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tv   Cross Talk  RT  January 6, 2021 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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it's in the fun tonight to meet him in tournaments true to what. she's. breaking news on r t congress resumes its session confirming joe biden as the winner of the 2020 election that's after the national guard was forced to clear the capital of pro trump protesters who earlier stormed the building the president elect branded the riots a dark moment in u.s. history while donald trump told his supporters to go home. threaten the safety of the duly elected officials it's the protests insurrection we can't play into the hands of these people. we have to have peace so go home we love
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you. according to police one female demonstrator has died of her injuries after being shot in the chest during the protests inside the capitol building and the political divide widens as biden supporters gathered by trump tower in new york city urging the president not only to leave the white house but also his indictment . 7 o'clock in the morning here in moscow and you're watching our international time donald corner taking you through the political turmoil currently playing out in washington d.c. welcome to the program. breaking news the u.s. congress has resumed its key session that will recognize joe biden as the president that's after the national guard was forced to clear the building of pro trump protesters who stormed the site earlier washington d.c.'s mayor has just prolong
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the state of public emergency to 15 days until biden's inauguration police say a female protester died of her injuries after being shot inside the capitol building during the unrest video has emerged apparently showing the moment of the shooting in the capital a warning you may find the footage disturbing your. number of police and secret service were saying get back get down get out of the way she didn't heed the call and as we kind of raced up to grab people pull them back they shot her in the neck and she fell back on me and started to say she was fine in school and then she started kind of like move in weird and blood was coming out of her mouth and neck and nose. police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the crowd and push it away from the capitol building.
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so this is been going on now for about the last half hour what we're seeing are
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a series of flash bangs that keep going off it's the upper part of this this platform area over on the left hand side back towards the building i have been told by multiple people who were up there and coming down that there is a large group of people who are still scuffling with police up there at one point some of those protesters took the pepper spray away from police and pepper sprayed officers so what the police are trying to do is they're trying to clear everyone off of these stairs and they're using those flash bangs if used now probably every few minutes a day trying to kind of clear people off and to bring them down there using pepper spray and they're using flash bangs to put things one of the things that we have learned about that young woman i have been getting some information from people who were here the young woman who. was shot in the neck or head area apparently was part of a 1st wave of people who pushed it and you hear those why the way more of those flash bangs going off she was part of the 1st wave that pushed it with a group of men they pushed through the doors and one of the officers i'm told it
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was a female officer inside the capitol building who actually fired a weapon and then he hit her we've also been told that apparently there was another man who may have had a heart attack when he was being pepper sprayed inside of the building so i have been told there may be 2 people who are in serious condition after this i'll also got to tell you i just finished talking with a guy who was part of this wave that pushed through the capitol building he was showing me videos of them going through breaking glass inside the senate chambers going through nancy pelosi office he said there were several 100 people at one point going through nancy pelosi office sitting in the different the different chair so right now what we're seeing and what you're seeing with this the smoke is those flash bangs going off up there and it looks like police trying to push some of these guys off of the the stairway and to move them down off of the capitol building right now where you can see. that group of officers standing up at the top
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that was completely full of trump supporters as of you know 3045 minutes ago slowly they've been moving these folks down so now if you look you can see these officers are starting to really move everyone off of those stairs they're moving them down now and with more force than we've seen throughout the day today this is by far the most force that we've seen in terms of moving people off of the building they pretty much let people set up there are afternoon i mean we have people sitting on the edges of of the stairwells sitting on the on the bleachers that are set up for the inauguration they were all up there for hours and now as we look up there it's all the you know lime green officers coats and they are pushing all these folks down there. president elect joe biden condemned the on the rest branding and an insurrection while president donald trump also posted a video online urging his supporters to act peacefully and head home let's take a look at what they had to say. i call on president trump to go on national
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television now to fulfill his oath and defend the constitution and demand an end to this see each the storm the capitol to smash windows to occupy offices the floor of the united states senate rummaging through desks on the capitol of the house of representatives threatening the safety of duly elected officials it's not protest it's insurrection the world is watching. like so many other americans i'm genuinely shocked and saddened that our nation so long the beacon of light hope for democracy has come to such a dark moment we don't want anybody hurt it's a very tough period of time there's never been a time like this where such
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a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us from me from you from our country this was a fraudulent election but we can't play into the hands of these people we have to have peace so go home we love you very special you've seen what happens you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil i know how you feel but go home and go home and peace president trumps message you just seen was posted online but you tube facebook and twitter have deleted the video for breaking their rules the latter 2 have gone one step further and blocked trump's account for repeated claims about rigged elections their bans will last for 24 and 12 hours respectively but of violations continue twitter says the accounts will be deleted. meanwhile biden supporters have gathered in times square and by trump
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tower in new york city urging the president not only to leave the white house but also demanding his indictment the protesters held banners and posters calling on the president to accept the results of november's election meanwhile as tempers cooled in washington congress was summoned back to the chamber and the election confirmation session resume with more details here's artie's new york correspondent caleb. the u.s. congress has reconvened despite everything that took place and at this point mike pence the vice president ited states has made clear they intend to proceed with certifying the election results to those who wreaked havoc in our capital today you did not win violence never wins freedom wins may god bless all who serve here and those who protect this place and may god bless the united states of america let's get back to work. now at
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this point it's important to go over how everything happened how did we get to this point of all the chaos we've seen today on capitol hill well it started with the fact that today was the day that the u.s. congress was scheduled to certify the presidential election results and set things in motion for joe biden to be inaugurated and donald trump called for a big rally of his supporters in washington d.c. to protest against that and perhaps try to stop that from happening i guess in a vague sense so donald trump spoke to his supporters and gave them this message that we will never give up we will never concede it doesn't happen does anybody believe that joe had 8000000 votes as of. the 80000000 computer votes that take 3rd world countries their elections are more honest than what we've been going through in this country democrats attempted the
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most brazen and outrageous election set theft in this ever been a thing like this so pure theft now trump supporters are certainly the talk of the town the center of the action today if you look at the alliance of forces in the country they seem to have the decks did pretty solidly stacked against them we're in a situation where as the chaos was happening the final results in georgia came in and the 2 senate seats in georgia have gone to democrats democrats have won control of the senate and so now for the 1st time since 2009 democrats will control both houses of congress as well as the executive branch that's a situation where the democratic party has a pretty solid grip on power and meanwhile a lot of mainstream republican voices have been denouncing donald trump and opposing what happened today on capitol hill we have a situation where it seems like the country has been effectively polarized now polls among regular republicans show that among republicans 70 percent of
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republicans do so. donald trump do want their elected officials to be more like trump however among the population at large that's pretty clearly not the case and we've got a polarization where the country is pretty solidly opposed to donald trump and that polarization has favored the democratic party the democrats at this point are set to be pretty solidly in control of both houses of congress and despite some pretty chaotic events on capitol hill it looks like for the moment as congress reconvenes and will go ahead and certify the election results donald trump and his movement has been defeated however many expect this won't be the last we hear from donald trump or from his movement of supporters who appear to be quite rowdy based on everything we saw today. more insight into the events that were transpired in washington d.c. we now go live to what william robinson distinguished professor of sociology at the
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university of california in santa barbara wm thank you very much for joining us now trump has been talking about fraudulent elections for a long time now in his speech today he even used the term theft do you think that this kind of rhetoric has led up to this point the storming of the capitol. well obviously his followers are listening to what he says we know that there's no evidence whatsoever of any any fluid so obviously what front as it is as a book the science of that but there's a larger backdrop to what happened today and that is that we're seeing the breakdown of the political system in the united states and really the decay and possibly the collapse of the social order and all of that is in the context of this acute crisis an economic crisis and united states and worldwide and also a political crisis of state legitimacy in the hedge of money so that's not the largest story in which u.s. trump is failing the flames of this you know of what happened today and i think this is really a harbor in the harbinger for for things to come things are going to get much worse
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the problems that have brought us to this collapse of the political and social system of the united states are only getting worse not better so i mean i think we're actually entering into what we could say to us i'm a republic that's my fear what we've already seen some international reactions to what's happened from european leaders the general secretary of nato they've all denounced the storming of of the of the capitol building of course what do you think that this event is going to have on america's image around the world well america's image has already been seriously deteriorated tremendously deteriorated with the way that the united states has handled the pandemic whether we drove the united states from things like the horrors according to other international agreements and the united states doesn't have a good image around the world and this is only going to aggravate legion you know the deterioration of the u.s. image well i mean we have had a form of democracy in united states it doesn't work for the majority of the people
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again that system is in total crisis it's collapsing but nevertheless this is the 1st time since the us civil war that the you know the formal structures of democracy are seriously being threatened. well that's. right that's record that's a good point no i want to expand on that actually i wanted you to expand on that if what do you think the people who actually stormed the capitol today were thinking when they when they went there do you think they were trying to reverse the results of the election were they trying to make a point or do you think well there's 2 things obviously they're trying to reverse the results because the chance that they support trump and jump said this is a you know this is a farce that elections were stolen and that's what they believe however they do want to see the true president nest they see that 75000000 votes compared to 80000000 votes and that mr misplaced they're seriously suffering in the face of this crisis so there's real suffering and so is real discontent trump is doing those giving them a false promise to jump doesn't care about those tens of millions of you know or
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largely white workers who are suffering under this crisis had been suffering them to new liberalism you know for the last 304040 years but it's reflex there storming of the capitol looks a real sense of suffering and a real desperate situation for tens of millions of people believe and i think states including the members of troops you know troops myspace while you mention that it's a it's a big reflection of suffering and i wanted to i want to ask you about the kind of division that's been on you know it's been in the major political discourse throughout the 4 years last 4 years of terms presidency of a divided america what do you think this event says about that. well it simply highlights that that incredible polarization i mean there's been for many years now a build up to a polarization of the left and the far right and that's a polarization which is really taking place world war i the center is collapsing or line so is seeing the rise of far right and authoritarian even in
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a fascist movements in governments around the world i'm seeing the rise of social protest coming from the left will going and that polarization is getting more and more acute in the united states and again this is every the background to what's going on today and what's going to get worse is this an acute crisis of global capitalism and how it's political manifested and it's culturally manifested now it's manifested in the breakdown of social order going horrid you know so that again is the largest story and we're not moving towards a resolution of the global crisis and quite in fact it's getting worse and worse by the day so there's going to be more of this to come. let's shift gears here for a 2nd sorry sorry continue the thought police. i was just going to say that your previous correspondent had said that this might be into the trunk presidency that's true that's probably true i mean yes but nonetheless it's not the end of what brought this all along they just wanted to hammer the point home. you know it's a good point now let's shift gears for a moment to the tech giants whatever you think about donald trump support him you
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know don't support him what facebook and twitter did today basically exemplified the fact that they have the power to censor the president of the united states what do you think about what do you think about that should tech giants be able to do things like that look that's a really good question it's a delicate question and i mumble the heft but i'm going to take a position that many of my fellow people on the left might not agree with and i think when we get into that's like essential we're getting into very dangerous ground because that censorship can be used against media against left opposition so i mean i think it was appropriate for twitter to put out that warning that there's a you know that there's no evidence of that you know of the elections were stolen that this is simply not the moment their record whatsoever but when we start getting into joint global corporations that really drive the global economy at this point being able to censor what people counting can say we're going on very dangerous grounds and i repeat on the left i'm 100 percent anti trump but and
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that's not necessarily a position that you know much little left disagree with but but yeah i mean twitter isn't much i think that's the part you know it's $100000000000.00 several hundreds of $1000000000.00 corporations saying you know what speech is acceptable and what is not that is something which is risk you know to allow that to happen. well i think one of the clear takeaways of what happened during the storming of the capitol building is that there's some some serious security concerns when you know something like that can happen what do you think that says about you know what kind of challenges by a biden administration is going to face in the future or for example for his planned inauguration what do you think the security concerns for that could be. yeah well well let me address that but let me also say it's something that i think we can that is that black muds members protests earlier in 2020 were met by incredible police going to lose many of some of those protests probably didn't but most of them were peaceful and they were met with rubber bullets and
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tear gas and that's owns and you do with kid gloves your again your correspondent in washington right before you had known pointed out that these protesters grabbed the pepper spray out of out of police and that's where did that come please you took weapons purchased you know weapons managed protested had done that they probably would have been shot if they would have been dead but going back to the main part of your question i think that we are seeing a global security state i just published a book and an archie it interviewed me article titled global police state and so with with this incredible political crisis with this bill the incredible escalation of political and violent conflict in the united states and of course worldwide the issue of everyone security is incomplete you know incomplete jeopardy so i think we're moving into the inauguration and beyond we're going to see a heightening of the police state in the united states whether national security say movements we see everyone feeling more and more security then again all of this and i've said it several times is a reflection of all this water a cute crisis of global capitalism and it's particularly acute manifestation in the
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united states with this political crisis. what's wanted to ask you one more question william we've saw this this event has seen a lot of republican elements distanced themselves from trump and his supporters do you think that this is this is representing a little bit of a shift to a division more between trump and his supporters in the establishment rather than republicans and democrats. well i think there's both absolutely if you lead me to use by leftist terminology the ruling class is deeply divided and it's in deep crisis and that includes this this divide within the republican party major sense of the republican party want to preserve the institutions of democracy even when they like trump and are against the democrats and there's other groups in the republican party that are willing to risk everything you know simply to to meet their interests but this this is not a story of the good guys and the bad guys with regard to republicans and democrats it's a story of the bad guys and the bad guys because neither party with all of their
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splits and divisions really represent the interests of the vast majority of working poor people the united states. william robinson distinguished professor of sociology at the university of california in santa barbara it was a great discussion thank you very much for joining us thank you so much for having me on. now there's been a huge shock around the world that such events can play out in a country that presents itself as the leader of the free world earlier maria phenomena joins me to talk through the global reaction to the unrest in d.c. . world is schalk washing what is happening in washington d.c. but more it and said at the same time because things have been developing on the ground in the american capital very violently and it's not every day that we see things like this happen in a democratic country it's not every day that we see hundreds of supporters storming the federal building interrupting the very important meeting debate over so define the election presidential election. and it's not every day that we see vice
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president evacuated and the whole senate temper evacuated the national guard on the ground the world has been worried about what's going on in america not only in the last couple of hours but in the last months with to be honest with america being divided torn by so much violence and intolerance and hatred with people being so exhausted so angry so aggressive to each other going on the streets to protest and to beat each other and to kill each other but even despite all these things that we've been seeing from america in the last months wednesday events left so many shocked again and said and this is what exactly what we hear from the u.n. secretary general he said with events in washington d.c. and he's calling on the leadership of the country to solve it in a peaceful way nato secretary general mrs stoltenberg tweeted shocking scenes in washington to see if we can't agree more. the outcome he added of these democratic
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elections should be respected so overall the reaction from the latest we hear so far from the leaders and from the politicians official reaction i mean it's a condemnation of the chaos this is exactly the word they use the scenes in washington d.c. this is not acceptable assaults on democracy peaceful and really transfer of power must be ensured the violent acts against american institutions are. grave attack against democracy i condemn them the american people's will and vote must be respected disgraceful scenes in the us congress the united states stands for democracy around the world and it is no voice will but there should be a peaceful orderly transfer of power and here is also the german foreign minister and this is rather alarming for me i don't know he's called on german citizens currently in washington d.c. to stay away. you know possibly from. the capitol building because it could be
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dangerous and it is dangerous we now know police confirm that that one protester a woman died in approaches she was shot and she died in hospital and we've seen these pictures i mean this crowd is aggressive and very loud and tear gas armed national guards i mean i mean it has been violent and still could be dangerous there. and now we know that the congressman they return to the capitol building and they are they are back to what they were supposed to finish hours hours before. now some news just in there has been an ice avalanche in the come chaka region of russia's far east according to emergency services reportedly some people are trapped under the ice we're following this story and we'll bring you all the developments as they become available. for more on the shocking events that took place in washington d.c. make sure to check out our website r.t. dot com and follow us on twitter my colleague neil harvey will be taking over in
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just about half an hour thanks for watching and have a great day. 2021 i'm going to c.n.n. staying phenomenon in point 21 you know america has been exporting its inflation the china for 20 years and now china's caught up to america and now all that money of printing that's been going on for 2025 years is going to show up as real inflation. and then as that happens the usual. but if you have australian version there you go this route you have the people. who are. going to be used to the machine up to the nearest. you know. the best of the.
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study to go to look to interest you just that she. needs to but it seems to me. so did you begin to go to church with this new look at a lot of these older title to put it you'll do good because there will be a choice to be on your voters will show you switch to a little research on the cost or would have thought of this too free with should do coke with full attention you. want a few that beautiful hear them mostly where you never have. to put so that you put in the. qur'an dish. for more gas to jenny hutt just. gould. b.s.t. when you need the most would you have the biggest loss within the city to you are just stuck i don't know that you just what does libby speech you could you know when you were going in there still usually does.
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the. truth. this is boom bust for the one business show you can't afford to miss i'm going to bore in washington coming up supporters of president donald trump have flooded the streets of washington d.c. as the nation's congress was set to officially certify the 2020 election results in
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a few moments we're going to take you to the scene with boom bust ben swan and the march is come on the heels of a surprising result in the georgia senate runoff possibly giving democrats control of congress and of the white house moving forward sure ahead we're going to bring you a comprehensive breakdown of the results and how markets are reacting plus the ongoing china does it the listing saga continues as the new york stock exchange has flipped yet again professor richard wolf is standing by to operate insight on the recent crackdown on chinese technology from the u.s. government would back show today let's dive right in. and we lead the program here in washington d.c. is thousands of supporters of president donald trump have ascended on the nation's capital the save america rally as it's being called comes as the united states congress once set this search.


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