tv Cross Talk RT January 18, 2021 6:30am-7:01am EST
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yes that's a very good question. and this patriot act $2.00 that seems to be in the woods is really not so much a response to what happened on january the 6th but a response to the election i mean it's an election that will be disputed in the coming year as much as the 2016 election was disputed pretty much throughout the trunk is so i think this is a preemptive attack all the dispute that is going to take place during the next 4 years i think i think the the biden people have real questions of legitimacy hanging over them i think we have a presidency that no one really wanted a year ago that nobody in his right mind would have believed that by this really we cracked it sort of figure that popular with his own with his own party will become
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the president of the united states so i think it's a response to that. but i think that it's really going to be a very dangerous situation because this. as the original patriot act was was an attack on the muslims on a bet various to send this out who are deemed to be sympathetic the muslims the figures on the left this is going to be a little all embracing attack but i think what will be seen as the opposition to the incoming democratic administration and i think all of the abuses that we saw during the patriot act originally will be here and then some which means mass of valence these constant attempts by the f.b.i. to uncover the terrorist plots but which in fact will be plots that will. they
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actually instigated by the editing and the very quite a dangerous attack on civil liberties in america the irony that george is that you know at least as we're speaking right now there appears to have been a number lapses of judgment an assessment by the f.b.i. and the intelligence state so what are we going to do we're going to reward them with more power and more money and more. leeway to be able to now a spy in surveil american citizens glenn let me go to you because it seems to me that you know this is a this much more of a political dynamic all of this year because all of us have seen some of the footage of the events that happened on the count that will discuss it it's all obviously here and but within a few hours the narrative what it instead of a riot it was an insurrection and it was driven by white supremacists which fits
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very much into the ideology that the democratic party and its allies push during the election so this is just an extension of it go ahead. just to be clear the capitol hill. could use and could have been avoided by simply having additional security at that specific location to target those specific people who are breaking the law so this need for expanding the security state where is the picture sort of the picture docs 2.0 is not nearly really necessary and imo i agree that this is a hostile political significance in the coaster because 2 years of the polarizing to great extent and what you would hope to see at this point would be to find some unity instead you see now one side gaining power to targets down their side now seems dramatic. as you pointed to this as well as the terms to be used after the
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capitol hill this is hyperbolic terms coup attempt so the white supremacy domestic terrorism these are words that actually have meaning it could have to go point was there any chance of the government being told and having a regime change with the military operations supporting it it was a few 100 to nothing he says who already in 5 who are fighting only darkie enjoy said he was not i don't knows not sure well just how to do with race at all to be honest and also the domestic terrorism of this was not aimed against the civilian population or spread fear along population in order to promote political goals it was just these terms are not accurate i didn't know they're not suitable for this. time so why don't you. go through what they're using it now is to paint a very broad brush across all conservatives we see in this through the media and also to politicians speaking so effectively the argument is that. all americans who
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enabled the capitol hill an abstract be held accountable that is and when they will trump so all some to 5000000 voters the conservative party and this is the. problem because when you consider your pool of political opposition as enemies democracy merely because you know 51 percent dominating to 400 percent and that's a problem to say fish are which are true you give them a special tool through a course terminal or a course of authority or those other 49 percent and they get the conservatives our house in a few no racists who apologist domestic terrorists. this really has taken on a very dark turn especially considering the price of detect oligarchs see how much power they have this will be something the really the cross and republicans are calling the interesting countering instead you see the democrats not sitting down a very powerful tool enough i think often are from just a mystic terrorism wish again the problem of terrorism
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a very loosely defined concept and decides in the trough you see it being much more loosely defined you know george the that the left just can't let go can that they just they're obsessed with him here so you know he's on his way out in the matter in a matter of. their focus will remain on him because not only do they want to make his personality and personal life oxic and they've gone a long way towards that they want to make anyone that was are in his orbit and eventually anyone supporting him so it's still all about trump bait can't let him go and i i have a beary about is that what as they go into power there progressive's and the old elites in the democratic party they have a lot of differences among them it's be very difficult it's a very wily coalition because the only thing that kept it together was drum so trump is going to keep them together while they're in how. well i think that the so they thought of it but i think they make
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a pot of it is that 2 there are real questions about 1 the legitimacy of this governor granted these people who are now in power really have no. mandate i mean biden ran a vacuous election promising nothing other than mandating mosques for everyone so there is a real fear that trump will come back and that the that trump who is able to do something that no democrat is able to do he's able to generate enormous enthusiasm i mean when they see these crowds 506070000 who show up for trump rallies when you know the hof a 1000000 people so. arrived in washington on january the 6th they are afraid of that because they know they themselves supposedly there on the left you know their people helping the working man they're not able to generate that kind of enthusiasm so that's why they need to crush that opposition to them which i mean it's that it
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exists and it's going to come back in 2024 1 so what they're hoping for is to demoralize demonize that opposition so that they they will remain in power that's why it's important for them to crush trump himself because although they may be younger people they love like some of the younger set of this like josh foley who may want to tap into that trunk be a movement they have a feeling that he trump himself who is only able to generate that enthusiasm without trump the movement will dissolve and i think that's why it's so important for them to to cross it and whether through they said trial in the senate then subsequent legal challenges and the so that is that the trump himself would just be so toxic that the movement itself will dissolve it plain and basically agreeing with george cherish the grievances of these people will not change i mean maybe you
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know trying to what degree or another he'll be in the picture we don't know yet here but it's seems to me again going back on how they're going to frame and implement this war on. state terrorism is it it seems to me if i can stick with my my honey a logical point here is this is a frontal attack on any kind of populist movement this is they do not want this set have a populist movement it has traction they could have a leader like it had in donald trump and maybe as george has pointed out another person you know that this is a way to nip it in the bud now because they have and nothing is being resolved the grievances of these 70 plus 1000000 people are still there nothing's changed headline it is i think it's thing that signed the wrong conclusion on folks from fernandez felt here mirchi was able to social learned the people always he's propaganda and when they get for him to movement will die while they don't forget his book trump is largely
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a symptom you have she reasonable grievances social economic grievances of. middle america where you have a lot of problem has been building up for a long time being nothing addressed now the. problem of focusing so much has been that they're never really took this in and realized that so how can we address their grievances in a better more healthy way instead they say no these people are deplorable they're racists they're back course they know also terrorists apparently where we need to do something about them so by remote you know this impeachment trial i fear is they're making a martyr out of him and. and will was going to learn you know this would further radicalize many and also by painting just the one who might have ordered him to be a radical. it could it would only contribute to extending the movement but again if you look at the. economic nationalist ideas addressing this grievances there are something in his political platforms that hoss real appeal and it's worth to
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address that yes he's follow mouth probably not the prettiest personnel to you come across but if you don't really address. all 64 were just all on his or terrorist you don't call it germany or we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news day in our city.
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out just you can't get educated and engaged with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. nuclear power become a battleground in the u.s. in vermont people love demanding the shutdown of a local plant. yankee is right now my focus because it's a very dangerous. power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limit this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on where's the power in this country where is it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of
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a traditional participatory democracy is or power lies with the people this case demonstrates that the struggle is very real ways now a struggle on r.t. . welcome back to cross talk we're all things are considered on peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news. ok let's go back to george in budapest you know it's switch gears here we know that joe biden is. very fond of europe he likes the old ways the the cold war in the in the immediate period after the end of the cold war and all through the obama administration here so george the way i look at it the way that you know he's got to be team from the obama administration in the a.t.m.
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and don't bomb them ministration was pretty dismal but now they've got to be team and victoria nuland back is back apparently to hear so joe biden in the least a few words that he has uttered and i don't speak too many more words for the next 4 years wants to. reset meaning go back to 2016 when with his relation with the u.s. his relationship with europe is that even possible right now and what kind of relation could it be. why you're absolutely right 2 it is exactly. the restoration the hope of a restoration of the status quo and save. 3 where they can come back from his is a really difficult question because it all depends on what this biden team will want to do and how the europeans will react to it because if the biden team will
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want to remind you the fights in the middle east if it wants to. continue with its policies in the ukraine the ones that which were. conducted by the obama people which was antagonizing russia and again through nato expansion antigun i think russia that i think the europeans may well look back on the trunk be as being not raise such bad for all i mean the gate trunk was a very rude disruptive sort of person on the other hand they weren't all that bad and he didn't make that any demands on the european into i mean a bubble he wasn't asking them to getting involved in you was and that's what's the problem folks europe that the united states is going to stop all sorts of new was and then the euro has to really pick up the pieces as a consequence whether through refugee flows but the through terrorism is also that
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didn't happen on the trunk that they think they should they should suddenly worry about you know whether this is going to happen now with the bike and you know claim one of the interesting things about been during the drive been ministration within europe is that you had mccrone and marigolds actually talking about the what is the nature of. the e.u. sovereignty what kind of foreign policy it should have what kind of military posture it should now because that was the during a time of turbulence with the united states which obviously these those questions and to be addressed as you have this turbulent relation across the atlantic now with joe biden coming back is that conversation going to stop in europe and the europeans it does going to get back in the lap of the americans because of things have changed what will you that were at the end of last year which got very little news coverage is that the european union sign a huge investment deal with china and china is going to play probably the most important role on the global stage for the next house century here and the
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europeans in least made an initial choice in december and many will say that was the gist but you do decide to use the united states because of the europeans how could one way or another have some kind of sovereign foreign policy or they're going to be irrelevant. and i'm glad you mentioned that investment because i think that's our isis relationship perfectly because much of the cobbling together before talk with obama had only intensified on the topic lost a lot of ink relationships simply because of the by the smar on his speech and it's softer less are going to. reach more at least because some of those something called blue will continue as before because the u.s. will demand more in return for security guarantees and the e.u. will see a pretty strong from the u.s. and that is many reasons for this but i know a big one now is distrust of china demonstrates that the e.u. and u.s. interests are they coming to a greater extent because the u.s.
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now has to prioritize asia europe this is where its main strategic rival is located then the u.s. will then have to demand more solidarity from there in which i think the answer should fall in line under mr tall but if the europeans now they want more strategic autonomy you know where the u.s. power is and wrote this. need to be an independent polo power and then that requires them to engage china separately. and take some of this coming relations of the us u.s. and e.u. i think that this investment deal is perfect example because this is a sure to investment to really hear shine your side not just before mine takes office and americans were perplexed. to us a little slow why not wait until i was here but if the what are we for by then by the would have had to do care are you course europeans not just firing off and it would have about started the relationship to saddam do you buy this percentage was the new reality of the year taking into and into china so i can either accept it or
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h.n. continue the sanctions them again i don't want the same logic goes for the north stream too they also finish it before my dad takes office. because now they can effectively say this hold is until european sanctions by the americans we can say that was just a future shock and we can continue the way it was before so this is a fact you are just signaling to the american system of what we want to have and all 6 horse. which or china also a lesser extent draw shot them up we want to have good relations with you as well just the reason why this was done before i could change them and you could argue benefits both sides you know george one could make could make the argument because of the cool relationship. that drum towards europe because trump saw them as competitors and they are economically their competitors ok let's face it ok and the europeans through in the postwar era i got really cozy trade deals with the united states for being our own the washington consensus well the european
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union's economy is bigger than the united states ok it has a very well well educated workforce and when they follow the dictates of american foreign policy well they have a. migration crisis of an unbelievably go back to 2000 did gene here and as you just pointed out you know they're not interested in these. middle east wars anymore there by the american people and but then by the ministries will probably act differently as usual here. this turbulent relationship actually was helping the europeans i would say because it showed that they have options i think so too and i think it's. always high time for a reassessment both in the in the united states and in the european union all this transatlantic relationship it was all to fish will create during the cold war years but at least you can always keep it together as a 00 the terrible threat of the soviet union but you know once they will soak back
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dissolved it became less and less justifiable that these 2 entities europe and the united states should be held together by this entirely artificial alliance is over and really it was constant need to justify its existence and that's why it became a source of instability because you know with you know they too had to continue to justify its existence by manufacturing crises in order to keep itself going so whether it was in georgia crane or in the middle east it was always oh well this is this is why we need some artificial relationship but of course. somebody like trump was always bound to come along and say well actually you know we americans what are we getting out of all of this we subsidize your military. and we run a massive trade deficit which means that jobs are being exported from the united
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states and so what exactly i mean way way is the threat what's what why are we doing this and i think that you know there are there is unfortunately a very powerful transatlantic establishment that existed off think then and then brussels and they naturally fall back again strength is a. at that probably happy now that he's got that we can go back to the to the old days in america subsidizes barratry 'd you know me and we just didn't get to do what we want and have you know conferences every couple of years in which we congratulate one another yeah i mean the generous word is gravy train but the reality is grant's news when it is ok glenn let me mention china here and and after 4 years but have a prostitute relationship and at the end of last year we have these big investment you know i mean these are the europeans kind of drawing a line in the sand and saying we know we can go our own way i mean what what can
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you give us what do we get out of this deal here because if you look at public opinion polls year and in and year out in germany for example the majority of majority of germans would like american treat troops to leave 75 years out in the 2nd and in the 2nd world war i mean what kind of standing does europe china right now considering what kind of people go by and will have been around him again considering the relationship they had from. well that's one of the most interesting european turmoil and for us again keep in mind that when that process was undergoing to overthrow you on a course in ukraine's new limbs you know that the phone call she was explaining what the regime for trying to put in place to replace a longstanding general and her message in terms alter the use role be in terms of this putting together an accord government ospel s.b.u. . her perspective some buses that are also arrested are nicely and well i
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guess for from my perspective the main the main problem is after the cold war the west transition because it was no longer necessary to defend against the soviet union but rather became as a grouping for collective head money that is the us needed the europeans to have cement unocal moment all the europeans were also advancing this also within the transatlantic format seeking strategic autonomy that is it equality with the united states and this is this is largely what all 3 interest to gether i think now that the unocal are coming to an end and you have emergence on your powers for the us is simply to follow the us is always problematic cause us are going to be our competitors are they also have this common interest they will remain competitors in many fields all they have to colonies becoming a some less and so you have the structural incentives for them to koplovitz of course also the popular sentiments to wipe out the used source united states and it is a paradox that the americans are most important security allies still every year they
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do polls to find out almost all america's allies see the u.s. as the greatest threat to international stability so this contradiction is has to be addressed some points you know in general than if you know what you hear but i guess you know this new relationship needs the united states will continue this be no different from is going to decide and be like poland in hungary because of their experiments. as the americans will continue to meddle in european. politics won't let anyone that interferes in america. like a british citizen in 2016. yes no there's no question that that will be. part of the american gender to take a leader. and to the lincoln who has a family connection with hungary with his father was a former ambassador. run out of time you know i want to thank my guests and also look and in budapest i want to thank our viewers for watching us your r.v.
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number. of those who just came up with a ticket in your show that. antarctica is a very international community. media used to do you have to. do this. because this. indeed. those who pushed them of the world food used to cook a brazil through butter nuchal through. is everything produced polluted with it. to do with. the. 5 they have and with effect ago they decided not to take this life. with i gave you this.
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new become a battleground in the us in vermont people of demanding the shutdown of a local plant from yankee is right now my focus because it's a very dangerous oh no claire power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limits this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on where's the power in this country where's it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is or powerline with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in the very real ways our struggle. backs geysers survival guide let's stay single malt and going to start fiddling at the surface. be sure it's still there are you going to get it back. oh heck no it says
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a repatriation scheme will get the rest in 7 years. though if the separate bad guys are in for. and. in the day's headlines russia expands its vaccination program with the ambitious goal of vaccinating over the country's population by the end of the year. the 2nd batch of sputnik the arrives in argentina that has demand for the russian vaccine against kobe stories across latin america. and hawks circle over the white house as president elect joe biden taxes state department with obama era better.
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