tv News RT January 11, 2021 1:00am-1:31am EST
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because of. the. one your deal. if to. the headlines this one this morning moscow confirms its 1st case of the new far more contagious covert strain that emerged in the u.k. but medical chiefs say rush's vaccine is up to the task. we can do as president faces a seconded page bidder's trump rioters are charged with domestic terrorism look at how democrats a deepening the country's divide. and coming up to this morning the christmas period brings no rest bite for germany which has reported a surge in covert cases but the country's chancellor warning that the situation will only get worse.
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for good morning from moscow this 11th of january kevin owen here for next 30 minutes with the latest from r t for you are starting this us democrats out to impeach donald trump on choose day for a 2nd time in under 2 days just days before his successor is inauguration and the procedure could hit the president's politically long term to an even stop and running for the white house and 2024 following those riots on capitol hill the house speaker nancy pelosi branded trumpet imminent threat she said to both democracy and the constitution. person chinese had to have branch is a drain just unhinged dangerous president of the united states he has done something so serious that there should be prosecution against him us democrats are going after a weakened donald trump and as he comes to the end of his term artie's more goes to of next reporting on
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a growing political crisis is sweeping the country what did america learn from this this painful this all fall incident. that they finally realized that things that gone too far did the left finally hear the right all vice versa when thousands of your countrymen storming the capitol building you don't have to like it but if you don't bother to pause and learn a single thing from it from your citizens storming your capitol building then you're a fool. 4 in 5 democrats believe that those who stormed capitol hill a domestic terrorist if you ask republicans only one in 5 calls them terrorists most call the protesters the fact is millions of those republicans believe the
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election was rigged and stolen the logical thing to do for the left would be to say hold on your mistaken recently action was fair here's how and here's why but that isn't their response their response is to try and didn't peach trump again it's almost as if they're using this impeachment to distract from the fact that well i mean for example they said they want to give out $202000.00 scuse me once the democrats took the senate after they won georgia and all of a sudden i'm a few notes but those conversations stopped all these these these these moves by the democrats seemingly have been put in perfect position to distract their own constituency from the fact that i don't have health care of a pandemic that i'm getting checks they don't deny getting unemployment in more moratoriums are expired and they just gave after telling us they don't have enough money for us it is chris that appropriations bill that sent billions and billions
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and billions of dollars into the military industrial complex and the corporations will have 4 years to use to break the system harboring need to make sure that they maintain power that's honestly what it looks like they're going to make sure that no trump s the movement or a burning 20 feet movement can ever get that close to the white house that close to being that influential. in politics ever again will instead of finally deescalating the left sees this as an opportunity to crack down on the right to beat down to settle political scores and to slap away the hand or foot in peace we must come together and put this division behind us we must. and i'm confident we will have a peaceful and orderly transition of power santa cruz you must accept responsibility for how your craven self-serving actions contributed to the deaths of 4 people yesterday but if you and senator holly must resign probably not the
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best time to be calling for political blood given how broken and hurt the us sees it's as if something has ingrained itself in the american mindset a complete and utter reluctance to compromise and be civil to your own neighbors and citizens to call on willingness to accept other views opinions that even on race. to. goals were. storming the capitol what will be no if you are no 2 americas sounds right it does doesn't it they live in the in the same streets and the same towns but there are different worlds here in their minds this goes beyond political differences beyond reason it's hate from both sides and predominantly it is hate honestly it's hard to see how it's going to get better unless adds it's
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a huge change and we can all see that attitudes are changing democrats just won the senate for the 1st star been almost a decade there are too cool control of the federal government why you why would they start compromising now since last weeks of people in the capital at least 80 people have been arrested authorities report receiving more than 40000 tipoffs from the public on the identity of the rioters as a nationwide hunt now gets nasty. f.b.i. washington field is seeking the public's assistance in identifying those who made unlawful entry into the u.s. capitol building on january 6th if you witnessed unlawful violent actions contact the f.b.i. usa today needs your help identifying the people who broke into the u.s. capitol on wednesday view the photos and fill out all 4.
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let's name and shame them after some amazing work by jason railton and friends here is his face and i guess his mom's pay attention to the shirts and hats and glasses . never start direct market and in maryland you've got an employee to investigate. this is certainly a unique moment we could see many families across the country very divided i have family members who you know talk to me who are threatened me
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where you see me as a traitor because i have different political views so this call for. family members to call in other other family members is certainly unchristian and did unique situation i think we're living through. another chapter of divisiveness in american history to polarize a sure. intense think is decades and centuries of polarization but it's unique right now because big 10. twitter facebook there bidding your truck certainly should be no platforms for bigotry or zener for. everything that trump represents for you to be true and has been will be binge tomorrow. stablish when settled on the tag domestic terrorist them for the capital rioters result is caleb maupin reports next there appears to be little consistency in how the label is applied. there's no doubt that wednesday's events have shaken up the country but one of the
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biggest questions now in the aftermath is what is going to happen to donald trump's supporters after the democrats get control of all the leaders of power there seems to be a determined effort to race donald trump from history most of his social media accounts have been banned maggot merchandise has been removed from online stores and what more there is a call for his radical supporters to be labeled as terrorists there were a riotous mob. domestic terrorists the president of the united states is clearly a danger and threat to the republic we call them terrorists here is mastic terroristic terrorism as the terrorists donald j. * called for me an insurrection against the united states of america reports indicate that joe biden is now calling for a special domestic terrorism law to make sure what happened on capitol hill never
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happens again but here's the thing it's already illegal to break into the u.s. capitol rubble with the police and destroy property so what exactly would this new law and tail a lawmaker is apparently proposing that those charged for events that took place on wednesday be put on no fly lists many are pointing to some obvious hypocrisy involved in this new anti-terrorism rhetoric coming from democrats after all it is no secret that black lives matter activists an anti trust protesters have no problem destroying property and breaking into buildings around the country.
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sure it was a very dramatic unexpected event sure but i do not think this was terrorism i don't think it was a coup and there was nothing beyond he was and then there was no way that these people were going to overthrow the u.s. government i don't think it was good that would happen i don't condone or. i say that congress needs to do the work for the interest of the average american or otherwise to do get worse and be more horrible scenes will be shown right now but instead of the stick turned their rhetoric on the people who were angry the real liberal economics that destroyed the wealth in america it is rising anger and instead we're going to see charges of domestic terrorism you see really what's rising release establish order real time that this the implications of branding protesters as terrorists are pretty severe it's something that people on both the left and the right should tread pretty carefully caleb artsy new york.
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track yukos is next moscow's health chiefs say the sputnik v. coded vaccine does protect against that highly contagious new strain that emerged in the u.k. after russia confirmed its 1st case meantime the vaccine continues to gain traction around the world let's catch up with all the developments this morning he goes down on the streets chilly out there igor because code doesn't respect some year 0 temperatures or anything like that continues to get worse the lot of places around the world particularly in europe britain's in the tough even tighter restrictions possibly in the pipeline too so how worried is russia or about this new case that's been reported of this u.k. highly infectious strain. well kevin indeed this new strain has crossed its borders and sneaked into russia along with one of the passengers on board of a jet that came back from the u.k.
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after all it's a british strain now it's important to understand that right now russia has its borders with the u.k. shut down but that happened back in december when the borders were still open and the world was still learning about this new mutation of the virus but russian officials who are tasked with combat ing this coronavirus are saying that the citizens of russia should not really fear it should not fear this new mutation because the existing sputnik of the vaccine will be effective they are saying against this strain. from our data testing systems used in russia can identify the strains and vaccines registered in russia definitely provide protection against this strain. well in fact when it comes to russia and the people the number of people vaccinated moscow is leading the charge here in total in all of russia about a 1000000 more than
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a 1000000 people have been vaccinated if you compare it to any european country that is more in fact it is roughly the same amount of citizens who have been vaccinated if you have germany and spain combined and these are the countries that are leading the european rates of vaccination and of course it can't come soon enough for so many people around the rest the world as well how's the russian sputnik the vaccine being welcome to run the rest of the world outside of russia. well the situation here is interesting because of course russia was the 1st country to announce that it has a vaccine ready and as anything new as anything 1st it came under scrutiny and well it was it came close to being ridicule. old as people all around the world including journalists took it with a pinch of salt. but without a phase 3 mass trial completed it sounds like the process hasn't run its course here be skeptical clinical trials were short they were excel aerated they're still
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trying to figure out safety and there they've approved it. so it was presented as something ridiculous as something outrageous like what russia thinks of itself how could it roll out a vaccine so unready so rules so unsteady that even now the tables have turned and the same the journalists of the same outfits who were ridiculed the russian vaccine are now getting the jab. with many of my fears alleviated another reason i chose to get not collated with the product of russian genetic engineering was more basic it was available russian clinics have not been dogged by the lines or logistical snafu reports of the vaccination sites in the united states and other countries. so the sheer availability of the vaccine and the lack of consequences reported from those who received it was enough to make it enticing
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to the western audience and also russia is the key the trick that russia's done is that it's making its jabs v available to its population gradually so it hasn't ruled it out to everyone all at once it has been making it available to certain groups of people like medics teachers than journalists and so on and so forth that has helped russia avoid these huge crowds and huge lines huge lines. due to the centers to the. people can get the job and the more the more this vaccine fast this vaccination process excuse me. the better it becomes really and more countries are showing interest in producing the vaccine. approving its vaccine the vaccine to be used on the home soil. you know the possibility of immunity to the
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1st impacting the ability of the 2nd dose to work efficiently these details even without the phase 3 results give me reason to think the vaccine will be a stronger candidate as the ones created in western laps. so again there you have it and as i've mentioned a lot of countries foreign countries there approving the sputnik v. for use in its soil the 1st country in africa has approved it and more countries are looking to become producers of sputnik v. germany has shown interest and the latest one the brazil and south america is also looking forward to producing sputnik v. and making it available for its population or a go through scenario some to speed the world african country that it was talking about there algeria has become the 1st african nation to register support navy the vaccination campaign there is you to start this month mccullagh spoke with dr john
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dombrowski a pain management expert at the washington pain center he believes the fact that russia's vaccine is easier to store compared with some of the western shots makes it a selling point. this is a 1st world problem that they haven't asked me stuart so cold so we're straight in the making of us wells in america but for the continent of africa this is not even start you know not even a place to start sputnik 5 scene is easy just store in the north they're from countries where maybe less you know sophisticated storage material for another way of getting it out to the population for the globe that is more accessible is is very important the russian vaccine developers claim their job will prove effective against that how confident can they be at this stage when you work with an a if you viral vaccination you're looking at certain proteins of the virus and perhaps there's always something in common with a new strain hopefully they've caught sure that aspect of the protein where you
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could have you know resistance or vaccine immunity with both the coke and one you know the coping 1000 as well as do carry it so it is very positive. results international thanks for watching us this morning if you are watching the clock it's not exactly 19 minutes past the hour ahead no let up for gemini token covert again as it marks a grim new milestone in the pond then they can they'd sneak to says things are going to get even worse.
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when i was sure seemed wrong. but all wrong just don't. let me feel that you've yet to see. this day become educated and in detroit equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. a good morning in the holiday season has brought no code relief than to germany
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which is reported a spike in cases and more than 40000 deaths now confirmed since the pandemic began it comes just days after a further tightening of its national law or your correspondent peter all of us got the details germany continues to post high numbers of infections with covert 19 deaths associated with it in the last 24 hours just under 16000 people are confirmed to have had covert 19 with 425 deaths confirmed on sunday evening out those are particularly high numbers for a weekend where reporting of numbers tends to slow down a little bit on friday the grim record of numbers of dead was broken here in germany 1188 deaths confirmed that prompted chancellor angela merkel to give her a sobering speech over the weekend and what she called on german citizens to think about their actions and the impact their actions would have on their fellow
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citizens. fairly shifts the coming winter weeks are probably the most difficult phase of the pandemic hospitals across the country are working to their limits current infection rates do not even reflect the effects of christmas and new year's eve hinting at a possible surge in the number of cases and virus mutations are not helping to reduce anxiety. well lockdown measures that were brought in before christmas and new year were extended well strengthened last week they'll be in place until the end of january they'll be reviewed on the 25th both sits likely that they will be extended even further what that means is all bars and restaurants are close to in-house dining and in house guests non-essential retail's closed also things like head dresses all closed completely as well as schools and kindergartens were also set to see restrictions put in place all travelers coming to germany from the
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republic of ireland this is following the outbreak of a mutant strain of covert 1000 in the united kingdom there's already been restrictions on flights from the u.k. put in place since before christmas it seems those restrictions are going to be spread to flights coming in from ireland as well when it comes to the vaccine now chancellor angela merkel has promised to ramp up germany's vaccine program in germany as well as many other european nations have been criticized for how slow their vaccine program had been put into place the health minister here in berlin u.n. spawn it said that he was happy with the way things were progressing that they'd targeted initially those in care homes and then it would be rolled out to the population at large what we've also heard from a government spokesperson is the chancellor angela merkel that spoken with russian president vladimir putin about the russian sputnik v vaccine being manufactured
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here in germany is it isn't generally i cannot report on confidential talks between the federal chancellor and her counterparts but i can say that the chancellor made it clear that she's open to buy a way to a corporation with russia for the purpose of developing european for abduction capacity for the russian vaccine. well in all. for the russian vaccine to be manufactured here in germany it would 1st have to be approved by the european medical agency that hasn't happened as of yet but it does seem that should that happen we could well see that russian vaccine being manufactured here in germany as well as in russia. else where thousands of israelis have defied international law to rally against benjamin netanyahu the protesters want the prime minister to quit over corruption charges as well as the government's alleged mishandling of the pandemic so far the demonstrators have no being taken to the streets for more than
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7 months. was. very potted history in 2019 netanyahu was indicted on charges of breach of trust accepting bribes and fraud he denies any wrongdoing and says the charges are politically motivated well a hearing last week was postponed then indefinitely because the pandemic but political analyst gideon levy spoke to us about it he thinks the rallies have failed to make their mark. you know having it. limited because. of the political force the political power was almost on the. most popular is really put it through sure if we like people you know he didn't lose the. old. very good porn show more or less the
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same power. over 1000000. plays through his hand sente should get. to know the old picture the elections which would be a. few weeks will show we see this really change looks now will. be over so the next. up to the elections and in any case it's going to be a right we will be the next privatised. if you will follow up and i have also talked about this when he went to check it out tito como download from the headlines is the. device for now though starting off from moscow it's kevin 0 in on behalf of the rest of the team thank you for watching and have a great day. one
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of the architects of america. i was going to ask when you can vote for free money the republic is done and that's what just happened in election people voted for free money and now it's officially banned frankly if. it's. done. is will be a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation from all community. are you going the right way or are you being.
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direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows of. the war in syria has lost in longer than world war 2 what is happening in this country i think that syria fall victim to horrific experiment when the discontent of some people and religious tensions in the country were exploited by external players these outside forces tried to overthrow the regime and used the international terrorism phenomenon in to advance their agenda human rights of syrian people were sacrificed for the sake of someone's ambitions. for an contraries involved in the
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syrian war exerted influence and pursued their conflicting goals seeking their own political economic or military interests. but who has been suffering the most in this almost a decade long conflict and regular syrian people. they are the ones paying the highest price in this endless war the price is their lives and their lives are still loved ones. their country is destroyed and bleeding. i'm a journalist from kazakhstan i have been following the tragic events in syria from the very beginning i. have also been covering just out of process and international initiative aimed at settling the syrian crisis to toxic place in my country's capital. a while ago i got a facebook message from the land out. lives in aleppo. she invited me to visit their city so i could see everything with my own eyes and hear the stories of its
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