tv Watching the Hawks RT December 30, 2020 7:30am-8:01am EST
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isn't salyut patients you know if there is one thing as ubiquitous as humanity is on this small blue planet it's plastic yes plastic my friends without a doubt is one of humanity's most favorite of innovations i mean we love it how much how much does humanity love our plastic well for one thing we use it in pretty much everything from medical devices the toys to computers to cookware to cars to planes to door bells to tennis shoes helm of friends we've been put plastic indemnity are everything we've created or innovated since the very 1st man made plastic bakelite hit the scene back in 1907 not only does it have its own surgery but plastic even has its own lobby a sun capitol hill so my friends is it any wonder that right now babies yes newborn human babies are being born with a free plastic surprise inside kind of like your favorite kid's cereal but much
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more horrific the guardian is now reporting that according to a new study micro plastic particles have been revealed in the placentas of unborn babies for the 1st time and that only about 4 percent of each placenta was analyzed suggesting the total number of micro plastics was actually much much higher now what does this mean well and tonio who led the study and is the director of. obstetrics and gynecology at a hospital in rome told the guardian that quote it is like having a cyborg baby no longer composed only of human cells but a mixture of biological and inorganic entities the mothers were shocked. no kidding this news story comes on the heels of recent findings that it has to made that the amount of plastic alone is greater in mass than all lamb animals and marine creatures combined and that overall human made materials now outweigh
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earth's entire bio mass yes from plastic to concrete to metal to bricks to asphalt and everything in between these very unnatural human creations now exceeds in mass and weight the entire living bio mass of planet earth and at the current rate of production the weight of our impact on this small blue planet that we inhabit will exceed 3 terra tons by 2040 so just 20 years from now that's 3 trillion metric tons. it kind of kind of makes it stand back in august at just how ridiculous we all are and let's start watching the hawks. she was. on a city street. letter so let's see this is this joyce
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state. graves see this least systemic deception is the late show which. brings up joe. welcome everyone to watching the hawks i am to roll over and i'm of the. goodness gracious did you ever imagine i mean when you really think about how much plastic is all around us every day and showing up in newborns absolutely not maybe that's one thing they know that plastic exists all around us it's another thing to think that babies are born with this you know inside of their systems that's how miscarry it really is i mean and just like all the plastic in this particular study they did all the plastics that they found in these children had blue red orange and pink by as well and these micro what they were plastics and may have originally come from packaging paints or cosmetics and personal care products that the mother somehow ingested while the child was in the womb and then they found that's where they broke through the pool so they got inside the child and grew before the child even
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took a breath of air that it's a lot of traveling of these plastics that's a lot of different meanings to go through but it's also i wonder does it cause any types of health problems with the baby i mean clearly these plastic that lasted a long time that is the most important question of the day and right now the science just can't tell us because it's because they've just now discovered that these micro plastics of kind of broken through the gotten into the placenta now or in the womb they don't know what the long term effects are because the babies are just being born with we're just now figuring out what the long term effects of of us as adults but the amount of plastic that we have in our bodies in fact i think it's something like around the size of a credit card it would mean you right now all of us carry in terms of the plastic that our body in just over the course of a wiped it can we. mitigate this in any way i mean the babies are already born with that money what happens well what happens to them afterwards well no way of removing that we're not and i'm not i mean it's micro plazas there you just live
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with it it's part of your body you have them right now when you i mean apparently if you really look at all the studies and what they found when they have found micro plastics on the top of like you know mount everest to even the deepest parts of the ocean it's just now a part of our society at this point and biologically so there's no there's a little we talk about all of these changes that we've seen from legislators the ones who make different ecological things make sense now they want to ensure that we're not being as wasteful and what ways you think that might be helpful in reducing some of these micro plastics i mean we have to start by actually recognizing saying ok this is this is become a problem and then we have to say how much how much plastic do we need you know how many products do we really need to be made out of plastic how many thing you know how many products need to be made at all you know the i mean that's really work comes i mean you see the plastic lobby we've all seen those weird odd commercials that suddenly popped up like all of a sudden words like you know don't you love plastic it makes some of these lot of things so they are the law yeah you know and i think that kind of came about as you
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could see right now when you when you look at the landfills and you look at how much bottles how much just garbage that we have and how much of that garbage is is plastic i mean it's it's interesting because one of the dangers that they do point out too is the plastics can carry chemicals that could cause long term damage or upset of these fetuses developing immune system and that's they haven't been able to prove that but that's where the suspicion lies that let's say if your child you're born with these little microbes of plastic and you your immune system is going to react and maybe they think that some of the auto immune diseases that we've seen or individuals with the immune system is kind of attacking healthy cells right now is just damage that it could come from the immune system you know attacking these micro pieces of plastic that are just our bodies at this point and i wonder if there are certain areas where you know micro plastics are more prevalent than others because especially when you buy. 6 disorders because we know that there are certain target areas across the country where there are young people who are born with more issues than others are and typically those are your more industrial areas your areas that probably have other other issues with the
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ecological is already but then when you think about there's some really surprising that down it would really got me about this and there's a 1000000 things going on in the world a 1000000000 politics and all this but this is one of those stories it affects truly everyone it's not just a red or a blue or a democrat or republican or a political issue all it's really a health issue and a major issue but when you think about the amount. when i say that number 3 trillion at the end that's not just for placid as for everything else for concrete that's human and these impact on the world now outweighs the physical world if you take animals brushes shrubs everything out beyond us we know if that's living we now have made enough garbage or you know roads concrete buildings everything that it outweighs that that is crazy i mean that you know and then when you think about that kind of impact and then realize that. when you look at the
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numbers that that's going to double it's been doubling in size since they started tracking this nearly 20th century it doubled every 20 years they're saying that. by 2020 just made human made masses reach 1 point one teratomas or so but now they're saying that that's going to reach 3 times that in just another 20 years. after 19 years behind bars there's hope for one ton of obeys the last prisoners and it's in the hands of president elect joe biden some believe that the former v.p. will finish the job obama signaled he did years ago but didn't seem to get around to closing the controversial prison artie's alex village has the story. it is a place that brings up some of the dark it steve. which is in u.s. history a prison established as a reaction to this that is gained notoriety for its horrendous conditions rather than a solution to a problem was a big he's
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a former guantanamo bay detainee who now consults on terrorism the one or 2 people in guantanamo who may have been with sponsible for something connected to 911 where water boarded and tortured and instead of taking them to a. a court on the u.s. mainland where they could have been prosecuted and given very strong sentences as the united states has done for powerless terrorism suspects these particular individuals could never be presented to open court because. because they've been torched it since the guantanamo bay detention camp opened in 2002 nearly $800.00 prisoners have passed through the walls of the facility which is housed within a u.s. naval base on the southern tip of cuba with stories of torture and brutal treatment in the u.s. and around the world one tunnel has become synonymous with injustice and abuse a stain on america's reputation a fact former president barack obama was well aware of as americans we pride ourselves on being a big and other nations
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a model of the rule of law but 15 years after 91115 years after the worst terrorist attack in american history. we're still having to defend the existence of a facility and a process we're not a single verdict has been reached in those attacks obama promised to close guantanamo but that never happened and under the trump administration hope of release from the facility faded for many of its remaining inmates when came into power he said not only that he believes torture works he's going to feel guantanamo although trump didn't load it up with some bad dude's his words today 40 prisoners remain in the guantanamo detention camp of those only 9 have been charged with a crime well some believe the others have little to no connection to terrorist attacks against the u.s. however with president joe biden just around the corner there is hope for those men biden has made his intention to close the prison know his campaign released
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a statement this past june saying that one tunnel undermines american national security by fueling terrorist recruitment and is at odds with our values as a country and while some have tried to bury the issue after nearly 2 decades it still finds itself front and center on occasion even in hollywood here's a clip from the mauritanian which is set to be released in the new year all my time here until your until now for something that i have done but because of suspicions and that's the season i am innocent he has been interrogated he has been held against his will for 16 years without a single charge being made against while it is understood that joe biden may confront a number of issues that take priority over guantanamo when he becomes president and many believe it is a stain on the u.s. that must go not only is it weighing on the heart of america and what it stands for but also on its reputation in the world for watching the hawks i'm alex my love it . all right as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks
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on the man through the brand new portable t.v. ad which is available on all platforms coming up my friends there is grafton crime taking. place in the cannabis industry but it's not being committed by the sellers or users but by the politicians and government workers in charge of regulating it definitely don't want to miss this story so stay tuned for what she looks. next as a financial survival guide stacey let's learn about fill out let's say i'm not sure i get any or at least i agree some banks have to fight 9 wall street fraud thank
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you for helping. destroy that's true if debt slavery. has changed many american lives the pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs the people who are chronic pain patients and believe that their prescription is working for them and the remedy piece is to. price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates to long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggest that. the long term effects might not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of
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the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. what else should seem wrong. why don't we just don't all. let me. get to shape out these days you can't get educated and in detroit equals betrayal. when something you find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. we business is big business cannabis what's considered a heavy drug worthy of criminalization and long prison sentences for distribution
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is now saving states from falling off the fiscal cliff colorado passed $1000000000.00 in state marijuana revenue in 2019 alone and take a look at just how well top marijuana selling states are doing. raking in the cash but while state governments are using the ganja to stay afloat the business isn't without heavy regulation scandal and corruption turns out giving local elected officials the power to decide who gets access to the multimillion dollar marijuana business created its sea of bribery and illegal activity led by the gatekeepers themselves one of those beekeepers was housing correia a rising democratic party star and former mayor of fall river massachusetts in 2019 just a few days shy of his own reelection race but only agent hank of korea in his own. he was charged with attempting to extort cannabis companies of $600000.00 in
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exchange for the highly coveted and lucrative weed selling licenses correll along with staffers and friends accepted a variety of bribes including cash more than a dozen pounds of marijuana and a batman rolex watch worth up to $12000.00. almost all states require approval of local officials before marijuana licenses are even given and those local officials can't seem to resist bribes or favors but it isn't just a local problem allegations of corruption run rampant at the state level to where commissioning bodies are in charge of deciding who gets the small number of marijuana licenses available. former maryland state leader cheryl glynn is serving a 2 year prison sentence after being convicted in july of taking bribes and introducing legislation to benefit medical marijuana companies missouri governor mark parsons administration is currently the target of law enforcement and legislative probes in the well out of its medical marijuana program not only are
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the gate keepers dealing in the dark but minority led we businesses are not receiving fair consideration or even consideration at all in most cases joining us now to tell us more the co-founder of the green told him farm to wayne hirsch and legal analyst molly barrows welcome. molly i mean hey i'll start with you molly there seems to be a whole slew of requirements of red tape for cannabis entrepreneurs' but the state and local elected officials seem to be given carte blanche control how can corruption be mitigated when in most cases are let their leaders make 50 k. or lists and are heavily enticed by these bribes and honestly cuts of profits as well. yes you're exactly right we're seeing story after story across the country as more and more states continue to legalize marijuana but there are a couple of schools of thought is what steps need to be taken to increase oversight as well as just cut down on these opportunities for corruption and especially when it comes to local control so there really hasn't been any directive as to how local
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control should work so a lot of states a lot of communities are making it up as they go when it comes to creating safeguards and regulations like house who is going to make these decisions on who gets a license how will they be awarded how were these permits be awarded so one idea is to just eliminate the caps altogether you have less opportunity for corruption if there are fewer caps to compete for if you well and there's also the idea of creating some oversight through legislation there was a bill that was pitched installed in massachusetts last year but there are plans to reintroduce it this coming year which would create more oversight of agreements between local community governments and companies seeking to do business with more trans. nancy so hopefully there would be less opportunity for maybe some you know bribery if you will paying over the cap giving extras like maybe paying for a festival or something like that you've heard in other communities so they're looking at different ideas but so far there really hasn't been any hard steps taken but you know some of the states we're seeing not very many problems with
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corrections are the ones that don't have those caps on licenses so they've they've certainly found a way around it by limiting those opportunities for corruptions not giving there aren't like giving them a way through a lottery process do i want to ask you your color of a farm now of course licensing for how business is far different but in many ways this is the state hurdles and red tape kind of mirror you know getting licensed to operate in the cannabis industry how was your experience working in that competitive market to receive a license and look we all know black farmers are less than 1.4 percent of the country's 3200000 farmers as a black man in this market that has few faces of color what you need hurdles would you say you faced and do you have advice for others. it makes surprise you also know that we really didn't think you need it we need it because african-americans here is a federally legal product and it's treated as agricultural commodities so
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a little bit different with the way more important resident in the quiet at life we can go in the other major hurdles that we would be aware of the ones that are going on in places like illinois and some of the other states that are coming online. once we started in the industry was just because it was not mired in all that and you then met it's. and molly we're seeing more and more cases of corruption like we spoke up from state legislators not just the local leaders but now we're talking about governors and house and senate leadership and state legislatures that actually control the bill. that are ultimately going to regulate the industry those folks are taking bribes themselves and letting the marijuana company owners draft the bills that are supposed to be regulating their business can you explain the legal issues associated with this and what federal laws would have to be implemented up in this process. so basically it's corruption peer and simple they
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shouldn't be allowed to regulate themselves and i think part of the problem is it's like the wild west because marijuana is still illegal on a federal level so until marijuana is legalized on a federal level and there's a uniform system of nationwide regulation of this industry it's continued going to continue to be piecemeal it's going to continue to be what states want to do state by state county by county if you will community because by community so until you all the states are just going to continue to take different approaches and make those limited number of licenses even more valuable so in order to really get to the root of this problem legalizing marijuana the federal level establishing that uniform system of nationwide regulation would help address some of those corruption issues provide safety and business standards like any other industry to maintain and for us i mean this is a $52000000000.00 industry it's like the wild west they're all going to be trying to grab a piece of this 5 until somebody says i you can't do that and there's some regulation and accountability transparency in the licensing process basically getting government out of the business of picking winners and losers and allowing the
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market to dictate what customers want. farming really exploded after 2000 made to inform. decriminalizing the plant at a federal level we all know that c b d orioles and things of that nature there it's also a booming business and it's sold pretty much across the country you're green told him for it was the 1st georgia licensed home farm what changes in laws have you encountered that have affected your business growth or what would you like to see in this industry moving forward. toward that's going on right now is. just what's called you know which will extend the i'm. that's allowed in the plan and it would take it to a one percent level or it's at the current point there's a lot of debate over the veracity of the point and its effectiveness in the products that we put out it is very effective but it could certainly be more effective without creating that psychoactive compound that they're trying to avoid
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in products so that's one of the things that we really like to see in terms of what's happened since. in the state of georgia things are pretty much core and very well they haven't really beat anybody up they really tried to work with foreman's here and try to make sure everybody understands it and that they can work together to have a more perfect union if you will between the farmers in the states right now it's been ok that might change in years to come as things going to get a little bit more busy but right now it's been a pretty cool in what i'm going to want and we've been happy to function and happy to be helpful while local to pieces and helping them understand the industry sort of thinking to legislate more let me ask you this we would there be a change sure industry if suddenly on a federal level they said ok we're going to take care of this and legalize it across the border or at least regulate across the board and mimic what we've done in those states like california colorado that we've heard so much about how would that affect your business and the hemp side of the business as opposed to the kind of a side. interestingly enough it would help my industry. in terms of user
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engagement and a little need for the you know validation that consumers need to come after and see about him as a c.b.d. as a product and as a missile to kill them so you know the concern i would have is that if we want better we need legal sane people in our community who do not have the funding and capital and the. instruments that you need to go into the cannabis industry legally i'm not there so if we're already getting kicked out of opportunities in different states and left out or obstructed level that would only accelerate because again that lack of resources and other. points. it's deal directly but all was well for us if the legal we'd be happy because ultimately we get most people not war it's like when people think. marijuana candidates and we believe that most people just want a simple belief but their anxiety and adopt your belief in medical issues in
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a very simple way and one that's not one of the more we think that it actually would be helpful to you it's in space and you know more about it if you come for people to even start looking. i want to thank you both so much for coming on today and educating our audience on this subject matter once again duane hirsch co-founder of the green toad hemp farm and legal analyst molly barros thank you both for coming on today. and thank you. in case you haven't figured it out over the course of well over a 1000 episodes of watching the hawks i'm not a fan of billionaires for one i don't believe any human being on earth needs or even deserves a 1000000000 dollars and 2nd most of the billionaires on this planet are nothing more than power and greed obsessed addicks who because of their rich never of have to face the public consequences of their addiction instead they are unable to coddled in the name of capitalism smiled pinion but despite my bias against billionaires i must give out a gold star of
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a job well done when i see one and this year that gold 'd star goes to multi-billionaire mckenzie scott too in just the last year gave more than $6000000000.00 to $384.00 different charities and organizations and these are your standard philanthropic rich folks tax write off charities no word on the street is that ms scott gave to many of the real boots on the ground groups that are out there truly fighting to help those less fortunate than the rest of us i want to thank you ms scott and others but hopefully others in your tax bracket could learn a thing or 2 from your giving all right everybody that is our show for you today remember in this world we're not told for loved enough so i tell you all. all i love you. and i'm in the chicago keep on watching all those hawks out there another great day and.
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americans love. this was a fundamental part of how our political leadership and our country at large understood the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. be really interesting to dial it back and think about the longer deeper history housings men in the united states not just that question of the american dream but the bigger question of who the dream is and for . is your media a reflection of reality. in
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a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation for community. are you going the right way or are you being lead somewhere. direct. what is true what is facebook in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallowness. of this post is nothing like football. league it's not a money spinner but it is expensive. handed some dangerous
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in the day's headlines argentina's president warns a smear campaign and trade war against the sputnik me code vaccine is empowering global distribution not the country starts to live on russians jobs. i remember our colleagues who died because they were to hell 6 and i'm happy because this should be the end and i'm eternally grateful on behalf of all of the nurses. also this hour the u.s. confirms its 1st case of a more contagious british strain of coronavirus we look at a challenging year for the country worst hit by the pandemic. and a kobe denying russian monk accused of calling on followers including minors to commit suicide is remanded in custody.
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