tv Dennis Miller One RT January 8, 2021 2:30am-3:00am EST
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shane did leave song without a lunch break and then suddenly i saw him stop let's take another look now at low speed this is key like cohen a super spy who some consider a national hero and others an evil villain an israeli double 00. i need because it's but it's them and they at the. at the one. still. if. israel media a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being
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led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallows. hey folks excited for this one i'm a big profit fan i don't think i've missed an episode maybe but i think that season past that i'd watched every one marcus limo necessity to be with me i find that he lives there and they hopefully we can establish some report he's got a new show called streets of dreams variation on prophet thing prophet thing was
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about him writing checks out of his own pocket book to people who needed it this is about people who have made it and what they did to make it so it's a it's a shift in the view but he'll make it good t.v. marcus lee moments right after this and dennis miller plus one. hey folks welcome to dennis miller plus one the so be easy peasy for me as i'm a huge friend i don't like you have ever missed the prophet and 1st you know you kind of watching it it's like when you watch any of these shows i try to figure out what the rubric as and what do i make of the cat and this guy proved himself to be a good hearted man over the years i know their show biz but you can tell he gets to a certain point with people i can see they dent him and their pain makes him hearts and then marcus lamont's is a good cat he's a t.v. personality entrepreneur advocate philanthropist he's killin it with the camping
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thing i think i saw that all over the baseball playoffs i had that look i'm a man it's pushing chips in here it was a beautiful play marcus host of the c m b c show the prophet and he has a new 5 episode series on c.m. b c titled street of dreams premiering december 29th he'll give us a lowdown on that also launched a business learning center and the lemonade foundation and a good lebanese boy marc his limo knits thank you mom in for you dennis. great when i was a kid i'm older than you but. for any person i knew about lebanese people as emotional oncle to know static samas leg room for that in family was everything that i see that you were born in lebanon and you are but your birth mom and dad were. or you want to for adoption but your venture you ended up with a beautiful lebanese lady down in florida and
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a great cat tell me about your upbringing marcus and what part of lebanon do you find in you just in your hard drive. you know i think the part of me the that's made that really has lebanon in me is the way i think about people right it's the lebanese people of middle eastern people while they're aggressive to some they're really loving and warm and giving in and hospitable and i think for me that was a big part of it and if you really take a step back and i study my whole journey and really how i've got to today aspired from all the mistakes i've made which serves many most of what has made me who i am today was really understanding where i came from the opportunity this country gave me and how what my responsibility is to that and i think robin we take that more seriously than i should and we can we could talk a little bit more about that. but my lebanese upbringing i think made me a lot of who i am today really a lot all over morbid brother nobody when somebody dangles
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a lead like that in front of me i'm not the guy i was going to go to my next project. you know to pull over at strength i think i think for me the i think the biggest challenge for me is really understanding what my role is supposed to be in society and i know that's a complex question but. you know i struggled as a kid a lot i still struggle as an adult today i have had an eating disorder it's not something that goes away i attempted suicide twice not something that i love to talk about but i do it for a particular reasons of the people can understand how people think i was abused by a family member and dennis i don't tell you or anybody else that to feel sorry for me but i tell you that stuff so that you understand why i do what i do and you know the television show while it's fundamentally can it is t.v. and it is entertaining there really was a giant social experiment behind all of it there was really a purpose behind all of it and people said to me today how much money have you made
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you know what's the return on all these deals and you know the truth be told is that i'll probably lose a good chunk of it and i went in knowing that and i went in knowing that what i was trying to do is change the way people thought about other people and i wanted to change the way kids thought about the good old fashioned handshake and change the way people thought about like doing what you said you were going to do if you said you were going to do something for somebody even if it's bad you've got to do it and i think lastly i think too many people are looking for what's in it for them. and i'm a capitalist as a business person i mean you know that in my camp in business i'm a capitalist but there's also a moment where i put capitalism aside and say what is my responsibility to society what's my responsibility to humanity what's my responsibility to my mom and dad who really did everything they possibly could to get me something and you know i don't have any brothers and sisters don't have a lot of friends and small business about 10 years ago became my
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identifying i was sort of living in this world right didn't know what i was doing that was too materialistic and small business became a way for me to like put my my my stake in the ground and belong to something and have friends and. it's kind of crazy so i tell you he's like you in your back story like that really illuminates a lot of what i see on that show marcus because like i said he had to be a bit of a you know. listen there's a part not because it's a showbiz but then there's that part i watch you in an episode where you get up where somebody is really sending up some serious human pain stuff and i see this winter here and then you go the extra mile as some people think and i always go to that 4th act in the show where i go should he like this guy up now as they are they go learn more but your default always seems to be give a what a more shot and i can see why because i'm shy so people gave you one more shot some
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more like look people give me shots today and i mean that in a positive way they give me an opportunity to give me an opportunity to be their friend to be their neighbor to be their you know for them to be my customer and i take that seriously and i i do wonder like this year's been i think this year's been i know it's been tough for everybody but it's been exceptionally tough for people who don't have other people to turn to and you know i watched over the last couple weeks all the stuff that's happening with the government and trying to figure out who should win and who should lose and every state interpret in things differently and where the money going to come from and how are these businesses in a survive and the reality of it is is that if you don't really understand. how the human d.n.a. is made up which you do dennis but most people don't how do you understand how to deal with them and we're going to see unforeseen a lot of people go out of business here in the next couple months you can throw
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900000000002 trillion in there as much money as you want out it. the fundamental flaw that we have today in our in our marketplace is that people don't understand how these must behave and what they're supposed to do and i've had more small businesses that i meet you know whether i'm in in california or chicago or jacksonville coming up to me just emotionally drained saying like i don't know what i'm going to tell my wife because i don't want my kids going to i don't know what i'm going to do what can you give me any advice and i thought. i don't know it's tell you jim i hope it's like a norman rockwell armageddon marcus for god's sakes it is the it is the whole next chapter of this folks they are going to get a vaccine together there's a new jonas salk out there they'll figure that part of it out but this is been absolutely tectonic to a whole bunch of people out there and let's figure at tivoli an m m m magically call it may berry who are just getting walloped and that's why i did miss plaiting change thing i just have boris kojo on in
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a previous show and his wife doing some work with the oh listen i you know when i start for a rally over at fox i was on his show when he wanted to give my name to just make a fluid. and start a given lots of priests and stuff like that i always dug that approach i thought yeah tell me about plating change america's wars explain that a little i dig the idea behind it you know so ultimately and you and i should do it in santa barbara but ultimately you know i was laying awake at night and i was a little more emotional than i normally am in my life so it's me look you have to calm down like you're just you're just not thinking clearly and i said listen i forget about the businesses that we've invested in they're going to go away what about all these people in their homes and what about all these people that are hungry and seniors and i don't know what happened to me it's a sort of all pinnacle to my mind and i said look we need to take some of our our money some of our blessings and we need to figure out how to deploy it i think a lot of people that own businesses local businesses in the ones you know dennis
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nobody wants a handout nobody wants to just be given money oh here you know here's some money and just you know go pay your bills with it so what we try to do is create a program that allowed people to solve 2 problems. 3 people that are food insecure right and there's a ton of people out there particularly seniors that don't have food and we want to be able to have those local restaurants fulfill that order because they didn't want to call these local restaurants and say here's 20. ran years 30 grand pay your bills pay your rent pay your people i could do it but i didn't feel like i'm from people from a pride stem put in a feeling that was right and so we went about it a different way and boris was one of the folks matthew mcconaughey and i did it in the schumer and i did it christabel that it and ultimately what we're trying to do with people to say listen you're a local spot we love you to death you've done a lot for us we needed your spot i used to work at your spot i need you to help me out i'm trying to feed people and i don't know how to do that like i can't make
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food in my kitchen can you process 4000 or 5000 to go orders and people look at us like will will what does that mean as a one going to pay you 40 or 50000 dollars and essentially i'm just asking for a favor here i just need your help me do it because i can't feed these other people like i don't know how else to do it and what happens is if they become emotionally wracked because they now see themselves as a problem solver not the problem. and. i think we've done like 30 of them already and it's been done unbelievable. emotionally marcus that's like spock plan for level chess on star trek for you to think about the next move down and literally you hear kill 2 birds with one stone thrown around a lot when it doesn't even kill one once and that's so beautiful brother that you inspire them they want to work their muscles. wants to just collect their ass
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and for you to think one whoop that it's beautiful brother jack in the limo as the prophet and a good guy i want to talk on the other end of this about. about his upbringing a little more will talk to market rim of some a big fan you can see how easy this is as i used to watch the show where they break down previous episodes of big well i'd like to do a mystery science theater 3000 be a fly on the wall for that marcus lee moments right after this we'll talk about the new show too by the way we got to get to that streets of dreams sounds like a cool concept that a similar close one. banks guys are fine it will survive until they say money to develop. close to these if
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this is a central bank support diagram is another problem right now it's a stop to that. has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs to people who are chronic pain and believe that their opioid prescription is working for them in the remedy be certain to. price at the. worse or dependency an addiction to opiates the long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggest that. the long term effects may not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term. i can't show you my faith but i'm going to teach you my story in 9093 this man was
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sentenced to death. they could charged with capital murder even though he didn't have the gun didn't pull the trigger didn't intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for the week which is the end of the $23.00. act out that had to be. confined within 4 gray walls he'd find it so using. turn on to help him to leave didn't throw. a focus welcome back to dennis miller plus one there just some people know how to do t.v. or at least the rhythms were for me i used to watch robert osborne on t.c.m. he was always my idee fixe and i always thought the way marcus was just enough brows but it is. a lot of heart. marcus le momus is with us a tell me about the new show streets of dreams with marcus lamont i love this
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concept and folks it's one of these i like that just of all 5 are 5 season arcs and stuff you know bonanzas on for 14 years i couldn't i couldn't keep up with it but i dig this 5 shows you can digest at the weekend tell me about so what i wanted to do is is that i felt like the american entrepreneur in the last 4 or 5 years been catching up with the right it's separate from the profit of going into small businesses investing in the heart i want to do really profile people who doing great things but don't need an investment or don't you know i'm not going to be able to help them but they need to be profiled and so i had been fascinated by 5 specific topics and i was able to pick them on my own the 1st is i don't know what a diamond costs i don't know what i'm supposed to pay for it when i bought it in gazing out if i was getting a good deal when i bought it for christmas gifts at it now so i went in did a bit of an exposé on the diamond industry in new york city in the diamond district and i went all the lay down into is really the vaults to understand who sets the
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prices how does this all work as a solid big rules of israel in the episode you'll find out the answer to that question i was i don't know if i'll buy a diamond again but we'll leave it at that the 2nd one that i did i did not feel right in that part i just have to ask it a stench a blitz about the scarcity isn't it it's about there's a lot of the minerals out there but no it isn't. i always know that there's plenty of diamonds that all you can there's guns as much as you want as much as you want and what happened his disappearance who is sort of like the gestapo of the of the gun industry years ago they control the minds and they control the distribution but in the seventy's they came up with the diamond inside you know forever that diamond as you know is a girl's best friend all these great campaigns and they started marching up the prices and the challenge with the diamond is like how do you know what it's prized what color is it how many cut somebody carrots and the reality of it is is that it
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ends up being a bit of a. it's not a ruse but it's definitely not as transparent as you would hope it would be it has nothing to do scarcity. tell me this marcus if you could cut a diamond with glass what glasgow for diamond prices or what you know there's got to be something that sets it apart on the most scale of hardness. the money just to help you get over it's pretty are well the marketing sets it apart because they now are fabricating diamonds man made done is they can cut glass just the same and they're worth a fraction of the price and i think ultimately it's the presentation of it all and we know that we that we know that women love diamonds and don't think they're going to go anywhere anytime soon but i think if people really shopped and knew what they cost for what they paid they'd they wouldn't be happy i don't want to out of what i did leave i left enough to your imagination for sure. i've got a logic and you've piqued my interest there listen i love nashville and folks
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tennessee is a place where people are air dropping into the state works it's got a beautiful scene there when i've been there i'm not going to do the traditional barbecue thing yeah of course there's that but i'm just talking about a bible on that street where you feel wow this is an electric a some big cities i've been and but it's right it's right now it's spag bed in the arctic country where to go down there music row as one of the streets yes so i went to nashville to really understand like ok we are we all love music but i want to understand how music gets made and how the money gets made inside of music and you know we think that when a country artist or a pop artist makes a song they're going to make a ton of money and they really don't they make a ton of money when they go on tour but the actual making of the music in the playing of the music of the you tubes of the downloads fractions of pennies were they really make their cash which i did know before was when they go on tour and i
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shot this before the pandemic and i stayed friends with a lot of the folks that were in the episode you know once and realize that it's been a tough year for them they can go on tour and the cash literally just stops flowing and that city has built up as a fast is going city in america and people say it's technology it'll say it's heartless and it's the police because there's a big food scene there not a barbecue seen but the reality of it is is that a national leader existed it's just that if it wasn't for the what is it i'm a huge country music fan and i'm a fan of the way that that community and their culture stick together because they're pretty awesome people no wonder we celebrate people who hit it big to some degree when you think about what a roll of the dice it is entrepreneurs' give me the goosebumps you're going out there on armed at the beginning again and i feel you push it down the road baby steps baby steps and then all of a sudden there's a star gate you got a 2nd to step through it and be intrepid. or be tempted and maybe lose the game
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it's you know people say when you watch these shows i watch the shows because i admire human beings who confront life and wait and wait and wait till the card is dealt and then they jump on a beautiful nothing you know then what is it or whether it's really that business is the backdrop for is the humanity and i think we enjoy watching it sort of seeing that person arc on their own or not arc on their own for. we're talking about marcus's new show streets of dreams and it's a 5 episode series on c.m. b c it premieres tuesday december 29th at 10 pm eastern our 3rd stop takes a stand a little havana telling what's happening down there in the cuban american community market assume it'll have them and the reason i picked it which was a street little havana is that my family's business was actually on that street i grew up on that street and years ago it was filled with drugs and prostitution illyana i remember alien rodriguez that little boy shorts like right on that
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ceiling on the way on drugs all of gonzales are you liam good solid thank you. and so i wanted to go back to the neighborhood that really was part of my working history to see how it really changed since. i met a bunch of really great people i got a tour for born of a new charter school if you put together with his own money millions and millions of dollars to give kids from the neighborhood and its commission nobody knows about it until now i got to spend some time with the mill us to find him sort of how he thinks about writing music and his history of the man behind the scenes of how he you know created that mind me sound machine and how all the music works and then i got to just meet some really cool entrepreneurs that took a big chance on a little havana in south florida hand you know most people that are not have never been to miami or are not from and you don't really realize that miami was kind of a small farming. in fishing town for years and then oh yeah it was just like
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strawberry fields and orange groves and alligator rides and and so when my parents were there in the seventy's it wasn't there wasn't really housman policy and yeah there was a little on miami beach but other than that it was pretty pretty quiet and what happened was the combination and the combination of the cuban in immigration into south florida along with south americans right because miami has more south americans than it does you know anglo americans today along with the unfortunate influx of all the drug money that came there in the seventy's and eighty's and early ninety's the miami vice times and really chain sounds from south florida the drug community obviously isn't as rampant as it used to be right it's not sort of the marquee part of south florida what is part of south florida today is how that cuban community cuban american community has totally changed everything that's happened there big banking community for latin america big technology for latin
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america big tourism it's obvious but a big art scene a big food scene and it was really one of my proudest shows that i've ever done because i'm seeing what a profile a city that is sometimes misunderstood and a community effect that works that are not part faisal before this whole thing had was one of the biggest con fabs it seemed to me in america to not yet broke out all over london or prepress so shabby stuff there marcus to i remember in the notes i remember thing that's trying to read or write in little havana we had our chevy dealership and so growing up on those streets and watching it evolve. it was a bit surreal dennis for me to go back there and to be able to put a prime time show together and feature a community that had never really been see churn and i know the people in south florida really jack to see it. oh i know the cuban folks i showed a few people some screeners of an even pit bull armando. it was just like wow i mean this is this bizarre hands are people in
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a whole different light you appreciate it hey i want to have these last 2 real quickly because i do not know what a army is tell me what the top mean harbor drive san diego what is the blue economy mark so we go down to denver just to really understand what's happening in san diego in the 2 drivers in san diego are the fishermen who built the american tuna business so 90 percent of the tuna used to come from san diego chicken of the sea whatever it may be came from there today 80 percent of the fish in america. come from outside of america and so i wanted to understand how these for i know shocking how these fishermen have been devastated and then also oh we're the fishermen and the navy essentially meet in the middle and they meet in the harbor of san diego and the blue economy is really a metaphor for all the money that's been driven through that city through that part of california because of the water whether it's the fishing or or or the military
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it's really changed and then the last episode that we did we went to denver to find out how the legalization of marijuana changed the city writes everybody wanted to go an issue he to understand ok what's going to happen but i wanted to see what happened and i was able to sit down with the mayor and have a very candid conversation to say you told me about all these tax revenue you've told me about the legalization and they drove to this meeting there are more people on the side of the road without a home than i've ever seen before so you're going to have to answer that and so we really explore that in the episode about homelessness in america in the in the in the rearview mirror of legalizing marijuana we're talking the marcus le moments think of them as they'll carnegie johnny appleseed. marriage counselor sort of out there in the hinterland bring a business is up and bringing people together the new show is streets of dreams and boy what a nice 5 season arc he laid out there every one of those shows that fascinated
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premier december 29th and c n b c. marcus le momus the 1st miller question i think. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. the way of life
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of reindeer herding as leading a traditionally nomadic lifestyle in the tundra is similar to a parallel we see. them in drive the hoods women carry the weight of the household look on their shoulders to show them with their honesty let's see the man. is thinking that's not however in the vast expanse of russia there is a sport where housewife could secure a regular employment status it's in the far north as soon as. she's looking. show seems wrong. when old rules just don't hold. any old belief
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yet to shape out just to become educated and engaged with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the war in syria has lasted longer than world war 2. who has been suffering the most in this almost and back in long conflict regular syrian people. need is more than when your wife of 20 years your brain. i could see everything with my own eyes and here in the stories of its residents one group in particular russian wives of syrian man. they will get those tubes look up to his national just like it's.
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democrats call for the removal of donald trump from office kucing him of inciting deep deadly capital the law it was officials of branded domestic terrorist. this is banana republic that we're watching happen this is what you expect to see in a banana republic. the american politicians voice their shock comparing the fall in some company hill to the cause of thing that happens in what they call but not of republics we look at whether america really.
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