tv News RT January 6, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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a real place. to. live from the world headquarters of r t america in our nation's capital this is the. rick sanchez part of body i'm rick sanchez and i want to welcome all of you watching from around the world especially those of you who are watching us on your phones on portable t.v. you may have just looked at the images and wondered what in the world is going on in the united states of america while on this day when according to the constitution the pro-forma was that the senate and the house would meet in a joint session of congress to affirm the presidency of joe biden suddenly that was interrupted by what seemed like protesters who are arguing that
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they believe as have been told by the president had states that he actually won the election so they went to the capitol where he had originally suggested they go by the way the president states never suggested they break into the capitol he suggested that they protest at the capitol while the process is going on and this is what they did and these are the pictures that you're looking at right now thousands of troops supporters essentially sitting outside of the capitol protesting but then then things got a little more crazy and here's what happened we're going to start with a couple we've got a series of videos that we want to take you through to help you better understand how this story developed 1st they broke through a barricade just outside and i do believe we have that video kevin i don't know if you can pull it up or not and that may be one of the very 1st videos and you can see right there where the barricades were set up you see those barricades right there that you were just looking at now keep. of mine because i want to tell you
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something about those in a minute and then they went in and they stormed the capitol and by storming the capitol it essentially means that they were up against the capitol you see how high the capitol is it's essentially about 121314 feet for anybody to get up there but you see those barricades that you just saw are right there what they did is according to reports they took those barricades and they usually are horizontal right they took the barricades and they flip them vertically and then use them see them right there they use them as ladders and some of the folks taking those barricades the ones you see right there were able to use those barricades to breach the capitol building itself and that's when that's when the problem began we've got some videos i want to show you now from inside the capitol itself when they went inside which is really a kind of an eerie piece of video to think that these folks are inside and you see that window they broke through that window then they were going to try and
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come through and now hopefully will see that picture once again but as it opens up you see the secret service inside of the capitol pointing their guns at the protesters who are trying to come in all of this they are there is that picture they're trying to stop the breach but they were unable to we should tell you there was one woman by the way who was injured. we believe that she was shot with a rubber bullet as she was trying to get in let's take a look at this picture let's go sound up. ok there's the video of the injured woman. the disk the story we're getting is that the woman was shot. she may have been somebody who had breached the grounds of the building we don't know that is the assertion at this point. there you can see the wound and there you
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see her now being taken out of the building. again a woman who according to reports had breached the building they had to take they shot we assume that they used a rubber bullet which a lot of people don't know but those rubber bullets can cause a lot of problems so so here's what we have the bigger picture and this is the one that i think we need to be able to all understand is this is happening for 2 reasons essentially the political backdrop is this last night in the state of georgia 2 unexpected. new senators will be representing the state of georgia both democrats in a state that's usually will be red republican and the president of the united states has been making a lot of allegations and there you see it there is there are the new 2 senators from the senator warner started are also off the new senator from the state of georgia and again for those of you who may be watching us from someplace else and don't understand american politics the fact that georgia is sending 2 democrats to
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washington is in and of itself a major news story and something we would have been talking about all day today had it not been for what's going on now in our nation's capital while all of this is been going on we want you to know that there's something really important going on in the capitol and the both. president trump oh wait now we have some now we have some live pictures ok these are live pictures coming in. these are live pictures coming in from the capitol i don't know do we have sound up on this is or is there audio on this it looks to me like there is now ok let me let me describe this scene this is been going on for quite some time and police have been waiting to actually do something to maybe perhaps try and take the protesters away from the building it now appears they may be some kind of action on the part of law enforcement ben swann is out there ben can you hear me. where i ben slung at i can hear you rick
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yeah i can i can. it is best yes yes yes ok great i can hear you we see you now is this the police finally trying to push the crowd back. yet so this is been going on now for about the last half hour what we're seeing are a series of flash bangs that keep going off it's the upper part of this this platform area over on the left hand side back towards the building i have been told by multiple people who were up there and coming down that there is a large group of people who are still scuffling with police up there at one point some of those protesters took the pepper spray away from police and pepper sprayed officers so what the police are trying to do is they're trying to clear everyone off of these stairs and they're using those flash bangs if you used them now probably every few minutes to try to kind of clear people off and to bring them down they're using pepper spray and they're using flash bangs 2 quick things rick i was listening to your reporting one of the things that we have learned about that
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young woman i have been getting some information from people who were here and the young woman who was shot in the neck or head area apparently was part of a 1st wave of people who pushed and you hear those why the way more of those flash bangs going off she was part of the 1st wave that pushed it with a group of men they pushed through the doors and one of the officers i'm told it was a female officer inside the capitol building who actually paid for by or did you call weapon and then he hit her i've also been told brad would you have your photographer has had other measurements in his head so much as you are without listening to the video but you went please keep talking we want to hear what you have to say yeah. yes so so we have also we've also been told that apparently there was another man who may have had a heart attack when he was being pepper sprayed inside of the building so i have been told there may be 2 people who are in serious condition after this i've also got to tell you i just finished talking with a guy who was part of this wave that pushed through the capitol building he was
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showing. me video of him going through ric breaking glass inside the senate chambers going through nancy pelosi office he said there were several 100 people at one point going through nancy pelosi office sitting in the different the different chair so right now what we're seeing and what you're seeing with this the smoke is what is flash bangs going off up there and it looks like police trying to push some of these guys off of the the stairway and to move them down off of the capitol building that leg you know bed to help us understand because you visualize this you could see it ok great as your camera goes and we start to understand what they're doing it looks like the strategy is to keep above that to keep them off of that upper tier because that's where from that pier they can reach the building they're welcome to protest down below as much as they want i imagine right i mean after all they you know this is america you can protest you just can't break the building.
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well well it is so but so what we've been seeing is this they were all the way up there in that in that upper area that upper echelon area right now where you can see. that group of officers standing up at the top that was completely full of some supporters as of you know 3045 minutes ago and slowly they've been moving these folks down so now if you look you can see these officers are starting to really move everyone off of those stairs they're moving them down now and with more force than we've seen throughout the day today this is by far the most force that we've seen in terms of moving people off of the building they pretty much let people set up there are after noon i mean we have people sitting on the edges of of the stairwells sitting on the on the bleachers that are set up for the inauguration they were all up there for hours and now as we look up there it's all the you know lime green officers coats and they are pushing all these folks down there. while well everyone's getting moved up let you can see that happening let's keep this
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picture up hey kevin let's keep this picture. even while we perhaps describe others maybe we can split the frame because i do want to bring our viewers up to date that both the president the president the united states now and the gentleman who will take over the presidency on january 20th have both spoke and they've made comments to the protesters and to this situation let's start if we can i think we have. president elect joe biden cabin do we have that all right that take a time i understand. this is all happening as we go so we're going to listen to both biden and trump i think we have the biden sound bite cued up we'd like for you guys to hear from both men at this hour. are democracies under pressure did so. like anything we see in modern times. it was
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so the citadel of liberty the capital so in assault on the people's representatives. and i do believe we have the comments that were made by president trump as well let me know. let me know when we have that so we can play that where the president the press the president by the way is on the record saying that he wants no that's not what i'm referring to that so this is the president earlier on asking for everyone in the u.s. capitol to remain peaceful no violence remember where a party of law and order this is a story we brought you earlier in the day respect the law great men and women and blue thank you but the president was not asking and this is obviously most important is that he was not asking the folks to leave to go home to stop this now the president has recently just made a comment where he did in fact do that so that we're going to try and turn that piece of video around and show it to you in just
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a little bit meanwhile let's get back out to ben where we understand the the do we have pictures coming out from there now. ok now now now we're being told that our crew is being told that they are going to have to clear the scene it sounds and again all of this is happening as we're describing it on the air so we are kind of rolling with the punches here sort of speak those are the thousands and thousands of people not just in the capitol by the way you've been seeing the action in front of the capitol but they're basically in about a 10 block area throughout washington d.c. . we're going to stay with the pictures let you know what's going on the big story now is how are they going to get those people who are on that upper echelon that tear down from there that's obviously an important part of the story because that's how the police will get control of the capital we're going to follow that and then we're going to get reaction as well on what this means for america and for the
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republican party and for all of us stay right there we're going to be right back. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy one from day shouldn't let it be an arms race based on off and spearing dramatic development only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. the world is driven by a dream shaped by our own person or those great. new
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welcome back we want to start with some live pictures here of america of what is going on that picture you see right there is a different view than the one we were showing you earlier and i remember the situation there is very tense so from time to time police officers secret service and we assume soon the national guard which has been called in will be backing up some of the reporters and clearing the scene of reporters including our own crews which we will obviously oblige if it's a problem for the area that's why we're not hearing from ben he's repositioning
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himself and should be able to get back on the air in a little bit the did you see that flash right there those are those flash grenades that police are now using to try and get people off of the 2nd and tertiary tier of the capitol building from whence they originally used that position to breach the capitol which is why they have stopped now the affirmation of joe biden as the next president of the united states. all of this going on at a time when both institutional leaders of the republican party both mike pence the vice president and mitch mcconnell came out and said that they would a firm in no uncertain terms both the constitution and the election of joe biden. that was countered by others including ted cruz who are arguing that there is legitimate grounds for protesting and not soon after that just as the discussion or
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the argument over the protest began they shut the entire process down because these protesters are not these pacific protesters but a group of protesters suddenly breached the capitol building and had a confrontation with police steve gerber is a conservative talk show host he's good enough to join us now to try and make some sense of all of this i see this is an interesting day in american politics. i'll give you that make sense of it i'm not a miracle worker i'm just a guy who observes it like you. i don't know how to make sense of all of this and it's some point 1st of all i mean how do you start with the fact that it was completely breached like that it makes you wonder about the security measures in place they knew there'd be a lot of folks there a lot of people gathered that part i mean i have to question that to begin with but there is it's a dark day i think the in american history and i don't know who sought to destroy be a good idea i don't know who thought that not having enough police and security around
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the capitol was an effective measure against you know who knows what i mean when these rallies happen you have far right extremists you know far left extremists on foresee had a woman that got shot i guess i'm understanding shot tenshi by police with some sort of non-lethal bullet is what i'm hearing but that's not that's occurring correct that's. right that's what i'm hearing rick so i can make sense of this. we have we have disagreements here we have the vice president going through it we went back to count the votes and have a discussion about arizona and all of a sudden if i may be so bold hell broke loose yeah right. mike i say i can't sort this out anymore than you can we can watch this together and try to make sense of the man it's pretty tough today but you're a conservative republican. explain to us what situation the republican party now finds itself with the president of the united states holding strong to
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his position and others in the republican party like his own vice president at mitch mcconnell essentially coming out today and saying that the president had some of his charges are conspiracy theories. well 1st of all i'm not a republican i'm a conservative just to be clear that could eliminate not well you know i think it's clear that i've never been a member of any political party i think it's important that i'm fully in support of the president this president any probably going through the process of challenging election recounts are part of the process asking questions asking for verification i understand all that up but we have reached a point here where you've exhausted pretty much all options and so at some point you have to say we have to take the next step i think that's where we are clearly unfortunately what we have here is something that's going to leave i think an indelible stain. on the president's 4 years in office he did
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some important things in office whether it's middle east peace or moving the vaccine forward things are going to talk about that would've been positive even for people that disagreed with him they could say ok there were some things that were accomplished. but for most americans this might be what they remember about president trump this might be the last thing they remember about this presidency and none of the things that were accomplished along the way a difficult day i think so much of a gut punch for republicans today 2 senators from georgia that have come through very unlikely and then this happens maybe a double got to lunch for republicans today will they rebuild i'm sure they will but it's a it's a difficult day i was out on the streets this is all happening blocks from where i'm reporting right now and i've spent over the last couple of days with some of my colleagues some time out on the streets we go to c.v.s. we do things we run errands we go get lunch so i brought into a lot of people they're good people they're good august americans they seem like
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decent people they are just convinced that someone has stolen the presidency from them. and they believe every word the president says how do you how do you get them back what how where does this go stand. how do you get them back to vote in the future that i'm not sure i don't know if they vote in the future i don't know what happens from here i don't know what happens to people that are the true believers if you will the bitter enders if you will because it's some point to say ok we lost there were people that you know thought hillary clinton was you know happily elected and trumpet still in the election from her i mean we went through this 4 years ago we have to get to a point in america where we can trust the elections again now make no mistake rick mail in ballots are not allowed anywhere in the world i think that's something that we should not continue as normal practice going for because i think they do raise a lot of questions about signatures and where do they come from i think we can clean up our elections florida did it joe question what happened in florida every
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time there's an election or texas or ohio they have it all dialed in it's clean it's tidy and amazingly georgia last night was able to tell us who would want least one of the senatorial races last night it's. that it can be done it's got to be done it's got to be clean it's got to be transparent it's got to be in front of people so they trust it is an interesting it is an interesting image to watch a joint session of congress actually interrupted when police officers have to break into this building essentially telling the officers here it is in fact let's watch this live or let's watch as it happened live. protesters and then thank you. for that he said. that's it and now you can see right there as the security officers come in there's a secret service they're going to essentially come and sure away some of the representatives you can see there them being told stay down stay down don't move
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because apparently they were worried that some of those folks would breach would actually get in there and attack them then they with security started walking about in a line there you see there you see mr mcconnell mr patz i mean this is a heck of a thing i don't know if you've seen this steve but and there you see the secret service essentially keeping people with guns drawn that you're keeping people from getting in the building you know i want to go back to something you mentioned here in just a moment ago you spent time in d.c. you're there all the time but you say you're out of the street you're there for lunch you see these people they're ordinary folks they come from wisconsin they come from iowa florida texas wherever and that's true of most of these folks i mean the fringe people that broke into the capitol today that's exactly what they are french people but this is not representative of the people that are the deplorable is if you will the 75000000 people that voted for donald trump this is a tiny fraction of foresee any more than in tea if it is representative of the
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democrat party these folks are not representative of republicans or conservatives unfortunately when you have a large gathering of people you have people well. that are a bit on the kooky side i don't know how else to put it i mean they're just they're off the reservation they're out there they. go too far they don't get it and so i don't think that it's fair to paint the republicans or conservatives with a broad brush that is used from what happened today and i don't think it's fair to say the people to burn down minneapolis or portland or representative of democrats or liberals across this country we but it's clear i'm either fringe we need to clean up our act as my mother would say we need to clean up our act and don't lower ourselves to what these people are doing because we're all americans and we love this country and we want to work out and we've got to get away from extremes let's do this let's hear from him president here is the president of the united states specifically addressing some of the folks that we steve was just alluding to it was
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a landslide election and everyone knows it especially the other side but you have to go home now we have to have peace we have to have law and order we have to respect our great people and law and order we don't want anybody hurt. tyro of insurers also joining us my colleague and the host of watching the hawks he's good enough to share with us his his comments on what's going on right now tyrrell if you're there your take on the situation your take on the president's comments well it's a it's a little late to me it's a little late for donald to suddenly get on t.v. and say all we need to drive back and we need to respect law and order one just this morning in his speech this morning he was all but saying we cannot accept this decision we cannot accept congress you know removed you know essentially saying that this vote is valid and while yes you're right he didn't tell his people to storm the capitol but he in his language and the word verbiage that he used he told
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them to do everything but it's also interesting to note that there is a big disassociation from between what happened at the capitol today and down here on the street you know closer to the white house people who are supporters of the president walking by saying oh it was b.l.m. who stormed the capitol oh it was some other storm the capitol or it's all fake news so you still see this disassociation between the reality of what's taking place and the folks who continue to support the president in this very city within blocks of each other and it really is incredible seeing that kind of dissonance and escapism if you will taking place where they just cannot accept the reality of the situation. host of wonderful correspondents and commentators that we have who are going to be commenting throughout the day we're staying with this story and we'll continue to bring you reports we do have some updates now we have reports multiple law enforcement officers have now been injured. riot police and that's how they're
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being described as starting to move protesters away from the capitol building and i think that has to do with some of the pictures that we've been showing you from time to time that was the use of the stun grenades that we saw that they were trying to use to take people off that upper tier purry virginia official the virginia national guard. and 200 state troopers are now being set to d.c. so 200 state troopers and the virginia national guard have now been deployed according to our sources and one more thing those of you who don't know the geography around here d.c. a sandwich between essentially 2 states state of maryland the state of virginia maryland's governor is now saying he too will send the maryland state police and state national guard troops to assist d.c. in whatever may have to happen tonight so 'd there you have it this well d.c. tonight is in curfew effective in the next 25 minutes those of us here in this community will not be allowed to be on the streets in fact that's when their i
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imagine are going to start making a more aggressive move to get some of the protesters away from the capitol as well that's our news we're going to continue to come back and follow this here we like to think and. i'm rick sanchez. 21 are going to c.n.n. thanks and 21 you know america has been exporting its inflation that china for 20 years and that china's caught up to america and now all that money that's been going on for 2025 years is going to show up. real places.
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breaking news on our t.v. special forces moved in after the u.s. capitol building is stormed by pro trump protesters as chaos and gulfs the hearts of washington congress has put into lockdown halting a session to confirm joe biden as the winner of the presidential election donald trump tells his supporters to remain peaceful and go home. one woman is reportedly carried out of the capitol building with a shotgun wound to her chest pull a knife edge senate race in georgia looks set to give the democrats control over congress for the next 2 years that's despite donald trump's renewed refusal on wednesday to conceive the presidential vote. to rig this election they rigged it like the devil rig did election before it we will never give up we will never get a seat it doesn't happen.
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