tv News RT January 6, 2021 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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china for 20 years and now china's caught up to america and now all that money that's been going on for 2025 years is going to show up. real inflation. breaking news on our see the u.s. congress in lockdown. flush with coal we just started. building in washington d.c. with report stating some actually managed to enter the company itself. while a knife edge senate race in georgia looks set to give the democrats control over congress for the next 2 years. when you refuse to concede the presidential. election before we will never give up we will never get to see that it doesn't
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happen. today to get the smell of his supporters son has been denied the wiki leaks co-founder will remain in custody in britain pending a u.s. appeal on his extradition a u.k. court on monday turned on washington's request to send him stateside over concerns the whistleblower would commit suicide the son just legal team have said they will appeal the latest court decision. most likely the fields. within hours or a few days. we. will expect this to be over to. a my from moscow this is our team my names you know neal and 30 minutes of the. news
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and views start. we begin with breaking news donald trump supporters have forced their way past barriers on into the capitol hill compound in washington d.c. forcing congress to go into lockdown while in the process of confirming joe biden's victory in november his presidential election i i i ruth high. tensions flared up shortly after donald trump had given an address in the city to a supporters in which he again refused to concede the presidential election flushes with police and sued pepper spray used as well you can see here to try and keep the crowds they several injuries have already been reported including on at least one police officer was. fresh photos just coming in to us on the program from the protests showing that
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some demonstrators actually managed to enter the capitol building there were reports before this congress being evacuated including the top of the vice president mike pence having to leave the election confirmation process going in to recess one senator has posted this tweet. protesters have charged the capitol and have surrounded the senate chamber and they have asked us to stay inside so why are the activists so 'd i just hated so angry well they are convinced that the 2020 presidential vote was rigged something that donald trump again claim when addressing the crowd earlier. we will never give up we will never concede it doesn't happen does anybody believe that. this is. a computer. world countries like should.
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we go. democrat. how great selection. has never been. in american history and we public goods and that's what. is so we. fortunately the press. the prime seats against. the corrupt big shot like like like really believe somebody. nowheres on terror the prosecutor. is your friend once i ran for president i did notice that too many calls coming in from the back probably if i was doing the same way to say. meanwhile republicans appear to be continuing to lose political influence say dulling to the wire race for 2 senate seats in georgia seems to be tilting in favor of the democrats if both seats are secure the democratic party will take control over the whole of congress for the next 2 years
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for more on the story let's go live to a correspondent kill up i've been in new york kaleb it's from november senate race in georgia which was just too close to call i'm really know the stakes could not be higher. indeed at this point it looks like the democrats are on their way to winning control of the u.s. senate at this point the 2 seats in georgia are contested but the democrat raphael warnock has already been declared victorious and at this point we're still waiting for results in the race between david perdue the republican and john aasif however john aasif the other democrat running for the senate in georgia has declared victory and even as votes are coming in it appears he will be victorious this is john aasif declaring himself the winner of the senate election it is with humility that i have banked the people of georgia for electing me to serve you in the united
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states senate whether you are for me or against me i'll be for you now it's important to note that many are looking at the situation in the country and saying that donald trump has effectively polarized the political situation and the democrats are the ones winning out as a result of it many of argued that donald trump has he insists that he is the legitimate winner of the 2020 elections that essentially donald trump has as lead a situation where his supporters have alienated most of the country at this point this is some of the analysis we're hearing as the democrats continue to secure victories. what he may inspire people and what he really pisses off people in democrats and really inspires them to come out and vote and you can have a credible villain that really helps the democrats turn out their vote. now at this point donald trump still maintains he is legitimate winner of the election but vice president mike pence has come forward and said he does not intend to push this idea
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in the halls of the u.s. congress that he feels it is not his responsibility to determine election results this is mike pence rebuffing donald trump's pressure that he moved with some of trump's concerns about allegations and fraud. some believe i should be able to accept or reject electoral votes unilaterally or does believe that electoral votes should never be challenged i believe neither view is correct when disputes concerning a presidential election a rise under federal law it is the people's representatives who review the evidence and resolve disputes through a democratic process. now donald trump spoke up on twitter accusing mike pence of essential betraying the country and being weak and his response on twitter was not particularly kind to mike pence's letter that he sent to president donald trump now at this point what's interesting is despite the fact that many voices in the republican party are distancing themselves from donald trump 70 percent of
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republicans say they want elected officials from their party to be more like donald trump however the left seems pretty unified against donald trump so the country is rather polarized at the moment it appears trump will be leaving office but when he leaves it's very unlikely that will be the last we hear from trump or from his supporters 'd. and taken through well let's get more in this with lou rockwell the editor of dot com political analyst lou. it's really interesting isn't it when you add up all the different elements of this as our correspondent was going through you've got a president essentially refusing to leave office days before a new president looks set to take over the oval office you've got. the republican party in disarray really divided and you've got a senate race a congress coming down to 2 seats essentially the power coming from georgia have
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you ever seen anything close to this in recent u.s. history. no of course i haven't it's very exciting i must say and i think you know pence said at the time that trump was making a mistake when he made him the vice president he's a neo con and he's a he's also not very smart so i would say that both those aspects of mr pence i've shown themselves in this where he's giving up it's a i think that's a terrible thing. he ought to take a look at what at the people outside the capitol who are a very upset have a right to be upset this election was obviously stolen just like the georgia election was stolen and this is the this is the this is the american way now. we can't criticize the 3rd world elections anymore because the u.s. is worse than any other country in the world so far as i can tell in terms of what's happening. yet. with this it was not able to see what happened i hope that also that conservatives will look at what's happening at the capitol and
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realize the police are not your friend a lot of people think that because the cops are their friends they're not our friends they represent the government they represent in this case the senators and the congressman nobody else they they hate the people and you know that we need to we need to learn that lesson of course now this is all being denounced by c.n.n. and all the left wingers it's terrible saying the cops should go and suppress everything not their view when b.l.m. or in pieces doing this sort of sort of thing of course and i notice none of these people are burning things and not setting the capitol on fire and that's the kind of thing that we have seen now the by and and b.l.m. so this is very exciting very interesting i think that the republican party is pretty much a joke certainly the people like. the people in who are who are opposed to trump are there are a joke nobody takes them seriously anymore so is there any is there room for
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a new party i think i hope so i think that that's and i'll. i also think that conservatives libertarians ought to be considering so session because these we need to get out we need their own country we need our own states not to be part of this monstrosity in washington d.c. how much of a possibility could that actually be we have seen more support in southern states for something like a lot of people coming to washington d.c. to have their say and of course we have to said a lot of people. protesting going into congress today and that's only a very small fraction of the people who are protesting against what they believe was a stolen election although u.s. officials u.s. authorities very much deny that and. do you actually see could you see an actual secession movement getting bigger here absolutely i don't think there's any question just to look at what's happening in washington. it's true that secession
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has been like a pipe dream for a very long time i don't think that's true any longer i think that people are going to be interested in having their own countries their own states and not be ruled by joe biden or any of these other monsters in washington d.c. they're the enemy and we have to we have to oppose them and we are going we want peaceful session we don't want to be what we want it's like although he's full today though in washington is it does that give you pause for thought that people are storming congress that before that they were mainly peaceful it seems particularly on the on the right. well i think the think it's very funny that they're doing this i think you know i noticed they made the evacuated tents and the other creeps out of the congress and the rest of them are all as they say sheltering in place they're afraid of the people maybe that's a good thing i think that maybe this is just the beginning of this sort of thing and. i'm not. i'm not myself in favor of violence by any means but these
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people have a right to enter the capitol this is supposed to be the people's the people's capitol but all of us on the course is not the people's capitol how dare they want to go in there so i think the. amazing things are happening i think this is very exciting i think that trump has started something maybe he doesn't entirely know what he started but i think this is a tremendous tremendous thing go to. go american people forget the you know as far as the government or the enemy but there is a risk that charter isn't or in any election the losers have to accept defeat at some stage for democracy or whatever you want to call it for democracy to ensue and for the future to happen if that doesn't happen civil strife just occurs you because you've got 2 pots just going up against each other and it seems the president is willing to let that happen to hold on to power. well i think there's
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no question that he is the actual president because of course this was a this was a this this election was unbelievably crooked openly crooked massively crooked there's never been anything like this in the history of the u.s. are our people disposed to roll over and and salute and pledge their allegiance to biden i don't think so i think that they don't have to do that at all trump doesn't have to do it and. pence should have done what the what the constitution allows to have happen when this sort of thing takes place so you would redo the lives send these back to the states where they're with us where the crooked elections took place and the let them revote and because the republicans are the majority in all the state legislatures. trump is exactly right he would be the winner this is apparently not going to happen terrible thing people are very upset very angry and biden wants them to pay many more taxes wants them to salute him and. wear masks
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all the time and that sort of nonsense i think the rare we should just say no it's about time we said no you just just to reiterate to the viewers what you're saying about mike pence mike pence if it. essentially rejecting donald trump's call to reject the donald at the joe biden when just to make clear what we're speaking about lou thanks very much for your time lou rockwell from new rockwell dot com very interesting article as always on the website thanks lee and hugh. moving on to more world news wiki leaks co founder julian assange has been denied bail by a london court it follows that this issue may remember to block his extradition to the united states and monday over concerns that he posed a suicide risk r.t. shadi edward picks up the story. so the united kingdom earlier today house denies today in the sunshine sale of course that comes just 2 days after they will not
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check should out your innocence to the united states has been 'd lonely lonely legal battle fortune a source because the united states of want it in for his alleged role in what they call one of the largest compromises of classified information the history of the united states they wanted him to face trial for spying and publishing these classified documents relating to the war and after iraq and afghanistan and plus one of conspiracy to hack government computers to publish these files as well now if he was found guilty it could have led to a maximum sentence of 175 years behind bars so could you design to the sense of being spared that fate for now at least that is certainly not that the face of going back into the u.k. is most notorious prison of belmarsh prison because he has not been granted bail in all of this now due in the sun to stephenie did he said that they will be appealing this latest decision they say it's a great disappointment not to release him on bail they say it's unjust and unfair also we've heard from craig murry one of his key supporters a former u.k.
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ambassador has called it incredibly vindictive i think this is indicative i mean the prosecution in. opposing. a great deal of play of fight it with snowden and the point that it started here just to. say hey. if you play all the damage to american national security that you're going to stand the educate girls. that this is plainly the security state looking to show its profits approve the street this is this is indicative it's not based on anything that's bullshit is on his defense team found this a very bitter pill to swallow especially considering that monumental decision just 2 days ago not to actually bite you in a song to the united states for them it really. was case closed in that sense because the put them particularly he now was already served his sentence was getting back in 2012 for the still in belmarsh prison but what is his crime they
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argue in terms of being in the court itself they serve and they really try to justify to you in a song just action so that he would not be upstanding from any bell conditions however tight they could have been he would have abided by them purely for them on the basis of his new family ties right here in the united kingdom we know he has 2 very young children with his partner stella morris she earlier before even the court proceedings 2 days ago she said that it was something to celebrate that money was a decision few days ago that she would only celebrate when he walked through the door back into the family hard say for them it's a pretty pretty disappointing blow to day and rebecca vincent from reporters without borders says she too is very disappointed as many other journalists are this very judge on monday outlined this response as serious health risks and mental health stress these are issues that will be exacerbated by a period of prolonged detention so he sees are grounds but his execution which we
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agree that they are there also grounds for his immediate release from prison she stated that he had consented to a stunt and that is for the something else that he would be unlikely to present himself for justice she also stated that his mental health is a big mansion belmarsh and that the prison has a cozy 1000 situation under control but that does not seem to be the case we've had alarming reports of the situation in the prison not have him nearly continuously with his cell for several weeks now. and the evidence is heard in september about the state of mental health these are all issues that are made worse by detention so of course he should be released also the matter of principle is still here for us we called for some time for his unconditional release so not just because of these 2 monitoring concerns but as a matter of principle he has been to you only you who are publishing information in the public interest nobody should have to face because of this and. 5 years now and nothing. in this could have made this right going forward and they failed to do so today in terms of journalism worldwide and you have to remember that the church 2
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days ago did not bear out the case based on journalistic grounds or political grounds but on his medical health and medical health alone in fact he accepted every single argument that the us through out the course saying that judas of this case was not politically motivated that he would face a fair trial in the united states on the u.s. is constitutional law and she said that his actions were not in public interest so many people would argue that this confirms the narrative of criminalizing investigative journalism was the impact is huge. in every journalism around the world. because now there's a precedent. in the british judicial system. a judge in daus has basically supported. their political arguments paul persecuting julian assange so is it is this is a very thorough political case if they're going to try to apply and. this is
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a political case there 5 the julian assange is in prison without serving a sentence shows that he is a political prisoner so we might save julian and then he might not spend the rest of his life in prison but the risk. for journalists around the world is they're still there because. if somebody else in the future dares to do what julian did what wiki leaks did to publish the same feelings or similar things they will be prosecuted and they can be criminalized for that so today has been a very dramatic day indeed in fact the last few days have been very dramatic for us the on monday's decision without that it not. given the song and then today not to grant him bail it is incredibly best to streets and we've seen activists and
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supporters not just hits a day or 2 days ago but long throughout you know scientists or they have been here day in day out but has but then you know the song is a valiant campaigner for truth and justice he has not committed a crime but all he has done is population and showing the world the truth in their opinion of the united states and their criminal activities in iraq and afghanistan in fact today they were so determined and eager and enthusiastic to be here for this court case that so many people have even been arrested by police for being outside the westminster magistrate's court i myself witnessed around 5 people being arrested including a 92 year old man and it really just goes to show the levels of determination because they feel it's not just you know scientists in the go. through the criminal justice system and trying to avoid the criminal justice system in the united states but also sits in the box is the fundamental principles of freedoms of press the rights are expressing itself the right to report but also go right for the public's
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access to information and journalism of course this is a 10 year back so it is having a chilling effect on journalism not just here in the u.k. i know the united states but worldwide. the us has been saying in its attempts to get julian assange into an american courtroom surprisingly washington was less than pleased with monday's decision by a british judge not to extradite the whistleblower while we are extremely disappointed in the court's ultimate decision we are gratified that the united states prevailed on every points of law raised in particular the culture jets and all of mr saunders arguments regarding political motivation political offense fair trial and freedom of speech we will continue to seek mr sanders extradition to the united states. well let's take a quick look back at some of wiki leaks key revelations that of the london assault on the u.s. authorities wanted list. i
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we spoke to the general secretary of the european federation of journalists record of who believes mr a son should be offered the same protection as any investigative reporter. we simply cannot understand the decision from from the british british court. we believe that if there is no reason no good reason to extradite him then there is no reason to keep him in detention believe that this decision is a political one julian assange and in our view should be considered as a political prisoner we are still very concerned by. the mentation of the british call didn't didn't. take into consideration all the good reasons you know to release. julian assange. as a journalist you know or just as an actor or a media actor he committed
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a journalistic act you know by revealing. war crimes. by u.s. government in. iraq and afghanistan so you know one of you who acted as a journalist and. protection as a journalist. and moving on germany has toughened its anti pandemic rules and extended its lockdown as the country surpassed 35000 covert related deaths are europe correspondent peter all of our looks at how berlin is trying to slow the pace of the disease. following a meeting between uncle merkel the german chancellor and the leaders of germany's 16 states locked down in the country will be extended until the 31st of january what that means is that all bars and restaurants ghouls james bond non-essential retail will be closed there are some new measures being put in place as well you'll
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now only be able to meet with one of the person from outside of a household other than your own bond in areas where infections are above $200.00 per 100000 of the population there will be a limit on where you can travel it has to be within a 15 kilometer radius of your home in announcing these measures. said that they would necessary. we are now very close to full capacity in some hospitals which is also one of the reasons for us to introduce these far reaching madness today epidemiologists had hoped that you would go further and extend this lockdown beyond the end of january no such look there for them there is also well some pushback already from some of those who agreed to this deal on tuesday we've heard from leaders in the state of lower saxony saying they've got no intention of
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limiting the movement of citizens in their state voting book of said that they're reviewing the situation and whether they would be keen to do the same in their state and also we've heard from the state of mecklenburg west in pomerania he said they want to get this schools open now it's not just the state leaders that have been unhappy with lockdowns we have seen demonstrations here in germany against the measures that have been put in place just last weekend in nuremberg the riot police had to be called. well german chancellor angela merkel also defended the vaccination program in germany which had come in for criticism for moving at
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a pretty much delayed sealed pace she said that the right things were being done to ensure that germans got the vaccinations that they needed earlier we heard from un spahn the german health minister who said. all people in germany who wanted a vaccination should be able to receive one by the summer of this year well the new measures that were brought in on tuesday they're going to be reviewed again on the 25th of january well be decided if they need to be extended through into february without as our i mean we can you stories are shaping up for now i'll be back with all your latest updates and 30 very happy russian christmas from the r.t. team here in moscow of the season. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the
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world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. 2021 going to c.n.n. staying phenomenon and point 21 you know america has been exporting its inflation to china for 20 years and now china's caught up to america and now all that money printing that's been going on for 2025 years is going to show up as real inflation .
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