tv News RT December 17, 2020 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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ok what's. going to come i think it's. going to go you know i think you are. going to hold on. top court rejected appeal by russians on t. doping agency to overtime on a ban on russian athletes were juices it took 2 years the court of arbitration for sports decision means the russian national flag won't be seen at international sporting events until the end of 2022. also to come russian president vladimir putin wraps up his annual q. and a session with john mess on the public lost in just over 4 i was for the 1st time it was done remotely by a video link you took that 19. russia was the 1st country in the world to
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come up with and start producing its own vaccine we see an expansion we see nato infrastructure coming close it is shouldn't we respond to this i haven't decided yet whether i will be running for the 2024 election. and french president manu all mccrone tests positive for coke 19 but he will continue his role. in the self isolation period. hello welcome you watching our national ways an excellent choice was very glad to have your company welcome. well to start us off this hour let's talk about how sports top pool has rejected an appeal by russia's antti doping agency to the wild governing body banned its athletes from competing at international events now it's been a song of accusations starting with claims of state sponsored doping to tampering
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with data bases to all of that brings us the story. 2 year ban certainly a lot better than a 4 year ban however you look at it there is some on happiness from the russian side that they say a number of their points weren't listened to the world governing body had wanted a 4 year ban the court of arbitration for sport opting for 2 years instead what it means though is that clean athletes those that can prove that they've passed drugs tests over a set period of time will be able to compete under a neutral flag they will be able to have the name russia on their uniforms and their uniforms can also bear the the russian trickle flag even though that flag can't be flown those tournament's and the russian national anthem also can't be on those tournament's either hope that's all very clear russian officials in sport also won't be able to take part in tolerance over that period of time but can be invited guests of honor at the russian side well it's really the best they could
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have hoped for as i said it's better than the original 4 year ban but they still say that there was a number of points they put forward that weren't listened to by the court as we understand not all our points were heard but we do welcome a responsible and reasonable approach towards clean russian athletes and a principle of collective responsibility imposed by water towards all russian sports the court acted fair when agreed with the logic of the russian agence e and other international sports organizations and rejected sanctions on innocent russian athletes the world anti-doping agency and happy they wanted this to be a 4 year ban to say and big message to to anybody considering doping in the future wilder is pleased to have won this landmark case we are however disappointed that the cas panel did not endorse each and every one of our recommended consequences for the 4 year period we requested this sends
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a clear message that institutionalized cheating and concerted efforts to subvert the. global anti doping system will not be tolerated so what will these restrictions mean it'll mean they'll be no team russia the tokyo olympics that have be rescheduled for next year and the paralympic games will be taking place in 2021 also also no team russia the beijing winter olympics and paralympics games and 2022 and no team russia the fee for world cup in qatar 2022 where they can still take place because this is only the suspension this ban is only do for tall of and sign up to water the world anti-doping agency fee for the world governing body of football does you way for the european governing body of football they do not that means there can be a team russia taking place at next year's european championships st petersburg
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which is said to be a host city at those championships will remain the host city and st petersburg will also continue to host the 2021 year way for champions league final. for moving on now russian president vladimir putin has finished his annual q. and a session with janice and the public now lasted for over 4 hours for the 1st time there was a remote by video link you took over 19 still the russian leader managed to encompass all the crucial themes on the minds of the russian public and the media was done of being there for us at the residence of the russian president. it wasn't just a media conference it was a full on marathon which duration fell literally a few only a few minutes short of 5 hours the range of topics discussed well it literally ranged from some very small and specific issues that affected maybe only a few 100 russians living in
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a remote village to some huge geo political aspects which could send ripples all over the world and the latter was what the question over the b.b.c. correspondent was about essentially he asked the russian president whether or not he felt at least a little bit at least partially responsible for the rather poor state of relations between russia and some western nations namely the united states and the united kingdom he also asked whether or not putin thought that russia was quote unquote all white and fluffy here is what lattimer putin had to say to that. yes we are peaceful and calm nato promised it wouldn't expanse of the u.s. but didn't deliver on this we see an expansion we see nato infrastructure coming closer to our borders shouldn't we respond to this who quit the antiballistic missile treaty it wasn't ours so we have to invent brand new types of weapons to
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protect us from a possible threat but then our american colleagues left the i.n.f. treaty again not ours you know it's our partners then they withdrew from the open skies treaty so what should we do leave everything as it is you're smart people so why do you think we are dumb. recently an investigation by belling kerrick used russia and vladimir putin personally of using a military grade talks in so-called novi chalk against a prominent opposition figure in russia elects in a valley so glad i'm a putin said that he believes that that particular investigation. it was part of a foreign game of essentially over a foreign intelligence operation against the russian government another big topic which absolutely dominated the whole media conference was world covert of and everything about it was asked whether or not he had a job he said no he hadn't because the vaccine for his age group or was not yet
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fully available and that he would vaccinate himself as soon as this particular type of attack seen for the elderly is in abundance russia was the 1st country in the world to come up with and start producing its own vaccine is 95 percent effective not a single serious case of side effects far and colleagues are ready to work with us i'd be glad for a world renowned specialist to join forces with russian partners i'm sure the result will be good. again another in your face question for vladimir putin asking literally as to will donald trump be offered a position in russia or a shelter in russia a diplomat diplomatic shelter a political shelter the way this is the one that for instance would snowden is enjoying right now so here's how glad i'm a putin addressed that question. russian hackers have never helps any american
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president get elected and never interfered in the domestic affairs of the usa these allegations are all used to make relations between our 2 nations worse to undermine the legitimacy of the still incumbent president of the us and in this case now our bilateral relations are hostage to american domestic issues all of these topics and we still just very very barely scratch the very surface of what has been discussed here in the past well almost 5 hours it's literally the very very tip of the iceberg in a lot of the issues. discussed they were very russia specific but of course crucial and what the russian population really wanted to hear about and normally these media conferences they don't just and now it means that there will be a lot of work done there will be a lot of phone calls a lot of discussions this and a lot of governors and oh well the people people in power in the regions they may
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be on feeling. because they know they will be getting a cool so we'll see what comes out of this particular media conference. one of big story few a unique tape reveals the jewel in the songs tried to warn us officials also limit the widespread internet releases of us information back in 2011 the tape has been revealed by conservative and investigative outlets project veritas now on the recording a song genetically speaks to cliff johnson who was an autonomy at the state department. i think over time. i think of. it came. to. spread around. to. the degree that.
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we believe we've. become public. some possibility. when a song goes on to say that classified cables had been stolen by a full month. and were being quote spread around the internet the wiki leaks founder expressed concerns over possible danger to u.s. government employees he even suggested all star teams kofod you remove the files from the internet and actually offered to help track them down but it appears that officials failed to take action. only information that he had provided they leaked information we know went on to become known as cable kate more than 250000 classified u.s. state department cables were released into the public domain now it contains data on u.s. officials as well as information about washington's foreign policy on secret operations abroad well despite his efforts a sounds fair to extradition to the u.s.
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and 2012 took refuge in london's ecuadorian embassy he was on day invesco the investigation by washington for his role and quote publishing documents on possible u.s. war crimes in iraq and afghanistan last year british police dragged him from the embassy to a prison cell for breaching bail conditions the extradition hearings continue we had from the editor in chief himself all of which leaks he believes the image of julian the sons should now take. this should have a tremendous weight because it's basically the argument that is in the narrative for the justice of their indictment and try to use it to get emotional a lot of the u.k. you know talking about irresponsible behavior and putting lives at risk now this evidence that you heard and i can control him but this is all sent is not new to the courts in the u.k.
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transcript or through this conversation was presented to the court in september this was not under de julian's control or weaken his control this was betrayal by a former reporter and a betrayal by a former media partner of the guardian no. this was sure that they were scraped care taken and trying to avoid any harm but that offer was was ignored the state department never came back to julian for more information and seem to have not done anything based on this warning and keep in mind look we killings and julian were not the primary publisher of the of this material at the time so only after that did we can lose the entire unit it was only after all these warnings to the state departments which postulate the 1st one was on offer over to your earlier to the state department to go or. so it's totally goes against the lawyer to do
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indictments and to totally goes to show that we can lose and julian assault the behaving like a very responsive. to the jury. while to discuss the issue live let's bring in john let's cassandra fat bronx human rights activist craig morrey and founding editor of the online news site this can't be happening that is dave lindorff or if you get a happy one happy to see you david want to start with you now why in your opinion is the department of justice still pursuing the case as strongly as it is knowing that there is really mitigating evidence here. look what they're really mad about still the. tape that was released of the helicopter. attack on. innocent people in the square in baghdad that wiki leaks released and the information that came from chelsea manning through
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via wiki leaks and they're never going to let him go because of that and they've built a case around. the claim that he's a loose cannon that he's not a journalist this obviously throws that. the window because it shows he was doing is to diligently as he's always claimed to have done. but you know it doesn't change the american government's attitude it's i will be astounded if trump has the guts to to pardon son jay and drop the church or drop the charges against him which i suppose he could actually order his. department of justice to do still while he's lame duck president well craig that's exactly what i want to ask you donald song once famously said he loves what he eats i get the needle case against the suns obviously no continued under his administration would
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you agree with david do you think the was going to see this last minute clemency from the president from. it's very hard to predict. i would love to think that we we will. we shouldn't remember of course but the. people are very pressing for extradition of julian assange jim person for julian to be prosecuted for espionage for the crime of being a journalist but the people who want that exactly the same people who who were pursing before us russia great narrative. so donald trump has a powerful motive to. go against those people and to and to come to their influence so i'm not without hope that donald trump will issue a pardon but. i do agree that all the signs are that the establishment if you like in in washington the people security services been very keen. to
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establish a precedent of prosecuting a journalist for espionage for publishing national security information should be a major major attack on the member casandra i want to come to you i mean we've heard the word strange. danger to american lives abroad now do you think that this latest release by project fire tass will change that narrative or does change it and do you think we're going to see a shift in attitude towards a soldier in the public in politics as well. i mean i'm already seeing it i. right wing outlet and i've been publishing stories. in a lot of people have commented in reply i had no idea they thought the julian. reckless the levy wise john the heathen. for years and i guess hearing julian
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speak in his own voice and hearing him basically pleading with the state department to help him help them have people really changed a lot of people i think i mean the comments i saw yesterday were were really heartwarming. very deeply out of. hope i'm hoping that it gets to trump because i don't see how he could possibly be and continue this with political persecution or not i want to change focus a little bit because we know that obviously hostility to a song is sort of a bipartisan issue but some say that this campaign against the songs has been led by the democrats specifically over the fact obviously what's unique slightly damaged the image of the party what do you say to that. well that's true i mean it's been the democrats that are angriest at him because of you know the
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clinton capes that he released. and you know the prosecution of the war under obama. it was a bomb certainly had the ability to to pardon him or drop the charges really it's dropping the charges because he has been a found guilty of anything. and that could have been done with in a stroke of a pen any time by obama and he never did it he did pardon chelsea manning at the i guess commute the sentences chelsea manning at the end of his 2nd term but he could have done wiki leaks at the same time he didn't i'm not crazy what i want to ask you was i know it's speculation but why do you think that the state department wasn't willing to coom to songes warning about what was coming.
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it seems to me that it is simply the you know the standard line that we don't the act to leaks we don't comment on leaks we will have nothing to do with people who handle leaks which was no patience i think and it shows if you like they were more interested in don't try no pity than then than in the safety of individuals but it's worth saying of course that evidence was given by the department of defense at chelsea manning's child but nobody. was holmes by the leaks and in the end that's quite an important thing to state. i'm kosong truck i want to ask you obviously from john less perspective that this particular stash of the diplomatic cables were released by the guardian now if wiki leaks had done that the reaction would probably have been different do you think that there are different standards being applied to the outlets. as we can hear in the audio that was released yesterday
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julian was not the 1st person to release this information it was already on dozens of website is being leaked on twitter obviously the guardian carting the password to get through the files. and then they ended up only prosecuting julian julian is the only one on the seat he's the only one who's currently sitting in prison. while dozens of other people published it or you did what sense does it me to to allow the 1st 99 people to free and then hunnish the 100 birds to do something it doesn't make any sense whatsoever and i want to add the julians legal team has. formally requested a pardon as tuesday from the jump in the situation so hopefully this will put things more in motion and pressure trying to actually think about. well suddenly we're nothing would surprise us it is 2021 thing we do not like as the sound of the
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breaking news on all fairness just as i can tell you that dave what i want to ask you. many said that obama waged a rule on whistle blow is to look side when i hadn't had to abide to the presidency do you think that we're going to see a continuation of policy. you know i mean. as a journalist i don't expect to see. interesting an era like the church committee you know when you could file freedom of information requests and actually get answers and things it might get a little bit easier to do that but the. basic distrust and dislike of the press is going to continue apace by this government we have a national security state whichever party is in charge. i'm crazy also as a final sort of thing and light of these revelations key thing that's going to be any change to web saw a songs could get
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a free trial fat trial was either in the u.k. or indeed if his extradition is approved in the last. i think the chances of the legal process in the end go against you you know very limited think the grounds for extradition for a political offense does excluded by the u.k. u.s. extradition treaty i think would be knocked down by a higher court in the u.k. be worse than the united states i think very obvious attack on the 1st amendment i'm trying to lose and we have spin object to conceal journalist would get it. in america so the ultimate legal i'm not too concerned about it the problem is the turnbull turnbull conditions julian has been kept in a maximum security jail alongside lists conditions amounting to torture and it's the process. which is the problem and i want to get a just
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a final thought from you as well cassandra picking up on what craig said there about the fast amendment of course this is something that the american constitution is very adamant about americans are very proud about what do you think i saw in just case says precisely about the fast amendment and generally about the state of the press in the freedom of the press in america at the moment i think the prosecution julian assange and the you know i think it would. be a horrible precedent and i think it would be kind of the test he is for going after political and it means there are people who dare to go and go against any administration or war. we would see the end of a journalist. really truly believe. while certainly we will be keeping a close eye on that particular twitter it is donald trump after all that was journalist casandra fabrics human rights activist craig morrey and founding editor
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of the online news site this can't be happening dave lindorff i appreciate you coming on. well finally for this hour the french president has tested positive for cope with 19 now officials say emanuel mark role will self isolate and continue to work remotely shotted humans get reports from paris president not contested positive 19 the latest world leader to do so that was because the palace said that he presented with some mild symptoms so apparently he had a droid cough and a fever he will now self isolate as is the rule here in france for the next 7 days but he will of course continue to carry out his functions as the head of state but he will do so remotely now the fact he's tested positive for 19 has many ramifications politically for ministers here in france and other individuals who have met him but also other european leaders we've heard in the last few hours that
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the belgian prime minister the portuguese prime minister and the spanish prime minister all had contact with mr mack on in the last few days and they will all now be self isolating we also heard that the president of the european council shall michel although he doesn't consider himself to have been a contact case he was at that european summit earlier this week with president michel and he is also self isolating now this comes of course as france is battling with the virus a few weeks ago president said he hoped by this point in december we would be seeing around 5000 positive new cases every day the figure is still above 10000 every day and because of that france has had to delay the some of the lifting off for strictures it had hoped to do on december 15th including opening cultural places they won't now be opening until at least january of next decision taken at around the 7th but there is this hope that's being pinned on the fact that this
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vaccine. could be him. proved for use in europe in the next few weeks the prime minister who is also now in self isolation after meeting president machen was at the national assembly yesterday where he was outlining the timeline for hopefully administering that jap. this yourself and all conditions are met the 1st actual nation could be from the last week of december 4th by mass vaccination from january this 1st place will last 6 to 8 weeks well there's a bit of a problem with this because people have been urged to do their civic duty in the past by the prime minister to go and have the job but it does seem as if there is a large section of french society who are not keen to line up for that vaccination for 19. have shown that there is sort of this disconnect with the french public and the latest one showing that around a half of the individual surveyed said that they would not be getting the job now
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they've cited concerns such as effectiveness of the serum unwanted side effects and the fact that they perhaps mistrust vaccines generally that's a theme that we've heard a lot about here in france now present my corn had said previously that he would get the vaccine but only when it was the right time to do so and he said that he wouldn't make that vaccine mandatory of course all eyes on how the president continues in terms of his health with this virus but there is a sense that there are plans in place if he does become ill with covert $900.00 seriously ill than it seems that the president of the senate would take from his d.t.'s but for the moment president matt corn has tested positive for 19 but it said that his symptoms up only mild that's all from me at the moment thanks for sticking with us up next and look at how our emergency even in the darkest of times
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of documentary on a surgeon sketching from the front line of the pandemic enjoy. is there such a thing as public opinion anymore after all after july actions like this and david has been largely imperfect is there is more than just one public and are there good reasons not to trust. me. if you are of the. bush or. will.
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when you can view that view of what. people machines choose and you're like. what. they thought there was a bird. in the point that it's all well. meaning that it's all nudists are up with well. wishing you didn't do that we were. probably at their mosque. was only brought. up less than a couple of.
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