tv News RT December 22, 2020 8:00pm-8:31pm EST
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russia. he says he has full confidence in the. vaccinated my 14 year old granddaughter so you violated your own instructions against vaccinating children. you were ready to kill your entire family for the sake of a new vaccine i wasn't going to kill them but prove that the vaccine is completely safe. reaction to that from people across. the radio. shack you know everyone on the trains i'm really not sure we should believe. that outbreak. live from moscow thanks for joining us tonight. we've. always thought so this out
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breaking news donald trump is called on congress to make changes to the much for the over $900000000000.00 covert relief bill he called it a disgrace for not putting the american people's interests stand for including many non pandemic related provisions the president wants individual payments increased from $600.00 to $2000.00 congress found plenty of money for far john trees lobbyists and special ijaz while sending the bare minimum to the american people who need it it wasn't their fault i am asking congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculous lilo $600.00 to $2000.00 or $4000.00 for a couple conservatives had earlier urged president trump to veto the bill because as well as the $600.00 checks to help struggling americans there are also elements which have nothing to do the pandemic including horseracing rules and even a section on the dalai lama's succession to true power expend taking
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a closer look at what exactly cash is being able for hollow louis the warring sides in congress have finally set aside some of their differences and agreed to dish out 9 $100000000000.00 in covert 19 relief for families and businesses but the $600.00 stimulus checks which are half of what people got back in april have left many underwhelmed one time team in $600.00. this is a joke and jobless no health insurance this isn't going to cut it congress. some senators even took offense that people questioning their life saving bill always she will help. it's a trillion dollars for god's sakes what is that $1000000.00 and. there is no money fairy we don't have this money we don't have 5 percent of it sandra we had to borrow it is real help will it be enough i think it will be but
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we're just going to have to wait and see but the covert relief package didn't come alone the absence of the money fairy didn't stop congress from slapping on a $1.00 trillion dollar spending bill which combined with the covert bill made the overall document over 5 and a half 1000 pages long the behemoth took so long to upload to the internet the congressman only received it on the day of the vote and it's kind of hard to believe they managed to read the whole thing before passing it congress is expected to vote on the 2nd largest bill in u.s. history to buy 5 trillion dollars and as of about 1 pm members don't even have a legislative text of it yet for congressional leaders refused to put any legislation on the floor to be considered and scrutinized and amended now they release a $5593.00 page bill with no opportunity to read it let alone amend it no responsible legislators should vote for such a thing. if you take a closer look at the bill you can see there's
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a lot more than covert relief in there military spending for example was more of a talking point than the pandemic and words like missile aircrafts and munition appeared far more times than anything related to health care masks weren't even mentioned once in the documents foreign aid also proved to be a high priority billions of dollars are said to be poured into countries like ukraine israel and cambodia funds that could have been spent on domestic needs and then there's a whole bunch of other issues that were deemed very crucial like ensuring the integrity and fairness of the election sorry horse racing how could that sports survive without money from the government also investing in general programs is something the u.s. just can't do without be had programs in pakistan or commissions on determining gender equality in statues and even the dialogue reincarnation gets mentioned in the bill because in case you forgot he can't get reincarnated without u.s. taxpayer dollars this jumbled mess of spending proposals caused even some senators
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to trash the bill. tonight i voted no against the suppose it could relieve bill because it sells out billions of dollars to foreign governments the sudan gypsum military and not more important than american citizens and while trump is expected to sign the document later this week many are already calling on him to veto the bill don't trump you must veto of this farce relieve bill this isn't a stimulus package this is a message for and. every american left and right should be calling for a veto on the stimulus deal which provides more funding to foreign governments and turmeric an arts centers than to their merican people covert relief might be badly needed but while 600 bucks why do some good for americans in a tough spot senators are obviously willing to put a lot more money behind their own agendas little less than commentator a lot else says efforts would go better on spending on ending lockdowns instead of
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paying up to fix the consequences. if you look where the expenditures went look we know what this is this is nothing but a con it's a ruse it's a chance to to provide special interest in special issues the money that normally wouldn't be able to be earmarked this is guaranteed to provide monies that would normally not be able to be available but now they are which is a christmas tree in the idea that you take something you slap on benefits and expenditures and bills but america needs something so we hold the american public hostage in the meantime they get a pittance of what they would normally gotten before but maybe rather than giving all this money for covert relief why don't we just remove the lockdowns want to we remove the dish shackles because businesses are under these most draconian measures why don't you do that instead as just give money here's your 600 bucks maybe 1200
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bucks now leave me alone be happy and shut up. u.s. president elect joe biden is vowing to respond to the recent sabra tack on u.s. government agencies which he's strongly suggesting was carried out by russia and was you to lax leadership by donald trump initial indications including from secretary pump a our secretary of state attorney general william barr suggest that russia russia is responsible for this breach this assault happened on donald trump's watch when he wasn't watching. it still has a responsibility as president there to defend american interests for the next 4 weeks. rest assured that even if he does not take it seriously i will joe biden used his speech for the holidays to americans as president elect to blame donald trump for much of what is wrong in the country and not
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surprisingly once again russia seems to be the scapegoat as the united states transitions from one presidential administration to another now joe biden essentially argued that russia was responsible for an alleged hack in which a number of federal agencies in the united states as well as u.s. companies had their data compromised and he said that donald trump had been responsible for weakening u.s. cyber security and that he would reverse those policies and he also promised there would be a response to russia's activity we don't sit here and say we're going to strike you with a nuclear weapon. so let us to term with the extent of the damage use and i promise you nobody responds now joe biden seems to be taking some speculations as fact no proof has ever been presented that russia is responsible for this and we've already heard from prime one spokesman dmitri pascoe who said that russia was not involved and that the country is not involved in any such
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attacks generally now furthermore it's interesting to note donald trump said that it could be china who was responsible for the attack and that blame always seems to be the priority in response to instances like this the cyber attack is far greater in the fake news media than in actuality they have been fully briefed and everything is well under control russia russia russia is the priority chance when anything happens because lame she media is for mostly financial reasons petrified of discussing the possibility that it may be shina it may earlier biden's pick for secretary of energy said that biden's team really has no idea who is behind the attack we don't know fully. what happened the extent of it and frankly we don't know fully for sure who did it but it seems these other voices are not being heard as members of both the democratic and republican camps in the united states are rushing to blame russia once again as the united states faces a transition of power from one administration in the white house to another fears
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of russia are being asked a late it leading us libertarian pause empire you know was benedict believes in these through readjust his votes for it. to me that sounds like he's still in campaign mode he needs to be in presidential mode i can imagine donald trump is hard to work with but we need an adult in the room and we need for president elect biden to prepare to lead our country and to work towards peace with other nations not trying to score more political points at the expense of poor foreign relations a lot of us here in america and russia we grew up thinking nuclear war was inevitable we thought not only would it happen but both sides would lose and probably the whole world would suffer and many people would die we should be thanking god every day that there never was a nuclear war worldwide and instead of trying to rekindle the cold war and
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create animosity between sides we should be trying to work together so i don't know for sure what president elect biden has in mind he could be stuck in the cold war mentality and needs to be pulled out of that that's what i hope some of his newer advisors will do if he has any such. as and i could on russia's game on our institute have launched clinical trials of a joint strain of virus faxing a being to combine adamancy of the job of up to division by the 2 sides auntie's and on cross offs he spoke with an exam against the director of the gamma institute about how the vaccine if as from others. we developed a vaccine from the start of receiving funding to registration really quite quickly in 5 months the main reason is that for 25 years or more we have been developing at the gum alay institute a technological platform on which this vaccine preparation can be made we already
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had a wealth of experience not only the technology of how to do it but before that we had even worked out possible concentrations we knew all the dosages needed to obtain an optimal immune response with minimal side effects. the safety of the vaccine has been fully proven on a very similar vaccine the not identical against not only ebola viruses but also the mers coronavirus so when we were working against covered 19 we were able to use around 70 percent of an existing element one of the indicators by which the effectiveness of a vaccine is most easily measured is the presence of untied bodies in the blood if we proceed from that's experimental data in a similar vaccine against the bowl or this protective immunity lasted for 2 years we simply didn't have a longer observation period with. some of your opponents accuse you of not publishing reports on the 2nd and 3rd phases so about the 1st and 2nd phases we
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published not just anywhere but in the one sits and is no secret that's in 3 or 4 days' time a major english language article on the results of the 3rd phase will be ready the pfizer vaccine needs to be transported at minus 70 degrees and yours at minus $23.00 rate. minus 18 for now some months down the line i hope that we'll be able to amend the registration certificates that this vaccine can be stored not at minus 18 but to the household refrigerator temperature of plus 2. the side effects don't force you out of action there may be a rash headache muscle discomfort and i think the most noticeable effect may be your temperature going up to 38 degrees for 2 days did you take the vaccine yourself yes on march 30th along with all my employees and you're still alive not just alive but pretty active i vaccinated my 14 year old granddaughter so you
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violated your own instructions against vaccinating children that's outrageous you were ready to kill your entire family for the sake of a new vaccine i wasn't going to kill them but prove that the vaccine is completely safe. what is the difference between the oxford vaccine that is astra zeneca and the gamma lanes to do vaccine there are a lot of differences but they're not significant oxford and us to seneca went from my point of view along the classic path of working against airborne pathogens our colleagues applied all the rules for creating influenza vaccines to the creation of a vaccine against covered 19 and it seems to me that the epidemiological features of this disease this pathogen were not quite accurately calculated the people at pfizer also understand this and have made great efforts to modify the r.n.a. so that it would not be recognized as far as i understand by protective proteins but i'm not sure where the my colleagues most to solve all the problems on a large scale u.k. health secretary's call thousands of londoners irresponsible after they opted for
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last minute trips outside the capital to avoid a strict looked out some residents in the places they've really happy either we spoke to people in manchester. i think it is a little bit concerning the amount of people who are excess in the middle to the north i think a lot of people have lost confidence in their the advice they've been given and they gave everyone a chalice notes is. what they were going to do for christmas so i can really understand how you can justify a journey but you've got to think really about the implications it does have on those people who have business it obviously people want to get to their families and their loved ones but i'm really not sure that we should be leaving london where there's obviously a massive outbreak and going into the regions and potentially taking the virus with them i think people are very inconsiderate about. leaving the city of london and they don't realize that it's going to spread very well the whole of the country.
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this comes after a highly infectious mutation of covert was detected in southern england and the british government's chief scientific adviser says it's also been detected elsewhere the new variant is spread around the country it's localised in some places but we know there are cases everywhere so it's not as though we can stop this getting into other places there's some there already the message has been very clear and i think i want to reinforce it is state local you know want a lot of long queues have formed outside supermarkets over concerns of food shortages in the run up to christmas fear has been fuelled by a combination of factors including a potential no deal bricks it strictly locked on regulations and border closures because of the new coronavirus train we spoke to former british m.p. george galloway he says its peculiar the u.k. is reacting to the new strain of the virus only now when in fact it was discovered months ago. i should tell you that sir patrick vallance says that this new
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mutant corona virus was identified last september and it's a couple of days before christmas the government council the whole thing is inherently suspicious if i tell you that all they are a few months ago the british government was paying people to go out and restaurant ito to help out they say that we're spending billions of taxpayers' money actually pay the bill in the restaurant for someone like me who go for to pay for their own don't know we've gone from that to look for this before christmas cancelling the whole thing it's been there shambles from start to finish and the very expensive shambles no i said the government was talking up this new drugs in order to divert attention from it's all cataclysmic fillion. thanks for staying
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with us here on r t on the way journalists at the al-jazeera news network have had their smartphones compromised by suspected israeli spy where we look at those claims and he might be behind the hack after the break. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being let. go of. what is true. is faith.
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. orem even the shallowness. a lot of questions what does it mean to be conservative is coming from the conservative and he change with means to be conservative the issue in mind. for conservatives to believe. welcome back dozens of journalists at the qatar based news network al-jazeera have had their smartphones hucks that's according to so i was security researchers in canada that seem looking into the breach believes that happen on the orders of saudi arabia and the united arab emirates using israeli spy well in july and
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august 2020 government operatives used n.s.o. groups pegasus spyware to hack 36 personal phones belonging to journalists producers anchors and executives at al-jazeera the journalists were hacked by 4 pegasus operators including one operator monarchy that we attribute to saudi arabia and one operator sneaky kestrel that we attribute to the united arab emirates. let's take a closer look at the israeli software believed to be involved and as so group is lower for other side with scandals worldwide including targeting journalists in morocco and politicians in spain and those cases have exploited of our ability in whatsapp leading to the messenger service. and also group though says it's technology is used by governments to track down terrorists and criminals and when the al-jazeera has all the targeted devices turned out to be i phones which haven't been updated to the newest operating system the hackers could listen in through the built in law take pictures with
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a camera or access locations and passwords we spoke with former british intelligence officer philip ingram he says he's very far behind the malware has a track record of helping saudis bite the n.s.o. group they've been selling the software for quite some time and in fact in 2019 there was some accusations that their software have been used in the tracking of jamal khashoggi and they then withdrew their support from the saudi arabian government their only supposed the son of the government's response to some of the organizations that have got a moral and ethical code they have been accused of not doing that across the globe and that's what's brought them to attention of a number of the civil rights organizations i think this is a software specifically targets of devices and if you remember a couple of years ago there was a big legal debate about whether the f.b.i. could get access to. a terrorist apple device in the states and it went through the courts were refusing to give them the codes to get into it and
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then all of a sudden the caucus disappeared because a company most to get into it was one of these really companies start by former israeli intelligence officers and any device transmitting anything along even if you believe that you're using a secure and the bottom line is someone somewhere can listen into. the u.s. has imposed restrictions on exports the scores of russian and chinese companies accused of having military ties from now on american companies will have to apply for special licenses the sell the firm's goods or technology the department recognizes the importance of leveraging its partnerships with u.s. and global companies to combat efforts by china and russia to divert u.s. technology for their destabilizing military programs including by highlighting red flag indicators such as those related to communist chinese military companies identified by the department of defense the us department of commerce has put 103 entities on the list 58 from china with 45 from russia they include arms
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manufacturers research institutes and the russian state firm that builds so use rocket russia space agency has sent a letter to nasser expressing fears for the future of the international space station the restrictions imposed by the u.s. on russian enterprises jeopardize the future of the international space station program could you please inform us how nasa will react to this development so as to avoid any risks to the i assess program or the russian and chinese governments have condemned the u.s. move saying it's likely to further damage relations. this is yet another aggressive step against russia we can only regret that another outgoing us administration has decided to deal a blow to already very poor russian used bilateral relations each blome delays normalization and significantly hinders the process of breaking this deadlock that is some of the 3 mantle to our bilateral relations going to some time the united
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states on the pretext of national security has been using state power to constantly abuse export control measures for the purpose of tracking down foreign companies this is a serious breach of free trade rules serious threat to the security of global industrial and supply chains and the cause of serious harm to the well being and interests of the people of all countries including residents of the united states i think we should interpret anything coming out now and before biden takes office as technical measures transmix for his benefit or the benefit of the republicans don't necessary what biden or dane democrats will continue to china's does we acting in a constrained manner with chinese and foreign minister saying that the united states should choose by a lot in consultation with china instead of pushing septa ball sanctions against chinese companies by over stretching the notion of national security opportunity suppression after all we have all seen what the us has done to its global competitors 1st we see unfair treatment to french else wrong japan's to sheeba and
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now we see china's highway t.g.i. and its cetera i think whoever we are rife with the yes we did next to be suppressed or let's take a look at some headlines from around the world now in brief. a noisy rally in barcelona where people are angry about the latest. effect of bars and restaurants as some demonstrators took to a more cheeky approach to express their discontent. you know. what you hear they're singing from locals in hawaii that's as a volcano erupted right in front of them and they had been warned to stay at home and there's been a series of minor earthquakes in the region many clearly couldn't resist the fantastic love the spectacle. cross-talk next to the latest developments in a case of julian a science plus just how 2020 is affected the average working person across the
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world and then back in 30 minutes with latest headlines join us again that. oh really forward to talking to you will. that technology should work for people. must obey the orders given by human beings except where such conflict with the 1st law should your identification we should be very careful about official intelligence at the point obesity rates in a trance. like theories chimes in with artificial intelligence will summon the demon. must protect its own existence which.
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we started talking about big point in dollars then back in 2011 we've been pushing it telling people about a 10 dollars 100 dollars 1000 dollars 10000 dollars it's still a buy at these new all time high prices and the new york times the washington post a.b.c. c.n.n. were all pushing their. conspiracy theories and dissuading quotes from watching our show as a result many people around the world mexico latin america asia everywhere got in from 100 countries that are broadcasted and they have made millions we wait all rounder 1000 millionaires a big point but not so much in the us because the us is blinkered by its love of keynesian economics it's a lot with. dead. hello
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and welcome the ground stop where all things are considered i'm peter labelle a lot of questions what does it mean to be a conservative today is donald trump a conservative and did he change what it means to be a conservative what about the issue of clowns and finally what does it take for conservatives to win. these issues and more i'm joined by my guest and a caucus in greenville she is a newsmax insider as well as contributor to the washington examiner and in toronto
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we have arthur who wrote he is editor at large and being libertarian dot com all right crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in in time you want and i always appreciate it ok let's go to hunting in greenville in my introduction to ask the question what does it mean to be a conservative today in your mind what does it mean to be a conservative and let's keep in mind the true presidency and the reason general election go ahead well in my mind it means to be conservative what has always meant that we are working to conserve the classical liberal values our country was founded upon but i think there's a role fracture with an conservatism these days i think trump has increased that fracture i think it was a system before he actually came into office but it has become deeper and more visible and i think that there are a lot of conservatives who want to move that movement into the action that he was mostly focusing on which has a lot more nationalism involved and isn't always as attached to our classical liberal values as i would like to see the movement attached to it so i think it'll be interesting to see where conservatism.
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