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tv   News  RT  January 6, 2021 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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live from the world headquarters of r t america in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez pirate buddy we're now heading into our 8th hour of coverage we want to welcome all of you watching us here in the united states and all over the world including those of you who have been watching us using the portable t.v. so much going on by the way we want to start with a new development it was just announced by the police here in washington d.c. and this is. fresh off the presses they say 13 people have been arrested in the pro president trump riots and of those we understand were carrying weapons.
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there's no actual description of the weapons but you're seeing the video now of the protesters today after they were told. we might say by president trump to go over to the capitol to protest the effort we should say constitutionally mandated mandated effort on the part of the joint session of congress to affirm the presidency of the next president of the united states something which is kind of a routine process usually doesn't even get this much news barely even gets covered with this type of thing happens but today it was an important event partly because there were those in congress who is going to be who are going to be resisting the quote unquote fairness of the election against president trump and there you see people these are just protesters they somehow got into the capitol building itself there they are in the capitol. that's when police realized they had
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a real problem on their hands because these weren't the only ones there were too many of them and not enough. at least then they immediately went to the facility where the session was taken place the joint session of congress where just moments ago the vice president of the united states had spoken and so did mitch mcconnell then finally the officers there inside the secret service as you see here this is an amazing piece of this amazing image isn't it there they are guns drawn pointing the gun at the protesters trying to break into the capitol and in some cases they had already 'd broken into the capitol so now the secret service are there stopping the rest of the flow of people who were trying to get into the capitol they presumed they were going to harm the members of congress who were there in that joint session affirming the presidency of joe biden so it turned into a crazy moment and of course the most difficult thing to watch was one of the
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protesters who broke in was shot by a police officer she seems to be a woman either in her late twenty's maybe early thirty's there she is we thought at the time it was just a rubber bullet and it probably was not be it would not be lethal but then we learned according to several sources that she perished she died in the hospital from that gunshot wound becoming the one casualty the one casualty we know of at this point of this situation it's it's unbelievable to watch this and we're now learning that members of congress are going to go in tonight. when everything is settled which it seems like it is and they're going to go 'd ahead and finish the people's business as they say they're going to affirm the presidency of joe biden by the way interestingly enough it's now being reported that several of the legislators who were planning to protest the biden victory are now saying because of what happened they're not going to do so anymore they're just going to go away
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go ahead with the affirmation process instead of. protesting the election itself and ask that it be reexamined as they had planned to do in the case of ted cruz at least one of the 3 is now saying no we're not going to do that we're just going to go ahead rubber stamp this thing and move on fascinating fascinating that it would take this for that. ben swan is a veteran journalist who has been doing yeoman's work for us out there today literally following the situation from the ground up really some great reporting from ben throughout the day he joins us now for what seems like a much more calm situation compared to what you and i were looking at about 89 hours ago. yeah absolutely reckons it's certainly different i want to mention so what is happening right now behind us there are still probably a few dozen protesters who have managed to survive survive meaning stay out past curfew they've managed to stay in front of the building they're still carrying the
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don't tread on me flags in fact one of them still has a bullhorn and is talking about ultimately how joe biden is going to be terrible for the country and he's kind of pacing back and forth what's happening is we see d.c. capitol police are in front of those protesters and they're behind them and they're slowly kind of moving in on them i think ultimately to arrest them so that seems to be happening right now it's a very slow process not exactly sure why it's happening so slowly and not sure why some of these folks are being allowed to stay out here it's kind of amazing that we keep seeing people pass by even even though we're under curfew who are still wandering the streets so it is still happening at this point but it's also important to note that there are so many police out here around the capitol building right now as i mentioned capitol police and national guard you guys were talking about this from maryland and virginia on the ground here in d.c. right now and so the police presence is certainly overwhelming there are very few protesters out here but as i mentioned
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a few do still remain at this hour and i imagine they're doing so. i don't want to escalate the situation what good does it do them if they know the person isn't armed to charge him and take him down and make a huge scene which is only going to create you know the kind of pictures we really don't want all over the world of the united states out of control i mean if you can do it in a non escuela tory way that may be a word i just made up or coined why not write right. yeah i think that's absolutely true and i heard the conversation you had earlier with tyrrell specifically about the issue up of when the actual breach of the capitol did happen and the way police responded what's important i think for people to remember about that situation is in that case you had a crushing swell of people who went up that those capitol steps who climbed up the barricades use them like ladders approached the doors of the building and began to break through the windows and forced their way in and i think you made
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a good point of that point time rick and i think i just want to kind of back that up that it is important to remember that when those capitol police were inside these people were trying to get into the building but there was no indication they were coming in to harm anyone they were planning to to commit violence and so making the decision about what to do about how much force to use is a very very tricky decision yes and certainly what we did see was for the majority of the people who got into the building you know what they did they ransacked nancy pelosi office they walked through her office or stood up on the tables in her office and they kind of moved through and i want to point out one thing a guy told me who was in that group who moved through the capitol building he said he was in there for several hours today and he told me and he was shaking by the time he come out he was telling me all about this and he showed me videos on his phone from the different rooms that they were in so he was absolutely in there and what he said is it was a a mob mentality he says i know that sounds like a cliche but it really was
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a mob mentality in that we hadn't even planned to try to get into the building and then all of a sudden when we heard that that pinsent synthes letter to the president we just kind of snapped and people started to force their way in and they were all feeding off each other in terms of the energy and forcing their way through the building that that point he said once you got inside what do you do you just cut you're getting hit with but tongs and and there's a pepper spray being using your kind of moving through the building but everyone's kind of feeding off each other at that point hey. ben let's get through inside the capitol apparently the affirmation process has begun here of the vice president is going to be as we as we show you have assembled a live. on the very same day to support and defend the constitution of the united states so may god bless the loss the injured. and the heroes forged on this day may god bless all who serve here
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and those who protect this place and may god bless the united states of america let's get back to work. the vice president of the united states asserting himself in a way that perhaps we have not seen in the past but it's really the circumstance that led to this throughout the day we have been receiving and monitoring reports that the vice president has actually been in charge of making decisions about deploying the national guard how much police effort to use etc etc and here he is now essentially beginning the process which is the beginning of the end for the man that he served as is president donald trump this will not sit well with donald trump we know that but we know that his recourse is now are running thin even twitter has decided today to all but ban donald trump they say that is account has been locked they're no longer going to allow him to communicate with people for
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fear that he will try and create you know something similar to what we saw earlier in the day that's that's an unbelievable moment and if we can get back to ben real quick just to just it's just it's just a check again on what we just saw so we know that this process is going to begin again and it's really rather routine there are simply going to talk about the affirmation of the next president of the united states which is president elect joe biden the question is is there any reason to suspect that that process is going to be interrupted in any way shape or form. i don't know if we're able to put ben back up but i know that's something that that we certainly we want to talk about that's our right as i know it's not easy to get a bike back on and get back on the air so as soon as he gets back and he gets ready we do want to address that question because i think it becomes at this point one of the most salient parts of this of this conversation as we watch what's going on now for this pro-forma attempt we can tell you that there have been similar
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instances of either rebellion or maybe even a pacification. going on in the party and self in the republican party. first lady malani at trump's. chief of staff stephanie griffin very well known in washington circles a very generally respected person has just stepped down as milady at trump's chief of staff in protest to what happened today separating yourself from the white house some might criticize the move some might say it was a courageous act whatever it is it's another widget or another nugget that we can report at this point about what's going on in washington d.c. my colleague ben swan joins me now ben i want to bring you back in specifically based on what i just saw the vice president of state just went back up there looking like he's in complete control. making reference to what happened today and saying ok let's get going we're going to get this thing done now is there any
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chance whatsoever that it could get interrupted this time. i don't think so no i don't think it's any chance at all the there are so many police out here and capitol police who have surrounded the area as we mentioned national guard and there are very very few people out here who were in protest earlier today i mean almost none at all so when we're talking about how many how many are out here there's a group of 4 or 5 guys who just walked by right elderly guys who just walked by us and asked what was going on and asked what's going on inside the capitol do you guys know people just don't they don't know there's no organization right now for that and that's be clear there was an organization about this earlier today i know it was not an organized effort to get into the building it was something that spontaneously begin to build as those protesters were outside so you know the idea that this was something that was planned and that the goal originally had been to get in there from what i have seen and from the people i have talked to there's no indication that that was the case at all. by the way we're getting from the tales
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as we go to break thank you again for your much work as usual the woman who was shot and killed in. do u.s. capital during the protests today was from san diego. apparently her husband says she's actually bad but she was a veteran served some tours in the u.s. air force high level security official throughout our time in service her husband says she was a strong supporter of president. will be. all
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. out. the way of life the reindeer herding is leading
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a traditionally nomadic lifestyle in the tundra is similar to a parallel reality. that the men drive the hoods women carry the weight of the household look on their shoulders to show them which. one also lets see man. is thinking that's not however in the vast expanse of russia there were a housewife could secure a regular employment status it's in the final soon as today. she's the bookie. hey welcome back i'm rick sanchez we are well into our coverage now it looks like things are somewhat back to normal we began the day with what we thought was going
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to be rather routine maybe exciting for political pundits and political reporters something taking place in the u.s. congress where it was going to be a joint session of congress and they were going to affirm the presidency of joseph biden however there were going to be some who would protest the presidency and they would go into committees and it was going to take a couple of hours and get this thing done but then all hell broke loose literally just outside the capitol and now we're somewhat back to normal but in the process 'd somebody has lost their life and this is fascinating as we just got the details of this her name is ashley babbitt she's a 14 year veteran of the u.s. air force had high level security in her job i want to bring in one of my colleagues one of my favorite colleagues redacted tonight lee camp who joins us now how you know i'm i'm left in a quandary here how does somebody who is obviously a great person as a member of the u.s. military who i'm sure her family will tell you she was a great mom or
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a great wife. who believes in her country and served in the military end up breaching the walls of the u.s. capitol charging in to attack essentially a government building and then za being shot by police how do you well how do we put that together. well yeah i obviously can't know her full story but of course i think there's some old things that need to be said want need to be said one is that many of the people that lead to something like this are veterans and i think it shows how are you know wars of violence overseas can can boomerang back into our own society i mean we have so many that are is who have p.t.s.d. and how many other difficulties and they come home and they are not taking care of they're not shown how to kind of reenter society in a peaceful way no i'm not saying that certain issues but i'm just saying that those
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same things do happen but you know i was i was in charlottesville and nearly nearly killed when the car groups of people in that attack the 1st trump terrorist attack and now we're on to number whatever. and you know woman lost her life in that one too now that's different because the man who killed her was trying to kill or this sounds like cops killed this woman it was she was storming the capitol woods makes it different but it feels like there's some deja vu violence fostered furthered by you know various leadership in our country and it's really sad to see it come to this only we've got some new videos i think i hadn't seen this video before remind me in the cabin inside guys cabin is this brand new video i hadn't seen and yes it is let's go ahead and play that well we'll watch some of this together this is brand new video coming in now of the actual storming lee of the look at
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this this is inside the capitol as people are trying to go over the walls and now they're being pushed back as police are trying to figure out what to do just that sense of that tear gas i don't even know how they could see around that tear gas i can imagine why police were kind of freaked out about what was going on are you taken aback as i am about how this even was able to happen without police stopping the breach as it was happening or before it happened. yeah i can tell you i've been around a lot of protests black lives matter environmental protests pipelines occupy wall street and i have never seen police. presence and disallow. you know vicinity of building it truly is amazing that you can have whatever the number is you know thousands of people i don't know if it's 10000 or what but outside of cabral with the politicians in there and you've got what would seem to
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be a small line of police trying to stop them it's just laughable and it with every other protests i'm seeing that is not the case if you have protesters near the capitol building in a large presence then you will have a large presence of right cops and they will not be treating people very friendly. so i mean just look at i j 20 the national raps as they try you know began you had journalists arrested you had leuer legal observers arrested cattle and people beaten and cetera and so this was the most lax police presence i've ever seen and it's to me it shows how our police in this country tend to treat right wing protesters versus you know environmental protesters. peace anti-war protesters black lines matter it's just a completely different way of treating these protests but what is i mean is that
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because they're carrying the american flag of the because they have batters and say we love america is it because they have the don't tread on me which goes back to revolutionary times is it because they tend to be very very. white and below what what what do you think manifest that reaction. yeah it's in several of those that exam i think people of color are often treated or have been treated through our history as a threat to kind of the ruling power structure and i think that's part of it and i think that you know your police force again this is you know not all of them but they tend to be more right wing they tend to be more authoritarian and they tend to be so they tend to side more with those type of politics especially the leadership generally they you know whatever police you know do what the leadership calls for and in this case apparently this leadership probably the law enforcement said you
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know we don't need that many people there it's not we don't need to worry that much about you know these these trumped protesters. again not all of them but there are plenty within that group who are white supremacists who are these militia groups and so the idea that you wouldn't think hey that might be a threat to the capital is you know really just so awful before anyone in our audience begins to believe that lee camp is somehow convinced that the trumps leaving the white house very soon and have now being castigated even by republicans for what he did today is something that lee is going to celebrate because he's a big fan of the democrats who are now going to take office and hold not just the house and not just the senate but the white house hold on a little bit because listen to what lee has to say about the new democratic president and the fact that the democrats are now going to be in control are you hope in the hollering dear colleague. now i'm not i i
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believe that our 2 party system does not serve the people and i think that i did you end up in terrible situations like this when you have 2 parties that don't serve the people you have down wowing largely allowing it and democratic country basically an economic collapse even if wall street hasn't noticed yet. and you have just immense level of inequality the likes of which perhaps a country never seen before that gini coefficient is worse than ancient rome just before its collapse and so when you have these 2 parties that both basically sort of corporate america i don't believe you know you have a we had to when you get one of the others into that office i understand that. it is a any kind of unique oddball oh situation you know narcissistic. parent child bites so it's nice to not have to see that in the press didn't she but i
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don't know that we're going to be served much better by either party right now hey let's make this a threesome what do you say joins us now and going to see if we can put up a 2 box or maybe even a 3 box so the 3 of us can have a discussion tomorrow you're listening to the conversation i'm having with lee in part about the fact that if you expect this is going to be a huge change because now we've got the democrat in the white house and democrats controlling both houses you should think again. i do agree because guess what i lived through 20062008 in that 4 year stretch when the democrats controlled congress and they were locked on a piece of peace ticket the you know the american public said to end the war in iraq during bush in the bush term and the democrats had control of congress and did nothing and then they had 2 years in the early obama presidency where you had the presidency and congress together and again you saw a little bit but not the actual change that they always run on that they always promise that they're going to do so there's a really really huge battle for joe biden and common wire as coming up to actually
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prove that they're going to follow through with what they've promised well what little they promised so far is it because they're part of a system that is legalized bribery that's what that's what i've always wondered i mean people to get in office to win you have to literally take a lot said. lots of money from people and then say you didn't know that many thing which doesn't make any sense am i wrong i don't know tyro you start a wreck i completely agree i mean look my my you know i'm not i'm a perfect example of what happens when a politician runs with very little amount of money and didn't take the legalized bribery which is what my father didn't minnesota and made bun both sides attacked him for that but know that you're exactly one of the many reasons we're in the situation we're in today is because we have 2 parties that essential we operate as one party with you know various little differences that people kind of can quadrille over on sunday talk shows but at the end of the day you don't really see
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the really major direction a direction change in this country's politics regardless of whether you have a democratic leader or a republican leader in office not in a not in a serious way where you could say there's a real difference between the party leaders at this point want to put a punctuation on that forcefully. yeah you're absolutely right the immense amount of money down he's given at least people i mean nate than i have to do what don't sugar daddies require of that which is you know just giveaways to corporate america and if you look at what just happened i know all of your site will now last about 30 seconds but what does happen a few days ago is the senate and house chained together united 2 for the 1st time to override it from you know and it had to do with approving are incredibly low because that just will it's $730000000000.00 a year more than the next 20 gotten so used to mine and now it's time to do our weapons contractors and the other people that are on why our military dollars now
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the ones that get the people. you know of course they're going to secure the rides for the military contract and yet it's just so expensive to give people just $2000.00 to help with covert just way too expensive to do anything or u.b.i. or any of the other things that could be done to actually. help this country and keep us and keep big swathes of this country not having to resort to tactics that we saw today but you guys are so negative i don't believe. my thanks to both of you thanks for sticking up for the little guy it's important as we all of us as americans watched what unfolded today and can only hope for a better tomorrow as we move forward just to wrap things up here for you we're going to be obviously staying on top of this story and we'll continue to diligently follow the political part of the story as well the fact that the affirmation is now under way we don't expect any big changes or any big pronouncements we do expect
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that there will be a lot of poll lab or a lot of exchanges through out this and there will still be those who hold their positions for donald trump we'll have it for you right here i'm rick sanchez thanks for being with us good night. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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welcome to max kaiser financial survival guide. looking forward to your question about. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. watched kaiser report. the way of life the reindeer herding is leading a traditionally nomadic lifestyle in the tundra is similar to a parallel we see. them in drive the hoods women carry the weight of the household look on their shoulders to show them which. one the most unless she. is thinking however in the vast expanse of russia there. were a housewife could secure a regular employment status it's in the final soon as today.
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she's. breaking news. congress resumes its session confirming joe biden as the winner of the 2020 election that's after the national guard was forced to clear up the capitol building of protesters earlier stormed the building the president elect branded the riots a dark moment in u.s. history while donald trump told his supporters to go. threaten the safety of duly elected officials. insurrection we can't play into the hands of these people.


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