tv News RT January 16, 2021 12:00am-12:31am EST
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or remain in the shallowest. be a. system. of government. from. the. headlines this saturday morning us democrats are pushing for a ministry of truth is the claim from critics of politicians putting to further gag on line free speech coming up on r t speaks to me the investigative journalist glenn greenwald. he's leading. 1000000000 years of my knowledge and sort of valley and served in a way that they believe is. also in the headlines for you this saturday morning the vast majority of americans across political lines now believe that the country is quote falling apart so we're on to that as well we get reaction to this shock new
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poll that. you know that me that you have rights in the capital you have a president who has been impeached now for you. there is no moral compass. and a shift in vaccine advice in norway as 13 people die after receiving the pfizer but nonetheless the country's drugs agency says it's not a law. good morning welcome to the program from moscow the 16th of january 1 is kevin owen here with the latest from r.t. international for the next 30 minutes for you if you can stick around to go through it 1st the u.s. ministry of truth that's what critics say democratic party lawmakers are gunning for donald trump and thousands of his supporters were kicked off the major social
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media platforms may growing splits in american society then politicians affiliated to president elect joe biden now want to clamp down on anything they brand this information in reports. the congresswoman who is known by her initials is seen as a rising star in the democratic party a o c is all about diversity social justice and protecting civil liberties she communicates with her adoring public primarily through social media with thousands sharing her tweets and live streams everybody has it going why do we need to exchange people's well being and ability to survive for yet another corporate bailout we need to get really growing up our elected officials offices. and demanding believe no holding back there but it seems that now alexandria cortez's a ok with media censorship we're going to have to figure out. how we
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rate in our media environment so that you can't just disinformation and misinformation so bridle the news media and teach people how to properly consume news now you can see where this is heading for a o.c.s. critics let's unpack this proposal she wants to basically establish a ministry of truth we've all read 1904 and you know to determine what is truth and what is not so who sits on this committee exactly i'm curious that she's talking about is fine for a member of congress to blast the media president trump has been known to do that now and again but i don't want some federal commission deciding what is false but what a.o. c. wants the government to do is already being done by social media's gatekeepers donald trump and his closest supporters have been taken off of social media one by one facebook has even banned any reference to stop the steal the catch phrase
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donald trump supporters used when they said they felt the election was rigged against them and they're finding online hangouts to be much harder to come by at this point we've seen twitter's rival parlor drop from the app stores before being shut down by amazon completely twitter c.e.o. jack dorsey was caught on tape suggesting this is just the beginning we know we are focused on one that. is going to be much bigger just on it so focus solely on. well it does but also. a much longer term around just an image over time. i don't believe this is going away and politicians have long been accused of being slow on the digital uptake but they seem to be learning 1st hand who really has the power over what we hear see and read in these increasingly polarized times mean that open conversation is needed more than ever but the billionaires who hold the keys now have 'd all the cards
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they will mop and artsy new york. the dangerous thing in the west is that we are seeing the shift to. a kind of mind control authoritarianism and we are seeing it with our very eyes happening you know as we speak these are the media censorship pressures have intensified in a single week alone because of the new episode which. mainstream media has exploited to a number level extent i couldn't believe what i heard from otherwise serious commentators on foreign affairs or other internal affairs. the criticisms of the storming yes it was very strange episode. but the causes of it and certainly the solutions that they have been proposing which media censorship
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from various types of various levels. go against the very principles. upon which the united states was founded was so that you know the latest episode of o t's on contact chris hedges speaks to investigative journalist glenn greenwald some more about the growing censorship powers of unelected tech executives you can watch whole thing full interview sunday. when. our very much yeah. whatever they want. us to hear is extremely. dangerous and not only. free speech. i was. first. there on their knees pleading with. billionaires an oligarchy and
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monopolist and sort of clown balli to censor in the way that they believe is politically advantageous if you want to go on twitter and post a link to the new york post reporting on which contain a lot of information about what joe biden was doing in ukraine what he was doing i don't have a presidential front runner you couldn't even post a link to a band if he spoke our it lee announced through a longtime democratic party operative now works as a spy are never going to suppress the spread of that story that was stunning intervention on the part of silicon valley let's talk about removing donald trump from social media platforms i think even the shopping was of the shopping network i mean and why that's dangerous a dangerous precedent i've been really interesting. that numerous world
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leader including one famously after known use relationship with president trump stood up and very ounce twitter's decision. to ban president trump from the popular man includes chancellor former oh who is a center right politician with you know trump has argued and bickered almost entire presidency why because they're extremely concerned that these private ackman awfully who they cannot battle the e.u. has been trying to break out to go out and break out they spoke for years and he simply can't do search you are all are also coming from their democracies and they know that it facebook and twitter co-operative trauma from accessing the internet they know it could be done to them as well and to their countries as well if they simply destroy a competing platform at the urging of people a congressman roe conn congresswoman alexander across your test the issue demands
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heard on twitter and within 70. 2 hours are a response from the internet so it doesn't understand why this is so dangerous. our ability to organize on the internet to be heard is concentrated and great number of socom belly our heart still exists from the outside of the realm of democratic accountability to operate no transparency and with no limits. and of what we just have americans of both sides of the political spectrum outside the nation is quote falling apart those findings from the alarming new poll than seems some 80 percent of republicans independents and democrats strongly or somewhat agree with the fact that the point put forward that the country is disintegrating so is that the view on the streets to please a snapshot the country. line of mark.
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you not attend them in the serious things you know about the president. people and you have 400000 individual americans dying from poor coronavirus you have millions of people unemployed you have a business is filing for bankruptcy you have rights in the capital you have a president who's been impeached not once but for you. there is no moral compass. in america and we can't play issues between the current president and the president coming it's not a very. it's a easy switch over i think a kind of what the current here president biden is doing as far as trying to impeach he'll try to tell president it's kind of childish. and corporate america appears to be playing its part in splitting up the countries some of the biggest companies are pulling financial support from anyone just now backs president trump had them with a look at what's branded a logical response to political violence by some and a p.r.
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stunt by others but later in the program. this next though health officials in norway are adjusting their covert vaccination advice after the deaths of 13 out of the people possibly from side effects of been given a dose of the pfizer vaccine all those who died were care home residents aged over 80 it seems that some of these patients get such severe side effects in the form of fever and malays that it can make a very serious illness even more serious which may lead to death norway launched its covert immunization program with the pfizer vaccine in late december and on friday rolled out the maternal vaccine to nursing home residents on the priority list since then 29 people have been reported to have suffered side effects after getting the pfizer but the national medicines regulator insists it's not alarmed by the numbers adding the risks are low except among the most frail of patients and people with underlying health issues experts we spoke to agree the benefits of
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vaccination do outweigh the risks but that caution of the less is needed for the most run vulnerable. but if the authorities in norway believe that there may be a problem it's right to be cautious that vaccine should only ever really be given to people who are fit well in any case if somebody who's seriously well or frail they really got me to think about giving them a back seat i think 5 is a back seat is one of the terms of its effectiveness initially at least seems to be one of the best roxy on the market but how long will it last for remains to be seeing but it is a good vaccine there is nothing wrong with it i don't think it's nothing to worry about i think i think that the scientists and the medical community in norway as well as the world community should look at those depths and see if there's something that they had in common there is
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a concern but i think at this point there and so many people have gotten this vaccine and not had major problems i still haven't seen any legitimate evidence that this vaccination the risk of the vaccination outweighs that then it's at this point. now sorry about this next story of having a breakfast but the cheap healthy nutritious and easy only environment but would that be enough to convince you to add mealworms to your daily diet while the european food safety authority has done research which says they are safe for humans to eat it's now up to e.u. members to decide whether or not the beetle luvvie can be. spirit european food safety just a risk assessment of a new suit doesn't all food going to be the way for the 1st e.u. word approval or risk of dilution is a disservice if the necessary step in the regulation of normal foods by supports and policymakers in the e.u.
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in making science because decisions and ensuring the safety of consumers so if it helps to work your appetite the un's food and agriculture agency says insects are a good source of protein and fiber moreover the big benefit as you just saw there for the planet is that their production causes far less greenhouse gas emissions it's more sustainable and it's also much lower risk of the spread of human to animal diseases as of course we've seen rather animal to human diseases as we've seen with covert of late so far so good that but research has point to inconclusive studies which still leave something of a sour taste more works apparently lead they say on allergies for a star like many insects meal worms contain chitin which is perfectly safe for most of us to eat it's also found in shellfish which of course is a big no no for some allergic diners but perhaps it's another rig which might put off some more sensitive european pellets there are cognitive reasons derived from
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our social and cultural experiences the so-called yuck factor that makes the thought of eating insects repellents to many europeans with time and exposure is such entities can change lower costs and prices could enhance food security and new demand will open economic opportunities to but these could also affect existing sectors nicaea and talk to campaigners on sustainable farming poverty and animal rights to see if they have any beef about eating bugs. and it's it's good that the european regulators say it's safe but that doesn't mean say it's right or sustainable in my opinion and i know this is controversial i think we're much better off eating the animals which can graze the pastures which predominates in europe and aligning on top with sustainable production systems that's the crucial thing it's not about the cows it's about how well they would move into insects or whether they would be tempted to just produce meat cheaper and cheaper and the cost
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would be cruelty to land was more negative impact farmland and i think that's an area where i'm concerned it would be better for a younger welfare wonder if you don't charles ours and his. new found only will. from a just a welfare perspective to better themselves rather than ask for one ticket but for a. claim or suspect it's the worst roza trade off to work you know but we have to devote consumption i don't think that's right actually i think that a lot of environmentalist think the cow is worse but the environment recent research oxford university has suggested that the calculations that could agriculture organization the u.n. organization has made about the contribution that ruminant and what that's cows and sheep make s'mores climate change is being exaggerated so actually if we factor in the way it which house grazing pasture could contribute towards locking up carbon
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into soil that cancels out then we think that missions cows may even be carbon positive and therefore part of the solution if we want to eat a sustainable diet give me a grasp read. any time over bill we've got to 'd realise it population globally we have. about food security we have that you really should . around the supply of water going forward we have to keep in mind that the number of insects killed for letting her kill grown food is we're higher saw in the case of me worried might be a little bit different because i mean we're not quite as intelligent as other insects such as but in c. in c. and many more insects in the let's say one cow which can lay your several 100 of your grandmother's meat. u.s.
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corporations or pull financial support from politicians who spoken out in favor of president trump of late tell the looks of the motives behind their moves. don't trump free fall from the american president to enemy number one is always complete but it turns out guilty by association too if you voted for trump you voted for the person who claimed supported you voted for the person who nazis support you voted for the person who the all right supports that's the crowd that you're in apart from being heckled is that not free having a trump sign a new yard might cost you your twitter account but for lawmakers on the hill loyalty to the president has come at a much higher price over we're not yet making contributions at this point in the election cycle political action committee will not support any member of congress who ignores these principles of democracy including those who voted to decide to
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fire the electoral college results for some it was news that might even donated to the red tape and they did 150000 dollars in 2020 while the democrats got handed over a 1000000 so besides being a monster crossan jumping on the wagon nike's move was also a monster class in forgetting that when your going to take the moral high ground you better make sure you will clean as some whistle yourself nike uses slave labor politicians should be refusing their donations like anyone cares nike got rich off the backs and sweat of child labor and pittance wages in asia all good americans should refuse to support them or accept any donations from them and you also better make sure you're consistent i'm sure that the osa guts of donations to the democrats that objected to the electoral college vote in 2016 asking for a friend after the 200-2004 until 1016 elections democrats cried
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foul and contested the outcomes as is that constitutional right. don't remember nike pulling its millions than that's because it didn't and neither did any of the dozens of other companies that have now decided the constitution is wrong and republicans need to be taught a lesson disney wal-mart and be amazon and general electric morgan stanley the list goes on some have even gone a step further and asked for a refund take josh hawley to fossella to commit to objecting he's been asked by greeting cards giant who mark to pay back past donations season's greetings seditionist we want our money back who has also been called on to resign and had a contract for an upcoming book canceled counseling being something holy is generally not a fan of this could not be more william let me be clear this is not just a contract dispute it's
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a direct assault on the 1st amendment only approved speech can now be published this is the left looking to cancel everyone they don't approve of we'll never know of course but i'm guessing that if trump was still on twitter around about now wads which would probably be making 8 caps lock parents it's. unparalleled to see the democrat party acting like such sore winners instead of celebrating and instead of moving forward with their agenda they've instead become even more slightly and nastier than they were during the 4 years of term if this is what a 20 like everyone should be terrified their mission now is and engines and blood and i think people are rightly scared you know these people have absolutely the entire media and big tech industrial complex in their pockets and all i can d.b.l. them all a big business and they won the election all bets are off. the
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entire dutch government is resigned over scandal in which thousands of families were torn apart after being wrongly accused of child benefit fraud administrative errors so heavy handed tax officials go off to have souls mistakenly forced into significant welfare payments china japan scheme opponents it is already ringback a case of basic nation it to me that the king in the netherlands and that report said that it was both the government that he presided over at this time but also the previous route it ministration that will partly responsible for what happened now this all began back in 2012 when parents were guarded disposed despite attacks dorothy said mrs because they had sometimes just incorrectly filled out documents i went to one particular pool the same some people who missed signatures all those who are pools now strange the a note was found released that had dual nationality it seemed to be with god it is
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a suspicion at just because that fact at one point presenting about $600.00 all the family say that they split ethnic profiling now didn't move was being implemented it was said it was called with an eye cool meaning in you can't whip sick people well in individual circumstances to families laws that they are allowing sometimes with. no reason given to him and the families who already received benefits from being held to them for the money to be paid back down thousands and thousands of families impacted as we mentioned but the toll for many of these posts that this false accusation demands from claims essentially just to watch the enormous strain was one of the reasons i got divorced the tax office is very powerful without going to judge they dry you out they came to my house into my refrigerator they took away my car they took 40 percent of my salary under the pressure of an overheated political need to fight fraud parents were falsely branded as willful fraudsters
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the victims were powerless against powerful institutions of the rule of law and did not receive the protection they deserved while laugher to his simple baucus in chief stops we his co did ministration but he's not only made me pay to get m.p. into pap's a new coalition is fully back in the building full of those elections again but he's also going to form a new home team leader despite the fact that he says that he is shaking the belief that this scandal could send the old lady costuming home property just like we don't presided over the scandal in the journal rightly so the good minute resigns innocent people have been criminalized their lives destroyed and the house has been incorrectly and completely informed about this but it's some believe bill if those responsible continue being party leaders well margaret just says he will be staying on and that can take a capacity in order mainly to maintain the situation surrounding $1000.00
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pandemic we felt the need to step down because of the extreme seriousness of the report by the bottom of the committee which has just started and thorley and in-depth what happened and we came to the conclusion that it's an affordable and that we stepped down and at the same time. that we are still capable we think with full support of parliament we respectfully ask or to support requests for to support him we think we will get it of course within the parameters of all the debates and discussions you will have with bottom and and to be effective in fighting took on a crisis well he's an immediate response ability and he did seem contrite in that press conference all friday afternoon and so far his party still is polling high ahead to elections in 'd moscow but it is yet to be seen how this scandal crucially might impact that. shala dubinsky wrapping up the bulletin for now that's it so far
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this saturday on next programs for you and your part the world here after the break thanks for watching r.t. international for me in the team have a great rest of the week. so movers as soon as you see. she's going to memphis mccomb give you more. number. given those you just can't stand up with if you care that oh. antarctica is a very international community i. mean in your story the trick is you don't need to . do this to the kids who face this. need to eat.
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for the position of the world food system the business for their nuclear cooperation in antarctica is everything refuse to believe that we live in front of t.v. with 3 of the above the. 5 they have i would have acted all day but i decided not to take his place. would make it again telling you this. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation community. are you going the right. play or are you being led. what is true. is.
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there's a move. on. there's a medium on jelly bean there's a new me i'm on ice cream how level we don't have a medium want to do have trinity why not so that is that is what i'm pushing pushing society to create. it will be a laboratory. gamble actually have. well you can go. there any president could. be. anything given enough. you have one. care. and you pick your back. from the.
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