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tv   The Alex Salmond Show  RT  December 31, 2020 1:30pm-2:01pm EST

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and made a great deal more cooperatively as we are learning to do now unfortunately sad times and great deal more cooperation has been before and we need to make friends not enemies of course covered threatened international economic collapse which we discussed with professor danny blanchflower and former u.k. government chief economist for the price but could it be the psychological impact on a population struggling with successive lockdowns may be the long term time bomb of the plan term it a subject we raised if we succumb m m p psychological crack a cease fire come in waves that it doesn't come all at one point in time so it's important that we hop this long terran delivery plan and that's what's needed in terms all supporting mental wellbeing for stock know that if you're feeling really stressed and anxious that's completely normal so you've had 6 months now of the prefrontal cortex which is an area of the brain which is all about high thinking critical analysis being able to solve problems it's really been impacted down
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because you've had stress and anxiety which is only meant to come a terribly and what happens is that the brain gets in pass down and you're in mid to late instinct area kind of takes over so know that if you've not been feeling great if you've not been thinking clearly as things hopefully get back to normal you'll just automatically start to get a lift in that area and that will translate to feel a little bit better on top of that look if you've survived this long and even though it's been challenging and you've still got great relationships with people that you love reframe it you're blessed because it's great to miss people it's great to have those people that you know that you love in your life and that the you of course while many countries struggled with covert a few handled it well south korea new zealand and the tiny feta islands which we described as a light in the north. we have all chosen this early in the wrench an event where early any wedlock the parents we only had 3 positive cases where we lucked out we have traced all the cases found of people who have been in contact or people who
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are tested positive and that we have put people into quarantine we're living in a world where there's a huge amount of in fact growing transmission aspirants and we cannot be complacent about it and we need to really keep managing our borders and keep doing large amounts of history new zealand and meant sure our tracing systems connect tracing systems and we can well as a backstop measure and finally at the end of the year we've got chris smith back on again the professor look at meal they were able to reclaim or a triumph of science to give us all hope for the future here we are less than a year after we 1st discovered this virus existed and we've got the genetic code we've understood it's biology and our scientists have invented not one but possibly 40 different vaccines there are 3 which are nearing the finishing line in the u.k. this is really exciting and not just really exciting science but really exciting
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medicine these things look to be very very effective let's hope they're really really effective in the really long term but for now if we can carry on this trajectory then yes i think this is boris johnson said is the beginning of the end it is remarkable how distressed 7 mean by how all these vaccines are and an incredible achievement not be asleep but at least a critic i think you know let's you. say more of the mh or see the pfizer one but they're all over the next you've got sanofi they're called johnson and johnson you know noble x. and then as you mentioned i guess the question what seems. so so well prediction is by the middle of next year that maybe as many seem to use in the european union. of course the pandemic was not the only big story of 2020 that is the small matter of a presidential election and we had a range of experts commenting on up. on the presidential campaign
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president trump but it would be fair to say is not my not the whiskey i would he has a doting defendant jenna ellis obi on for a poll just wade davis season the trump presidency the end of the american the you know one of the biggest issues that the campaign is working on right now is election integrity we filed lawsuits in a wide variety of states act to make sure that the protections and the safeguards around the ballot box are secured for every voter and so regardless of who any one person is supporting it is a son to mental protected a rate increase religion in america to be able to cast a ballot for those who will represent us and somebodies lawsuits are for the purpose to make sure that we preserve and protect the sanctity of the ballot and make sure that every eligible voter in the united states i has access to the ballot once and that their vote is counted. when i say that america is is is it's
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the end of an american era look i mean i don't wish that will be the styles are because i say to the american century in the best parts of that but remember that all empires are born. as a journalist at the irish times said so putting it really you know people have had many feelings about america as the years but they've never ever ever felt that the 'd united states and those ghost workers desperately awaited relief flights of basic supplies from china i argued that humans of history move to the asian century i think democrats are worried about this peaceful transition of power and the republicans are worried about it too i think only the folks who are the most diehard trump supporters who support trump over the notion of our democracy are fine with his his comments about fighting this on multiple levels even if this seems to be legitimate i think everybody else is worried about the prospect of him state when we all believe that someone else will in the alleged country see some of
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the bible as anything more than a transitional figure is not likely as we have say and scotland to set the whole on fire to say yeah i think that's a great question and i think that you're right that he is probably a transitional figure and i think he knows that i think the democrats have made their peace with that i think that part of the reason that he has such an intense debate about the vice president who even ice president was because everybody understood that a person named a vice president would have to set up to be the president in the next election one of the key issues to march this year powered by the pandemic and the killing of george floyd in minneapolis was a resurgence of the black lives matter movement we spoke to some of the key players including a grieving mother darling cain activist taylor oh my i profess their jeffrey palmer . and what players should be taken literally because one of the most of the advocates for former england football internationalist john bombs and of course
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black history month is about empowering black young young black kids to understand that their history is very you have it's a people the possible intellectual point to the scientific point of view who have done great things but this is what would be good for a long while we've been trying to influence young black kids to see their heroes not just as boxers or football as a scene as intellectual seen as a scientist so that's what we do more importantly black history month and we think black people should be for white people because white people have to understand the history of black excellence for intellectual and moral point of view we need white society to see if there's equal not for us to see our selves as equal because i know are equal don't underestimate it be disestablished nature of racism and i just feel programs like this help because the university they haven't done their job the schools have not done their jobs and it's probably not the
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school's fault i think we need government to say to schools get this in your curriculum i think it has been truly inspiring to to seen the global outline to having you know france and me from liberia pictures of people protesting you know from brussels to brazil to i mean it literally has become a global movement and with that being said you know i think that the movement has been quite black lives matter. matter black and matter. but matter is is just the minimum black law is our cherished they are below they are important and they're essential to the world in much the same way as is as all other lives are right now we're focusing on black lives because they have been this proportionally impact join us after the break to take a look at some of our other highlights from this year was see that.
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show. every year with great pleasure to be answered questions from our viewers and this year is no different as usual your questions focus on future postpaid events my panel and. to look at. americans love by and. this was a fundamental part of how our political leadership and our country a large understood the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right that's the things you don't revolt if you have
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a stake in the system. be really interesting to dial it back and think about the longer deeper history housings men in the united states not just that question of the american dream but the bigger question of who the dream is for. world is driven by a dreamer. and person. who dares thinks. we are to ask.
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welcome back to highlight show of 2020. like the pool as ever with us the debate raged on for the year under the shadow of the pandemic we discussed it with britain's longest serving you to m.p. claude to race and then independent minded scottish nationalist and you will skeptic like neil m.s.p. . this is have i can it was declined i should aware of the prime minister was having some sort of light show in the dining street tomorrow to to mark burton's departure is there any sadder me taking place in the european parliament or is there anything to to mark britain's leaving of the institution. i think that the way that european parliament authorities have played this has been very mature and sensible they're not celebrating because they don't believe there's anything to celebrate and i was quoted in the observer on sunday just explaining why that is
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a better way to do it than light shows and so on when you've still 'd got a divided country and people are feel very bruised by this decision was. was. of the. i think the mood and don't excrete will be come hell or high water we're going to deliver breaks and by the end of the year even if it means leaving a w t k m's unless the e.u. can come up with some kind of compromise in those circumstances then i think that's what will happen a fundamental deal will be signed perhaps with an extension of the transition or the 23 year years that may be impossible to reach agreement on by the end of december at no stage of. the european union sought to impose the sort of conditions on any other country whether it's canada or any other country that they are seeking to impose on the united kingdom that is practically not feasible and
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will lead to or no deal unfortunately if the european union don't change their stance to betray what the british people who thought to sell out at this stage to allow the european court of justice to override that decisions of the british agree . court would not be delivering bricks it and it would create a massive disconnect between ourselves as the governing party and millions of people across the country who voted for and believe in breaks it and continue to believe in it we're living through the biggest national crisis since the 1930 s. now in those circumstances to have been a man of johnson's style of politics or jokes he found celebrity politics i wonder whether he is as we move into a very dark periods in not just british history books global history whether that
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is the style of leader which people again or want now the question is what will in due course what may replace it but maybe the change will come from within the conservative party but it matters or as great as i believe they are. i did they don't rule out i don't say hi i know what will happen i do not rule out the emerging possibility of actually should governments and prime minister sharma before before the next general election is to ireland as one of our fascinations on the szell we presented the the argument from inside the dial under storm and assembly people from northern ireland who wanted to remain part of the you and feel european they felt that the internet had them in the way the agreement said could never happen and they felt diminished so we're talking about people who if you went to them in your 1st question was would you like to see
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a night out and some day they would say yes but that's an aspiration if your 2nd question was will you join us to be an activist they would assert now. but after the 24th of june 26th they answer the 2nd question is where do i sign up. my view is not that we should never do which of course i am a republican. it is a game of number one a much train a fall a priority i lead and for years and it was actively involved at every level at that unification to cultivate but it has to be done properly really organize properly negotiation trying to convince people that any other way will only lead to marriage shouldn't show your amid all the chaos the labor party and liberal democrats managed to conduct leadership races we've surveyed the field and our experts tempt their thoughts should be said they were both odds on favorite remember the old rule governments lose elections oppositions don't win them so if johnson is
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a disaster the question is is kier starmer the man who could replace him if the johnson is a success it doesn't matter what his stomach does because johnson is going to be in power for 10 years so the question is can he actually nail johnson down so i think a year ago everybody was saying we've already discussed a this labor party would only vote for a cotton type figure be next time it would have to be a woman so whenever to start his name came up this is not a chance it will be a woman he must want. instead he's running away with it they see in him a way to be credible or forests to figure out who might be the leader lee figure to lead them towards some kind of recovery and that's why he's doing much better i suspect that any political commentator would have predicted a year ago. you know maybe there are said c.
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30 plus states which we could weigh in any way that we're complementary to the labor party rather than competitive. i guess that happens you know you got serious numbers for an alternative government trends there in 9097 and that's how many of us got into parliament in the 1st place in the blair revolution it was a complement charity with the labor party rather than culture should call it was never far from our thoughts on this this is alex summed up the 700 year anniversary of the declaration of i broke and he spoke to latest got star pheno ellington scottish parliament was with a dream that we all think and i never thought i would actually end up singing there but a little great boost to the self-confidence of i think with the cultural scene in scotland and it was a tremendous honor for me. for
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the. crew. the declaration of roe for 700 years old it is a medieval document it was sealed not assigned it was an e-mail to avignon it went by ship and by horse and 2 weeks to get there before oh it's ancient document is very modern and its concept firstly it's sophisticated all the stuff about the history of the scots as they are for the purpose that's there stablished the credentials of scotland got here before they wish according to the declaration the languages that it tells a cop but the roman historian solace that quotes from said john the divine that all people are created equal that means the port but that should be the case these are interesting concepts but even more interesting is 2 things about the document 1st leg seems to go beyond the usual feudal medieval cast list of the barnes and
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noble's good king robert the cleric who wrote the document it talks about something called the community of the realm of the community of the realm can't be the feudal caste less so as to be something else sort of embracing that was something beyond that the something which we covered with the people and then most revolutionary of all as suggest what the people the community of the realm might do if good lord robert doesn't come up to snuff and doesn't fulfil what he's made to do doesn't protect scotland against the english then they'll get rid of him and get someone else and that seems to be some sort of look at a contractual relationship between the government and the government of what we might term in modern days popular sovereignty and that is a concept which in the modern world has decided the fate of nations as a concept which might still decide the fate of scotland. but of scotland's picture we had a range of guess articulating the forward for this restless nation including professor
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tom divine kenny macaskill m.p. billy kay i can amass over mcalpine this is how the veteran commentators were shot so things at the start of the year well i mean i think the general consensus with which i agree alex is that there will be no referrer in them in 2020 apart from anything else we learned this week from the institute for government for one to happen just in terms of the logistics and they would have to be in agreement on a $1630.00 order by april and they're going to happen so there's not going to be one this year the 2021 scottish general election is effectively the referendum the next referendum on independence but the problem with 30 is that even if they win and win big the scottish government you still have the not inconsiderable problem of boris seeing new but have politics as an art not a science then what a bike the art of politics 2 of our most popular show a speech at the work of artists burns and through the lens of later to photographer
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harvey benson the man who's 40 got every american president since dwight eisenhower when asked you know why the saltire. well i mean that painting i would probably just escape myself as being political it wasn't intended to be a quick statement basically a lot of the soul to have because i'm scottish and as an artist you little it same for things that. you're looking for that thing that catch it i guarantee it everywhere i went in the water but ever so for to get off the sauce just. so for me it was almost a kissel can you believe and believe in a date as people are doing something with us for the graft some oh maybe 40 years and said to them don i like to come on one photograph you in the white house nice said no i said well you know don't load up no need for fun he use and you have saying no prevent like the picture you were from of all the money on the star and
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he was be too happy without picture only did shome greed and he offered it i said because i need taken on i can't see nights and it's wonderful doll not all that money he said i can go in there and i can get a 1000000 dollars right now and that by and told us and i've never photographed 1000000 dollars and don't think i've ever seen it michel and you have got it and he wanted it to be actually a $1000000.00 and then once i didn't want any faith preacher finally at the year end we paid tribute to those we have lost we featured the life and contributions of non-obvious peacemaker john hume and the world's most famous scot so sean connery. screen legend the world's most famous scot the definitive bond demon golfer sean
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connery was all of these things and much much more it to me he was our a loyal steadfast friend over more than 30 years but took this show on some 23 years ago the pun passed in a really wanted to interview with sean kelly and he readily agreed but suckin stances and health prevented that happening and the reason was that of all the interviews that shown that over the years all the things that were written about him only read one from the the scottish often willie michael viney which got course to capturing the essence of sean connery because this was not just the a great personality of a great movie star this was a great human being a deeply deeply humanness funny ironic human being with great views on on life and everything else and never frightened to express them. in my life i've been privileged to to meet a few great people but only
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a few and one of these was was sean connelly though in times to come will get the opportunity to do a proper tribute to the show on but in the meantime for lady michelin and the family of condolences for the rest of us rode the world alight as didn't know universe but it will shine on and our memories and hopes for the future good bye sean. in many respects kill most of morrow for as much as a political example i mean he was absolutely stunned on the show or in his opposition to political violence during some extremely difficult times you know it was local so i think it was really precious and should. focus through
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a lot of very very hard times i think it's workers who will be soon moral terms that. i'm still until we see you next year have a socially distant sell everything stays safe as you ring in the new year and of course alex happy birthday thank you trust me that i shared it with so alex ferguson and bonnie prince charlie. and as we say in scotland all the best for 2021. you.
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are going to max has or has also battled. looking forward to your president. yanks this is what happens depends as in britain you don't want this you watched as a report thank. you. larry it was a different bed barely got married on the research trip to. the ballet. masters weapon of mass communication is spreading into lebanon
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et al are married in that way to marinated and their families and of them to be as if it was an immobile devices more than 12000000000 contaminated a country and if you don't need to affect me or my american like that against alternative vision. you'll start to question the whole american way to expel the parasite units that can emanate america to create an uproarious community of america undercover and i'm going to destabilize i met you will get exposed i'll take your complaints decontaminate well i'm glad to help you i'll use it and break everything to. track down
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where narrow you can defend yourself i enjoyed every one from the weapons of mass communications. thanks for the teen girls give the enemy up then gave you an area. that is full of is nothing like football the. c.m. s.f. it's not a money spinner but it is expensive. and bandits dangerous. this is a high speed. and they have no brakes. some.
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was a pandemic no signal board is just flying to nationalities. has emerged with the we don't look like world to. judge a. 2 commentary class is this something. we can do better we should be. everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges create the response has been so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together
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. headlining this our parish prepares to usher in 2021 under the shadow of the pandemic with thousands of police deployed to enforce a strict nighttime curfew. we'll hear from frontline medics soon become the unsung heroes dominating. the scene people coming in. we have. what we want. is what we have. to tread carefully when seeking a post trade deal with the us highlighting the health risks of american products.


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