tv Boom Bust RT December 17, 2020 9:30am-10:01am EST
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poor state of relations between russia and some western nations namely the united states and the united kingdom he also asked whether or not putin thought that russia was quote unquote all white and fluffy here is what putin had to say to that . yes we are peaceful and calm nato promised it wouldn't expanse of the u.s. but didn't deliver on this we see an expansion we see nato infrastructure coming closer to our borders shouldn't we respond to this who quit the antiballistic missile treaty it wasn't ours so we have to invent brand new types of weapons to protect us from a possible threat and then our american colleagues left the i.n.f. treaty again not you know it's our partners then they withdrew from the open skies treaty so what should we do leave everything as it is you're smart people so why do you think we are dumb. well actually he went as far as cool as saying why do you
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think we are morons and excuse me for my language but that was the literal quote by the russian president and that was the russian word that he used to well in that particular situation also recently an investigation by belling caddick used russia and vladimir putin personally of using a military grade talks in so-called novi chalk against a prominent russian a prominent opposition figure in russia alexy in the valley now in response to that essentially vladimir putin has while he had to discuss the contents of that investigation because he was confronted with the rather in your face question he said that that particular investigation was part of the information who used over the information war waged i should rather say by foreign intelligence services against russia namely he said that this investigation accuses data as well as billing as cellular. billing information as triangulation all phones and so on
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and so forth. so excuse me namely all the things that aren't just out there in the open which you can just you can just google them that that was the point another big topic which absolutely dominated the whole media conference was world covert and everything about it how it impacted the russian society the russian people businessmen the russian economy medics literally you name it and of course they had to discuss a vaccine it was asked whether or not he had a job he said no he hadn't because the vaccine for his age group or was not yet fully available and that he would. he would do this for he would vaccinate himself as soon as this particular vaccine type of attack seen for the elderly is in abundance but he praised russia essential he said russia was the 1st country to
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announce a fully working vaccine and he also praised the international corporation when it comes to making this seram more effective. russia was the 1st country in the world to come up with and start producing its own vaccine is 95 percent effective not a single serious case of side effects foreign colleagues are ready to work with us i'd be glad for a world renowned specialist to join forces with russian partners i'm sure the result will be good. and ways of dealing with the coronavirus i should say well it dominates dominates the agenda not only in russia but literally all over the world and namely the united states where it became a huge issue during the latest election the presidential election and of course when you put all of this together the u.s.
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election and russia you get a very flammable mix which normally bursts into the accusations of well russian meddling in the u.s. election in 2016 this particular event it was well it was no exception again another in your face question for vladimir putin asking why asking literally as to will donald trump be offered a position in russia or a shelter in russia a diplomat diplomatic shelter a political shelter the way the the one that for instance would snowden is enjoying right now so here's how glad i'm a putin addressed that question. russian hackers have never helps any american president get elected and never interfered in the domestic affairs of the usa these allegations are all used to make relations between our 2 nations worse to undermine the legitimacy of the still incumbent president of the us and in this case now our bilateral relations are hostage to american domestic
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issues. now all of these topics and we still just very very barely scratch the very surface of what has been discussed here in the past well almost 5 hours it's literally the very very tip of the iceberg again some a lot of a lot of the issues discussed today were very russia specific not so interesting and not so captivating for the west and for the international audience but of course crucial and what the russian population really wanted to hear about in fact after the general press conference wrapped up we though the very selected very select pool of journalists here lattimer putin's residence we didn't allow the russian president we didn't let putin just leave so we continued asking our questions and he answered he answered all of them and that stretched out the media
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conference even more injuring that particular you know and game q. and a session so to speak he showed us his notes the ones he was taking during the whole event and there was a lot and normally these media conferences they don't just and now it means that the work there will be a lot of work done there will be a lot of phone calls a lot of discussions this and a lot of governors and oh well the people people in power in the regions they maybe aren't feeling too easy they because they know they will be getting a cool so we'll see what comes out out of this particular media conference. sure ok i thank you. dan of reporting on that a huge q. and a session that president putin held here today thank you. despite being overwhelmed by the high casualty rates in the pandemic sweden's parliament so kate a massive and record rise in military spending the defense ministries excuse russia
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is because of the new security situation with aggression toward your your. crimea called fleet in ukraine it is in bill arose. from military culpability were accomplished exercises. in. the store so we see a new security of war. to use the military power also to fulfill political goals in the next 5 years defense spending will jump 40 percent to $11000000000.00 it's being called the country's biggest military budget boost in modern history the armed forces will get up to 90000 new soldiers and the number of conscripts will double now all this comes despite the country admitting the pandemic seriously limited the economy with almost 8000 dead and 350000 cases the country statistics are multiple times worse than its neighbors in denmark finland and also norway we
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discussed the situation with swedish professor of epidemiology marcelo but are there no. so you know to begin of this pandemic was depleted or. of such an. easy to secure units of course. that money should be better used so to speak any decent and there are sons and also in 100 schools and on health care. duration limited 6 at exeter but they can hardly a god how really surprised me that there is a sort of spider-man who would have decided to increase the by did but that extent it is absolutely not the surprise so winning it is already participating in the huge in may here are over asians have rolled under of the military front of the united states or so their geopolitical reasons there are there are going to respond
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and then maybe even into you know they're being nice you know these sit thing old for that area assuming the impossibility is sort of governing the last year in about the area or investment in in earnest industrial would mean more sales increases sales to countries rich countries latest saudi arabia and then then you know to emulate for them to continue for them to increase even more. divonne been very old for a country which is yemen. now are gender stereotypes behind the mental health crisis for young children i need a report in the u.k. has claimed that it's not only affecting primary education it's also destroying self-esteem. what every parent hopes for their child and what educators hope for children in their class is that there will be free to achieve their potential yet
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what evidence shows is that we still limit our children based on a harmful tired gender stereotypes we meet and the princess occasion of ghosts and intoxication of boys the commercial sector too often uses gender stereotypes and segregates boys and girls simply to sell more product but this is not about making everything gender neutral while the commission for gender stereotypes in early childhood knows there is a mental health crisis among children and youngsters it highlights issues faced by both including problems of body image and eating disorders for girls well for men the highest suicide rate and violence against women the report adds parents may need to adopt their approach to deal with the problem we discuss the issue within the bell loss of british equality or specialist and also elizabeth hopes and she's a leader of the justice for men and boys party. sex differences do exist as much as the forces society will try to minimize them and majority of
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children who different concepts typical behavior should also be respected i do think that worries are different to girls and girls are different to boys but that mainly. an ideology that's been encouraged to be the 1st of think about that we should think that boys should be physically strong they should be take a lead and lots of men don't want to do that i'm not so women don't want to do it and lots of women do want to do it so much nelsons in this man made notion of who should have power on the basis of the sum of their physical characteristics and so much evidence to suggest that biological sex differences exist and so you know there are studies weight newborn babies that shout that females prefer to play with dolls and stuffed toys and ploys. their calls
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and of course you know there's the fact that sex differences are really quite consistent across cultures and across history i don't have a problem well some billie's do and want to do things that men have historically done i don't think that's a crime but it isn't a society that then says well a woman got to do this and no women can that's my problem we still have. a social system in britain that privileges men in privileges men in so many ways and culturally and i would like that not to have. it's just coming up to $26.00 in the evening here in moscow now and another blow to pfizer is coded vaccine to health care workers in alaska have reportedly suffered allergic reactions to the jab with one rushed to intensive care one of the workers
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who did not have a history of allergies remained in hospital on wednesday night she had an allergic reaction 10 minutes after receiving the vaccine and suffered rashes all over her face and body shortness of breath and also an elevated heart rate woman is now apparently making a recovery but reports this is far from the 1st disturbing news on the shot. now the reports that we have received indicate that the person did not have a history of severe allergic reactions now this comes on the heels of reports about 2 health care workers in the united kingdom who both had severe reactions to the vaccine as well and that caused the united kingdom to actually issued this warning any person with a history of a significant action to a vaccine myths and should not receive the fine is appealing to it's important to note that when pfizer looked into the case they did emphasize that the 2 individuals in the united kingdom did have
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a history of allergic reactions the f.d.a. of the united states has gone ahead and proved pfizer is vaccine but made clear that it is only available to those who are 16 years of age or older and who don't shouldn't be given to people with a history of severe allergic reactions and at this point we have got some very prominent officials praising this new jab that's available to fight against cove it today our nation has achieved a medical miracle we have delivered a safe and effective vaccine in just 9 months this is one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history we have these reports about the health care worker in alaska so people are waiting for more information many are concerned about this vaccine will it be safe will it actually put an end to the pandemic as some have predicted so many are keeping their eye on this situation is certainly disturbing news to hear that a health care worker has had an adverse effect while the hospital the did minister at the vaccine has said that the incidence went affected sheds and we've also
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reached for comment from pfizer they go back to this to saying that they will closely monitor all reports suggested both serious of reactions following vaccination claims to the people with a history of reactions to vaccines were excluded from the trials. the breaking news now on her sports top caught just rejected in the pill by russia's anti doping agency to overturn a ban on russian athlete the court of arbitration for sport a decision means that the russian national flag won't be seen at international sporting events until the end of 2022 the athletes that can prove they are clean will be allowed to compete is neutrals russia will also be stripped of hosting major international sports events during that time of the punishment covers next year is tokyo olympics the 2020 beijing games and other major sporting events too like the football world cup the russian anti-doping agency is also obliged to pay
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over a $1000000.00 in compensation for expenses incurred by the world anti-doping agency from january $2900.00 the date of the initial ban so that story just coming to us now of course as we get more information on that and more developments we'll bring them straight to you watching r.t. we're back just after this. if you look silly. little. bit of it is a little like. that
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there to be just. as. she sure you can include those it did just that it just means that often and you don't mind it just became isn't on that doco posed to shine most of. the time because of the my face you know for a long today in that country not an established at the map doesn't. have the economic i have more than a fast path is that. to. listen to them i must look to good enough for 30 minute as they are going to. miss out on who was around. this the turnover of the moment of. what's called the minimal point of. going to come up thinking i'm up to snuff
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hello again you with r.t. international now a leaked tape reveals that julian the songe tried to warn u.s. officials of and limits widespread internet releases of u.s. information back in 2011 that tell you been revealed by a conservative investigative outlet project or its ass on the recording the song speaks to cliff johnson an attorney at the state department. we have
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intelligence that scene state department database. $70200.00 cables including. fried cables that is. being. spread around. is it is of the degree that. we believe that with the next few days. become public. some possibility to stop. well on the tape a songe said that classified cables had been stolen by a former wiki leaks colleague and we're being quote spread around the internet so we can leaks founder expressed concerns to you over possible danger to u.s. government employees he suggested authorities covertly remove the files from the internet and if offered to help track them down too but it appears that officials
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failed to take action on the information that he provided or the leaked information went on to become known as cable gate and more than 250000 classified u.s. state department cables were released into the public domain it contained data on u.s. officials as well as information about washington's foreign policy and secret operations abroad now despite his efforts to sanch fear extradition to the u.s. and in 2012 took refuge in london's ecuadorian embassy he was under investigation by washington for his role in quote publishing documents on possible u.s. war crimes in iraq and also afghanistan last year british police tracked him from the embassy to a police cell and extradition hearings continue journalist and as the audiotapes show the allegations against the signage are under question. just a quote was careless to the simply not concerned i mean told the this person that
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he he had spent 24 hours calling very various u.s. government offices and no one no one would talk to him no one would call 'd 'd him back the tape shows quite clearly that sarge is concerned about the release of these on redacted files so he is quite carjacks of how the information could be misused and therefore he wants to alert the relevant parties i'm sure that washington will argue that it still is wiki leaks fault but i think anybody who says this tape will show that wiki leaks is quite hard she answers and trying to prevent any in the. which will bring any kind of retribution as a consequence of the real use of these files are the democrats have been extremely hostile towards what you expunge were hostile republicans so therefore it would be a good way for trump to stick it to his enemies. now despite being overwhelmed with high casualty rates in the pandemic sweden's parliament is ok to
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massive and record rise in military spending the defense ministries excuse russia is because of the new security situation with russian aggression toward your your. crimea called fleet in ukraine it is in below. the russian military capability were accomplished exercises. in. the source so we see a new security of war. to use military power also to fulfill political goals in the next 5 years defense spending will jump 40 percent to $11000000000.00 it's being called the country's biggest military budget boost in modern history the armed forces will get up to 90000 new soldiers and the number of conscripts will double or this comes as by the country admitting the pandemic is seriously limiting the economy with almost 8000 dead and 350000 cases the country statistics are
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multiple times worse than its neighbors in denmark finland and also norway where we discussed the situation with swedish professor of epidemiology much l.a. for our denoting. soon to begin of this pandemic depleted or. association. to secure units of course. that money should be better used so to speak in a decent and there are sons and also in 100 schools and on healthcare. durational immigrants except that are separate but he can hardly a got a harley surprised me that it's witnessed by him and would have decided to increase the by did that extent it is absolutely not the surprise so really it is already participating in in the huge in major our operations abroad under the military front of the united states you so there geopolitical reasons there are there are
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going to legal reasons and then maybe even you know they are being nice you know these sit seeing old reassuming the possibility is sort of covering the last year in the about the area more investment in in earnest industrial would mean more sales increases sales to countries rich countries latest saudi arabia and then then you know to emulate for them to continue for them to increase even more. devolved being of all countries which is german. ok well let's separate you some breaking news this hour because sports top court has rejected in a pail by russia's antedating agency to overturn a ban on russian athletes the court of arbitration for sport a decision that means that the russian national flag won't be seen at international sporting events and fully end of 2020 can prove they are clean will be allowed to
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compete as neutrals russia will also be stripped of hosting major international sports events in that time and the punishment covers next year's perspire and tell carolyn picks the 2020 team. beijing games and other major sporting events like the football world cup the russian anti doping agency is also applied to pay over a $1000000.00 in compensation for expenses incurred by the world anti-doping agency from january 29th taking the date of the initial ban bring him on the story of course as we get it. we'll be back with the headlines and more stories from the day in a couple of minutes. a universe which reveal. information presses. that is the ultimate reality of the thing we call matter. here to change. it shapes told a. bunch
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flight 9 well straight fraud thank you for. the story that's right. that's labor. breaking news not a sports top cool projects in the pilbara she's anti doping agency to overturn a ban on russian athletes but reduces the length of the ban the court of arbitration for sports decision means the russian national flag seen at international sporting events in seoul the end of 2022. russian president vladimir putin wraps up his annual q. and a session with journalists on the public blasting over 4 and a half hours for the 1st time he was removed by video link. restrictions and french president tested positive for 19 but he will continue his role remotely
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