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tv   News  RT  December 10, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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you're touching the program from today across the globe welcome to our team international my names you know neil this is r.t. u.s. authorities are widely expected to green light the. vaccine later on thursday regulators are meeting to discuss emergency use of the kobe jump it comes this by some major safety concerns with the u.k. warning people with severe allergies against taking the drug. itself the f.d.a. has revealed that 6 people died during trials for it our senior correspondent. picks up the story. this was very very bad for publicity at
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a time when people are already nervous with all the rush that scene's all the cut corners and now warnings any person with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine medicine or food should not receive the pfizer beyond vaccine how did they miss during clinical trials that people with severe allergies best stay the heck away from pfizer's vaccine was hardly a mere coincidence 2 british nurses went down with severe reaction on the 1st day of public vaccination the question it begs is what outs that pfizer mean is that in addition to what we already knew that the vaccine can cause pain headaches fatigue fever swelling and potentially even think szell paralysis among non-serious unsolicited adverse events there was an american imbalance of fool cases of bill's
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palsy in the vaccine group compared with new cases in the placebo group the 4 cases in the vaccine group do not represent a frequency above that expects it in the general population look that sheens can take decades to test it is a miracle that so many have been developed so quickly a marvel of science and rest assured if pfizer's vaccine most of us save this possible wouldn't be allowed anywhere near you heck the press sold it as well would a gift from god pfizer makes a final push drug company pfizer says it is a great day for science this is really a historic day we have pfizer the company's vaccine is not only safe it is effective authorities doctors scientists watchdogs a confident it's safe more or less and every death during clinical trials was thoroughly investigated a total of 6 of unrolled participants died during the reporting period all deaths
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represent. events that occur in the general population of the age groups where they occurred at a similar rate again it's unlikely their words that the pfizer vaccine caused any deaths but what is me is that we learn that people had died during clinical trials and that others had developed facial paralysis we learned this not from pfizer who made the vaccine but from the f.d.a. whose job it is to greenlight mass vaccinations you can kind of understand those who are uncertain everyone's jump in march they were telling us that a vaccine would take years few months ago they were bashing the russian vaccine saying there's new wade could have been tested properly and now here we are guys it's vaccine is out albeit with documented side effects and surprisingly if unpleasantly eventful clinical trial history the end of the day the vaccine is as safe as it can be that's posture european american testing and rigorous standards
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there really isn't much to worry about but it would be nice to get a little more information in the future not have to learn about facial paralysis only our vaccination has begun. today marks a special birthday for r.t. with 3rd channel celebrating its 15th anniversary. well it was back in 2005 that are to burst into broadcasting life on its fur to say since that was humble beginnings we've made something of an impression on the world . early it was a room there their lives go on for another researcher to. remove the air
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america web and left another go to a new spirit even below billionaires no new friends waited for the day when young girls on t.v. these computers and the mobile devices earn more than to a girl you're not going to learn to conjure if you don't need to be able to pick your mother mary or early to bed against a cold stone a division. if you start to question. your way to expel the. time when it is early aircraft early enough for your video. to undergo the moon to disable it so. you will get exposed on t.v.
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i can't wait to decontaminate my mind well you know if your audience is as brave or everything to. trim it down. for good. you can defend yourself enjoyed revellers from the weapons of mass communication. going to explode i'll treat. your fear of the enemy i think your view mirror mirror. well during our 15 years on her party is covered pretty much every major events happening around the globe ensuring that forces on all sides are heard that's a look back not how our channel impacted the world when you see. 2021 in the roaring twenty's on to a whole new double whammy right and all this covert madness other stories are sort of vanished but that's still here the french are still protesting bragg's is still
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on i think no one really knows just like no one really knows what's happening with the u.s. election throughout all artes been bringing you the highlights but what if it hadn't in fact what if on t.v. didn't exist didn't exist didn't exist and. take france such a rule wonderful place so much to talk about the culture the food the fashion take your pick but no r t kept going on and on about a few people in yellow fast i mean what's the big deal it's france protesting isn't of d.n.a. the streets were packed when the yellow vests 1st started for tests but it wasn't just demonstrators out in the streets it was also journalists here to cover the story weeks and then months passed on the protests refused to stop while the numbers didn't reach the dizzying heights of nov 28th scene there was still a big presence what became noticeable though was that the interest from the foreign
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press soon evaporated but not us we stayed with them week in week out gas coming to does have to move away from it and here we've also howard's rubber bullets being deployed each tea is streaming down my face again as a result of tear gas i can't tell you how many times that we've been gassed who's protesting took nosed continued coverage there was even a sense of gratitude that someone was still broadcasting that fools. that's not to say that we didn't showing a light a limb for googling to for. we
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covered the yellow vests movement for over a year it erupted as a spontaneous social movement and the strength of its voice led to real changes in france changes that came from the very talk that perhaps it was the work of some journalists the prevented the public message they voices from being lost yet it's our job as reporters to do that and despite receiving international recognition for doing so others saw our presence as being untoward just like we have much of what we've been working on here. russia today and sputnik have not behaved as
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media outlets and journalists because organs of influence and false propaganda ever since jupiter came to the police a palace it was clear that we would. and without access to government sources it's a bit difficult to tell the government's side of the story but we have to continue to do that and we are not going to stop telling difficult stories covering inequality speaking to police offices on the brink to migrants facing the realities of arriving in europe giving a voice to the under represented. by you watching mr maccormack. this is what parts of the south side of the cali jungle looks like and those living just meters away a thinking about where to go next. it's a reception center where migrants can register to possibly start
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a new life new drugs. as you can see the slum that's emerged here is brimming with rubbish it's also infested with rats but more worryingly this has become a hot spot for crack addicts. what concerns do you have about letting people into your home. there's nothing exists so i cannot tell you that i will be 100 percent sure that the host. i can see now the scientists have let fly to one of these a barrier case the police are just about a 100 meters down in the distance it appears r.t. became a convenient explanation for things going wrong in the republic and beyond as if from his words in africa didn't stem from colonialization in the 1st place my
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god that. you. see is seen as being a thorn in the side of the government here we tell stories die good stories from many angles we take to the frontline and sometimes that means that we are caught in the fray we've been struck by both the police and by protesters we have had many doors close to us now but we continue to do what we always set out to do and that is to question. do you get that dredging up colonialism to i mean look for it being buried for me in the past was like it doesn't exist you know now that i think about it what is generally up to no good in europe relentlessly questioning more had it not been for our tea there's a whole host of stories out of europe that you may well have a very different view on from the dramatic greek debt standoff that shook the e.u.
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to its core we brought you not only the views of brussels and athens bureaucracy but also of those bearing the brunt from the front lines of their fight. we've seen violent clashes here in the center of athens greece has seen a marked increase in support for far right to neo nazi groups while greece was being punished for its bailouts with austerity we looked at the way switzerland was aiming to change the way wealth inequality was handled. cash by the truckload the proposed basic income initiative arrived with a splash and the promise of 2000 euro a month for every swiss citizen intended to let them live without basic financial wherry while people were making dangerous journeys to come here from war torn parts
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of the world here at r.t. we met those people coming to europe and looked at why their home countries at being made so unsafe. while this beach is one that's used as a regular a rifle ground for refugees coming from syria afghanistan and elsewhere so there were 60 people. in a movie i think. i would know or 60 we were also among the 1st to see the political and social consequences of mass migration and the rise of those who did not commit. this list to get a group to write it by their critics is fall right into extremists and some even called then neo nazis they however say that they're against radical islam and that bending europe against what they see as the islamification of the continent some
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things have stayed the same over the years. we've also been at the forefront of new innovations changing lives and on occasion asking just because we could does not always mean that we should. do this gentleman here selling one big con for 85 euro it's great to write ok and if this continues pretty soon big coins might not be only for nerds they could be the cash jingling in all our pockets we weren't the only ones watching of course. it's a question germans have been wanting answers to since the summer of 20 teen how much are they being spied on put it has been for go along the way. these days more and more people are concerned where their food has come from but for some just because you like pork chops doesn't mean you want to come face to face with. this
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pint here contains around 3 grams of plastic explosive and i'm going to go and hide some way here in the terminal while fraga tries to track me down. sure enough she finds me trying to check in for a flight. well to a good job got me even if not all of the decisions for my site have been the best i don't know what i was thinking with up be it. with greece having being in a rear is to the international monetary fund and not having any bailout money with no bailout on the horizon as it stands anyway thanks for being with us for the last 15 years for all of the team here in the german capital i'm peter all over for all to see if. i don't get me started on the channel shenanigans in the u.k. they were so desperate to find someone anyone who didn't like those unelected brussels bureaucrats one thing down waffles on taxpayers money they want to treat
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thing around the country asking peoples opinion. and then brag that happened now i don't want to fling around on founded accusations but it is quite a coincidence isn't it do you remember when julian a song was dragged out of london ecuadorean embassy. the images and now iconic or rather notorious our video agency ruptly went round the clock for weeks constantly monitoring this building in order to make sure that the ecuadorian government in the action of the. leaks founder as well as his symbol trainee as arrest by the british police with captured for all the world to see. the channel's reporters also worked tirelessly but i would say that to bring viewers news on a story that the establishment and the mainstream media was keen to forget.
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holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london for years on end he has heard all after hurdle to overcome julian assange has found guilty by 2 scathing judges could carry a maximum sentence of 175 years behind bars to police officers and a prosecutor from the state that are going to be head going through his things there are thousands of supporters here in the middle of central london credibly important day for both truth and justice as wiki leaks founder julian assange is back here in court. in fact julian assange how does own show on r t u k r t gave that we said it or that platform today we're on a quest for revolutionary ideas that can change the world tomorrow. but then again
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according to think tanks in the mainstream media r.t. has bred an army of useful idiots useful idiots including jeremy corbyn nigel fire on the president of afghanistan hamid karzai and. rudy giuliani one very clear signal you could do is stop appearing on russia today which is we describe one of the road business as a kremlin propaganda vehicle and i think that's right because i think from what we're seeing from washington times goes beyond objective journalism oh wait this is good bye. johnson attacked labor m.p.'s for doing interviews on on t.v. before learning that his father stanley had a parrot only channel on numerous occasions i do notice how you take sides in this book what does this mean or take kerry stokes the former mayor of london how he was absolutely living up to the expectations people had
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a real wowing the crowds were everywhere he could be serious too if it was absolutely necessary who is this former mayor of character and look i'm not saying that that particular character is a 1000000000 miles away from another member of my family it's not just the guests though one headline accuses artsy of spreading a multitude of the law is and absurd stories sure if you call observe the stories and the perspectives but the only news channels on showing back in 2040 r.t. covered the scottish independence referendum some reports allege that it moskos request so-called operatives to the flames of independence if that's what you call reporting both sides of the debate not just the pro union side that dominated the mainstream media 2 years later the accusations came flying again this time
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arthur c. had poured oil on to the and. why reporting on what was happening around the country not just on the thoughts of those in the westminster bubble fishermen in scotland farmers in kent industrial workers in the midlands all of them told us the same thing when the banking crash happened london may have recovered but they'd been left behind but giving a voice to the people that were being listened to was apparently russian propaganda as was our team. reporting of a whistle blower as concerns about safety on the trident nucleus submarine i mean don't comply protests remember them on t.v. covered the movement on an almost daily basis in the wake of the 2008 banking crash i want to bow the crippling all stereotype of the camera on
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t brought you stories from the demonstrations against them and from the people and the organizations most affected by i mean how obsessed is our team with america washington slap sanctions washington invades washington spies washington warns washington and washington washington. kills nothing around for problems when everyone knows the us is a democratic haven nothing to see here over the years our fanbase here in the us has grown not just bigger but louder becoming a belting chorus among the rich and powerful propagate the bulls t. television up again. with the russian propaganda machine propaganda machine russian propaganda on steroids perhaps part of the reason they love us so much over here is that we never shy away from america's uglier side violence and chaos continue to rage on the streets of the us suburb of ferguson where protesters and police are squaring off over the killing of an unarmed black teenager the abuse of prisoners
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in secret cia prisons has been into sharp relief following the release of a report called how america tortures protests over the death of george floyd while being detained by minneapolis police have raged for the night it was revealed that the n.s.a. had been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of americans using data provided by a.t.m. tea horizon and international criminal court has announced it will move forward with a probe into whether the us committed war crimes in afghanistan of the top 22 developed countries in the entire world. the united states we account for 82 percent of all the gun deaths corporations love wall street which might be why corporate media has not been paying as much attention as we have. very much police brutality running wild in new york americans dragged punched and pepper sprayed women on the
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ground even if you believe by police. it took america's nice tree media elite to catch up with the demonstrations protestors say some networks deny them coverage. when most were unaware of america's silent majority we had their backs those living in coastal and urban areas were blown away when people in ohio wisconsin michigan and pennsylvania turned out in droves to vote for trump the surprise election results are seen as proof that the usa is a divided country among americans who say the economy is poor 79 percent voted for trump and among americans who say their family's financial system is worse off today 78 percent for trump it's pretty clear there's a lot of americans whose voices aren't exactly taking center stage in mainstream media we decided we'd have a talk with a few of them were working class middle america that's going to weigh all males are gone and that was our bread and butter around here in the coal mines in the
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southern part of west virginia they're gone these people have nothing further away from washington d.c. like you're in wilmington the buildings had already been crumbling for a long time it's not good we don't have jobs. we need jobs poverty is horrible you know business is lost you know like look at airborne and when airborne closed you know thousands of people lost their jobs so it affected a lot of businesses and i just think that we haven't had a voice for you know a long time so i'm excited about the president like we have been forgotten or certainly aware of why the u.s. military industrial complex might want to merican zan the rest of the world to stop watching r.t. the 1st u.s. air strike on libya with actually carried out 25 years ago during the reagan administration and it's since been followed by a number of other u.s. led military campaigns the pentagon is using some of its newest and most sophisticated weaponry n.-s. ganesan the u.s. also did not support the resolution on syria put forward by russia which would call
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for all sides in the conflict to stop the violence and to start a dialogue the u.s. led coalition has been moving troops and bombing syrian territory without any consent from either the u.n. or the syrian government or somebody else who really like to see the back of us most likely is the u.s. state department they never really seem to appreciate our questions on u.s. foreign policy so when you want to invade us you know not attacking you i'm not attacking you i'm not attacking you i would just love to see your institution ask the same kind of questions of your own government your government which is flying aircraft over aleppo and bombing hospitals so i am here asking you what i think are fair questions and i have one more if you can just i'll give you one at texas yes put a texas i'm going to just try another topic i just i'm curious you are and the fallout of that u.s. foreign policy is something we will never stop bringing a 5 months and counting that's how long the inmates at the guantanamo bay prison
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have been refusing food to protest in what they call in humane treatment despite international outrage over the situation the hunger strike is showing no signs of ending and today we're taking a close look at why strapped to a chair and having nutrients. forced down their nose twice a day and 3 inmates are undergoing similar feeding procedures in hospital the government says the procedure is done in the most humane way possible and is trying to prevent death by using it will snow blowers to some they are traitors to others they speak truth to power we will never stop letting you make up your own mind back then at the turn of the decade as sands was a hero of the pundits cheered his eeks exposing bush era war crimes exposing the elites corporations politicians how they loved him for it for his outstanding journalism their words he was given on or off to on a come on we all know the exact moment these people turned against their former
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hero edward snowden has been publicly justifying his security leaks in a german magazine he also launched a broadside at washington's persecution of him a minute his calls for better global protection for people's rights and privacy so sure we haven't won over everyone here in the united states with our reporting especially the war makers and the elites but perhaps that's how it should be available r.t. new york c c rennie if you take the piss out of these metal some fake news stories then the world would be power back economies are crashing scientists are being assassinated and 47 percent of americans just an election i was briggs will put a lid on it will you now sorry nothing to worry about nothing to see here of course you don't need ati everything is just perfect.
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oh just look. at this confessional moment allowed him should ask for the last 20 and seeing him down the rest of the rights for who should. she.
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does from them. should be on the long. beach. and i know you care so so don't know pretty much the same new mama it's just that our. unique thing about ours for our lives is that he the adults are afraid of us quite frankly members of congress are very afraid of us and that's something we know and we definitely use to our advantage we're able to get meetings with people who quite literally will never vote in favor of any gun battles or edge bill but they're afraid to knock it with us because they don't want to see what would.


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