tv Redacted Tonight RT December 26, 2020 4:30pm-5:01pm EST
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to redacted tonight this is the comedy show we're americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents ok by now pretty much everyone knows the latest stimulus bill is a giant middle finger to all americans it gives billions to weapons contractors regime change programs the israeli military and even people who own rice horses i'm not kidding i would be less angry if the bill had to add a stipulation allowing the eating of great sources but only if you're hungry you can just do it out of spite. i think we can all agree that in the american government congress is basically a pit filled with mentally challenged hungry crocodiles. and i know that's
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being generous but let's give them the benefit of the doubt so whenever a president let's protect their point it's a fantasy world presents a fantasy world where the president isn't a moron when he wants to get something done he writes what he wants and then he drops the pages into the idiot crocodile pit the crocs then chill with up swallow it digest it and then. it out everywhere and that's the end of that that he says high school civics they should work but what if i told you there were tons of things the president can do without even getting near the crocodile pit and in fact trump has done all kinds of awful without congress approving it so here are the top things joe biden could do on day one even without congress i'm not going to focus on whether biden will do these things he won't but we're giving
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him the benefit of the doubt he's not going to do that since he's not even in office yet so we can't judge him yet he totally won't do any of this but let's just wait and see maybe he will be honest film and it will tell you a lot about joe biden about who he is if he does or does not do these things or at least who he was back when he remembered who he is let's start with immigrants. the older images are cheaper to buy the rights to anyway immigrants are some of the people struggling the most during this pandemic right well guess what there's a provision in our laws called temporary protected status which allows an immigrant to stay here without fear of deportation and considering how they've been treated the past for years. i think they could use a price so the temporary protected status or t.p.s. is a blanket protection offered to a country's nationals who have experienced
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a natural disaster such as a hurricane earthquake civil war or other extraordinary circumstances oh you mean like a pandemic how about that between the pandemic us bombing overseas u.s. economic sanctions climate change and auto tune pretty much every country in the world right now is experiencing some kind of disasters next up biases on day one could do the war on terror that's right congress get involved their war powers long ago so biden all by himself could end the war on terror it made no sense the order made no sense from the beginning and it's killed millions made america less secure by making us despised worldwide but also joe biden says he is not going to do anything with his executive orders that isn't constitutional while not only is this
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constitutional but really the war on terror has always been unconstitutional desktop the president could give us free college without congress. michael dannon berg a former senior aide to the late senator ted kennedy asserts that biden can use existing statutory authority to forgive loans equal to average public college tuition on a rolling basis for 2 and 4 year public colleges affectively making college free and guess what having more educated citizens without debt means a better society in general whether you're one of them or not because if your neighborhood isn't educated people often can't make a good living and then the neighborhood goes into disrepair which is when the crooks in the headbangers and the con men and the witch whispers charge showing up and for you know it your little girl has lost her mind virginity to a charlatan ride around in a private bill we'll talk about the monocle but rather than make it college free it
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seems biden sallies of slowly decreasing the amount of student debt they say they plan to erase 1st they said everything under $50000.00 then $25000.00 now for some of them say $10000.00 and under pretty soon biden will be proudly saying these going to raise $13.00 of student debt for every american and send you a free coupon for hamburger helper so we just 3 executive orders buying good and war save all the immigrants and then student debt and stuff bad for before breakfast my executive orders usually don't have that much power you know they just don't realize that my cat can eat my sandwiches any more and she usually ignores them as we want to poverty poverty is of course raging out of control right now with people waiting hours at food banks across america so what could job i'd do without congress to get more people the assistance they desperately need. it could change the definition of poverty i'm not kidding people who are below the poverty
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line qualify for a lot of benefits like food stamps health care for people housing trump was trying to change the poverty measure so that fewer people are considered poor and get the assistance and then he could go once i got rid of poverty. the official poverty measure o.p.m. based on an outdated calculation designed 60 years ago is absurdly low today the federal poverty threshold for a family of 3 is $20578.00 a year on day one the incoming biden ministration can drop the o.p.m. entirely and alter alter poverty measurement so that it better a flex need that would open tons of benefits for people who are struggling anyway i'm running out of time for all these but here are a bunch more things that biden could do without congress he could stop massive corporations from using tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes he could close
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guantanamo bag remember that he could give a 15 dollar minimum wage to all federal contract employees he could end a federal prosecution for marijuana and finally here's the icing on the cake you know there's a fight right now to force a vote on medicare for all i talked about it on the redacted tonight you tube channel you go check it out well it turns out joe biden could himself give everyone medicare for all on day one if he wanted to that's right you could do it using section 1881 of the social security act the language of the statute refers to any individual's subject to an environmental exposure and it says that the department of health and human services can stipulate that such people get a single payer medicare for all type system. has this ever been done in america i'm glad you asked libby montana population
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2628 has already. population 2627 kids just ate a matchbox car libby montana has mad as medicare for all because the entire community has been exposed to airborne especially this thanks to a mining operation in the area there for health and human services secured them medicare for all the are there other americans who have been exposed to hazardous chemicals or diseases recently i loudly to save for a moment wait for it. oh that's right everyone it's got back we've all because we've all been a proud biden could give everyone medicare for all right data and we could join the rest of the industrialized world and even without the pandemic even without it by
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good still give most americans healthcare for all their exposures how about los angeles a small auger the cancerous roundup door herbicide spraying all over new york city cities and their fracking wells or coal mines or oil spills around about the 2000 cities across the us that have excessive the lead levels biden could give everybody health care on day one. so those are your top things biden could do without congress body well unless he fears that the american people will stand up and fight back coming from washington d.c. the belly the beast is redacted tonight.
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low on lead cam no mistake the news from behind a new report from the nonpartisan think tank the center on budget and policy priorities found that nearly 78000000 adults about one in 3 are having trouble paying for usual household expenses one out of every 3 does that sound like a like a like a system that is working well does that sound like a machine that is just just homeowner along beautifully does that sound like like our citizens are living the american dream does it sound like they're living the good life arrived i don't know margaret i mean i mean both of them don't even have a hog so how can they were chance right on the hog if they don't have a step one gave each of these people a heart stepped through teach them to ride it step 3 teach them to ride in. which is not easy because i have used to fat one. it's tough to keep your balance
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on the hog to kick. i don't smoke any more but i've been super drunk on a hard sell on that my wife. divorced my wife point being this system is clearly not working for everyone it's not just not working for everyone that we're vote one every 3 adults and this is happening while winkel the congress people and state reps do next to nothing to help americans they send those earning less than $75000.00 a year a few $1000.00 which if you add add it up with the 1st really check it equals about $11.00 per day since the beginning of the pandemic. yep you. we can buy 2 we're just not even good ones the cheap ones that don't even have brand name look the same the year and meanwhile these same people funnel trillions of dollars to wall street wall street do it fine then they're not feeling your pain god forbid nancy
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pelosi or mitch mcconnell or the hallowed titans of industry have got 30 seconds without their personalized lectures make insurance everything is nice and moist down there they're not struggling they're not worried one out of every really one out of every 3 of us are by this system and imagine just for a 2nd just for a moment just for an instant imagine if we all unite. imagine if the entire 33 percent of american adults along with anybody else who agrees or let's say 4550 percent of american society imagine if we all put our differences aside and fought back together. i get it i know we don't get along i know half of us spend our weekend fighting with our lawn mowers and half of us aren't quite sure what a lawn mower is have or think clifford blake is the worst country music singer to ever live completely invented an ideal of
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a stereotypical american experience in order to appeal to any of suburban southerners who long for a time gone by as crooned by a banger and the other half of us know in the bottom of our hearts clifford blake not a real person i made him up and if you thought it was real then i rest my case we are very different but if the 3rd of american adults got together and said in a noble yet yet yet firm tone. this. then the amount of change created would be incredible no movement in recent history in america has had anywhere near a 3rd of the country devoted to it devoted to it it would be cans of millions of pissed off adults in the streets demanding a government that actually delivers a government that actually works for the people instead of the corporations it
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would be so powerful it boggles the mind even contemplated $78000000.00 people are bloated politicians marinating in their own corruption we have no choice but to create change immediately just put our differences aside that's all it takes to the sign up sheet for the group we just have 2 questions on. one have you had difficulty paying your bills. if yes you're in the club number 2 if you answered no to the 1st one do you want to help those who have had difficulty paying their bills if the answer is yes you're in the club don that's it if there's a note about those that. you're not in the club go back and pick and listen to your all or whatever parts you have ok so now we have a cup of that 90100000000 americans then we start figuring out a few demands and we don't shut up and don't go home until they're met that's it
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that's all that's that's a whole production nobody even starts talking about all the things that divide us here united a lot if you hear someone say what religion are you then you get much twisted or not. or if it's a woman that that do not do that that is inappropriate don't do that just if it's a woman just. say don't talk about religion. no one is allowed to ask all of those questions that divide us what part of you what's your sexual preference who's your favorite football team do you think men only belong in the kitchen do you care about the environment are you circumcised do you like drugs did you study hard in college did you study hard drugs in college do you have kids if no do you have kids you don't know about do you have a sexual fetish for people dressed up like storm troopers but without pants on no no questions asked that allow everyone to end up dividing one out of every 3
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struggling adults and struggling and their allies all get together. and standing in congress's door saying you and your corporate owners and gotten away with exploiting us for too long enriching yourselves while others suffer for too long sucking up the bulk of our productive years one grabbing all the wealth for yourself for too long lined up for to live manipulating us for too long winded and of every 3 adults what with the demands of a i don't know we should probably figure that out before we get up to the door hold on talk about this but we could do it how about things like $15.00 minimum wage or universal basic income and medicare for all a bailout for the people rather than the corporations no more parking tickets how about $330.00 have a redo of the final season a game of thrones whatever we decide you want out of every 3 adults undivided undeterred entente on wait for it i'm willing to take no for an answer if you
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go to a quick break but other effect. an entire village in alaska has had to move if another country trying to wipe out an american town. we do everything in our power to protect. wanted a escaping climate change poses the same threat right now alaska does seem some of the fastest coastal erosion in the world we lost about 30 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. is fast and means the river is 35 closer than how ben was 4 i don't think we're part of america or earth from.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led. away. what is true what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows.
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welcome back i'm still e. camps businesses are collapsing left and right during this pandemic but the misfortunes of one industry in particular may be a bright spot in this flaming poop of the year for more on this topic let's go to our truth balmer dad correspondent natalie mcgill. if there's one thing the coronavirus doesn't do it's discrimination it infects beloved celebrities in bad crazy idiots alike and it wreaks havoc on the bottom lines of your favorite local businesses and even the large corporate chains that never should have hit the big time for glorifying frat infestation and with more people working from home and fewer people driving except to show off how many different from flags they can strap to their trucks corporate fossil fuel polluters
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like exxon are feeling that pinch after secret exxon documents show the firm may never recover from the impact of the coronavirus looks like i got a poor went out for exxon. you know for something that's supposed to feel sweet it's still face kind of salty . ok i know you're probably judging me for using a plastic straw or drinking liquor in public out of a trash can for both. but it's kind of hard to not immediately quench my thirst when exxon knew about climate change almost 40 years ago and spent more
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than $30000000.00 on think tanks that promote climate denial but now you don't have to be a scientific genius to know if the fossil fuel companies did a reparable harm to our planet because even the average person knows that we shouldn't run out of names for tropical storms so fast that we have to name potential hurricanes after fraternity pledge classes the coronavirus has fossil fuel companies on the ropes chevron slashed their spending after kobe fucked with their finances and b.p. says oil demand may never rebound to prepare demick highs as the world shifts to renewables and now that we do have big oil on the ropes you may be wondering how it's possible to give big oil the ivan drago treatment without killing as many rounds as there are rocky movies and 2020 alone increased activists scrutiny of permits and environmental impacts ultimately canceled the atlantic coast pipeline
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halted construction of the keystone x.l. pipeline in the u.s. and as of november 3rd the eventual shut down of the enbridge line 5 pipeline in michigan where an end bridge representative tried to vouch for the safety of a 63 year old pipeline to a shirtless activist covered at all oil and another activists it was pretty upbeat given he's at risk for choking on oil and being harvested for caviar but if you're not comfortable enough to slather yourself with oil or shake your fans there and fossil fuels you can start by seeing if your college your bank or even your employer has investments in them and activists have done a lot of the grunt work for you because according to the climate activist group 358 out or. over $1300.00 institutions worldwide spanning universities governments philanthropic organizations and more have divested over 14 trillion dollars from
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fossil fuel companies and in november $47.00 faith institutions from $21.00 countries and now if they would divest from fossil fuels marking the largest ever joint divestment by religious leaders in history even if some of these companies pledge to get to net 0 carbon emissions in the next 2 decades that's far too late given exxon wasn't the only big oil jug or not that knew about climate change and failed to act then so it's up to activists to finish off big oil and because activism is a 247 job they're going to need to remember to hydrate. though i'd advise against real seo tiers they probably taste the salty is coca-cola the sign the water you know the water so bad that even greedy americans refuse to stock up on it during a pandemic and activists pro tips if you ever see someone passing out the snotty
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bottles at a protest they're probably an undercover cop. reporting from an exxon refinery. now it's time to get to some of the stories that we didn't have time for a book now we do correspondent. here. good so there was just a birthday recently and if you heard about this but the afghanistan war oh now 19 so what do you get to for someone who has everything i mean it's the. beer is what you get most 19 year olds i think they can't by themselves but there is some talk of the war ending right there is a new york times i think we were talking before. it's been going on a wild spending that's been slow wind down but the latest thing is we're going to end the war slow for those on the other end of the bomb it's. pretty fast motion
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but there's a new thing that we're going to end the war but we're going to keep troops there so they can keep the peace which is interesting down similar to what we've been doing for 18 years yeah well one big difference is that we are now training units of afghanis there is a unit known as 01 that's been trained by the cia and for the past 19 years it's really been the cia's war they've seen as their territory but they are basically training them to take over for the americans in the very important job of killing civilians which is not american no it's they're trained by the cia but what they do is i mean they are afghanis and what they are basically trained to do is not the brightest idea or the happiest one but they kill boys because those boys could grow up and become taliban so we got a storm of their asses and stop them from getting to to add to as old as the
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afghanistan war is and. fit under the title of. the thing. like wiping out the population because you don't want to see them get older and so our policy has also been earth at this whole time which is to kill more civilians and by doing this. trying to bend our problem which is when you kill civilians are great more terrorists and we think we're just going to get around that by killing even more civilians but lo and behold it's not working it's motivating more people to join the taliban. it's been about 18 years of these calculations that are always wrong that. doesn't seem like we're going to get off that train any time soon hopefully that and it doesn't look like joe biden will be taking the soffit he was reportedly in as vice president he was kind of the adult on afghanistan but as it turns out. to look like it was it looks
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a lot like trump because it's just a 26000 or 25000 a year right. it was basically that and it's very similar to trump in that he says we can't nation build we're not going to make a liberal democracy in afghanistan it's just not going to happen but what we can do is destroy terrorists and blow them all the smithereens and just keep doing that into the perpetuity. so called terrorists and everyone around them. thank you. and here are your headlines from the future next week you'll hear c.n.n. report americans waiting in line for hours of food banks due to russian canned tuna . know. they got kind of tone. and a week from monday joe biden requests patience asks house dems not to
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hold a vote for medicare for all until he's long dead. and coming up in 2 weeks. president trump can't believe tenure will come to an end without ending poverty and homelessness he fought so hard but alas more than one man could do that's our show but check out every episode for free at portable dot tv also check out my free podcast called government secrets with graham elwood wherever you get your podcast i'll see you in 2021 until then good night and good find our. financial guy i don't buy it i put up with you. almost for. some of my ex in the future trucker.
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this hour's headlines stories families and it's silly sue the government for its perceived mishandling of the dead because the relatives lost to the coronavirus we speak to their lawyer. you see my clients were not informed about the presence of a dangerous and highly contagious virus in italy they were told off until march but it was little more than a trivalent fashion people age 6 the over can get vaccinated with rushes sputnik biko but just as the country's health ministry approves its use for more elderly people. russia's long awaited 5th generation fighter jet enters.
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