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tv   Boom Bust  RT  December 26, 2020 5:30am-6:01am EST

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i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and tom. this is boom bust one business show you can't afford to miss and to bore in washington coming up with a special show today and we're going to break down the state of the ongoing tech war between the u.s. and china and what may come in the next year we spoke with a real deal tic-tacs star about why the platform at the center of the transpacific tensions has become so popular and a later the trade war was meant to put the world's 2 largest economies on even footing but the trade gap continues to widen we get some expert analysis with
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a packed show today so let's dive right in. and as the sun is setting on the trumpet administration undoubtably a major legacy of the past 4 years will be the frayed relationship with china want to take a look back at the efforts of the current administration to combat the people's republic as tensions went from the overall trade war to its tech war we look to the future see what kind of impact the administration of joe biden could have on this crucial transpacific relationship on election day we did a retrospective with co-host christiane and ben swan. kristie i want to start with you now u.s. china relations are more strained than we have seen in decades one of the biggest factors creating that strain. well there are a lot of factors that are creating a strain like let's start with the obvious where the trumpet ministration is accusing china of unfair trade practices and corporate espionage and these allegations have allowed truck to launch
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a series tariff for that up by billions off trade last year and then you have reciprocal sanctions on public officials restrictions on that and all that leads to a tax a black or a recumbent such as always and the subsequent gtech were a battleground with many many casualties on both fronts including all the semi's the middle chance and the downstream suppliers and by we have the u.s. blaming china for the coronavirus endemic calling it the china virus and scapegoating so there's a lot of back and forth but at the root of all of this is that the u.s. for the very 1st time in history feels threatened by rising power china's influence in trade media infrastructure and most importantly high tech is growing and for the very 1st time innovation is also outpacing that of the u.s. with the latest tech dominating social media space and ali baba owning in tech and consumer finance which are basically 2 largest and fastest growing sectors in the market right now so it's very unsettling and no one wants me and you know from the
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position of power so the u.s. is attempting in a way to curb china's growth as it perceives it as a threat to the current status quo. and we've actually talked quite a bit on the show this year about the saga of kicked out how is the trip administration's attempt to force the sale of to damage the u.s. relationship with china. well i think it goes back to a lot of what christy just said right that china is this rising power there's no question about it but not just military power or economic power but technological power to talk is a good example of that when you have really the fastest growing social media company in the world fastest growing app in the world in tick tock and it is a chinese up i think the fact that the trump administration made such a bold move to try to essentially not just ban it in the u.s. and that was a lot of the talk over the course of the past year but instead to actually co-opted to take control of it to force a sale of it to a u.s. company and not just to a u.s. company but to a major u.s.
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tech company like either a microsoft or an oracle right and of course wal-mart also became a part of that i think what's very interesting about where we have been and where we had now a lot of people ignore the fact that with every single step that the troubled ministration has taken on china especially when we're talking about free market issues like seizing assets from a company or forcing the sale of a company those are setting precedent for what it looks like to own a business to own a company to own a multinational corporation in the future can the u.s. government require any company regardless of whether it's chinese or not to sell its company over to another large company can those rules be made not just in terms of a industry or field but in terms of a specific individual company that is the president that's been set and so moving forward whether it's china whether it's iran or whether it's even u.s. companies if you can do it to one you can do it to others and now kristie huawei
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remains a major issue for the u.s. and at this point it appears the top administration has been pretty successful at slowing while way of development worldwide is we're always future directly related to what happens in this election. and our way tensions around technology that will still remain between the u.s. and china you. i don't wince the trump in the station it's something in motion that has created this tension and animosity that isn't going to just disappear overnight it's takes a lot of time to rebuild the trust the reporting the cooperation that we had before because all their friendships and trust that's been shattered so it's going to take some time and a lot to turn the ship back around to get things back to the way they were if ever so certainly things will be incrementally better for our way things won't be as volatile as the trump tweets are sudden and without warning it will be more rule based but the tensions are still going to be there because while the biden and mr biden has slammed the trade war with china saying that the terrorists they have are
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the american businesses and consumers he is still under pressure to continue the tough stance on china and keep terrorists in place and then for huawei specifically they will feel a little bit better under the biden at the station washington will likely feel the combined pressure from the us chip and the strength over last exports and from the e.u. governments who are ready stretched by this pandemic over the cost of replacing all the infrastructure so the british government while it has banned purchasing hallway 5 g. equipment back in july they also said the band could be reversed and made it trump loses so if you recall that isn't a band with solely due to pressure from the us oh yeah alec will get better but it's not to say the hollow will die if trump is reelected that will create more of a challenging space for it for another 4 years where it will likely turn inward and focus more on the domestic chinese economy and boosting its homegrown chip and history so as attendance continue the big question right now is is it sustainable. and that u.s.
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and its actually being completely self-sufficient self-reliant closed is that a really better world and better before we go we have just a minute left if biden is elected how do you see this relationship changes basically the same question how do you see the u.s. relationship with china and these crackdowns changing or will it be i think it will change i disagree with christie in that i. think the biden administration would move very quickly to reverse a lot of what the president has done keep in mind a lot of what trump has done has happened by executive order and it's happened through the state department as well as the commerce department to some of these groups so these are all under executive power i think that a president biden would move quickly number one to undo a lot of the executive orders but number 2 i think a lot of it would just kind of dissipate it takes a lot of effort and a lot of work for the trip administration to constantly push its war not just on china but on chinese companies all you have to do is really stop pushing and a lot of this begins to resolve itself and we love to listen there's
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a lot of debate about biden's connections to china i think there's no question that biden has a lot of connections to china and therefore irregardless of whether they're appropriate or inappropriate he definitely has a different relationship with the chinese than trump has had and i believe that we will see a vastly different relationship with china under a biden administration than we have seen or a trumpet ministration which i believe will only continue to push war with china economically and through tariffs and trade if trump does get another 4 years and the economy of this country is definitely center stage in this election this evening boom bust co-host christine. thank you both for your time. and one of the main targets of president trump's chinese crackdown has been the widely popular video sharing platform tic-tac now while the app is popular among teens and young adults many people have managed to make
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a living as content creators back in august we welcomed one of the most popular tick-tock stars sacking to give us a firsthand account of what the crackdown has meant for the people that rely on the app for a living. why has tick-tock been able to open that door and become so popular especially over the last 12 months here in the united states. i mean you know has it influenced or on. really in this industry for the last 12 years you know i've been on 6 talk since it was musically 5 years ago and so for us the rise wasn't even in this last year that's made it successful i mean there's been a lot of in the last year but what they've been doing from the beginning i just a couple years ago was there out there that made it so powerful and that it levels the playing field for anyone who wants to who has a stone and can make a little fun story or a joke or do a dance or whatever it may be there's a ton of different ecosystems and creators on the internet on tick tock but allows
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anyone to have the chance to go viral on a totally different level that's that's bigger than we've seen possible with you tube that's bigger than we were instagram and by an event so that's what's it's so exciting i think that's the drop not only is it the you are but i'm especially for those viewers who are trying to concentrate on the l. because that definitely as a as a viewer of tick tock even if you don't create your own content it's very consumable so if you're getting a short video it's got a lot of them are music and dance so it gives you something to not only watch but listen to is very enjoyable in that regard now when it comes to this potential purchase from microsoft do you have any concerns about the control of the app changing hands to a different company or an outright ban for that matter how is that going to affect the content creators. so the 2 main options that are presented it were an hour then we should be a bummer because there are so many people who love the app to talk but also because there's content creators and i'm not even talking about the constant creators like myself who have already kind of excuse the charley data center and expand it beyond
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a lot of creators not yours but it's really not the small kind of the some of the just starting creators but in creators to just you know last couple months for getting that runway they had moments of growing their audience and then it's going to be shut down the banner be terrible but also they had lost to a company like microsoft or a tech company at least i think you'd see a receptive audience to talk community we would be probably thankful that microsoft stepped in took a look at the security concerns and then the app alive but the other concern in that bucket is and you merged it to management and cheap tick tock innovating to to grow that success even beyond what it is today that would be the question that we're facing but at the end to your initial point on the 1st question there which is if they happen to adjust the algorithm in some capacity and then they push the bigger tick-tock stars over people who may not be known that can create a problem for people trying to break through in the industry and i want to talk
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about those people because like you said you've diversified you have millions of followers across instagram you tube a tick tock and use not started but you were on vine when it was very popular but saw that kind of go away what or what do you kind of give it as far as help to other influencers who are just starting to build on take that what would you tell them to do as this whole situation is happening. well i always talk to other people that i meet on the way on the same journey as i make sure you're diverse i'm your audience from the get go i'm very beginning i mean not right away but once you have a decent 10000 or 100000 people following you i met that community that really loves your stuff and find creative ways to get there e-mail contact because they're going to want to hear from you directly or there's a lot of services now that do text messaging but the goal is to have a direct connection to a small portion of your audience which is the most dedicated and loyal portion anyway and that's you know how it's already a little too late to do that now with
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a month left but that's something from the get go i think creators need to be thinking about how any platform you have on instagram facebook for you to you know how to direct connection years ago you know it was amazing reach and then when they put the paper on front of it you know one percent of our audience must were moved to the coast so they had something you always had to think about in the space and now it's to graham is officially launching their tick-tock competitor in more than 50 countries they actually launch that wednesday including the u.s. what do you make of this new platform and could this actually kill tick-tock while the app is in limbo as a lot of content creators might move to rails where they can actually make that that kind of impact of their. intersection of all this timing is fascinating to watch there's a lot against tick tock and and with the timing of instagram reels coming out it could be i'm another moment like you saw
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a snatch of how instagram swooped in the perfect time did their version of stories and it was very successful because everyone you know when you hear there's concerns of privacy i mean your your tendency to be going back to you you already know and where the tension is in the past and if they have the same features i can be an easy transition but in this case i think you're also trying to replicate a culture which you can't just do with one feature i think there's other things that child is doing in terms of course means content creators even starting their fund to help monetize young creators it cute something that instagram still really has yet to do and what we're waiting for so i don't know if it. the new real speech or will just swoop in. that powerfully yet but i will tell it really well it depends i think that day it's a temper 15 or taint of the band if it actually happens then i think you'll see a lot of momentum behind reels and i guess for our audience who maybe doesn't
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understand content creators slash influencers quickly can you tell us how this monta zation works and how you guys are able to make money i mean not on your level maybe but on some of the smaller levels there. yeah i mean it's a really simple game play model with brands on you tube you have examples that rolls later beginning the broadcaster middle and we'll get a piece of that 50 percent of the ad revenue for those ads but then the other stuff is going out for brands that you're passionate about you know for me for example i'm really passionate lego's i love creedence anything that it's imaginative and that's what i want to partner with so take me for example partner with a company like lego and what brand you know it looks like. a creative 15 2nd video in that case and that would be a piece of our monetization to talk of social media star zach and we hope to have you back thank you so much for your time today. and time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return the trade war between the united
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states and china was meant to put the world's 2 largest economies on an even footing but the trade gap continues to widen we get some expert analysis we'll be right back. today the industry prefers to spend millions of euros in you know the 2 d. day regulations i will be sniffy is all about making money making profits in some of the corporations international markets import export do you imagine the number of printing diseases that are out in every community today it is not due to new viruses are all new microbes just not true so it is due to environment.
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that moment all discipline. really just accumulate could only come in to see in them to meet. the legacy of the sky if the so food industry is successful it will create more jobs it will create more value added it will create more growth so i don't see why we shouldn't also fight for the interest something into street not accept that we have regulation we want regulation i was interest and if we don't behave zaniest penalty that's fine. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this often spearing dramatic development the only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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join me every day on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. an entire village in alaska. if another country trying to wipe out an american town . we do everything in our power to protect. the climate change poses the same threat right now alaska some of the fuss just coastal erosion. last about 30 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. is fast and he says the river is 30 closer. than it was a year or as they were part of the 1st for.
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a welcome back of a trade war between the united states and china which started back in 2018 was intended to level the playing field for the world's 2 largest economies but back in october china's customs agency reported the trade deficit with china rose more than 18 percent in september from the year prior now the news came as the u.s. census bureau reported a $67000000000.00 trade deficit with china for august the widest margin in more than 14 years so what has been the real impact of this trade war we spoke with professor richard wolfe author of the sickness is the system one capitalism fails to save us from pandemics or itself and john quelch dean of the miami herbert business school. thank you both for being here today i
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actually want to start with you here the trade gap between the united states and china has grown 43 percent since january of 2017 when president donald trump took office he made a big deal about closing this gap and that's why we have add this prolonged trade dispute so is this trade war the cause of this widening gap or are there other factors at play. so i think the september figure is a one month blip related to restoration of supply chains out of china and the stabilization of the u.s. economy the u.s. china trade deficit actually peaked in 2018 at 400 and $18000000000.00 in dollar gap and then in 2019 it fell back if i just can consult my figures to $345000000000.00 there was actually
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a $73000000000.00 drop in the deficit from 2018 to 2019 and a $91000000000.00 drop in total trade so if you look at the 2020 figures overall leave aside the month of september the 2020 figures overall are tracking 2019. except the deficit in $29.00 in 2020 looks like it's around about 58 percent of total trade volume in goods as opposed to 60 percent and 2019 so my bottom line is this. the trade war has had an impact directionally in the way in which president trump intended it to however the political cost and the relationship cost between the 2 biggest economies in the world. the price it's been paid in that regard relative to the gain. deficit reduction
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a lot of people would question whether or not it's been worth it and we're going to get to that here in just a few minutes there in fact actually less is good right to a professor wolf what do you make of that statement i mean are those relationship costs and the political cost between the 2 nations is that going to be an issue moving forward. absolutely i think you introduce an enormous uncertainty as to whether this kind of behavior from the administration will continue even with mr truong or with mr pike knew whether there is going to shift from a commitment to open trade free trade to a protectionist and of the sort that mr trump has. that it's causing all kinds of tensions with our allies not just with china but with everybody adults who has to trade with our next is the real her. advocates of i would also like an admiral as i had said you are in the most of this was
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a little each other that's why the numbers haven't moved very much in reasons why american companies do business in china and become more attractive in terms of china its growth its expansion compared to the stagnation in the web those things that continuing to work and they will have it needs as much effect as the political theater that president drum and anybody else might want to play a seat at american models and now professor wolf i want to hit on that rise on imports from the u.s. because that would seem like positive data but is this due to the provisions in the phase one trade deal do you see it that way. i think to a small weak stand that is i think a bigger factors that are playing a role but certainly the curtains of the songbirds rizzoli be important some of the right products and some of my. the serial and the words were the drivers of the
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improvement in employment in china are not some attempts to cultivate and trying their own so poor characteristics of the chinese each time trump hit them with an arrow they came back but with less of an era the memory measured. are still responds they don't want to ruffle the water and let mr trump do his political see it as long as the underlying economic from rapid growth in china stagnation or a lot of growth in the united states as long as that continues the succession of china over the last 30 years will continue e.s.p.n. or a little theater or not indeed quotes now generally when we look at an election here in the united states it's always seen as the conservative leadership or republican leadership would be more beneficial to business wallowed democratic leadership maybe not so much but obviously in this situation where we have president trump who
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has waged this trade war now you say that these are going to be strained for the long term but if there is a change in power to joe biden do you see that relationship getting better or are we just going to keep with the same situation here. the policy statements of the 2 campaigns are pretty similar on china but i think in 2 ways biden could be better 1st of all he is much more of a multilateral list as opposed to a unilateralist president trump things and terms of deals as one on one negotiations. biden has a more globalist view of reality off to many years on the foreign relations committee in the senate secondly related to that basically the day to day dialogue between beijing and washington is down to trade representative like
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hisor and his counterpart and you on the chinese side we used to have a regular strategic dialogue with china we used to have dialogue on climate change we used to have dialogue even military to military i expect president biden to quietly restore all of those communications lines and that'll be good for the relationship and it's going to be interesting to see what happens here because we did see when joe biden was in the white house with president obama as the vice president he was obviously a big part of the transpacific partnership was it was which was a multilateral trade agreement as you just discussed. but we can't tell you how much we appreciate both of your expertise on this important subject professor richard wolfe and dean john thank you both for your time. thank you and that's it for this time you can catch boom bust on demand on the brand new portable t.v. app which is available on smartphones and tablets do google play and the apple app
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store by searching portable t.v. portable t.v. can also be downloaded on a newer model samsung smart t.v.'s as well as a roku devices or you can simply check it out at portable t.v. we'll see you next time your uncle. she sure movielink it goes it did just that it just means nothing and you don't mind it just by commision on the. post the shining most of. the time you can look them up face you know for a long today my country not in the least i'm upset the map. about
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the economy to have more than a bunch of last sept is that. you will slow down the month to get an up close look at the minute i saw grander than barack obama was around to. use the term obama didn't know i'm going to go. look at what's called the minimum point out of the plan going to come up thinking i come up each time she comes home to go missing obviously nothing i mean people are really happy down but nothing you can hope. is you'll be via reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe.
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isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is truly wants is for a. in the world corrupted you need to. join us in the depths. of the shallowness of.
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the headlines in our families initially sue the government for its perceived mishandling of the pandemic is they grief relatives lost the coronavirus we speak to their lawyer. and my clients were not informed about the presence of a dangerous and highly contagious virus in italy their current told off until march but it was little more than a trivalent fashion america's top infectious disease expert she admits deliberately misleading the public about herd immunity in order to get more people to take the vaccine and rushes away to 5th generation fighter jets and to service we take a closer look at the sukhoi 57. its problems and missiles account is a special instruction no weapons.


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