tv News RT January 7, 2021 5:00am-5:31am EST
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into the hands of these people. we have to have peace. we love you. after the deadly interruption congress back to business with joe biden now confirmed as the winner of the 20 twentieth's. world leaders have expressed shock at events in washington d.c. and condemned the violence with some commentators branding the scenes a disgrace to democracy. you're hearing right now from european countries who are looking at this nation as if it was somebody in a republic. good afternoon thanks for joining us this is. 4 people have died amid clashes that erupted when donald trump supporters stormed congress debated
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certifying joe biden's a victory they gathered in washington for a last ditch stop the steel rally in support of the defeated president. some fold on capitol hill. well the atmosphere out here is absolutely incredible right now as you can see president trump is speaking addressing a huge crowd which is over by the white house but we're all backed up all the way to the washington monument. was we know that people were storming into the capitol we know that tear gas was fired and we also know that rubber bullets were fired but i was just showing video a minute ago it from inside the capitol of a young woman on a stretcher bleeding pretty proof usually had a lot of blood on the side of her head on the side of her neck and a. number of police the secret service were saying get
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back get down get out of the way she did leave the car and as we kind of raced up to grab people pull them back they shot her in the neck and she fell back on me and started to say she was fine at school and then she started kind of like moving weird and blood was coming out of the mouth and neck and nose just behind me there are thousands of people there on the other side of me there are thousands of people so you know when when those folks move from the from the trump rally and speech where we were before down at the washington monument and they began to move this way it's a sea of people. who way up at the top of this building apparently there are still people attempting to break into the capitol building they are banging on the windows up there was none
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of us. was. what we're seeing are a series of flash bangs that keep going off it's the upper part of this this platform area over on the left hand side back towards the bill. the young woman who was shot in the neck or head area apparently was part of 81st wave of people who pushed and you hear those why the way more of those flash bangs going off. and so so things are about to get a little bit rough here let's just pan over here next so we have the capitol police are coming through we've got to move on ok we're being told we have to move on by capitol police. record for our. kids much quieter minus the police sirens you hear right there but
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there are very few people out right now no you know the last time we came to you all we got cut off because capitol police were moving everyone out what was happening at that moment was we saw the capitol police come essentially with their right shields i. was. with a woman who was shot inside the capitol building and they to died in hospital has been identified as a veteran ashley bought it from san diego she reportedly owned a business there with her husband legal and media analysts leinil says he's shocked by how the police allowed the violence to unfold. it was terrible it was wrong there is this is not subject to debate taken to ask this question because i'm a former prosecutor i tend to think perhaps like this why were the police how was
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this if i were in the capitol and if i were a senator or a congress person or a staff member or just a person doing business how do you go on to the floor of the senate how do you just walk in when they know about this and i'm not blaming anybody i'm not saying that because they weren't stopped these people are to blame please i've got to ask this question they had the national guard standing by you knew what was going to happen in some particular cases when would it be a lamb or are march breaks out or gets violent what do they do they they did we did call a park or day they paint you know yellow black lives matter signs where the rioting occurred to get wait a minute this this encourages that so we have a number of plates that are spinning the 1st one as we denounce it the 2nd one is did they not know what was going on but in addition to all of this i'm watching
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this thinking it's wrong but my god why is there not one consistent action when ever there is violence does it depend upon who is the perceived instigator of the violence and by the way if you don't think there were agents provocateurs in this or you have to go back and look at these tapes and see who is who this will take a week to ferret out. now after the national guard clears congress of riotous representatives and senators were back to work congress has now officially certified joe biden's election victory despite objections from some republicans. joe biden and com are here us would be the president and the vice president according to the ballots that have been given to us. please the correspondence between king joins me in the studio we saw the confirmation that joe biden is the winner the politicians accept it does that mean
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that donald trump will now accept it well i can tell you that finally this turbulent dirty roller coaster presidential race is officially over we've got $306.00 votes in favor of joe biden against only $232.00 votes that go to donald trump that's a result officially certified by the u.s. senate like you said and finally accepted by donald trump and a tweet that wasn't even from his twitter feed but that's something that i'll tell you about a bit later so after last donald trump is promising a smooth transition of power even though i totally disagree with the outcome of the election and the facts been the arrows nevertheless there will be an orderly transition and generally the 20th. however smoove this clearly not the words that can be used to describe what was happening in the u.s.
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capitol on wednesday because you saw the chaotic scenes with windows being smashed furniture being thrown around the iconic was government building and because of that senators have to work till early in the morning to be able to deliver about certification results but want to delay and actually i was even surprised that they were able to come back to that building after that chaos but the job had to be done and the job was done but the question is what does that do to the image of the u.s. democracy which is presented as ideal which is centuries old which is often being taught to other countries by the u.s. government in fact well you know comparing what was happening in d.c. with the stuff from so-called banana republics that is something special so clearly that was something that heavily damaged that image now well this brings me to
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a speech by one republican senator who was on the way to the capitol hill to deliver an objection however later she changed her mind after seeing what was going on there so this was how strong the shock from the pro riots was. mr president when i arrived in washington this morning i fully intended to object to the certification of the electoral votes however the events that have transpired today have forced me to reconsider and i cannot now in good conscious object to the certification. of these electors. well if you think that the pro biden supporters were not active at all were silent no we can look at the scenes in new york where in times square and also outside the trump tower they were calling on donald trump to leave the white house but that wasn't only it
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they wanted indictments for donald trump so when we kept hearing from so many people that the u.s. society's polarized and that these are unprecedented divisions the scenes on wednesday were perhaps the reflection of your climax. we were there with that comment from a member of congress they were affected quite clearly by the impact of the violence and it made her accept this result in transition of power makes me then think what about the top politicians how did donald trump and joe biden react to the violence well before talking about the reaction i should actually say that to assess donald trump's behavior on that day is quite a tricky thing and we do have to remember that the riots began after a rally where donald trump was speaking the question was whether he was encouraging his supporters to do all that perhaps this wasn't a direct encourage meant but the words he was saying definitely in some way in that
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way or another it could have led to that kind of move that led to riots eventually and we remember how in his speech he was saying you will remember that day that was actually a video that was blocked on platforms like you tube facebook and twitter in fact like i mentioned twitter blog donald trump temporarily with a warning that his account could be blocked altogether touts why he had to deliver that announcement that he accepts the result through the twitter feed of his advisors. but eventually though we remember that joe biden called on donald trump to go on now. on television and tell as supporters to stop whether it was that or whether was something else that led to donald trump changing his don't told slide the i don't know but eventually he said that the things that were happening in washington d.c. that was just way too much and so in that sense he agreed with joe biden still
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though the messages from mr biden mr trump were completely different. to storm the capitol to smash windows to occupy offices the floor of the united states senate rummaging through desks on the capitol of the house of representatives threatening the safety of duly elected officials it's not protest it's insurrection whirls watch. makes so many other americans we don't want anybody hurt it's a very tough period of time there's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us from me from you from our country this was a fraudulent election but we can't play into the hands of these people we have to have peace so go home we love you very special.
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well like i said earlier the world is watching and that's what joe biden said as well and it's actually incredible to see that this was happening in the capital of a country that likes to explain to other countries how democracy should work so definitely this day will go into history books and all the images that we saw even though it was unable to derail the process yes joe biden is moving into the white house but what a price and it's not just a twitter account of donald trump and he didn't miss the opportunity to the wall more time to insist it's a fraudulent election which means that this is not going to be over in the minds of his supporters many thanks for the update you with me in this studio we've been speaking lots of guests and getting their reactions and insights into the unfolding political crisis i think it's fair to say in america. this is sedition
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this is an act to overthrow the us government people died this is beyond crazy this is a criminal act this is unprecedented i don't know that any point is certainly in recent american history has a group of has a mob essentially tried to storm the capitol during a basically a routine procedure i mean this is not the election this is the vote certification which normally gets basically no media coverage it's just routine and to see this level of iron this level of of anger and hate and passion really shows that things have kind of got off the rails in american politics this is not normal behavior in american politics this is honestly not all behavior in any politics to see this kind of violence happening on sort of a routine you know certification process there actually is great precedent where it
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is we look back in history we would realize that the date and the documents that were style next you speak of the declaration of independence those are merely contracts signed by who agreed to be governed a certain way and when they decide that they no longer approve of the way you know mr glover as americans i actually believe that the contract allows us to say we have you know how we don't like how things are going and we want to change we didn't we didn't change we voted our vote is not the cart and that's how the people you know you have a right to make their voices heard and it actually is in a carjack if you redefine it oh declaration where it says that if you don't the great and there comes a time when you need other people of your government that you may use that this is a carefully planned political strategy listen if you are seen as the loser in a contest you don't have the same spirit behind you as if you're seen as someone. was wronged in
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a legal hearing and trump has very cleverly brilliantly shifted the narrative from basically i lost an election to i was wronged by the evil system trump is just getting started i cannot imagine that this is the end of it this is the midpoint if anything i expect that trump supporters who are loyal to trump who want the rest of the republican party to be more like trump they don't want trump to be more like the rest they want the rest to be more like trump i don't see this as as as as calming down any time soon i'm going to i imagine that the next 4 years you're going to see a lot more rallies a lot more potential violence unfortunately we're going to see a lot more ire and i do believe that trumps political career is very far from over everything that we are a hasn't been purchased through or he will do people say we need to not consent to being got ratings right and what you see right now is a repeat history and you see people standing up and say i don't like ribs countries
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tell you i don't agree with the principle that each that is the government democrat right that isn't that what you see right now it's not about treason it's about people more american citizens saying that this is not what they signed up for facebook and twitter aren't just just censoring the president they're censoring basically anybody with a with a position that doesn't go along with the silicon valley narrative do they have the right to do it sure because does the government have a responsibility to cease any involvement with facebook definitely and most importantly do we as a as a as a community have the responsibility to say yeah i'm not going to be part of an organization that censors people absolutely and so this is incumbent on us as people to say we will not be part of any kind of organization that censors people up to and including the president of the united states and i'm not defending mr zucker here trust me i'm not but he owns the real estate i'm walking on his lawn
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he's not walk. being on my lawn if he decides that you've got to wear green hat on my lawn that i have to wear green hat or i get kicked off his lawn if he wants to charge me for being on his long then i might have an expectation of privacy or protection or freedom of speech but i'm on his lawn his rules. say if a mounties caleb moore pin now as he breaks down for the events that led to this showdown that unfolded in washington. how did we get to this point of all the chaos we've seen today on capitol hill well it started with the fact that the u.s. congress was scheduled to certify the presidential election results and set things in motion for joe biden to be inaugurated and donald trump called for a big rally of his supporters in washington d.c. to protest against that and perhaps try to stop that from happening donald trump gave a speech to is supporters telling them that the election was rigged this is donald
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trump addressing his supporters just hours before chaos broke out on capitol hill does anybody believe that joe had 8 votes the 80 computer votes democrats attempted the most brazen in outrageous election set theft in this 7 a thing like this is so pure theft we will never give up we will never get to see trump supporters or certainly the talk of the town the center of the action but it you look at the alliance of forces in the country they seem to have the deck still pretty solidly stacked against them we're in a situation where as the chaos was happening the final results in georgia came in and the 2 senate seats in georgia have gone to democrats democrats have won control of the senate and so now for the 1st time since 2009 democrats will control both houses of congress as well as the executive branch that's a situation where the democratic party has a pretty solid grip on power meanwhile
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a lot of mainstream republican voices have been denouncing donald trump and opposing what happened today on capitol hill we have a situation where it seems like the country has been effectively polarized now polls among regular republicans show that among republicans 70 percent of republicans do support donald trump do want their elected officials to be more like trump however among the population at large that's pretty clearly not the case and we've got to polarization where the country is pretty so. ali opposed to donald trump and that polarization has favored the democratic party the democrats at this point are set to be pretty solidly in control of both houses of congress it looks like for the moment donald trump and his movement has been defeated however it is unlikely that this will be the last thing we hear from donald trump or his supporters. democratic strategist jones says that should be denounced for his
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actions in washington. only did he encourage them to go to the capitol here's where you know that it seals the deal after the capitol was reached after this woman was shot he's been makes a video that he puts out on twitter when he tells them i love i love go home peacefully but i love you he has absolutely supported and promoted these actions and then when dates finished and follow through he gave them an applause this is the most un-american thing that i have ever seen and this president has to be brought to task it's time it would likely be his term is over but this has to be denounced particularly by those congressional members who are supporting him in objecting that look tauriel college should be the very 1st ones to quickly and clearly denounce everything that has happened and pull their support from trump on that action. however journalist and commentator chadwick moore believes the trump
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supporters merely adopted the same tactics used by liberals for the past 4 years. country is very tense it's very tense up it's very tense for a while but that's been agitated of course by economic shutdowns by lockdowns and you have at least 80000000 voters who truly believe the election was stolen from them who believe that it was fraudulent and so they came to washington and they're storming the agro they're venting this is obviously something fairly new for conservatives and for the right and for truck supporters to gather in mass and behave such as this but you know the other side's been doing this for 4 years let's not forget that just 2 years ago in just this cabin always being confirmed by the senate liberal stormed the supreme court so and of course obviously the liberal greens of marches started with the with an operation a before and then kind of reach a fever pitch this summer george will wait in the black lives matter stop in the end deepest up so are we seeing i don't think that we're going to see this sort of
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along to be on the right the way that we do with the left and what we have with kids with liberals but you know people are upset they're venting and conservatives aren't immune from an emotional ashit response particularly when they truly believe that that this election was illegal and that they had it stolen from them. the international community seems to be left somewhat dismayed by vents in washington d.c. let's find out more specifically by hearing from all. things or all of us as our correspondent. a suspect unofficial it has probably been a touch of florida globally but officially one of world leaders been saying. well there's a lot of concern being expressed by world leaders from here in berlin we've heard from angela merkel the german chancellor saying she saddened by what she saw unfolding in washington d.c. on wednesday the german foreign minister heiko mass said that the scenes in the
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capital showed that inflammatory words have violent consequences saying that we've seen it here in germany few months ago where there was an attempt to storm the reichstag and now we're seeing it at a bigger degree in the capitol building in washington d.c. among the u.s. allies there is a lot of shock being expressed and i hope that u.s. democracy will continues and recovers from this. we all saw yesterday the unsettling pictures of the storming of the u.s. congress these pictures made me angry and also sad i regret that since november president trump has failed to acknowledge his defeat and that includes yesterday in the eyes of the world american democracy appears under siege this is an unseen assault on u.s. democracy its institutions and the rule of law disgraceful scenes in u.s. congress the united states stands for democracy around the world and it is no vital but there should be
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a peaceful orderly transfer of power. well rioters storming the seats of power saying they want to start a revolution isn't the type of scene we used to seeing on fold in the united states we've heard from one russian senator constantine cuts a chair for you said there's usually in these situations it's the united states that would be backing those doing the storming of the government buildings he made reference to then deputy secretary of state of the u.s. victoria nuland handing out food to demonstrators protesters in kiev back in 2030 well in iran the words coming out of tehran of saying this whole situation is the blame in the responsibility and the fault of just one man. one should be sharp and what we saw last night and today in america demonstrates to failure of western democracy and reveals how fragile and weak his foundation is we saw what calamities a populace has imposed upon his own country over the past 4 years he's blemish the
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dignity and reputation of his country and. there's also been a response from china where the foreign ministry has put out a warning on its web site the chinese citizens in the d.c. area telling them to strengthen precautions that they're taking judy to the mass demonstration that took place on wednesday also chinese social media has been drawing a lot of comparisons to what we saw at the capital building to what we saw in the arab spring color revolutions. in anti government demonstrations in hong kong as well a lot of shock being expressed openly by world leaders a lot of people wondering what comes next for the united states and many thanks to peter all of a brings the global political reaction that. we want political activist antony raj is right believes that following those events on capitol hill european nations may well be looking at america as
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a banana republic. i definitely disagree with the president elect of saying that this is not this is not america this is exactly what america is it started with colonization of indigenous land genocide of indigenous people pillage of african bodies forced to work on stolen land continued with jim crow and then of course perfected with the southern strategy of barry goldwater lee at least atwater richard nixon a new king and manifested today in the form of trump ism this is so called america this is exactly who we are and it is a coffer us to really get introspective and to look at ourselves before we even have the temerity to go anywhere else on this planet to preach ideas of democracy and justice and righteousness we're hearing right now from european countries who are looking at this nation as if it was some banana republic and so the scenes are very very troubling but i have to say unfortunately not too shocking thanks to a company here in our taint the national mall coming away in around half an hour
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don't forget in the meantime lots more news available at o.t. dot com. hi i'm max kaiser this is the kaiser report hello 2021 we're going to see an interesting phenomenon 2021 you know america's been exporting its inflation of china for 20 years and now china's caught up to america and now all that money printing that's been going on for 2025 years is going to show up as real inflation
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that's right the purchasing power of your feet money is going to go. down commodity prices of course are going to answer a secular bull market and because it has gone or ripped the roof off the sucker alrighty stacey right max while we have been gone for our christmas vacation and now it's orthodox christmas by the way for those in that part of the world outside of america so you know we had a lot of stories happen we saw that china they're saying a new report is saying that they're going to overtake the united states much faster than had previously i'm just been anticipated we saw goldman sachs there saying that the commodities bull market is back and you're going to see that ripping the face off the world financial markets and you see of course more stimulus checks going out in america and continuation of lockdowns so we enter 2021 on this and this is why you know max keiser is prediction about 20000 dollars by the end of the
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