tv Documentary RT December 26, 2020 11:30pm-12:01am EST
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i have gone to the world council of churches in geneva. we need a global campaign against inequality on our planet. x. it is not possible that half a dozen entrepreneurs. in digital corporations. making one year what billions of human beings do not ever have. we also need to discuss the role of capitalism. and i am willing to do that here that the silver thank you that's it for one of your favorite shows of the last season we will be back with a brand new season of going on the ground on january the 13th until then subscribe to the john one you tube to catch all the other interviews from this season for online exclusive content merry christmas and a better 2021. this
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is nothing like football. that's not a money spinner but it is expensive. mandates dangerous. tennis is on the speedway. and they have no breaks to. stop the cut off from people. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race based on often spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical of time time to sit down and talk.
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unit 731 did everything from exploding bombs laced with anthrax next to prisoners who were tied to stakes in a field. we have evidence that they gave disease infected chocolates to children. pleaded guilty to having exercised to direct guidance of preparations for conducting biological warfare chiefly against the soviet union. which biological bombs were to be dropped on blood it was dark but
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a shell off about of skin. and blood of vision scope. tribunals transcript general yamada commander in chief japanese kwantung army. ceramic bombs containing typhoid cholera and anthrax also show is seen as brain child. but i should. get more. uganda. out it's really not. so english if. bombs packed with deadly bacteria were meant to be dropped on soviet cities. but on june the 25945 victoria soldiers marched across red square.
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many of those present with martial wasilewski as their leader would be redeployed to the far east immediately after the victory. you poignant. when you say rescue saves. you again when you're so where do you pull your p.c. news but you know many people with me i use it but need ski is a medical corps colonel and military historian who researches the history of development and the use of chemical and biological weapons he's also studied the checkered history of japanese russian relations. so usually you can give them
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a bit as they usually go. in with those we surfaced is because your skin is english even if that. person still can do it. on august the 6th and 9945 american pilots dropped atomic bombs on the civilian populations of hiroshima and nagasaki. and oh no mr 9th soviet troops launched a massive offensive against the 1500000 strong one ton. the manchurian operation. as no match in military history the read on it defeated the kuantan army in just 10 days.
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on august the 19th it's commander in chief photos or jada complied with the soviet high commands ultimatum on immediate and unconditional surrender he handed his sword to a soviet officer and other generals followed suit. after the start of the red army's military operation the units 731100 were completely liquidated as per my orders. the soviet army swift advance deprived us of the possibility of employing a biological weapon against the us is for other countries. tribunals transcript of the commander in chief of the japanese. auto zone. he was in a hurry. the red army was advancing too quickly and he didn't want to be captured
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by russians. prisoners were killed and their bodies destroyed. personnel and valuables were relocated they had to leave behind was. most of the facilities were blown up. on august in 1945 the 1st servia troops entered the city of harbin. the 731 camp had already been blown up and own the most important materials removed but there were still traces of the crimes. servia troops found ample evidence of the biological warfare units activities. several units
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731 personnel were captured on loan with the kuantan army commander in chief and senior military medical service officers. meanwhile he made contact with the americans. i'm going to. hurt the. most of. the. needy. already. and that wasn't the 1st time the pentagon had also sheltered several german fascists the removal of nazi criminals from the country was code named operation
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paperclip there were thousands over all by one estimate as many as 10000 not just the scientists the scientists total about $1600.00 or more but there were also concentration camp guards from low to medium levels there were even. concentration camps. in eastern europe nazis really of all stripes from scientists to spies who work for the cia. eric lichtblau an american journalist and pulitzer prize winner wrote the nazis next know all revealing the harrowing story of how america became a safe haven for the sounds of notes and. and also. i think a lot of this is it was really a stain on the united states it was a shameful period in which we allowed thousands and thousands of nazi persecutors who we had just defeated we had just gone to war we had lost interest lost hundreds
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of thousands of men in battle and then allowed. them in despite their obvious ties to to war crimes and persecution that that is a blot in american history since japan's act of surrender was formally signed on september the 2nd 1945 in tokyo bay the pulled the american battleship u.s.s. missouri. from. representing the suv union general did it also sign to surrender documentable and the u.s.s. missouri general macarthur and admiral nimitz signed on behalf of the usa. to cuba tribunal soon follows the trial of japanese war criminals america behaved as if you don't do the courtroom after all japan was in a town. america
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good last year high not done yet. good they were a make a dollar summer you going to close the gate. got. new and you were. the tokyo tribunal began on made a furd $946.00. by this time churchill had already delivered his sinews of peace speech that heralded the cold war. the tokyo tribunal became an arena room veiled confrontation between the u.s. great britain and the u.s.s.r. u.s. representatives refused to review the topic of unit 73100 detachments despite
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servia demands from the whereabouts of the unit 731 leaders are unknown to us there are no grounds for charging the unit with war crimes. cold war and there was a strain of documents and data by unit 731 that went to 2 military bases in the united states to fort dugway in utah into fort dietrich in maryland which to this day remains the headquarters for the us. by a large of all weapons command. there were biologists doctors medical students adolescents who had nothing to do with medicine employed at unit 731 about 3600 people in total including maintenance staff. but only 12 men face trial and how about of. herschel to you others.
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are you need to go to work the dog is. the sole looking kuno say. june or the. door of the. so the. day he meets. visited fort detrick the u.s.a.'s main minatory learned biological weapons research and testing on humans continued. in the 1930 s. and forty's and fifty's the american military government and medical community experimented on the black population using syphilis and sexually transmitted diseases and with these diseases in order to develop vaccinations and medicines to
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immunize them all of these were used in the prisoner populations the black populations and the mentally retarded populations largely before 964 which then quickly out. in 1950 the korean. america deployed former unit 731 directors. and miseducated done a booth doctors of medicine and both already promoted to the rank of lieutenant general in the imperial japanese army. packed with toxic payloads were dropped on korean villages. from nagasaki hiroshima korea vietnam. in different areas of the world from the different times of war united states is engaged in all sorts of warfare biological
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warfare nuclear war warfare. the united states did ratify a $972.00 convention on biological weapons. but in 2001 declined to sign the document known to experts as the protocol. to commune with the girl where you. nearly. got there were she to support disease in the story. who plays well so it was a good bill you seclusion assuming still to move to be the new. thing and. the world is driven by a dream or else shaped by one person or those with.
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no dares thinks. we dare to ask. joining me everything on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports i'm showbusiness i'll see if that. moreover it is impossible to undertake any inspection of bio labs set up by the pentagon near russia and form a serviette republics as required by the defense threat reduction agency. it's claimed that the labs are for medical purposes but they're financed by the us defense budget. raising valid concerns that their activities are not just medical
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but military. the look at the military jury is one example. but the level of duty of the way no one as in the chain. judges former minister of state security left on a general duty godsey he's talking about reliable documents that fell into his hands. knew more knew was what but doesn't mean it was me surely in the site but then to so you know that the media can let silly it out is julie the daughter in the new coke user so mystique. chipman put out systems we use he was an inmate is in the threshing impulse plus learning it begin me such him of us and i say to you well but i don't think you do. but they want them to spill what they let that only about up but it must not let us believing it was the sort of wrongness you call me let's get it today but i can you go sailing you see anymore smita kidding or not
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snake mention is up about that ship the company now it's the what good. so i didn't pick up but if it's milky let's just give you a way to be a bitch in a smidgeon you still know you got. through each day by then or one of us who. owns this were you dialups see what he does just lets the good up it but it's mitigate the nuts it's mitigating would those as i see him decide he is the good me and of those of them we do you could visit as nature. will go would they need. and you bro scored the records show that there have been 181 deaths left in a general you'll get z. has appealed to the u.s. president donald trump 290 advocacy groups and different humanitarian organizations in the west but has received no response. there are also many questions concerning biological labs in ukraine there are at least 13
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there are 3 involved 3 in kiev and others in a desa vinnitsa. curse on the nobel and heart of. ultimately if there was a conflict or war with russia ukraine would be among the 1st. platforms to initiate hostilities through. local residents have reported unusual infection outbreaks in our american lands one example is a facility near harkov. social activists or game a sea of who worked and how when the lamb opened complained several times to ukrainian authorities at the request of local residents. globalist do williston the. mortgage with equipment to figure out. a middle of the money. is there going to do about
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a body of. one of them is suspected to have been running experiments on ticks. it's thought ticks are infected with zico virus west nile fever fever and other equally dangerous pathogens and then released into the natural habitat neither ukraine nor the u.s. have denied that the pentagon is linked to bio labs in the country. since 2018 under on a number 9 to 8 issued by ukraine's ministry of health international pharmaceutical companies have had access to the country's hospital patients as a testing ground including children. special safety measures in the
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handling of hazardous microorganisms are very expensive. and it's a lot cheaper and easier to conduct that kind of research in countries where lives are of lower value to the usa the west of course does not care about the lives or the conditions of ukraine or the population it is also been historically are had by people like adolf hitler and the german world war 2 strategic plans for defeating russia ukraine was rich with oil and it was always i as a natural resource. area that could be utilized musto used to split. the deal it. was and do it in near tears because there's a bonus of pollutants but the only reason it is tins could cost as it was a. 1000000 you could give to people heard of was that. when you done it in your
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school was. it impossible to monitor the lab's activities fully. even though america says their doors are always open. with the new years to experience with which to put it was stupid to be near them doesn't because i'd say if you've got to look at the. earliest pick up gloria best which is that in your user chain your. score did put. today the us has bio labs in many different countries of the world. in 2017 the us air force website announced a tender for the purchase of russian people's biological samples russian authorities requested clarification of the proposed purpose of the purchase and received an answer from blowdown a spokesman for the us air education and training command. the pentagon needs to
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collect russian bio material to continue and musculoskeletal system research. why they wanted russian data remains unclear and it was no assurance that it wasn't to help create a bio weapons no syrup or search the scriptures this is going. to do it. through to minute richard in the can is of course. most of his associates were never punished for their record crimes. many opened their own clinics in japan and even won awards. they know it's a new well cordell ms that means i use the look. quinola. does it tell you though that a you believe. only 12 defendants pleaded guilty to court sentenced in general the amount of courage and suka takahashi and come to 25
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year prison terms. other officers were given 15 to 20 years and the lower ranks from 2 to 10 years. where you go if this was a your own. hue they could all get out the what it is most scorn the clearly the should or not what they're not going to with. their war happen in a union or. souls are killed or not but they must sort o. little bit long to work with them it's got the ratio of a medic on the issue to go to court to show good skill as the middle. of the article you. want as. a famous japanese alter say cim or immortal published his book in which with a heavy heart the analyzed everything that
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a unit 731 had done that was the 1st time the japanese public had learned the shocking truth. or still. falls under the difficult a mother to know not knowing she doesn't. see seine so you start with dying touch more comforting to know who it there so soon goes dear going up 30 they are good they go in the kink your study disorder or. ordeal course that is a 100 then you want in a minute a g. to show quest they owe no more no and so on all. only all. there's a special folk choir in japan. among other pieces of music the group performs a cool suite entitled repentance by sheena chino it can be
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a composition based on money motives novel the devil's gluttony civil war or another new york solicit on a cold is this is. the sole owner of a a much they want is there a policy meaning not a there sort o. more joy here on with their you or your course your knee yes the mail to it. then to others chorus would have thought there was still there to no call no what i am a good more chilling good data if you will when you are not in a home and that you will rebuild there. still salute
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you hua on the move gushing. the hyundai you will her sister 9 dis they will let us sure. each says get the mess with us you are no less ain't you but then again just so meet the most clueless i know could assuming. the hearing yet there's still no. so let's assume it give us. the memorial peace park and i'm lost on as the victims of world war 2. the japanese built it to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of that all. people who want peace gather here for ceremonies to monitor and commemorate.
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big stories of the week from ati the developers of the sputnik the vaccine son an official memorandum of cooperation with the. combined elements of the respective jobs the man leading the research into the russian drug. my vaccinated my 14 year old granddaughter so you violated your own instructions against vaccinating children that's outrageous you were ready to kill your entire family for the sake of a new vaccine i wasn't going to kill them but prove that the vaccine is completely safe. you can take just strain of code it's been detected in england is causing panic worldwide more than 40 countries banning arrivals from the u.k. . clemency for killers but known for whistleblowers dozens of policies from donald
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