tv News RT December 10, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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washington considers whether to approve the. vaccine in the u.k. people with severe allergies against. america's drug regulator reveals that 6 people die during trials for it also ahead. with. the knock on. the. gets emotional while calling for. germany sees a record number of. the chancellor's appeal wall over every. 5 to 15 years to america germany's a country that does not want to protect its borders against illegal immigration and
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instead imposing curfew center. r.t. marks a milestone birthday 15 years since we. were taking a look back through the. decade. of questioning. life from moscow to the world this is our to international my names you know neal and 30 minutes of news and views starting. u.s. authorities are widely expected to greenlight the. scene at some stage today regulators are not meeting to discuss emergency use of the code which up it comes to spite some major safety concerns with the u.k. warning people with severe allergies against taking the drug in america itself the food and drug administration has revealed that 6 people died during trials their
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senior correspondent picks up the story. this was very very bad for publicity at a time when people are already nervous with all the rushed that scenes all the cut corners and now warnings any person with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine medicine or food should not receive the pfizer beyond vaccine how did they miss during clinical trials that people with severe allergies best stay the heck away from pfizer's vaccine was hardly a mere coincidence 2 british nurses went down with a severe reaction on the 1st day of public vaccination the question it begs is what outs that pfizer mean is that in addition to what we already knew that the vaccine can cause pain headaches fatigue fever swelling and potentially even facial paralysis among non-serious unsolicited adverse events there was
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a numerical imbalance of fool cases of bill's palsy in the vaccine group compared with new cases in the placebo group the cases in the vaccine group do not represent a frequency above that expects it in the general population look that genes can take decades to test it is a miracle that so many have been developed so quickly a marvel of science and rest assured if pfizer's vaccine was of this safe this possible wouldn't be allowed anywhere near you heck the press sold it as well would a gift from god pfizer makes a final push drug company pfizer says it is a great day for science this is really a historic day we have pfizer the company's vaccine is not only safe it is effective authorities doctors scientists watchdogs a confident it's safe more or less and every death during clinical trials was thoroughly investigated a total of 6 of unrolled participants died during the reporting period all deaths
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represent. events that occur in the general population of the age groups where they occurred at a similar rate again it's unlikely their words the vaccine caused any deaths but what is me is that we learn that people had died during clinical trials and that others had developed things szell paralysis we learned this not from pfizer who made the vaccine but from the f.d.a. whose job it is to greenlight mass vaccinations you can kind of understand those who are uncertain everyone's jumped in march they were telling us that a vaccine would take years few months ago they were bashing the russian vaccine saying there's new way it could have been tested properly and now here we are pfizer is vaccine is out albeit with undocumented side effects and a surprisingly if unpleasantly eventful clinical trial history the end of the day
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the vaccine is as safe as it can be that's passed european american testing and rigorous standards there really isn't much to worry about but it would be nice to get a little more information in the future not have to learn about facial paralysis only our vaccination has begun earlier i spoke with bob. g. and cancer specialist in vienna one of the city's oldest and constance oldest hospitals by the way he thinks that governments need to take a closer look at the potential risks of new vaccines. i was also a bit surprised by this and tell you it's not the only of yeah you know i live in europe we listen to the enemy agree member that's why we have those institutions we're not going to listen to companies tell us what to do or to big pharma we would like to have the facts and the numbers and obviously b.m.a. and if able to also russian officials will look at these data and i think now it's up to you officials are going to chess and all the other institution in the u.k.
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to look at those complications analyze them and see what component caused those allergic reaction again it's very obvious to all of us that any person who's highly allergic or has an if elected react as is a bad candidate it doesn't mean should be no can at the end of the day yes there is worries and there will be always a lot of skepticism and discussions let's bring to new yorkers lawmakers there have introduced a bill to make over 1000 facts a nation munda tree sparking a storm of criticism let's go through the ins and i chair the bill would require those in the state without sufficient and munity to be vaccinated but only if it's deemed safe for them to have the job the association of american physicians and surgeons say is doing so with a month to violation of human rights here is what new yorkers think about the proposal. well what happened with that england yesterday that's going to be huge i
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think depending on how that goes we're going to be more inspired and feel safer to take a thing that's been part of the 2 we're already questioning. you know if people have their decree actions to accedes sure even try and get it so you know there's no question starting answer i think it's a good idea for people who actually. i'm sure there's many pitfalls and it always support her civil liberties civil liberties hard hard our bill of rights fully fully support those rights but i also have to consider that there are public health risks for a flu vaccine is important but it's not mandatory as the common thing can be the same way mandating it seems like it might actually like cause more problems than a texas just because it might get people. to what their backs against the wall but i think everyone should take it i mean it is concerning but i'm the only way forward is trial and error so obviously i want to keep my freedom and i but i don't
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think there's a way that has been is it's proven to be safe for people even medical exceptions that are real medical exceptions yeah i would be in favor of it. the new york take care well the european union is also exploring ways of encouraging people to take over vaccines and an e.u. consul meeting on thursday a member states agreed to develop a coordinated approach to fixing certificates that was a key part of discussions on how the block is going to lift pump demick restrictions over the coming year and restore a cross border patrol meanwhile the world health organization has warned against any efforts to force people to get a document but we spoke with a w.h.o. representative. for 8 january in trying not to make it mandate treats much they don't people want to be vaccinated and if you have a mandate or a system it's much just so much more difficult that just to ensure. that everybody gets the axe in a few because people become frightened and there's no reason to be frightened of
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something like this which is on my every tool and ultimately we want to be up to vaccinate at least 20 percent of each population as quickly as possible because we've calculated that the groups that need to be vaccinated 1st the people who are most at risk and the front line workers will make up about 20 percent of the population in most countries so we are scientific a neutral cause organization that just like any organization we do get criticized but we also have knows if they have been some politicize ation of their response and we do ask these the quality but certainly we have been concerned that have been brawny against vaccine nationalism for a long time and again that's why entire a little while ago scientists were working on developing the vaccines we were working on setting up the facility the kovacs facility and talking with all the different countries to join that we look at the daily show from the vaccine trials to look at whether they were 1st of all how educations are they how safe either any
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do they meet the safety standards that we require and thirdly i do think manufactured at the safest and highest quality standards when each vaccine meet set criteria we will provide it with what we call an emergency use listing and that can be used by any country in the world the german chancellor angela merkel has made an emotional plea for tougher restrictions to be implemented to calm both covert 19 off for the country mr grim record of 600 deaths in a single day. that's what this is i don't know my nothing of any student and big fan he has done no i didn't begin some lessons on appalachian i'm think still under them of the legal side they also know that i miss most i don't live in d.c. and i'm not going to do that i target don't you think that it doesn't if they do as i did then the yes well they know it's a feeling. i wish to dismiss those lips of i don't think it was and i'm one of the
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measures the chancellor is pushing for is starting the school holidays several days early to a lot of people to so if i silly ideas but by the german academy of sciences another of her proposals is showing all non-essential shops from christmas eve all through the merkel government wants as many germans to work from home as possible. while the chancellor's locked on proposals drew outrage from other parties they see it as a part of a long list of policy failures now after 15 years of america germany is a country that does not want to protect its borders against illegal immigration and it's instead imposing curfews and its citizens and dispatching regions of police officers to control the mask wearing on the train fuck does seem to be easy purely symbolic restrictions which firstly are in effect if secondly the interfere disproportionately with people's freedoms and thirdly they really intended to
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simulate a planned course of action for you what do you say germany has stepped up its covert restrictions on a number of occasions the last time in november but levels of new cases are still high frustration among locked on weary germans have frequently boiled over into protest. we spoke with. from germany's left party he sees a growing sense of public disappointment over the government's handling of the puddling. everything has been find that this government has done over the last year we wouldn't be finding ourselves in such a tough position right now in that situation of deep crisis such as this the government should not be acting alone all the measures rely on one thing and that is probably the 2nd many of the people protesting business on us that have lost their livelihood and when they got them and closed down their businesses in november they promise me now that my has reached the intended
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beneficiaries yes with regards to schools there is basically nothing down and was regards to the pirates some of whom are very reluctant to send their. home loss it's only right a situation has been mismanaged for money and the response is far too late. neighboring france will lift its current block done next week as planned the news was confirmed by the prime minister although he revealed some additional restrictions will be in place over christmas such as an 8 pm curfew with more of the code but all plans for the winter holidays here charlatans. france's plans to ease restrictions have been dealt a bit of a blow on thursday evening there had been this plan that we would move into stage 2 from december 15th and that would mean that we would see certain things such as theatres museums and cinemas reopening the prime minister saying on thursday
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evening that the conditions hadn't been met for that the 5000 new infections a day which was the conditions set by president previously still know when need to being met there are still around $10000.00 new infections being registered every day could few that we knew was going to come into force on december 15th will still come into play but instead of being at 9 pm in the evening it's going to start an hour earlier at 8 pm now the interior minister talked about this being regulated quite thoroughly here saying that since the end of october there have been around 3000000 checks on people who have been outside of their homes and it was noted that the curfew will remain in place for december 31st so there will be no reveling out on the streets for the new year some good news though december 24th christmas eve here in france people will be able to break the curfew to travel to family and to
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spend time with them and we know that after december 15th there will not be any restrictions on traveling within mainland france you'll be able to go from one region to another you won't also need an active form a permission slip to say that you're outside of your home and less it is during those hours of the curfew france's prime minister saying on thursday that improvements had been made but the stalled in recent weeks and that the game was not yet one this is unlikely to be news that will be met with ruptures of applause here in france many people have been hoping that coming up to the holidays they would be this further easing of restrictions but it see. things that phase 2 well nappy aloha show in france than previously expected. streaming with concerns free speech advocates last shot a q. chub after it begins removing any content alleging voter fraud in the recent us elections stay tuned for that story and more and after.
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the global free up money ponzi scheme has tipped them off 1st i missed out collapsing like bernie made off collapsed and now we're going back to poverty so the answer is always bad you need to actually sound money like gold but of course that doesn't work so much as big coin does and what'll happen is they'll be hundreds of millions and billions of people in the world that'll say to their central bank and their their nation state government they'll say you know we're not interested felt money anymore we just want to have our own money have our own peace of mind and you can go what. seemed wrong. but old rules just don't hold. any old belief get to shape
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out these days become active. and engaged equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. hello again streaming giant you tube has been criticized for supposedly stifling free speech after the platform took the decision to remove videos alleging voter fraud in the us election this is what the company had to say in response we also work to make sure that the line between what is removed and what is allowed is drawn in the right place our policies prohibit misleading viewers about where and how to vote we also disallow content alleging widespread fraud or errors change the
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outcome of a historical us presidential election well the decision to remove the video was comes after a deadline passed for states to challenge the election then you should say is enough of those states of no certify the results however the platform has actually been removing thousands of cello since september it comes as the trump team continues to try and have the election result overturned in the supreme court meanwhile many videos containing unproved allegations of many other issues remain up on you tube but i'd say really any problem they include claims of rushing collusion in the 2016 u.s. election conspiracy theories about the 911 terror attacks while you choose drive to remove vote fraud allegations has led to responses such as these starting today they will remove content about election fraud even though there are court cases about election fraud going through the system at this very moment to your free speech the bindings are coming google on you tube officially announcing free
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speech no longer allowed if you have concerns about election integrity you must sit down and shut up repeal section 230 and break these companies up. corporate media and liberal politicians claim for years trump selection was illegitimate due to russian collusion and you tube promoted them right now what we see if if you're really anywhere not just the us this should scare you we do not want an elected officials like the people who work at youtube and at google deciding what we can and cannot say in regard to politics slowly but surely we've seen tech companies like you tube but facebook and twitter as well start to exert more control and more censoring of what their users say this is concerning this is absolutely a threat to free speech and if you're someone who believes that you should be able to say whatever opinions you want then you need to look at this seriously because yes these are private companies but at the same time the way the public discourse
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has evolved a century these online platforms function as the public square. texas has filed a lawsuit with the supreme court against 4 case states won by president elect joe biden in last month's election the case is now being supported by 17 more states the attorney general of texas alleges that wisconsin pennsylvania georgia and michigan illegally changed their election laws compromising the result of the 2020 presidential vote however the 4 states in question of call for the lawsuit to be thrown out of certain officials and the defendant states presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail in voting the defendant states flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballots applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received evaluated and counted. the lawsuit doesn't allege voter fraud but
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points there were quote voting irregularities and we asked the media and legal analyst lionel how significant the proceedings are. the reason why this is important is that under article 3 of our constitution the supreme court is the site have the original jurisdiction meaning you go directly to disapprove court in cases of lawsuit or dispute between states was very rare for the supreme court to hear or the answer anything but in this particular case the supreme court is acting not as an appellate court not as an appeals court but as the original court and this is unlike any other case. r.t.d. is marking a milestone on a verse or a 15 years since the cello 1st came under. yeah
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quite a while it was back in 2005 that are to burst into broadcasting life and i think it is fair to say since those humble beginnings on impressions being me. it was a room no good i was gone for another researcher it was. removed. from the narrow. bridge weapon of mass you know that those who knew already going to vote didn't. do that and waited for the day the ground of them tv's computers and mobile devices the air more than to a girl you're going to have a new country and if you don't need to both take your money in your own merit or early to bed against alternative vision. you'll start to
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question all right your way expelled. or early you're going to be enough for your video. really undercover 100 it is day. you will get exposed on t.v. i can't wait to decontaminate my clothes now if you want to use and brave everything to. track down. where going you can defend yourself i enjoyed reforms from the weapons of mass communications. going to explode obscene. it was given to me i think it was you. earlier. during our 15 years on air our t.v.
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has covered pretty much every major event happening around the globe ensuring not voices on all sides are heard part of the other verse re coverage today let's take a look at our tease time in the u.s. where we've been reporting on issues the authorities perhaps rather do we help and . over the years our fan base here in the us has grown not just bigger but louder becoming a belting chorus among the rich and powerful propagate their bulls t. television again the show began the russian propaganda machine propaganda machine russian propaganda on steroids perhaps part of the reason they love us so much over here is that we never shy away from america's uglier side violence and chaos continue to rage on the streets of the us suburb of ferguson where protesters and police are squaring off over the killing of an unarmed black teenager the abuse of prisoners in secret cia prisons has been into sharp relief following the release of a report called how america tortures protests over the death of jewel which floyd
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while being detained by minneapolis police have waged for the night it was revealed that the n.s.a. had been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of americans using data provided by a.t.m. tea horizon and international criminal court has announced it will move forward with a probe into whether the us committed war crimes in afghanistan of the top 22 developed countries in the entire world the united states we account for 82 percent of all the gun deaths corporations love wall street which might be why corporate media has not been paying as much attention as we have. going on police brutality running wild in new york americans dragged punched and pepper sprayed women on the ground even if you believe by police. it took america's nice tree media a week to catch up with the demonstrations protestors say some networks deny them
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coverage. when most were unaware of america's silent majority we had their backs those living in coastal and urban areas were blown away when people in ohio wisconsin michigan and pennsylvania turned out in droves to vote for trump the surprise. as election results are seen as proof that the usa is a divided country among americans who say the economy is poor 79 percent voted for trump and among americans who say their family's financial system is worse off today 78 percent for trump it's pretty clear there's a lot of americans whose voices aren't exactly taking center stage in mainstream media we decided we'd have a talk with a few of them were working class middle america that's going away all males are gone and that was our bread and butter around here in the coal mines in the southern part of west virginia they're gone there's people who have nothing further away from washington d.c. like here in wilmington the buildings had already been crumbling for a long time it's not good we don't have jobs. we need jobs poverty is
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horrible you know business is lost you know like look at airborne and when airborne closed you know thousands of people lost their jobs so it affected a lot of businesses i just think that we haven't had a voice for you know a long time so i'm excited about the president like we have been forgotten or certainly aware of why the u.s. military industrial complex might want to merican zan the rest of the world to stop watching r.t. the 1st u.s. air strike on libya with actually carried out 25 years ago during the reagan administration and it's since been followed by a number of other u.s. led military campaigns the pentagon is using some of its newest and most sophisticated weaponry n.-s. ganesan the u.s. also did not support the resolution on syria put forward by russia which would call for all sides in the conflict to stop the violence and to start a dialogue the u.s. led coalition has been moving troops and bombing syrian territory without any
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consent from either the u.n. or the syrian government or somebody else who really like to see the back of us most likely is the u.s. state department they never really seem to appreciate our questions on u.s. foreign policy so when you want to invade us you know not attacking you i'm not attacking you i'm not attacking you i would just love to see your institution ask the same kind of questions of your own government your government which is flying aircraft over aleppo and bombing hospitals so i am here asking you what i think are fair questions and i have one more if you can just i'll give you one more attacks yes put a texas i'm going to just try to not attack i just i'm curious you are and the fallout of that u.s. foreign policy is something we will never stop bringing a halt 5 months and counting that's how long the inmates at the guantanamo bay prison have been refusing food to protest in what they call in humane treatment despite international outrage over the situation the hunger strike is showing no signs of ending and today we're taking a close look at why strapped to
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a chair and having nutrients. forced down their nose twice a day and 3 inmates are undergoing similar feeding procedures in hospital e. government says the procedure is done in the most humane way possible and is trying to prevent death by using it will snow blowers to some they are traitors to others they speak truth to power we will never stop letting you make up your own mind back then at the turn of the decade as sanj was a hero how the pundits cheered his eeks exposing bush era war crimes exposing the elites corporations politicians how the love him for it was outstanding journalism their words it was given on or off on or come on we all know the exact moment these people turned against their former hero edward snowden has been publicly justifying his security leaks in a german magazine he also launched a broadside at washington's persecution of him i mean you've his calls for better
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global protection for people's rights and privacy so sure we haven't won over everyone here in the united states with our reporting especially the war makers and the elites but perhaps that's how it should be. r.t. new york. well thank you for giving us your time as we share the stories we feel are important to be told more will be coming your way at the top of the hour with daniel hawkins hope you'll join him by for a.
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