know inside the government but i agree i think up that 7 years shouldn't be broken this year i do think that you might be qualified for and he should in 7 years be up for this but at the end of the day there's a reason we have that there's a reason that we try to make that separation that gap so you're not getting someone who either is an active general or is so close to it but they're still going to be influencing up to meet people in there to influence them on what to do agree now also wonder why flournoy who had been considered for so long at the last minute kind of got it's interesting interesting all right everybody remember as we go to
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break you can also start watching the hawks on demand with a brand new portable t.v. which is available on all platforms definitely check it out coming up civil rights attorney robert breaks down the democratic and republican parties relationship with black america you don't want to miss this stay tuned for watching the. global money ponzi scheme has at the 1st collapsing like bernie made off. and now we're going back to poverty so the answer is always bad you need actual all sound money like gold but of course that doesn't work so much as the big point does. happen is they'll be hundreds of millions and billions of people in the world that'll say to their central bank and they're in their nation state government
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saying you know we're not interested in money we just want to have our own money have our own peace of mind and you can go away. there on the cheap. and then through the countries. right. you are scum he said to get. past. this. this is what we don't understand how we are in such an hour. dozen or so to the ones at the same time. noticing. the blue in the local and similar.
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if. not the god to meet. with the couple that with the plane. would come back to the story you have to see. if you really are. black lives matter black boats matter but those black representation matter whose voices are rising to the top and whose voices are being quilt what started as murmurs in the national context became reverberating demands as the campaign cycle went on and black men voiced their disdain for democratic party they felt excluded we heard from the likes of diddy charlemagne the god ice cube and
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a chorus of other celebrity black men in the truck campaign began making straightforward appeals to black men seeing quakes and their support for democrats but is this all smoke and mirrors or is there something deeper that the democrats need to provide before this bio demographic disappears. former florida gubernatorial candidate angela gillen launched his podcast real talk a few weeks ago his most recent episode featured c.n.n. commentator bakari sellers commenting on the democrats' current state with black men take a listen. first of all black men are treated as if visible by the democratic or period and that's been an indictment of our already for a long period of time until election season where we scramble and try to figure out how we can get charlemagne an angel to do town halls a black man in barbershops get them to come out and vote we do that every but we will be calling us again in august of 20 twentieth's to try to figure out how we don't beat marco rubio in florida by getting black man supposedly. this all comes
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on the heels of legacy civil rights organizations like the in the national urban league and others calling out the biden ministration for not consulting with them look providing enough black leadership and high level positions we talked a little bit about this on last week's show and acknowledge that time would tail and it has since friday biden has met with civil rights leaders and further appointments have been acknowledged like incoming defense secretary former general lloyd austin and congressional black caucus member represent of marcia fudge of ohio was being tapped for housing secretary. on top of all of this an independent police monitoring group released a report showcasing how ill prepared the denver police department was for the george clooney protests and as you can imagine that led to chaos mounting tensions and human rights violations joining us to unpack all of this is civil rights attorney philip welcome robert. thanks so much well robert cnn's mccarty sellers offered a steaming critique of the democratic party's neglect of black men do you agree or
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disagree with his assessment and if you agree what can the democratic party do to be inclusive and responsive to the needs of black men. well corey and andrew what's been very nice about what the democratic party thinks of african-american men of this is not something new you know a lot of also you can go back to over deceit jetson statements afterwards obama will do but the word so has its top notorious statement off camera about feeling castrated by the democratic party and not advocating you know african-american issues the problem is that all the. army are important to black men. somehow it gets the base of the democratic party african-american men are generally more fiscally conservative they're more into the entrepreneurship they're more interested in family values of them perhaps one of progressive base so the idea is to get them to be quiet long enough that they can so you can combat any support from other parts of your base and keep kicking the can down the road so we're going to have to happen and what we call come to jesus meeting where the democratic party
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sits down and finds out what gender i don't they can actually put forward that will that will help african-american men but also with that move through the portal the ports. it's interesting because when you look at all this you know black americans are considered the backbone of the democratic party for many many years now many decades but for black men a sizable part of the selector a to b. who are a sizable part of the electorate to be considered an important or not taken seriously you know once that voting ending what what one side voting ends what messages. as a son to them and how how do you think this played out in the 2020 presidential elections. all along the way that think it played out as he saw the direct appeals by the trump campaign for trump even right now i can you can probably name more blacks or gets a present from them for president joe biden there it's very difficult stuff on an agenda for african-american men but it's not going to be attacked by republicans that thought can be attacked by liberal groups by progressive groups of it's all of
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the debate it's one telling off later and raphael warnock what we feel warm up and see him or all punch it's not come off as being an angry and aggressive black man versus a white woman in that debate so because of that we're difficult for us to get in to across the across the board room for the apple reparations is something that has 90 percent support among black men that does not play well for other groups therefore you don't talk about it or talk about criminal justice reform and drug laws we don't talk about richter at the rhetoric of nature of it and we would sing the individuals who have been victims of the west 30 years of the war on drugs drugs and also. giving them programs in the next you know how we're going to break them into society deems are things that are they are popular among white men but the democratic party very afraid to step out on that and be aggressive for both issues so it's but let me put simply turnout but not too so it's but one thing in return so that's the issue that you're going to run into the idea of putting forward an agenda to scare off the other parts of the base to move up and to being too radical
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too liberal but also getting a little tired out and that's why you often see how your boater turnout numbers for black women and then for black men. and robert black leaders are calling on biden to basically showcase his loyalty to the black community the one that arguably saved his campaign and dealt him a margin of victory in states like pennsylvania michigan georgia and others in light of the recent appointments do you believe the byte administration is doing enough in elevating black leaders and are there any key posts still outstanding that you'd like to see a black person feel. a little faces don't matter policy matters you know george h.w. bush appointed clarence thomas carson is a drop in a story because you put a black person there does not mean they're going to be able to carry out a black agenda once joe biden starts carrying out again but i do is very very important african-american men of the african-american community that's what i think before we start with but this idea that simply we're going to stick a black guy here and that's going to be
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a tough thing structurally don't change on the ground you know we had a black president for 8 years and to be african-american men feel that not enough with the granite sort of the particular position that they 'd are what will be involved but if you start tackling those systemic issues that over incarceration african-american men the over criminalization of the system the criminal justice reform ought to promote efforts that will help restore the black man's ability to be the head of household and part of the family again remembering that and certainly programs were put in place that were meant to help help black women but what the result of that was that it made it more economic and it had been paid just to not have a black man at the hall because you're seeing more governmental assistance by being a single parent versus the into their households we have to see that we can hold still effort made by the government to were many things problem that's how you get them back back in the fold thinking of what if that secretary or a black secretary is not going to be you know you know i want to ask you this
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robert because i think what you're speaking to is a lot of those major issues is what led to last summer's 2020 summer of protests for george boyd and the. now you have this new report pointing to the flaws in the denver police department's preparedness for those george floyd protests as they rush across the country and it's alarming what you found in that report one of the key takeaways and will policing entities learn from their mistakes so that you don't have what the denver police were doing to those protesters over the summer. well we have bigger issues that it's been months you know we had protests to 20 cities around the country and fire threat marches all those things what the structurally change what the federal of the solutions of place today that will stop looking like george will from happening right now what's a lot lot of different today than when they. were beaten by the police well over today that will stop being so the point is the least
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a part of the government will structures and paint them in sidewalks if you want you can make a black lives better they'll get you can fly flags but nobody's willing to take on the law and we're going to step out on that limb in the policies that are needed to demilitarize our police departments to protect the lives of african-american men in particular and to get a little place where a black man does not have to think that picking up at sandwich what we're told and hanging shots at the young man and it's columbus ohio robert thank you so much for saying that because i don't i think we need more people saying that the we have to stop with just the window dressing and actually put real action in place robert thank you so much for coming on and talking to us today always a pleasure sir. thank you. while the future will always be wildly unknown that hasn't stopped the european space agency from giving us a peek into our future or least the future of the stars above us and what is being described as watching 40000 stars blaze across the night sky all at once the
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european space agency recently released a brand new 62nd time lab simulation of where researchers predict these stars are headed in the next 400000 years this simulation comes courtesy of recent data collected by the gaia satellite which contains detailed information of more than 1800000000 celestial objects this date includes the precise positions the last of these and other trajectories of more than 330000 stars within 325 light years or big big number 400000 years in the future on. all right that is a personal plea today remember everyone in the world we are not told but we love them outside tell you walt i love you i am told and i'm of the keep on watching all those talks all 3rd of a great day and night everybody. so
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy going foundation let it be an arms race based on often spearing dramatic development only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. while the pandemic no certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities. has emerged with the we don't look like seeing the whole world needs to be. judged as commentary crisis with this system to times we can do better we should be. everyone is contributing each your own way but we also know
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that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges create the response has been much so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we're in it together. imagine picking up a future textbook on the early years of the 21st century what are the chapters called gun violence school shootings. first it was my job it was my field bill it was my savings i have nothing i have nothing there is no word of truth aloof or resources i look for jobs i look for everything i can to make this house. annoying the doing is. the road to the american dream paved with good refugees it's this very idealized image of our america needs americans to look past the debts that happen every single day this is
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a modern history of the usa america monarchy. finds its shares plummet after the you care touches a warning to its covert job for those for the history of allergies in america's drug regulator to reveal 6 people died during trials with paralysis or possible side effects of. the london in the book because they only know the names most of them and you know not going to do the kind hearted doctor think they did wasn't. clearly getting emotional while calling for tougher covert destructions in the bundestag as germany sees a record high number of deaths per day chancellor's appeal hasn't won over everyone . after 15 years of america germany is a country that does not want to protect its borders against illegal immigration and this info.
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