tv News RT January 2, 2021 12:00am-12:31am EST
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so join us for the. forum eve of the shallows. just a day after britain finally quit the people of business is now reporting being tangled up in red tape and bitterness. desperation even suicides a french restaurant owner tells us the appalling lives of people in his sector as the economy collapses amid fresh curfews. was my neighbor who lived right in front of my house had a restaurant for 2 generations during the 2nd lockdown everyone had to close again but some roadside restaurants were authorized to open and as she was not on the list the next day she hanged herself. and minneapolis roy after another fatal shooting by police it's the same city where
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officers killed george floyd with death sparked massive unrest across the country. morning r.t. the weekend from moscow it's saturday the 2nd of january kevin 0 in here for the next 30 minutes with our latest just a day to one more. first then britain officially quit the e.u. exactly just over 29 hours ago but it's already hitting roadblocks apparently sometimes quite literally trucks bound for europe. with the wrong paperwork many are even refusing to accept that the country is now out of the block. taylor reports. and so began the downswing new age of an independent britain and my goodness was it tasty. starting 2021 with
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a lovely bridget breakfast after 40 years of wed to bliss the u.k. is out on its own we saw the 1st ferry leave britain's shores cross the channel and dock in cali and while the 1st lorry to enter the euro tunnel after midnight might have been given a friendly go ahead for others trying to cross from wales and to ireland it wasn't such a pleasant the new well it has been quiet and wholly had so far today the port authority indicates that 6 freight loads bound for arlen's have had to be turned away due to not have the correct references but being nearly bogged down in red tape isn't the only thing dampening the spirit regret and bitterness a particularly strong in scotland with a majority feeling that they'd be better off if i could brussels scotland to book soon europe give the. some would say this is the 1st stage of grief denial but with
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support for scottish independence rising by the day and hitting 58 percent in recent weeks there's now a fear that breaking with brussels might well cost the u.k. its 300 year union with scotland so bracks it is might be revelling triumphantly in the new found independence now but there won't be any victory laps when they're left with a defined to kinda no wonder then the people are nervous about the road ahead i would say as a young person my focus is mainly been on money travelling europe and i took a chance that opportunity might be taken away from my very very fit the u.k. has given the will or. got very little in return it's just going to make life a lot were complicated the biggest impact for me it's just going to be not travelling and really not feeling like i am here anymore i feel like that's been ripped away. while some a novice others just can't and that the pasta go in fact they want to rewrite the
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campaign for britain's rejoined europe starts at midnight. in the meantime hundreds of thousands are hoping the e.u. will forgive them and hand on over a pity passport while others have gone to extremes doing a deep dive into family archives praying that they can find some long lost friend it really doesn't matter a great great aunt 3 times american may have never met but who might well be that lifeline to visa free travel if i understand it correctly i am french my mother was born in france her mother was totally french as was her grandfather so for me it is about reclaiming what i already have and that makes me very happy i will always be a european that's for sure nothing like. father jumping ship to instill confidence in these uncertain times but boris isn't too bold that in fact he's wrong but
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pleased with himself this is an amazing moment for this country we have our freedom in our hands and he's up to us to make the most of it while it might be a freedom fountain of boris's hands but as restlessness disillusionment and division and britannia grow there's a sense that the only thing britons are left holding the empty promises. france recorded 26000 new cases of covert on new year's eve the highest daily rate since november the government responded done by tightening night curfews. we don't want to implement a nationwide or local look don't whoever we will propose an extension of the curfew
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which instead of starting at 8 pm will start at 6 pm in all the regions where it's needed is some cities or regions where the incidence rate is above the maximum alert level these measures will be implemented from generally 2nd 2021 aside from the curfews bars and restaurants remain closed over the festive period it extends months of restrictions that have taken a devastating toll on the hospitality industry restaurant owner vince somalia describe to us the desperate state some people are in and how his neighbor was even driven to take her own life. so i've been living in la trinité so for 16 years i have 12 hotel rooms sent to restaurants we serve from 40250000 per year we employ 12 people during the winter period and around 22 people during the summer period so being suddenly left without work for 5 months is not easy our kommunist specialized in selling local products seafood we
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produce a lot of fish there are no more events there are no more buses there is nothing and on top of that we are closed in terms of health i took antidepressants i took sentence i throw up every morning i don't sleep much and i don't sleep well and i think i'm not the only one in this position among people i know there was my neighbor who lived right in front of my house who had a restaurant for 2 generations she survived the 1st lock down she was 36 years old she had a roadside restaurant it was an establishment that everyone knew and appreciated during the 2nd lockdown everyone had to close again but some roadside restaurants were authorized to open and as she was not on the list the next day she hanged herself if you want to morbid detail it was her 11 year old son who took her down from the noose. who do do so dear that are awful isn't it were our poll from
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a french socialist think suggests a quarter of all traders usually after seeing their income plunge have considered suicide and for those of lost their jobs the numbers even higher the french economy has already suffered double digit falls by the spring when the 1st lot came in but business is deemed non-essential were hit much harder with the hospitality sector contracting 50 percent one year again breaks down the terrible effects or workers and their families. it is for me if you want to close bars and restaurants that don't follow protocol that's fine but on the other hand most of my colleagues have scrupulously respected all the rules that have been imposed on us and today there is no study which proves that restaurants are a source of infection when you see people crowding in the subway i don't understand why there is less danger in supermarkets or in the subway than in
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a restaurant i didn't take a salary for 6 months so ultimately i paid to work luckily for me and my wife we've put some money aside we've put it aside but it melts like ice cubes in the sun so inevitably it makes us questions we wonder how it's going to be tomorrow if we'll be able to pay the rent if we'll be able to pay for the car if we'll be able to pay for the kids' school especially when we know that business owners and friends have no direct help at christmas my children told me daddy don't give us presence will sell all our toys instead to earn money to have food. just months after the police killing of george floyd of minneapolis sparks vast protests nationwide now the city is raging again dozens have been held in rallies over a fatal shooting by officers on wednesday night authorities have released body comfort each of the incident a warning you may find the video disturbing. i was. stupid
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it took place outside the car station when police were trying to arrest a felony suspect the victim's been identified as 23 year old his parents who somali immigrants was just sitting in his car and that police later raided the family home however according to officers different story they say the suspect opened fire from his vehicle. my view of the video in the pool area information that also mention that a witness saw the individual fire 1st at the officers my officers were reacting to that deadly threat should the officers not react in a deadly force situation and knowing that community members lives were at stake as well the officers are trying to protect the community members lives and their own historian gerald hall and says international attention on black victims in the u.s.
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does have an effect. i would counter to what happened in april $968.00 in the united states after nobel laureate dr martin to change the skill at that particular moment you had chemistry since we were up to there is another aspect of what's happening today that had a substance. and i mean the demonstrations a local if you look historically at the struggles of black americans what you'll find is that one of the ways we've made progress on the path of this because to been to national solidarity and so that gives me hope for the future and one of the problems with the. leader there decentralized and that is a direct result of the fact the power of like people to follow a centralized political we're going to say such as the black panther party in the 1960 s. the government comes out their leaders and takes them and she you know. and so
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therefore to be at the uptake is to have not only the you know people just spontaneously come to the streets now i understand that and but it does it makes it difficult to plan it makes it very difficult to channel that energy into politics. so these like those protests took place near where george floyd was killed in may not his column open looks next and how the massive rallies this still happening across america sparked by his death being seen as a turning point in the country's history. for just a minute we'll roll back to 2017 in charlottesville. police news flashes of a battle between leftists and white supremacists heather higher killed when a right winger over rammed his car into a crowd of left wing activists a police helicopter crashing and killing state troopers street clashes and violence that shocked the world.
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the year is 2020 and there is nothing more common than the sight of angry crowds and burning cars it's almost routine you've got right wing groups like the proud voices or the patriot prayer who clash in the streets with masked communists or anarchists under the label of. it's far from peaceful people get stabbed people get shot this summer many were horrified by the brutal killing of george floyd at the hands of the police. but for. the battleground a message changed black lives matter protests rocked the country the national guard was called up it was chaos in the streets.
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how many people died from clashes between protesters and police during 2020 the us media has not really focused on giving a specific body count in detroit wisconsin and tennessee protestors were shot and killed on june 12th yahoo news listed the name of 12 officers from local and federal agencies who were killed during the protests as the year went on more incidents came and more deaths were counted in july donald trump made a point of sending the federal officers to portland oregon to crackdown on the protesters sending law enforcement. portland was totally out of control the democrats and liberal democrats running the place had no idea what they were doing they made a point of abducting protesters covering their faces and opting to engage local
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officials opposed to a movement on july 30th they struck a deal for the feds to back down in november and a contested us presidential election from supporters poured out into the streets of washington d.c. and other cities leftists came out to confront them. there was a time when average americans viewed protesters as friends crazy and 168 richard nixon won the presidential election saying he stood for a silent majority that opposed peace marchers and civil rights activists and with disgusted by growing unrest but that america is long gone protests which are often turned violent seem pretty normal these days so whether the issue is white
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supremacy police brutality contested election results or declaring autonomous zones americans now seem far more willing to engage in politics and in violence or both 2020 maybe look back on as a turning point in u.s. history and r.t. new york. oh there's a smalling the us major terror of sony you products in a tit for tat move exploding the decision to trumpet ministration accused europe of overreacting to the previous round of washington's penalties the e.u. may do not the tourists that i'm still increase the amount of routes away soon the u. needs to take some measure to compensate for this and. so the latest u.s. levies target aircraft parts of elk a whole they come to brussels put taxes on $4000000000.00 worth of imports from america and those in turn were a response to u.s. charges on 7 point $5000000000.00 of goods the core of the dispute is washington's
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long running claim that europe is unfairly subsidizing the aircraft maker airbus therefore giving it an edge over u.s. rival boeing responding to the latest salvo from the white house brussels accused of undermining current efforts to solve the dispute. the us actions unilaterally disrupts the ongoing negotiation between the commission and u.s.t.r. to find a settlement of the long lasting aircraft disputes. you can take the position that all this terror of policy is sort of a personal vendetta by donald trump against the europeans i personally do not share that view my reading is that this is a sign of an overall return of protectionist policies that he days of the free international free trade and the multi-layered reformers are over and i see this less bound to or a certain president in the us then to this general trend tariffs are always
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damaging for producers and customers both i see this the overall significance of the decision i see less intimidating in the wish to damage somebody but give a clear sign by the us that the future will be not as the past wars and the word to. america 1st survive his presidency so now french officials warning of sanctions could cost his wine industry more than a $1000000000.00 euro. head of the country's independent wine producers federation urges process to end the playmakers dispute warning it spreading now to other sectors. sure and that you can see for the last few years the revenue of independent us wine producers which takes 1st place in the value of exports of our product has dropped by nearly 200000000 euros today we are suffering because of the mistakes of the 2 aircraft manufacturers american and european this of course is
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totally unjust because people working in our industry didn't do anything wrong with our industry didn't deserve such a punishment nevertheless our sector is paying the highest price i think france is about to lose from 502700 1000000 euros net return on this market it's very important to get out of this taxation system and urgently adopt a resolution that will abolish all of those taxes imposed by the e.u. and us that way we can avoid the constantly rising tension and economic instability connected with geopolitical interests. another day in another year in the israeli palestinian conflict seems sometimes for me to go from bad to worse doesn't it but some hope may be what israeli consulate playing music has struck a chord of those who hope to finally bring peace to the region. i.
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was the. only we all share the passion for classical arabic music or middle eastern music and we believe that it's part of the middle east and this is our culture our vision was to bring this music to the mainstream of israeli culture. i. mean everybody wants the school arabs and jews both ashkenazi and safadi for them this is different to use a culture of from what they used to be a mental dump a political politics don't matter here people come together to create art this is one of the few places in the israeli cultural loans where there is code creation with the entire mosaic of the state of israel at play with differences don't matter
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to anyone what's important here is harmony. we want to collaborate also with our neighbors culturally and that's why i avoid this is not only. towards the israeli population but it's also internationally of course naturally to our neighbors and our countries to the rest of the world. in an effort to try to lighten the mood of a particularly tough year just past 20 twentieth's also see it is fair share of bizarre virus related stories polly boy care takes us through some of the strangest them. people behave in the gray just way as during
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a pandemic here is some of the oldest reactions we've seen to the corona virus in 2020 british and american plastic surgeons have reported a 60 to 70 percent increase in the number of requests for a virtual consultation apparently it's because being. used more time to recover and there's no need to face anyone in case the procedure goes hideously wrong it's a weird way the. new breed of old cousin eddie does to me yes this whole reporting one country took the idea of a quarantine up to heart the malaysian government even the prospect of women going breast based. chits and let threats of the nation run a campaign asking them to continue dressing up and sell the last thing on the makeup even while working from the campaign even told women that if they want to land their husbands they should do it in a cost to voice good advice did not go down well and the malaysian government.
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brings reason why next point at a time when i curate information is told break news has gone mainstream from the idea that the virus was caused by 5 g. a cellular tower blades in one week police responded to 7 similar fires to thinking vodka can be used as hand sanitizer it can actually be used as titos is warning customers about using a device by good to make homemade hand sanitizer so relieving the holding your breath for 10 seconds means that you don't know how corona the french government actually had to comment on a viral tweet to state that hurricane does not protect you from the corona virus. services. oh put the on the screen. and in india over $200.00 people brought together to drink. pits to fend off the disease but.
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don't even get me started on the doors the politicians have endorsed the book you write in the disinfectant if you didn't mean it in the end is your way we can do so be it. for the injection well both or not very was telling brazilians to go out and mingle drug traffickers ordered residents of brazilian cavallo is to stay home when the drug barons are more interested in public how it's time for the government to live in their own south africa had a pretty hardcore lockdown and even the sale of alcohol and tobacco was banned but this trail of open toed shoes it's not quite clear if or how the virus could spread contagious. that. also would that rule that paul was still legal i have to question.
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the i'm wrong that there's nothing like a pandemic to turn the world upside down as america every cave riddled with mexican protesters blocked to be u.s. borders to stop americans from coming to mexico and data for 2020 shows that there has been a 53 percent full in the number of undocumented migrants trying to enter the us illegally maybe it's the sign no wall could ever did. as well as a good old fashioned deadly disease could mix with a load of political chaos civil unrest and record unemployment and if this is the case the us border has never been very secure. volleyball you can wrap it up this program i said the saturday morning there are moscow for me in the team kevin 0 in signing off for now have a great weekend then if you're still celebrating season's greetings.
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the world is driven by dreamers shaped by phone person those with. the dares thinks. we dare to ask. has changed many american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs the people who are chronic pain patients believe that their opioid prescription is working for them on the remedy be sent to the
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price that they pay closer dependency in addiction to opiates to long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggested that the long term effects might not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term. one else so small seems wrong all roles just don't call. me. yet to stamp out this thing becomes to advocate and in gains from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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