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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 10, 2021 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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time after time and see and welcome to going underground the team and i will be back with a brand new season starting on my birthday january 13th but until then we will be showing some of your favorite shows from this season going up in this show will trump lose in tuesday's presidential election thanks to cohabit killing hundreds of thousands of u.s. citizens we go to the white house to speak to one of the only 2 men in the u.s. president apparently listens to you on the pandemic white house going to virus possible survives a professor scott atlas he tells us why he thinks lockdowns mass testing in mosques go to hold up all of them all coming up in today's going on the ground 1st with just days ahead of the u.s. presidential election which will have a global impact as a global coronavirus pandemic continues to take lives not least in the united states itself let's go straight to the white house and speak to one of president trump's closest coronavirus advisers professor scott atlas thank you so much god
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for coming on you interpret the data how bad is covidien in the usa i'm sure you know that the democrat leaning mainstream media says it's corona virus that could spell the end of the trump presidency. ok well thanks for having me well i mean it is a it's a it's a deadly pandemic there's no under stating that we've had 230000 lies roughly lost and from the from the virus and certainly many many loss from the policy of shutdowns so it's tragic there's no question about that but if you want to know what's happening right now i think there's a gross distortion that has sort of been a typical of the reporting on this and that is that there's this frenzy of focusing on a number of cases when we see
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a lot of reasons to be sort of you know cautiously optimistic here rather than fearful and those reasons are very important for people understand 1st of all the cases number the case number is not the most important matter what's important to understand is that the vast majority of people that are getting these cases are lower risk healthier people we're doing a better job of protecting the elderly and it's you know the high risk people the diseases that really really only to the elderly and high risk people and what i mean by that is not that 0 people die but the risks to younger people is extremely low for any serious illness this is the data you know i mean 99.997 percent of people do fine at r.'s 018 for instance and so we have we have
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a lot of good things happening here 1st of all we see the case the taliban rate is much not just much lower than what we thought it was in the beginning but it is decreasing for every age that's sile and i look at the data from that that's sile of age and even for people 80. 5 and older 75846527411 the fatality rates are decreasing so even if when they get sick they have a last chance of dying we have a patient hospitalized mortality rate of in hospital is half of what it was at the peak the length of stay in hospital is one 3rd of what it was at the peak you know we have. no real problem although occasionally there's an isolated hospital that's overcrowded but we're doing everything the administration is. really you know up for repair and ship mobilize resources beds personnel to prevent hospital
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overcrowding we haven't had a problem like that there's never been a patient by the way in the us that even the battle later that was not able to be put on i'm not a single patient and so we see a lot of cases we do not see in an explosion of that's people are dying there's no understating that we're doing more and more to protect the elderly and the people who might die and you know i'm personally involved in that sort of thing and making sure that we don't just write policies but we actually have implementation of action so what the administration's been doing is sending a prioritization but massive amount of ursa protective equipment to senior care centers to senior centers instant you know 15 minutes asking to prevent inflow of cases from nursing home staff that's where the cases come from massive task potentials you know testing going to senior centers or seniors frequent socially and things like that so lots of drugs are being developed we expect any day in
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emergencies authorization for a drug we'll see you know there's a lot of progress on that and i understand from that than the that may be why your president looks so up to mystic on the campaign trail has he seen the university of washington study that says. there will be 500000 dead by february kind of contradicting the new york your lack of correlation between cases and the i hate. the i hate to me model is really sort of it's absurd to start looking at that model at this point some of the things in that model. i'll give you an example if you look at the academic literature by epidemiologists who have looked at that model. for even 24 hours later on a state by state prediction of us for 24 hours in advance they were outside of their 94 or 5 percent confidence interval more than 70 percent of the time i mean
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the model is it's absurd to think that model and predict for instance how many people are going to die with and without masks where i mean this kind of thing is at this point in time anybody who's really focusing on models is has learned nothing from the past and by the way we have a massive amount of data i don't understand the 6 ation that some people still pay out on these you know on these models that are sensationalizing things we have the data we know who's it risks we know who's not we understand how to social distance and protect people with hygiene when you're close to somebody it's reasonable to wear a mask if they're i risk particularly or if you are there's all kinds of things we do we have robert on progress on things and yet people are talking about modeling i just am so obviously you advised trump not to do except that that particular model do you do support the wearing of mosques now because previously and this relates to
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information during the pandemic i understand twitter deleted a tweet of you was about mosques so it's really good question i guess i wasn't and i never heard there's been ciro change in my belief or the president's belief about mast 0 what was the lead. well let me state the policy that i advised and that he has see that i advised and that he has a securely when you are a high risk or near a high risk person that's that's what that's a reasonable policy it is unreadable it is irrational and that i will tell you what was the lead on twitter it is irrational to think that you should wear a mask when you're in the middle of a desert when you're in your car driving all alone when you're running outside and are all all that is not rational you don't even have to be a scientist to understand that that is absurd and that is a result of the fear instilled by people who just insist on sort of these kinds of
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os it's not really analyzing that they had on the sites and what was deleted on twitter was the following i just tweeting that the mask mandates generalize population use mass do not work from the empirical data point number one and i listed in l.a. county miami dade county state of hawaii state of alabama spain and france the u.k. everywhere in the word israel all kinds of places where general population massed mandates were used and people were using mass and the cases exploded it's through those times frank that's fact x. and not arguable that a light number on that was what's in that village is this can i just take it back and let me finish it you bro who asked the 2nd part that was in that suite that was deleted were no comments from me whatsoever simply literal quotes from the
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w.h.o. website from the center for evidence based medicine oxford professor anikin from the study of the c.d.c. on insolence of those who are quotes there was not even an opinion expressed yet somehow facts that are contrary to. 8 beliefs are deleted from twitter i think this is the bigger issue than mass is the deletion of that tweet the bigger issue is that sometimes we're in a world now it seems that somehow information that is contrary to what people want to have you did you did you complain touchy did you complain to to it because you obviously have a constitution that guarantees rees reach in the affected states as one of this 100 ratt right now that constitution is under threat and i think this is a muslim they say. what did they say to me i can't tell the way twitter works as they deleted the tweet and they froze my account and i said ok there is a way to click on a box and. you know appeal appeal and so i appealed the course of box to appeal
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doesn't allow a one seat you know essay and i appealed and then i waited 6 hours and then i thought ok well my my account is frozen while it's being appealed so i said fine just i accept that tweet was deleted well obviously if they can if they did i leave it at that and i quit making bad box and 12 hours went by before my account was really if they can delete a senior adviser in the white house coronavirus task force then that's obviously quite something tell me how politicized the response to this pandemic is because you've been talking about the working classes of america and the impact of lockdowns and so on do you think that do you think that so-called mainstream media understands your concerns about the working classes of america well i think the working class understands the concerns of the working class of america i mean one of the lockdowns have been one of the one of will go down as an attic failure of
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public policy by people who refused to accept they were wrong were wrong were fused to accept they were on the didn't know the data didn't care and became a frenzy that stopping cold like 980 says at all costs and those costs are massive and what's happened here is that the argument. it is undeniable the lockdowns are killing people but they're not really impact whole lot downs and by lockdowns i don't mean everyone frozen in time and there's a suit all alone in a room because that's easy to say oh we're not for lockouts what they are for our testing asymptomatic since fining people into isolation from their work from their family 1st sat for 14 days closing in person schools closing businesses fast lockdown and what we see is that a lot downs really are not impactful that people even like me ok it's for me for people that are sort of i have a great job an upper class staff relatively affluent people who political class
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media class these people are impacted because they still have their jobs their children are underfoot it's inconvenient but that's not the same thing as what we see in working class and lower class lower socioeconomic class people where they've lost their jobs suicides are going way out drug abuse is going on the way out you know we're creating a generation of the raga children and forcing them to wear masks and be 6 feet apart from their friends or not even to have school in person you know we see in the u.s. people 18 to 2425 percent of them colleges shoots one out of 4 sort of killing themselves in the month of june due to the locked up this is a massive tragedy of epic proportion and there's more and more data coming out on this and i wrote about this back i think in april or may way before i came here and i wasn't the villain of the world when i wrote it but when you come up and you stand next to the president i did states in an attempt to help the country in the
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biggest crisis in the world you must be destroyed by the media in the united states and so it's a it's a sad statement on america as a us as hysterical over this but the point is that the public health leadership have failed to agree just really in their killing. people with their fear inducing shutdown they are literally killing professor school at class of something they're more from pres a school atlas after this break. the war in syria has lasted longer than world war 2. who has been suffering the most almost no doubt in a long conflict regular syrian people need. is more than
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a 1000000 white. i could see everything with my own eyes and hear the stories of its residents one group in particular russian wives of syrian man. look up to. welcome back i'm still here with professor scott atlas of the white house coronavirus task force where you are clearly excited about possible treatments for cove and of course your president has been talking about controlling drug pricing should he be reelected this while the big pharmaceutical companies are funding joe
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biden's campaign sensible of president trump with a few days to go before the election to attack the profits of the big pharmaceutical companies. i think what he's doing is he's attacking. sort of the the asymmetry in prices then you know people are paying for drugs here in the u.s. but i think you have to look at the policies that he's done and understand where he's coming from because in drug pricing in the u.s. on the 1st time in decades under the trump administration the prices came down the consumer price index for pharmaceuticals came down that's never been done for decades i haven't seen it historically beyond saccades ago but that's the 1st time and so that's from increased competition deregulation making prices making drug prices sensitive to the demand of a payer which in this case is the patient and the more you have the patient be the payer i transparency and stuff like that a price come down to what he's trying to do is pressure prices the come down by
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saying ok maybe the prices should be as good as they are in the rest of the world so you know we'll see what happens with the prices in the rest of the world it's not necessarily clear we'll see what happens but i think he's fighting for the consumer of course which oil about plus a moment ago the stimulus checks that americans watching this program will be interested in do you see a democrat opposition in congress again as a health issue when it comes to coronavirus the lack of any stimulus check they'll . it's hard to deny that it's political you know the we're in the middle of a very very contentious election year as everybody knows and you know but it is sad i think again like i'm not a political appointee i have 0 interest in politics in fact i have a distaste for politics which has been heightened during this when you see politicians just hold off on various things that they would normally think are
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important for for consumers or for individuals and society and they are representing these people holding off for political reasons it's really it's disgusting and tragic and i don't even know what say if i mean when when you're looking into the strategy why would a country like south korea a democracy backed by the united states capital seoul bigger than chicago or london why would it only have $460.00 deaths. well there's a lot of reasons to explain and i think it's very naive for people to make these broad conclusions about why countries differ but 1st of all you know south korea they it all the countries in asia i think there's reason to believe that a lot of asian countries have a west impact from sars too because they have a lot more experienced biologically with related viruses and that could be sars one at that the other coronaviruses and we see the data from singapore taking blood
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samples from subjects who get sars won 17 years ago and when you look at their study it showed a very robust response to exposure to this virus 17 years later and there's a lot of reasons to suspect that. protection on an immunological basis from various other viruses but there's all kinds of differences in populations you get on treacherous ground to start comparing country to country and then pointing about something the only way to really do things is by something called access mortality rates rather than that's for capital because of course that's for capita for instance our determine how you categorize a death in the united states we have a we do not require a positive test for the corona virus to call somebody a death we include asked for from anything associated with the corona virus or coded as a cause of death for colds and then we add that and lead off high and head and
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there's nothing there's nothing that president john boyle white house toss was could have done to rewrite the rules on death certificates. you know desart tend to get coding in the united states is almost an are going to science it's up to the doctor but i want to correct you it's not my task force not say that i bet i know what what do you make of your a colleague dr anthony fauci calling you an outlier and he was concerned about you well why would he be sound i don't know why i can't speak for dr prouty but i could say this i'm proud to be an outlier. as specially when the end of wires are completely wrong so you know i'm going to pray to be a contrarian because i know i'm right and that that's a that's a lot more defamatory to billy is bill gates wouldn't what did you feel when he called you a pseudo expert and i should say it's gates who is funding all these different
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vaccine trials. well i didn't even know about it until someone pointed it out to me because i frankly don't care what somebody like bill gates says i mean i i being british does not confer expertise that i would say point number one and you know point number 2 is i feel very good about not only my own expertise my own cd i'm a pump i'm a health care policy person who work in the survey 15 years i happen to also have 25 years of medical science experience at the highest levels of academic medicine but you know let's put it this way what i have been advocating has been sadly based on the science i've been saying it since at least march i said it personally in my own home in february i've written about it since march i said nothing's wrong and it's been fallin aided by now over 11000 epidemiologists and high level you know and medical science people who have signed on to this great barrington declaration
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which basically aligns with most of what i have said which is protect the high risk people. prevent hospital overcrowding with resources so that people can get their medical care and open schools and you know and businesses and society and that by the way is a policy and based on the data and i speak to some of the world's best epidemiologists almost literally every day for the past 78 months ok i'm not weighing it here but when people hear things they don't want to believe instead of changing the argument instead of using the argument about the facts people that are a parent and not on each simply insecure with their own knowledge coal and ad hominum attack and you know i don't really have time for that i'm busy here doing one say in that is trying to save a life for the american people that's what my goal is here and the way i do that is
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i know what i'm talking about i get advice from. all kinds of experts from all kinds of you know and i try to advise the president appropriately on the right obviously the w.h.o. rejects the great barrington declaration and for all what you say about bill gates say he does have a lot of money and he has arguably a lot of power why do you think say in london our committee is not they're not there in fights between members of the committee carried out in public and certainly you know big titans of industry slamming people on the expert committees of government i don't think even in european capitals is it something about the the american body politic. i think that this yeah i think you know i know sinatra goot in the u.k. she's going to the world's best infectious disease epidemiologist and i think she's been battered quite a bit. but i would say this that the u.s. is the u.s.
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has a lot of positives and a lot of you know people are very more interactive but right now the country's off the rails the countries off the rails because there is this hysteria that has been it's you will by the faces of public health experts easier than and not only wrong but more interested i believe in their own public stature than anything else and you know you've got to look at the data and part of the public policy either ship in my view is to understand what you're talking about to make sure that people who are you know regular people out there understand that you have a good understanding and you have a rational commonsense ossy instead of wringing your hands every other day what we don't know what we should be doing is saying what we know because we know quite a bit and you know there there is a hysteria here that is you will buy hyperbole on social media. maybe the culture of the united states but also undeniably the fact that we're in this
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very polarized you know time point of this election that has made things a lot worse and you know i'm hoping if i can be optimistic about something that things will sort of become a little bit more rational once the election is decided course i don't i don't i don't have a tremendous expectation that they had but i'm i'm both ok i mean you have president obama has been helping joe biden you may have heard him say you know he had a pandemic response team it was destroyed by the trumpet ministration do you think that the 200220000 death toll in the united states is an echo of the decision to. double. lish the national security council director promote health security and defense they had is completely false in terms of claiming that there is some kind of a great hand that mic response team that was inherited here that is just simply false period i happen to know what was best that what was here when not before this
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all start the 2nd point though is the question of the you know the decimate listen we have a we have a deadly disease here for people who are at high risk there's no denying that it's it's it's it's really a heinous sort of unconscionable lie to claim that oh my god we should we should have had no deaths other than incompetence or some kind of the way it ministration is done a tremendous amount here being caught blindsided with 0 stockpile by the way 0 preparation inherited from the previous administration and to suit you know mobilize all the resources billions of dollars on protective equipment accelerated drugs accelerated vaccines and really record time the stuff has been done and you know with the the administration ok there's a lot of people that i either way 233000 access under the you know the task force of the people whose names you know before i even walked in the door you
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know if you want to talk about that but basically the point here is that we have a deadly disease and you know ask them it's work if you want to go by your models that you're citing it to and at 2200000 people were going to die in the u.s. so i mean i think that you can change the game let's be rational here let's understand that actually there's been a tremendous amount done here very very successfully it is not solace for the people who have lost loved ones i know people who have died myself it's very sad there's no question about it no one is minimizing that but we have a deadly disease and we are going. to be ok here we have to be rational do common sense things and understand that life must go on life will go on and weis will go on and save lives i asking it was just fun and you know i just
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finally and briefly i you said you know what a political appointee that doesn't stop political candidates talking about you what will a joe biden presidency mean shit biden said nobody thinks he you makes any sense no serious dr around the world what does that signal to you about a biden presidency when it comes to coronavirus anyone that would say that is either lying or doesn't doesn't know what's happening or is simply just severely confused because the policies that i have been advising have been signed onto by more than a lot of unsolved and epidemiologists and medical scientists in that who are asian and that includes people from harvard stanford university and many many other sign top top level institutions you know i just think that kind of statement as bizarre and you know i'm not sure what to make of that statement other than it's
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just completely totally wrong professors quietus thank you ok that's ever want to go favorite shows of the lust season we will be back with a brand new season of going on the ground on january the 13th until then subscribe to the john on you tube to catch all the other interviews from this isn't then for online exclusive content merry christmas and a better 2021. wrong
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. to shape our. and in. the trailer. worlds apart. from common ground. last week there was an assault on the nation's capital what does this tell us about the state of american politics is there still a place to disagree and dissent importantly is the idea of a loyal opposition still exists.
12:00 am
in the headlines this monday morning moscow confirms its 1st case of the new far more contagious covert strain that emerged in the u.k. but medical chief c.s.a. russia's vaccine is up to the task. a weakened u.s. president faces a 2nd impeachment this pro trumpet riot charged with domestic terrorism coming up we look at how democrats a deepening the country's divide. the christmas period brings no rest for germinates will cut you up now. in covert cases with the country's chance lowballing to situations only set to get worse.


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