tv The Big Picture RT January 1, 2021 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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the u.s. centers 2021 with a grim new record registering its highest ever daily death toll. endemic restrictions that take a devastating toll on the french hospitality sector a small business owner says his neighbor took her own life as many are desperate over the future of their businesses it was my neighbor who lived right in front of my house and they had a restaurant for 2 generations during the 2nd lockdown everyone had to close again but some roadside restaurants were authorized to open and she was not on the list the next day she hanged herself. several countries consider introducing covert passports while companies develop mobile apps to enforce compliance but there are warnings of significant complications. those are your headlines at for this hour
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the 1st new episode of the big picture in 2021 is coming up next stay with us. early this past year many shifted to work at home during the pandemic and then came our perennial trek to the virtual north pole and lots of us became order and pick up 1st timers will this remain business as usual long after santos work is done let's ask our t. boone bus co-host sarah month test day oka sara door buster diehards aside we've been on holiday shopping online for years but the convenience of curbside pick up contagious back when the virus. correct it did it got
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a little more popular so hauling curbside pick up and e-commerce like you mentioned it at least e-commerce has been a thing even pre-code but curbside pick of did start in january of 20000 where a lot of big retail stores offered the service we had at wal-mart target and other grocery stores as well it surged 202 percent though between march and may and nearly 30 percent of all these orders were much like you said pick up 1st timers currently people want to avoid crowds right the best way to do so is by really trying to to do this this contactless experience is curbside pick up it's especially high during the holiday season and there's a good reason for that people don't want to wait for the meal delays are a lot going on right now packages lost or stolen people don't want to risk ordering gives that may not show up in time or show up by christmas so curbside pickup really makes it easier and often it will take less than 24 hours before your order is ready for pickup all you have to do is is order online and you'll get
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a notification when it's ready for you to drive up they bring it out to you much easier simpler and contactless. who are the click for pick up customers will recent rockets on intelligence data really looked into some of this consumer behavior and they found that it really ranges across all income levels however when it comes to 1st timers numbers did show that 62 percent of 1st timers had a household income of less than $75000.00 those with an income above 100000 though they made up only 24 percent but remember this is only 1st timers so more lower income households started using order pick up for the 1st time compared to those with higher income there was also a difference between males and females typically females tend to love shopping more full disclosure here i'm a fool a believer in retail therapy i love shopping going to the mall but recent data also did show that. that it's. time customers were mostly males right there spending it
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twice as much as females when you look at the overall data though women are still spending more it just doesn't mean it's their 1st time females are spending about 59 percent compared to males which are 41 percent now curbside pick up started it back in january 20. well but when the pandemic started in april it reached a new high of 22.3 percent of all online buyers so in may of 2020 though it reached 23 point one percent just to put this into perspective this is just over a 1.5 times increase over february of 2020 when it was originally 14.4 percent. adobe analytics so did find that curbside pick up grew a whopping 88 percent 80 percent between november 1st and december 9th so looking at those numbers just imagine what we're going to look at or what the numbers are going to look like for the entire month of december but i also want to bring up
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a google survey google's head of product management local carney she cited several google 2020 surveys when it comes to how consumers change their behavior and it found that 80 percent of shoppers will consolidate shopping to make fewer trips than in previous years obviously this is due to the pandemic people want to save time searches for of vailable near me they've grown globally by more than 100 percent since last year and 60 percent of shoppers plan to confirm on line that a desired item is in stock before going to buy it and again because buyers really want to make sure their items are in stock they opt out for this line or even more conveniently curbside pick up and you can tell merchants they're really just adapting to these new business models adapting to these new trends. sure that the 88 percent number you gave me was a real headline and i'm like you i felt christmasy later on in the christmas season without going to the mall that better safe than sorry the reason we're doing so
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much time efficient shopping from home is because so many of us are working from home we've seen lots of data about how employers like skipping the commute in recapturing sleep time and saving a bundle on dry cleaning and a lot of employers are saving a bundle cutting the cost of a workspace that was configured back in the mad men era but sarah as comfy as these circumstances are. millions of others continue to suffer right i've got a little under a minute that's right holland so just last 2 weeks we've seen a slowdown or at least a sorry a surge and jobless claims which means that we are far from our recovery and even though there is a vaccine which we still we have to know that until mass in occupations begin the economy is going to remain under a lot of pressure but the unfortunate reality is here there's a widening gap between those haves have nots those who can work from home those who cannot blue collar service sector workers are really the ones suffering the most during the pandemic but i do want to point out not only are americans and able to pay their rent but
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a lot of food banks across the country are becoming extremely overwhelmed to put this into perspective holland according to feeding america before the pandemic more than 35000000 people in the u.s. struggled with hunger and now that number is more than 50000000 people and that's this includes 17000000 children a lot of these families are people families who never thought they'd rely on food banks so again vaccines have been rolled out but this is still a very long road to recovery many are saying that up and down next holiday season and who knows how long it's going to take to go back to normal. r t boom bust cohost several months thank you thank you china has planted its flag on the moon after grabbing up moon rocks the 1st lunar souvenirs mankind has brought home in more than 40 years what will they tell us now that we didn't know then and what is the usa is space agenda in the new year let's ask the co-author with jail pickering of the handsome picturing apollo 11 rare views an undiscovered moments
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and the space age presidency of john f. kennedy a rare photographic history longtime space correspondent john business seen sporting a stocking stuffer from secret santa and to prove how space minds think alike i must share john's thank you note a picture of his license plate now that mobile unit but still a space journalist john what could the chinese learn from what they brought back and will they share it with us well they brought back about 4 and a half pounds of moon rocks not a lot compared to the apollo program but still you know not bad and this is from a younger part of the movie than apollo explored so that's going to give them a little bit of insight into the mood for mission and may help them better analyze from the earth what's going on on different areas of the mood now will they share with us that's the key question of all and because congress has put restrictions in place for a scientific exchanges you might imagine that's the case
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a lot of restrictions on joint of these the so we'll have to see whether there's some exemption made out of the biden administration but for the moment they've got these rocks that themselves younger part of the movie. younger part of the moon we marked the 20th anniversary of the u.s.a.'s 1st moon landing back in 2019 and we're still the only nation that's put a man on the lunar surface you have been skeptical about this 2024. good tool for nasa as artemus mission which would put a woman on the moon still think that's ambitious well i do holland and it's mostly because it just takes time to get everything in place now there is some discussion of what will happen to the artemis program under the biden administrator should because democratic administrations typically favor what's called nessa's mission to planet earth remote sensing climate change focusing more on things
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closer to home but i think the the s.l.s. is this is called the booster we're seeing right there the space launch system at some animation of course i think that booster and the orion capsule or too far along now for the by the moon stripping to cancel it but i also don't believe it's going to be ready in time to send astronauts to the moon in what would just be 3 years although this month matthew goodenough. 18 astronauts introduced as their artemus team and presumably one man and one woman will be the 1st american to the 1st people to go back to the moon but i think you might be more you know 2026 something like that. yeah i misspoke i said 20th anniversary really the 50th anniversary but at our age time flies when you're having fun while most earthlings have been coping with the pandemic during this past year 2020 did mark some space
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firsts what were last year's headlines and what are we looking forward to up there and 2021 john. well i think the biggest thing obviously was was the space x. launching 2 astronauts to the international space station from florida the 1st time the u.s. has launched astronauts robot soil since the end of the shuttle program back in 2011 and then just last month they sent 4 other astronauts up there so space x. has really got a. thing going here and it is of historical significance because nasa has no independent ability to get our people up and down from the space station. now as i mentioned next november we're talking about next year nasa does try to do a test launch of this big booster we'll see if that happens. now it may. be we talk about basic but last this month you probably saw another thing by space x. this is what elon musk calls this starship that thing launched in texas with 8
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miles up turned out its side and came down and laid it exploded now must call that a big success and i will grant you probably about 80 percent of it one of the. but the thing suffer when we call the rapid on some way. so we'll see what the future of the starship is that's he has planned to give people on clue on the mark you have is a euphemism but if he said he got a lot of good data part of the legacy of president trump leaves behind as a 6th branch of the military the space force or space farce as critics quip john i got about 30 seconds fair charge or a bum rap. well it's been in conversation for almost 20 years it just happened to come to fruition during the trumpet ministration i think it got a little bit of a bad rap just because he's prone to do these flame buoyant things to excite its base but i think it's a beneficial thing it was going to come eventually none of these people of course
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are in space they're on the ground and it does in the final analysis of khalid report to the secretary of the air force but is considered a separate branch. yeah and back to what you said about r.m.s. i think this stuff is good for the american spirit even if that launch gets postponed we need some good news right now author and a long time network space journalist john biz me happy news year pal coming up after an asterisk year in 2020 will it be game on in 2021 this long suffering baseball fan is as eager as you are to find out next this is the big picture on our t.v. america.
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every year with great pleasure to be answered questions from our viewers and this year is no different as usual your questions focus on future postponed events my panel and. to look at. the next turn across the usual. i need an australian version of the. used in the times you jump to the notice. that it's. the best of the. study to go to lift it is insist that you must play. but it seems to me. to decouple an image did you begin to believe that just with this new book out of these i will get a title to put a tool to this there will be
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a choice to be out there but it will show you such did it with. us took the little girl out of this thread to free sure the coke with full attention you. the main point of seeing the beautiful and hear them mostly was we're going. to put so that the new version of yet that block. the radish dash for. gaston jenny hutt just. reached those idiot gould. b.s.t. when you're any good you're the locus of us all going to see it in you are just stuck doesn't it you just what does lead to speech of your pride you will know when you are going in the store usually is. world is driven by a dream shaped. thing
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. we. ask. how many days until spring training good question starved for the games that fans had to sit out this past season i looked up some of the 2021 schedules for baseball teams i followed and i noticed that my beloved red sox are scheduled to open up on the road in baltimore then a week later vice versa the orioles and boston likewise
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a week after the cubs open the season in pittsburgh pirates to opening day at wrigley field and the cubs and brewers visit each other back to back see what's happening here it's not quite the bubble that the n.b.a. went into in orlando when the n.h.l. went into edmonton and toronto but these baseball teams are hoping to begin their season the way dr felt she and others have told us how to socialize in close contact with those few people as possible how will professional sports and beer may and then all the other folks who sell us the peanuts and crackerjacks make out in the new year let's ask our team america steve crist stock o's who himself is not in sports h.q. but is quarantined at home steve. in normal times the major leagues 6 months schedule enables players to limp home and rest up for 6 months but include in their 2 pandemic pauses the national basketball association wrapped up its
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longest ever season before starting a new season less than 2 months later how do shortened seasons and mid season interruptions and short rest between seasons impact player performance well how good to be with you here from 14 but i guess or for all-star 4 and obviously we're all happy to see the sport being able to come back those soon but it does affect the players obviously you know you've heard the term load management we're going to see a lot of that especially in the n.b.a. with the shortest offseason you know ending and over beginning december 22nd now so we're going to see a lot of that stars like le bron james have already said the bubble in orlando took a toll on him and you know it's pettitte psychological impact not only physical on some of the players he said it was the hardest championship he's ever had to win so for the n.b.a. it's going to be tricky along with the n.h.l. trying to start up in the 1st couple weeks in january again after finishing and sober as well the n.f.l.
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should be able to get back on track. given that there may be a widespread vaccine available for the start of the 2021 season next year and in august the paper and they are planning to finish up is that your see if they could have a super bowl finish of your event yet to be determined and of course the i'll be trying to start spring training as usual in february but there are 2 anonymous and all the others that are quoted as saying there is a snowball's 'd chance in hell that the season will start on time so along with spring training because they don't think this day for all 'd that they are yet without a vaccine they don't want to start with the good and secure overcalls that are in effect right now they think it would be too dangerous. yeah fingers crossed on that one but the los angeles fans have got to be the least disappointed of 2020 dodgers and lakers went all the way i still feel bad for the washington nationals who did not get to accept their world series rings in front of an open house there were fake people in the seats major league baseball is shutting down
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a bunch of minor league teams now i've got to think that like every other industry that is suffering from supply chain cutbacks college sports crimped and canceled as well that player personnel is imperiled isn't it yes like you said them i'd only had to lose 40 or 13 just not coming back so that's going to bring the player talent very it's going to shrink a lot of the lower and you're not going to have as large a fool to choose from obviously and they had to do with the n.b.a. and and the n.l. be they had to do a lot of virtual virtual workouts doing interviews you don't get in for an interaction the scout these young guys and see what they're all about they had to go based on just data analysis and a lot of video you know going through. as you told scout these guys so it's going
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to affect as we saw with virtual draft and all that already this year it's going to affect the scouting which already has and future of how they're going to draft these guys at least until you know 21202122 when thinking maybe somewhat get back to normal and they can you know virtual they can have been hurt and not do everything. and with fewer upwardly mobile players getting a close look i got to think that in baseball some of the older guys are going to hang on about how many d.h. as can the american league support we're speaking with america sportscaster steve christakis other 2020 coronavirus casualties included n c a a men's basketball march madness the canadian football league the new x f l's 1st season the n.c.a.a. college and little league world series a wimbledon and the end the 500 steve which of these events are best and
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worst able for a comeback in 2021. well let's start with the best i mean most of the summer ones you mentioned. little league world series the indy $500.00 wimbledon the c.f.l. starts in june you know all these are going to be able to probably go off without a hitch because assuming there's a widespread vaccine all these athletes are going to are going to be vaccinated in order to play however but one that is the worst. and march madness is in trouble because we're already seeing the college best season the only about a month as we've seen so many cancellations and disruptions already they're talking about now having to try to do a march madness bubble that's $68.00 teams in one city they're thinking indianapolis or is supposed to be they're thinking of just doing the entire thing there with the logistics of that and the killer bees needed for that it's hard to say if they're going to be able to do it so they did lose a $1000000000.00 last march by just putting it lightly they don't want to avoid
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that at all costs obviously because literally that would that would bankrupt them i mean they can't afford to take another hit like that so it's going to be interesting to see if they can pull off a march madness in march but the other summer sports you know should should be fired in the n.f.l. you mentioned they decided they wanted their just to get in the spring. so they should be ok. yeah that march madness hit really hurt here in providence where we always get a big piece of that actions but maybe next year steve i'm down to about a minute but how about the olympics early on in the shutdown the tokyo 2020 summer games were immediately rescheduled to 2021 you can imagine the lead time with something like that how are their prospects and if they had to push it back another year are a lot of players simply going to age out. well yeah aging out the problem the qualifications expiring is a problem training preparation but the president of the olympic committee of the
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international committee and also the government tokyo set of programs go out in july supposed to be going to last 23rd 2021 that it's just not going to happen they will scrap it and the next summer games will be paris 2024 so if it doesn't happen then but they are saying it's most likely they're often as present as i was the study often is that it will happen because they're heavily reliant again on the vaccine saying that the athletes will be back and they did but right now it won't be required and that as far as fans attending. recent polls in japan a lot of the public there in japan do not want international fans coming in and out but again that might be reliant on whether they are required to be vaccinated in order to attend but it should go off without a hitch july 23rd if everything goes well yeah the fans are do b.s. but the olympic village itself is a bit of a bubble so fingers crossed for that too are to american sportscaster steve christakis thanks for your time and happy new year.
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no matter how young you are this will make you feel old the new millennium was 20 years ago we heaved a sigh of relief when y2k did not plunge us into darkness but there was suspense by year's end hanging chads with all we've been through lately it's easy to wonder what the heck next as though the last 20 years were not transformative 2001911 i pod was born george harrison died 2002 figuring that after 911 we were all going to die i bought a sailboat and what they say is true the 2 happiest days of your life are the day you a buy your boat and the day to sell your boat 2003 the u.s. a invades iraq 7 astronauts perish as the shuttle columbia disintegrates re entering the atmosphere 2004 facebook was born ronald
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reagan marlon brando rodney dangerfield and superman christopher reeve died 2005 hurricane katrina killed 836 americans and we said goodbye to johnny carson richard pryor and pope john paul the 2nd 2006 twitter 2007 i phone virginia tech shootings the subprime crisis triggered the global recession 2008 the great recession and president elect barack obama. 2009 swine flu and our i p a michael jackson farrah fawcett ted kennedy walter cronkite and for the last time paul harvey told radio listeners good day 2010 the
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biggest oil spill in history slime the gulf of mexico and i pad and instagram debuted 2011 the occupy movement set up camp and the world population hit 7000000000 minus osama bin laden. 2012 sandy hook and hurricane sandy trayvon martin is shot dead and george zimmerman goes free president obama is reelected dick clark and whitney houston die 2013 the boston marathon bombing and edward snowden released this classified documents 2014 robin williams committed suicide and philip seymour hoffman owed deed 2015 riots in baltimore after freddy grade dies in police custody and the supreme court says same sex couples have
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a constitutional right to marry 2016 and a shooter kills 49 in an orlando gay nightclub donald trump is elected president 27000 hurricane harvey whacks houston the costliest in u.s. history and several 1000 die in irma and maria others jerry lewis hugh heffner chuck berry fats domino j. geils tom petty don rickles roger moore and mary tyler moore who really could turn the world on with her smile 2018 bill cosby goes to prison george h.w. bush john mccain and penny marshall go to heaven and whitey bulger goes to hell. 2019 seems like forever go but it wasn't unavenged full mass shootings continued
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