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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2021 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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since you're a man. come look up to. the mainstream media blame donald trump for the deadly riots on capitol hill while others point the finger elsewhere when it comes to radicalizing. this is banana republic that we're watching happen this is what you expect to see in a banana republic. american politicians voice their show comparing the violence in the heart of washington to the kind of thing that. we look at whether there's such a big difference between the 2. for the rest of his term thank you
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using him for undermining a peaceful transition. around the clock across the world this is our t. international from the south you know the legal hello and welcome to the program. the whole trial just 12 days left in office but the democrats are trying to get him removed even earlier than they accuse him of inciting the riots on capitol hill where a mob of his supporters went on a rampage through the hearts of american democracy mr trump since condemn what happened but the mainstream media more. the demonstrators who infiltrated the capitol have defiled the seat of american democracy to those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction you do not represent our country the president of the united states is clearly
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a danger and threat to the republic what has he done in terms of incitement right i am the son of bin ladin didn't we will all remember you because when the cool you and able and you supported us finally mounted in your barricaded inside cowering in fear because it finally affects you a.b.c.'s political director even said in another deleted tweet that while getting rid of trump is not difficult cleansing his followers would be a challenge though when it comes to the radicalization of some of trump's base there are many factors at play as artie's killable up in reports. wednesday january 6th are permanently burned into our minds they'll be quite hard to forget. that is.
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right 6. the media seems surprised that such a thing could happen it's a very very strange school to think today was a day filled with surreal who would have ever believed we would see anything like this really surreal moment i have never seen before this is exactly the kind of language that we are used to reading in the us press release to american citizens who might be in a city in the middle east during the crisis or a riot of this nature is well if you've been paying attention to american politics the last 4 years you really wouldn't be surprised this is the current directory that the united states has been headed down with both democrats and republicans leading us down this path. has been an expert at playing his supporters against the democrats from the beginning the left wing extremist right to a ratio of voters eliminator police these people are lunatics these phoneys these the do nothing democrats washington democrats people. losing their minds
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decrees meanwhile democrats have their own words to describe from supporters you could put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorable zx many who support the president administration are either racists steeped in racist religious beliefs ignorant or as my mother used to say just plain dumb from the moment trump was inaugurated the rhetoric has been getting uglier remember michelle obama is when they go low we go high well it's morphed into this you know when they go low. you know. there you go lol we keep. the hate and division has grown so intense that donald trump warning and shake hands with top democrats in congress. every moment is seen as an opportunity to score political points not move things
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over and. everyone's through is divide people not unite people this is a president who has used everything as a dog whistle. raese what's going on and he doesn't want to say law and order because he can't because he'll lose his radical live supporters. and the media has been fueling the fire nonstop hey joe you were in washington for 47 years what the hell did you do to improve our lot during those 47 years. inability to restrain himself overshadows his talent for undermining democracy joe biden himself doesn't have particularly strong views on anything these days except maybe luncheon and now and no one in the room likes kamel harris according to john jay trump the election is not free and fair if he is not the victor but now they're
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surprised really. artsy new york. always good to welcome on the program chris hedges chris is host of on contact on art good to see you we're hearing more and more talk in the media of the end of trump ism is that really what we're witnessing right now. no. and i think singling out trump. is essentially a mistake on the part of the hierarchy of the democratic party but it fits completely with the inability of the democratic party establishment to examine their own complicity in the reconfiguration of the economic and political system into a very repays oligarchy acutely that is caused widespread suffering and given rise to trump trump is the symptom he's not the disease but i think it is you you can't just in
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a news report. if this is correct what's happened is that the divide is only widen . and the demonization of both sides which has been perpetuated by these media silos has essentially written off one half of the country from another they they no longer can communicate so trump certainly may disappear from the political landscape but that isn't in any way going to affect trump is a trump was responding to a great deal of rage alienation frustration and anger by a dispossessed white working class and that isn't going to go away in fact trump may be replaced by more competent fascist such as tom cotton or mike on pay or perhaps someone we go out we isn't on the landscape at the moment well that's the thing it's not just dividing the chamber and read as if there's there's quite a divisive streak in the republicans right now but double trump got 70000000 plus
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people to vote for him a record for the republicans could you see him you know stranger things have happened starting a new party. it is not to start a new party because he controls the republican party and that's why so many republican senators have fallen in line despite a very clear distaste for trump and what he represents. so i think the battle will be to wrest back the republican party i'm not sure that is going to be possible so you see people like ted cruz and other essentially trying to position themselves i mean now there's all this talk of impeachment but remember if they impeach him and that may attract republican support trump can't run for elective office again and there's no shortage of people within the republican hierarchy that would love nothing better than shutting trump out of the political landscape just on the scenes this week chris the language being used against don't
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trump his supporters it's more hostile i think than ever before referring to the rioters as a terrorist simply convey though correctly called double standards and that and say for instance no such rhetoric was used when b.l.m. protests routinely turned into riots and looting tried last year in the media. well i mean the rhetoric's overblown there's been an attempt c.n.n. and others have tried to call this an insurrection or a coup i've covered insurrections includes 20 years overseas and there was no planning for coup they you know they spontaneously with facts some assistance from capitol hill police in some cases wandered into the halls with no clear plan of what they were going to do and then they were kind. largely escorted out without any major repercussions although now there's an push push for arrest and originally there are only $26.00 arrests so i think the rhetoric on both sides is very heated
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i do think we have to note that when black lives matter protests took place in washington the entire area around the capitol was militarized which it wasn't for these white largely white trump supporters the thoughts of chris hedges host of on contact on our team to catch it when you can chris thanks very much thank you all don't turn post being allowed to tweet again after being locked out of as a conference 12 hours thing media platform gave me i going president a final warning saying that any future violation of twitter's rules would result in a permanent facebook is doubling down on the social networking giant has extended its suspension of trump's a cult say it also applies to instagram and prevents the president from posting at least until joe biden takes office the company's c.e.o. mark zuckerberg says the american leaders last message posed a threat to us to more kristie. we believe the risks of allowing the president to
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continue to use all service during this period is simply too great therefore we are extending the broke we've placed on his facebook and instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next 2 weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete social media companies are huge and they fear nobody but government cannot afford to have laws made that restrain them or especially break them up like the bell telephone company was broken up 50 years ago for monopolizing it of course section $230.00 the law that gave them freedom from that is insulation from being sued for slander or libel because they claim they are just platforms even though they constantly manipulate and limit content which is what a publisher does and publishers should be available to be sued if they slander someone but platforms probably not like a stage in a theater or like air the medium of communication is the platform and if they meddle with the content they're no longer
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a platform they're publisher and so donald trump is trying to take that protection against slander suits away from them another reason they are so against trumps the what you're seeing now is their perception that drop as lost his power to do anything to them and they're going after him 100 percent this 2 week ban will turn into a permanent ban trump will no longer be seen on facebook or twitter ever again and an awful lot of us fans of donald trump and i am certainly a big one will be treated the same way i don't expect to last the year on facebook or twitter all living former u.s. presidents have condemned the violence south and capital barack obama called it a great this owner and shame for the nation while george w. bush branded an insurrection where they are of a banana republic with a deeper dive into the remarks here so our senior correspondent we're out guest here. these scenes a usually an act of desperation i reproved heston's and disenchanted view does
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parliaments and government pump out willed wives from bolivia to get what america didn't expect to find itself on that least this is how elections the disputed in a banana republic not solid democratic republic but republic usually an unstable country with a huge wealth gap and reliant on the export of limited resources so how could this happen to america a nation that exploited regime change and revolution the new bully we salute the courage and strength to believe in people who have protested against a government trying to steal an election the united states supports the courageous decision by juan. the president of your national assembly to assert that body is constitutional powers declare madeira are your serp are and call for the establishment of a transitional government with 15 weeks of protests jason hometown a centrist john
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a staring message to the rest of the world about the trains of freedom and justice turns out it's not soo fun when it happens to you today was a dark day in the history of the united states capitol witness yesterday was not the sent it was not disorder it was not protest it was chaos a shameful course made on our democracy it was an embarrassment and dual sides came out of this looking ugly the right the storming america's temple of democracy the left the pretending they were actually against violent protests the spite months of riots and violent b.l.m. demonstrations an outside fiasco the season the sort of thing that's supposed to happen in america. this is banana republic that we're watching happen this is what you expect to see in a banana republic journalists with equally confused that feeling of disbelief
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seemed to grip them to surreal i feel like i'm talking to a correspondent reporting from the you know bogota c.n.n. quickly became the subject of ridicule online as they haven't been attempts to storm the colombian parliament in decades twitter also had a stellar movement listing one why do venezuela's self-proclaimed president among the leaders who condemned what happened on capitol hill who won why do over the past few years has repeatedly attempted the violent seizure of power attacks an army base and even climbed over the parliament fence him self. what happened will stay in america's record for good this isn't something that you can just forget the halls of congress should have and the terrible precedent set and just to add to or out space we heard from
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a professor of latin american studies at the city university of new york he believes many in the u.s. establishment view other countries as their colonies. these very. pro-american references to a banana republic harkens back to the tabs of colonialism when the us invaded that eye which is 14 towns in the beginning of the 20th century they want to project that this is a pristine democracy because how can the justify tensions with. one mosque down. in holcim in city if they don't have their own house in order for us let's be very clear we're talking about a democracy for the plutocrats and technocrats and big capital big money then yes the united states is a democracy if we're talking about democracy by and for the people not by and for
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the rich the ruling class. in the united states is a disgrace in sermons a very serious measure of democracy. ok to more world news not hospitals in the british capital are reportedly being swamped by coronavirus patients after a sharp surge in cases prompting the city's murder to declare a major incident and ask the government for help with more in the edwards dash to. well we've covered 19 things can change very quickly and very dramatically and now the london master deckard has just declared a major incident in london and that follows extreme pressure on the n.h.s. particularly within the hospitals it comes as we've seen deaths absolutely saul with the highest number on record since the pandemic plus more than a 1000000 people are now suffering with covert 19 up and down the country that's one in 50 across the united kingdom but in the capital alone it's one in 30 all of
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this that is placing a huge amount of pressure on to the n.h.s. and some even saying including the mayor of london himself that it's pushing the n.h.s. to breaking point. out of control the risk of being overwhelmed what i mean by the. risk of the. hospitals. over the course of this week just to give you an idea then of what a major incident entails previously we've seen absolutely extreme circumstances for instance the grandfather tower fire trucks or the it was declared as a major incident so too was the westminster and london bridge terror attack as well so this really shouldn't be taken lightly plus in the past week we have seen sorry and the sussex areas declare major incidents as well what a major incident really means then is that various emergency services can now clubbed together to help alleviate the pressures that are going on in the capital so now we're seeing around 100 firefighters jumping in to help the emergency
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services and driving ambulances throughout the capital plus we're seeing even the metropolitan police offering their support as well so that it can then is calling on the prime minister to introduce even further measures but what more does can really want considering the fact that the united kingdom is in a full scale national lockdown while london message to car and wants to see even places of worship closed as well but this major incident may come as a surprise to some but not all especially not those. on the front line who here says are tired exhausted and even traumatized with this latest 2nd wave of the pandemic class the n.h.s. chief says simon steven says hospital admissions are at a rate never seen before we are seeing. over 800 patients a day but meter to london hospitals with coronavirus i mean that is the equivalent or very new policies hospital full of covert patients fully staffed every day or new university college hospital full of coronavirus patients every day so it is
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absolutely vital that the measures that are now in force do begin to have an impact on slowing the and cutting the infections across london and the rest of the country the key messages from the united kingdom today is that the n.h.s. are on the brink they do need help they have very little else to give and essentially we are back at me i have the storm. well i spoke with microbiologist simon clarke he said the new fast spreading variant of code has created a major challenge for the u.k. the. you straight which is moving faster most if not all of our 62 certainly faster than i expected the numbers of new infections are going up very quickly indeed as there are going to hospitalizations so it is critical and i'd expect that if the hospital was to run out of capacity and it looks like in short order they're going to do that there will be nasty to treat will you have heart attacks strokes
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and perhaps involved in a road traffic accident or have come to some misfortune some other way never mind the. replacement the replacement caps the treatments that you would normally expect so that's the real danger. let's take you to south america where brazil's death toll from covert 19 has hit 200000 making it the 2nd worst affected nation after the u.s. there's been a sharp jump in new cases over the new year holidays it's now mid summer in brazil a large crowds have been enjoying beach parties in rio de janeiro over the festive season bars restaurants they've all been packed with social distancing their rarity throughout the pandemic president. has resisted any tough restrictions at a federal level saying any curbs have to be enforced locally he stuck to the few after the latest surge in cases saying life are simple. we have
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to face it we can't just continue with that old story of stay at home and deal with the economy later which is what some people want it's not going to work it can lead to even more severe consequences than the virus itself. brazil has not yet approved any vaccine against covert 19 in contrast to argentina chile and mexico where inoculation campaigns are already in full swing the brazilian government has promised to catch up saying the 1st jobs will be administered by mid february but the little ways are causing widespread frustration. there was one year we have a federal government that doesn't seem to bore their about vaccines we said people being vaccinated in europe and in south american countries including argentina chile and part of why but brazil is likely to fall behind we don't have the equipment all the drugs there is
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a lack of planning. the solution is within reach with the back since but because of political bickering and delays some worry that we'll see an even sharper in gruesome deaths. what happens in 2021 that will depend on the vaccines it's what everyone was so we can get back to living our lives as before. let's talk more about the situation in the country with brando bono is editor in chief of the brazilian news agency good to have you on the program many countries brain or going back into lockdown but things seem very different in brazil we saw some pictures of that in rio for instance given the high death toll how do you explain the behavior . i think the main reason forbes is national fadder in the fight against spend that makes is. so approach
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about the new coronavirus both. about this situation he is always a name that they often do current coronavirus he has no organized a county. past to compete and that makes we don't have a national coordinator we don't have a national house plan to fight against the new kernel drive we don't have a vaccination plan and his personal example is always against this social isolation and all the measures that are universally at both to you know the fight against new coronavirus steps that main reason i think the rest came from that for today down through always sure president both in our himself recovered from the crowd of virus and he say shutting
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the a column e. would be even more damaging than covais it does he have a point. i don't think so because if we don't pass health the bit if bebo called being a threat all their lives it kept posted to put the economy forward in the way i mean we need health stability we need that people safe in all the to put our we count to be forward what both so mad does it just. produce he pokes about economy when we presume very. full show. we've many job of this be we've. been. and then go and tax i mean we have really in the mass just
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magic we need have stability in order to pull to kind of me for will to. really think that that's the way 1st of all safe people 'd for saving economy just briefly if you will both sonora was approval ratings have remained relatively high throughout the pun demick is there widespread support print 0 for his relaxed approach to covert restrictions i feel that one north the reasons dog is that has been approved by the brazilian possum and. also and there's rent an image then so how. about. $120.00 it does. measure in so how. to decide is more the reason because both paines a very high i agree a relative very high. mark of approval approve but i've
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known people. very interesting to get your take on a situation 200 thalers and dead of covert related in brazil brando altman editor in chief of the brazilian news agency opera monday thank you. thank you and reminder for up to the minute developments quite literally your twitter page knows you covered news and views going to work to get you into the weekend i'm you know me by from. montana sort of bitcoin accomplishes and do you understand it brings spontaneous order because it's the hardest money ever in history humans gold did a fairly decent job for many years thousands of years but it got entirely financial
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ice 2008 and spent a relegated to the status. i got this 8 millimeter film purely by accident. time period 963 to 65 place damascus. old old dump. i've watched it many times a man posing the monuments an old poster of the hollywood premiere of town without pity and a fight in a mock so with the bruises. i had my doubts if i should waste my time on this but i came back to that film over and over again tracing a sequence of events happening in syria at that time and most of those who worked that the would on the. new new. deal curiosity is like
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a petrol motion machine did lives on without a lunch break and then suddenly i saw him stop let's take another look now at low speed this is key like cohen a super spy who some consider a national hero and others and evil villain an israeli double o. 7. because it's buds and they at the. at the one. still. pretty.
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well. visionaries me sophie shevardnadze could 900 condemning came as an external shock is unprecedented how he would navigate the uncertainty of the post and the future to discuss this i'm joined by the author of bestselling books the black swan antifragile and skin in the game that i've been dreaming to talk to you for the past 3 months at the risk analyst nassim nicholas taleb. yes i'm nicholas taleb risk analyst author of thought best selling books black swan and. skin in the game so great to have you with us it's been 3 months i'm dreaming of talking to you and asking the question so the day has come hi. thank you. so nicolas at the synergy online forum you.


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