tv News RT January 13, 2021 12:00am-12:30am EST
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in the headlines this wednesday morning grim footage from a german criminal room highlighting the stench of a covert pandemic you white make claims that brussels has botched the response. you know what you see in the restaurant takeaway service really i'm full of food. for what you do and more in the u.k. police crackdown on violators but then a caught on camera apparently breaking the very rules trying to enforce. you know the new technology companies that are accused of becoming too powerful as more. president and his followers from the internet. and even go as far as they can get
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drunk with power like in gorged they are now controlling pretty much the entire communications system all over the wall. good morning from moscow this is arts international with me kevin owen here in the hot seat at the moment 30 minutes later. this wednesday morning coming your way in 1st of all this grim news that we're talking about in the headlines the german authorities reporting nearly 13000 new coronavirus cases on tuesday and almost 900 covert related deaths it reflects a negative situation europe wide indeed with close 220000 new cases in france and more than 25000 in spain now footage of merging next to show you from one of germany's worst affected regions highlighting. just how bad the situation's become
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more than 300 bodies piling up in a queue for a saxony kraemer torrijos a grim scene to see isn't it the a coffin stacked one on top of the other and often simply inscribed with the words like covert and infectious risk. for its part the european union meantime struggling to retain the unity of a vaccine purchases brussels is urging member states to adhere to the block centralized distribution scheme burd few seem to heed the call so far is our europe correspondent peter all over. the european union's one for all and all for one vaccine plan is called the against the problem of members self interest when it comes to obtaining the jobs germany has snapped up an extra 30000000 doses of the pfizer. scenes being criticized by its partners for doing so it is selfish behavior to buy medicine by yourself disrespecting common decisions is another
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example of the german policy of respecting their own interests above the interests of other e.u. countries perlin insists it is playing by the rules and that those extra doses won't be sent out until the vaccine is being dispatched across the rest of the european union germany says the real problem lies with problems when it comes to production it's not correct to see the germany secure vaccines at the expense of other countries. don't see it we have ordered enough vaccines and the question is how can they be produced how fast they can be produced and if we would have ordered more it would not have been possible to produce it quicker the shortage is due to the lack of production capacity it isn't just germany that's being accused of looking out for itself cyprus is courting israel for vaccine delivery saying that the european union isn't forthcoming with the new doses to provide
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a mass switch to rollout the initial indications were very encouraging but at some point there was a setback in its effectiveness 2 companies came up with the vaccine 1st phase the buy into can be done but the number of vaccines is not enough for rapid mass vaccination e.u. commission president has live on the line is telling member states to cut it out into it to the plan that they all agreed on we have all agreed legally binding that there will be no parallel negotiations no parallel contracts so the framework we are all we're. king in is a framework of 27 together and we are negotiating together we are procuring and together we are bringing forward this vaccination process calling on member states to come clean about any side deals they may have going on the president has asked commissioner this to send a letter to all health ministers asking them to provide us with all the necessary
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transparency on the way in which they are complying with the provisions of our vaccine strategy in terms of contacts or lack of contacts rather with with those pharmaceutical companies that we have been or are negotiating with the commission on doing themselves any favors demanding transparency from member states when it comes to vaccine procurement when they are being a lot clearer on who will get what when the 27 agree that brussels would negotiate on their behalf the accusation is that that is being undermined by member states looking out for number one as we see the e.u. were very slow compared to other countries both in their regulation approvals both in there are a vaccination campaigns and. again no surprise that there is one set
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disaffection we indeed have of across the across the whole front we have a very poor performance by the european union here but the central administration of the european union all they managed was to secure so the $100000000.00 doses for a population of $450.00 so taking into account that you need 2 doses per person this was one 3rd of the population for which the vaccine was secured because of some budget. it is officially said so no wonder the e.u. population is not very happy with that performance in brussels. elsewhere the red cross for the development of covert vaccines does not mean people should ease up on basic preventative measures we spoke to the head of the humanitarian groups health department about it it's something that we need to be prepared and we need to do is physically sensing. avoiding being in crowded places is making sure that one gets
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sick it's isolated and people are in contact with somebody sick we are in thailand out 1st and provide the support that is needed until the person can go out again these are critical measures that can save thousands of lives until the vaccines will be widely available in all countries we can not lower the guard right now because the. speak in terms of the number of new cases and it's real belief that the majority of the world unfortunately was not started vaccination programs yet and we know that we need to docs and 8 people all over the world to ensure safety for everybody around the world so we'll have to accelerate to the phase at which a vaccine will be. around the world ensuring a mechanism to do so even in that very safe safe way we know that one of the biggest problems as needed vaccine hesitancy and people not being convinced about
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the. safety of vaccines and so we are listening and talking to people to make sure that when the vaccines arrive actually people will be. taking and we actually take the native exene so. sure that mutations occur we may see potentially also reduction of the effectiveness of some of the vaccine possibly if we need to rejig older vaccine these could be done easily let's remind ourselves that the flu vaccines that they have to be changed every near you. probably if there are morticians happening also for called the 1000 vaccines we may need to have some sort of all changes in the future to do that since but for do more men to the vaccines that we do have are working and we just need to push them out as fast as we can particularly those who are countries that have restricted access at the moment for those vaccines. u.k.
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police are increasingly swooping in to find people who break pandemic lockdown restrictions but next a shot had raised reports this morning in foursomes wildly inconsistent it seems with offices forced to back down at times they've apparently flout the rules themselves. despite the u.k. being in a full scale national lockdown kovac 9 6 100 cases a soaring and death rates are constantly hitting records the public has been ordered to stay at home once again but it seems not everyone is sticking to the rules and with rule breakers rule makers have given the place more power to clamp down on the law if you do not play your part our selfless police officers who are out there risking their own lives every day to keep us safe they will enforce the regulations and i will back them to do so to protect our n.h.s. and to save lives and england and wales police of issued 8000 penalties since november but leading by example isn't exactly their strong point you know so if you
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sit down in the restroom very coy service firmly on. the what you're doing right now. some officers are not as eager to abide by the rules as they are to enforce them to women who drive hates kilometers to meet up for a walk and found themselves surrounded by police their offense carrying coffee that made to the picnic so they were fined $200.00 pounds each in fact they were strictly following the rules as police later admitted worsening the fines and giving a half hearted apology look we martin being our true. bird is an operational marker and if it's not take out confiscating private it snowballs trip shipley's of starch and throws with $200.00 pounds fines there have been 2 reports of snow balls being thrown last night between 11 and 11 30 pm this is obviously not a justifiable reason to be out of your house these behavior is likely to result in
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a 200 pounds fixed penalty notice for breaking the locked on rules the tweeters since been deleted after dozens of angry complaints but still the message is stay at home we're going to keep the course with you we have to try. we will but we have rules in place we really need now is the moment for some of the jewels some of observation observance of the of the groups although the prime minister himself was spotted cycling 11 kilometers away from downing street so is it a case of one rule for me and another for you shouted stashed. in the u.s. house of representatives has voted on a resolution asking vice president mike pence to invoke the 25th amendment to start impeachment proceedings against donald trump however pence as already stated he'd reject that call adding the temps at a 2nd impeachment are not the best course of action for the country i do not
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believe that such a course of action is in the best interest of our nation are consistent with our constitution i urge the congress to avoid actions that would further divide and inflame the passions of the moment for the retreat is really a continuation of the greatest which is politics is ridiculous i think it's a good thing for many days to our country and it was a tremendous anger. lawmakers attempt to remove trump from the white house than tech giants like amazon and facebook and twitter have already helped to raise the president's online presence blocking a social media accounts you tube snow reportedly frozen the president's page too while some of his high profile followers have also been bad but an internet provider in the u.s. state of idaho is hit back warning it will remove facebook and twitter from its wife i service for their censorship of trump supporters but the focus on the role and power of online behemoths of late of course to america's john huddy reports
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next this morning. the twitter hit list continues the social media site has permanently suspended more than $70000.00 accounts accused of promoting conspiracy theories or violent rhetoric including most prominently banning donald trump from the platform friday concluding his tweets constituted a risk to public safety and could potentially lead to more violence in the wake of these efforts twitter stocks tumbled as much as 12 percent monday and continued to fall today the crackdown has drawn ire and criticism from some republican lawmakers who say twitter is attacking the president's right to free speech and u.s. lawmakers aren't alone a spokesman for german chancellor angela merkel said chancellor merkel criticized twitter is trying to ban arguing legislators not private companies should decide on free speech and expression regulations european union commissioner terry britton called the chaos on capitol hill the quote $911.00 moment of social media writing
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in an op ed for politico that by banning donald trump social media companies have quote recognized their responsibility duty and means to prevent the spread of illegal viral content they can no longer hide their responsibility toward society by arguing that they merely provide hosting services yet he goes on to write that the fact a c.e.o. can pull the plug on posts is loudspeaker without any checks and balances is perplexing adding it is not only confirmation of the power of these platforms but it also displays deep weaknesses in the way our society is organized in the digital space for those who either loved or loved the dons daily rants and raves well it certainly is a perplexing time though maybe not exactly surprising twitter and facebook were already flagging trumps posts and seemingly moving in the direction of suspending and or banning him altogether but another question critics of the social media slaughter are raising is why so late in the game with less than 2 weeks in his presidency many contend the social media crackdown should have been. and sooner or
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not at all others contend it's a dangerous power play by big tech flexing its digital muscles knowing full well that president trump's powers on the eve of his departure from office are more limited in that he doesn't have the time or ability at this point to attack the social media platforms that have launched a full scale war on him and the hits keep on coming for trump deutsche bank now reportedly cutting ties with the dawn of a move that would be a major cut in funding for his hotels and golf courses and speaking of which the p.g.a. announced it would strip trump's new jersey golf club from a major championship tournament next year a move that reportedly gutted the president for our t.v. john hardy. spoke to a panel of guests on whether or not i should must now be taken against increasingly powerful technology companies you know their thoughts. they just won an election they're going to see how far they can push this this is
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a stress test to see how far the law will go how long how much people will tolerate and are going to go as far as they can because the drunk with power like it in gorge to kick that is filled with blood just can't get enough of this so where it ends who knows it is all the years that they are now controlling pretty much the entire communications system all over the wall which is unprecedented what will happen eventually they know which way the wind is blowing donald trump is no longer going to be in the white house almost all of these companies face antitrust suits that are going to be decided by the biden department of justice and so now there is going to be less of a priority to maybe make these arguments internally that donald trump and his account should be protected but these are self interested actors who we are going to see. some backlash because it will be a matter of telling the full censorship pool b. move on to other parts of the mcready party companies like twitter and facebook and
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imus and can do this to their own president if they do it anywhere in the well to any government they don't like. oh certainly so. they that the largest problems within these companies is that there really is no actual basis for which they are operating there is no bible there is no constitution there is no their terms of service are often edited and malleable and even then subject to vague enough to be subject to the whims of internal discussions within the company and she sees kids man bond kind of young nerdy types in silicon valley who put together this thing and well if you want to do your own go someplace else this it means that we have to rewrite the 1st amendment in this country because this is a quote private company that 99 percent of all the people on the planet use our
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laws are outdated and unless that is changed nothing will change at least in this country now the question who should be more the rating perhaps the saudis this should be a form of duration but it needs to be transparent so the state of affairs at the moment they don't know who eggs those were the rationed settlements with the sentence. even though going to be certainly acceptable when social media platforms where creates a do you think of a creative intended to end like this with a massive bans and censorship. of course absolutely look one of these days we're going to find out that this this this fraudulent story about these kids these nerdy kid who came up with the idea there was so much involvement in not only private equity but in government sponsored equity in-q tel and others we have our own darpa going to find out that they're white that basically one could argue they're almost like silent partners of the government the idea that they just
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existed on their own independent this was never intended to be good this isn't some kind of a scrapbook that we keep this was one of the biggest cons that we fell into hook line and sinker those dean going to the giants and being exposed to all the actually our this is a mission statement to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and the information age the glee without barriers now people used to believe this does anyone believe that anymore i don't think so russian made messaging out telegram has seen a surge in popularity in recent days 5600000 downloads since wednesday and 5 people ditching 1000 by facebook in fact turkey's president has just joined telegram as well is that an encouraging sign you think yes rising social media is going to
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be a benefit the question that i have is are we now bifurcating the internet are we going to totally solve select from the point of adolescence or before or to be handed down by our parents to our children that we now only go on social networks and only interact with people and that are only hosted on servers that either are liberal or conservative or possibly even more extreme versions of that that to me is a dystopian vision that i think is something that is closer today then i've ever known it my left. so there is a footnote to this we're in a you tube suspended trump channel for inciting violence now the 3rd major platform after twitter and facebook to do so we'll tell you more about that later on now other news the u.s. secretary of state claims without providing evidence that iran is now or harboring the terrorist group. al qaeda has a new home base it is the islamic republic of iran. my
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proposal occasion has not been backed up by any publicly available intelligence assessment rahm is quick to reject the claim saying he's doing more than any country to fight terrorism and the iranian foreign minister had some harsh words for his u.s. counterpart from designating cuba to fictitious iran declassification zanele chaotically mr will lie cheat and steal is pathetically ending his disastrous career with more warmongering lice and well it comes a day after the trumpet ministration put cuba back on the list of state sponsors of terrorism a valid been removed from a black list back in 2015 we heard from. the of the university of tehran who said that the problems with washington predate though and iran's going to be really cautious in taking its approach to the incoming administration that. obama regime that created the maximum pressure campaign in the 1st place that trump
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repeated our goal more harshly and it was during the obama regime that iranian scientists were murdered during trial only one was murdered during obama 4 were murdered and of course cyber attacks on iran took place as well during obama so we biden was his vice president no one in the run trusts him but if he decides to do the smart thing and implement the nuclear deal and fully run will do so as well but iran will accept no preconditions and it will not accept any changes to the nuclear deal nor will it negotiate its defense capabilities especially with american bases surrounding iran and it will not negotiate its regional alliances. as check of some world news a man has smashed the glass on the main entrance new zealand's parliament building no one was hurt in what happened there the suspect was barely rested on the spot he's being charged with possession of an offensive weapon and intentional damaging
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faces up to 7 years in prison. and this is chilly russian woman set a new world record for swimming under ice. covered 85 metres into the syberia lake all without a thermal swimsuit this time of the morning ouch. finally something else a bit mysterious footage showing a renowned israeli spy story inspired 2 movies walking the streets of damascus has surfaced some or other here in moscow raising more questions about who caught him well you can watch our new documentary and find a bit more about what this is about on our you tube channel on r.t. dot com and the documentary channel. this is key like a super spy who some consider a national hero and others and evil villain an israeli double o. 7 it was handwritten on the boxes. and then step by step i began
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to unravel the story back in 1963 couldn't even imagine whom he had probably caught on camera. 'd phone was close to the highest authorities of syria he was around the soviet spies and was proficiency in transmit a signal interceptions in the center of damascus which is where all our protagonist screwed running into each other at some point and considering they lived there for about 3 years there's a very good chance that it indeed happened. actually leone town was where bodies lukin used most of his 8 millimeter film stock. and then one day but he's lukin turned his camera on and he is who of course. it was january 19th 65 when israeli agents in like oh i was tracked by intelligence services. soldiers and several plain clothes men entered cowan's apartment right when he was using
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a radio to transmit some messages to tel aviv cohen was caught red handed. his execution in damascus was broadcast live. there is no direct evidence that bodies lukin personally played a part in exposing cohen said it was he who narrowed down the area where the israeli spy was found that he was in the car that scoured the city of course not. bodies lou cain was in damascus at that time people formed his duties as a military signalman and his tour in syria ended in 1965 years that cohen had become a serious adverse or if syria and the soviet union was executed. town without pity . that was what damascus had become so israeli spy be like oh. if you want to see more of it's good watch it's not
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a documentary channel 26 minutes past 8 in the morning that's it for the newsroom so far thank you for your time check in with this is a safe want to keep across any of our stories. by aside throughout the day but for now reporting from moscow for me the team signing off and have a good one. by the demick no certainly no borders just flying through nationalities. as america. we took a backseat. to. judging . commentary crisis like this sometimes. we can do better
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i got this 8 millimeter film purely by accident. time period 963 to 65 place damascus. i don't don't know why young. i've watched it many times a man posing the monuments and all poster of the hollywood premiere of town without pity and a fight in a mock so without bruises. i had my doubts if i should waste my time on this but i came back to that film over and over again tracing
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a sequence of events happening in syria at that time and most of those who worked there a moment on the review. which will see no deal curiosity is like a petrol motion machine it lives on without a lunch break and then suddenly i saw him stop let's take another look now at low speed this is key like cohen a super spy who some consider a national hero and others and evil villain an israeli double o. 7. i need because it's bad for them and they at the. at the on shore still. 50. and no one would ever see this footage if it wasn't for an old acquaintance of mine but collector from st petersburg alexei marco. he has an incredible eye for n.t.
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. he once invited me to his antique shop to show some of the boxes he caught from an apartment on science. it's simple the owners were getting rid of things they didn't need. so for a little while you. yes there was only one word syria they gave the boxes to us they say along with the own video camera they said take it we don't need to get up alone because you both want the it. out don't dump there why young boy and then. you know which show up are often the way many partial or you see order which you move when you come with your video clear for a bar out of them a very large. star when you know them all could use.
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