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tv   News  RT  December 18, 2020 3:00am-3:30am EST

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that's a pleasure. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports that's less i'm show business i'll see you than. this friday wiki leaks editor in chief confirms to r.t. the authenticity of. tried to prevent not facilitate the widespread release of u.s. state department documents and kristen out from further courts knew about the tape when deciding on his extradition to america. this is evidence that you and i can point through and that. is not new to the courts in the u.k. transcript for this conversation was presented to the poor to. the russian olympic committee says there's no reason for any sanctions against the country sport after
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the international court of arbitration upheld the ban on its athletes who know that it amounts to collective punishment. cities are not sent to prison for the crimes of a few it was clear that an attack was underway on russian sport so it would hardly be allowed to play under a flag. back a tough question for mainstream media on the supposed russian aggression against the west will show exactly how he replied it is. the latest tech to face cross state legal action now claiming monopoly abuse with a 3rd. month and 2nd in just 2 days alleging unlawful exploitation of its online search. to talk about then good morning this friday the 18th of december my name is kevin
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irwin here for the next 30 minutes with the latest from our newsroom there wiki leaks editor in chief kristen her from the sun confirming 1st and to r.t. the authenticity of a recently revealed tape in the audi of the whistleblower tries to warn u.s. authorities of widespread internet. releases of american classified information back in 2011 that appears in stark contrast to the u.s. claims that the sons wanted to endanger american lives them after some told us the audio should be a game changer in terms of the u.s. paid to extradite his sons right now this evidence that you heard and i can confirm that this is authentic is not new to the courts in the u.k. transcript of for this conversation was presented to the court in september well this should have a tremendous weight because it suits basically the argument that is in the narrative for the justice department in their indictment which they are trying to use now to get him actually lovely u.k.
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you know talking about irresponsible behavior and putting lives at risk following those revelations more than 400000 people around the world already signed a petition calling on u.s. officials to drop charges against the sanj politicians and activists are urging donald trump before he leaves office in january only a short time ago to pardon him saskia taylor reports. public enemy number one a man with no conscience no morals no remorse judean a solemn child's been smeared as a villain who revealed the ugly face of u.s. foreign policy but i would argue that is closer to being the high tech terrorist this disclosure is not just an attack on america's foreign policy interests it is an attack on the international community wiki leaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service assad is a narcissist who has created nothing of value here lies on the dirty work of others
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to make himself famous he is a fraud a coward hiding behind a screen 10 years that narrative ron but is it all about to change is that actually the whistleblower was more concerned about the collateral damage of his exposé than washington itself a new t released tape has revealed a saundra tempted to warn the us state department undone boss had to reclaim 10 back in 2011 not only does it seem she had to mold the kools she want as far as this he has to answer for what he has done so what was the motive for helping a firestorm was coming in the form of a rogue wiki leaks employee online. having teletypes. state. because. it came. on cable news. spread around.
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to. the degree that. we believe we've. become public. some possibility. so no right can see dropping a political bombshell standing back and watching it burn as we've been told is easy is disguise. traitor a treasonist i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death i don't want to do it illegally shoot the son of a beast on our great discredit to this nation should be assassinated you should be treated as an enemy combatant with you it should be closed down permanently and decisively no instead we hear a song trying to protect those and washington the very same who now want to send him down so life. having. people here is that it's more your problem. we have been calling. to end the embassy.
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every day trying to train. the holdback it's stored to the wiki leaks at its even advise the state department to tell anyone why the encrypted files could be allegedly found and also help to remove them a decade on a song just sitting in london's belmarsh prison waiting to hear whether he'll be extradited to the us to face a potential 175 yes sentence that's a hell of a sentence for someone who tried to warn the very top of what was coming so is it any wonder now that cools a mounting for president trump to pardon the whistleblower on hoping that he will pardon julian assange it's the right thing to do donald trump since you're given pardons to people please consider pardoning those who at great personal sacrifice expose the deception and criminality of those in the deep state mr president if you grown so you want to act of clemency during your time in office please free julian
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assange those you alone can save his life if you don't i'll try him can save julie and encourage brave activists rolled worries time and timing is everything it's change the image of a modest who was cost out as a traitor and without running out for donald trump's presidency i'm on wiki leaks but to replace him in the white house this could be the last chance for america to par. not an unfit give a man who wanted to save washington from that same time is of the essence for a sonorous to avoid a life in jail the assistance was offered to to to stop this or mitigate any and it possible harm to this i have no idea why this was not followed through and it took up the offer. to help the julian was was carefully m m m sibley . isn't worried in altering to say the problem the state department never came back to julian for more information and seem to have not done anything based on his
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warning we discuss all the lace on the son's case for the public guests. but you know it doesn't change the american government's attitude it's i will be astounded if trump has the guts to pardon and drop the church or drop the charges against him which i suppose he could actually order his. department of justice to do still while he's lame duck president a lot of people have commented in reply saying i had no idea they thought the julian injured america. is reckless they believe the lies john the heat in the middle for years. and i guess hearing julian speaking as a young boy and hearing him. basically pleading with the state department to help him help them help people really changed
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a lot of people i think so very pleased only added some. hope i'm hoping that it gets a chance because i don't see how he could possibly hear that and continue this political persecution remember of course that the. people are very pressing for extradition of julian assange and jim pearson for. to be prosecuted for a spin arch for the crime of being a journalist the people who want that's exactly the same people who were pursing before the narrative. so donald trump has a powerful motive. to go against those people and to and influence so i'm not with. donald trump who will issue a public julian was not the 1st person to release this information it was already on dozens of websites being leaked twitter obviously the guardian carting that
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password to get the files and then they ended up only prosecuting julian julian is the only one. he's the only one he's currently sitting in. while dozens of other people publish it or what does it mean it's you allow the 1st 99 people in the hunnish 100 birds is that it's been the democrats that are angry at him because of you know the clinton capes that he released. and. you know the the prosecution of the war under obama. it was. certainly had the ability. to pardon him or drop the charges really it's dropping the charges because he has no found guilty of anything. and that could have been done with as you know a stroke of a pen any time by obama and he never did it nobody actually was harmed by the leaks
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and in the end of the earth that's quite an important thing to take the chances of the legal process in the end going against you in the very limited time and i think the grounds for extradition is for a political offense and i'm just excluded by the u.k. u.s. extradition treaty and i think it will be knocked down by a higher court in the u.k. the worst sent the united states i think in a very obvious attack on the 1st amendment implied in using the espionage act against a journalist would get it knocked down in the higher courts and in america so the ultimate legal i'm not too concerned about the problem is the terrible terrible conditions julian has been kept in maximum security jail alongside terrorists conditions amounting to torture and it's the process. which is
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a pro. sports talk court rejected appeal by russia's antidoping agency after the world governing body banned its outlets from international events the band's behalf by 2 years but the country's olympic committee points out there are no grounds for any punishment at all. we do not welcome the decision to partially satisfy world anti-doping agencies claim and deprive russian 1000 oping agency of its compliance status with the world anti-doping code our position is initially based on the fact that there are no grounds for any full or partial punishment for sata and consequently any sanctions against the participants and the case we believe that in this part to court did not fully take into account the presented arguments everyone is so used to sanctions against russia as a whole this is no surprise i would not like to be categorical but in general this is abnormal it is necessary to punish but cities are not sent to prison for the
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crimes of a few here and the whole country has been punished because someone stumbled. it's an ambiguous story in general this decision was predictable but this is not for us to decide sports politics is such that if you have inside information about what is happening at the top therefore we were only in the process of waiting but the rough picture was clear it was clear that an attack was under way on russian sport so we would hardly be allowed to play under our flag but i am glad that there was no complete dismissal of the ban means no russian flag around from international sporting events till 2022 but were gathered to explains next why the court decision may still not be the final twist in the case in what may be described as a remarkably adze climatic conclusion the court of arbitration for sport refrained from an outright bad then war to doubt what is recommended participant after years of scandal and the accusations big touring and petty insults the duping savior is
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over for now russia which categorically denied allegations of state assisted duping wanted all restrictions lifted but instead must settle for 2 years rather a 4 year bad during this. period it could neither host nor bid for the major sporting tournament its flag and national anthem will also be bad but clean russian athletes lot involved in the doping scandal will be allowed to participate at the olympics the collective punishment clause that saddam wanted to paint every russian athlete as a potential cheat is gone. because of the most important result of our collaborative effort is the fact that the court of arbitration for sport has been extended its support for a world on to duping agency in applying measures of collective for accountability and refused to introduce additional participation criteria for russian athletes and the olympic games paralympic games and world championships the world and he duping
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agency wanted to rule it but it says it respects the court's decision for his fare for the next 2 years so no more scandal no more investigations who fully it all ends all restrictions will be lifted it's a new start which not everyone is happy about the united states especially has made a stink of it that have preferred a more permanent battle usada acknowledges the devastating decision from the court of arbitration for sport in the russia case that hands water and clean athletes a significant loss at this stage in this sordid russian state sponsored doping affair now spanning close to a decade there is no consolation in this week watered down outcome to once again escape a meaningful consequence proportional to the crimes much less a real ban is
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a catastrophic blow to clean athletes the integrity of sport and the rule of law. which of course is ridiculous given the unprecedented enmity between the us and the world adze duping agency largely because washington allegedly attempted to seize control of it and threatened to cut its payments to wada if it didn't play along it didn't and it made clear that american athletes risk being bugged from the olympics if washington stops paying its jews at the end of the day this final ruling pleased no one on top of that these are these duff times for wada with calls and cries demanding the agency reform or else but unless something changes the decision is final and then and a fresh start meanwhile the international olympic committee said it's ready to hammer out a roadmap for implementing the court ruling would discuss implications of the with
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media and sport sex words. if the 4 your band had still been in place it would be the most severe punishment in the history of sport. so a reduction to 2 years of nobody's particularly thrilled about this but it it's a deal and i take care to say. this is the end of the road after 2 years presumably russia will be compliant with the war that the doping agencies procedures and it will be reintegrated back into world sport this appears to be the end of the road technically they could appeal it they could go to the swiss folklore court but they would have to show new evidence which i don't think there is any or that there have been some kind of procedural irregularities in other words a technical problem again i don't imagine that there are any and even if it did get to the swiss federal court it's by no means sure that they would go against the
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court of arbitration i think or some other lawyer do you know of they just lost patience because remember it is also the huge fun of going on for control of the teams already so they're trying to play this nicest possible before very very soon you started the usa you know to go b.j. they have all 'd their referee lined up to its back while we know that ranch 8 of us has not been signed into error so you're hoping that this will save the masses who are crying out for russia. everything and anything or worse this is not the end this is needed in middle. europe is just going to be one of those sensors you know that which is falling down and. come up patients literally parked up some for many hours in ambulances and covert hit northern ireland because it's run out a hospital bed moloch over going on we'll get the lowdown on the situation talk to
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a doctor there after this break. is there such a thing as public opinion anymore after all after 2 election cycles in a row data has been largely imperfect because there is more than just one conflict are there good reasons not to trust the polls. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being
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led. away. what is true what is. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallows. again it went on for 5 hours in the end of his annual q. and a. challenge to mainstream journalists who attacked him for a supposed russian aggression against the west and say the president spent just under the end of the day 5 i was speaking with everything from a pandemic many questions on that to alleged russian hackers. more and more often we're hearing about a new cold war between russia and the west don't you think you bear some
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responsibility for the bad state of these relations or is russia being peaceful and kong on this city yes we are peaceful and calm nato promised it wouldn't expand to the east but didn't deliver on this we see an expansion you see nato infrastructure coming closer to our borders shouldn't we respond to this quickly antiballistic missile treaty it wasn't us so we have to invent brand new types of weapons to protect us from every possible threat then our american colleagues left the i.n.f. treaty again not us no it's up partners then they withdrew from the open skies treaty so what should we do leave everything as it is you're small people so why do you think we're done. with no health care system in any country was prepared for it our system proved to be more or less efficient russia was the 1st country in the world to come up with and stop producing its own vaccine it's 95 percent effective not a single serious case of side effects for colleagues are ready to work with us i
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would be glad for world renowned specialist to join forces with russian partners i'm sure the result will be good. which why were the russian hackers unable to help donald trump win this year's election russian hackers have never helped any american president get elected never interfered in the domestic affairs of the usa these allegations are all used to make relations between our 2 nations worse to undermine the legitimacy of the still incumbent president of the us and in this case in our bilateral relations are hostage to american domestic issues. but the patient at the bowling clinic is actually supported by american intelligence services and so then of course he is followed by other intelligence services even if he is followed by russian services or others that does not mean that he should be poisoned. so russia has always condemned all terrorist acts specifically the terrorist acts in europe
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including this year's terror attacks in france in response to the publication of the prophet mohammed cartoons at the same time russia doesn't support these publications whereas the threshold between freedom of expression and the feelings of the faithful. we do not accept it when people are offensive towards other beliefs there is something that can destroy a country from inside the multiculturalism project in europe failed and many people who called for this project had to admit that it had been in russia happened organically over hundreds of years and we value that. the 1st story of our patients in northern ireland being treated in the back of ambulances in hospital car parks because of a chronic lack of capacity due to the worsening pandemic crisis is a sad see the see this queues of ambulances formed outside clinics throughout the area with no beds free in one county antrim facility 17 of these vehicles are lined up outside its emergency department one patient was reportedly held in an ambulance all night medic john kelly broke down the situation told us what was happening
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there. i've been a doctor for over 35 years and the scenes of the ambulance and skewed up action merged. departments is unprecedented but. it is very important that we get our section rates under control and we need clear concise advice to our population and we need clear action by our executive reaches numbers we do know that locked doors reduce. i know it is difficult. we need to get the numbers about our health service and cope until hopefully we start to get the vaccination rolled out to our population with the situ. critical after more than 59000 confirmed cases and 1100 deaths northern ireland starts a new 6 week lockdown boxing day residents are being urged to only leave home for
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essential reasons deputy 1st minister michelle o'neill said there was little choice . and to be disappointing to many i think a lot of people also would have expected it and it's very clear that we needed an urgent intervention i think this is the right decision by the executive albeit i accept it will be challenging for many many people unfortunately last time seems to be the only true look we have to reduce numbers of people getting. hospital admissions and that's it's a very difficult decision for our part for our politicians to make they have to balance the rest of. increasing numbers going into hospital into a see you chance against them at all well being of the population and also the economic problems this has caused. i think a prolonged lockdown would have been beneficial here.
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tech giants are facing a wave of massive lawsuits right now with google the latest in the firing line the on line search behemoths been slapped with a 2nd anti monopoly case in 2 days this time now from scores of state attorney generals. and filing a lawsuit against google with 37 a tony generals to end its legal monopoly in series services it doesn't take a web search to understand that until it's corporate power shouldn't have disproportionate control over our data and information the lawsuit alleges that google showed favoritism in search results downgrading competing websites the company is also accused of not giving users and a choice but to use its products on devices google insists its actions benefit consumers book that said cases against the company amounting little quarter explains google staring down the battle of a lawsuit filed on wednesday by
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a federal court in texas it's backed by 10 states who are crying foul on the tech giants apparent anti-competitive practices google is a trillion dollar monopoly going so far as to induce senior facebook executives to agree to a contractual scheme that undermines the heart of competitive process google is essentially trading on insider information by acting as the pitcher catcher better and umpire all at the same time this is anti-market and illegal the plaintiffs are claiming google's formed a monopoly around the means of online advertisement and that it's unclear who it's with facebook which is manipulating the ad market in exchange for favors google says the connection is a lot of baloney but soccer has already taken flak for his company's buyer barry competition tactics facebook's got another lawsuit to deal with from the federal trade commission. facebook has maintained its monopoly position by buying up companies that present competitive threats and by imposing restrictive policies that unjustifiably him to actual will potential rivals that facebook does not
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school can also quiet and that's just the tip of the big tech lawsuit iceberg in october google had yet another legal battle on its hands once again accused of monopolistic practices today millions of americans rely on the internet and online platforms for their daily lives competition in this industry is vitally important which is why today's challenge against google for violating and to trust laws he's a monumental case both for the department of justice and for the american people across the atlantic europe's waging its own war on tech giant rule breakers the gatekeeper breaks the rules we can impose fines if it's done it several times repeats asli we can also impose structure remedies. that sort of things tech giants roots go deep into the every day lives of millions of people around the world it would be hard to imagine life without them but with legal battles becoming more
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commonplace than ever it might be important to remember that the bigger they are the harder they fall. as the saying goes is 29 past 11 whatever you do today i hope it's a good and profitable day for you stay well and healthy and check it out called maura if you want to do the breaking news straight to mobile devices kevin i was signing off by. small seems wrong. when all rolls just don't call. me lol but you get to shape out these days to come to educate and gain from it because betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart. choose to look for common ground. both keep me in the. if you look silly. little mom is good. but i will go i. finally managed. to.


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