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tv   News  RT  December 21, 2020 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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inequality. headline story. together in the hope. highly. of the head of the russian father. figures.
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growing list of countries. flights from the u.k. . people because. they've. been cancelled you have to get out of the country basically just to do that my family and. the u.s. attorney general say. broadcasting live from moscow to the world this is our to international my names you know neil pleasure to have your company this hour. britain's. center of signed an agreement to cooperate in the fight against corona virus joint
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clinical trials are set to start just. was in the. explaining the significance. a russian research institute and a british pharmaceutical giant astra zeneca they have decided to join their forces in making this new vaccine against the corona virus more effective they have signed an agreement a so-called a memorandum and they are said to begin joint clinical trials of very very shortly basically they will be trying to marry the 2 different formulas and to make the job as efficient as possible have a listen to how d.c. or astra zeneca put what was achieved today we have 2 main goals the 1st one is to allow. official notice to use 11 vaccine of the other for the for the 1st injection and the 2nd goal is to hopefully get better when you combine who the
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front backs in advancing companies are competing against each other everybody is racing against the virus we will need many 1000000 vaccines because there is no one saying go. or what you said of x. in a world it's about making the vaccine as reliable as possible because right now astra zeneca efficacies stands at around 70 percent it's a good number but again it could be much much better the producers of the russian vaccine sputnik we are placing its efficacy at around 90 to 95 percent and such international corporation has been promoted and pushed for by the russian president vladimir putin himself i am glad to congratulate you on this significance event signing the memorandum of cooperation i'm convinced that this commitment to partnership can serve as a compelling example of how science and technology combine to protect the lives and
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safety of millions of people what about when it comes that this new highly infectious corona virus strain that we're hearing about how can think can we be that the vaccines that we have well work against it the thing to understand about this. particular corona virus the type of this infection it's a so-called are an ape infection r.n.a. virus and of these viruses they mutate very rapidly so essentially there could be dozens of different variations of this 1000 virus but i should say this is something that any vaccine producer any scientist will keep in the equation because it doesn't make any sense to make a vaccine against only one particular strain of the virus because which is one strain of the virus now say 6 months from now on could mutate and develop some different traits so this is something that the producers of the vaccine again that something would keep in mind now when it comes to these 2 vaccines that we have at
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this point it hasn't exactly been smooth sailing for them how well absolutely astra zeneca is vaccine it has faced its own share of criticism has been centered around its average advocacy of 70 percent essentially the company behind the vaccine astra zeneca has been criticized for not being transparent when releasing information about how the test of this vaccine because essentially they said that well a full dose was less efficient than a half dose and it didn't make any sense because it has to be more effective than half the dose and then it turned out it proved to be less efficient among to be elderly people and that was something emitted in the initial press report by astra zeneca when it comes to sputnik it has also been criticized people have been pointing out and claiming that it didn't go through all the necessary phases of testing before going to the market but the scientists behind sputnik the they have
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addressed this criticism both astra zeneca and the russians they have put their cards on the table now basically independent people you know objective can objectively look and study both vaccines and put all the marketing all the politics aside and just genuinely make their job better. well earlier we spoke with the head of the russian direct investment fund which is barking in the development of this but the v. jirga karylle dimitrios spoke about the new virus strain of global perceptions of the russian likes him. 0 straight or pistol or concern is great is it in a very good measure of pride. and i think it's very important that emphasizes that we need to work together on all that and all of a chemical obvious brighton's common the law in no way and i think many buccal are complacent because the super bowl market in the us that gives us a good nature of the beverage will be or so on but of course with your many
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surprises you'll wage it was so strange is the use of products mouths and use it is that when it works you leave you sit back you deal with news of your nation and we actually have them all asked by mutational you for him you didn't the fact we knew could be epic b.c. in many ways it's more than 90 percent effort it's the 100 percent that we could simply prevent them from peace but i think all of those of axioms now we need to reflect on the trials thought of this damn good better and again we need to work together jointly as we use more on the on the spending results of that make it today so we expect some trials to start as early as this year and we expect 3 countries to participate in those clinical trials. in this country in the i mean the least and basically we expect them of the last several months because we want to make sure that there is lots of sort of details and all of the analysis of
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. a really appreciates so you program so it's all you can do to which is use in food you bring factors to deliver a spike or not virus and this is real it's of course we think you have seen it makes you niek and very different from us and fixings because all odds of it seems so far in phase 3 and so use the same factor as the same delivery mechanism of all shots and what is it means is a 2nd would be less effective because those immunity did it was a. as delivery mechanism you could see repeated so we have this unique feature now as if you had seen you over this last was a mix of we believe that it will lead to high advocacy all. the use. this approach we just saw as a human i'll 1st fault is causing quite a high level of protection so basically based on that age group it's protection between 70 percent and 85 percent which is still higher than for many other exceeds
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people who have been critical sometimes as a just critical because you don't know all of the facts and all information sometimes a critical and purposeful competitive prisons for geopolitical reasons but what you've seen as it's ever by step there is just less also goal arguments have by the critics so 1st of all this or like feeling i may be install it well it's clear it has and all because it's very different from others frankly believe it's better in many ways than others as it was great this is what about phase 3 and we've seen the are but few manufacturers also register to observe a scene on emergency use basis justice russia did before all of the face we had completed because from up there many files was a completion or face 3 use 20222023 zones and were questions about efficacy well we demonstrated advocacy more than 90 percent on 22746 people who participated in clinical trials
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and definitely saved it. invested so recognition of would need to be in many countries around 75 percent and 75 percent of the population knows about it would need to be and is consistent in mom 2 maybe 3 but it seems in each of those countries based on the service that we have george louise you've got another so very alex it is most of the world wants to be part of the action solution. and then government listen for the russian approach which is based on the political and science base of the real ready secured supply $5000000.00 people knows us all well next year which means $1000000000.00 this scene can be produced outside russia in india brazil china that baseball is a partnership. but definitely would like to increase supply we are in process all
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working was a model of the countries where we can produce you can be transferred. but those companies in russia would transparent and almost on real spiritual partnership the president would simply spoke a lot was upset that unlike in the us about our coach and this is more just words or game and its real approach to projects they got transferred the ball and we are going everything in partnership with local pharma producers governments on barmah companies and this is of the spirit of the russian approach because we go there are many differences make a difference on politics because every difference on which soccer team we prepare but we're all humans and when you to work together and we need to decide many differences we insist be a joint warrior one's a very or to challenge the pope based. russia has joined a growing list of countries bombing flights from the u.k.
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after the discovery of a new coronavirus strain there it's believed to be 70 percent more transmissible than earlier variants are too shabby edwards dusty reports now from london. well 2 days after boris johnson the prime minister announced his latest set of restrictions it's almost as though the united kingdom is plummeting into chaos countries that neighbor united kingdom have not quite gone to the extent of shutting the borders down entirely they're doing all they can very extreme measures to try and contain this new strand of covert 900 in the united kingdom and not to bring it to their shores now france's freezed transport links with the united kingdom for at least a 48 hours germany is not quite following suit but all travel is being banned and suspended until december 31st that's followed by many countries both within europe and outside europe including the netherlands belgium and italy and further afield canada colombia and rabiah with that list of countries growing by the minute for
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thousands of people both sides of the english channel are struggling to get back home in time for christmas i live in paris and i go with. my family to france to see my family couldn't see for more than 4 months just to visit my family and for. everybody to view my. evening. they've sent me a text at like 2 o'clock this afternoon saying your trains been cancelled you have to get out of the country now basic you if you want to go but there was a glimmer of hope there from the prime minister a few weeks ago when he promised brits that they could celebrate christmas with their loved ones at least for around 4 or 5 days around christmas however that festive draw was absolutely wrenched from many people within the united kingdom with boris johnson announcing that christmas a century was cancelled at least for those in the south east of the country by saying their slogan returns to stay at home and no indoor household mixing simply
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saying christmas is counsel for many people now this is all because of this new strain this new super strand of 19 which the health secretary. has said it's completely out of control you said recently that the virus was under control. no it's not the new variant is out of control and we need to bring it under control following boris johnson's announcement on saturday thousands of londoners were scrambling to get out of the capital to avoid having a lonely christmas this year because many parts of the country remain induce a set of are strict in the south but of course the whole idea of clamping down in the south was to try and restrain this latest strand of the coronavirus so many people in the north are calling london as they have fled from the capital incredibly selfish and totally irresponsible but for those stuck in the capital they would argue that the government's handling of this pandemic has long been
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something that needs to be called out on and criticised for mixed messages and indeed broken promises it's called. we think you will be like you probably in these 3 you might be like remember this the prime minister has got. to go with the basic you know you probably are just playing this week bookies well despite this is verity of these measures some people online on twitter especially have managed to see the funny side. while boris johnson may be seen as the grinch that stole christmas at least christmas this year effectively being cancelled there is
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a glimmer of hope and that comes in the form of that vaccination hopefully a gift from santa will be that christmas is back on track at least next year journalist broadcaster clarke thinks the british government has missed the latest crisis and calls the necessary fields. the fact of the matter is that this so-called new strait was known about in september we had scientists writing about it discussing it in september. and yet the health secretary only in the house is this just a few days before christmas why didn't he make announcement about this in september why didn't he get up in september now so it was predictable what was going to happen and it's also to link up with the other main story will ever get to where the british government is trying to terrify is the iraqi government the star about this terrible threat but of course the our closest trading partners are going to say wow you're sorry we're going to block flights going to stop people coming in
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from back if what you say true british government said it why should we have british people coming over to our countries and of course we got the chaos of the whole issue about the about the french blockade et cetera coming in so it really is a total disaster really and disaster is the responsibility of the british government the. u.s. attorney general has pointed the finger of russia you know for a major her government departments america's own intelligence agencies have so far stopped short of assigning blame but that didn't stop william bar from for own conclusions. from the information i have i agree with secretary powell's assessment it certainly appears to be the russians but i'm not going to discuss it beyond that not a shred of evidence has been made public and yet we're seeing how the attorney general of the united states seems to already be calling russia guilty until proven innocent while refusing to say anything more about the matter now in the court of law this wouldn't really work out but over the past several years we've seen how
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when it comes to russia all you need is a person of importance saying that things are pretty clear and this is no exception or we can say pretty clearly that it was the russians putting to use them effectively this is a bit surprising coming from pompei although because throughout trump's administration we've seen mostly democrats jumping on the anti russia bandwagon but this time it's been bipartisan finger pointing and dancing around the fact that nobody really knows for sure what happened we don't know fully what happened the extent of it and frankly we don't know fully for sure who did it and we also did hear from donald trump who caught a lot of flack from the mainstream media and politicians from both parties for daring to suggest that this could just be a bunch of baloney the cyber hack is far greater in the fake news media than in the actuality they have been fully briefed and everything is well under control russia russia russia is the priority chance when anything happens because lame she media is for mostly financial reasons petrified of discussing the possibility that it may
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be shina it may trump we have another baseless accusation which the chinese foreign ministry has even criticized as spreading false information but who knows who is going to listen to that because when russia makes similar statements like denying having anything to do with hacking major u.s. government servers it seems like it falls on deaf ears within america's political establishment we heard from political consultant blue rockwell he says cyber espionage opens a lota in the main cold print isn't. the u.s. government by the way is always spying on every other country it's seeking to hack every other country whether it's russia china germany everybody else and this of course again sort of perfectly fine well i've never seen addressed in u.s. media it's just not ever not ever mentioned so the u.s. is by and large a very bad actor internationally and russia doesn't make
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a big deal out of it either don't most other countries because they just know it happened and it's a terrible thing they all have to put up with it democrats hate russia and they like china republicans. don't like either one so i guess that's you know that's why russia i don't think i don't think china should be attacked either by the way i think both russia and china are other are both the powers that are constantly under attack by the u.s. by its propaganda by oh by all the various things it does to these countries the us is actually the key evil power in the world it's the evil empire ronald reagan used to call russia the evil empire the us is the evil empire of today no question and i just wish and hope the american people are going to wake up a little bit. you know the story we are following today u.s. lawmakers have struck a long awaited deal on a 900000000000 dollar coronavirus stimulus package it is the 2nd really fun since
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the start of the pandemic but congress is expected to formally approve it in the next number of hours artie's killam up and takes a look now at the finer details on indeed the reaction from both major parties. well the united states at this point has the distinction of being the country with the most coded cases of any country in the world and furthermore a we've got a situation where not only are people dying on a daily basis but people's jobs are in jeopardy unemployment numbers are rising however members of the u.s. congress are reassuring us that they have put together a relief package help is on the way this is what we're hearing moments ago in consultation with our committees the 4 leaders of the senate and. finalized in agreement it will be another major rescue package for the american people our purpose has always been to crush the virus put money in the package to the american people which we do in this legislation to the millions of small business owners who
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are worried their businesses would go on their help is on the way to families struggling with less money. direct payments mean help is on the way the stimulus package will inject $900000000000.00 into the u.s. economy and for average americans that translates to a check of $600.00 now keep in mind that 6 $100.00 will be lessened for people who make more than $75000.00 per year now there will also be a $300.00 boost to federal unemployment benefits now this might sound like a lot for some but many americans look at this and say this is completely underwhelming and are quite disappointed this is some of the reaction to this deal $600.00 is a slap in the face you know you should be proud of making people so desperate that they were used to saying thank you for a crumb 600 dollars 11000000000 dollars for border wall 15000000000 dollars for
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a space force we need a radical revolution of values for many americans it's going to be a quite gloomy holiday season jobless claims have shot up to roughly $23000.00 per week close to $8000000.00 americans have been driven into poverty and that's according to u.s. government statistics and it's also important to note that 27000000 adults in the united states in december were living in a household in which there was food insecurity and not enough food on the table we have one of the stories of this is one story of the family that has suffered during the pandemic from the economic fallout i actually was getting unemployment when the endemic hit so that endemic can't and i have not been able to get any late unemployment benefits i do get like an extension so that helps but then i wasn't able to get anything else i still haven't since july i've lost my car i'm about to
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lose my apartment's it's that hard no christmas for my kids i've been taking part time jobs i've had 3 jobs since everything happens that i keep losing because of cove it and to do. to the families that are suffering and the workers who have become unemployed there is also been a devastation of small businesses across the united states a number of small businesses have shut their doors. and small businesses owned by ethnic minorities in the united states have been particularly badly hit with a number of bankruptcies at this point we've got quite a bit of frustration from democrats and republicans about all the amount of time that it took to reach a stimulus agreement negotiations dragged on for months now some reports show that donald trump a wanted to intervene in the discussions and demand that every american get $2000.00 rather than 6 $100.00 however he was advised against taking this move and pushing for this policy and republicans wanted the ultimate stimulus to be less
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than a trillion dollars now there does not appear at this moment to be a clear end to the pandemic in sight there are optimistic hopes about the vaccine and at this moment many are questioning how things might change in january when joe biden comes into office biden is promising that he will turn things around regarding the pandemic in his 1st 100 days many people are looking at joe biden's words and saying let's wait and see a lot of frustration in the united states right now a lot of economic suffering and a lot of a lot of people that are very unsatisfied with this stimulus agreement it just almost lost her point economist edward hole who's a co-founder of the occupy wall street movement sees the pun demick as if businesses across america. there's such a huge realignment of the economy that it's not just because of the aid package expiring. the need for the economy today is becoming more
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visible in this present cycle for most businesses there's heavy duty struggle just to make ends meet and you know the difference is more so than others with 30. 5 percent of business is unable to pay rouse and similar. a lie oh boy i think it was researched us share. a 2nd or even the most important challenge for a small business this was hangar employees the need were there to be safety net for these kinds of small businesses. and for. others absolutely absolutely clear. alexi in the fall of the house claimed he spoke to the man who tried to kill him the russian opposition figure who was allegedly poisoned over the summer so easy trick to his would be assassin into revealing the details of the operation which he
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blames on the kremlin with more on the story is free if an option. earlier on monday alex in a violent place to the video that shows him talking over the phone with the alleged f.s.b. agent who in the filing claims he himself was involved in his poisoning back in august but that person did not know exactly who he was talking to as a violent claims he managed to trick him by posing as a senior official from russia's national security council maxine saying that his boss had been seeking an urgent report quotation about the alleged assassination plot in august and the alleged f.s.b. agent says that volley was poisoned was supposed to be killed but was poisoned with nabil chalk a nerve agent planted in his underwear and they discuss it in details and throughout the conversation they come back over and over again to these topics to remind you before today alex in a violent repeatedly said that his clothes had been taken away from him before even
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he left russia and shortly after he was transported to berlin we started hearing from the german authorities that he was poisoned with an overtrick nerve agent and later had german laborde theory sad that it found traces in a bottle of water from a nixon of on his hotel room this topic this subject was brought up during this conversation published earlier on monday with mr volley or seem asking the alleged f.s.b. agent about these bottles that person who was over the phone never confirmed that any bottle of water was involved another interesting moment in this conversation they alleged f.s.b. agent that volley claims to have been involved in his poison had been trailing the opposition figure for years was not able to expose mr and volley during these 49 minutes long conversation it was not even able to recognize his voice which is very surprising to be honest. the russian federal security service has described these
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investigation those fake pre provocation named describing agency employee. for up to the minute developments today quite literally your twitter page has you covered well worth some of your scrolling time today by for. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you that. way the show you know one tough son no not. ugly little political new no. more surreal to look they should know per. unit 731 was
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a unique organization in the history of the world what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had ever known. the real own you know. where the said israel should go. for good today not to. kill judgment on your son you look at the russia of putting. him on the model. you know modern. you know from oman of up on there i've got almost you know. i'm going to no no i've got the number 4 kind of wish to know about joy horn you know he did rim.


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