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tv   News  RT  December 10, 2020 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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the. u.s. government advisory panel gives the green light to the far as a covert. safety warnings coming from. america itself. isn't going to calls for tough restrictions germany sees a record high number of. appeals one everyone over. up to 15 years to come out germany's the countries that does not want to protect its borders against illegal immigration and instead imposing a curfew senate seat isn't. a milestone birthday 15 years.
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from a decade and a half of questioning more. from moscow thanks for joining us today. welcome to the program. u.s. government advisory panel has given the green light to the pfizer vaccine regulators decided the benefits of the covert job any risks this comes despite the u.k. warning people with severe allergies against taking the drug in america itself the food and drug administration has revealed 6 people died during its trials kaleb open has more details. after a short period of inception from its trial to the results it appears that a coded 19 vaccine has now been approved by a panel from the u.s. food and drug administration the panel voted $17.00 to $4.00 with one abstention
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and it appears they are approving a covert 19 vaccine from the drug corporation big pharmaceutical company known as pfizer now the f.d.a. does not have to follow the recommendations of this panel but it is widely expected to do so and i have been some serious concerns raised about the safety of the vaccine to british nurses had a severe allergic reaction and in addition to that there were 6 people who actually died during the u.s. food and drug administration's trial process any person with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine medicine or food should not receive the phase of beyond vaccine among non-serious unsolicited advice events there was an american imbalance of fool cases of bills pulled see in the vaccine group compared with new cases in the placebo group the cases in the vaccine clue do not represent a frequency above that expects it in the general population now ever at this point
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5 is coming forward and saying that it looks safe it appears that they told the panel they were aware of the british reports but they have not seen serious allergic reactions in their trials of the vaccine tolerability safety group the energy one fish to eat you back 30 micrograms it is you're going to dance regiment 21 day they are if they were clinically significant by any other than mostly mio or modern reacted you know. once the vaccine is approved the united states will begin mass distributing it and vaccinating people for covert 19 as follows approvals from the united kingdom as well as canada though it appears now with this vote of so. 17 just for the vaccine from pfizer has been approved it looks like we are moving toward the having a vaccine for covert 19 that will be distributed with the f.d.a. is expected to follow the recommendations of this panel dr of medicine merrill last
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shared her reaction on the doubts well by the f.d.a. advisory panel f.d.a. says the advisory panel and chose a number of outlets temporarily just for this dose so yes i think within a very few days do you know it will approve this flies or maxine as the 1st us over the next scene the last 2 times vaccines were rushed into used in less than a year was $976.00 swine flu and 2009 swine flu and in both of those cases that seems to have severe cause severe reactions after they were used in a large number of people so that certainly could happen now because this is a very new vaccine we've never had a messenger on a vaccine before we have no idea really what the side effects will be over a period of time it's hard to know because these people were only followed for 2 months and reactions can occur a number of months down the road and right now it's not clear that didn't fly is
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a really want to look very hard for those long term reactions or lawmakers in new york have introduced a bill to make over vaccination mandatory sparking aprile the bill would require people to be vaccinated if it's deemed safe for them to have the job. of american physicians and surgeons says doing so would amount to a violation of human rights or got reaction on the streets of new york. well what happened with england yesterday that could be huge i think depending on how that goes we're going to be more inspired and feel safer to take it in that's part of the 2 we're already questioning. you know if people have their decree actions to accedes sure even try and get it so you know there's no question it's not our answer and i think it's a good idea for people who actually. i'm sure there's many pitfalls and all the support personnel the real civil liberties for our bill of rights fully fully
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support those rights but i also have to consider if the republicans risk to move back scene is important but it's not mandatory as the common thing can be the same way mandating it seems like it might actually why cause more problems than it texas just because it might get people. to work their backs against the wall but i think everyone should take it i mean it is concerning but i'm the only way forward is trial and error so obviously i want i want to keep my freedom and i but i don't think there's a way he has done is it's proven to be safe for people even medical exceptions that are real medical exceptions yeah i would be in favor of it the e.u. has also been exploring ways to encourage people to get the japs member states of agreed to develop a coordinated approach to vaccines difficult this was a key part of discussions on how the blocks going to lift a pandemic restrictions over the coming year in while the world health organization
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has warned against any efforts to force people to get the milk and i said we spoke to a w.h.o. represents. just me and trying not to make it mandated treats much better people want to be vaccinated and if you have a mandate or a system it's much just so much more difficult to insure that everybody gets the execution because people become frightened that there's no reason to be fight no something like this which is a life saving and ultimately. we want to be have to vaccinate at least 20 percent of each population as quickly as possible because we've calculated that the groups need to be vaccinated 1st the people who are most at risk and the frontline workers will make up about 20 percent of the population in most countries so we are scientific and neutral cause organization that just like any organization we do get criticized but we also have noticed they have been some politicize ation up there were sponsored we do ask these the quality of this but certainly we have been
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concerned and have been warning against vaccine nationalism for a long time and again that's why entire a little while ago scientists were working on developing the vaccines we were working on staging up the facility the kovacs facility and talking with all the different countries to join that we look at the daily show from the vaccine trials to look at whether they were 1st of all however cases are they how safe either any do they meet the safety standards that we require and thirdly i do think manufactured at the safest and highest quality standards when each fax a neat set criteria we will provide it with what we call an emergency use listing and that can be used by any country in the world. the president of argentina has given a thumbs up to russia's corona virus vaccine alberta fernandez has said while the drug is approved by the country's medical regulator he would be the 1st person in the country to receive the sputnik the job in order to dispel any public fears
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argentina has signed deals with russia to buy its covert vaccines the country's president said high risk groups will be 1st in line for jobs supporting these developers it's 95 percent effective based on trial results so far that seems advanced stage 3 trials are current under way involving 40000 volunteers with argentina having been badly hit by the pandemic with nearly one half 1000000 cases the country's president says they're buying enough doses to vaccinate 10000000 people here almost an hour. we will be able to count to the north to sister vaccinate 10000000 argentinians between january and february 1st a batch of 600000 doses to vaccinate 300000 people for the end of the year by january will have enough back scenes for 5000000 people and by february we'll have enough vaccines to reach the 10000000 people with. that need but i'm glad marco has made an emotional plea for tougher restrictions to combat the krona virus that saw
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after germany recorded its highest daily death toll so far almost 600 fatalities done so this is a doctor my nothing nothing he's using. and he didn't begin its lessons i don't feel asian. money in the book because they also know that i miss most that elimination and i'm going to do that i target really didn't doesn't if it was done in the it's well they know it's a feeling but i just it is this those lives of i don't think it was it done. one of the measures the charts that it is pushing for is starting school holidays several days early and others to shops all non-essential shops from christmas eve and so the government wants as many people to work from home as possible. over the chancellor's lockdown proposals drew outrage from opposition parties now after 15 years of america germany is a country that does not want to protect its borders against illegal immigration and
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its instead imposing curfews and its citizens and dispatching legions of police officers to control a mask wearing on the trains back just into these are purely symbolic restrictions which firstly are in effect if secondly the interfere disproportionately with people's freedoms and thirdly they really intended to simulate a planned course of action for the audience germany has ramped up its covert restrictions on a number of occasions the last time was in november but new infections remain high and frustration among locked and weary germans are frequently boiled over. billions of arsole foreign germany's left party believes the public's growing increasingly frustrated at the government's handling of the pandemic. everything happens time that this government has done over the last year we wouldn't be finding ourselves in such a tough position right now in that situation of deep crisis such as this the government should not be acting alone all the measures rely on one thing and that is probably
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the executives many young people protesting a business owner that lost their livelihood actually when the government closed down their businesses in november a promise me now that my has reached the intended beneficiaries yes with regards to schools there's basically nothing down and is regards to the pirates some of whom are very reluctant to send their boys east. halls over the riders that gratian has been banished. and the response is partially late. streaming with can see it's free speech advocates lash out at you tube offer begins removing any content that had seen both before the recent us election so soon for that story and more right after the break.
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which was a pretty good find. an atmosphere highly active geology. reporter who shoots into your. toes for biology is just far beyond our wildest imagination.
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welcome back to the program you tube's been accused of stifling free speech after the platform began removing content alleging voter fraud in the recent us election the company has defended its actions we also work to make sure that the line between what is removed and what is allowed is drawn in the right place our policies prohibit misleading viewers about where and how to vote we also disallow content alleging widespread fraud or errors change the outcome of a historical us presidential election well that decision to remove the videos comes after a deadline passed for state to challenge the election says enough of those states
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have not certified the results this comes as a team continues trying to get election result overturned in the supreme court meanwhile many videos containing unproved allegations of other issues are weighing up on you tube without seemingly any problem let's take a look at some other include claims of russian collusion in a 2016 u.s. election as well as conspiracy theories about the 911 terror attacks your drive to remove vote fraud allegations though has caused quite a stir starting today they will remove content about election fraud even though there are court cases about election fraud going through the system at this very moment free speech the beginnings are coming. google owns you tube officially announcing free speech no longer allowed if you have concerns about election integrity you must sit down and shut up repeal section $230.00 and break these companies up corporate media and liberal politicians claim for years trumps
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election was illegitimate due to russian collusion and you tube promoted them right now what we see is that you tube has declared itself the arbiter of the 2020 election even though there are still active court cases going on in the supreme court challenging results so it's if you're really anywhere not just the us this should scare you we do not want an elected officials like the people who work at youtube and at google deciding what we can and cannot say in regard to politics slowly but surely we've seen tech companies like you tube but facebook and twitter as well start to exert more control and more censoring of what their users say this is concerning this is absolutely a threat to free speech and if you're someone who believes that you should be able to say whatever opinions you want then you need to look at this seriously because yes these are private companies but at the same time the way the public discourse has evolved essentially these online platforms function as the public square.
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texas has filed a lawsuit with the supreme court against 4 key states one was obama last month's election the case is now being supported by 17 more states its own in general of texas alleges that was consul pennsylvania georgia and michigan illegally change their election laws compromising the result of the 2020 presidential vote certain officials in the defendant states presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail in voting the defendant states flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballots applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received evaluated and counted. well the lawsuit doesn't the lead's voter fraud but points out the voting irregularities we asked the media and legal analysts law know how significant the proceedings are the reason why this is important is that under article 3 of our constitution the supreme court is the site have
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a regional jurisdiction meaning you go directly to the supreme court in cases of lawsuit or dispute between states was very rare for the supreme court to hear or the answer anything but in this particular case the supreme court is acting now as an appellate court not as an appeals court but as the original court and this is unlike any other case and the reason that they are basing this lawsuit the reason for this is that it is allege that it is against the constitution for the courts in essence to change the rules of elections they should be done so by legislature this is unlike any other case because it goes directly to the supreme court and it's being brought by states and not people that's critical.
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r.t. is marking a milestone anniversary 15 years since the shuttle 1st came on air. that was back in 2005 the naughty birth and broadcasting life and since those humble beginnings it's made something of an impression. earlier it was over in their perilous gun another researcher to. reunify o'malley. heard weapon of left another go to a new spirit in building. a new science way to narrow the dangers of gravity and of m.t.v. is the result of mobile devices more than 12000000000 going to monitor the country and if you don't need to both take your money and narrow narrow.
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victory against alternative vision. you'll start to question all. the way excel the. time when it is. going to be enough for your community. only undercover going to destabilize iraq. if you will get exposed on t.v. i can't wait to decontaminate you and i want to know if your audience is as brave everything to. track down. as you can defend yourself enjoy the ones from the weapons of mass communications. thanks for the r.t. . given to me are they going to do.
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during our 15 years on iraq too strong to a short war saw her father one of us recovered she has a look back at the unrest in france in recent years. the streets were packed when the yellow vests 1st started in protests but it wasn't just demonstrators out in the streets it was also journalists say it to cover the story weeks and then months passed on the protests refused to stop while the numbers didn't reach the dizzying heights of nov 28th scene that was still a big presence what became noticeable though was that the interest from the foreign press soon evaporated but not us we stayed with them week in week out gas coming to does have to move away from it and here we've also had rubber bullets being deployed each tea is streaming down my face again as
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a result of tear gas i can't tell you how many times that we've been gassed those protesting took nosed of continued coverage there was even a sense of gratitude that someone was still broadcasting that cools. that's not to say that we didn't showing a light a limb for gooing to fall. we
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covered the yellow vests movement for over a year it erupted as a spontaneous social movement and the strength of its voice led to real changes in france changes that came from the very top of. haps it was the work of some journalists the prevented the public message their voices from being lost yet it's our job as reporters to do that and despite receiving international recognition for doing so others saw our presence as being untoward just like with much of what we've been working on here. russia today and sputnik have not behaved as media outlets and journalists organs of influence and false propaganda ever since jupiter came to the lees a palace it was clear that we were out and without access to government sources
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it's a bit difficult to tell the government's side of the story but we have continued to do that and we are not going to stop telling difficult stories covering inequality speaking to police officers on the brink to migrants facing the realities of arriving in europe giving a voice to the under represented. by you watching mr merkel on. this is what part of the south side of the cali jungle looks like and those living just meters away a thinking about where to go next. it's a reception center where my kids can register to possibly start a new life new drugs. as you can see the slum that's emerged here is brimming with rubbish it's also infested with rats but more worryingly this has become a hot spot for crack addicts. what concerns
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do you have about letting people into your home. there's nothing exists so i cannot tell you that i would be 100 percent sure that town with a whole host. can see you know the scientists have let fly to one of these a barrier case the police are just about a 100 meters down in the distance it appears r.t. became a convenient explanation for things going wrong in the republic and beyond as if france is worse in africa didn't stem from colonialization in the 1st place most of the. it was. actually seen as being a thorn in the side of the government here we tell stories started various stories from many angles we take to the frontline and sometimes that means that we are
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caught in the fray we've been struck by both the police and by protesters we have had many doors close to us now but we continue to do what we always set out to do and that is to question. up next looks at the mosque over 19 vaccine right up to us stimulus package generators u.s. sanctions on china the team an oil back in half an hour to bring you the latest news updates. television some demonstrators right now the propaganda machine. is always sure i
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should. be ruthless led. the local govt. i'm killing it's. like a look. live . close. to the way i. look
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. forward to keep me in the. need to focus a little. love just a little oh yes it's good to believe it isn't a love of their life. little. there's still a virtue we just don't. believe in this in the.
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least. this is boom bust one business show you can't afford to miss i'm sorry mom in washington coming up this week the u.s. top its daily home in 1000 death toll when it surpassed 3001 day as a food and drug administration evaluates pfizer's vaccine for emergency use authorization and american thought on the unexpected surge in unemployment filings last week going back to levels we haven't seen since mid september we have
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a panel standing by we have a lot to get to so let's get started. us coven $1000.00 deaths reached record levels with a 7 day average of $2249.00 in total the u.s. is approaching 3 100000 total deaths it's also averaging nearly 200000 cases per day experts expect this number to climb especially during the holiday season and thursday is a big day for the u.s. food and drug administration it's meeting all day to determine whether or not the pfizer biotech vaccine will be granted emergency use here in the united states a big topic of discussion is the allergy warning that was issued by u.k. healthy. ortiz after 2 people suffer for severe reactions earlier this week public documents show the f.d.a. deemed pfizer's vaccine safe and effective but could that change after this warning wall to answer this and much more clear.


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