tv News RT December 13, 2020 1:00pm-1:30pm EST
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the latest headlines on the week's top stories are british for. the makers of russia. cooperate to find. effectiveness of a center that's ready to produce the russian. behind me. here in. this particular line produces. an. eye. on the program over 100 people arrested in a protest against the new security bill critics say the legislation will make it harder to prosecute police brutality.
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riots break out in several u.s. cities between left wing groups on supporters leading to stopping. them exposing a deepening rift. with the top stories from the past 7 days on right up to the moment of elements as well this is the weekly on our to international hello and welcome. russian british scientists have agreed to combine forces on their vaccines in a bid to tackle the global pandemic astra zeneca says it's ready to work with the developers of russia's. job. today we announce a clinical trial program to assess safety and immunogenicity of combination of a's a d 1222 developed by astra zeneca and oxford university and sputnik v. developed by russian research institute the vaccine developers hope that combining
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their drugs could lead to a better and unit response to the corona virus the clinical trials will be held in russia and involved volunteers aged 18 and over the job created by oxford university and astra zeneca meanwhile has shown varying results depending on the dose with an average efficacy of 70 percent that's compared with sputnik praise results so far of over 90 percent. they have a problem vaccines efficacy isn't high enough this should be improved we have 2 different adding new viruses they will take one of them and use it as a booster. among the reaction we've been getting to this news was from lechler oncology professor lawrence young who says cross border cooperation is a vital component in tackling the health crisis. i think it's a fine stick opportunity to work together in developing a more effective vaccine and there's lots of evidence that when you mix and match
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different vaccine platforms you get stronger and longer lasting immune responses to our competition so this is fantastic news and i think it will. raise confidence both in terms of the astra zeneca vaccine and also the sputnik vaccine it demonstrates the the power of scientists working collaboratively we're all very keen scientists around the world to work together and work in collaboration and i think this will provide an excellent opportunity for the very best people working in the u.k. in the very best people working in russia to me work together and i hope that one of the consequences of something like this is longer term collaboration in other areas of science and medicine so i think it's a very very important important day for us actually it's very exciting. talking of jobs moscow has become the 1st russian city to begin a mask over there not the elation program but i think the shot is being made available free of charge front line workers including hospital and school staff
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will be 1st in line although for now it's not being given to anyone over the age of 60. well russia's a daily infection rates has reached $28.00 in cases the numbers being steadily rising since september and earlier this week artie's really a shop of all of visited a company that's wrapping up production of the vaccine. we are the 5 car company it's a fetus in every remind me of a scene is being bottled here but it's being caught this particular line but she says $6000.00 but our sputnik the is a too short adenovirus based effects of exene the difference between sputnik v. and some other international code 19 vaccines is this vaccine is a human based one not an animal so what's a vector it's an engineered virus lacking the gene for production therefore it's unable to in fact what it does is serve as a vehicle for coronavirus proteins over 3 weeks
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a patient receives 2 different jobs to form antibodies and disease resistance before taking a coronavirus vaccination everyone is examined to make sure they're healthy but it takes another 15 minutes to store the vaccine sputnik these stored at minus 18 degrees c. and developer say that's an advantage compared to other countries vaccines requiring significantly lower temperatures for storage after the injection doctors monitor you for 30 minutes before you're free to go to the bone i'm a teacher i think the vaccination is a great way to protect myself and most importantly my relatives my parents are already 65 was also it's free actually i was initially examined by a doctor he asked if i had any chronic diseases measured my blood pressure looked at my electronic medical record that i was allowed to undergo the procedure everything was fast for us i received that said saying that they can be one of the 1st for the vaccination i'm so glad and i trust the vaccine in this matters to me
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oh yes i had doubts but i've made my decision and i'm here today the vaccine is now being supplied to all corners of the country at the same time the military. receiving sputnik the 2 in russia the co the $1000.00 job is voluntary and free of charge and even though some people still remain skeptical about the safety and efficiency of the vaccine most agree that large scale works a nation is probably the only way now to put an end to the pandemic you leadership of out of the assay. forests was engulfed in renewed on rest on saturday over a controversial security bill 142 people were detained during clashes with police.
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i riot officers use water counted on tear gas as this situation spiraled out of control the younger stands from plans to criminalize filming of police officers and published by the government later said it would rewrite the clause but not the entire bill but i'd wager house continued over other parts of the draft law including the boosting surveillance powers. ok not totally dissimilar scenes stateside for people who have been stopped in washington d.c. during clashes between trump supporters on the report and the polies moved in to separate the 2 opposing sides detaining at least 23 demonstrators in the process the stopping victims are reportedly all in a critical condition. on the west coast in washington state one person was shot and
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injured as rival crowds faced off police deployed tear gas and stun grenades on say a suspect has been detained conservative radio host a perkins told us the violence is not coming from trump supporters but from fringe groups. truckie porters aren't violent they just don't show up in the streets with an intent to get in fights with people prepositioned weapons the bricks the special radios for communication and backpacks that can't be blocked like cell phones can be blocked all those preparations for riots are made by and chief the trump people just show up and wave flags and wave signs and love america the violence you're talking about is between the fox and the proud boys and i've been a monitor of conservative politics in america for 35 years until this year i never heard of the problem is they are not a conservative group they're libertarians and they're not racist they're founder
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and current leader is a man who is half black and half cuban and if anyone wants to research the problems online it's easy to figure out they don't belong to the conservative movement and they aren't really all that pro tromp they're just showing up because there is a left wing enemy dutch throwing punches and they're in the mood to throw them back . this week the u.s. appeared to shift its gaze away from russia instead setting its sights firmly on china with intel of chiefs identifying beijing as washington's biggest threat it comes after a member of the u.s. intelligence committee was targeted by a suspected chinese spy our senior correspondent not just the it picks up the story . so trump's out and the russia gate thing is slamming shut behind him because there's a new scare story in town china you know it doesn't take long to dig up dirt in a town like washington q us democrat representative eric swalwell until now.
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well this crist so far the evidence is on contradicted that the president used taxpayer dollars to ask the ukrainians to help him choose an election this time around it's his links to a suspected chinese spy who is in the stink not least because and this is awkward he sits on the house intelligence committee not the only shall be removed from the intel he should be removed from congress as well yes house minority leader kevin mccarthy there spotted an opportunity to claim his 1st victim so the background in a nutshell swalwell hod a chinese national called fang fag in his early political career and this person quickly started raising suspicions within the intel community he got rid of her but his recently refused to answer whether he slept with her which probably means yes but before we burn mr swalwell at the stake at sea we're out might have to join him once this chinese witch hunt really gains momentum you've got
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a feel for mitch mcconnell he survived the title but can he now survive the fact that is wife secretary of transportation elaine chao is from one of china's most prominent political families that would be one hell of a honey trap and you and jean shall have served on the board of the holding company for china's teach to build in a state owned enterprise that makes chips for the chinese military. is also on the board at the bank of china and top lender to the ship builder remember also the former speaker of the house john boehner aka the original orange man is there is the high. republicans actually give john boehner a harder time than they give me. which means orange really is the new black. these days the former speaker of the house just happens to be a lot b. is for a certain people's republic of china is this guy purdy chief security officer who
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are way the u.s. is really china on a number of issues and they want to hurt one way to hurt china the very afraid of the competition between china and the u.s. so they're focusing on hurting while way before getting professionally agri for you our way for a living and you purdy was a member of the white house start team that helped draft the u.s. national strategy to secure cyberspace this is just the tip of the iceberg therefore the head of u.s. intelligence has declared open season on beijing calling it threat number one if i could communicate one thing to the american people it is that the people's republic of china poses the greatest threat to america today and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom worldwide since world war 2 what they might find is that there aren't many politicians left who don't have links to this new enemy
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because they used to be friends weenies getting hard to keep up. the u.s. federal trade commission is pushing to break up facebook accusing it of holding an illegal monopoly over the social media market it's filed a lawsuit by almost all states $48.00 targeting facebook's acquisitions of the instagram and what's our platform bence one host of boom bust here on r t tell us more. facebook is really coming under fire now that it is facing an anti-trust lawsuit from the state's attorneys general of $48.00 different states across the united states the allegation that's being made in this lawsuit essentially states that facebook has violated the law and violated competitive behavior during its acquisition in the early 201314 of instagram and whatsapp at the time that facebook acquired instagram it had about 30000000 users today it has over a 1000000000 users worldwide at the time that it acquired facebook said that instagram
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wasn't really a competitor but today instagram has become very much a competitor to facebook and fully integrated into the facebook system for advertising data collection of users and even cross promotion of post here's what some of those states attorneys general had to say about the lawsuit today we are sending a clear and strong message to facebook and every other company that any efforts to stifle competition and hurt small businesses reduce innovation and creativity will be met with the full force of our offices the f.t.c. filed their own lawsuit against facebook today as well. and we look forward to collaborating with them in the litigation process the state's attorneys general are calling for an actual divestment of instagram and whatsapp what does that mean it means that if these states attorneys general when their lawsuit they would force facebook to actually sell off the assets of what's app and instagram a very big deal in the tech world. still to come this hour
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a leading british art gallery is being urged to get rid of a mural which campaigners have branded racists we will be debating not after this short break. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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of the ethics committee noted that members for on equivocal in their view that the imagery of the work is offensive trusters discuss the need to acknowledge the strength of feeling around in your world and the harm that imagery has caused. the mural which covers the walls of a restaurant in the gallery is called the expedition in pursuit of rare meets it's by rex whistler depicts a hunting expedition characters in the piece include captured black children being led with ropes around their necks campaigners want the neural to be removed or the restaurant to be relocated and the gallery say that it's considering the next move . as reported in the summer we're taking this time to consult internally and externally on the future of the room and the mural and we will keep the public informed of future plans. i'm delighted to welcome live on to the program just barely as
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a social activists and former senior policy adviser on the qualities to the mayor of london and stephen morris stevens national secretary of the english democrats pleasure to see you both stephen cohen kick off with you the painting shows black children being led with ropes around their necks not something you'd want to see while eating in a gallery restaurant to name just one thing is it. well known what you need to do is put into context not what we should say people the restaurant learn what we need to debate and leave these things where they are so people can understand history and understand how far we have drawn from these images we may now. well know the current. situation however we need to educate people if you're just going to hide things away and you never going to educate people is passive which is also part of blackish to it and you need to educate people what used to upload and
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how far we have come now for. the mural has been up since 1927 is it not a little late for the gallery to be objecting to it now or are we just in a period where everything deemed by anyone to be offensive must go. none of the reality and what you're looking out is deeply offensive artwork placed in one of the most prodigious just criticism galleries in the country. and black lives matter the whole caridad shift in thinking is that what was formerly acceptable what used to be acceptable is now no longer acceptable now then that you can move the removal rope to some sort of you know musician museum of colonialism or british shaman you can provide the education context there. but to have the super soft slavery while you're eating your flight flight grew up in the treme arts
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establishment of the country and yes remember as well that the tate gallery. is a sugar industry hanna links with that slavery are also to be considered it can be moved and it can be praised the proper educational context but he certainly not in a public space in the credit prestigious are going to steve in times to change attitudes change does a national institute like the tate i was just going through there are the reasons not need to adopt somewhat to the public mood i thought or. it does build a man this is a great one listed item in the national gallery. and if he stays there then you've got to educate people and i find it quite ironic that they talk about british colonialism and yet ignore the issue of the black slave trade that occurred prior to europeans get into africa and what went on before and this is the education
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process that needs to go on that it wasn't just british colonialism you talking portuguese spanish danish dortch and you talking about the blood of africa were enslaved all the black triage well before the europeans got there so it's all about education and put things into concept leave it there let's put up so much occasional stuff so people truly understand what happened in the trip slave trade over 400 years and understand how far we have called or just to keep saying it's british colonialism is actually misleading and essentially folse because you misleading people of black issue it current. b.l.m. is a left wing matches political party which should go to patsy now so the actual movement for black lives is lost its momentum as being any credibility well let's educate
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people about the entire history of the slave but don't hide the fact black african tribes were complicit in it well before europeans got there and it wasn't just british colonial as let's put one of those issues. because. it is not glorifying really the slave trade is it and in fact that showing an artistic spotlight on what was a horrifying and entering legacy and in this case children it might spark a debate which would be good. well it hasn't sparked a debate as the as you say been there for 27 years says it's been offensive all the time and our supposed many people get tea in the tate gallery so it's never been a huge issue now to point out. because points out what why why offensive not artistically. well i think it's offensive in so much as it is showing the brutal enslavement took place where african children were. and.
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enslaved rape brutalized beaten and i think you'd be asked to be shown in the show in its proper context with a mural next to it or a text next to it that says you know this is written as brutal history in relation to slavery you know just go back to the other point because. the other speakers spoke about ahead of that that he needed it we needed education about slavery and went on to talk about africans and slaving other africans can we just be absolutely clear because you know no one views to be misled that chattel slavery chance atlantic chattel slavery wasn't a periodic a slave and of warring tribes that could be released in the negotiation between different villages it was the most brutal long lasting exploitation probably one of the greatest crimes in human history solar 50000000 africans exported from west africa and the interior for your exam to eighty's along the way were not. all well
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laid out in a really beautiful we are a spiritual figures nice to meet you because you don't want to be manic but it's actually rudimentary training to use 1000000 so you know what really is it and you're. trying to reduce it not just the lines that you don't want to hear we're ok we can't hear either of you at the moment can't be frank people lately just wrapped up on that i want to go to stephen quickly go ahead he never ignorance i mean did demonstrates he is precisely why such murals need to be removed into their probably context because what you say he's a list a pig and now igniting debate produces the basic ignorance the whole schools and frankly insulting that caricature officiate that we've just heard from you will guess there is subsidy look out rate. h.l.v. quite clearly mislead in your own communities again because he's
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a historical. black slave trade when. we all agree it's just dangerous. what is written article and. even. where you are ok it will work you ok we are just getting rid of stephen let me put a point to you what removing this neural be any different to removing statues of slave traders as you well know the edward colston statue was toppled in bristol this summer it hasn't been put back up. well gus should be blessed get things concession into proper consensual let's get rid of the nelson mandela such a because he promoted violence he was the more it violence against blacks we were opposed to him so you got black on black violence he starts use now been course or god should be called down because he promoted violence ok so if you want to get
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into all these historical bumps let's get the facts out there people like louis just don't let the facts that black people were complicit in the slave trade right to europeans which we were a little older. and it's tantamount to the way that she's described the holocaust as not happening i've never heard such utter bullshit in my life and . we can't use that language in a program sorry. well i apologize if people are offended but that r.t. to bring together this gentleman for an educated debate on the role of art in modern society and how the use of palisade parallel ok mitigate rights ism is frankly offensive to people in russia outside of russia and iran oh well ok that is your view of the other guests and i'm sure that stephen would reject that but let me put 1.2 and they will come back to you but the mural we need to get back to
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the story here was restored in 2013 as part of a revamp costing $45000000.00 shouldn't they have thought about this before spending all that money much of which came from the taxpayer. well you're absolutely right and she would have thought as a bit that point was that well maybe this is a good time to reconceptualize what this art is all about so we can have the kind of education that is so clearly. a lot of white british people about the real nature of slavery the fact that they didn't suit do so just means it's another flagrant example of a monumental waste of money which probably now will result in the restaurant being closed out of all of them your lease l.-k. a movie i'd like to congratulate actually the take that taking the decision and responding to the debate by saying yes we will consider public opinion in what we now do with the mural stephen does shocking our to have limitations or not we saw
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a gallery for instance in portland not so long ago tecton a piece alluding to the beheading of donald trump would you support something like that. well if this is a great one listed not since a gallery needs to remain there what i do say that it needs to be according to context of when it was produced in 1927 times have changed and not that the british were wonderful rulers of trying to abolish the slave trade and it needs to be according to caltex just her and in things away is her indian from the historic issues that were there and how far we have come what we will to do we just have a history away so that our friends out on the net sometimes are not incidents that we see. people will let you take people in ways not to interfere with you think oh . well how did things for your people she doesn't want people to be hurt you can
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use ok leave and just even just 10 seconds finish your point only another 10 seconds where completely. well he will security just hide things away and not educate the little girl. a little bit and i want what we and how far we have and educate people on you know going to educate people by handing things away. i'm not going to hide anything away i want to put it. in a museum of colonialism and slavery now put see the proper context and you my friend would be the 1st customer to get educated because your ignorance is so profound as to be absolutely shocked that the russian government you try and use to win souls is just under it's absolutely ok we're right i believe social activist and former senior policy adviser inequality spammer of london stephen morris national secretary as democrats thank you very much both of you. all right that is our a lot healthier in 30 minutes we have more news keep it here. so
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