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tv   News  RT  December 22, 2020 11:00am-11:31am EST

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everywhere i got in the $100.00 countries that are broadcasted and they have made millions we wait all rounder 1000 millionaires of decline but not so much in the us because the us is blinkered by its love of keynesian economics it's a lot of the said. dead. us president elect joe biden gets his 1st of the pfizer coated vaccine amid reports from alaska where at least 2 health care workers develop a large brash. we talked to alexander ginzburg the director of the institute behind but make me vaccine full confidence in the job. dr darks needs my 14 year old granddaughter so you violated your own instructions against vaccinating children that's outrageous you were ready to kill your entire family for the secret i wasn't going to kill them but prove that the vaccine is completely safe. and northern
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england sees an influx of londoners playing a regional lockdown we get reaction from people in manchester. with radio responsible by just talking everyone on the trains i'm really not sure that we should believe you would be a massive outbreak. good evening and welcome to the program this is our to international coming to you live from the russian capital bring you your live news update u.s. president like joe biden has received his 1st dose of pfizer's coated vaccine got the shot live on t.v. to encourage others to get the job when it's more widely available he also commended the trump administration's efforts and getting the shot produced so quickly. ministration desertion created your unit off the ground operation we're being it's one of the you're going to have a graphic scene showing the hospital is going to get rather silly from that evolve
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into a needle and on. at least 2 health care workers in alaska develop symptoms after they got the pfizer job with one being kept under hospital observation for 2 nights the cases come after the u.k. medical regulator issued a warning about giving the vaccine to anyone with a history of severe allergies regardless the vaccine will continue to be rolled out in alaska at this time we have no plans in changing our vaccine schedule our do seeing their regimen this is all kind of part of what we've been looking for and expecting and looking out for we are making sure the health care providers know about this earlier we spoke to malcolm kendrick a doctor and author who finds the latest developments concerning. we're going to expect reactions but there seems to be quite. so i think it's something that people should be quite worried about that we don't know who is most likely to have a problem are there some people who just definitely should not be fascinating research center so i think from a medical sort of understanding point you're being left with them well just give it
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a whirl and hope it doesn't cause a problem so we don't understand the rush but it is a concerning thing politicians will demonstrate or they think they're going to demonstrate. by taking it i think most of the public this is a publicity stunt and i think it might but far from them but i'm definitely not surprised. concerns have also been raised over the quantity of the vaccine leading to a number of u.s. states considering putting ethnic minorities 1st in line for the shot parties dmitri polk takes a closer look. finally the miracle everyone has been waiting for covert 900 vaccines have started making their way around the world but while some sighed with relief most will have to hold their breath for a bit longer distribution turns out to be a bit more complicated than expected who needs it 1st who gets it 1st these people even once it all these questions have started to bait especially in the us where americans have been split in surprise already groups based on their needs age and
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even race after health care workers and those living or working at long term health care facilities receive the 1st round of vaccines black hispanic and other minority residents will be prioritized over whites in the following to phases of distribution well that has raised a few eyebrows the c.d.c. points out that is because minorities are 3 times more likely to die from covert complications however some medical workers who are already getting the jobs aren't excited to be at the top of the list and feel they are part of an experiment nursing staff feels as though they don't want to be somebody science experiment or a guinea pig but nevertheless most americans are eager to get an ocular needed even if it means waiting in line i think it makes sense to give our most marginalized population back to me 1st and i'm getting it when it's my turn. turn deaf i think it should go to critical 1st and if i have the opportunity i will get so i'll get vaccinated for sure and i think it's a good place to start to balance it out i would think the older population should
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get it 1st though 1st the priority list has also caused widespread anger now to put frontline essential workers above those with high risk medical conditions heartless arrogant unelected c.d.c. bureaucrats have decided that the lives of elderly americans just don't count and while there are concerns over the rapid development of the vaccine those with cash to spare are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to jump the line we're getting a lot of calls. so they're birdies. and you order my. or are requesting the vaccine kind me kindly letting him know that you know we have an ethical duty to be able to vaccinate. the people that. need prior d. if you will and then afterwards i'm doing my best to get it for all the patients
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are a part of my. anybody else who needs it california governor gavin newsome has even warned the state's elites against using their influence to get a hold of a job ahead of those who desperately need it those who think they can get ahead of the line and those who think because they have results is all they have relationships that would allow them to do it we also will be monitoring that's very very closely although coming from him it rings a little hollow all those fancy dinners with healthcare officials after declaring a state wide shut down don't exactly inspire confidence in anything newsom says and the u.s. isn't the only country having a difficult time germany's vaccine distribution plans have also been met with scrutiny unlike the u.s. not all doctors there ended up at the top of the list medical staff in the private sector as well as ambulance workers were not given top priority despite being on the front lines against the not only treat a large number of high risk patients they're also on the front line when it comes to caring for corona infected people nevertheless they are still lower on the priority list for vaccinations that's
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a risk because these practices form an important protective wall for the already heavily burdened hospitals german police have also insisted they should be higher on the list due to cost of exposure and the president has stressed the importance of parliamentarians getting the job as soon as possible to make sure the state is capable of running meanwhile the israeli government is getting some unwelcome scrutiny as the country begins to roll at vaccine shots palestinians living in the occupied territories have gotten the short end of the stick today the numbers of covert 1000 cases which is spreading like wildfire in gaza's refugee camps are telling of the catastrophic situation here we call on the international community to immediately end the siege of gaza allow medical supplies in and allocate vaccines for the gaza strip where many face imminent death. while the arrival of these vaccines does raise hopes for an end to the pandemic there is still a very long way to go from
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a giant astra zeneca and russia's galileo institute have launched clinical trials of a joint coronavirus vaccine is combines elements of jobs developed individually by the 2 sides are on cross spoke with alexander ginsberg the director of the institute about how their vaccine differs from the others. we developed a vaccine from the start of receiving funding to registration really quite quickly in 5 months the main reason is that for 25 years or more we have been developing at the gum alay institute a technological platform on which this vaccine preparation can be made we already had a wealth of experience not only the technology of how to do it but before that we had even worked out possible concentrations we knew all the dosages needed to obtain an optimal immune response with minimal side effects. the safety of the vaccine has been fully proven on a very similar vaccine the not identical against not only ebola viruses but also
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the mers coronavirus so when we were working against covered 19 we were able to use around 70 percent of an existing element one of the indicators by which the effectiveness of a vaccine is most easily measured is the presence of and to bodies in the blood if we proceed from that's experimental data in a similar vaccine against a bowler this protective immunity lasted for 2 years we simply didn't have a long observation period because. some of your opponents accuse you of not publishing reports on the 2nd and 3rd phases so about the 1st and 2nd phases we published not just anywhere but in the one sits and is no secret that in 3 or 4 days time a major english language article on the results of the 3rd phase will be ready for the pfizer vaccine needs to be transported at minus 70 degrees and yours at minus $23.00 rate minus 18 for now some months down the line i hope that we'll be able to amend the registration certificates that this vaccine can be stored not at minus 18
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but the household refrigerator temperature of plus 2. the side effects don't force you out of action there may be a rash headache muscle discomfort and i think the most noticeable effect may be your temperature going up to 38 degrees for 2 days did you take the vaccine yourself yes on march 30th along with all my employees and you're still alive not just alive but pretty active i vaccinated my 14 year old granddaughter so you violated your own instructions against vaccinating children that's outrageous you were ready to kill your entire family for the sake of a new vaccine i wasn't going to kill them but prove that the vaccine is completely safe. what is the difference between the oxford vaccine that is astra zeneca and the gamma lane city of vaccine there are a lot of differences but they're not significant oxford and us to seneca went from my point of view along the classic path of working against airborne pathogens our
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colleagues applied all the rules for creating influenza vaccines to the creation of a vaccine against covered 19 and it seems to me that the epidemiological features of this disease this pathogen were not quite accurately calculated the people at pfizer also understand this and have made great efforts to modify the r.n.a. so that it would not be recognized as far as i understand by protective proteins but i'm not sure where the my colleagues most to solve all the problems on a large scale in. the u.k. health secretary has called thousands of londoners irresponsible after they opted for last minute trips outside the capital to avoid a strict lockdown some residents in the places they're fleeing to are not happy either we spoke to people in manchester. i think it is a little bit concerning the amount of people who are excess in the cover up to the north a lot of people lost confidence and the advice they've been given and they gave
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everyone a tell is no. doubt what they're going to do for christmas so i can really understand how you can justify a journey but you've got to think really about the implications it does have on those people who have businesses obviously people want to get to the families of the loved ones but i'm really not sure that we should be leaving london where there's obviously a massive outbreak and going into the regions and potentially taking the virus with them i think the people of london very inconsiderate about it me leaving the city of london they don't realize that it's going to spread very you know the whole of the country. that comes after a highly infectious mutation of code was detected in southern england and the british government's chief scientific adviser believes the new variant has already spread to other parts of the country the new variant is spread around the country it's localized in some places but we know it's got there are cases everywhere so it's not a so we can stop this getting into other places there's some there were already the
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message has been very clear and i think i want to reinforce it is state local. and london long lines formed outside supermarkets over concerns of food shortages in the run up to christmas there has been fueled by a combination of factors including a potential no deal stricter lockdown regulations and border closures because of the new coronavirus variant we spoke to former british m.p. george galloway he says it's suspicious that the u.k. is reacting to the new strain of the virus only now when in fact it was identified months ago. i should tell you that sir patrick vallance says that this new mutant corona virus was identified last september and it's a couple of days people or christmas their government council of the whole thing is inherently suspicious if i tell you only a few months ago the british government was paying people to go ringback out and die in restaurants ito to help out they say that we're spending billions of
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taxpayers' money actually big house the bill in the restaurant for someone like me who go forward to pay for their own don't know we've gone from doc to look for days before christmas cancelling the whole thing it's been there shambles strong start to finish and the very expensive shambles no i said the government was talking up this dirt in order to divert attention from which cataclysmic phil you know. us has imposed restrictions on exports to dozens of russian and chinese companies accused of having military ties from now on american companies will have to apply for special licenses to sell them goods or technology . the department recognizes the importance of leveraging its partnerships with u.s. and global companies to combat efforts by china and russia to divert u.s.
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technology for their destabilizing military programs including by highlighting red flag indicators such as those related to communist chinese military companies identified by the department of defense u.s. apartment of commerce has put $301.00 entities on the list in total $58.00 from china and $45.00 from russia they include arms manufacturers and research institutes and the russian state firm that builds the size rockets russia's space agency has sent a letter to nasa expressing fears for the future of the international space station the restrictions imposed by the u.s. on russian enterprises jeopardize the future of the international space station program could you please inform us how nasa will react to this development so as to avoid any risks to the i assess program the russian and chinese governments have condemned the u.s. move saying it's likely to damage relations. this is yet another aggressive step
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against russia we can only regret that another outgoing us administration has decided to deal a blow to already very poor russian use bilateral relations each blow delays normalization and significantly hinders the process of breaking this deadlock that is some of the true mantle to our bilateral relations you don't. for some time the united states under the pretext of national security has been using state power to constantly abuse export control measures for the purpose of tracking down foreign companies this is a serious breach of free trade rules serious threat to the security of global industrial and supply chains because of serious harm to the well being interests of the people of all countries including residents of the united states. and i'm joined live by benjamin chow dean for asia programs at the paris business now what do you think is behind this. then we should interpret anything
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coming out now and before biden takes office as technical measures transmix for his benefit or that the benefits of the republicans don't necessary what biden or dean democrats will continue to china's does we acting in a constrained with chinese and foreign minister saying that the united states should choose by a lot in consultation with china instead of pursuing that septa ball you're allowed to add sanctions against chinese companies by over stretching the notion of national security opportunity suppression after all we have all seen what the us has done to its global competitors 1st we see unfair treatment to french else wrong japan's to sheeba and now we see china's why wait and cetera i think wherever we are right we do yes we did next to be suppressed so do you think things will improve under biden is it possible that this will be walked back in some way. well wolf the republicans and the democrats have a consensus to contain china and biden is not particularly strong in the party as
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yet so not much will change in direction but there are certainly be areas of collaboration exposure and where to us do us is needing help such as a pandemic and other issues such as global warming warming etc however deemed indication of such policy has already been thrown into question in some sense. say the commerce department of the us have actually grown to licenses to continue to sell semiconductor products to highway even up to probably has been put on to the entity let's in a sense the entity list could also be a means to consolidate power internally in the states to decide who could approve what to sell to china this is quite an extensive list there are some major chinese companies on it including the country's largest microchip manufacturer could this cause damage to the broader economy. either it's a huge grow to
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a company such as highway in the past 2 years however while we actually recorded growth. overall because it has a huge search in cells. in inside china although we have at least a 30 percent decline in global selves as we mentioned earlier us cosmos is also saying that this will in some ways in danger the space cut cooperation internationally why would that be in america's interest. well the critics have been citing india outer space treaty in 96 in 7 and a moon treaty of 97 that the us has been violating key principles of international which restrict states often see in other space you see not has been hoping other nation to a supreme civil such as the a team. through their co-operative ventures we've the us to so that they could be norms into international even if the legal instruments and china and russia are not
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bound to abide by such accolades for their own space operations yet both 'd china and russia know that they of course are responsible for ensuring do peaceful and sustainable use of outer space even with the acolytes. also recently signed legislation to remove chinese companies from u.s. stock exchanges unless they adhere to certain u.s. standards how much of a concern is that. i thing well trump is just trying to bargain for a better deal when he gets his daughters he could threaten to make very risky moves to damage relations between the u.s. and china so badly that he makes biden's work very very hard to prove see when biden takes office in return for stopping the risky moves he could ask for more favorable treatment including criminal charges he's about to face even speaking with benjamin chowed dean for asia programs at the paris school business thank you . first of the united states space forest have
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finally been given a name one year after the elite branch of the armed forces was created and you think that after so long the u.s. top brass would be able to come up with something truly original but some can't help but think that they took inspiration from hollywood. soldiers sailors airmen marines and guardians. be defending our nation thanks. deb. i will be back what i just said.
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dozens of employees i think guitar based news network al-jazeera have had their i phones hacked according to cyber security researchers in canada a team looking into the breach believes it happened on the orders of saudi arabia and the united arab emirates using israeli made spyware. in july and august 2020 government operatives used n.s.a. groups pegasus spyware to hack 76 personal phones belonging to journalists produces
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anchors and executives at al-jazeera the journalists were hacked by 4 pegasus operators including one operator monarchy that we attribute to saudi arabia and one operator sneaky kestrel that we attribute to the united arab emirates let's take a look at the israeli software firm believed to be involved and also group is known for other cyber scandals or worldwide including the targeting of journalists in morocco and politicians in spain and those cases exported a vulnerability in what's up and the messenger service has since the firm but and also group says its technology is meant to be used by governments to track down terrorists and criminals and the latest al-jazeera case all the targeted devices turn out to be i phones which haven't updated to the newest operating system other such i phones remain vulnerable to the discovered malicious code apple of course prides itself on security but technology expert roger kay says it was only a matter of time before its phones were breached. apple only had
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a reputation for being on hackable it wasn't ever really a hackable in the past. most of the focus of hacking went to microsoft platforms because that's where all the money was but some point in the last you know 10 even 20 years that's come out of the wilderness and become a colossus and in fact powers a lot of very interesting platforms there's also tools that have been hacked i think twice now from the u.s. you know say are were pretty good tools get out into the wilderness are usable by. by others and can be modified by them so. socially hacking it's become kind of an industry. pressure has expanded the list of e.u. officials banned from entering the country it's a mere response to a new sanctions against russian nationals or the alleged poisoning of opposition
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figurehead acts in iran or are to go reports. the russian diplomats have called the punitive measures taken by europe against individuals that the e.u. is blaming for links to the alexina volley case unlawful and unacceptable besides this moscow is stressing that the european nations behind these sanctions have not shown anything to back it up both to russia and to other e.u. partners and so moscow has come up with the following measures in response on the basis of versa prosody the russian side has decided to expand the list to representatives of member states that are prohibited from entering the territory of the russian federation it includes those kind volved in escalating sanction rhetoric against russia within the on tuesday the ambassadors of sweden germany and france to moscow have been asked to pay
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a visit to the russian foreign ministry to be informed on russia's response to that unfriendly act by european nations that's how russia put said that is not in line with the international law according to the russian side mainly because of the e.u. nations reluctance to cooperate and to respond to the multiple requests by moscow to get the materials and details on the devolving incident and all the medical and chemical research that has been undertaken during and following his treatment and the german sherry take clinic earlier the german foreign minister high called ma said that the sanctions were appropriate because russia failed to make any steps towards clarifying what happened with the opposition activists and like i said in response russia keeps blaming europe for complete unwillingness to cooperate with moscow on the matter a few months ago a passenger plane traveling from siberia to moscow had to urgently land because of
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the critical condition of a like scene of ali who was on board 1st the opposition activists was. treated and then moved to berlin where only the german doctor said that he was poisoned with a nerve agent of the novel group moscow keep sending work quest to berlin demanding proof but isn't getting anything in response and one of the latest twists to the story like saying of ali and the number of western media outlets published a report in which they blamed a group of russian secret agents for poisoning the kremlin critic that's something the russian federal security service called a provocation and firmly denied journalist thomas fassbender thinks there's a risk of a worsening confrontation between russia and the e.u. over the number on the cakes nobody is lighting a fire between the west and russia and this gives. it provides both sides with an instrument both sides want to escalate to the emphasis is not on cooperation or
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solution the emphasis on is on getting the opposition and in a conflict europe things that mr marandi is credible you are the european no authorities believe that they have identified the nerve gas. nerve gas poisoning in his body and that it was that minister on the russia they they believe that the possession of the evidence is enough and not the presentation to moscow as moscow requires russia now has an easy position to find these outside of russia to blame him and we we can see clearly see this even as a madman a complete traitor would do everything by work with anybody to damage russia i see this more and more coming as the coming strategy from moscow which will be met by a strategy 180 degrees the opposite from the west where now finally is treated as an absolutely credible political actor. or wrap up of the day's top news for
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now but we're not you know neal will be here with your live news update at the top the hour.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. clearly dramatic. i don't see how that strategy will be successful. or this is a 3 part i told you so i think anybody watching the show will know exactly what i'm talking about right of course kaiser report is the.


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