tv Watching the Hawks RT December 22, 2020 2:30am-3:01am EST
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with 19 yes front line workers including doctors nurses hospital workers and senior living facility aids all across the nation stood in line and took injections for all the world to see from kalamazoo to providence all the way down to san diego in tallahassee and while pfizer and their stockholders are now no doubt patting themselves on the back for their swift and remarkable leopard's to be the 1st in market to hit us streets with relatively few issues well you know minus the whole anna flack picked up the pen incident in london let's not forget that pfizer is not the only game in town this week the f.d.a. will be announcing their ruling on the dermis covert vaccination and it's now being reported that astra's a need. is to start clinical trials to test a combination of its experimental coronavirus vaccine with russia's sputnik 5 shot to see if this can boost the efficacy of the british drug makers vaccine but before
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we all jump up and down roll up our sleeves and cries stick it here doc let's remember that despite all these new code with 19 vaccinations flooding the marketplace things are not coming up wine and roses for everyone the people's vaccine alliance a coalition that includes oxfam and amnesty international has discovered that according to the latest numbers nearly 70 poor countries will only be able to vaccinate one in 10 people against the cove and 19 virus in just next by next year and that by contrast wealthier nations have brought have bought up enough doses to vaccinate their entire populations nearly 3 times over by the end of 2021 if those currently in clinical trials are all approved for use so we while we rightfully celebrate the achievements of code net and vaccination makers in germany russia the u.k. and the u.s. we must not let wealth greed and political tribalism. get in the way of ending this
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pandemic now let's start watching the hawks. if you want to know what's going on a city tricks you want to see that are so you'd like to see see the prizes the joys state i'll see a ruling drone strikes mass graves oxygen debt slaves systemic deception is going to leak so my question is i would still bring up the bill as. a welcome of watching the hawks i am tired rove and her and i don't need to cross our right as i mentioned at the top of the show russia's sputnik 5 vaccine is gaining acceptance outside of well the obvious circles with the united kingdom and russia sign just now teaming up in the hopes to create a more effective mix of their competing vaccines russian scientists working with british scientists to help save the world from coded oh my goodness can you believe russian scientists and british scientists giving together to save the world russia
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gators may be losing their minds artie's alex male a bitch of the story. as covert 19 infections reached new heights around the world scientists are putting their heads together to fight the pandemic british pharmaceutical giant astra zeneca announced a clinical trial program to assess the safety enum eugenist city of a combination of a z d 1222 developed by astra zeneca at oxford university and sputnik be developed by the russian gamma layer research institute in the unexpected move russian and british scientists are teaming up to see if protection against the corona virus can be improved by combining russia's sputnik v vaccine with the astra zeneca virus fighter developed at oxford university hopes are that a cocktail of the 2 might create a stronger and or longer lasting vaccine. for many up to now the idea of russians and brits working together to fight covert 19 may have seemed implausible in august
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the b.b.c. wrote russia's registration of sputnik has raised concerns about short cutting the normal process and just days ago the b.b.c. reported that sputnik v. has been rushed out to where we russians while backing the fast tracking of domestic vaccines the western media has worked hard to discredit the russian jab thanks to the competition is firstly being politicized and secondly dirty methods are being used to discredit our vaccine however sputnik is the 1st vaccine to have been produced it's secure good and in demand both the oxford and sputnik vaccines used harmless adenoviruses to fight covert 19 meanwhile russia's vaccine is growing in popularity as a solo contender about 50 countries have expressed interest in purchasing sputnik v argentina has already made a major investment. we will be able to count on enough doses to vaccinate $10000000.00 argentines between january and february and while russian citizens are
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getting vaccinated for free the world's 1st registered coronavirus vaccine is priced at a competitive 10 dollars per shot for international buyers as sputnik v. seems to be taking the world by storm other vaccines have also been given the thumbs up for distribution. among others china has rolled out a homegrown vaccine in back country and as far away as the middle east in the u.s. the f.d.a. voted to approve the pfizer bulent tech vaccine which was also given the green light in canada the u.k. but grain and saudi arabia the e.u. is also moving in that direction as it waits for the word from the european medical agency we aim to authorize the buy on text size of vaccine by the end of the subject to and most opinion and most opinion on the most down of vaccine should we come before meat general re and a ruling review of data classed as anika oxford and johnson and johnson vaccines is
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ongoing countries around the world are eager to stop the virus in its tracks and many are betting on back scenes to do the job for watching the hawks i'm alex my love it then joining us today to discuss the latest on all these competing vaccinations and the all too familiar rich vs poor pay to play health care dynamic that is infecting the rollout is not only the co-director of popular resistance but pediatrician as well margaret flowers margaret thank you so much for joining us i thank you for having me so margaret while we marvel and applaud at the speed and scientific achievement that we that was reached with the creation of these vaccinations i want to ask you how dangerous is it that now we're seeing politicians world leaders and the media kind of begin to play this game of politics around them of who gets them who doesn't who should have them 1st who should have them last how dangerous is that. well it's really dangerous i mean in the whole kogan 1000 pandemic has been politicized by the united states and the wealthy
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elites and that's to the detriment of people around the world you know we actually you know have probable cooperation as we've seen many countries doing helping each other out through this pandemic the united states is not one of those that has been doing that but if we had real global cooperation we would be looking at which populations around the world are the most vulnerable who should be prioritized in terms of getting the vaccine and how do we make sure that there aren't barriers to the vaccine as you know the one that's in the united states requires a very low temperatures to store it and that makes it not available to people around the world as well as people in rural areas around the united states. you kind of touched on this question with part of your previous response about access the people's vaccine alliance reported that only one in 10 people in 67 developing or poor countries will be vaccinated by the end of 2021 what do you think news like this tells us about the mentality behind the release of these vaccinations and who
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actually be able to receive them. well i mean it's typical of what we see especially you know in areas like this that are very profitable for these large corporations it's not about actually what's best for public health or what's best for the people it's you know what are the populations and you see of course as you said the wealthy countries buying up these vaccinations 1st we should be prioritizing country it's you know that have maybe health care systems that are less developed than other wealthy countries and making sure that people there are protected before we start just rolling it out to those who have the money and you know it should be professionals of course who on the front lines should be prioritized i feel ations that are vulnerable and have villages that don't have access to good health care. should one of the big debates regards to this vaccine because of the size of the. circle the globe should come should the come. he's behind these vaccines more during pfizer and others be forced to give up the
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intellectual property controls in order to help combat future again you know combat against future vaccine hoarding that we're seeing by wealthy nations as well as prevent limits on vaccine as well as the prevention prevention of limits on vaccine production should they give up their kind of their copyright over all these are made in the lao other countries to see how they're made and then create their own generic brand oh no question i think you know it really raises ethical questions that we allow the a pharmaceutical corporations to have you know for quiet make these things proprietary in the 1st place because health is something that impacts everyone around the world when it comes to infectious diseases they don't know borders as we say to the spread over 19 spread very quickly throughout the world and it was thanks to china being able to sequence the genome very quickly and share that out that allowed this kind of you know collective reach 3rd trying to address the problem that germany was a was a develop a test really quickly and fortunately the united states because it has
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a habit you know developing its own test that means it's grown for gratian and profit from it is best to the test of the world health organization and that delayed our ability. to identify cases and that was you know really put us behind the ball in terms of trying to get any sort of control on par with mice in the united states and so when it comes to health health was kind of 12 o'clock region it's really important and if we're allowed that we could really make some serious the ban says mansur's to protect our. market we just have a little bit of time left on ask you has there been any nation or group in europe that you can look to right now and say they've done the good job or they did the right job in terms of either you know rolling out the back seemed to make it available to all peoples where was there anyone you can point to the we should be modeling. well i think china has been an excellent model all the way through in the way they've handled the pandemic and i understand that they are making sure that
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there aren't you know any barriers and that they actually want to help countries in the global south and as you said russia is providing the vaccine 3 is the kinds of things that we need to be getting their number for countries that have handled this and well because they have a socialized healthcare system that puts ours on margaret thank you very much for coming on and educating our audience today a pleasure having you on. great to be with you. all right as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks as well as other shows on demand through the brand new portable t.v. out which is available on all of your favorite platforms do not forget to pick that up all right coming up it was protests protests everywhere here in washington d.c. as the followers of the great mago still refuse to accept their leaders last stay tuned to find out what happens next as we continue watching.
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the way that they are good no one said no no. no. they should. unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing sure and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had ever known. the real you know. it was the same. is your worship going to. go to. the. sun you look at the issue of putting.
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him on the mount. you know martha. the moment there are my thoughts on the muscle. i'm going to know i've got the number 4 kind of wish to know about the one you i know you did him. because i'm more or less there no. cheerios i had them up. by the bill can you. point us to both to go have a 000 want to. see my new on our. site. gets in and out of the year you know. that they give us that at the.
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welcome to max kaiser financial survival guide. looking forward to. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain delegates. watch tries to report . americans. this was a fundamental part of how our political leadership and our country at large understood the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right that's the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. to be really interesting to dial it back and think about the longer deeper history housings men in the united states not just that question of the american dream but the bigger question of who the dream is and for
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. one of the few lessons americans learned in history class that wasn't whitewashed was that of the september 15th 1963 bombing of the 16th street baptist church in birmingham alabama. the bombing where ku klux klan terrorist killed 4 young girls black churches have long been the chosen side of white supremacist here not only throughout the civil rights movement but as much as a century before sadly the trend didn't stop the 1990 s. brought a wave of firebombings to the black church as a matter of fact things got so bad that in 1906 congressional hearings were held to address arson and other attacks on the church and in 2015
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a white armed gunman murdered 9 black churchgoers in charleston south carolina. fast forward to 2020 a year that just keeps giving us unfortunate surprises as trump supporters continue to protest the results of a decided election the white supremacist wing of his base set their sights on attacking the black church white nationalist groups the cinema washington d.c. over the weekend tearing down black lives matter banners and signs from 2 historically black churches in downtown d.c. they defaced property and lit fires d.c. police are investigating the crimes as hate crimes. take a look at some of the footage we gathered on the ground. there you want. it was.
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that. according to the black lives matter organization the white nationalist groups targeted ashbury united methodist church the oldest african-american church to remain at its original site this church was founded in 836 they also attacked metropolitan. a series of videos of the attacks were posted by the proud boys on twitter pastor say this is reminiscent of cross burnings. you know that's of so interesting about that story of the wall a lot of it was so they heard about you know that there was these protests and they got violent you know the transporters go violent over the weekend in washington
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d.c. it felt like i was till you came in and told me this morning i never even knew that black churches were targeted during these protests why why is that why is it so hard for the media to cover that. it's actually a long and storied history where attacks on the black church are rarely covered by media unless there is a death and ball over the past 5 years we've seen hundreds particularly in the southeast where black churches were either lit on fire or black churches where defaced in some way classrooms broke out of them science taken down and things like that they rarely ever reach news in this case they think that part of it is because the tie in with b.l. in a lot of people saw it as payback for the black lives matter protest this past summer i do want to take a point to turn to a tweet from congresswoman rashid italy because i think that she wrapped it up very well she basically showcased how the difference between the response to these protests versus what we saw over the summer and in her tweet she said the 2 oldest
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black churches in d.c. were attacked last night where is the same outrage from media political and business folks who seem to be vocal when it comes to the b.l.m. protests and. that is a really important observation because i remember look when the b.l.m. protests were going on and things got burned even though it would relate or found out that it wasn't directly associated with bill and protesters but instigators coming in to start fires or at least get them into that party started part of the word party but you know it's interesting that there was always all over the media everyone's talking about and all that but then like here you've got an instance where you see the signs being burned you see black churches target and not a peep and in this case we know exactly who it was because they recorded themselves in place they had videos on twitter the pressure. in part though aside from the obvious disengagement in terms of calling foul on this is that the conservatives like to talk about the religious right they like to talk about these things coaxed in in religion in christianity meanwhile when there's an attack on the black church a church that is the embodiment of black culture and black society no one raises
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a thing or if there's a word and i think that that says more about that group in terms of the religious right not just the white supremacist than anything else well we've seen a lot of i would say the protesters on one side of the aisle was opposed to the protesters on the other side of the aisle being treated with much more cute clothes but when you saw those guys roll up in the michigan armed to the teeth and walking into a state house and the police just said ok cool you know but yet you see you know journalists and protesters getting beat would but i'm sure you olds and everything else across the country you saw the difference in how are grown how institutions handle you know these the difference of the 2 protesters you know you're absolutely correct and i think that we also have to recognize that this is a coordinated effort these churches were not you know willy nilly chose and there are several black churches throughout d.c. these 2 specific churches have a historical context one of them was the site of project douglass funeral the other is one that has been visited by former president barack obama visited by civil
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rights leaders across multiple generations these are places that mean a lot to the black community to pierce who is dean of the howard university school of bin of divinity called the incidents acts of both racial terror and religious violence and when people commit these types of crimes they do it to scare black people they do it to eradicate what we've seen what is become known from the black church an organization that not only fills you with the love of jesus and christianity but is also one that tells you about leadership that tells you about social activism so when we see people attack these churches they are attacking the core of what it means to be black in america. wow. happening today the electoral college certify the results of the 2020 alexion of firming president elect joe biden and vice president elect harris but with those massive violent protests taking place over the weekend. things are getting pretty sticky and even more is expected to take place today lawmakers in michigan were even
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forced to use a security escort as they made their way in to make their vote this morning joining us now to discuss all the latest developments here's our tease rachel blevins. always a pleasure over and over to thank you very astutely well rachel can you just give us a rundown of these rallies and why are people still showing up i mean this race is decided we know how it ended it ended weeks ago technically. use every recourse to try to change the results these rallies are still happening across the united states not just in d.c. why yes oh this latest rally here in d.c. was referred to as the 1000000 maggie march say about 3 times fast this is a segment on the we've seen here in d.c. and then even across the country we've seen these quote unquote stop the steel marches and they seem to be made up of thousands of trump supporters who sincerely do believe that he was the rightful winner of the election and severe taking to the streets to make their voices heard now
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a number of these protesters they have been largely peaceful you've seen people of all ages out there you know family members kids all of that taking part in it and it's a lot of times when those proud boys members and some of those outside groups get involved that then we see violence now if you're asking the question of why are these people still marching we also have to remember these are people who don't trust the media right now they don't trust the government right now there were a number of people here in d.c. that were marching not wearing masks at all and when they were asked by reporters if they were concerned about getting the coronavirus their responses were to say that they didn't believe that it was real that they didn't believe that it was serious and one guy even said he hopes he got it because he wanted to get it over with so there really is a dead. a graphic of people coming out of this that haven't trusted the government or the media in a while and they're now rebelling against it because they're finding one singular person to tie all of their hopes to which is president trump i want to move over to ask you both to look toral college it's had a lot a light shone on it in the last at least the last 2 presidential election cycles
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where everyone's talking about the electoral college electoral college. do you believe that this this kind of you know as and this is happening this year largely because donald trump is saying i'm not accepting the results i don't believe what do you believe that this highly to be electoral college no 2 straight elections will further drive calls that we should just abolish it and go with a popular vote for the presidency well you know it's interesting because back in 2016 we had democrats that were outraged because hillary clinton did win the popular vote and we know that in 2020 if donald trump had won the popular vote and not the electoral vote it would be republicans who have the same complaint and you know we hear these time and time again about the electoral college talking about how it really gives incentives to presidential candidates to only pander to certain states because they basically have to look at the map do some math and know which battleground states they need to really campaign for it also excludes 3rd parties a lot of times and it is this winner takes all system where presidential candidates know that they only have to go towards certain states and
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a lot of people feel disenfranchised because if you're a democrat living in a red state you may not be as willing to go and vote because you think that your vote doesn't matter because at the end of the day you know that that state is going to be read now in terms of 2020 and what's going to happen with the electoral college you have democrats who now won both of them so they're a little bit more ok with it in terms of where things are going but then republicans seem to have problems with not just the electoral college but the entire voting system i mean these republicans who are saying literally that there are issues with every in the way we vote in the way that votes are counted in the way that the entire system is handled then not so set up for i'm not sure exactly what they're going to push forward. because they seem to want an overhaul of the entire thing which is ironic considering they are consistently winning down ballot races and state races as well so it apparently is only fixed at the top of the ticket. rachel now we know that they electoral college certification is over and that biden has now won again for like the 5th time in the past few weeks do you think that this is going to slow down or will some of the protests or trump
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advocates and also could it silence some of the republican leaders who have spoken out in support of him or give some cover to those who actually want to tell him to sit down and accept these results and you know in terms of these protests i think we likely will see demonstrations at least up until inauguration day you know you have a lot of people that you do have people who think that trump is still going to find a way to overturn the results no matter how many times they're told that it's bite and they think that trump has a love and our winning solution here so he likely will still see some of these demonstrations in those demonstrations could come out again if by an administration does something that they don't like if the administration tries to push for more lockdowns more measures against the coronavirus you have people that are already frustrated with it so they could go towards that war and as for the g.o.p. members i mean they've got to protect their own party so we're likely to see or boys always go get more and more confusing words with thank you so much for coming on to let miss know the latest on these protests across emotion and that my friends
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is all we have for you today that is our show remember everyone in this world we are beverly not told we love them so let me be the 1st to tell you i love. them and i'm a nice surprise people are watching all those hawks out there and have a great. lead . time for. some demonstrators right now the propaganda machine. leg.
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leopard look. look. look. she should relate to those who did just that it just means that. you don't mind it . was all. along so they were probably not and they establish that the man. and we thought they had more than a past that is that. moment was going to be. the most fun to get an up close look i mean that i'm so i'm going to call the number. i'm almost around to another woman to turn obama don't
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know i'm going to go. look at what's going to be going along we don't have to get to my home land going to come up thinking i come up each time she comes home to go missing obviously you know the i mean people are really happy that my mind you're going to help me. develop as a verse a spokesman for the back seat of the institute's son an official memorandum of cooperation with astra zeneca they hope that combining the 2 boxes will improve that i think it's. just a talk with alexander ginsberg director of the gamble a to cheat about the exploding of a vaccine. the 5 bucks need to my 14 year old granddaughter so you violated your own instructions against vaccinating children that's outrageous you were raise or kill your entire family for the sake of a new vaccine i wasn't going to kill them but prove that.
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