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tv   News  RT  January 7, 2021 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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for people. building in washington d.c. with reaction. from the president. don't call them. a riot. we can't play into the hands of these people. we have to have peace.
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we love you. to business with. 20. politicians around the world express their shock out the riots in washington with many wondering what. just after 11 at night here in moscow with this referee you're catching the program from today. for people following. did when donald trump supporters stormed congress. joe biden's victory they
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had gathered in washington for the steel rally in support of the outgoing president over 50 officers were injured according to the chief of police as they tried to disperse the protesters with 68 people in total to. witness the events unfold on capitol hill. well the atmosphere out here is absolutely incredible right now as you can see president trump is speaking addressing a huge crowd which is over by the white house but we're all backed up all the way to the washington monument. we know that people were storming into the capitol we know that tear gas was fired and we also know that rubber bullets were fired but i was just showing video a minute ago it from inside the capitol of a young woman on a stretcher bleeding pretty proof usually she had a lot of blood on the side of her head on the side of her neck and a. number of police the secret service were saying
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get back get down get out of the way she did leave the car and as we kind of raced up to grab people pull them back they shot her in the neck and she fell back on me and started to say she was fine at school and then she started kind of like moving weird and blood was coming out the mouth the neck and nose just behind me there are thousands of people there on the other side of me there are thousands of people so you know when when those folks move from the from the trump rally and speech where we were before down at the washington monument and they began to move this way it's a sea of people. way up at the top of this building apparently there are still people attempting to break into the capitol building there banging on the windows up there.
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what we're seeing are a series of flash bangs that keep going off it's the upper part of this this platform area over on the left hand side back towards the bill. the young woman who was shot in the neck or head area apparently was part of 81st wave of people who pushed and you hear those why the way more of those flash bangs going off. so things are about to get a little bit rough here let's just pan over here next so we have the capitol police are coming through we've got to move on ok we're being told we have to move on by capitol police.
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ok it's a much quieter minus the police sirens here right there but there are very few people out right now no you know last time we came to you all we got cut off because capitol police were moving everyone out what was happening at that moment was we saw the capitol police come essentially with their right shields. well a female protester was shot in the chest by a police officer in the capitol hill building she later died of her injuries in hospital the standoff was caught on camera a warning you may find the following footage the story. was. was.
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the woman in the video has been identified on earth force veteran a bit from san diego she was a punishment from supporter actively during her views on social media it's been reported that the officer who shot bob it has been suspended pending an investigation here some of the subsequent reaction to the demonstrators death. c.t.'s would be very mean if ashleigh babbitt to was and then for of the lamb or n.t. for aslef babba died as a radicalized domestic terrorist violently assaulting our capital a spot of a little the small intent on harming the embassy of congress the united states government capitol police murdered an american mother a she supports it exposing the d.n.c. lies in our nation's capital her name was asleep babbitts there's another video that shows that this was a very deliberate act on the part of the officer in question. the woman was surrounded by capitol police who were heavily armed they were making no effort to
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to stop her from moving in she clearly had no weapon and yet she was shot there will be an investigation but the bottom line is this when thousands of people seek to illegally occupy the capitol the united states well congress is in joint session of course mean as every right to use whatever force necessary to protect lawmakers from you know any harm you know under those circumstances lethal force is authorized scott ritter and indeed the day have been sharing their insights with us into the on fulling political turmoil. this is sit decision this is an act to overthrow the us government people died this is beyond crazy this is a criminal act this is unprecedented i don't know that any point is certainly in recent american history has a group of has
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a mob essentially tried to storm the capitol during a basically a routine procedure i mean this is not the election this is the vote certification which normally gets basically no media coverage it's just routine and to see this level of iron this level of of anger and hate and passion really shows that things have kind of got off the rails in american politics this is not normal behavior in american politics this is honestly not all behavior in any politics to see this kind of violence happening on sort of a routine you know certification process there actually is great precedent for it is we 'd look back in history we would realize that the the time the documents 'd that were styled next you speak of the declaration of independence those are merely contracts signed by who agreed to be governed a certain way and when they decided that they were no longer a group the way in which their governor as americans i actually believe that the
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contract allows us to say we have you know how we don't like how things are going and we want to change we didn't we didn't change we voted our vote is not the heart and that's how the people you know you have a right to make their voices heard and actually is honor courage act if you read the fine print oh the declaration where it says that if you tell the great and there comes a time when you need to do an upheaval of your government then you may use that this is a carefully planned political strategy listen if you are seen as the loser in a contest you don't have the same spirit behind you as if you're seen as someone. was wronged in a legal hearing and trump has very cleverly brilliantly shifted the narrative from basically i lost an election to i was wronged by the evil system trump is just getting started i cannot imagine that this is the end of it this is the midpoint if anything i expect that trump supporters who are loyal to trump who want the rest of
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the republican party to be more like trump they don't want trump to be more like the rest they want the rest to be more like trump i don't see this as as as as calming down any time soon i'm going to i imagine that the next 4 years you're going to see a lot more rallies a lot more potential violence unfortunately we're going to see a lot more ire and i do believe that trumps political career is very far from over everything that we are a has it been purchased through or through people do people say we need to not consent to the government's rights and what you see right now is a rehearing history and you see people standing up and say i don't like where this country is headed i don't agree with the principles i or eat that into me govern the democratic right that isn't that what you see right now it's not about treason it's about people more american citizens saying that this is not what they signed up for facebook and twitter aren't just just censoring the president they're censoring basically anybody with a with
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a position that doesn't go along with the silicon valley narrative do they have the right to do it sure because does the government have a responsibility to cease any involvement with facebook definitely and most importantly do we as a as a as a community have the responsibility to say yeah i'm not going to be part of a an organization that censors people absolutely and so this is incumbent on us as people to say we will not be part of any kind of organization that censors people up to and including the president of the united states i'm not defending mr zucker here trust me i'm not but he owns the real estate i'm walking on his lawn he's not walk. being on my lawn if he decides that you gotta wear green hat on my lawn that i have to wear green hat or i get kicked off his lawn if he wants to charge me for being on his lawn then i might have an expectation of privacy or protection or freedom of speech but i'm on his lawn his rules. well let's take you to the west
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coast of the us where pro trump supporters clashed with police kuntar demonstrators in the state of oregon. the scuffles appeared mainly to take place between the 2 rival groups oregon state police are still reportedly looking for one protester who threw a smoke canisters and officers there were no reports of serious injuries with one person arrested. for weapons these violent scenes had been preceded by months even years growing political polarization in the u.s. with both sides becoming increasingly radical numerous left and right wing groups some played a major role in protests across the country social media is also a prominent battleground just hours ago the american president was bound from facebook until the end of his term the platform c.e.o. says donald trump has been using it to incite balance indeed even the reactions to
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the violence on capitol hill from mr trump on joe biden demonstrated those deep divisions in the nation we witnessed yesterday was not dissent it was not disorder it was not protest it was chaos there were protesters don't dare call them protesters there were a riotous mob incirlik shoes domestic terrorists. this was a fraudulent election but we can't play into the hands of these people we have to have peace. so go home we love you very special another key development took place in the state of georgia where both of a consented seats went to democratic candidates after a tight race that means the democrats now have control over the senate they already had a majority in the house of representatives it leaves them with a solid grip on power in congress for the 1st time since 2009 while the republican
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party have some deep soul searching to do meanwhile legal and media unless lionel shared his views on weapons these chaotic scenes. it was terrible it was wrong there is this is not subject to debate pay can i ask this question because i'm a former prosecutor i tend to think perhaps like this one where the police 9 how was this if i were in the capital of if i were a senator or a congress person or a staff member or just a person doing business how do you go on to the floor of the senate how do you just walk in when they know about this and i'm not blaming anybody i'm not saying that because they weren't stopped these people are to blame please i've got to ask this question they had the national guard standing by you knew what was going to happen in some particular cases when would it be
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a lamb or are march breaks out or gets violent what do they do think they did we did call it a park or day they paint you know yellow black lives matter signs where the rioting occurred to get wait a minute this this encourages that so we have a number of plates that are spinning the 1st one is we denounce it the 2nd one is did they not know what was going on but in addition to all of this i'm watching this thinking it's wrong but my comrade why is there not one consistent action when ever there is violence does it depend upon who is the perceived instigator of the violence and by the way if you don't think there were agent provocateurs in this or you have to go back and look at these tapes and see who is who this will take a week to ferret out. well it's echoed beyond american borders the scenes the international community has been reacting to events in washington r.t.s. peter all over texas closer look what's being said by both america's allies and its
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rivals. rioters storming one of the seats of power saying that they want to carry out a revolution isn't scenes that we usually expect to see from the united states and when it comes to reaction from iran the message coming out of terror on is there's only one person to blame for wednesday and what we saw last night and today in america demonstrates to failure of western democracy and reveals how fragile and weak is foundation is we saw what calamities a populous has imposed upon his own country over the past 4 years he's blemish the dignity and reputation of his country there's also been a response from china where the foreign ministry has put out a warning on its web site the chinese citizens in the d.c. area telling them to strengthen precautions that they're taking judy to the mass demonstration that took place on wednesday also chinese social media has been drawing a lot of comparisons to what we saw the capital building to what we saw in the arab
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spring color revolutions. in anti government demonstrations in hong kong as well now u.s. allies around the world have been expressing their shock their concern and the hope that this doesn't fundamentally damage america's democracy after them up the peaceful handover of power as a result of free elections is the foundation stone of democracy and armed mobs spurred on by a sitting president who disregards the. u.s. congress yesterday we all saw yesterday the unsettling pictures of the storming of the u.s. congress these pictures made me angry and also sad i regret that since november president trump has failed to acknowledge his defeat and that includes yesterday what happened today in washington d.c. is not america definitely we believe. in the throwing thing of our democracy we believe. in the strength of american
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democracy in the eyes of the world american democracy appears under siege this is an unseen assault on us democracy its institutions and the rule of law we see you know competence in democracy being shouted in there's no justification for the level of violence will stop a lot of shock being expressed openly by world leaders a lot of people wondering what comes next for the united states. peter all over there taking us through the world politicians expressing concern about recent events in the united states it's not just them either here's a few on the street. it was like a civil war kind of like science fiction. in the past the united states was a model of development and democracy but we can't say they are a model of democracy anymore money. in the us democracy has a long history and when it ends in something like this yes people are afraid. it
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is very worrying since it is an example of democracy it is really the 1st time that we see such a fierce struggle if things flow out there can have political and economic repercussions for the rest of the world will look at them and this is totally unacceptable because it means excuse the term to spit on what is supposed to be the constitution the will of the people to spit on the image of a civil state in 2021. and often they claim that they have democracy for their own people but i would call it a false democracy because it doesn't exist and it's all made up the only try to show about image of our countries saying that our countries are not developed and disorganized complete nonsense much of it is completely crazy this morning i said to myself that well even in a crazy world and the completely stalking to buy all the things happening at my age have never seen anything like this in a democracy. and just to stay with the international theme earlier we asked our
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guests how the events all the couple hill are going to affect america's image abroad. there's a lot of posturing by aging national leaders all. the titular interests of their own societies which states like a further by making reference to the violence in the states yesterday but if i proceed in double standards are i've always 'd been a small change almost so i wouldn't get too excited about these remarks or who serve as to how relations with. other sectors will develop in it in the near future as a result of what transpired last week when again the allies in europe in particular are very welcome in other news plans to bring back into the center of all progress and developments in climate change so i think after
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a few days of being destroyed nations will 'd continue along its channels but with us soon after it was over i definitely disagree with the president elect of saying that this is not us this is not america this is exactly what america is it started with colonization of indigenous land genocide of indigenous people pillage of african bodies forced to work on stolen land continued with jim crow and then of course perfected but the southern strategy of barry goldwater lee at. water richard nixon a new king and manifested today in the form of trump ism this is so called america this is exactly who we are and it is a cough for us to really get introspective and to look at ourselves before we even have the temerity to go anywhere else on this planet to preach ideas of democracy and justice and righteousness we're hearing right now from european countries who are looking at this nation as if it was some banana republic and so the scenes are
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very very troubling but i have to say unfortunately not too shocking. just coming up to 22 minutes into the. program let's move on to more world news there is conflicting reports are running a recent attack by french forces in mali the french military has said that they've quote neutralized dozens of jihad lists in a nurse strike but residents of a local village say that it was a wedding party which was targeted charlotte has more than. france's role in the south africa has once again come under fire this time amidst grave accusations that a strike it carried out over the weekend hit a wedding party earlier this week the french army released information about a raid which it said had targeted just harvests that mission had the only claim neutralized dozens of fighters but no calls tell a much grimmer version saying that they were taking part in
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a celebration when many were killed and was surprised by the intensity of the strike the helicopter was flying very low the attacks took place around the village of banti a remote area but also the same location where so just an operation barking carried out for a shoot now the doctors without borders has confirmed that it treated some of those who were injured people from from to be eligible. to the hospital and request to. insure. and we managed to send a couple of. 18 just from the area from dish to. all of them when a man. from explosions. so they do was shut off meant there
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was. a source from the french military has to know i did scorsese hit a wedding in the village there can't be any doubt so ambiguity there was no wedding this was a strike that was carried out after a particularly strict multiparty process on a fully identified armed terrorist group after collating information intentions posture in a studied area france's role in the saw has been difficult it has over 4. $5000.00 personnel on the ground in a bid to counter islam is the militants but the 7 year long intervention his comedy huge cost with $5.00 so just having recently paid with their lives in the region just in the last few weeks there have also been huge tensions over the presence of french military in the sahara with some accusing france of still seeing itself as being the power and they have been protests against so just being stationed.
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if these reports confirmed it would be seen as a new low for the french military in this. scheme altie paris. a frozen waterfall has collapsed on a group of tourists and come chuffed in russia's far east one person was killed 3 others injured according to the russian emergencies ministry it happened on thursday more than 40 medics and rescue workers were dispatched to the site by helicopter the rescue operation is now over and all those injured being are lifted to a local hospital the rest of the tourist group to leave the scene without further assistance . or great programs to get their start in moments here in order to international and i'll be back after them with all the big global news updates i hope you'll join
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me then to buy from. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sport i'm sure. i'll see you then. i got this 8 millimeter film purely by accident. time period 963 to 65 plays damascus. i was old don't do y.
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young. i've watched it many times a man posing the monuments and all poster of the hollywood premiere of town without pity and a fight in a market so without bruises. i had my doubts if i should waste my time on this but i came back to that film over and over again tracing a sequence of events happening in syria at that time anderson those who worked there the wood on the bridge got the settlement in the crimea which was sitting you know neal curiosity is like a perpetual motion machine it lives on without a lunch break and then suddenly i saw him stop let's take another look now at low speed this is key like cohen a super spy who some consider a national hero and others and evil villain an israeli double o. 7. i need because it's bad some. good
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at the one. still. if to. hi i'm max kaiser this is the kaiser report hello 2021 where we're going to see an interesting phenomenon in 2021 you know america's been exporting its inflation of china for 20 years and now china's caught up to america and now all that money printing that's been going on for 2025 years is going to show up as real inflation that's right the purchasing power of your fia money is going to go. down commodity prices of course are going to now answer a secular bull market and because it has gone or ripped the roof off the
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sucker alrighty stacie right max while we have been gone for our christmas vacation and now it's orthodox christmas by the way for those in that part of the world outside of america so you know we had a lot of stories happen we saw that china they're saying a new report is saying that they're going to overtake the united states much faster than had previously i'm just been anticipated we saw goldman sachs there saying that the commodities bull market is back and you're going to see that ripping the face off the world financial markets and you see of course more stimulus checks going out in america and continuation of lockdowns so we enter 2021 on this and this is why you know max keiser is prediction about 20000 dollars by the end of the year came true and that happened exactly as he had said back of the beginning of the year so that happened and i want to 1st look at i guess i will look at that news about china because i guess that's the most important really the 3 cities trap
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is that big giant story overarching all economic story is china it's overtake us as the world's biggest economy by 2028 report predicts center for economics and business research says it expects this to happen half a decade. you know or that forecast of a year ago douglas mccloy the c e b r as deputy chairman said the big news in this forecast is the speed of growth of the chinese economy we expected to become an upper income economy during the current 5 year plan period which is 2020 to 2025 and we expect it to overtake the us a full 5 years earlier than we did a year ago so everyone's purchasing power goes down in fear of money but less so for the chinese economy so in 2021 all the feel money starts to fall against commodities against gold number $1.00 against because.


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