tv Keiser Report RT December 16, 2020 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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i'm show business i'll see you that. the headlines this hour the daughter of iran's top military chief assassinated by the u.s. earlier this year gives an emotional 1st interview to r.t. and reveals how she learned of her father's murder when i turned on the t.v. and i saw his picture. i understand what happened. from that they tell no i'm still shocked a lot of what happened it's so hard to believe. they leaked tape reveals wiki leaks founder julian assange tried to warn washington back in 2011 about the potential damage of thousands of classified u.s. state department cables contrasting with claims he endangered american lives. and a healthcare worker in alaska has reportedly developed
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a severe allergic reaction after receiving pfizer's vaccine in response to comment request pfizer said that they will review all available information on the case. was your top headlines this hour the kaiser report is next on march international and in the u.k. and ireland it is boom bust stay with us. max kaiser this is the kaiser report pay why are people in debt so much well you know housing is very expensive and education is very expensive and health care is very expensive because of all the money printing that's being done to help people manage their expenses. what a joke hello hey max well the theme of this episode is where a yankee doodle dandy because of course the yankees you know we were 1st called
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that by the dust because we rift off everything we copied everything and then we kind of you know took it as our own word that where we're proud to be yankees right now are full circle according to the 2nd half of the end in this episode where you interview dan collins he raises an interesting situation which is that he says american 5 g. is fake that there's no actual 5 g. it's like a potemkin telecom system we have a potemkin economy we have a potemkin monetary system none of it is real our dollars are not backed by gold it's not backed by even productivity or g.d.p. it's backed by men with guns and i suppose that's a bit real but the fact is that we're just faking it like it's fake goods were have a fake high tech and that's harder and then like when china rose to power on a lot of fake goods they had fake also beef buns pork buns in the south for sale
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and beijing that we've discussed over the years but when you're doing heights hack it's really hard of much harder to fake it right because things go seriously wrong a lot of high tech is interconnecting various devices around the world so when you can't it's hard to fake that the other 5 g. in the u.s. is fake fries and for examples advertising they have 5 g. but it's available to something and i'm very spotty based. just to maybe a few 100 people and that's it but they have this huge national campaign that we're leaving in 5 g. but it doesn't exist it's a potemkin product it's like an empty box essentially but they get away with it because they get the benefit of an open spigot from the fed and the executives have their their basket out there just taken all that money and in the you know their stock options keep going ironer like well we must be geniuses because we're getting wealthy so i guess everything we say even if it's a lie is probably a good idea so that's happening and you're right it's all basically fake and the money printing now has gone hyperbolic to cover up this illusion and i remember in
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world war 2 america used blow up tanks fake tanks to fool the enemy now they're trying to use fake money to fool the world into thinking that there is an economy in the united states even though there is none because that's the thing right and this is a trope of all a lot of films are a lot of novels is that. lies beget lies beget lies beget lies and then you forget what was real in the 1st place because you have to keep on building lies to cover up the previous lie and then you forget what was real so i guess really when it started was under reagan and deregulation accelerated under bill clinton when we presented a lie to the people of america especially the rust belt where we said ok we're going to send your jobs overseas but trust me richer as a result like it didn't make any sense to have to have a job but it would be better we promise you learning to code right that was the one thing that you were allowed to say back then you're not allowed to say you're
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learning to code anymore because you know it's now journalists and the elite losing jobs so you're not allowed to tell them to learn to code but back then you said just say learn to code but that was a lie that was never the truth and so what had to step in to cover up that lie was the money printing so our monetary system became a lie to cover up the the lie of not producing any wealth or manufacturing it's an easy thing to do to cover up the shortcomings in our economy by extend and pretend right so the maturity date on all these corporate bonds gets extended further out the maturity date on the u.s. debt you know they try to extend it out like argentina they are just a 100 year sovereign bond right that's extend and pretend and that that's happening all over the world and the negative interest rate bubble is now over 19 trillion approaching 20 trillion they did indebtedness of the globe is 300 percent of the global g.d.p. call it roughly 90 trillion dollars and it's all fueled by this incredible belief
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this in fairy dust in the money this is very condescending to go to the average american worker who takes pride in their work and say look we don't want you to work any more we're going to give you funny money wampum coupons the funny money and that shows the. the social contract is completely obliterated because the average person wants to become self sovereign in work and be productive they don't want the paper nonsense from the government to come in there that's a repudiation of the social contract and that's why we see up on my twitter feed and all i see from coast to coast is a protests and that's all the result of printing too much money and people are going to you know not be happy with this we're at the point now 50 years we're heading into the 50th birthday of the u.s. dollar standard around the world. and it makes sense that we would be installing a president who started his political career right then 100-1272 just as you know
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he only came off the us the gold standard in the end of 1981 so he comes in in 1982 you know right at the beginning of 72 so he's there from the beginning and he doesn't really remember any of that right on the one hand it's a problem if you forget your lies. but if you forget them big if you go big. like biting can because you know his situation so if you go big with forgetting that's a very american trait as a yankee doodle dandy way of doing it you might want to look at the data in the charts this is a remarkable bit of information here and $1.00 money supply has increased yet another $210000000000.00 and the week between november 23rd and november 30th on top of the $500000000000.00 the week prior that's over $700000000000.00 in just 2 weeks and $1.00 money supply of the united states has increased by 64.5 percent
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since the beginning of 2020 there is no history for this none certainly no history in the united states perhaps in like some bob way or venezuela but not in the united states yes the blanche du bois autonomy where you america and you have joe biden essentially america's blast dubois up there in the white house saying are all this real oh my confidence and strength just. as you know that. when the rest of the world like pasta no mall interest rates then skyrocket blanche is. well this case thought out the hall but whatever the anti dimension drug of the choice of the elderly is today would become more pronounced and there is it seen thank you tennessee williams of course our spanish speaking audience was loving your spanish where their boss the star i know
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a spanish word spanish speaking kaiser before an audience of millions and millions of people we love you know look at me happy christmas time we love you. so that reminds me we have some christmas specials coming out and christmas and new year's specials they're really fun really good we're going to take some. more. he's picking i'm not no no no no no 7 not now in terms of this lie and we see that in the money printing so the expansion of m one money supply by 64.5 percent remember because as the lies begin to unfold and unravel and people start to call it out your lies have to get bigger and you see this often with well known con men they'll do that like as their con it's like hey you've done this you know this car is the jalopy. no and they have to come up
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with a bigger and bigger lie to cover their smaller lies so the m $1.00 money supply shooting up 64.5 percent is covering up a huge lie part of the lie was exposed by coded in the fact that everybody is staying at home and yet apparently like g.d.p. kept going up stock markets kept going up so they had to pretend. that you know ok we shut down and nothing changed it became transparent and obvious to all that it was china operating the economy in the world and it's never been america but this is the other side of that money printing and that is the deflationary blackhole of bad debts big queen rallies above 10001000. and again as institutional interest grows as the global volume of negative yield and debt hit fresh all time highs of $18.00 trillion life insurance giant mass mutual has announced it has already invested 100000000 dollars in bitcoin for its general fund he just lays the charge of the volume of negative yielding debt versus the big question price and they have
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started to kind of move together and that would suggest that there's some linkage between the fear of financial collapse of monetary collapse which is why people are diving into these negative thing right that used to be that the chart of gold and debt yes ok that's been separated because of all the manipulation that jamie dimon just copped to recently yes but not a lie right because it opens it up and look here's all we got going here with big coin it's essentially what george soros did to the british pound in 1902 it was a speculative attack he broke the bank of england they broke the pound they made a $1000000000.00 over their quantum fund in a matter of hours michael saylor and micro strategy he's rolling that playbook and he realizes and this is the one thing the fed was hoping they would never have to deal with and that would be a dissenting billionaire they can pour money into the billionaires pockets with free money and stock buybacks they can pour money into the mainstream media by buying ads for defense contractors but if one is a dissenter like michael saylor and saying. i call you out fed and he says i'm
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going to borrow money at your ridiculously cheap rates to buy bitcoin on my balance sheet and personally that is the the pull the pin on the grenade into a house of peaches called the global central banking system and. the next 6 weeks i think the next 6 weeks you're going to see interest rates skyrocket big coins skyrocket michael saylor is going to be out rich ing jeff bezos and the world will be completely different because a one man stood up michael saylor. house. right well you know peter church and he's a soviet born professor at university of connecticut did predict this he would call michael saylor a counter at leat he predicted 10 years ago that the u.s. would face chaos and crisis in 2020 and the reason he said is that his studies show that they were there's an overproduction of elites in america there are too many
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elite the elites have too many children and the elites have too many educated children and those. born with entitlement and they feel they're owed something just like the saudi saudi arabia has $7000.00 princes who are deserve a cut of the the oil money and then that started to disappear so they're floating their saudi aramco and trying to find some funds to feed all the 7000 princes the same in america and what he says is the where the chaos stars is with the counter elites because these are at leats that start to turn against the other elites as the battle for this big lie the potemkin economy starts to disintegrate the whole thing the you know the mirage disappears right there is no bubble like an elite bubble because they are so narcissistic that they don't see the bubble they're the least to see the last to see the own bubble of the elites and so when it gets extended like it is now this house of peaches that's about to explode in everyone's face with michael sailors' grenade of buybacks of bitcoin using government cheap
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money is is something we haven't seen since the reign of terror quite frankly in revolutionary france 40000 elites who are you know. met their maker as part of the revolution well now they're their wealth will be decapitated their wealth will be a god they'll be dick of the capitalized capitalized not decapitated fest michael saylor away decapitate capitalized don't decapitate ok so don't d.m. me with your fricken complaints karen. read take a break and when we come back i'll be probably a lot richer if. universe
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which reveal. information precious. about that is the ultimate reality of this thing we call matter you come here to here to change it you can touch it it shapes soul it. doesn't change who saw the galaxies whole about inflation. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max keiser time out to go to dan count entrepreneur who lived in china for 20 years now in fact and america knows a lot of stuff we love dan welcome back it max this is interesting i have is true or not i read this and i'm wondering why china has planted a flag on the moon why did this happen what's your real learn from les and where is this new space race heading this is a very interesting thing is this while you're dealing with cool with things have
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been moving along. december's this i think is a day that may go down in history not only to china plant the flag and then move on the moon to the they did a few other nonsense as well but with the flag on the moon it was broadcast all over china. 5 who were mission basically senator module down to the moon got some rocks back but it broadcasts all over chinese state television vision of the orbiter ascending from the moon and in the background the chinese flag planted on the moon and drew drives a lot of patriotism all across you know all across china they're not stopping here they've got very ambitious missions for mars moon colony say mean they are basically in the ascendancy when it comes to you know in the soviet union collapsed you could argue that so too did america's competitive drive remember fasts foci our wrote an essay called the end of history and. as a result america became kind of fat lazy and we've got that huge diabetes epidemic
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now and now the space program languished without competition now china's on in the race is this going to accelerate america's mojo to get us back doing something interesting other than watching netflix and or space x. going to take the whole ball of wax and just take it for all the elon musk and i'll become richer than jack ma well yeah it's a good point we have languished basically since the collapse of the soviet union you see it everywhere. sputnik what is what originally drove our progress in space so the competition with china in space i believe it is their own for sure she'd a lot of us institutions like nasa and military and in general language and not be able to produce much take a look at the military side f. $35.00 the u.s. spend $1.00 trillion dollars in development and that which is basically g.d.p. of russia and it has flown 0 combat missions basically can't fly you can't beat a 15 year meet in a this is a this is
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a general structure of the cave cross the entire u.s. system nasa is a perfect example you don't much shows up out of nowhere in just drops of cost 90 percent for space travel now they just can't hand him checks and just he's doing amazing stuff with it he's musk himself space x. is competing not only nasa but china the space program as well by themselves so america there are glimmers of hope that if we look at this kind of new pathway forward maybe we can start to innovate again and get out of it but we have been languishing for decades here has another headline i'm just waiting for the 1st time and. i don't know what's going on anymore in the world i guess china has turned on the nuclear powered artificial sun according to press reports it uses a powerful magnetic failed to fuse hot plasma and generates temperatures of 150000000 degrees celsius approximately 10 times hotter than the core of the sun china is racing ahead in the nick of technology as well what john what i'm lost
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than what's going on john as we talk about december 5th and the moon landing claiming their flag they also on the same day announced a quantum computer that's 10000000000 times faster than google's quantum computer they also announced a hypersonic engine in development that could put a commercial aircraft anywhere within in the world in 2 hours this all came on december 5th the physics reactor you're talking about in china. some of the best business physics people in the world. this is a new you know fusion capacitor that they've been working on but if you happen about a week after they do the moon landing so if you look at some of the scientific progress it's coming out of china it's clear that you know we've been watching your progress the last you know deputy or so then we're soon if not already in going to be in the ketchup phase with china and your scientific and technical development my understanding is that the 5 year period and once the chinese leadership get
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together and they did their 5 year planning during the last round they were starting to incorporate ai artificial intelligence into their planning and into their management of the count of the country and when i when you when i'm reading down these these achievements share thank you to what extent is a i powering all of this because of a i can tell you had a more efficiently deploy resources and and you know this this is very interesting it is that already happening damn dirty happening china has the world's largest data lake which means which is what gets trained they have many miss most of the top in the field believe china is already surpassed the u.s. in our official told us artificial intelligence is going to be like electricity it's actually going to be everywhere it could to displace a 40 percent of jobs it's going to be incorporated everywhere along with. you know
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carried on the backs of 5 g. and 600 by the way america you don't have anybody that can even make 5 he quit trying to do already working and 60 rule those 2020 1000000 base stations you know this year in 5 g. we have what's called fake 5 g. last like a few seconds a day and we call or so and we were around pretending we have 5 g. so we're falling behind in so many areas ai is going to be one where they have just so many you know. researchers. over there is so much data you know we don't even have a super after they have 2 super apps you know we chat in the in the ali ali baba's . interface that everything's linked to it's also all the stuff that you know the basic unit message if you've been around anyone who contributed code and so on your phone you know written like so i mean they're implementing our official told is now across the entire society which we wait you're passing us ever when china was led into the you know on extremely favorable terms by the clinton administration
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essentially joe biden who is in washington at the time when asked about well aren't they going to potentially aid america's lunch with their ability to compete with us and he said something to the effect of you know he laughed hysterically and then talked about they can only make shoes or a mumble something even then he didn't have a great cognitive abilities but that looks like prophecies coming true that china now is going through this 3 cities trap where they overtake america as the world dominant superpower america is laughing and they have an elected joe biden the guy who was so wrong about it and had problems back then is now apparently going to be sitting in the white house and there's a connection with his son and the c.c.p. as a direct conflict of interests like as in the biggest corruption we've seen in 100 years corruption so again the america pairs of
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a chinese vassal state but. getting more particular about it this new nuclear technology does this make them energy independent as well they're working very hard on it one of their chillies heel is they are now the world's largest oil importer by far they have the largest nuclear below coming i mean the i don't the number of nuclear power plants under construction you know something maybe 13 to 20 plans under construction. in the bank you'll. this thing of climate change if you really want to stop climate change you're going to need nuclear power and and i think most people realize it that you're not going to get c o 2 emissions without power so they're rapidly building up the space that has military implications well you from oh you could have power not only need peace but also nuclear power spacecraft which which u.s. has been hesitant to look at but china won't won't be afraid to look at i can't believe this show isn't dubbed into chinese flying over a 1000000000 people over there. enough i'm off guard let's do it i'd like to expand
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my audience by 10 times as well now looking at potential hotspots a conflict. south china say right that's always a hot spot you got hot con has become a very hot sound taiwan lot of stuff going on there like if you're look at the jail political map there where does china like that obviously have expansionist visions there were will we see that play out like game theory there's a little bit of what we're going to see the dominoes fall as china as your presence away put it that way you remember back when biden was nice president was bought the asian pivot which we were going to move half of our naval air force resources age since they never happened because as you pointed out joe biden even as of a few months ago was like saying come on man china's not a competitor he still thinks they're making shoes the guys out of it but what happened in that whole time we're talking about an asian pivot they built of islands insult trying to see they have complete complete command and control of the aged south china sea the east china sea the u.s.
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will not it would be crazy to put any naval resources it within what they call the 1st island chain which taiwan is our china has so many land based cruise missiles that they can sink the aircraft carrier minutes there's the dia 41 they have their smart you know land based cruise missiles so that they start with their anti axis capabilities which china did which basically means nobody can can land people or ships in china now we woke up this year go whoa china just expanded their navy by 50 percent the chinese navy is now 25 percent larger than the united states me so lot of this now becoming blue water navy so they're going to expand their reach they're building out bases as string of pearls it's call across they get them access the middle east oil we've talked of in the show before about pakistan they're literally sending half a 1000000 chinese immigrants into pakistan below the whole problems there which is
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sits at the mouth of the and the red sea to watch all these oil imports come through so they have no choice there so. so dominate there's so dominate in terms of commodities all commodities are included oil in or everything else to get imported well maybe factures mentioned manufacture items get exploited they will control the they will control the space and they're going to have to go global and expand sal let me ask you this we recently had kyle bass alicia and i would say he's a china bear points to the debt says it that's overwhelming it's unsustainable they've got a huge debt problem all as raw raw china stuff as well archy to use joe biden's word and that when you think about that he's one of these these are china beers who've been around for 20 years talking about the end of china and the property market going to collapse and they just get it wrong and wrong and wrong time again you know bass before he was on chinese talking about the japanese currency melting down and lost a lot of money on that so i mean it's just you know he'd be short of the chinese yen probably 7 years ago down in raw trying to really be just getting stronger this
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year so these guys have kind of an agenda to to and they do it disservice to the united states because they put everybody you know sleet all these guys don't want to deal with china because it's too complicated they don't understand it they don't speak the language they've never been there if they've ever been there they've been there once yet they claim they are china expert you know and so i always allow it's pretty common magine somebody said in china and there are experts on us but they don't hold your foreign policy you really would so love these guys you have to take with a grain of salt they've been guys like we're trying to been around for decades and they've been wrong for decades and they they somehow keep the what's going to there's a lot of agenda as i'm there that doesn't seem to add up all right dan collins thanks so much for being on kaiser report thanks very much all right that's going to do it for this edition of kaiser report with may max kaiser and stacey everett want to thank our guest dan collins if you want to get in touch with us place too however and you do it until next time.
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larry it was a difference from there to paris go on another easterner for the group. where a marriage where by no less you know the casualness spreading global air power where you do that way to marinate the day the president of m.t.v. as if it was an immobile divisors earlier than 12000000000 contaminated country if you don't need to know about 30 or millionaire like that against alternative vision sacrificed you'll start to question the whole american way to
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expel the united states that didn't nominate a hero erratically or made it up for your community america undercover and i'm going to this day about as i go you will get exposed on t.v. i can't wait to decontaminate your nightmare self your ideas and brave everything to. track down where narrow you can defend yourself and your ramblings from the weapons of mass communications. thanks for the teen girl fear of the enemy as they were going to do here erin.
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a silly day this location gone we'll now without a doubt the media made her feelings for the biting campaign before the election and the hunter by the story was not a bunch of was not russian and misinformation we were lied to again where is the accountability. yeah just the it's always you who. needs a lot of the in middle. of the road to beat the bush with war wallace stuff. but austin's when you can do that if you're walking. up with also it. more people machines.
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