tv News RT January 4, 2021 9:00am-9:31am EST
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yes that's true but i. i i i. i think they can we please find it using the sounds of british judge rules against extraditing him to the united states citing mental health concerns but his wiki leaks current head in chief does point out questions over press freedom still remain. when. we have people. it is not necessarily a win for journalists. well the u.s. has already announced it will appeal the court decision we speak to some of the sun
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just supporters outside the london courthouse. so happy that this is some good thing to start serving for whatever reason it's fantastic the standing up freedom of speech he's got to tell the truth this is absolutely bob this is i told you just because he's a terrific guy the decision is a milestone in the almost 10 years sanjay legal saga from sexual assault allegations in sweden to the espionage case in the west some 2019 or saunders arrested after being held up and yet or an embassy for 7 years and until now has been waiting for a decision over his extradition to the u.s. . oh good evening you're watching r.t. international just gone 5 o'clock in moscow now our breaking news this hour u.k. court has rejected a u.s.
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extradition request for junior sanj due to concerns about his mental health he will remain in custody while u.s. government decides whether to appeal the decision it has 2 weeks to do so there were massive celebrations outside the london courthouse when the judge announced her verdict. i know. it's true was. was. was the one was 6. as long as julian has to endure suffering in isolation as an unconvicted prisoner in belmarsh prison and as long as our children continue to be the rest of their father's love and affection. we cannot celebrate. we will
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celebrate the day he comes home a glimpse of hope to stop the new year and hopefully a new era. it is a day. i deal with wind for julia songs. but we have people. just not necessarily a win for journalists. ever since we have absolutely electrifying was there was a support system cheering freak eunice on does not fit in her story a moment outside the from her charge. to actually date your innocence to the united states it has been a decision based have meant to house grounds and did you know what is 6 right if you were to be extradited to the united states it is a very unexpected have resulted front up until the last moment the judge had said that the case was not politically motivated he said she said that he would not he
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would face a photo in the united states under the u.s. constitution for that the 11th hour the judge actually said no judas was would not be actually i said to the united states that it really is incredible since we've just heard from so morris the partner of judy in the sun she says actually right now we cannot fully celebrate we can only fully celebrate when judas is fort hood but this is the 1st step to just as we've also heard from the wiki leaks editor in chief christian harassed her office and he said i can yet it's not over when i featured in just yet nor when for journalism just yet that there should be more pressure applied on to the united states for the u.s. government is for and they say enough is enough because of calls to do so and has been wanted by the united states for his alleged role in one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the united states and if he were to be found guilty he would have been sentenced up to 175 years behind prison
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that's under the u.s. is indictments of 18 counts under the espionage act for spying and publishing tons of fire documents all related to the war in iraq and afghanistan plus one of. conspiracy to hack a government computer to publish these documents as well so according to do it in a song just defense the united states was trying to prosecute you know sold to political grounds it was a politically motivated case a set of course if it is politically motivated that would therefore mean that judas saw and was exempt from actually titian under the u.k. you asked extradition treaty how as the prosecutor said the absolute opposite that it was not politically motivated and in fact to dishonor endangered the lives of hundreds of thousands of people for publishing these classified documents so although today is a victory in essence for june a surge as the judge did of course say that it was not politically motivated enough a serious concern for journalism going forward on the future of journalism as well
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you know i spoke to rebecca vincent from reporters without borders and she says that journalists need to be protected so we're relieved very much and share the court's assessment of his serious mental health arrests but we're concerned that the rest of the decision leaves the door open for possible other prosecutions on similar grounds because until that point until she came to that point of the decision it seems very much that the case would have been in favor of the prosecution so without the mental health issues at play somebody else in that same situation could have indeed been extradited to the u.s. to face charges there so this pointed out broader systemic issues that need to be addressed the not the espionage act must be reformed it lacks a public interest offense if any publisher any journalist any source finds themselves subject to similar proceedings they cannot adequately defend themselves so the fact it hit today was one thing story medical grounds of course students soldiers defense team said that he was totally unfit to travel to the united states both in terms of his physical how auntie's mental how the post units are just being rolled up in london's ecuadorian embassy for one thing 7 in the hope is that he was
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put into a bell marsh prison for almost 2 years so his mental and physical health has been seriously deteriorating but it wasn't just his mental and physical health here in the united kingdom but what could happen to him. if he were to be said to the united states he would have had to serve that sentence if found guilty and convicted in the end to get to colorado jail that's one of america's most notorious jails in fact home to some of the world's worst criminals lost a large truck killed a terrorist you name it there in that most notorious prison and that's exactly what you did assault was going to be headed so that huge sentence that prospect of the future like that was something that really meant the judeans meant to house was really at breaking point i his lawyer says that he was having suicidal tendencies and forced hundreds of times a day so that is pretty much the key reason why the judge today said that that is a future that's a fate that he was not going to be facing having said that as i do mention it's not
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in terms of journalistic freedoms we're still out a point where the battle is not over just yet we understand that a decision on whether or not you're in a surge will be granted bail or not will come on wednesday and of course the united states is at healing at this verdict today they still are on the hunt for shooter sergeant essence they still want to see a judas soldier extradited to the united states to go back to really isn't over yet but in terms of supporters and campaign is that outside the criminal court here today it wasn't just you know a soldier that was in the dock but actually the fundamental tenants and principles of the rights and freedoms of expression and the press but also for the public to access information as well so it is a big day for tourists but there's still a long way to go when it comes to journalistic freedoms. ok let's get the views now of real he's a journalist in the publisher and he joins us some afternoon very good to have you want to medics thanks for your time firstly with this decision that came out the
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softening were you surprised. oh i will always a bit surprised when i say that when i so george galloway on or on r.t. with which is 'd an opponent to a lot of institutions in britain but he said that the british research service system is maybe relate simply the last and corrupted parts of the british state and i was surprised myself because this is exactly the contrary in my country in in france but. of course it's not so it's not over we are defending a man and we are defending principles and there is hope new hope for the men that is for sure. and we must take advantage of it for the principle it's something else . oh yes all biscoe although the request was rejected
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the judge. accepted a virtually all of the allegations of june and that's very bad for journalism and i still believe the junior senator has been targeted as a publisher 'd i do disagree with the judge's assessment of that this case is not politically motivated on the contrary unfortunately they will whichever way which side you're on that is the verdict isn't it that this caged community sanch they say look it wasn't politically motivated and there's no public interest defense the only reason we're not extraditing him is due to mental health concerns that it's not a great day for journalism is it when you hear that you know of course not it's not so great. i think it. this ruling is a it is a matter of concern because someone else could could easily be criminalized the in the in the future but i think for for julian the the next approach 'd for him was
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going to geneva in switzerland with a humanitarian visit it takes 'd on its meaning right now because i would like to remind you and i'm surprised that the media in english don't talk about it enough the the parliament of the ground of geneva 'd has voted by by a vast majority to grant him humanitarian visit so that he could be treated at the university hospitals of geneva if it's a matter of health it could be important and the voted for that's the state of a region of the state voted for that and the fact is that julian assange must be able to apply for it himself and this is the only condition that is missing for the moment and who can present this option to julian assange to get. his approval i think the swiss federal council should quickly mandate which. everybody
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knows him is the un report on torture very active on the case of the swiss ambassador in london i think it would be 'd. the next step in order for britain to save face because we can see that there were not totally agree to this prosecution by the u.s. . just talking about the media coverage i don't know if you notice this but certainly a few years ago there was a lot more support in the media for doing the sun what was the trigger that changed it all to think. or 'd i think that behind all this situation this the united states has succeeded in creating a state of terror and impunity that's why i. totally agree with you there is a major problem for journalism and today because. there is a persecution of john the reason beyond the persecution of journalism those
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imposition of a xstrata ritual law and beyond this the fact that the u.s. believes itself to be a ball international law just take an exam they're 'd voting for the brocade against cuba against the vast majority of the countries in the u.n. . and there i think that's the there's a climate a war climate that is completely dangerous for freedom of speech and for truth in general. do you do you think this saga is now over or would you expect this case to rumble on for months or maybe years to come. oh it's. a riddle wrapped in a mystery because it's the united states are to turning point in its history. lou could speak about states of late and civil war i don't know how they will react
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it's true that there will appear. i saw that. as a lawyer for jeweled said the u.s. prosecutors will have indicated that they will appeal the ruling but. i don't know what they are going to to to do with in the future it's i wouldn't venture a prognosis yet there's one way to close all of this and that would be a pardon from president trump what are your views on that but what are the chances . are i wouldn't so it's very very difficult to to to to to see if i'm not living in the us some living in france are not as a frenchman i'm not in the hardly in a position to talk about sort of british or american relations because as you know the french have historically had the americans to conquer their independence. but it's indeed a historical awareness of things and next you to understand that the alliance of
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the 2 english speaking countries like the u.s. and britain is too long in time to to be called in to question by this case for presidential power i don't know or don't know exactly will what we will do it's difficult to say ok i just lastly america did find himself facing trial in america for whatever reason. do you think he would get a fair trial there. whole war of course thought that the when you have a an entire political class that is. virtually against him as you see some assessments by trauma but also by hillary clinton. you cannot explain that the republicans are against him the democrats are for and it's completely completely different i think we must concentrate on other states maybe other solutions but i think the implementation of rex it creates precisely
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the right time to try this solution given that switzerland is also outside the european union like britain i think it's a good moment for for for it certainly in an interesting avenue to explore america thanks for your time this afternoon to be nicer speaking with it's a miracle on the altar was my journalist and publisher thanks for coming up. ok let's give it a recap then and that's been happening this afternoon because earlier today a london court made the shock decision not to extradite a scientist to america based on concerns for his mental health although america has said that it will pale against the decision will have more on this story after a short break.
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down and talk. ok let's go back to our breaking news today because a london court did reject america's request to extradite assange treating the sanjay of the concerns for his mental health we got reaction from some of his supporters as the announcement was made. i wasn't sure what to expect but i'm so happy that it's clean been discharged for whatever reason it's fantastic i mean there's so many people who've been campaigning for an awful long time against this injustice when he's gone through 1011 years of hell 1st under house arrest and in belmarsh prison for the simple crime of journalism which isn't a crime he's standing up for freedom of speech he's done nothing but tell the truth he's been treated as a political prisoner at least mental health has suffered an unknown people opposed
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to him has said that that is the case this this is not just about him personally it's about journalism it's about freedom it's about freedom of speech it's about freedom of the press and all those things are being undermined both in this country are by the actions of the people in the united states they're trying to get him to be extradited in the pushing this action here was the right absolutely remarkable decision 95 percent of the judges remarks were in favor for us and favor of execution she threw my political the penalty threw out public interest depends only in the last moment for a decision which she said the american prison system be so brutal so pressing to you would be at risk of suicide if i sent him to be america or america thought not going to do it now this is the end of the story he will go to a higher court so this by all is just because it is a terrific day what she said about darkies much more worrying because she said
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there's no public interest there's no we there's no defense for journalists. like proper journalists or you who actually do what most journalists do because mr wilson there's no public interest but these are these were very very bad remarks by the way this is a victory and the chains you need to celebrate the fulton thing is the final result of julian room be extradited according to the decision of the judge i don't know he's very who are saying that the only reason there. the reason why this edition has been stopped is his fragile health condition and the high risk of suicidal journalists around the world should be very very worried about today's outcome is very very worrying darts to georgia basically creamy now lies journalistic activities in these a political case. and. it's not over it's not
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over yet or to give you some background on orvis looks at the events that led up to a songes long fight for freedom. jr and his son has come a long way from an obscure activist to freedom fighter or traitor depending on who you ask reilley one thing you can deny him though is that he led the charge that we kill leaks to dig up the secrets that america's intelligence colossus spent billions of dollars burying and he succeeded.
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field reports from iraq military logs from afghanistan sensitive documents from guantanamo bay none of which made the u.s. look particularly good but would argue that it's closer to being the high tech terrorist it is it i mean international community and not for the death penalty so if not for the death i don't want to do it illegally shoot the son of a. great discredit to this nation should be assassinated he should be treated as an enemy combatant it didn't take long for a son to experience firsthand what it means to be uncle sam's public enemy the u.s.
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went after the whistleblower launching a probe into his actions at the same time a seemingly unrelated sexual assault investigation was opened. in sweden a son himself though claimed it was all part of america's poor to extradite him by all means possible the pressure mounted so when 2012 a son requested asylum from ecuador and holed up in the country's embassy in london this kicked off what would become a long 7 years of confinement with even the u.n. calling for an end to this suffering various forms of deprivation of liberty to which julian assange has been subjected constitute a form of arbitrary detention the working group maintains that the arbitrary detention of mr assigns should be brought to an end instead the old things short from bad to even worse for a son ecuador's new president who was looking for warmer relations with the u.s.
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seemed to take personal offense when we can leaks wrote about corruption allegations against him sanj was shown the door artie's video agency ruptly turned out to be the only outlet to catch the moment a son was literally carried out of the building some 7 years after he stepped in it . was. once u.k. law enforcement got their hands on a son they threw him in prison a proper one but the u.s. government is looking to try him under american law where the whistleblower faces more than a 100 years behind bars now every cording that emerged in line has sparked another wave of calls to pardon the whistleblower in the tape ironically julian a son she was trying to help u.s.
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authorities minimize the fallout of the 2011 leaks. which have in. our view is that it is more or. but we have been calling. me. every day trying to explain. the holdback don't trump since your given pardons to people please consider putting those who at great personal sacrifice expose the deception and criminality of those in the deep state mr president if you grant only one act of clemens the turing old time in office please free julian a'sssos you alone can save his life on hoping that he will pardon julian assange it's the right thing to do so far trump has remained deaf to the pleas the junior and his son just saga has been going for so long it feels like it could be over any minute but flashing back to how it's been going so far it
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seems like we've just turned the page on another chapter due to the sounds of for what i have known of him is a very resilient person but he has been brought to the breaking point to 10 years of persecution. joint persecution for political reasons by sweden by the united kingdom by the us by ecuador and none of this is being addressed he's not being compensated and not receiving justice for the ill treatment here for up or he should not have been brought to a point where you suicidal he has been prosecuted to a point where you have been broken and now they basically the system is letting him out and you know obviously that is a legal obligation but in the fence the system has succeeded in intimidating the world and passing the message that this is what's going to happen to you if ever you have the idea of publishing our dirty. secrets and making that known to the
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world. so quick recap then on the story a british judge has ruled against extraditing jr sanj to the united states due to concerns over his mental health the u.s. has said it will appeal the court's decision and the court in london says to that assigns will remain in custody while the u.s. government lodges its appeal it also said a decision on whether to release that we keep leaks co-founder on bail will be taken on wednesday there were massive celebrations there outside the london courthouse when the judge announced the verdict human rights activist and former british diplomat craig murray he was present during the hearing spoke outside the court after the decision we are delighted delighted but here soon going to be a free man again today we are swept away by our joy. was.
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for sure be with us i'm delighted we have seen some humanity at the end of a process it doesn't really matter in the sense how over justice has been breached even if it's been breached by a peculiar process. so our breaking news this hour the london court has ruled against the extradition of junior songe to the united states watching international will be back with more news and more of that story plus plenty more reaction in about half an.
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hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle what is the fate of the progressive movement can it continue to co-exist with the mainstream establishment left is its current trajectory electorial did it and can progressive be part of a greater political realigning. to discuss this and more i'm joined by my guests jamie right in los angeles she is the founder of the right ball firm and political also in los angeles we have is about
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she is an independent journalist and co-host of the congo couch and in new york we have john burnett he is co-chair of public affairs and public policy for new york republican state committee rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i was appreciate it may let's go to an los angeles as of the progressive on the panel here what is the state of the progressive movement now you did get the vote out for joe biden you did it at least rhetorically and publicly close ranks and as the. presumptive president of the united states next will be inaugurated and january he's done everything in his power to show and progressive so was it worth it well i would say the progressive movement is extremely fractured at this moment there are a lot of people on the last who feel that now that word is taken for granted and simple o.c. has called herself a progressive
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