tv Cross Talk RT December 14, 2020 3:30am-4:01am EST
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there's gus these stories and more i'm joined by my guest glen decent in austin oh he's an associate professor at the university of southeastern norway as well as author of the upcoming book russian conservatism and in london we have marcus papadopoulos he is the editor of politics 1st magazine high jumping prospectors and effect that means in jumping time you want and i was. going to marcus in london give us updates on breaks it all year long they have had to get this trade deal into place and of course at the very end at the end of the wire we still don't have one and of course from what i've been following is that it is unlikely and there's a lot of scaremongering but there's still a lot of questions as well what my question is after 4 long years of this why are there still questions i mean you've got a lot of smart people in your country maybe not politicians but c'mon explain to us
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why we're still talking about. well ok to the press it story is off the perch and it's and again because wast gregson left the european union in political terms almost that's the 1st of january of this year on the facts you press the december of this year britain will leave the e.u. both economically and legally britain is in a transition after martin's and off the fancy feast of the senate this year the transition cannot be extended its prime minister abbas johnson said bears absolutely no doubts that the transition will not be extended however the labor party is co-incidence transition which demonstrates that labor has not learned the reasons for why it's was a nightmare it's about the election general election last year and the sherries that labor is continuing to come to sense the people of the former labor houghton's
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in the midlands in the north of england and in waves now can britain a new year to secure our free trade deal if that's the best of the senate i introduce you needs a that's it's not increasingly likely however if that is the case in france if a free trade deal is not secure as it will not be a concession as a lot of people in britain a say in specifically near a little because what basis operates in trades accrues into well into trades. how it's like it's it is true that a beer would be considered london i'm classrooms. here in song nearly it was in britain who said that in jeans and $1016.00 if the british people votes at the breakfast there would be a recession but that didn't happen then they said at the beginning of this year if britain leaves the new year politically on the present best jenny there will be a recession now the same people are saying if greece and leaves the economically
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and legally and in legal terms on especially for. this is the 2nd bricks and variants of a session that it works but it's roots across britain that's not happening yes i would like this is the free trade deal but it's not it's not it's not. you know plain and me everything we just heard from marcus is that you know given all of the reasons are moving the goalposts all of the time they are reinventing the same story over and over again the scare mongering context here is that there's just there's just the establishment and neil people that all the neo liberal ideology are just simply been willing to accept the democratic will of the people and a lot of these people have power and influence and they keep dragging their feet of course if there is no deal at the end of the at the end of the year yet they'll be hiccups and bumps in the road but it's not going to be the end of the world here ok maybe the end of their moral that maybe that's what they are afraid of ok now when
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that average people have to go through you know for 4 years to think about this go ahead. oh oh this is problematic for your listeners are younger and i might not be familiar with the origin story because again this was in june 2016 has been 4 and a half years and the discussion is now pushing it further down the line it is problematic. you often hear the argument for going forward out there well we should have cut please continue talking this is also problematic cause us any economist can tell you uncertainty is extremely dangerous for economies ghostwritten can always rewire it's supply chains it can find new markets it cannot adapt to the new situation then 1st the new status quo has to start with it south in order for the new investors to come in and justice to be made it's often no certainty which is a problem so simple question kicking the can for the down the road it's not necessary that a great thing i would add it's no less a step aside really if we reach the end of the line then we will have
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a heart breaks because. it will all. it doesn't look good because this end of the negotiations of the e.u. seems gardening suspicion and the ukase also even upper tearing its navy to use warships the from keeping foreign fishermen aren't seized so obviously both sides are intensifying their positions but this is going to turn into a study so you know the 1st will be that this is merely time to go into one of those east negotiations recognise that they often wait until the last minute before they will strike a deal for this well max. and the u.k. which is often you know the same side of negotiation table as. also similar playing the same game alternatively and i'm starting to lean towards this which is that there are differences simply be reconciled that is the e.u. is largely pursuing this very federalist objective in which they seeking the centralization of power in europe an immigrant least has to be part of this regulatory framework where britain decides its regulations its laws mean all the u.k. for all and list decades now been arguing that their vision of europe is one where
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they maintain national sovereignty and they don't centralize our so i don't trade deal and i don't think this underpinning. views of what the euro should be has been changed in any way so i would lean towards a no deal breaks it otherwise. you have other consideration other problematic issues as well welcome boris really do if he takes a favorable deal home is going to revive the divisions within the conservatives and he's going to her revive and nigel farage r.t.m. you going to start the same thing again you know kind of they've cameron only accepted this referendum on the idea that he hoped it would put this issue to bed and finally unite the conservatives and push nigel for our politics if they don't get a proper eve deal which. all the backstairs wants is he going to be back at step one so i don't see on the can really do you see him meeting david cameron. you know he
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said he would call a referendum but he was not under any obligation to be one of the biggest fools in british politics ok and that's saying something there's plenty of them around you know marcus you know it's interesting when glenn had to say because again this exit process in it even though you know the u.k. will it will have a semblance of its own sovereignty in its own trade policy regulatory policy but the e.u. won't let go it's like a debt ok is it are you or we'll give you a trade deal here but you have to follow our regular regulations and we're going to you know you're going to have to adapt to us there's a current certainly that ok in it isn't a negotiation. among equals no one is a junior partner and it's ideology to draw primes that they deem the way the brussels look at it look at the you get can you need us in the know i mean you need each other certainly to one degree or another but they want they come their
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narrative is constantly is what you have to do for us and the british electorate said that's not how we want to do business here but like you said these these neoliberals in the u.k. there are they're captured by that kind of mentality this is your own mentality this is the neil liberal euro mentality that we chemists call him or it's a cessna case pay to have that most of britain's exports go to the european union and it's often the 1st ephesus descent of the share most of britain's axels who continue to go to the european union us on the difference of those that is a shim and of course the free trade deal is not reached between london and justice only a few months ago pizza britain secured a very highly impressive trade deal with chip pads now barely any of the newspapers in britain were caught in on that and it is very significant because often the
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british people decided that they wanted to leave the. european union in june $6016.00 the nearly it was a saying that foreign investors for example the japanese would pull out of britain well not only did they not pull out of the 4 and a half years but they have now signed as i said a mightily impressive trade deal with britain so foreign investors such as the indians the japanese and the chinese and offices all remain in britain and also a piece of the british economy is one of the most powerful is one of the most one of the most rude us in the world it has been around for centuries the fact that britain might not secure a trade deal with the year is not going to end the british economic powerhouse that it is and i would say pizza there are 2 principal reasons why i support it brics it's just leap 2nd table immigration which is a big problem it has placed
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a major strain on the us ghouls and hospitals from the u.k. but secondly it's roommate that's the supreme court of england and wales will be secret it will not be subservient to any codes in the european union i am not under any illusions pete said that after the 1st the 1st of december all this shit people in britain talks a few economic benefits no in my opinion the economic system in britain is still a few to one it is still one that serves the rich but for me the fact that the supreme court of england and wales will be supremum on english soil is very important for it and it is important for english people and indeed british people across the u.k. yeah having in the supremacy only comes from one power and this is what it is postmodern as ideology deems it cannot have separate centers of power here you know one of the things like you know in looking at this whole saga as an american living in moscow ok so i think i have
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a unique perspective. it seems to me that the negotiating strategy that brussels is at it all along is the make it is hard as possible maximum pain because they know the u.k. it is out and it will be completely out on the last day of this year but they're sending a message to everyone else in the european union if you want you would think about you know gaining your sovereignty you know look at we did to the brics ok and it will be painful all ok and i and i and again this is ideologically driven ok because of course how can you not want to be part of the most at rest of the day and civilization in history very much with the soviets used to say the eastern europeans go ahead while there are many british economists have been making this argument which is if if the britain has to clean up a divorce and the british actually succeed outside the e.u. it won't do it creates too many incentives for other breakaway political groups
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within the e.u. so obvious that there are there is this hanging over their heads. but even we tend to speak about so you know the e.u. versus britain about the us is not necessarily a unitary act 3 other they do have their own internal battles so within the you for example i think the german sound the dutch they're more prepared to make a deal. sharp some of this came from seeing britain get a good deal and outside the french might use the word pain ok also get in this part of the program we got to go to a short break and after that's over we'll continue our discussion on some real news stay with.
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really don't need to worry about taking your money or. narrowly earlier like that against alternative vision. you'll start to question the whole american way excel data. related to. where i'm going to create enough career to media america under cover and i'm going to disable the site. you will get exposed on t.v. i can't wait for decontaminate your lying low self reliance and break everything to. track down. where narry so you can defend yourself and your revolution from the weapons of mass communications. thanks for the teen
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girls give the enemy up in grave your earlier. point. welcome back to crossfire for all things considered on cable about a minute we're talking about some real. ok let's go back to marcus in london when we talked about the divorce. breaks it seemed the european union finally let go of the u.k. after the reformation referendum in 2016 but now we have the ramifications of the 2020 alexion in the united states now coming up into the election and actually ever
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since the trump brand president and to that they 2016 campaign there's been this hot of a cultural civil war in the united states and it's actually very real it's very rare culturally here now as a result of this election here it's a bizarre election i will leave it at that but it is rekindled a lot of very strong. passions among people in the united states and we used to be that the terms are red and blue here and those those tensions are only simmering here particularly when you have the media and the professional elites all on one side and then you have these people that were supporters of donald trump donald trump got 10 more 1000000 votes than he did 4 years ago though somehow he lost the election here passions are very very high markets and sometimes you can't unring bells if you know what i mean go ahead festival i want to clarify
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something for the people who are sharing. the agenda in america which is birth culturally as divisive and culturally incompatible i know it's a little was naught marxists but not liberals in a constant sense such as that you could look at your regional and rask and they're certainly not monks it's the b.l.m. rather once again. and so it's that you've been cities we all mox it's. i think they would i think they would be on the receiving end of the shebang heartsease know these who are often neo liberals and it is abundantly clear that this cultural and gender are who the night zionist made people in sets in states in america think that we have nothing in common with states as california states such as new york states such as michigan now i don't see any session in the immediate future
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but nonetheless this foundation trope extension secession feature be being laid as we speak now off because if joe biden does go on to issue presidency be thousands of the white house entrancing $21.00 which is looking like he will now he is going soon pollinate the b.l.m. cause events and that will be in my opinion better mansel to cultural unity in america and i think what we have seen here is another example of a major role of liberal democracies because america like reason is a liberal democracy. where you have a culture which is being that's when you have very powerful enemies within the establishments which are pursuing an agenda which is highly dangerous hiding places
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and incompatible with most people in the given country america or britain what it requires is a very strong leader to deal with that stress donald trump in some of these chips spoke about that mention and seen b.l.m. illegal movements he's about. as a prime minister its movements which i believe they are the violence b.l.m. reasons as being absolutely 00000. it has been absolute be instructions oh yeah i said there is a leading liberal democracy in iraq and you're told it's mostly peaceful i mean i think that's. the year mostly peaceful ok i don't believe you're lying i mean it's amazing how the media has been so dishonest about this claim but with the you know i didn't do a great i mean there's a lot of people like to push the envelope on this thing about secession in america and there is a session ism of the mind i think that is very very real now the number of people
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that don't watch the oscars or the grammys they don't want to watch football because of the black lives matter if you hear i mean more and more people are boycotting emphasis and having the host kind of a monastic state of mind state of living because i don't i understand them because i agree with them i'm sick and tired of this cultural garbage it's an insult to traditions and some of them are great traditions and to history traditions that are not so great you move away from them or you amend them you change them you do it through turning and you do it to consensus but this is the left here i mean they're just are out for a ny aleisha ok if you don't agree you don't exist go ahead one well i don't foresee any is a session and foreseeable future either but you know what was interesting this week is it came out the forefront of their rhetoric but as a living at conservative pundits i just rush limbaugh here all this began to argue
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about this because it's becoming a possibility and on they also have some activities on the grounds of just texas as you know if you are closer union those states who support the constitution. because there are lawsuits to cellist election results austin i mean all they have a democratic lawmaker now who asks a lawsuit to deny seats dollar republicans will support it is legal at 1st to contest election so but again who did. this is something that's been building over time and i wouldn't even agree that it will be. because a lot of this possibly a case of history behind it because over the past decades united states has become increasingly politically segregated that is republicans and democrats move to more politically homogenous neighborhoods fewer and fewer americans know people belonging to the other's political party and business dropping very rapidly and they don't get their news from the same source as you point out and now they're even reluctant to use the same social media and they don't anymore watch the same
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cultural events are just the grammys. they're so they're no less and less about each other and over the past years this is reached a point where where the political opposition are more and more deemed to be an enemy rather than someone who conditions a different path so it's not just their identities. they're part of about actually see themselves as being direct opposition to each other asking whether or not they can actually live side by side and the conservatives a specialist felt very much squeezed in this a culture war because hollywood has become more and more liberal universities house steadily become more and more liberal with hardly any conservative stuff anymore and conservatives are now seeing universities almost like an inductive indoctrination camp which took a family for. all this has now intensive housing with smoke all effects that's what exactly that's exactly what the university system is ok i mean you can people go
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she usually into debt to be programmed for an economy that they're not prepared for ok unless everyone's going to be a diversity adviser which i suppose is not impossible get a marcus is the thing is that you know traditionally and i think around in there on the western world here's once you have an election you try to you know if you put out a. signal of some kind of we have to come together now nominally mr biden his said that ok but then you have a lot of people at this trump accountability. project i mean basically going out and saying ok now we're going to go after everyone that was in is orbit for the next 2 years they'll never publish again they'll never work again they will be shamed they'll be docs i mean this is going down at the mines at the glen just described care i mean this is a night you know you have to annihilate your your opposition you don't deal with it you don't negotiate with it you certainly don't compromise with it and and at least in my opinion this kind of hostility there is. 0 some hostility comes from one
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side primarily go ahead it's indeed pizza if joe biden truly wants to attend it's so he will do divisions to heal the wounds in american society then he and the rest of his ministration and also the little major the new liberal media in america must cease it demonize him don't trump in demonizing the people around him in daman eyes in his supporters if they do that then yes there is a possibility that america crudes and i have size could win for the storm in the short term i still believe the visions of the wounds of the for the long term however will joe biden presidency do that i think not were the neo liberal media in america do that i certainly think not i believe that if
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joe biden enters the white house this will be an opportunity especially for the nearly 2 major in america to take vengeance on americans who support it donald trump and there in lies the bevin lies the seeds for future disaster in america because in my in my opinion piece of the catalyst for the divisions in america is not. actually race is actually policy that raises another issue the republican and democratic policies they are multimillionaire policies they are elites his policies it is not in their interests to change the economic system in america because its suits them however the focus is now owns rice and i do not believe that is the cat's of this yes there are certainly troublemakers in america for example the b.l.m.
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response and i believe it is economics that is coups in the divisions in america and unless that is addressed then yes they could be secession in the future but i do believe that the demonization of donald trump on the demonization of his supposes will continue i believe more credence mo powell who'd be given sabean more legitimacy will be given severely and of course pizza action reaction it's the law of the jungle if you strike someone in the face they're going to strike you back and then it would be tit for tat you know inclement day and i completely agree with marcus here because i i certainly think that this race issue is artificially foisted into the political narrative here it's class and there's a and there's an amazing opportunity here and and as a conservative and not as a member of the republican party but as a conservative i think for me well we'll be watching to see if if the g.o.p. can understand what happened in the 2020 alexion where it expanded its its base its
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tent is bigger than ever before and it was because of class and if they can if they can finally jettison their ridiculous libertarian ideas around the economy they haven't. a path to recast american politics along class lines which i think it certainly should be because that's a winning that's a winning coalition and that win means to be seen but these cultural wars well i really get i really get tired when the g.o.p. gets sucked into it because they don't know how to fight them because they don't start them. i'll give you the last 15 seconds go ahead. though i agree with that and. i would also add the u.s. house mechanisms against this against especially when they were just in some power and actual states that well if they really want to you know how this come together they need to allow the state system to work so the centralized power but it seems to going all the way not by imposing this. european arrest you get but there was
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a number of states that went to the suit graeme court about this election and they were given a hearing that's all the time we have gentlemen i want to thank our my guests and also in london i want to thank our viewers for watching as the r.t.c. makes. welcome to max hazard financial survival guide. looking forward to your pension account. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain delegates. watch has a report. problem drugs don't always
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come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we see a very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids oids invented america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer who's to blame patients doctors manufacturers.
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in the headlines today germany is set to celebrate christmas in the lockdown as the country announces the shut down of shops and schools. in covert cases. that really makes me the government could have had a lockdown earlier and that business worked for these 2 weeks. elsewhere british children are warned they may not get christmas presents till easter as trucks form 16 kilometer queues trying to get into the country but officials tell people not to stockpile goods. on the certainty with a deadline for a deal with brussels extended. dealers take over parts of.
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