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tv   News  RT  January 1, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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some people. with fireworks. celebration people say out 2020 welcome the new year with hopes of a brighter 12 months ahead. several countries consider introducing covert passports while companies develop mobile apps to enforce compliance but there are warning of significant complications ahead. and take a devastating toll on the french hospitality sector we hear from a small business owner who describes the desperate plight that some people are in. right in front of my house at a restaurant for 2 generations during this 2nd lockdown everyone had to close again
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. restaurants were authorized to open and she was not on the list the next day she hanged herself. and the united states. with a grim new registering its highest. death toll. for a moscow on common break the global story is that we're tracking this new year's day . cities worldwide have seen in 2021 with fireworks lighting up the sky to celebrate the end of a challenging memorable year. and
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then you give speeches world leaders paid tribute to medical workers on the front line of the pandemic but want to further difficulties to come it is a historic crisis that has imposed much on everyone and too much on some i don't think i'm exaggerating when i say that i never in the last 15 years have all of us fallen the old year so difficult the 1st month of the year will be difficult and at least until the spring the epidemic will continue to weigh a lot on the life of our country so i can imagine that there will be plenty of people who'd be only 'd too happy to say goodbye to the grimness of 2020 we will end the pandemic once and for all this is one of the most extraordinary scientific industrial and medical feats of history not everyone is sitting at the festive table right now where lots of people are still in hospitals and i'm sure they feel
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the support of their loved ones and friends you know she was alone there are you me with all my heart and i wish you a speedy recovery mr and a happy return. in central london small crowds gathered to see in the new year in defiance of tight restrictions police showed up to disperse them under the capital's lockdown mixing between households is banned. new york's usually packed times square also so far fewer people than usual with holiday events down jenna's chadwick more thinks the authorities have gone too far in limiting people's freedoms. fortunately i'm not sure i share that optimism at this point i mean especially as someone who lives in new york city we already have blasio our mayor and governor still pretty a very dark picture of what's ahead i believe they said broadway still won't be open until 2022 i don't really see the sort of one party rule progressive
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democrat stronghold cities in america necessarily need to get help with getting back to normal i mean these these governments and these these rulers have shown just how much they're easy to become tyrannical their petty tyrants around tickle i think they want to give up that little level of control so easily and i don't think they're going to get it completely locked down their states they have their ruling almost by anything but military rule when you they have a you know. forces roaming the streets making sure people wear it masks in shops they've got the national guard in new york deployed at the airports to make sure you pull up these illegal al surveys when you get off the plane you remember these are the same people that told us 2 weeks to slow the spread and here we are 9 months later. the united states has registered 3880 deaths from cope it a tragic new record to end the year one of the worst affected areas new york had almost 8000 new infections and it will open looks at how the pandemics change the
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city. as the new year rolls around many in new york city are hoping that 2021 will be completely different the incoming administration of joe biden is promising that they will turn things around with coded 19 with very swift measures and a local government is reassuring everyone that soon things will be back to normal. job. here in new york city all of the country we're getting a shot of hope. we now know that we will ultimately defeat the coronavirus but what will this new normal be a lot of things won't be like that old pre lockdown world before the masks and temperature checks are one of many small businesses will be gone over 30 different retail and restaurant chains filed for bankruptcy in 2021 and many more downsizing stores and restaurants shutting down during the pandemic big tech is now moving in amazon facebook and google have moved thousands of their employees to the big apple
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the 3 tech giants now have over 22000 employees in new york city and more are expected these silicon valley giants are buying up iconic office buildings another aspect of new york city life public transportation is also not doing so well the jobs of thousands of transit workers are on the brink as the trains shut down each night in order to be clean and comply with health regulations new york city is going to enter 2021 with a significant loss at this point this city has actually dropped off the list of america's top 10 zip codes many rich folks have packed up and moved on the cost of rent has decreased by 30 percent so how normal will this new normal be once restrictions are finally lifted it looks like many things have changed in a way that is not easily reversed. r.t. new york. politicians around the world are insisting that corona virus vaccines will stay voluntary however that said many countries are already preparing for
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possible and companies are preparing mobile applications so the authorities can check through people's phones whether they have the job the common trust networks already developed such an app in collaboration with their lines including virgin atlantic. but as dmitri pool reports it leaves people with mixed messages on what exactly happened. if you're still not sure you want to get a code vaccine the choice might now be a little clear several countries are debating whether or not people who get the job should have certain privileges for being covered safe not a bad idea on paper but for those in the back of the line or just hesitant to inject a rapidly developed chemical cocktail life might not be the same sure you don't have to get an ocular added but good luck if you want to travel or go to a bar or pretty much anything anywhere that requires your code pass several governments have already spoken against introducing such a system. have
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a very clear position on this as important as vaccination is for all of us the must be no special treatment for the vaccine these distinguishing between the vaccinated and the not vaccinated would be the same as making it mandatory it would divide society. there are no plans to introduce a vaccine passport to give people access to places such as pubs and restaurants once a coronavirus job becomes available but not everyone's so opposed to the idea now the moment when it's not possible to a flu vaccinations to everyone such a procedure is out of the question but the discussion about it can be still a signal and even in countries that have said that they won't be introducing the covert passes some politicians are saying there is nothing they can really do against businesses requiring a proof of vaccination we are looking at the technology and of course a way of people being able to inform their physician that they have been vaccinated
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but also i think you'll probably find that restaurants and bars and cinemas and other venues sports venues will probably also use that system and companies including i.b.m. have taken matters into their own hands developing apps that would allow businesses to track employees and customers while there is an argument that encouraging more people to get the job will bring about the end of lockdowns but what about personal freedoms that's the thing though you had more stuff and restricted people being missile base you've got the ship with all of the right pieces from print on someone for them to be able to live their life i mean what you're in a country freedom of speech. is not really much of is it i think it's disgusting because it is a form of tyranny. that takes away our freedoms to travel freely. takes away our privacy completely i mean at the end of that people got their hereis about things and they don't want to be pushed into things you know
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a lot of people think they. will tell you what to do and so having control of. everything's up in the air at the moment some countries have taken the idea of passports in another direction instead of handing out vaccine passes spain has decided to do the on. visit and make a noddy list we'll set up a registry and share it with our european partners of those who have been offered vaccination and rejected it spain's health minister didn't specify what exactly what happened to those who get on this register but when a country starts making lists of people it usually doesn't and very well it's a scary thought it kind of reminds me a bit. of this is going too far but lists of people that are complying with something almost reminds me. of the yellow star on the sleeves of germany a lot i don't really know what. i don't like where people get what we should all be
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leery of when people get put on the list for being the particular type of person that's not doing something or is doing something or is of particular we are not to aware that it's discrimination as we know it is true interest i will tend to be against giving people. special rights or something just because the man after all is also a matter of how lucky are you to get in quickly and how low on the priority list that you may have to wait very long and she's sure that because it is doubtful it would be an irishman. here at r.t. we've worked 247 through the year to bring you the news as it happened and plenty of you also headed to our website for updates to ask a tele takes a look at the articles which generated the most clicks. c.n.n. and roddy's ronnie's ronnie's will smith campaign oh hello good timing because i'm reading about you know tori know how well today you know i'm reading about you'll
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savor it stories on our website this year the one you clicked on the most of all i'll be honest i spend most of my time online going through all of the hate comments that trolls me be on you tube so i've never really got round to check out our call but i'm glad i got the chance now well let's see this one came in. a concept bodybuilders dream wedding to his girlfriend cancelled because of covert on your probably moved by this modern day jew yet just look at the pair in thailand so sweet home. and i see why you like the story his girlfriends of sex don't you know i did but oh well what else what else ok well this one not quite as remounted but still determined 2nd.
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a huge b.l.m. rally in new york whoa nothing new really have a protest today gives democracy in play why so many hits then. you know i've got a thousands gather here and it's ok but restaurants a shot and small businesses are killed to slow the spread trumps ronnie's of course a dubbed super spreaders it's almost like you i'm not convinced that covert doesn't attend democrat led romney's visit restaurants before 10 pm shocking well time for the big one then let's see what came out on top. what we have here facebook and it's fact checking all need stories yes you have i remember this now tons out the lead story here is that the independent group is
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absolutely packed with democratic donors i next c.n.n. people and writing they've developed an appetite for branding any news to the right of well the left hopes what you it's actually quite surprising because usually big tech just nubs right wing media content while that's a wrap on this here here's hoping you keep on playing through 2021. i'm max kaiser one more of my guide to financial survival this is a hedge fund and a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these hedge
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funds are simply not accountable and we're just getting more and more to them. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for a while because we're for. the world is driven by shaped by our. military thinks. we dare to ask.
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to get more of a headline news from says record it's $26000.00 new cases of covert in the past day that's the highest rate since mid november and the government's responded by tightening a nighttime curfew in several cities. we have this we don't want to implement a nationwide or local look don't know if we will propose an extension of the curfew which instead of starting at 8 pm we'll still it's at 6 pm in all the regions where it's needed is some cities or regions where the incidence rate is above the maximum level these measures will be implemented from generally 2nd 2021 to build an aside from the curfews bars and restaurants remain closed over the festive period extends months of restrictions that have taken a devastating toll on the hospitality industry restaurant owner vincent mony a describe to us the desperate state some people are in and how his neighbor was driven to suicide. so i've been living in la
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trinité so for 16 years i have 12 hotel rooms sent to restaurants we serve from 40250000 per year we employ 12 people during the winter period and around 22 people during the summer period so being suddenly left without work for 5 months is not easy our commune is special ised in selling local products seafood we produce a lot of fish there are no more events there are no more buses there is nothing and on top of that we are closed in terms of health i took antidepressants i took sensitives i throw up every morning i don't sleep much and i don't sleep well and i think i'm not the only one in this position among people i know there was my neighbor who lived right in front of my house who had a restaurant for 2 generations she survived the 1st lock down she was 36 years old
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she had a roadside restaurant it was an establishment that everyone knew and appreciated during the 2nd lockdown everyone had to close again but some roadside restaurants were authorized to open and as she was not on the list the next day she hanged herself. if you want to morbid detail it was her 11 year old son who took her down from the noose. of a pole from a french socialist think tank suggests that 25 percent of artisan traders most of whom have seen their income plummet have considered suicide and out of all those who've lost their jobs the numbers even higher at 27 percent the french economy shrunk by a record 13.8 percent back last spring when the 1st lock down was in forced business is deemed non-essential with the worst hit with the hospitality sector seeing a contraction of around 50 percent output in somalia again says that many business owners see no way out. of this for me if you want to close bars and
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restaurants that don't follow protocol that's fine but on the other hand most of my colleagues have scrupulously respected all the rules that have been imposed on us and today there is no study which proves that restaurants are a source of infection when you see people crowding in the subway i don't understand why there is less danger in supermarkets or in the subway than in a restaurant i didn't take a salary for 6 months so ultimately i paid to work luckily for me and my wife we've put some money aside we've put it aside but it melts like ice cubes in the sun so inevitably it makes us questions we wonder how it's going to be tomorrow if we'll be able to pay the rent if we'll be able to pay for the car if we'll be able to pay for the kids' school especially when we know that business owners and friends have no direct help. at christmas my children told me daddy don't give us presidents
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will sell all our toys instead to earn money to have food. the. united states has hiked tariffs on a range of european imports in a tit for tat move explaining the decision the trump of ministration accused europe of overreacting to the previous round of u.s. penalties the e.u. may do not the jurors that infer increase the amount of routes away soon the u. needs to take some measure to compensate for this unfairness the latest u.s. levies target aircraft parts and winds from france and germany they come after the e.u. slapped taxes on $4000000000.00 worth of imports from america last month and those in turn were a response to american tariffs on $7500000000.00 of goods in 2019 at the core of the dispute is washington's long running claim that europe's unfairly subsidizing the aircraft maker airbus giving it an edge over u.s. rival boeing responding to the latest salvo from washington brussels accused of undermining the ongoing negotiations. the u.s.
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action unilaterally disrupts the ongoing negotiation between the commission and u.s.t.r. to find a settlement of the long lasting aircraft disputes your list thomas fassbender things we're seeing a global trend of governments trying to shield their industries from foreign competition. but this is a sign of an overall return of protectionist policies that he days of the free international free trade and the multi-layered reformers are over and i see this less bound to or a certain president in the us then to this general trend tariffs are always damaging for producers and customers both. in rio mehta this move is limited or great brandy's and wine from 2 countries germany and france and bards i see this the overall significance of the decision i see less intimidating
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in the wish to damage somebody but to make it clearer. make it give a clear sign by the us that the future will be not as the past wars and the word to. america 1st survive his presidency joe biden knows that the that the europeans have a big interest in improving relations to washington which were almost frozen dead for the last years and for it for him it comes in handy in a way because his friendship will not be for free for the europeans and the more he has to offer in terms of favorite of beauties reductions or whatever the more he can ask in terms of what he wants to buy from the europeans in order to be good friends again. while most of the world is stuck in a covert recession china is bucking the trend with strong economic growth that
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expected to hit 9 percent this year and the impacts could be felt far afield as well with beijing's belden road trade initiative now spending several continent the project was launched in 2013 with the aim of bolstering transport links from china across your asia and africa more than 70 countries are now involved and the chinese government's believed to have spent around a trillion dollars building ports railways highways and energy pipelines foreign policy analyst art elia give us his insights on china investment strategy and how it contrasts with western goals. only. already seen the effects of the battle to order the ship in germany a good example it's a city of 2 spork. specific regional boats hit hard by the end of the mining industry and other factors a lot of unemployed and so on and no sense. of their automation tariff but we see across from asia happening into that direction we see many new jobs being created
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and this is just one example of course china is not just trying to cope without getting anything from this but there is a very big difference we see the west getting involved in some regions of the world and by this i mean there neoliberal western east and longleat approaches stared they only care for their own interests so called cooperation was to westerly one sided there was no real development happening in this country it's basically their scheme missteps they if all of their natural resources and in return they all this get nothing now in the case of china a terrorist actually could be a result there is slow no roads being built there are points being world so on the one side of course china going to benefit from this but on the other side the partner countries also i do benefit from such that infrastructure investments is especially good for the east which i think one last thought to give up on the west
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. that's how it looks from moscow this new year's day wrapping up this hour for you then with some more of the fireworks with welcomed in 2021 with a bang like a frightened 12 months ahead this is out saying thanks for watching.
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and i noticed that across the ocean who. may have australian bush you know they will do that yet the. poor are. used to them she jumped on the nearest union. movement and if it's you will get the best of the whole i thought so i didn't study to go to political introduces the change must play to mean systems but seems to me. to decouple initiatives you need to go to fix what is new would look like a loser well that i don't see a pretty chilled or is certainly
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a choice to be on your protocol free speech to a little less talk would have brought of this thread to free sure the coke with full attention you. want of soup that beautiful at them. you knew it would. come to sell to put so that the new word in the. black cola duran dish to their hair for. gas to jam just. reach the whole city if you do you'll get your sleep. when you i knew the boys would do the biggest loss with us he did you know. look i don't need you just what else let me speak. so when you put up sheen you could then you must use nobodies. but the demick no certainly no borders and just bought into nationalities.
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as americans we don't come with the we don't have the facts in the whole world beat's to the. people. judge you. 2 come in every crisis with this system since. we can do better we should. everyone is contributing each of our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges created the response has been massive so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs talk to people who are chronic pain patients to
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believe that their opioid prescription is working for them on the remedy be sent to the price at the. grocery dependency and addiction to opiates to long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggested that the long term effects might not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term. you know i can remember when it would flow one time in the fall and then one time in the spring you know a break up and now i mean already 3 times this year they said you know when people get nervous about the flooding of their houses and they need to stay in school or even getting out of new talk because they're worried about that kind of stuff than just these last 2 storms have taken so much away you know he went measured the last couple storms and they're like it knocked off 1020 feet in 11 day yeah and so
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there's been marginals i have to do during all the students they were after the kids right in their journals about their worries about the floods i don't think are as a catch on fire but a fire house flooded as the very next thing they all wrote on their own was are as flooded we would grab and they've got some of the box of pictures by the door and. so i. think they've obviously been stressing about it momentum and things hard. paying for it are you. i've heard no i do not know how. my 1st year here which was good. years ago. i thought. you see these commercials you know about helping other countries and i'm thinking look at this place. and why isn't there commercial to help the people here
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like there's no.


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