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tv   News  RT  December 21, 2020 5:00am-5:30am EST

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except that we are british and we want regulation of those industries if we don't behave been altered just like. the developers of russia's sputnik vivax seen sun an official memorandum of cooperation with astra zeneca they hope that combining their 2 vaccines will improve their advocacy. a growing list of countries around the world are banning flights from the u.k. following the emergence of a new strain of corona virus meaning the brits abroad may struggle to get home for christmas that's already in doubt. they sent me a text saying a change been cancelled you have to get out of the country basically just to visit may not be alone for instance.
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joining forces against covert britain's astra zeneca. have just signed an agreement to cooperate in the fight against corona virus the 2 sides have been putting their heads together in the hope that combining their vaccines will prove even more effective a pandemic with clinical trials now getting underway we will hopefully bring you the very latest updates on that story a little later this hour. moving on braces cyber attacks on both to pull u.s. federal agencies of course quite a stir in the news for the past week the u.s. government still not definitively determined who was behind the attacks members of the incoming by administration about to go beyond mere sanctions when the culprit is identified. i think in terms of the measures that i buy an administration would take it's not just sanctions it's also steps and things we could do to degrade the
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capacity of foreign actors to repeat this sort of attack or worse still engage in even more dangerous attacks and we don't know fully what happened the extent of it and frankly we don't know fully for sure who did it but joe biden i know will have a robust response once we find out the perpetrator and the extent of it the more politicized from both major parties alongside us media have already rush to judgment on naming the perpetrator with more and this is on he's done of course it . more russian hacking hysteria leave it to the mainstream media to sneak it in under a month before trump's exit from the white house russia is behind a cyber attack massive cyber attack the breach believed to be the work of the russians russia's massive cyber attack yes the elusive russian hackers whose existence is still a mystery have once again made their entrance into america's political arena this was a very significant effort and i think it's my case that now we can say pretty clearly
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that it was the russians that he is the most activity the national cyber security agency has yet to lay the blame on anyone entity for breaching several private companies and key u.s. government departments including the treasury homeland security and even nuclear security coming from pompei although the anti russia hysteria is a bit of surprise because his boss seems to think it's just a diversion the cyber hack is far greater in the fake news media than in actuality i have been fully briefed and everything is well under control russia russia russia is the priority chance when anything happens because lynching media is for mostly financial reasons petrified of discussing the possibility that it may be china it may you think after the countless wasted hours since the election hacking accusations of 2016 trying to prove russian collusion with trump trying to find the russian hacker smoking gun the political establishment might want to try something new but actually this time even the republicans are just as much out for blood as
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the democrats where the president has a blind spot when it comes to russia and so you can expect that that's the response that he would have the cia the national security administration and others who looked at this well there's no question has come from russia all indications point to russia for the present united states either tries to deflect or is not willing to call out. the adversary as we make this after beautician he is not making our country safer for the president to be once again so this seat full so eerie. go over the presence of rivers see where he also suggested when the russians act erections and when he's 16 there might have been china so what exactly is it that keeps reviving this fear of russian hackers if there was something for people to be scared of surely there would be some evidence of it unless there's other motives that work here this isn't new right this is exactly what us foreign policy has been for decades which is unsubstantiated or just false claims about
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a foreign country to bed pave the way for some sort of international idiocy and all we're seeing over here is a dangerous echo of dead exact same behavior which is assigning blame without any kind of evidence without any kind of backing with no public scrutiny with no transparency of any kind to me it's been used as a distraction and then after the extensive extensive research on russia the every kind of legal and and technological scrutiny of russia during after the 2016 election you know there was something there we would have found it the fact that i'll bet an investigation a bad scope turned up basically nothing so just to me that we're looking at a scare tactic not not really a meaningful analysis of a situation. the list of countries closing their borders to the united kingdom is growing this is over fears of a new coronavirus strain u.k. prime minister boris johnson will chair in emergency response meeting on monday the
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new coronavirus variant is believed to be up to 70 percent more transmissible than current strengths let's go live to london which is a hot spot in the u.k. our correspondents shut it was dusty is that you know well it's not looking good for the you can't terms of travel people trying to get away or get home for christmas e.u. countries closing their doors it seems. well 2 days after boris johnson the prime minister announced his latest set of restrictions it's almost as though the united kingdom is plummeting into chaos of course that also comes with the news that there's a more transmissible version of $900.00 out there is also known as this super strand and so as a result countries that neighbor the united kingdom have not quite gone to the extent of shutting the borders down entirely they're doing all they can very extreme measures to try and contain this new strain of 1000 in the united kingdom and not to bring it to their shores now france's freezed transport links with the united kingdom for at least 48 hours now that includes these freight vehicles
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across the channel which is pretty much putting chaos into u.k. a business is that many lorries trying to cross the english channel they're all being backed up on that verge to dover now germany is not quite following suit but all travel is being banned and suspended until december 31st that's followed by many countries both within europe and outside europe including the netherlands belgium and italy and further afield canada colombia and saudi arabia with that list of countries growing by the minute what we're seeing though is that many people on the other side of the english channel are really struggling to get back to the united kingdom now in time for christmas. i live in paris and i always write for my family i'm heading back to france to see my family that i couldn't see for more than 4 months just to visit my family and. just like every right to view
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my train was meant to be evening. but they sent me a text like 2 o'clock this afternoon saying a train's been canceled you have to get out of the country now basically if you want to get well as i mentioned all of this comes as boris johnson has announced the latest set of restrictions in the united kingdom really just adding the cherry on top to what's already been a very tumultuous year indeed but particularly in these winter months especially with the run up to christmas if we look back to maybe the beginning of the pandemic we saw boris johnson saying that would see normality by christmas by 10 chilly he meant of christmas 2021 but there was a glimmer of hope there from the prime minister a few weeks ago when he promised brits that they could celebrate christmas with their loved ones at least for around 4 or 5 days around christmas however that festive joy was absolutely wrenched from many people within the united kingdom with boris johnson announcing that christmas ascension it was canceled at least for those in the southeast of the country by saying their slogan returns to stay at
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home and no indoor household mixing simply saying christmas is counsel for many people now this is all because of this new strain this new super strand of covert 19 which the health secretary has said is completely out of control you said recently that the virus was under control is it no it's not the new variant is out of control and we need to bring it under control. well boris johnson's announcement on saturday saw all the londoners was simply east grambling to try and get out of the capital are following that announcement trying to dodge having a lonely christmas and trying to get to other places within the united kingdom with looser sets of restrictions until one or 2 to try and celebrate with their family the whole idea with pretty much shutting down london at least was to try and contain this new super strand which is pretty much made many people across the
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north of the country quite angry with londoners fleeing from the capital calling them totally irresponsible now the government's handling of the pandemic throughout the entire spread of 1000 has long been under fire with many mixed messages with broken promises but this latest a u. turn has really seemed to be the hardest pill to swallow for those stuck in london . he. felt like. sending you. sending a president who called grinch who stole christmas. yet he would be like you probably are you might like remember this prime minister that's where you go with the basic you probably just plain. well despite this is verity of these measures some people online on twitter especially have managed to see the funny side.
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but how worried should we really be well it seems this mutated version of the corona virus is spreading rapidly across the united kingdom and even in the last few hours we've seen the 1st case come out of the united kingdom and has been detected in italy as well so while boris johnson may be seen as the grinch that stole christmas at least christmas this year effectively being counseled there is a glimmer of hope and that comes in the form of that vaccination hopefully a gift from santa will be that christmas is back on track at least next year yeah let's keep positive thinking many things that other correspondent shadier daschle
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in london. award winning journalist john pilger talks about the cove care home crisis in the u.k. in his latest interview an r.t.s. going underground you can check out the full version of this interview by heading over to r.t. dot com one thing stuck in my mind was the. us to report on early october 1st so that 18 and a half. elderly people were discharged from hospitals into care homes and they died. they died from cofa if that's not one of the great civil crimes of our time i don't know what to do if people remember nothing else they should not forget those people those 18000 people vulnerable people do not have access to their relatives many of them who died alone. and the way we. treated those people and i say we
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i say that advisedly i'm talking about actually the government or government that has to straw it. public health in this country over a number of years in 2016 there was a major drew for about a pound not only nothing was done it was covered up but it didn't publish the results of. u.s. regulators have approved a 2nd covert vaccine for emergency use raising hopes of an end to the pandemic the moderna job is being rolled out alongside the one from pfizer beyond tank which is also being given the green light in the u.k. but despite the parent breakthroughs manufacturers are facing a wall of public reluctance for example in the u.s. latest poll shows only 64 percent of the population are willing to take a covert vaccine it falls well short of the 70 percent scientists say is needed to
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gain immunity there's also high levels of skepticism in europe a survey in the science journal nature and only 54 percent of people would take the job in france in italy the figure is 65 percent while in the u.k. more than half of respondents said they were concerned about possible side effects earlier my colleague colleen bray discussed with i guess what might be behind the mistrust. for this particular vaccine there's a few reasons why people are skeptical one is that the safety procedures have been very much truncated for the strug and compromised they've skep the animal tests and the observation period for humans subjects is very very lore and it's also a very new tape of technology this am or any which has never really been used before the vaccine has not been rushed through and let me explain why in this case this was a global effort a global pandemic and if we came in
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a bottomless pit of money therefore it was able to do it in a short time not because we were cutting corners but because all the normal barriers the bureaucratic nonsense of funding not being able to find that the the people to do the experiments on except were all and abled and that's why we've got the vaccine in record time and so the other politicians making it worse i guess the politicians are partly to blame because if you look at the data that people are available to that's available online it seems completely our odds with what the politicians are saying is as necessary i mean you can't tell from the data from one region to another where is how the heavy law going where it's had are soft one where is how to my mask and mandy where is not the data doesn't seem to back up what we're being told is good for us what we as experts scientists need to do is
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take the front stage and talk about our how the vaccine works how it produces immunity what it does what it doesn't do and carry the people with us also these companies are not liable for damages so those who are of an antivirus persuasion can say or there is something spooky going on here you know usually if you buy a product and it damages. there and you're able to sue the company for damages and no drug is completely safe but at least this form some sort of counterbalance against companies skimping on safety you don't just immunize and forget you immunize put it in the g.p. records and national health service health records and you follow these group up and you follow it up a city or sleep over a long period of time to look out for unknown unexpected unusual signs and symptoms in time we will not how well the vaccines are performing and then we will be able
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to tell immunized therefore protected and protected for a long time or not. coming up after the break some of the u.s. military equipment given to afghan forces has gone a wall after an event true failure with the new ball on the story surely. no one else seemed wrong. but i will just don't. let me. get to shape out just to add to. it in detroit because the trail. went on to find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. up. the world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. dares
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thinks. to ask. ok bye let's get back to our breaking news story this hour britain's astra zeneca on russia's galilei said to have just signed an agreement to cooperate in the fight against corona virus the size of been putting their heads together in the hope that
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combining their vaccines will prove even more effective in combating the pandemic clinical trials now getting underway astra zeneca is chief executive officer. told us about his expectations for the collaboration have 2 main goals the 1st one is to allow care professionals doctors and nurses to use 11 vaccine all the while the well the 1st injection and the 2nd to make bialek simply out because otherwise they have to know which direction was used the 1st time so it's it's making the use of vaccines much is yeah and the 2nd goal is to hopefully get better if you just say when you combine 2 different vaccines you can hope to get it even better and i think a civic is recreate the better stimulation it means i don't think companies are competing against each other everybody is racing against the virus and everybody's . trying to get a vaccine 1st but actually we will need many many vaccines because there is no one
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single company called gunpoint to send of x. into the entire world and some of these vaccines have to be easy to use and they have to be shipped because the low regard income countries cannot afford the expensive accident we're on a period of the disease when the whole world what it's going to rid of it so we're on the safety for good it's safe around the world the way to actually address this is to manufacture 1st to work to have as many vaccines as possible and sic on that to manufacturing different regions of the world which is what we have got we have supply chains plants manufacturing plants in north america in new york in russia in china in japan in it in america in south asia so that we can supply many many different countries different factories around the world.
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8 rockets were fired at the u.s. embassy in baghdad on sunday attack in the iraqi capital the green zone triggered the embassies defensive systems compound received minor damage from one iraqi security guard was reportedly injured comes out of next month's anniversary 'd of the u.s. killing of a raid general solar money amid fears of reprisals by probably around groups in iraq. it was also an attack in the afghan capital where a car bomb killed 9 people on sunday 20 others were injured among them a member of parliament the terrorist attack comes as a new report by u.s. watchdog reveals that defense equipment handed over to the afghan government has been lost track of aunties to me to pantless of the possible implications. the pentagon has yet again lost track of its toys according to a new report by the special inspector general for afghanistan reconstruction the department of defense lost track of quote some of the most sensitive articles
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provided to the afghan military the last gear includes night vision devices surveillance systems and even controls for laser guided explosives the sensitive equipment was supposed to be inventoried by the us every year to ensure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands but apparently that's exactly what happened after the pentagon failed to keep count of this precious gear the command has never met its 100 percent inventory requirement and is unlikely to ever do so because the security situation in afghanistan prevents some inventories from taking place the report found that in 2019 and afghan forces filed over 3000 change of use requests for the transferred articles almost half a which were captured by enemy forces and the others destroyed damaged or simply lost however the pentagon doesn't seem to be too broken up about the whole ordeal nothing has actually changed in the way the u.s. keeps track of its foreign military aid despite constant promises to do better over the years the pentagon has lost track of thousands of weapons and billions of
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dollars of foreign military aid and once in awhile the lethal cargo ends up in the hands of the terrorists. perfectly. the pentagon even gets coronavirus relief funds and even those get misplaced one would think the scale of carelessness would inquire some serious reform but so far everything seems to stay the same. and the pentagon maintains its several $100000000000.00 annual budget to the frustration of many with little to no accountability it's hard to avoid the conclusion that the u.s. doesn't really care where its weapons and funds end up just as long as there's
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constant demand for them i think the problem has historically been once you get into. the far reaches of the country a lot a lot of the inventory just goes missing it's that it's not properly inventoried it passes from and and and eventually u.s. forces journal you lose track of where the human sense of the brickwork such as your night vision. u.k. home office is admitted it lost track of 37000 migrants over the past 30 years think looted the silencing people overstaying their visas and those who cross the border illegally the chairman of migration what she has called the situation a failure of the system this is a shocking failure it is ridiculous to intercept those crossing the channel illegally or after they emerged from the back of lorries only to turn them loose to
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disappear into the undergrowth of the shadow economy home office spokesperson a said it is likely many of them scanned is of left the country for those still in the u.k. there's a national tracing team dedicated to finding migrants who have dropped off the radar from a break that party in ukip member for scotland david coburn believes that the u.k. should take a thorough approach to migration. normal individuals are stopped at customs or stopped at immigration and their checks were pals and there were little terrorists or whatever but these people are right they're not checked and no one seems to want to chase them up but this is going on for years there's no desire in the part of the government to stop migration and this is the reason one of the major reasons that people voted to leave the european union so many people are just allowed to stay and the government she said it's just too much trouble it gives them bad publicity and they want to get the reelected so therefore they're not chasing it up
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it's expensive it was a lot of police manpower he must control migration for the sake of the health service and for the sake of our social security system the whole thing will collapse if we don't control migration they have to be firm about does he know you will not be allowed to stay in the country you will not be allowed to work and you should not people should not be employing people who do not have the right to stay in the united kingdom and that when you buy them that preceded company thanks for this morning here on r.t. don't forget we do have plenty more news stories we're covering for you check them out head to website auntie dot com. television some demonstrators right now the propaganda machine. is going to russia.
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illegal. i'm feeling it's all. the lawyers. they still would go. to the web. lengths
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to. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. time after town c. and welcome to going on the ground the team and i will be back with a brand new season starting on my birthday january 13th but until then we will be showing some of your favorite shows from this season. i'm joined now from tucson arizona by one of the most cited intellectuals on earth the father of modern linguistics american president no i'm trying to escape not thanks so much for coming back on the show so what is the global green new deal that's the new book
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climate crisis and the global green you deal and why is it to you the most important political plan and all of human history we're now facing a number of crises serious ones one crisis is the threat of climate environmental catastrophe we must move to net 0 emissions within a few decades. one goal of the green new deal is to provide the means to do that the other problem which is arising with great hurry right now is the collapse of the economy as a result of the endemic no it is you know this is a very different kind of crisis from the financial crisis just time there is no escape through just consumers or oring money in the.
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stock market that's not going to do it he said we have to create a new economy which offers good job or constructive for. developing that finds of interest structures social environmental structure physical structure that we need the kind of goods that we need to live a decent life and that's the other half of the grid new deal it is essential for not only for survival but for health issues you mention corona virus how does coronavirus alter your analysis given that corona virus threatens corporate profits interstate lee it does not yet.


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