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tv   Boom Bust  RT  December 23, 2020 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

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and with congress finally passing a strong bias relief package could we see a wrench thrown into the talks by the executive branch later i'm going to analyze the latest comments from president trump on this deal in fact today let's go right and. we leave the program with the latest in the copen $1000.00 vaccination drive the u.s. has ordered an additional $100000000.00 doses of pfizer in bio and texas vaccine pfizer said wednesday now according to a statement released by the drug maker the 2 firms will now supply a total of $200000000.00 doses to the united states the full allotment is expected to be delivered by the end of july 2021 of the agreement also for the us government the option to purchase an additional $400000000.00 doses now health and human services secretary alex released a statement touting the deal saying securing more doses from pfizer biotech for
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delivery in the 2nd quarter of 2021 further expands our supply of doses across the operation warp speed support folio now this new federal purchase can give americans even more confidence that we will have enough supply that vaccinate every american who wants it by june 2021 of the trump administration had previously secured 200000000 doses of dirt as covert back seen with expect an expected delivery of the full amount by the end of june of next year the news comes as high profile government officials have already received doses of the back soon scene including president elect joe biden and current vice president mike pence both of whom received the pfizer in bio and tech back scene as well as the nation's top infectious disease specialist dr anthony fauci who took them a during a drop to discuss the state of the vaccine rollout let's go ahead and bring in dr william schaffner a vaccine specialist with vanderbilt university their medical center dr schaffner always a pleasure to have. on the program i want to start with this latest news about the
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u.s. securing more doses of the pfizer vaccine now adding into the allotment for a modern as well it looks like we're going to have hundreds of millions of doses delivered by next summer and as you just heard alex's aides are he says why everybody who wants to be vaccinated by then will basically be able to do so so once these are produced and delivered what's the timeframe for getting shots administered to the majority of the population. well we'll have to see it that that will we at the moment we're starting to fractionation health care workers and people in long term care facilities certainly in my medical center the health care workers a lining up we've done a lot of communication questions and answering in different population groups here along our employees and so they're really convinced to get the vaccine would like that to carry over to the general population also you know the vaccine just good but it's vaccination that prevents disease and so we have to move the vaccine from
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the file into the arms and we hope this vaccine is widely accepted as people become eligible for it down the road. doctors after every time we have you on the show we do mention those concerns over vaccine skeptics but a new usa today poll taken wednesday taken wednesday to sunday actually shows 46 percent of americans would take the vaccine at soon as possible up from 26 percent in october now is this a promising trend as you were just mentioning as we're seeing these high profile officials actually receive doses of the vaccines. sure looks good to me and of course there's more information that's coming out about exactly how effective spectacular and how safe very safe this vaccine is and as more people get that information they're going to be more willing to get the vaccine and of course if they see us in white coats and blue screw ups getting the vaccine they're
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going to say who those medical people they know stuff of that this vaccine they're getting it maybe i should too so i hope that spreads out there and when the vaccine is widely available in communities people wind up getting it and dr schaffner want to go back to this rollout because we often talk about the 1st people who receive it the 1st responders the essential workers elderly populations those who are at risk of course but when we get past that so say the majority of that those populations they're all vaccinated by state early next year and that's just me throwing out a date but how are we going to go about getting vaccine for the general population is it going to be a as we've talked about before a pharmacy situation or is it going to be going to have to make an appointment your local doctor is going to be large scale in your community is going to say is stadium what it what are you seeing there how are we looking at at the actual wide scale roll out once we get to general population. so we have 2 ways of doing it one
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is the pfizer vaccine which is a deep cold storage vaccine is continuing to be administered through large medical institutions that can handle that deep freeze capacity some return of that scene we can send that out to local health departments local community hospitals and let the public know when it's their turn after we in health care and the long term care facilities the c.d.c.'s advisory committee says everyone 875 and older should get vaccinated and then a whole list of essential workers police fire folks who work in schools et cetera et cetera will be notified that they are next in line and so will get the word out and people can get the vaccine in locations in their own communities including in rural areas eventually we do hope that most pharmacies and doctors' offices have it
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also and dr schaffner we're hearing a lot about this new strain of code that has really hit the united kingdom one of the be done to ensure that these approved vaccines that we're already seeing are effective against a new variant and how far could this possibly set us back. i don't think it will set us back very much brant the current estimates it's early the current estimates are that this fact our current vaccines are going to be working against this new very transmissible strain further laboratory assessments are under way as you and i have speaking right now and we'll find out more in the next 2 weeks but even if the vaccine is a little less effective let's say it's 85 instead of 95 percent effective that is still excellent and we can rule out the vaccine in a continuing way if anything happens along the way that we have a new strain that manufacturers say in 6 weeks they can have
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a new vaccine to keep keep up but at the moment the vaccine looks good and now before we go on a broader note i how concerned are we about another surge in cases of the virus as we enter this holiday weekend. holiday is a wonderfully warm time to think about things and i would love to do that but have of my brain is very worried there is so much anticipated family gathering and travel that's going to happen. i'm sure we're going to have yet another search that is going to stress the medical care system very very severely we keep asking people where you masks social distancing have a very quiet christmas this year so we can have a traditional christmas next year and sadly you have to hope for those doldrums of january and february where there's not a lot going on so people will maybe relax and we can stop the spread of this virus
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move into vaccination dr william schaffner a vaccine specialist here with the vanderbilt university medical center thank you so much for lending your expertise. the to be with you. and as we talk about new strains of coping out in u.k. health secretary matt hancock on wednesday spoke about a more contagious variant of the virus in the nation which is linked to south africa and as part of our surveillance and thanks to the impressive genomic capability of the south africans we've detected 2 cases of another new variant of corona virus here in the u.k. both cases both of contacts of cases who have traveled from south africa over the past few weeks this new variant is highly concerning because it is yet more transmissible and it appears to have mutated further than the new variant has been discovered in the u.k. . so with this in mind let's take another look at the trends and spread of the
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virus globally with our 2 correspondents. where things once they're sober and 1st i want to mention that the pandemic has now reached every continent on earth now and tartikoff which was the last untouched continent at least 85 people that went to the continent on a navy ship from chile they tested positive for the virus which brings the number of infected people worldwide over 78000000 while more than 1700000 have died the u.s. of course leads the number of cases and that's which brings me to the daily reported for tuesday which was over 200000 new cases up 4 percent from last week now deaths there are 18 percent compared to last week with over 3200 reported in one single day you know just a month ago if you look at november deaths on average were at 845 and now the 7 day average is over 2600 deaths and brenda hospitalizations have also
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reached a new high of 118000 including a record 22000 people right now in i.c.u. and this surge is especially bad for states like california that have been hit very hard you know california right now has almost 2000000 cases while they also reported one of the biggest one day hospitalization jumps for a total approaching 18000 now some new models are even predicting the hospitalizations could top one $100000.00 in california in a month if those current rates continue so think about of the state right now is in a frenzy with $18000.00 hospitalizations so imagine that going up to $100000.00 now similar warnings go for states like tennessee which right now has the country's worst new infection a surge plus a miss. and west virginia we've both just reported record highs for deaths in
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a single day and brant with nearly 85000000 americans expected to travel over the holiday period lawmakers are imposing the toughest restrictions yet on to businesses and individuals in hopes of preventing a further a surge which brings me to vaccines so right now we're 2 vaccines are approved right now everybody wants to know when are you going to be actually get the vaccine and that answer really depends on each person's health would they do for a living and where they live and this is what everybody needs to know right now so who is the 1st 1st and light so health care workers and residents of long term facilities are 1st in line right now now about followed by adults age 75 and older frontline essential workers now there seems to be some confusion as to who is deemed a from line workers or frontline workers or anyone working in sector is essential
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to the functioning of a society so besides for 1st responders of course that includes the work in education like teacher is then there is child care food and agriculture manufacturing corrections and the u.s. postal saw service then of horrors there is the public transit and grocery stores now there's roughly $30000000.00 people in this category the next phase is going to be adults between the ages of 65 and 75 and those between 16 and 64 with high risk medical conditions now lawmakers say that's going to take on to late spring to finish vaccinating high risk population if all goes according to plan so far nothing has gone according to plan so that means at least not until mid-summer would be a realistic time line for the general public to begin vaccinations brant our chief
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correspondent sites armed with thanks for keeping us up to date. in the u.s. justice department sued wal-mart on tuesday due to the retail giants alleged role in the opioid crisis now the soup claims the company helped advance the crisis by understaffing pharmacies and pushing employees to fill prescriptions quickly making it difficult to reject the questionable prescriptions which enable drug abuse throughout the country tuesday afternoon wal-mart respond to the accusations saying the lawsuit quote invents a legal theory that unlawfully forces pharmacists to become between patients and their doctors and is riddled with factual inaccuracies and cherry picked documents taken out of context they added that blaming pharmacists for not 2nd guessing the very doctors the drug enforcement administration approved to prescribe opioids is a transparent attempt to shift blame from the d.e.a.'s well documented failures in keeping bad doctors from prescribing opioids in the 1st place now wal-mart had
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filed a preemptive lawsuit of its own in october as they had expected action from the government last month pretty pharma the manufacturer of oxycontin pleaded guilty to their role in the crisis. and time now for a quick break but here because when we return congress has passed a covert relief bill and president trumps court but it's hitting some turbulence just on the other side we're going to bring you the latest and as we go to break here the numbers of close. to demonstrators right now. show is russia.
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these go well. into the way.
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a lot of questions what does it mean to be a conservative is going to be conservative in the change which means to be conservative. in mind. for conservative. americans love. this was a fundamental part of how our political leadership and our country a large understood the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. the really interesting back and think about
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the longer deeper history. housings men in the united states not just that question of the american dream but the bigger question of who the dream is for. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see that. you're welcome back they were high hopes wednesday that progress had been made on bricks that talks british officials said a deal as early as wednesday evening was possible a source familiar with the talks told the financial times the 2 sides had made progress on setting arrangements for how future negotiations on fishing rights will
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be linked to market access for good fishing rights and business competition rules remain the key sticking points in these negotiations and ireland's prime minister michael marr and told reporters on tuesday he remains optimistic and thinks a deal is more likely than not so we could be looking at bret's miss now the pound sterling surged above $1.35 on hopes a deal will be reached before christmas britain said it will remain in talks until the 31st of december which is the deadline and is prepared for any outcome the e.u. for their part has suggested it would be willing to continue negotiations into 2021 if necessary. and it's bit over 8 months since congress passed a coronavirus relief package for small businesses and american workers this week they finally passed another but this time the bill included only $600.00 per qualified individual now that is half of what congress passed the last time around president trump responded tuesday night saying that congress must rework the
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package and increase the amount for americans. i am asking congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculous lilo $600.00 to $2000.00 or $4000.00 for a couple i am also asking congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a covert relief package and maybe that administration will be me and we will get it done. in response speaker nancy pelosi has said the house will increase the amount for americans to $2000.00 apiece joining us now to break it all down and what's going on is boom bust co-host ben swan and professor richard wolfe author of the sickness is the system when capitalism fails to save us from pandemics or itself thank you both for being here professor wolf i want to start with you why did the bill include such a small amount of relief for americans who are struggling right now and some would
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say those who have been struggling since the start of pandemic they're struggling even more it's been 9 months. you know each other shameful of it's kind of hard for me and i think probably. the added words you know we have 2 armies that together operate a monopoly in our political space in this country we're proud that we don't allow monopolies of the economic we seem to be ok with allowing it and they fight our battles they try to repeal the bill and go nurse and so the republicans thought it was a very little money but democrats thought it was important you all are the republicans that want the democrats to get the credit if a large sums of money are ended out the people mr trump has now entered this game having been on of these little heat for months not only exactly where they were going suddenly graham standing empty of them to look as though he wants to do more
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here's the irony of it all the different polls the the lost jobs the last few come that used to. mean that whether you give the people a one shot 6 under or you give them a one shot to it's not adequate to deal with the economic problems that we have the rent not pay the money not even the banks the jobs that are released you were that's what's shameful here if the real solution is not even in discussion are the 2 parties that control our all and it's definitely interesting to see president trump who spent a lot of time on the election campaign trail saying that he was totally against socialism yet he's trying to increase the amount of payoffs to out payouts to the american people ben this bill is a 900000000000 dollars relief package but it's attached to a $1.00 trillion dollar omnibus spending bill so where is all of this money
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actually going. yeah i think 1st of all just a professor was just said i mean shameful not even the right word it's disgusting what is in this bill and let's be clear about something else this bill was put in front of congress and within just a few hours it's almost 6000 pages long and within a few hours it had been voted through which means no one bothered to read it you can read 6000 pages in about 4 hours but here's some of what's in here we're talking about pakistan receiving $15000000.00 for democracy programs $10000000.00 for gender programs in pakistan $40000000.00 for the kennedy center which by the way got $25000000.00 the 1st time around and yes if you're wondering the kennedy center has been closed during the pandemic before $2000000.00 is going to have about $86000000.00 for assistance to cambodia one $130000000.00 to nepal $135000000.00 to burma $453000000.00 to ukraine $700000000.00 to the sudan i
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mean this is the kind of thing that when we talk about that terminology that you know drain the swamp right that was 4 years a little longer than that because during the campaign season so almost 56 years we've been hearing this phrase drain the swamp but this is the true definition of what the swamp is is that you have all these elected leaders who are supposed to represent the people that go to congress they simply represent special interests and they dole out almost 1.4 trillion dollars in total to special interest groups give a tiny fraction to the american people and they call it covert relief when in a hole they're really doing is giving out money to special interest groups and it is obscene and professor wolf you're obviously politically savvy on top of your amazing economic expertise as president trump says that he wants the $2000.00 per individual and $4000.00 per couple but also what that foreign aid out of the bill i mean do you see that happening in our political climate. no we consider whether all
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are headstrong male that are not grandstanding they will explain to you correctly that we need the rest of the world probably more than ever before that restraint centric we need good relations with countries we are competing with the chinese who are basically out competing us to this area we have. seen those were the countries that are also cost us money and are shortsighted and let's not. come back to all of those the problem is you cannot say no to the old status while you are saying no to a proper response. institution in washington says that there are $10000000.00 people face in the picture $25000000000.00 even in this bill that's $2500.00 per family per ounce whole facing eviction that doesn't even cover the rent they had.
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in the past and yet now they're comparable to get a new ear you haven't solved the problem and you are just dumping this country into a hole of chokri that i don't think our society term survive and it should be noted too many analysts are actually saying to well this is going to be the last cobra relief bill we're going to see because it's basically over we got a vaccine and everything so like you said that pain is going to continue to be felt now better a quick question here before we leave we got 30 seconds left democrat and republican lawmakers they signed on to this bill with both senators lindsey graham and chuck schumer calling it imperfect but saying it will help the american people right away do you buy that based on all the conversation we've had. no way it will not help the american people right away as president had barely scratches the surface but i'm going to say this this is why americans hate congress they really do they hate this this defunct system that we have that's supposed to be representative of the people it does nothing for the people and tells them it's doing something for them
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while it's. robbing them every single day robbing them and handing that money out again to special interest groups and listen i think there's a time and place if you want to help other countries it's not in the coronavirus relief bill but how do you even putting you know relief for sudan next to the kennedy center it blows my mind. co-host ben swan and professor richard wolfe thank you both for your excellent insight today. thank you. and that's it for this time you can catch boom bust on demand on the brand new portable t.v. episode on smartphones and tablets through google play me up web store by searching for double t.v. portable t.v. can also be downloaded on a newer model samsung smart t.v.'s as well as a broken devices simply check it out the t.v. will see you next time.
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the teacher movie made goes it did just that it just means that. you don't mind that just by commision on that. posed to shine most of. the time you can look at the my face you know for how long to name a country not in the least upset the map doesn't. have the economy to have more than a bunch of last sept is that. the month to get an up close i mean that i'm still going to be. in the meantime. around to do. this to turn over the moment and. look at what's called the minimum point out of the plan going to come up thinking i
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come up each time she comes home to go missing obviously nothing i mean people are really happy that my mom i do going home on. christmas eve special while we await santa nothing away for because the future is here now and it's clear yes. well no one nuff said no not. ugly little political new no political more surreal to look they should know the. unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had ever known.
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the real own you know to crush it with it said here's your worship book. go read today no. kill it's going on you son you look at the russia of putting. on more modern. you know martha others and. the more more not upon their i've got all the muscle. i'm going to know i think up another thought kind of wish to know about julie horn you i know you didn't. look us no more or less than a. cheerios i had a problem with us. body bill can you. point us to go up. a want that on this. smile and you on our. side ins and. said mom gets in and out of the year you are not on all of the law that they
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give us to get along. thank you. for your time. in a new round of plavix it all. from paul to school model for. convicted. as well as charles krishna the father president's son will. time and all the schools will close presidents will soon be to the u.s. the fund spilled running it on the constitutional. on the french government backs opposing bush will fail on the so-called green on sports and allowing travel a lot of iraq divisions to be allowed for people vaccinated against. critics say the move will tie.


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