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tv   News  RT  January 2, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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as the u.k. comes to terms with life outside the e.u. it faces a resurgent independence movement in scotland where many a furious over breaks in. the u.k. has given the will rock. and got very little in return the biggest impact to me is just going to be no traveling and really not feeling like i am a european or. british government british doctors slam the government over a deliberate delay in giving follow up doses of a covert vaccine. concedes this hasn't been for the week for line and see the full implications of me are not fully. did we not fully explaining things it's you are patient. and the deadly wave of covert infections in mexico city
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causes a rush to buy life saving oxygen canisters sending prices soaring people struggling to give talks region thanks and oxygen such as this is in this line of work being overwhelmed right now if you really feel shouldn't profit from necessity doing profiteer on the needs of other people because you're profiteering when their life's. they're good to have you with us this weekend on call in bray at r.t. h.q. in moscow with the world news of this 1st spring finalized its exit from the e.u. just 2 days ago but it's already hitting road blocks trucks bound for europe are being turned back if they don't have the right customs paperwork and 4 and a half years after resisting brick sets the country's millions of remain as are in no mood to back down such good data reports.
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and so began the downswing new age of an independent britain and my goodness was it tasty. starting 2021 with a lovely brick sit breakfast after 40 years of wed to bliss the u.k. is out on its own we saw the 1st ferry leave britain's shores cross the channel and dock in cali while the 1st lorry to enter the euro tunnel off to midnight might have been given a friendly go ahead for others trying to cross from wales and to ireland it wasn't such a pleasant the new well it has been quiet and holy had so far today the port authority indicates that 6 freight loads bound for arlen's have had to be turned away do not have the correct references but being nearly bogged down in red tape isn't the only thing dampening the spirit regret and bitterness a particularly strong in scotland with a majority feeling that they'd be better off brussels. scotland will be back soon
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europe give the light on some would say this is the 1st stage of grief denial but with support for scottish independence rising by the day and hitting 58 percent in recent weeks that is now a fear that breaking with brussels might well cost the u.k. its 300 year union with scotland so bracks it is might be revelling triumphantly in their newfound independence now but there won't be any victory laps when they're left with a do find it kinda no wonder then the people are nervous about the road ahead i would say as a young person my focus is mainly been on money travelling europe and education that opportunity might be taken away from my very very soon the u.k. has given the will. and got very little in return it's just going to make life a lot were complicated the biggest impact for me is just going to be travelling and
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really not feeling like i am a european anymore i feel like that's been kind of ripped away with everything while some a novice others just can't and that the pasta go in fact they want to rewrite the campaign for britain's rejoined europe starts at midnight. in the meantime hundreds of thousands are hoping the e.u. will forgive them and hand on over a pity possible what while others have gone to extremes doing a deep dive into family archives praying that they can find some long lost friend job an italian it really doesn't matter a great great aunt 3 times america may have never met but who might well be that lifeline to visa free travel if i understand it correctly i am french my mother was born in france her mother was totally french as was her grandfather so for me it is about reclaiming what i already have and that makes me very happy i will always be a european that's for sure nothing like. father jumping ship to instill confidence
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in these uncertain times but boris isn't too bold that in fact he's wrong but pleased with himself this is an amazing moment for this country we have our freedom in our hands and he's up to us to make the most of it while it might be a freedom fountain of boris's hands but as restlessness disillusionment and division and britannia grow there's a sense that the only thing britons are left holding on empty promises are the suskind mentioned scotties leaders using bricks and to push for an independent scotland to be able to rejoin the e.u. but local journalist david jameson thinks that some realistic. the idea or independent scottish membership of the european union or nobody knows what terms and nobody knows what basis and it's a totally untested proposition before school because we know that 62 percent voted
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for it for the u.k. for membership of the european union in store but that would be wildly different for all of its membership let's remind ourselves as well that the european union is a very different organization for its major states its largest states france germany and formally. it's a very different proposition for its much smaller state and i think if that is in debate on a future independent scotland's membership of the european union then those issues will come sharply into focus and we should expect it and the stores will be more critical of the idea than live in the 2016 referendum when of course they were voting for a much larger state to stay in the european union and many more dangers facing scotland joining the european union as
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a new small state. british medics have slammed the government's decision to delay a covert vaccine rollout officials have opted to hold back 2nd doses of the pfizer biotech jab to speed up the release of the 1st doses at a time of record daily infections but a leading doctors association says the move is misguided. the issue that we have and we think that strategy station u.k. is the pfizer rollout and has already started so we consented to patients for a 2nd vaccine as the money factors destructions and as the evidence when we started to give it's now reversed that decision hoffer 3 the vaccination program we all will reach and undermines the consent process and actually going to mind the vaccine and rollout as a whole vaccine trial showed that the pfizer bio on tech shot is 52 percent effective after a single those that rises to 94 percent after the 2nd shot which has to be given
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within 3 weeks according to the manufacturer to buy those findings over u.k. government medical advisors have decided to prioritize 1st doses meaning have potential gap of 12 weeks before the follow up injection. the committee advises initially prioritizing delivery of the 1st faxing dose is this is highly likely to have a greater public health impacts in the short term and reduce the number of preventable deaths from coated 19 our concern is this hasn't been fully discussed with front line and doctor says see the full implications of it are not fully or just still it am and then we're not fully explaining things to our patients and as a food line he pit leaves a signature having difficult position of having to say to people yes you did consent and to receive this vaccine 3 weeks ago and bullets actually were going to delay it for 12 weeks and some of our patients maintenon to us since i actually i wouldn't have gone through that vaccine had had i known that this was going tested
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regime we feel that what's really vital here is that the public have high confidence in the vaccine bowed out and high confidence that if we say we're going to do something that's what we day has been very it's been very very organized when patients have come to the face back seen them be given their equipment in time to come. that 2nd 3 states they're so obvious to do is provide a religious tickle and nightmare and to then have to cancel days and then have to try and set up systems in every very quickly to make sure that we're cool they say she's in 12 weeks time and as best we can to call them to have the same facts when actually a truck we were not sure the vaccine supply is going to be. in mexico city scrambling to contain a deadly spike in covert infections hospitals there overflowing meaning sick people are being forced to self medicate at home and that's caused the rush to buy life saving oxygen canisters.
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we didn't know how 1st of all conditions this means that people are struggling to get socks that in tanks and oxygen such business is in this line of work of being overwhelmed right now so you think. people shouldn't profit from necessity don't profiteer on the needs of other people because you're profiteering on their lives machine days ago there we feel was only 70 passes and now it's around 15015 days ago. the u.s. congress has approved a new round of sanctions against the north stream to gas pipeline linking russia to
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europe the measures are included in the latest defense budget was passed after lawmakers overrode a veto from president trump and al target companies involved in the construction of an old stream to washington claims the project will make europe overly dependent on russian energy supplies and boost the kremlin's influence but the use refused to back down condemning u.s. efforts to derail construction. the extraterritorial sanctions run counter to international law european policy is defined in europe not in 3rd countries like north stream 2 which is now almost complete is the 2nd stage of a pipeline network running under the baltic sea once ready it will pump enough russian natural gas to supply 26000000 european households work on the final section is scheduled to start off the coast of denmark in mid january we heard from a member of germany's in the left party she thinks the pressure from washington is commercially driven and likely to fail. one goal is to in polls there are
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a collage equally harmful and expensive breaking as in europe but it is also about sabotaging relations between germany and russia it is none of their business with whom european countries call parades it is especially ironic since the usa promotes free markets yet officially intervenes in free business decisions here in europe projects like these are being invested in yet it has to be feared that all falls through due to dictations and impositions from someone overseas but i don't think it can be stopped at this stage of very nearly finished construction. still ahead on our table will be looking at the enduring impact of last summer's black lives matter rallies in the us that are more after the break.
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welcome to the kaiser report 1st of the new year's day so we got an excellent day on these christmas lights adorning the set i mean you know i took the money i save and i bought stats all right so i'm going to turn to peek or is the editor over a crack and he's also an advisor had been going back and seen. the world. shaped. thinks. we are here to ask.
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the cloak from the notre dame cathedral in paris was almost entirely destroyed by the massive fire there in 2019 but engineers hope to rebuild the large and intricate device which dates back to the 860 s. and the drawing on the unique expertise of russian clockmakers altie from correspondent went to st petersburg to meet them. a total soldier would do the $2900.00 fire at the not done cathedral and this st petersburg watch factory have in common. at 1st sight nothing but the wreckage of factory cloth make sure no starting materials from the fire damaged clocks to determine what details they will
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be able to restore. the tragedy that happened so that remarkable architectural monument the not to dawn broke our hearts we wanted to find out whether we could help restore at least some fragments of the clock that was almost entirely destroyed in the foyer so we sent a proposal to help with the restoration in any way we can and we're still discussing all the nuances but i also think the manufacturers of elements in this facility goes back to the soviet era and the workers have expertise with timepieces of all types and sizes the build the monumental clock for children's world moscow's largest toy store and this one wing 4 and a half tons and measuring 6 by 7 meters consists of more than 5000 steels entertaining in parts some of which are gold plated reconstructing the clock is an equally ambitious task the work has just begun it is led by a french association which can count on st petersburg factory to bring about
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a resurrection. after the not return fire received many calls from clockmakers that are factory they said a tragedy has occurred this is a world heritage site we are deeply shocked i was amazed by that passion and sympathy because we are just at the beginning we received a 3 d. model and our design engineers are studying is they've already compiled a whole list of questions that will be submitted to the association we are trying to understand what parts we can produce on a road in my view this is a very long term project for the project is a huge challenge the clock is almost obliterated by the fire it's similar timepieces have been found elsewhere they can be just. mantled so engineers will have to create a 3 d. model based on what is visible and will then have to figure out how the concealed parts work were at the start of a long and complex journey. some other stories from around the world party goers in france of towards to police car and hold stones and bottles at officers as they try
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to break up a huge multi day illegal rave attended by thousands from across the continent the participants admitted ignoring social distancing despite from suffering its worst covert outbreak in months interior minister said a criminal probe has been opened into numerous infringements including drug use. if you hardly new yorkers have seen in the new year with a dip in the freezing dozens raced into the ocean in the annual event known as the polar bear plunge despite it being officially cancelled because of the pandemic. from one stretch of water to another more than 100000 swans of taken to the caspian sea in kazakstan a beautiful site takes place as the birds pass through every winter. of the world's oldest person has not another proud milestone after celebrating 118th birthday. had already held the title of being the longest living individual since
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2018 but is showing no sign she's going to stop smashing records she's due to take part in the olympic torch relay for the tokyo games later this year. defining a major 2020 was the wave of unrest that followed the police killing of george floyd in the u.s. last may more than reports next on how the shock waves from that incident still reshaping america. were just a minute we'll roll back to 2017 in charlottesville. new . battle between leftists and white supremacy ever higher still when a right winger all rammed his car into a crowd of leftwing activists. a police helicopter crashing and killing state troopers street clashes and violence that shocked the world. particularly.
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the year is 2020 and there is nothing more common than the sight of angry crowds and burning cars it's almost routine you've got right wing groups like the proud voices or the patriot prayer who clash in the streets with masked communists or anarchists under the label of anti far it's far from peaceful people get stabbed people get shot this summer many were horrified by the brutal killing of george floyd at the hands of the police want this in real time. for. the leaders in the battleground message change black lives matter protests rock the country the national guard was called up it was chaos in the streets.
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how many people died from clashes between protesters and police during 2020 the us media has not really focused on giving a specific body count in detroit wisconsin and tennessee protestors were shot and killed on june 12th yahoo news listed the name of 12 officers from local and federal agencies who were killed during the protests as the year went on more incidents came and more deaths were counted in july donald trump made a point of sending federal officers to portland oregon to crackdown on the protesters who were sending law enforcement. support and was soon. out of control the democrats and liberal democrats run into players and no idea what they were doing they made a point of abducting protesters covering their faces and i'm seeing to engage local officials opposed from who and on july 30th they struck a deal with the feds to back down november and
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a contested us presidential election from supporters poured out into the streets of washington d.c. and other cities leftists came out to confront them. the same. there was a time when average americans viewed protesters as fringe and crazy in 1968 richard nixon won the presidential election saying he stood for a silent majority that opposed peace marchers and civil rights activists and was disgusted by growing unrest but that america is long gone protests which often turn violent seem pretty normal these days so whether the issue is white supremacy police brutality contested election results or declaring autonomous zones americans
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now seem far more willing to engage in politics and in violence or vote 2020 may be looked back on as a turning point in u.s. history a lot more often are to the new york. next meet an israeli orchestra playing arabic music which has struck a chord with those who hope to finally bring peace to the region. why. don't we all share the passion for classical arabic music or middle eastern music and we believe that it's part of the middle east and this is our culture our vision was to bring this music to the mainstream of israeli culture. i. never bought it
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was the school arabs and jews both ashkenazi and safadi for them this is different to use a culture of from what they used to be a mental dump locally think of politics don't matter here people come together to create art this is one of the few places in the israeli cultural loans where there is code creation with the entire mosaic of the state of israel at play with differences don't matter to anyone what's important here is harmony. but we want to collaborate also with our neighbors culturally and that's why i voice is not only. towards the israeli population but it's also internationally of course naturally to our neighbors into
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our countries to the rest of the world. and an effort to lighten the mood of a particularly tough year just past 20 twentieth's also seen its fair share of bizarre virus related stories polly boy have brings you some of the most unusual examples. in the grain just way during a pandemic here is some of the oldest reactions we've seen to the corona virus in 2020 resistant american plastic surgeons have reported a 60 to 70 percent increase in the number of requests for a virtual consultation apparently it's because being a herd means that you've got more time to recover and there's no need to face anyone in case the procedure goes hideously wrong it's a weird way you going to vote going to bring the old cousin eddie does to me. this whole reporting one country said the idea of a quarantine. and the malaysian government deemed the prospect of women going
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breast based as such a need to met the threat to the nation is to run a campaign asking them to continue dressing up and sell acting on the makeup even while working from home the campaign even told women that if they want to nag their husbands they should do it enough to. get advice did not go down well and the malaysian government. brings reason why next point at a time when accurate information is told break news has gone mainstream from the idea that the virus was caused by by g a cellular tower blades in one week police responded to 7 similar fires thinking vodka can be used as hand sanitizer heroes is warning customers about using a device by good to make homemade hand sanitizer and don't even get me started on the doors the politicians have endorsed rick which is good right in that i see the disinfectant if you want to go in
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a minute when that is your way we can do so be it. from the injection well both on the right was telling brazilians to go out and mingle drug traffickers ordered residents of brazilian cavallo is just stay home when the drug barons are more interested in public. it's time for the government to look in the mirror every south africa had a pretty hardcore lockdown and even the sale of alcohol and tobacco was banned but banning the sale of open toe shoes it's not quite clear if or how the virus could spread from. that. also would that rule that paul are still legal i have to question. the i'm wrong but there's nothing like a pandemic to turn the world upside down as america every cave riddled with mexican
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protesters blocked the u.s. borders to stop americans from coming to mexico the u.s. border has never been very secure. ok that's the aussie to use for national polls will be here to update you again in around often up from the low from a call in bright and the team here in moscow stay safe this weekend thanks for watching. this is nothing like football. it's not a money spinner but it is expensive. mended some dangerous. tennis is on the speedway.
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and they have no brakes it's a. stop the cut some will. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics spoke this list i'm showbusiness i'll see that. has changed lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs to people who are chronic pain patients believe that their prescription is working for them in the remedy. to. price
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at the. grocery dependency and addiction to opiates the long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggest that. the long term effects may not just be absence of benefit but actually that they may be causing long term. time after a time you're welcome to going on the ground the team and i will be back with a brand new season starting on january the 13th but today will be rebroadcasting a world exclusive 1st ever interview with zane absalom mommy daughter of the iranian and the isis and the al qaeda come on so they money it is
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a year ago tomorrow that donald trump ordered is murder coming up on this show we speak to the daughter of the general credited with arguably saving countless lives from washington's london in the going underground world exclusive 1st interview as joe biden's national security adviser designate threatens a coalition against iran from january all this or more coming up in the penultimate show of this season but 1st the un special rapporteur agnes kalama has concluded that the u.s. and awfully assassinated iranian general counsel a money using an obama era style drone strike on baghdad airport the assassination was condemned by u.n. security. council members russia and china but not france and britain here is silly money his daughter is a knob speaking as her father's funeral in teheran the largest since revolutionary leader grand ayatollah khomeini hard to argue why it was not already quite that i was just oh it is the that's the only call that not.


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