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tv   Dennis Miller One  RT  December 11, 2020 2:30am-3:01am EST

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mr on canada. the regards to its relations with china that someone decided that it was not in canada's interest and that is the more unusual part is how that the military if these reports are correct managed to supersede the prime minister that is perhaps the more interesting question to ask and of course i don't have any answers for that who know who does but this is it looks like a case of insubordination kind of the long term success will rely more on china than it will perhaps on the united states look at the big brother today dump it in check out plenty more stories though if you had to a website go to r.t. dot com hey folks that step one dennis miller plus one the the delightful fran drescher and you know are obviously from the nanny i think they have a 6 year run there and they hit the ball as hard as you can it's a setup for the ages still ruts still makes you still see it all the scout
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a new t.v. movie out it's well show refresh rates coming out on a lifetime channel for christmas and i think it has an l g b t chew perspective on christmas and the holidays are there for each and every one of us as they today like it should be writing about the new movie right after that sunday that it's miller plus one. hey folks welcome to dennis miller plus one i know what you're thinking how did dennis book friend drescher 40 years ago but it's fran drescher today it's. it's the portrait of dorian gray in reverse to number 8 here you know me and brad dresser much beloved i'd love to see that coupon that comes in the mail every year
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on the nanny because that show mega popular syndication have 899-3299 his new christmas film coming out with lifetime called the christmas set up find out what that's it's says it's not or oh the network's 1st film with an l g b t q. as its lead story on terrorism here. and it premieres december 12th on so happy christmas season a sorry i love all these films 8 pm eastern time on lifetime the estimable friend drescher could oh how i handle a rant thank you and happy to be here and this is sent nary say i didn't receive having run. you know when we were we had a little chit chat before we went on the display like to break the ice i don't know and carson used to come to the door when you do the tonight show knock on the door and the gazette and and i think this is a good now i'm stunned that i'm
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a johnny carson but with me you like to chat with somebody just a little to get the number you said you've been on the road how we are you on the road nobody's on the road right now what were you doing i now i was literally on lockdown in my house for 5 months which just larry limits a departure as i went to swim in my ex husband's poor and i have a couple of girlfriends over for lunch here and there you're basically that was it i had brought home delivery to a fine art when all of a sudden like and caught hold and said we were in a dinner there's a holiday thing that distinguished in our fairy tale beach you ram car and you now i have been an activist for gay civil liberties for many decades so i was in very happy to be part of this suspicious movie effect the network and at 1st i was
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a little like oh my god i have to leave my house and not only that but across the border because we were shooting in canada now i got at work permit i got a negative covert test i got my pot and i busted across the border and once that happened after say the n.s.a. it was very liberating because i think i was getting too much you know insulated in my own house now getting afraid to have being outside in a think that's healthy either so i was making a concerted effort to excite him except my micro man or other close friends that i felt were living carefully. and or as i call him other middle aged scaredy cats like me but their heads using their heads yep and and and so once i crossed over and then i i got to i
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said to them you know my friends dan it takes an exam ackroyd are at their compounds meeting in canada can i do my current scene there and they said yes and then it became like a family reunion with them on the lake and my dad you know never saw us horrible for never swam more so we did all that and then they picked me up and brought me to the location after my to a quarantine and then we were in a coal for a bubble because every other day we were cascading tested every day we had to fill out a questionnaire and the only people on that you know on the set that didn't run the maddest this layer were the actors and the it was just canadians are very sweet people you know how. if i'm married to one now they're
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just dear charming lovely people and it's a beautiful country and i was just so happy to be there and and the cast was so endearing and i think we're all ready to go back to work and at something that was such a feel good project and such an idealised world that normalizes. it into having a gay child was in the story like having a kid with brown eyes him as natty is share not nks i just want my children to be happy one is straight and in the military one is gay and a lawyer and i and at fixing them both up and that's the christmas sad and i'm much more successful at doing that in the movie than i am in real life. work for a prime's when i hear stories of i cannot imagine
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a sadder thing i'm trying to think what my kid could come to me with outside of mean spirited behavior other humans are book but i mean she's a say you know when i hear the stories that i don't want to tell my mother and follow i thank my god they have missed the whole point of it it is such that you know. now as you know i do know as stand that backs of course on my gigs were canceled as sin is a lot down started by one then i had that i did m p 10. i do a little q. and a after at my army hands and one guy said that you now. when he came out his man was very upset and didn't around a. desert early have a relationship with their son anymore. and you now i kind of.
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turned it upside down and i said tam i feel sorry for her because you are her opportunity to become an open minded unconditional love in person. and she can't mess that out the chain any it's never too late but if she doesn't see it that way and i am kind of a buddhist so everything that's presented to may i can at pivot towards questioning well why is this being president it's a male where is my opportunity in it. and i think that kind of helped says go through all kinds of struggles and challenges in our ally. oh i know is this in my whole life and obviously i met the girl of my dreams there's all that although i kid my wife some point i say i'm just the date that worked out when you compare it to mother love but the truth is the most
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a 1000000000 the most freeing liberating the most cathartic thing that took the scales from my eyes and maybe realize i was alive was the birth of my. and it boggles my mind i was trying to they got me a sleeve there's some things that they come come in with and say i have to tell you this and you'd have to fix it or you go oh my god but it's nowhere near what what what they fall in love with that boggles my i don't want to sound like a rod mckeown liner notes but a boggles my mind that anybody would waste a 2nd not fully embracing their children and indeed if they came out with something that they were trepidations about embracing them a little harder and moment to what the so i can't tell you how far beyond we are with. yet more married last to have a father like you that thinks that way there are times when i talk to people who are buddhists i'm sort of fascinated by it and you know i think i should as i get older non i have more free time that i'm not on the hustle and all that i think i'm
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a study that more just try to figure all that out because i you know i'm a believer and i believe in a god in the universe i can't quite put a face a name a theory to it but i i don't believe in a higher power only because i've seen so many people helped it throughout my life in the 12 step programs where you have to give it over to a higher power and i always say well the must be something out there that is healing these people so beautifully like that but as i get older i'm going to study buddhism a little more try to figure that out and see if it's for makes you mad and greatest enchant action same name wise. book. buddhist offerings it's called and. it's just why i'm. with them and yet it's egg even in the kitchen and the car as you know is going to the kitchen 1st thing in the morning when f.t. regathered and so i just turn the page and i read that our friend said that day and
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most of them are exquisitely and they're profound and you know they include both you know ancients thinkers as well as contemporary wines modern. email listening to people like. tele is you know really what they continue to drive home is. being presence in your own life not in your ego of mind demi is star judging what's good or bad you're in your ego minds because you are what you meant and that if it's just a daily practice because we don't live in a culture that really promotes that you have to kind of step outside of all the brainwashing and just try and be a little more passive and
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a little more presidents and out of your mind and into a deeper state i was just listening to echo wright and he gave this interesting analogy because he said if you had a beautiful goal. effort by. but you didn't put fruit in then. the ball doesn't know that it's incomplete the ball is just in there without a hollowed center and it suggests existing that way and that pretty much where most people's consciousness see it as and what he says is there is a bounty of fruit to fail what we really are is you now simply a vehicle for a much deeper it life experience and that's what we have to kind of strive
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for maybe never totally get there but every day you try and challenge to self to move a little closer towards it and and sometimes you're not good at it in sometimes you're terrible at it and then you just have to say you know the universe is going to give me another opportunity. well i think i need to get a book in my kitchen the naushad a profundity each morning because the careerist in me thinks i wonder if with empty balls paul says what a great man had a career but i've got to diffuse for myself i've got to move on from that. right off what attributes area here with my my new yoda friend dr sure we'll talk about the movie the christmas set up right after the break with the light full friend drescher thanks for.
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which is the point it would find moods and atmosphere highly and with geology and it is for the border of the ocean it's interior it could. be of those 4 biologists is just far beyond our wildest imagination. to. just look. at this connection to moment last chance and ask for the last 70 and seeing and i'm wondering for that's probably true but lucretia soon. to
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shift to time does in the. asian community no longer. leachate mom. no new car so sit on the can my steamy mom lies just back yanno. hey folks welcome back to dennis miller plus one is a brad that i had to read it off the prompter my own name jason and i mean we're joined by friend. she's got a movie coming out i want to talk more about we were talking in a more x a stun chill bent in our 1st segment but i love christmas films folks i'm
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a sucker for all of it i when they run white christmas 24 hours in a row on the sunday and channel the day before christmas i watch the beginning of it every hour just to reacquaint myself with joy. and she's got one the christmas set up and it's got a l g b t q little to it she told us a little bit about it but when lifetime 1st approached your friend they must have been all chuffed with themselves and so if there is a time to welcome everybody and of the 10th of may and it's a christmas i love the idea that they have gone into this micro world you know looking at it through that prism you know they're going after a. strain in. life experiences that some people will gain jejune i mean it's time for us all to stop worrying at that what they hate and 2nd thing and just start gaining together with as
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much love and support and live by the golden rule is passive low and helpful late wealthy and well to jam now and then get a nice. i do think it's getting better though fran i have to tell you through my 2 boys i remember thinking at some point i want to associate myself with something they like i don't even need to approve of that but i at least let them them to need to know that i considered it so i would take them down to a thing called south by southwest music festival don and austin listen i am of i'm from a different perry como thing i'm not sure i pay myself a square but on the beatles the stones i don't get to pop all that much but i said i've got to go to some of these things with them so they just don't think i turned great santini i on what they did so i went down and i can't tell you how heartened i was by the vibe in the street where i did about you i'm old as the new but what were bill closer than we are we kids and when i was
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a kid there was there was such cliques mad there was hoods there was jocks there were squares and never the twain shall meet when i was down in austin for south by southwest i dug the fellowship there i saw the kids who were welcomed in the clacks that my generation were not i think it is getting better so well at you know those kinds of. constants are really great because they draw a people who are passionate for music and i think austin is an anomaly i mean it is a very cold playing. nice petri dish. and but i think you know look i'm glad you had a great experience and i do think that today's generation for the most part with some exceptions that. don't. you
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now are aren't open minded i think a lot of kids are more colorblind to racial different ness and much more open to that in you now and that. i think it will get better over the in the sun trees quite frankly but i don't think any sort of poison is completely extracted out of a sized society overnight and if it is i think sometimes it's faint for instance when i hear l g b t q can i tell you when i was young if the word queer fell on your ears somebody castigating another person you used to be aghast you'd say oh my god that they just coughed up 1st it seems it was the word for the homosexuals or we didn't even know a black lesbian either you know like but now i think boy the times they are a change and because they have ascribed to themselves they are. wired
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in now and so. it's almost in the defiance now there will be it will go up eventually gran's it away as the beyond groove on the little let's talk about the l g p g q m nanny generation because i'm telling you that show what a motherlode to hit you are so perfect that i'm hoping it delivered that character it seems to me she must of thought that should be a dream and that. it's it hits racin that creation or your mind will change oh well there you go because i don't like not a present i watch and i that wow that is right for allie and here thank you i now we now know that this was a math agenda they have a lifetime and it all happened because i was on a plane mary and the president of c.b.s. was on the same flight and then this is back in the day when t.w.a.
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was still and there's this. great jest big act you know i thought to myself crappy d.m. this is really an opportunity of a night of a lifetime and i'm going to you now can then say to share my pitches 1st show for me and. and literally 9 and a half hours later he throws designs and said ok and when. i call my office i'll set you up with comedy development and i didn't have the idea at the moment but then eventually i thought of it on that trip and hitched it. then has gay x. as fans. and i sent you know what do you think about a stand on the sound of music only instead of generally engineers i can do that and he's got a sense of these things and he said that said let's pitch that as soon as you get
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back and that was the beginning of the beginning. you know they they love the high concept to it's like that a pocket might be apocryphal but it's brandon tartikoff scrolling m.t.v. cops on a napkin sliding it over to michael mann you know they look can you imagine you come in or you go a sound of music i come to the door a lot of those guys are fake in their way through their days it's not like they're moliere writing candied when they get something like that that they can see they see i can i can win some critical acclaim and i can make a boatload of money here big oh yeah we were lucky we were very lucky the chime in was right there as the arizona's fabulous ninety's so there was money to be and it foreigners friend of spending it in business and. our timing was just right now i had kind of manifested it because i didn't want to.
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be out of control of my own career and in long time i didn't want to do jobs that i didn't feel satisfied by for the money and i just thought there are other ways to make money if i can get on the inside in a big way in the next 5 years i'm going to get out and this was the manifestation of. yeah seizing the rain it harkens me back to earlier this year we lost that the brilliant and seemingly living forever livia the havilland and it harkens back to i think a living it was the 1st one when they would roll the 7 year contracts over at their leisure and if you didn't want to take a film they'd put you on suspension and it wouldn't apply to your 7 years and she just said think about that think about the the chutzpah to say that back into the 30 late thirty's early forty's where you just go i'm not showing up we're going to court i'm going to change this so god bless miss mally as brave in real life as she
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was on the serious event and let everyone. you know it's funny. kirk and her lasted about the same amount of time and she even outlived the great spartacus by another year and when i think back i saw an interviewer with her once friend it was so beautiful that you really can compartment the lies and keep things fresh in your mind as you get older there are obviously the ages of men the ages of women but i saw somebody ask her about errol flynn and use just think back to them and you know when they're young and they're horny and they're beautiful and she immediately clicked this is in her eighty's you could syria go. arrow and i does the boy how beautiful that she you know can still flip that film on and see those guys who are going in and out of a tree since we were of course it really made my heart feel good for what
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a life she led you know way well it is the essence of christians from the days i mean news and and sometimes i wonder how many people passed our generation is going to recognize jimmy durante his voice or cries these voice you now it's like these are the songs that they keep playing on the christmas channel of santorum how many people really recognize says voices they were these people were so alive when i was growing up and i remember as a definitely danny kaye in but never enough to want to run. but it's so funny you said that it came because as you were talking about it i was going to herrmann vera ellen on the let's call it the fontainebleau hotel doc in white christmas where his guns heads you could tell they've got a strap under him so they're tucked into his beautiful crushed velvet says and he
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swing it around to the day. and i always think jesus he had it i love these people who had their moment and hit it as hard as they could hit it and it will be there forever love the feeling i did jim i love that chair laughing i always watch it whenever i'm surfing and the channel send it's on its chests wait and that's when what if i don't like shining and sam sammy is great and what about when dean jagger the general's expecting to get a letter from the pentagon to get him back in and being comes back he's dressed in some beautiful hound's tooth with an ascot of a door he's got his pipe and the general says i'm not going to be in this hotel your business long i am expecting to get back in the military i i applied for reinstatement and bank says oh what am i think you were my thinking i got a letter here for his it's of the general looks out to go son are my reading
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glasses 3 can you read this the best being crossed the line every takes it out of the on globe it goes oh i'm start to play a little trombone myself. i don't write lines. now. any absolutely he had bad news fran is very and i love that song sisters i used to sing that when i got friends care now. what's so funny your voice is so recognized what i was going to say that you are to do a youtube thing with rosie perez singing sisters together you both have such great nizer rewarded very. blue dresses on the big fans i think would be a huge hit and you are idea are so nice to me after all these years and we've been talking to different drescher and i want to sell the soap here again we've got a new christmas film coming up on lifetime called the christmas set up and it is
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the network's very loving 1st holiday film with an l.g. b t q. lead as a story line and can we all come together in a big warm embrace for the holidays it premier is december 12th at 8 pm eastern time on lifetime and should know you have a great holidays it's nice to meet your friends and get on the road meet santa. television. on the demonstrators right now the propaganda machine. should. be.
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illegal. i'm sure. he's going. to go where. the.
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international criminal court drops of broke into alleged war crimes by u.k. forces in iraq despite having a reasonable basis to believe the atrocities actually occurred. good by russia china gate with us intelligence from the beijing the greatest threat to washington to any sign a spy scandal gravels. your struggles with the pandemic and economic consequences. the nation's 1000000000. trillion dollars some think enough to cover a major relief bill our guests. of the system spinning out of control so that it's just inequality keeps getting worse.


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