tv News RT January 4, 2021 5:00am-5:31am EST
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we fear to ask. for there is a huge day for press freedom. in particular julian assange says the u.k. decides whether to hand the exposer of numerous u.s. war crimes over to the americans. where the u.s. miss is its 2020 vaccination target by a long shot to knock elating fewer than a 6th of the 20000000 americans it promised would get the job to 4 years and the doctor gives the problem. all these months. back being and that time was wasted in terms of developing a plan for how to actually get the vaccine to the people who need it. so the british prime minister goes to war with teaching unions over whether to reopen
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schools of a post christmas pandemic we hear from a you. not listen to. my system. not. good. either thanks so much for joining us this afternoon you're watching our international. it is a critical moment for julian assange and for defenders of press freedom a british judge is about to rule on his extradition to the united states a crowd of journalists and supporters is gathered outside the court building where the decision is about to be announced let's go live to our correspondent based in london. noise so no don't look suppressed gathered behind you who will be very
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interested personally the press about this decision what will the implications be of the ruling whichever way it goes showed you. the part of judas on just describing a potential extradition of judas was to the united states is legally and politically disastrous for the father of judas on just describing as a move that would absolutely break him it is indeed an historic moment not just to do this on to his family but also to journalism worldwide i am the freedom of press according to his fellow supporters head outside the criminal court because within the next few minutes or so the district judge is about to rule whether or not you're innocent will be extradited to the united states they have people who want him under what they deem is one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the united states and if found guilty and convicted he could face a sentence of up to 175 years behind bars because the united states have indicted
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him under 18 counts on to the espionage act because they decided they want him to face trial for spying and publishing classified documents relating to the war in iraq and afghanistan plus one of conspiracy to hack a government computer to publish these classified documents now the hearing lasted around 6 weeks later last year in fact in here outside london's old bailey criminal court and close the defendants of june a song which they were saying that the united states is seeking to prosecute you and insult the politically motivated reasons they describe it as extraordinary unprecedented and entirely politicized of course they argue if it is politically motivated then under the u.k. u.s. exhibition treaty he would be exempt from the united states legal team they describe a completely different they say the actions of julius onto are not political and they endangered the lives of hundreds of thousands of people by publishing these classified documents now pull. the texas side then the case gets incredibly
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complicated based on doing a song just mental and physical health has been a huge factor within the case that we're hearing both because they say that he's unfit to travel physically and mentally but also what he would see happen to him in the united states is understood if he was to be sentenced there in the united states he would face a fate worse than death according to some sources in the $86.00 colorado joe which is a notorious prison home to some of america's worst criminal masterminds of drug lords and indeed terrorists who would be understood the tree confinement at least 23 hours a day so really a bleak place even described by stop as a fate facility not even built for humanity so this huge sentence prospect that you know so much has even seen him having suicidal thoughts hundreds of times every single day according to june or so inches lawyers but the prosecutor's acting on behalf of the united states they have claimed that you know
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some of his mental health is not as bad as it seems and in fact he wouldn't face improper conditions in the united states either so this is essentially the arguments that the district judge is weighing often has been weighing up over the last few months it's really a verdict that could go 'd either way we're expecting an announcement really in the next few minutes or so but supporters and complain as a student a source they are he's a valiant campaigner for truth and justice they say it's not just in a song it's in the docs but the fundamental tenants of the freedom of press and the public's right to access information it must just be said though farley that whichever way it goes whether or not you're innocent wins or loses an appeal process which continues to therefore it does seem as though tuna songs will fade even longer amounts of time in prison it could go on months if not years it's a case of i say that go either way and will find out in the next few minutes yes you do get a decision from the judge the remainder will be coming straight back to our correspondent there many things shall be. well stateside julian assange faces
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espionage charges for publishing secret military documents he's known to the world for exposing u.s. war crimes and potentially could face up to 175 years in prison if extradited the u.s. has indicted him on 17 counts of spying on one of conspiracy to hack a government computer auntie's accused on the takes a look at the events that led up to a songes long fight for freedom. jr and his son has come a long way from an obscure activist to freedom fighter or traitor depending on who you are squarely one thing you can deny him though is that he led the charge that we kill leaks to dig up the secrets that america's intelligence colossus spent billions of dollars burying and he succeeded.
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it's closer to being the high tech terrorist it is it i mean international community i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death i don't want to do it illegally shoot the son of a. great discredit to this nation should be assassinated he should be treated as an enemy combatant it didn't take long for a son to experience firsthand what it means to be uncle sam's public enemy. the u.s. went after the whistleblower launching a probe into his actions at the same time a seemingly unrelated sexual assault investigation was opened in sweden a son himself though claimed it was all part of america's poor to extradite him by all means possible the pressure mounted so when 2012 a son requested asylum from ecuador and holed up in the country's embassy in london this kicked off what would become
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a long 7 years of confinement with even the u.n. calling for an end to this suffering various forms of deprivation of liberty to which julian assange has been subjected constitute a form of arbitrary detention the working group maintains that the arbitrary detention of mr signage should be brought to an end instead the old things short from bad to even worse for a son ecuador's new president who is looking for warmer relations with the u.s. seem to take personal offense when we can leaks wrote about corruption allegations against him sanj was shown the door artie's video agency ruptly turned out to be the only outlet to catch the moment his son was literally carried out of the building some 7 years after he stepped in it was her. once u.k.
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law enforcement got their hands on her son they threw him in prison a proper one but the u.s. government is looking to try him under american law where the whistleblower faces more than 800 years behind bars now every cording that emerged in line has sparked another wave of calls to pardon the whistleblower in the tape ironically julian a son she was trying to help u.s. authorities. yes minimize the fallout of the 20 level leaks. in terms of having. people here is that it's more your problem but we have been calling. me. every day trying to. hold back donald trump since you're given pardons to people please consider pardoning those who at great personal sacrifice expose the deception and criminality of those in the deep state mr president if you grant so you want to act of clemency during your time in
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office please free julian assange those you alone can save his life i'm hoping that he will pardon julian assange it's the right thing to do so far trump has remained deaf to the pleas the julian assange just saw guy has been going for so long it feels like it could be over any minute but flashing back to how it's been going so far it seems like we've just turned the page on another chapter. ok i'm joined on the line now by independent journalist luke riva welcome luke we wait the decision but i mean clearly it's a huge day for julian assange himself what kind of decision you anticipating. while very difficult to know because of all britain it's very difficult whatever they decide it will be badly perceived on the other side of the atlantic or with the very high number of people n.g.o.s media and all that defend julian assange so it's
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very difficult by the way it's not finished because if the decision is to extradite to solve his lawyers will appeal so it will take an all round in the case before he 6 right if ever you. another issue is that everybody has said about the spoken about a 175 years that he could be condemned with. in due west but from what we hear through all sources diplomatic sources it could be 4 to 6 years in prison in the us. personally doubted because with the big hoopla that it was both in the republican and the democratic party it is quite difficult. for them to to go as a lower score to 6 years 5 in prison so. that is the difficulty you know i don't know what will be of course. you verdict it's
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a judgment judgment is in the u.s. if ever but what is really important is to see oh what is this all trade is the whistleblower e.s.u. is own is your general this well not really is your traitor well yes and no so it's very complicated to look into this issue because the whole press is understood how dirty an american war can be in afghanistan or iraq with the revelations that were made and that nobody knew about it and other things of course the way we have motor back of the. campaign for the election of president going to trump versus clinton thanks to solves a lot about mrs clinton and the good things of this democratic party so it's you know he's a friend of for many people. you said there are you know you think he's not really a journalist one question that the press a very concerned with it seems some money why is he
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a publisher and the big question is if he is a publisher and he's deemed to be a criminal what will that mean for the press will they be allowed to publish any kind of information that details criminality illegality acts against the law conducted by national governments without any kind of repercussion do you consider him a publisher and how concerned should the press be. i think he's a publisher that's the way you should see it of course he dumped 500000 messages from the state department and others minister of defense to ben to go on to internet it's a strange way of publishing but that's today's wave policy and it's very important for the press every wish to get sources like that so i'm sure that the press will defend in the issue debt you're raise about the way to treat the press the insulation with such issues is very complicated and it was already before the
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sausage i mean one i would trade 2 to your country one i would traitor to the cause of america fighting for freedom in afghanistan all are in the iraq well what the wiki leaks are. issues reveals is that you merican lead a very good war but which is not in line with what the pretend mosel times so it's very important to know and it's the little the little who flame of our phone joe who is not is there behind you know it's a it's a man issue. some elements of the media seem to rally behind a science to start with since turned on and what why the change of heart do you think. well i don't know everything is on the table you know that so. what do they consider that if they if they go back to a position supporting the americans oh but the america says but the government says
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not only drop by the way but obama start thinking also it's both parties and you've seen i mean your very good editing showed mr biden another saying you know very strong opinions about the subject so if you look into the danger that this these leaks revealed for some diplomats american diplomats around the world that could face a tax by terrorists of course you think is your solace maybe you've got much too far or so it's it's what what is to be judged in america if ever it comes to that but i don't think it will i think somehow that the u.k. will not send extract into the us i don't. ok many thanks for speaking to independent journalist luke rivera my guest thanks so much and. now boris johnson lot teaching unions over where the u.k.
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school should reopen amid a post christmas spike in infections will bring you that story and others after this short break. looking back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser time now to go to be you know of dollar collapse dot com john welcome back to you now john we've known you for many years going back 3 bitcoin days and well 2020 seems to be the year that is driven the dollar to collapse in a way that gold was unable to. back
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us hit $20000000.00 kovac 19 cases but just out was before as the clock struck midnight thousands flooded the streets hoping that the next $365.00 days would just be that little bit that. scared i don't know what will happen 1st rule for 2021 don't talk about 2020 and i believe this is there we go she started here we did. that everything is going to get better actually working at this c.v.s. and his own crazy with the coded vaccine and everything right now we really hope that everything goes back to normal this christmas i new year many wished for a return to our old normal lives something top medical advisors have been promising
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was just around the corner by the time we get into all of 2021 we could be approaching some level of normality tuns out though the very thing they said would quite literally set us free the fact scene is cool top in it's own trauma president health experts in operation warp speed hope to have 20000000 americans vaccinated by now but things are going slower than 1st thought there is now growing frustration building over the slow rollout of the coronavirus vaccines across the u.s. there's only a small percentage of the vaccine that's been distributed by the federal government that has actually been administered the massive vaccination campaign against the coronavirus in the u.s. has gotten off to a slower start. very slower start there's no way we can speed this up in the near term 14000000 doses of the fine and madonna fight scenes have been distributed across america but fewer than 3000000 have been administered it why well donald
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trump says he's done his job but states aren't doing that. the federal government has distributed the vaccines to the states now it is up to the states to administer get moving a blame game that didn't go down well with those who say it's a lack of direction from the top that's left people i worked in the cold. that comprehensive vaccination plans have not been developed at the federal level and sent to the states as models is as and comprehensible as it is inexcusable it was unrealistic to assume that the health care workers already overburdened with covert care could take on a massive vaccination program many of those over bad and health care while because on now protesting they say they were promised a vaccine and instead face and miscues and crashing apps if that lucky that's despite being in contact with infected people all hours of the day for 10 months straight the promise to vaccinate them as
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a priority fell apart as quickly as the promise to inoculate 20000000 by the end of 2020 so if they're not going to the risk groups where all they going while no one apparently there are delays at every corner we agreed that number is lower than what we hoped for we know that it should be better and working hard to make the best tons out the holiday period and snow storms on what a smooth rollout means but even once the holidays and in the snow melts if nothing changes unless say it would take almost 10 years to vaccinate enough americans to control the virus gives a whole new meaning to operation warp speed and the mess continues on a local level 2.
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is it just normal teething problems of one of the most ambitious vaccination campaigns in u.s. history or is it just incompetence at every level. either way it looks like to to all meant to bring is now only outing to the chaos from the very beginning of the pandemic in the united states what we've lacked is any storage of national strategy the trump administration as you know worked against developing a national strategy it didn't have any problem with taking billions of dollars of public money and giving it to private corporations to develop a vaccine but then when it came to the states saying that they needed money in order to administer the vaccine it was you know just millions that were given out for that states are getting around you know $7000000.00 and this is completely
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inadequate for them the states are overwhelmed already with the coven 1000 crisis and just didn't have the capacity to set up an infrastructure to vaccinate people and so right now they're scrambling to try to set up sites to give the vaccinations figure out who should be prioritized and how they're going to get it to them so you know all these months of trying to create a vaccine and that time was wasted in terms of developing a plan for how to actually get the vaccine to the people who need it. europe to is struggling to get its citizens ranks today to for the experts branding the rollout the sluggish fronts in particular has been in the following line with more his auntie shall lead to ski. france's vaccine has been rolled out and criticized by many is being done at as snail's pace in the weeks since that program has been rolled out only a few 100 is said to have had the job compare that say to germany where over 40000
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people have already received the 1st inoculation now there are some reasons for that here in france you have to get written consent to have the 19 jab and of course there is this huge distrust of vaccines so 40 percent of people say that they will have the vaccine meaning around 60 percent of people who have responded to surveys here in france say they won't be having it now the government says that yes it's being cautious but this is a marathon not a sprint others though are saying that in needs to be more urgency there is still time to make up for this feeling of a sluggish start to vaccination it is a matter of urgency now to give an optimistic outlook now the e.u. has also come under fire for not ordering enough vaccine 1st of all this criticism came from pfizer bio tech this is the manufacture of the only vaccine so far been
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approved for use in the e.u. but there's also been criticism from some quarters in germany obviously the european purchasing procedure was inadequate it is difficult to explain how a very good vaccine was developed in germany but is available more quickly elsewhere now to put this into context the e.u. ordered some 300000000 doses of the pfizer bio on tekken vaccine now the e.u. is also set to approve another vaccine in the coming days this isn't the done a vaccine of which it did 160000000 doses of now this of course comes in the context as the number of covert 19 infections is said to be rising again there are fresh restrictions that have been put in place in some european countries greece for exams. said it's going into a week long lockdown and here in france where there is a curfew already in place across the country from 8 pm has decided to tighten that even further in some parts this is in eastern parts of the country where the curfew
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will now start at 6 pm in the evening leading to criticism there. from 5 to 7 pm is where people leave work so there's obviously a lot of turnover because when people leave at 5 they want to have a wander around so the situation has now been complicated of all this 2 hour difference has a serious effect in revenue it's a time when people come in and try things so as a bakery clients no longer come in. which you would need 85 percent of our sales revenue between $5.00 and 7 pm so there's a restaurant we try and get by we're now being hit even harder so we look for new solutions to survive but despite the restrictions continuing and the fresh measures there are many who are still willing to flout the law take over the new year's eve when mass parties were banned here in france.
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it seems that 2020 may be over but europe is still not out of the code words in 2021. the british prime minister has put himself at odds with teaching unions by saying parents should send their children back to school on monday in areas where they're open. schools are safe very very important to stress that the threats to the risk to kids to young people is really very very very small boris johnson says schools are safe but the government scientists say they should be shot to tackle the virus his government is already responsible for the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of people it can't be trusted teachers can i back the national education union i stand in solidarity with
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teachers and head teachers who are taking the fight to this government forcing them to listen to sages advice to close schools schools are not safe they must close listen to sage more labor mr presentation by boris johnson he appears on mars this morning insisting that schools are safe but forgets to mention that his own scientists told him that he can get on top of it 1000 without closing schools the question of whether children should go back to school after the christmas holidays has been heatedly debated the government is facing pressure from teachers they want schools to remain closed in england for 2 more weeks currently most primary schools are expected to open in england excluding ones in london the return of secondary schools is expected later this month john hole a teacher and member of a teaching trade union shared with us his frustration. i find a reason all the people the schools in the capital closed yes but also to what they
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should do what they should look to do is because london schools an area for i work in newcastle upon tyne which is in the northeast of england who are going to hear for through lots of areas everything which you're into it for so if you london schools are going to meet clause 'd from generally the 4th and we expect all schools in tier 4 to remain closed at the moment it's not up to the government as to the schools will will reopen it's up to each employer agreement is not the employer of teachers in england the n.e.'s you can see so it is union has written to each employer asking them to carry out next new risk assessment to ensure that the schools are safe and eyes wide which i mean the 4th is not a reasonable date for straws.
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