tv News RT December 21, 2020 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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50. or. so from. the little. russian and british boxing great has signed a deal to test their jobs together and i think their effect. trying to discover the u.k. . by the head of the russian far behind the sputnik feet seeks to dispel this. big deal to be. sure. to see a. growing list of countries to ban flights from the u.k. . leaving goods and people potentially stranded.
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they just sent me a text saying a change been cancelled you have to get out of the country now basic a few interested in my family for christmas. and the u.s. attorney general says russian only here is american institutions look at the latest claims. live from moscow this is our team. for joining us on the part. of britain. and russia. have signed an agreement to cooperate in the fight against coronavirus clinical trials are set to start just days from now. to explain the significance of the type. a russian research institute gunwale
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a british pharmaceutical giant astra zeneca they have decided to join their forces in making this new vaccine against the corona virus more effective they have signed an agreement a so-called a memorandum and they are said to begin joint clinical trials of very very shortly basically they will be trying to marry the 2 different formulas and to make the job as efficient as possible have a listen to how d.c. or astra zeneca put what was achieved today we have 2 main goals the 1st one is to allow. professional nodes to use 11 vaccine all the other for the for the 1st injection and the 2nd goal is to hopefully get better when you combine 2 different recs that in i don't think companies are competing against each other everybody is racing against the virus we will need many many vaccines because there is no one
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single. cent of x. in the world it's about making the vaccine as reliable as possible because right now astra zeneca efficacies stands at around 70 percent it's a good number but again it could be much much better the producers of the russian vaccine sputnik we are placing its efficacy at around 90 to 95 percent and such international corporation has been promoted and pushed for by the russian president vladimir putin himself i am glad to congratulate you on this significant event signing the memorandum of cooperation i'm convinced that this commitment to partnership can serve as a compelling example of how science and technology combine to protect the lives and safety of millions of people what about when it comes that this new highly infectious corona virus strain that we're hearing about how conflict can we be that the vaccines that we have will work against it the thing to understand about this.
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particular corona virus the type of this infection it's a so-called are in a infection r.n.a. virus and of these viruses they mutate very rapidly so essentially there could be dozens of different variations of this over 1000 virus but i should say this is something that any vaccine producer any scientist will keep in the equation because it doesn't make any sense to make a vaccine against only some one particular strain of the virus because which is one strain of the virus now say 6 months from now on it could mutate and develop some different traits so this is something that the producers of the vaccine again that something would keep in mind this mutation or asian. and mother produces what you call you or because we just want to gather and it's our national operation. i do believe. these issues are against the strain just as was the. other day
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show that you or your dispatchers america believes that it will lead to advocacy. if the u.s. . approach but again it still need to be tested and we will do so i mean several months now when it comes to these 2 vaccines that we have at this point it hasn't exactly been smooth sailing for them has it well absolutely astra zeneca is vaccine it has faced its own share of criticism it has been centered around its average efficacy of 70 percent essentially the company behind the vaccine astra zeneca has been criticized for not being transparent when releasing information about how they tested this vaccine because essentially they said that well a full dose was less efficient than a half dose and it didn't make any sense because it has to be more effective than half the dose and then it turned out it proved to be less efficient among a b.
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. elderly people and that was something emitted in the initial press report by astra zeneca when it comes to sputnik it has also been criticized people have been pointing out and claiming that it didn't go through all the necessary phases of testing before going to the market but the scientists behind sputnik the they have addressed this criticism over who'd been critical. as a just critical because you don't know all of the facts and all information sometimes are critical and purposeful competitive reasons for geopolitical reasons what you've seen as it's ever beis there is just less also goal arguments have by the critics so 1st of all this or we're seeing or maybe evidence all that well it's clear that small because it's very different from others that we believe it's better in many ways than others so there was criticism what about phase 3 and we've seen there are a few manufacturers also registered as it were seen on emergency use basis just as
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russia did before all of these 3 are completed zones and were questions about well we demonstrated advocacy more than 90 percent on 22700 or to 6 people who participate in clinical trials and the intimacy. of. both astra zeneca and the russians they have put their cards on the table and now basically independent people you know object who can objectively look and study both back scenes and put all the marketing all the politics aside and just genuinely make the job better. a principle hugs from the north for medical school in britain explain to us why mixing with the vaccines could dramatically boost their efficacy. one of the problems with the. no virus the vaccines like this book 5 of the oxford is that there's always a risk that you can develop immunity to the carrier rather than to the target which
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is what you're wanting for now if you actually makes these 2 that seem so maybe give one vaccine to start and then the other 134 weeks later then you. get over this problem that developed community to the carrier direst and i think there's quite a lot of evidence that actually does work like that but and people have shown this works in other areas so to me the can combine nation of the sputnik and the ox so that's because any back seat could well improve its efficacy a lot greater than the individual vaccines apart. russia has joined a growing list of countries buying flights from the u.k. after discovery of the new coronavirus strain there is believed to be up to 70 percent more transmissible than other variants shadi it was that the reports from other. well 2 days after boris johnson the prime minister announced his latest set
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of restrictions it's almost as though the united kingdom is plummeting into chaos countries that neighbor the united kingdom have not quite gone to the extent of shutting the borders down entirely they're doing all they can very extreme measures to try and contain this new strand of covert 900 in the united kingdom and not to bring it to their shores now france's freezed transport links with the united kingdom for at least a 48 hours germany is not quite following suit but all travel is being banned and suspended until december 31st that's followed by many countries both within europe and outside europe including the netherlands belgium and italy and further afield canada colombia and saudi arabia with that list of countries growing by the minute for thousands of people both sides of the english channel are struggling to get back home in time for christmas i live in paris and i go with friends with my family i'm heading back to france to see my family couldn't see for more than 4
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months just to be with my family and. just like everybody to be my. evening. but they sent me a text like 2 o'clock this afternoon saying your trains been canceled you have to get out of the country now basically if you want to go there was a glimmer of hope there from the prime minister a few weeks ago when he promised brits that they could celebrate christmas with their loved ones at least for around 4 or 5 days around christmas however that festive joy was absolutely wrenched from many people within the united kingdom with boris johnson announcing that christmas ascension it was canceled at least for those in the southeast of the country by saying their slogan returns to stay at home and no indoor household mixing simply saying christmas is counsel for many people now this is all because of this new strain this new super strand of 19 which the health secretary. has said it's completely out of control you said recently
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that the virus was under control is it no it's not the new variant is out of control and we need to bring it under control following boris johnson's announcement on saturday thousands of londoners were scrambling to get out of the capital to avoid having a lonely christmas this year because many parts of the country remain in loose a set of are strict in the south but of course the whole idea of clamping down in the south was to try and restrain this latest strand of the coronavirus so many people in the north are calling londoners to have fled from the capital incredibly selfish and totally irresponsible but for those stuck in the capital they would argue that the government's handling of this pandemic has long been something that needs to be called out on and criticised for mixed messages and indeed broken promises. we've got i think you would be like you
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probably you know maybe 3 you might be like remember this is prime minister that's where i think you go with the basic you know you probably just playing this with bookies well despite this is verity of these measures some people online on twitter especially have managed to see the funny side. while boris johnson may be seen as the grinch that stole christmas at least christmas this year effectively being cancelled there is a glimmer of hope and that comes in the form of that vaccination hopefully a gift from santa will be that christmas is back on track at least next year. journalist and broadcaster neil clark thinks the british government has mismanaged
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the latest crisis and caused unnecessary chaos the fact of the matter is that this so-called new strain was known about in september we had scientists writing about it discussing it in september and yet the health secretary only in and says this just a few days before christmas why didn't he make an announcement about this in september why didn't they get up in september notice big get up now so it's evidently predictable what was going to happen and it's also to link up with the other main story will ever get to where the british government is trying to terrify this into iraqi w m d star about this terrible strain but of course our closest trading partners are going to say wow you're sorry we're going to block flights going to stop people coming in from britain if what you say true british government said it why should we have british people coming over to our countries and of course we got the chaos of the whole issue about the about the french blockade et cetera coming in so it really is
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a total disaster really and disaster is the responsibility of the british government . u.s. president elect joe biden has received the 1st dose of a covert vaccine he did on live television to encourage others to get a job when it's more available as well as urging the public to wear masks and so should be distance during the holidays clearly more pain has more now on the incoming u.s. leaders boost a bid to boost confidence among skeptical americans. joe biden the president elect of the united states who is set to take the oath of office in january has gotten his 1st jab now it is a 2 part vaccine but he has gotten the 1st vaccination the 1st part of the vaccine now camila harris who is his running mate who will be the vice president interestingly will be holding off for the moment and that meant forces many people to recall some interesting remarks she made in the debate about being skeptical of donald trump and his vaccine it is true that that pfizer and madonna both had their
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vaccines approved as part of operation warp speed which was which was the trump administration's efforts to get a vaccine as soon as possible and to make sure a safe vaccine was available in order to end the pandemic right now health care workers are getting priority and this is what we heard from the health and human services secretary about the vaccination process this week we have allocated more doses of the pfizer vaccine proximately 2000000 more doses for states and other jurisdictions to order on top of that we've allocated 5900000 doses of the material vaccine i look forward to receiving this vaccine myself in the coming days as part of our efforts to demonstrate to americans that these vaccines are safe and incredibly effective at preventing covert 19 all eyes are on a small health clinic in alaska a small hospital in alaska where there have been several health care workers who received the vaccination and did have an allergic reaction now the 1st health care
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worker did have an apple laugh that reaction shortness of breath and an elevated heart rate the other experienced i puffing is lightheadedness in a scratchy throat and now according to reports so we do have another clinician who had difficulty breathing and experienced tongue swelling 10 minutes after taking the initial vaccine now the local medical chief. that these allergic reactions at this small hospital in alaska will not be disrupting the vaccination process around the country at this time we have no plans in changing our vaccine schedule are you seeing there regimen this is all kind of part of what we've been looking for and expecting and looking out for we are making sure that health care providers know about this much of the public does remain somewhat nervous about the vaccine hoping that it is absolutely safe and that there won't be a continued allergic reactions breaking out but many remain quite optimistic hoping that soon the pandemic and its economic fallout can be brought to an end. so it's
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come this hour the u.k. is accused of giving its spies call belongs to commit crime is a pool story and more still to come. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you. the world is driven by a dream shaped by. the
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day or thinks. we dare to ask. with time money will insure donald trump intervene and stop the persecution of julian assange also as this tumultuous year comes to an end we assessed the cost which working people in politics is only getting worse. much the program the us attorney general has pointed the finger at rush over a major data hack of government departments america's own intelligence agencies have so far stopped short of assigning blame that didn't stop the ball though from drawing conclusions. from the information i have i agree with secretary powell's
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assessment it certainly appears to be the russians but i'm not going to discuss it beyond that not a shred of evidence has been made public and yet we're seeing how the attorney general of the united states seems to already be calling russia guilty until proven innocent while refusing to say anything more about the matter now in the court of law this wouldn't really work out but over the past several years we've seen how when it comes to russia all you need is a person of importance saying that things are pretty clear and this is no exception or we can say pretty clearly that it was the russians that intuition is exhibit a this is a bit surprising coming from pompei although because throughout trump's administration we've seen mostly democrats jumping on the anti russia bandwagon but this time it's been bipartisan finger pointing and dancing around the fact that nobody really knows for sure what happened we don't know fully what happened the extent of it and frankly we don't know fully for sure who did it and we also did hear from donald
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trump who caught a lot of flack from the mainstream media and politicians from both parties for daring to suggest that this could just be a bunch of baloney the cyber hack is far greater in the fake news media than in actuality i have been fully briefed and everything is well under control russia russia russia is the priority chance when anything happens because lame she media is for mostly financial reasons petrified of discussing the possibility that it may be shina it may trump we have another baseless accusation which the chinese foreign ministry has even criticized as spreading false information but who knows who is going to listen to that because when russia makes similar statements like denying having anything to do with hacking major u.s. government servers it seems like it falls on deaf ears within america's political establishment if you as a political consultant says sauber us because happens all the time and the main culprits. the the u.s. government by the way is always spying on every other country it's seeking to hack
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every other country whether it's russia china germany everybody else and this of course a good sort of perfectly fine although i've never seen it addressed in u.s. media it's just not ever not ever mention so the us is by and large very bad actor internationally russia does make a big deal out of it either that or most other countries because they just know it happens and it's a terrible thing they all have to put up with it democrats hate russia and they like china republicans. don't like either one so i guess that's you know that's why russia i don't i don't think china should be attacked either by the way i think both russia and china are there are the the powers that are constantly under attack by the u.s. by its propaganda by a by all the various things it does to these countries the us is actually the the key evil power in the world it's the evil empire ronald reagan used to call russia
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the evil empire the us is the evil empire of today no question and i just wish and hope the american people are going to wake up a little bit. more british spies be given a real life license to kill on the u.k. law controversial legislation being considered in the house of lords would protect agents from prosecution to serious crimes committed abroad this comes as a new report reveals the extent to which had been acting with impunity gets ala takes a closer look. do you dream of a life of crime are you just not fussed about human rights does the idea of going rogue excites you yes well then i've got great news and my 6 is hiring oh and don't worry if one syrian you commit a few deeds they don't mind in fact even renew your contract secret intelligence services identify the risk that agents may be involved in serious criminality overseas or renewal 6 months up to the original submission. to number
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of indicators that the agent may have been involved in or have contemplated the serious criminality referenced above we concluded that on the basis of this new information as a red line said most likely been breached every year the i p c o releases a report on how well behaved the u.k. intelligence agencies and police forces have been in this area turns out not very not only does the report tell that story of a rogue agent apparently probably pretty likely breaking the law without punishment it turns out it wasn't a one off in fact it seems that my 6 continues to rely on section 7 of the 9904 intelligence services act now i might be nicknamed the james bond clause but it's far less shaken not stirred and much more a get out of jail free card if apart from this section a person would be liable in the united kingdom for any act done outside the british
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islands he shall not be so liable if the act is one which is authorized to be done by virtue of an authorization given by the secretary of state under this section so license to rape torture and kill a license. signed off by someone at the top most people would find this fairly worrying but apparently boris johnson's no one of them this report demonstrates the high quality of the oversight of our security and intelligence agencies use of the most intrusive. powers i'm satisfied there are arrangements are amongst the strongest and most effective in the world but then again birger how certainly he's not just ok with this shady world of undercover crime is he actually wants it to become neagle and for perpetrators to be immune from prosecution the pm is carney pushing the cause that human intelligence sources bill through parliament i did dizzying pace a bill that would literally make being above the law the law for
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a select few of course now london says that agents have to have this freedom to convince the people best spying on that they aren't goody 2 shoes informants but not everyone's convinced we have us in the c.h.l. is bill in the u.k. that legalizes government to commit any crimes against ordinary people since it's overreach in democratic states is. what could possibly go wrong with giving more leeway to secretary of state institutions who consider themselves accountable to nobody. the c.h.i.'s bill places no limits on the crimes that can be authorized as former director of public prosecutions ken macdonald q.c. observed it will be easier for police to commit a serious crime than to search a shed redlines transparency or in a what i said to be replaced by copy all snow accountability and by any means necessary wild of secrecy to become even more secret and the state to add it spooks
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to become both 2 months until hurry what could possibly go overall i would hope that this bill would fail. for the for the for the main reason that. you know we when you're served you know in whether it's in the military whether it's in diplomacy or in the intelligence services you'd like to believe that your server in a good cause a just cause and like i said sometimes you have to do things that are difficult to accomplish a difficult task. to solve a difficult problem. but you you know you're serving the greater good and the greater good is a standard a moral standard that says we don't tolerate murder we don't tolerate robbery we don't tolerate these these high crimes. next with a laser about a months in the case of julian a songs plus how this year has affected the average working person but even i can
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often i will the latest join us again that. no one else chose seemed wrong. why don't we all just don't call. me you'll all get to shape out these days become educated and in gain tremendous equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. today the industry prefers to spend millions of you know the. daily conditions will be sniffy all about making money making profits in some of the big corporations international markets import export do you imagine the number of
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currently diseases that are out in every community then it is no due to new viruses own new microbes that is not true so it is due to environment. not going to say you know that moment of disability or the sort of muscles of really vs accumulate could only come in to see even though to be sad. if the so food industry is successful it will create more jobs it will create more value added it will create more growth so i don't see why we shouldn't also fight for the interest something in history not accept that we have regulation we want regulation i was in just belief we don't behave zinnias penalty just fine.
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hello and welcome to cross talk you're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle with time running out will in should donald trump intervene and stop the persecution of julian assange also as this tumultuous year comes to an end we assess the cost to average working people inequality is only getting worse. to discuss these issues and more i'm joined by my guest judging brower and bristol she is deputy leader of the workers' party of britain as well as all that are of the drive to war against russia and china and in budapest we crossed to george w. well he is an author and a you tuber at the capitol or across up rules in effect that means you can jump any
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time you want and i always appreciate it ok let's go to bristol here give me give me and give our viewers the case for giving either a pardon or dismissal of charges against. because as we all know they do in the rumor mills swirling that trump is contemplating a pardon of joining us i should also add when it is known. and give the case to our viewers well of course in any kind of justice system no case would ever be able to assess place in my view it's not opposed we wanted it dismissal of the case there is no case to answer julian assange is guilty of facilitating the truth of publishing facts nobody has ever to spew to anything that you know so.
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