tv Cross Talk RT January 6, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm EST
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breaking news on our t.v. special forces moved in after the u.s. capitol building is stormed by pro trump protesters as chaos and gulfs the hearts of washington congress has put into lockdown halting a session to confirm joe biden as the winner of the presidential election donald trump tells his supporters to remain peaceful and go home. one woman is reportedly carried out of the capitol building with a shotgun wound to her chest pull a knife edge senate race in georgia looks set to give the democrats control over congress for the next 2 years that's despite donald trump's renewed refusal on wednesday to conceive the presidential vote. to rig this election they rigged it like they've never recorded election before we will never give up we will never concede it doesn't happen.
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just around 1 30 in the morning here in moscow and you're watching r t international my name's donald quarter bringing you the latest news welcome to the program. now breaking news this wednesday the national guard and special forces are storming the congress building in washington on orders of president trump that's after pro trump supporters occupied the u.s. capitol earlier it forced congress to go into lockdown right in the middle of a session confirming joe biden's victory in the presidential election biden gave an emergency address earlier saying this is not a protest but an insurrection he called on trump to demand an end to the siege trump himself posted a video on twitter calling on his supporters to go peacefully earlier he had addressed a rally in washington and again said he would refuse to concede defeat in the election feel so called on my friends to reject the election result something the
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vice president had refused to do trump's objections are based on multiple allegations of election fraud his team launched a number of court cases calling for recounts despite the supreme court's rejection of trump's objection. now here we can see live pictures for you here of what's going on in washington where we're seeing protesters trump trump supporters here probably some of them may have been involved in the occupation of the capitol now this is happening just several hours after trump's speech denouncing what he called what he's been calling a fraudulent election and he said that he will not concede shortly after that hundreds of his supporters broke off from the main march to storm the capitol that was when the congress was in session supposing intended to certify joe biden's victory has. now what we're seeing here right now was
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a police moving trump supporters from the area in which they're standing or at least attempting to right here you can see police in the background and the trump supporters there and you can see at the left of the screen it looks like there are police with the horses. cavalry units there and it's clearly a protest still in support of donald trump remaining president now in in just about less than half an hour in just about less than half an hour there is a curfew scheduled for washington so it will be interesting to see what happens at that moment if there will be some counter protests or perhaps organizations and trump organizations that become out to protest as well it would be it would be a repeat of what we've been seeing in the united states in the past several months the kind of political violence that has become commonplace on the streets of many major cities as well as washington itself. you could see perhaps there's
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a bit of already a confrontation here between some of the trump supporters and this masked individual here. now our sister channel r.t. america is also closely following the unrest near the u.s. capitol rick sanchez picks up the story let's take a look at that. thousands of troops supporters essentially sitting outside of the capitol protesting but then then things got a little more crazy while all of this has been going on we want you to know that there's something really important going on in the capital and the both. president trump oh wait now we have so now we have some live pictures ok these are live pictures coming in. these are live pictures coming in from the capitol i don't know do we have sound up on this is or is there audio on this it looks to me like there
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is no ok let me let me describe this city this is been going on for quite some time and police have been waiting to actually do something to maybe perhaps try and take the protesters away from the building it now appears they may be some kind of action on the part of law enforcement ben swan is out there ben can you hear me. so this is been going on now for about the last half hour what we're seeing are a series of flash bangs that keep going off it's the upper part of this this platform area over on the left hand side back towards the building i have been told by multiple people who were up there and coming down that there is a large group of people who are still scuffling with police up there at one point some of those protesters took the pepper spray away from police and pepper sprayed officers so what the police are trying to do is they're trying to clear everyone off of these stairs and they're using those flash bangs if you used them now probably every few minutes to try to kind of clear people off and to bring them
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down there using pepper spray and they're using flash bangs to put things rick i was listening to your reporting one of the things that we have learned about that young woman i have been getting some information from people who were here the young woman who was shot in the neck or head area apparently was part of a 1st wave of people who pushed in you hear those why the way more of those flash bangs going off she was part of the 1st wave that pushed it with a group of men they pushed through the doors and one of the officers i'm told it was a female officer inside the capitol building who actually pay very high or did your weapon and then he hit her and i've also been told. brad would you have your photographer has had other members in his head so much as you are without listening to the video but you would please keep talking we want to hear what you have to say oh. yes so so we have also we have also been told that apparently there was another man who may have had a heart attack when he was being pepper sprayed inside of the building so i have been told there may be 2 people who are in serious condition after this i got to
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also tell you i just finished talking with a guy who was part of this wave that pushed through the capitol building he was showing me videos of him going through rick breaking glass inside the senate chambers going through nancy pelosi office he said there were several. 100 people at one point going through nancy pelosi office sitting in the different the different chair so right now what we're seeing and what you're seeing with this the smoke is what is flash bangs going off up there and it looks like police trying to push some of these guys off of the the stairway and to move them down off of the capitol building you know better to help us understand because you visualize this you could see it ok great as your camera goes and we start to understand what they're doing it looks like the strategy is to keep above that to keep them off of that upper tier because that's where from that pier they can reach the building they're welcome to protest down below as much as they want i imagine right i mean
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after all they you know this is america you can protest you just can't break the building. well well it is so but so what we've been seeing is this they were all the way up there in that in that upper area that upper echelon the area right now where you can see. that group of officers standing up at the top that was completely full of trump supporters as of you know 3045 minutes ago slowly they've been moving these folks down so now if you look you can see these officers are starting to really move everyone off of those stairs they're moving them down now and with more force than we've seen throughout the day today this is by far the most force that we've seen in terms of moving people off of the building they pretty much let people set up there are afternoon i mean we had people sitting on the edges of of the stairwells sitting on the on the bleachers that are set up for the inauguration they were all up there for hours and now as we look up there it's all the you know lime green officers coats and they're pushing all these folks down
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here in the last hour president elect joe biden gave an urgent address to the nation he strongly condemned the unrest that's rocked capitol hill branding at an insurrection meanwhile president donald trump also posted a video message to twitter urging his supporters to act peacefully and go home let's take a look at what they had to say. i call on president trump to go on national television now to fulfill his oath and defend the constitution and demand an end to this see each the storm the capitol to smash windows to occupy offices the floor of the united states senate rummaging through desks on the capitol and house of representatives threatening the safety of duly elected officials it's not protest it's insurrection the world is watching.
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and makes so many other americans i'm genuinely shocked and saddened that our nation so long the beacon of light hope for democracy has come to such a dark moment we don't want anybody hurt it's a very tough period of time there's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us from me from you from our country this was a fraudulent election but we can't play into the hands of these people. we have to have peace so go home we love you very special you've seen what happens you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil i know how you feel but go home and go home and peace. how to get more perspective on
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these events playing out in washington we bring in lionel legal analyst and media analyst and lauren chan host of the intellectual podcast thank you very much for joining us you 2 now the 1st question goes to you lionel some extraordinary scenes today right what's your take generally on what we've been seeing. well 1st let's just get the obvious out of the way it was terrible is wrong there is this is not subject to debate paco to ask this question because i'm a former prosecutor i tend to think perhaps like this why would the police how was this if i were in the capital of if i were a senator or a congress person or a staff member or just a person doing business have i been there my wife and i have been there many times we one time had to turn over plastic children scissors don't ask me why we had them take the shoes up we couldn't go anywhere how do you go on to the floor of the
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senate how do you just walk in when they know about this and i'm not blaming anybody i'm not saying that because they weren't stopped these people are to blame please i've got to ask this question they had the national guard standing by you knew what was going to happen that's the 1st question i am mind. over well or and i want to hear a bit about from you about this i mean do you think that this was an inevitable i mean we've heard a lot from trump saying that this election was fraudulent i mean the march was called stop the steel march right do you think this kind of rhetoric made this situation inevitable or what do you think about it. well i think that's the same question that a lot of people especially in the media are asking right now but i think it's important that we remember as terrible as you know the people who stormed the capitol their actions were there were about a 100000 peaceful protesters who did not break the law in any way shape or form and were simply there to me make their opinions be known and i think you know for the
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people who did storm the capitol i of course disavow their actions but i think overall right now there are a lot of time supporters a lot of americans in general who feel like the system has failed like there's no accountability like there was there were some of consistencies in this election and that the safeguards are measures that should have been in place to make sure that didn't happen failed so there are a lot of people out there who are just very very frustrated and again i don't condone what a small handful of them did but i do understand it and if you are a trump supporter who's upset watching this i'd have to say it's you know it's good that you're angry you should be but violent rioting is not the answer just like it wasn't the answer for b.l.m. or n t this past summer. well very good point yeah lionel i wanted to hear your opinion on on the response to this right i mean biden came out and said that he wanted trump to go on national television and denounce this stuff trump released this video saying they these people should go home do you think this is some sort of turning point or do you do you think that trump is going to change his previous
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rhetoric or do you think what do you think is going to happen now either he's going to be out of office today on the 20th changes rhetoric it's over and whole thing is over but it doesn't to be fair i would have rephrased the way the president said it i would have said i would have not when your county trying to tell people to leave you don't say no listen they stole the election when they don't go do that because you're dealing with people think of them on a ledge think about people who are who are crazed think about and clock recy but i've got to ask this question and again this is not in any way to excuse anything what would be a lamb was attacking or and he fell or whatever they did not wear uniforms that say this and in new york where i am we had pallets of bricks that were actually dropped and delivered when there were stories that were who did we know what and people sat by and said nothing now granted granted this is the capital and again i'm not going
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to stop every 2 seconds in point of the different just i think everybody watching is smart enough but i've got to ask this question to. in some particular cases when would it be a limb or are march breaks out or gets violent what do they do they did we did call it a park or they paid you know yellow black lives matter signs where the writing occurred to get wait a minute this this encourages that so we have a number of plates that are spending the 1st one is we denounce it the 2nd one is did they not know what was going on and let me also say this very quickly would be a lemon and tea for saying that they were going to topple the washington monument. when they were breaching parts of the white house i mean i remember joe biden staying anything or harris or the mayor of d.c. nobody said no again apples oranges and grapes these are all different but in addition to all of this i'm watching this thinking it's wrong but my god why is
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there not one consistent action when ever there is violence does it depend upon who is the perceived instigator of the violence and by the way if you don't think there were agents provocateurs in this or you have to go back and look at these tapes and see who is who this will take a week to ferret out but you know what they're going to call me or anybody else a conspiracy theorist if you ask any questions as to what seemingly wish weird about this so there you go well i'd like to stay on this topic actually of b l m n t for you know the response to violence lauren what it what do you think i mean there's a curfew that's going to be put in place in washington quite soon and not in not very much time do you think there's going to be some sort of violent reaction on the other side of the political spectrum to what happened to the like you know the the likes of which we've been seeing for the past several months in a lot of major u.s. cities. oh absolutely and i think in terms of consistency what you're the grass was
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referring to i think president trump actually has been fairly consistent on the issue of violent riots here on social media as it was happening condemn the violence at the capitol and in addition to that you address that he made and he has been condemning violence you know for the latter half of this year as it's been happening in places like you know minneapolis can osha and whatnot where we see inconsistency is and i think the tendency toward violent protesting is frankly from the left and you know regarding president elect but i did i suppose his his statement i think was very interesting he has refused to condemn by name agitators for menteith and b.l.m. and address what's happening in so many cities across the united states including places like new york but when it comes to i guess right wingers storming the capitol d.c. where all the politicians are and then all of a sudden it's it's a problem he's upset about protesters rifling through congressman desk what about all of the business owners who had their businesses burned down in places like a no show or minneapolis what about what's going on in portland like where those
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business owners those citizens did they not matter as much because they're not part of the d.c. establishment it's a huge inconsistency and i think going forward especially you know once you seems office we're going to be seeing more violent riots from the left and more turning a blind eye from the democrats while there's a lot more we can say on this topic but we're we're really short on time here as this is a live broadcast lionel you what do you want to say something because it could you keep very quick and we'll give you the last word. in terms of the response i turned to the mayor of d.c. was going to issued a warrant for the arrest of a parody of the the head of the proud boys for an event that occurred in december involving a flag or something that was burned i mean when the store owners and property in the millions have been destroyed we also have a new york city police officers going to interview a woman who incorrectly accused a black man of having stolen a and i phone what we focus on what we focus you know minimal
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and limited police. manpower is just incredible in this so this is the coffee that we're going through right now it's outrage but it's incredulity as to how we handle these things and how inconsistently they are consistently treated well like i said incredible times we're living in a big topic to discuss but unfortunately we're out of time lionel political analyst and lauren chen host of the intellectual podcast thank you very much for joining us on the program thank you thank you. cross live now to caleb moppin for more r r t new york correspondent caleb can you just outline for us how this all began indeed well the world is shocked by the political chaos taking place in the u.s. capitol many are looking at the edges and just aghast at what's going on now let's remember this was a mass rally of trump supporters who believe that the election was fraudulent and donald trump did address that rally and say that his supporters and himself would
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not back down from their position that trump is the legitimate winner of the 2020 alexion here's some of what we heard from trump addressing his supporters today. we will never give up we will never concede it doesn't happen does anybody believe that joe had 80000000 votes is anybody of you had 80000000 computer votes that take 3rd world countries their elections are more honest than what we've been going through in this country democrats attempted the most brazen and outrageous selection theft and this ever been anything like this so pure theft. now mike pence the vice president of the united states did not agree with donald trump and sent donald trump a carefully worded letter saying that he would not use his position in the u.s. congress to put forward donald trump's claims he said he's not in it's not basically his position and his job to determine the outcome of the election results meanwhile we have
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a number of republicans distancing themselves from donald trump as the chaos was happening on capitol hill the final results in georgia came in and the choose seats in the u.s. senate that were up for grabs in georgia have both gone to democrats democrats have been victorious and it looks like for the 1st time since 2009 we're going to have a situation where the democrats will control the senate the house of representatives and the executive branch that's a pretty pretty solid grip on power in washington d.c. republicans will basically be unable to put forward many of their proposals and unable to stop many of their proposals coming from the democrats so this is a kind of a situation where we're seeing the republican party almost isolated voices are speaking up and blaming donald trump for this saying that he is in effect polarized the country and as a result republicans overall are losing while traditional republicans are distancing themselves from donald trump 8 the population seems to be lining up
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pretty solidly against trump and that is hurting his party however a poll did come out showing that among republicans only republican voters only 70 percent said they will they would like leaders of their party and members of congress from the republican party to talk more and sound more like trump so trump is increasingly becoming the face of the republican party trump ism is winning in the republican camp but among the broad population trump ism is being rejected and the republican party seems to be going down along with it these are certainly big events this is a deep crisis in us society. certainly unprecedented to see what went on in the halls of congress today this is a big moment the whole country is reacting to events that many did not anticipate. that's our new york correspondent caleb maupin thank you very much for those updates. so let's get more on what's been going on here i'm joined by our correspondent maria financial maria thank you for joining us now what has been the
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what has been the international reaction so far can you walk us through the ass of course it's out of discussion that the world is shocked tolkien completely with what is going on in washington and would have what we have with what has been boiling in the american capital in the last hours and let's be honest in the last months as well and we started receiving international official reaction right now with most of the leaders and officials around the world can daven the chaos in america here is nato secretary general stoltenberg for example tweeting shocking scenes in washington d.c. the outcome of these democratic election must be respected british prime minister boris johnson described the situation in very similar words adding that it is now vital that they should be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power and he is french minister of european and foreign affairs tweeting again while it's against american institutions is
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a serious attack on democracy i condemn them and also here in chancellor also was very similar in describing it and condemning it and he also called it an acceptable assault on democracy and he is more international reaction to what is going on in washington d.c. right now. disgraceful scenes in the u.s. congress the united states stands for democracy around the world that it is no voice oh but there should be a peaceful orderly transfer of. in the eyes of the world american democracy to know it to be a son to see this is unseen assaults on years democracy its institutions and the rule of law this is not america the election results of november 3rd must be fully respected we wash with dismay the events that have occurred since the presidential elections in the united states which today led to an attempt by demonstrators to seize the congress building we call for sobriety insanity from all sides and we
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also hear from german foreign minister and it is rather alarming that he called on german citizens to stay away german citizens in america right now to stay away from the sea to downtown stay away from what he believes could be dangerous and it is understandable because what we've seen i mean look at the pictures and we know that one at least one person was shot and he was taken to the hospital we don't know what his condition is and we have seen the pictures with tear gas used i mean it has been violent it has gone very far hundreds of protesters breached the capitol building at the time when a very important question for the whole nation debate over so define the election was taking place there inside and here's the moment of when that meeting was stopped and what happened next. is not about the good people of arizona. it was starting to reach. the.
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didn't show this picture it's but i mean we've seen these pictures for the next for the last hour is t. a guy as people shouting people who should a child there yeah one person was shot and what is interesting is that congressman didn't finish what they were supposed to finish during that meeting so in fact now we are hearing reports that congressmen are now heading to his secret some kind of military place to finish what they have to like this debate over acidifying the elections. and we now hear that curfew is about to start like in a matter of minutes in washington d.c. so they have to finish i guess. right now official who can say that joe biden is a new president of america so it's complete chaos and of course the reaction we're
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receiving from the leader is from official from officials around the globe is this clear thank you very much that was artie's maria for notion of giving those updates . well some big news from washington right now we're going to bring you to our to america for more coverage on that situation will be back with more our 2 international in just about 30 minutes hope to see you then. has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs to people who are chronic pain patient and believe that their opioid prescription is working for them and the remedy be said to to the price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates to long
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term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggested that the long term effects might not just be absence of benefit but actually that it might be causing long term. on. the way of life the reindeer herding is leading a traditionally nomadic lifestyle of the tundra is similar to a parallel reality. i'm. glad i'm in dr the hoods women carry the weight of the household work on their shoulders to show them the truth that will say let's see man this we won't sit too close no think it's nice however in the vast expanse of russia there is a sport where
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from the world headquarters of the r.t. america our nation's capital this. is a wonderful introduction and i want to thank my colleague for doing that i'm rick sanchez let's get started. for those of you watching us from around the world including those of you using your phones on the portable t.v. up we thank you there's so much going on in america on this day and we want to start with some breaking news that we've received just moments ago and it's sad news remember this story that we've been telling you throughout the day this is a woman who was one of the original protests.
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