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tv   News  RT  December 17, 2020 12:00am-12:27am EST

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headlines the 17th of december worrying news about pfizer's new covert vaccine a health care worker in alaska is reportedly brushed to intensive care with an allergic reaction after getting the. germany reports its highest coded daily death toll on the same day it enters a new log with much of the rest of europe posting grim new pandemic records in the run up to christmas. head to good old russia gate's mainstream media play moscow again this time for a major how could u.s. government institutions despite you know official findings from u.s. officials themselves. and news from russia vladimir putin are set to holders on your q. and a session on thursday later today this time via video link the russian president will tackle most critical national and global issues as he does every.
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morning for moscow this thursday live from martin international's world news h.q. kevin owen here with the latest thanks for checking in 1st great news another blow to pfizer's covert vaccine a health care worker in alaska has reportedly been rushed to intensive care straight after getting the job woman had an allergic reaction 10 minutes after receiving the vaccine she suffered rashes all over a face and body shortness of breath and an elevated heart rate despite getting treatment she was rushed to intensive care the woman is no apparently thankfully making a recovery but as caleb maupin reports this is far from the 1st disturbing news on the shop. now the reports that we have received indicate that the person did not have a history of severe allergic reactions now this comes on the heels of reports about
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2 health care workers in the united kingdom who both had severe reactions to the vaccine as well and that caused the united kingdom to actually issued this warning any person with a history of a significant reaction to a vaccine myths and food should not receive the fine is appealing to seem it's important to note that when pfizer looked into the case they did emphasize that the 2 individuals in the united kingdom did have a history of allergic reactions the f.d.a. of the united states has gone ahead and approve pfizer's vaccine but made clear that it is only available to those who are 16 years of age or older and who don't shouldn't be given to people with a history of severe allergic reactions and at this point we've got some very prominent officials praising this new jab that's available to fight against cove it today our nation has achieved a medical miracle we have delivered a safe and effective vaccine in just 9 months this is one of the greatest
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scientific accomplishments in history we have these reports about the health care worker in alaska so people are waiting for more information many are concerned about this vaccine will it be safe will it actually put an end to the pandemic as some have predicted so many are keeping their eye on this situation is certainly disturbing news to hear that a health care worker has had an adverse effect. i can tell you we reached for comment to they did get back to is saying that we'll closely monitor old reports suggestive of serious allergic reactions following bucks in a should pfizer also claims its trial participants were excluded if they had a history of severe adverse reaction associated with the vaccine. this is the world health organization's issue just stuck will meaning that the festive period is no time to relax about that the pun then it may get even worse. there is a high risk of further resurgence in the 1st weeks and months or 2021 and we will
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need to work together there if we are to succeed in preventing it and germany's registered its worth worst coronavirus death toll wednesday on the same day that it entered a strict new lock down itself but it wasn't the only grim statistic to hit europe had a christmas as peter all of reports next. the christmas lockdown period is a part of here in germany comes at a particularly odd time the couldn't treat posted record breaking covert figures this week they. are saying that they will roll out a vaccination program in the coming weeks but also warn that the foundations of already. for a 3rd wave of coronavirus. we saw that a 3rd wave had started to build before the 2nd one actually subsided we need to give a clear signal this christmas the new year must be different to usual it's not just germany italy is facing
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a grim record of its 700000 deaths this year the highest figure since 1944 during the 2nd world war rome has put in place new regulations to run from monday the 21st until january the 6th that will see restaurants closing at 6 pm and 10 pm curfew but hospitality workers say these measures will ruin them or not they actually destroyed our sector by making us clothes are established at 6 pm and blaming us for things they were guilty of instead. during lockdown we didn't receive anything not the 1st time the 2nd 3rd or 4th a similar scene is playing out in france where the stay at home order has been replaced with a curfew that move has seen thousands of workers at cultural venues protest a shutdown on their places of work i. was.
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'd 'd in spain testing is found that one in 10 of the population had been infected with covert 19 the scale of this pandemic is hitting home in sweden as well with more deaths this november than any since the spanish flu pandemic over a century ago. and an official investigation into sweden's coronavirus strategy has found that stock must take the blame for its high death rate prompting the swedish prime minister to put out a statement saying the country got its tactics wrong. i think most health officials didn't see such a wave in front of them they spoke about clusters it's not like we weren't prepared for something to happen again but no one could have predicted the strength of it some conclusions have been made about where we could have done better in a week's time families would be coming together across europe to celebrate christmas however this year with covert dictating the rules the festive period may
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well be a lot more distant than we used to as european leaders to keep contacts to a minimum peter all of r.t. early. despite sweden's struggling to deal with the health pandemic of another bit of news the government's decided to stop machine rise in spending on the military to counter alleged russian aggression will talk with a few minutes than. this next though king alarm us media are crying foul over the weekend's major breach of government computers pinning the blame on russian hackers despite the f.b.i. still tracking those responsible and 0 official findings it comes as the white house reportedly convened urgent talks with national security agencies to discuss the case seems a cyber attack reported sunday targeted at u.s. government institutions including the homeland security treasury and commerce departments it's been labeled one of the most all day shoots attacks in the
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country's recent history the attackers apparently used to texas based software company for the breach but as more ghost of explains the media appear rather hasty in their usual russia did it narrative. the story goes an icy company called sooner wins was allegedly infiltrated lonely goo by hackers these company has thousands of government and business clients all over the world now you know how many apps get regular updates right well one of those updates from ceuta way into all its clients included a true so a backdoor remote access to the systems of many of solar winds clouds allegedly according to the press this may have been one of the most damaging attacks ever well you can be sure of the morning after. recipes for a thanksgiving turkeys but for the moment we'll take it very very seriously
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yes very seriously indeed evidently alarm bells are ringing at the department of commerce but let's be fair figuring out a sub or attack takes a lot of work a lot of time to understand what the heck happened it is literally include but journalists have seemingly forgotten this it's boring and it's dull and stead they've jumped to the fun part of the already figuring out who to blame u.s. officials tell c.n.n. that they suspect russian links hackers breached their computer systems at several federal agencies isn't it remarkable how we went from suspected russian hackers straight to russia's attack it's almost like c.n.n. believes that other than americans only russians have computers but is the kicker so the journalists have riled everyone up by saying that u.s. officials suspect it's a russian attack and then we find out that the government officials learned it was
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a russian attack from those press reports entre us government were aware of all of these reports these media reports suggest that these attacks were comprehensive and historic and that these bad actors. may have had access to critical u.s. government systems for many months it's like the joke which came 1st the chicken or the egg except in this case it's who blamed russia 1st the journalists or the officials because they keep citing each other unless you're watching m.s.n. b.c. who have already managed to make an attack that they don't have the stand carried out by they don't know who trumps fault the white house and senior trump administration officials have been basically silent on the attack should be noted that since that seems to be sort of par for the course in this administration when we get hit by attacks from that one particular country so the white house has kept quiet congress is learning about this for media reports and journalists want to
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know and recall the tape shows quite clearly that sarge is concerned about the release of unredacted files so he is quite conscious of how the information could be misused and therefore he wants to alert the relevant parties i'm sure that washington will argue that it still is wiki leaks fault but i think anybody who says this tape will show that wiki leaks is quite conscientious and trying to prevent any individual from suffering any kind of retribution as a consequence of the release of these files are the democrats have been extremely hostile to or to wiki leaks much more hostile than republicans. so therefore it be a good way for trump to stick it to his enemies. well this thursday russian president vladimir putin is giving his annual q. and a session as most of the headlines earlier on because of the pandemic this time the conference is being held by video link putin will address the most crucial national
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and global issues you can watch the whole thing starts in what i want to 34 hours from now just under here on our t.v. live. yes 16 past 8 to the morning here so it's may day moscow time we're trying to is going to be a part of our teams across the area morning so a different form of than this year all because of it in line with. scratch their heads about. excuse me yeah difficile mom you. oh yeah like i was saying this is yet another event in 2020 about which the organizers really had to scratch their heads because of mr koven and that is really something that the whole country and we as journalists and the 1st place
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got so used to imagine a football stadium when actually a section of the stands full of people waving at you trying to grab your attention this is what exactly what the russian president was looking out for about 4 hours in a row pretty much every year this is the way mr putin likes his ave a press conference to be done more than $1500.00 people all that inside one room all with different kinds of questions but usually there is only time to answer several dozen and for that you either have to be a member of the team of journalists the so-called presidential poll that always travel with the president or otherwise it's pure luck and like i said the questions are so different sometimes it's about a technical issue somewhere in a remote village that. the politicians or the government couldn't solve for
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decades and in other cases it can be from the field of politics that could really cause an international stir for example it was at this kind of annual press conference by president putin. when the russian president 1st called donald trump even before he was elected a bright talented politician and you know what happened rest what happened after that the entire russian interference saga and so on and so forth so this time kremlin have to tweak the format now it's going to. b. a video conference with several location is the most important location where i'm at is the world trade center and moscow this is where most journalists are going to be clearly the kremlin couldn't afford to what the same number of people into one room so there are going to be other locations in different regions of russia but perhaps most importantly some journalists will be allowed into the residence of
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lattimer putin where he's working during the times of covert and one of my colleagues igor's dawn of is going to be there too hopefully he will get his chance to ask his question but we don't know yet what that's going to be that's something we are going to find out when the annual press conference starts in a bit of a different format but that's going to happen in about 3 hours and 40 minutes below i thought a bit of a tip off for me then. there will be covering it you in the team thank you. gender stereotypes behind a mental health crisis for young children is our next question to pose with a new report in the u.k. is claim that it's not only affecting primary education it's also destroying self-esteem but every parent hopes for their child and what educators hope for children in their class is that they will be free to achieve their potential yet
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what evidence shows is that we still limit our children based on the harmful tired gender stereotypes we meet and the princess education of ghosts and intoxication of boys the commercial sector often uses gender stereotypes and segregated boys and guess simply to sell more product but this is not about making everything gender neutral. the commission for gender stereotypes in early childhood notes there is a mental health crisis among children and youngsters it highlights issues faced by both including problems with body image and eating disorders for girls while for men there's a higher suicide rate and violence against women the reports also stated that stereotypes persist within the commercial sector too we discussed the issue with elizabeth hobson the leader for the justice for men and boys party and linda bell or say but issue a quality law expert. little evidence that in
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any kind of discrimination against women in. all or in. social conditioning of women in the evidence suggests that there are a lot of factors that contribute to it but predominantly it's about choice men and women make different choices women choose different kinds of occupations they choose to work fewer hours. and have more time to devote to family life we are talking nonsense when you house stereotypes about what men should do what women should do. x. differences do exist as much as the forces society will try to minimize them and majority of children who different concepts typical behavior should also be respected i do think that worries are different to girls and girls are different to boys well that may only. an ideology that's been
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encouraged to be the 1st of think about what we should think that boys should be physically strong they should be take a lead and lots of men don't want to do that i'm not so women don't want to do it and lots of women do want to do it so much nelsons in this man made notion of who should have power on the basis of the sum of their physical characteristics and so much evidence to suggest that biological sex differences exist and so you know there are studies weight newborn babies that shout that females prefer to play with dolls and stuffed toys that are ploys or anywhere. near calls and of course you know there's the fact that sex differences are really quite consistent up. crossed out and across history i don't have a problem well somebody please do and we're meant to do things that maybe you
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have historically done i don't think it's a crime but it isn't a society that then says well men got to do this and no room in town that's my problem we still have. a social system in britain that privileges men in privileges men in so many male and culturally and i would like that not to have. despite being overwhelmed with high casualty rates in a pandemic sweden's parliaments okayed a massive and record rise in military spending the defense ministries excuse russia . is because of the new security situation with aggression toward your your. crimea conflict in ukraine it is in belarus the russian military capability or a complex exercises. in. the store so we
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see a new security of war and. to use military power also to fulfill political goals so seems in the next 5 years to france spending will jump 40 percent to $11000000000.00 it's being called the country's biggest military budget boost in modern history the armed forces will get up to 90000 new soldiers and the number of conscripts will double or this coming despite sweden struggling as mentioned under the pandemic with almost 8000 dead and 350000 cases multiple times worse than its neighbors from denmark to finland norway we discussed it with swedish professor emeritus of epidemiology marcelo for rather denali. so you know to begin of this pandemic was depleted or. of such an. easy to secure units of course. that money should be better used so
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to speak any decent and there are sons and also in 100 schools and and health care . duration limited 6 at their center but he can hardly a god how leak surprised me that it is so despite him and would have decided to increase divided but that extent it is absolutely not the surprise soon and it is already participating in the huge in may here are over asians have rolled under the military front of the united states or so their geopolitical reasons there are there are going to respond and then maybe even into you know they are being nice you know these sit thing old areas to me and they push it but it is still recovering the last year in about the area more investment in in earnest industrial would mean more sales increases sales to countries rich countries latest saudi arabia and then united emulates for them to continue for them to increase
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even more. devolving of very old for a country which is yemen. because scientists of developed a medical up to monitor the effects of covert already being used in clinics users can find out about possible complications by entering basic data on it. deal appears to secure them all this project was developed to improve the quality of medical assistance the 1st results which we got during the program's testing phase a quite optimistic more than 90 percent successful diagnosis. but
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it was when you get a more displaced app can be used both on tablets and computers it helps to assess the possibility of pneumonia and the severity with minimum data just the results from the patient's examination. well that's why things looking so far this morning more than half an hour don't get outside our colon any of our social media if you get a minute's check in but well 1st of all they're from us as well for you to have a look at for now though at 27 the half minutes past 8 in the morning moscow time kevin irwin signing off for me and the rest of the team be on the scene of a great day.
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larry it was a different bed barely got on another researcher to be. a barrier. as weapon of mass communication is spreading in developing their. own different way to america and there's a danger that when you end up on t.v. as if it was an immobile devices more than 12000000000 contaminated countries if you don't need to be able to keep your mother. mary against alternative vision. if you start to question a regulated excelsior nic you're mistaken i mean to where i'm going to create an uproarious or media
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narrative undercover and i'm going to disable the site. if you will get exposed or i'll take your complaint decontaminate my question help you i'll use it and break everything to. track down where mary so you can defend yourself and your reference from the weapons of mass communications. thanks for the r.t. to. give the enemy up in your view mirror. universe which really of. information question to. those that is the culture both reality of the fish they were called watching you can you can hear for change if
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your touch which a child is. the time to lose speaks out about his facial. yeah . i will do. a lot of these in middle. of. the bush with war will stuff. that i will pull it off and when you can do that if you have one. that i would do to me. it is. more people machines choosing your. as well my yeah but no.
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but i told them as they chose to alberta the soil.


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