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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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it's like. i gave you the. russian sub his code vaccine program aiming to immunize more than half the country's population why the end of the year. following a wave of allergic reactions california holds covert vaccinations for mates patch jobs. bottom packed this state department with obama era veterans some with a checkered record when it comes to military interventions.
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live from moscow thanks for joining us here on our to international. welcome to the program. russia is cranking up its covert 19 vaccination program the aim is to get 60 percent of the population are not collated this year with more here's auntie's constant cough. the vaccination point here is up and running and as you can see people are lining up for the nakul ation i think there are at least a few dozen here but before i give you a quick tour around here let me take a moment and just to point out that this is probably the nicest place in moscow right now to take a jap i mean after all this is a russia's iconic most famous department store right in the heart of russia's capital now let's get inside. all right we're in so this is the reception desk morning and this is where you need to show your passport and that's about all you need to do to get a vaccine here the entire procedure should take around 45 minutes so 1st doctors
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need to verify you're in good health you're feeling well and then if you qualify for the an occupation then you should follow to that room over there i'm fine i just have a nature throat perhaps you just need to drink some water yeah i'll read you have i feel better now. are you have you already thought about how your life will change once you develop antibodies. i hope it will change because i work in a museum we have lots of visitors so i hope my life will get better. i thought it was hurts more after the injection because this vaccine is supposed to be more serious than a flu job but i feel no difference it's just like every of the scheldt the cerebrum i decided to get the job awhile ago i was just waiting for the opportunity honestly i should have been inoculated in the local clinic but i just wanted to speed up the process because i want to be immune as quickly as possible. you know my husband and
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my friends took the job i have no reservations so i want to get it as soon as possible i think the more people that get it the great. it will have that in the end this is where they are getting the vaccines to the people and the lady over here and she's just getting ready to receive a vaccine that you got please they're just going to say they need see i didn't know what show was day yet. you know that our eyes are she's about to get the vaccine but she is. i think is he asked about that by the way this metal box over here at this is where all the dough was are being kept the temperature is minus 35 degrees celsius and that's what you need for the spot nicky by the way there are 2 vaccines that are available in russia right now 1st one called sputnik b. then there is another one called epi corona both are developed by russian scientists according to russia's health care officials the main goal right now is
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to develop herd immunity before the next fall because the jewish certainly it would love to have everyone get the shot and thus have no problem so far we have not been able to me nice people on such a scale from any type of infection but the fact that 4 will be able to get 60 percent of the overall population in the uk you late it in just the 1st year is a big achievement mass vaccination started in russia last december and according to those in charge are rolling out the job. there are over 1000000 people here he have been already taken a job health care it essential workers for the 1st to receive the vaccine and now they're trying to expand the list to get more and more people involved russia's health care minister said that the country is planning to run public scene distribution in other regions by another 2000000 doses of spotted me. while health officials in california have issued warnings over about sort of covert about scenes from the farm of john mcdonogh as after
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a series of allergic reactions in america's most populous state there has the details. vaccinations are in full swing in the state of california but from what we understand at this point the mcgurn of vaccine injections they are being halted and this is due to higher than usual adverse effects take a listen to what's going on in california fewer than 10 individuals who required medical attention over the span of 24 hours we are recommending that provide its use of the availability accident density and pulls the administration of vaccines and field investigation by the centers for disease control and prevention food and drug administration now down and the state is complete now all the incidents are said to have happened at the same community clinic and they are reportedly this clinic was closed for several hours after adverse reactions to the vaccine now what we're hearing from the state epidemiologist of california is saying that less data
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exists on adverse reactions to the mother and a vaccine and that modern a is now reviewing the incident but it is rare for vaccines to trigger serious side effects now it's important to note that back in december there was an incident in boston where a physician he received the vaccine and within minutes started having adverse health effects allergic reactions that was back in boston so that incident is being looked into so when it comes to the state of california the numbers are worth looking at we've got 2900000 cases of coded 193-3392 deaths so far daily deaths are in the hundreds from coded 19 this is how hospitals are dealing with it. i've been here 21 years and i've seen more people passed away in the past week. in the past couple of weeks really than i'd almost hate combined in all of my career
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as a nurse you just see them die they just die and then they fight dying and it's. so sad. yes i'm angry yes i'm upset but the only thing that we can do is 'd give them the reality of the situation which is this there is no room inside the hospital that we are making tens outside the hospital. now millions of americans are quite anxious for this pandemic to reach its conclusion so the vaccine is believed to be very key in that so basically any news
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about adverse effects are allergic reactions to the vaccine is something people take very seriously but at the moment vaccinations are in progress not just in california but around the country many hoping that things in the united states can start to move toward some notion of normality infectious diseases freshest william schaffner what's the see a full investigation into the cluster of reactions in california. we know that these m. or in a bank scenes are associated with more allergic reactions the last number i saw from the c.d.c. was 11 such reactions for every 1000000 doses so still rather rare but a groupie in one clinic that deserves further investigation did something unusual happened in that clinic or wasn't dede it that that vaccines report of adverse reactions gives pause to some people but i think by and large the vaccines
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have been shown to be safe and are wonderfully effective so across the country at the present time we have more demand than we have vaccines and so our program is rolling out and becoming more efficient we're trying to vaccinate more people more quickly a video of a woman suffering convulsions reportedly off the receiving a covert jab in the united states has caused widespread shock warning to fears you might find the following images distressing brant green a film his mother off to feed apparently received a prize a job in early january he claims he didn't suffer suffered from any serious health issues before taking the shot and was the green spoke to r.t. . the day afterwards she woke up with a headache and she's had a headache every day since until today today's the 1st day she hasn't had
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a date but she started noticing the seizure like movements nearly your left leg 1st and it was 3 days afterwards and she was admitted to the hospital before days with she had no control of her legs when she was trying to walk the doctors said they think it's the metals in the vaccine that is causing her to have the neurological reaction. pfizer has said it's launched an investigation thought the 1st time concerns have been raised over the safety of the job norway is currently investigating the deaths of dozens of elderly people who had recently received the fires of axing brought rena says the response there is video suggests what happened his mother isn't unique i've heard of other cases since i shared a video on facebook. thousands and thousands of people message me comment an average myself personally i haven't read all the messages but i writ hundreds of
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them muscle personally if people tell me their stories their daughters or sons their mothers or you know our member members of their family have had reactions share their vaccines our plot of some of them you know had a lot of messages that are negative say and this is your mom or you know you're lying your bigoted comments you know it's it's not really something that are trying to entertain too much i don't know want people wouldn't trust they want to kodak seemed to take away covert status and get back to normal or some alarming new findings on covert patients have been published by researchers in the u.k. according to the reports one in 8 people hospitalized in britain with the virus die of related complications within months of being discharged only one 3rd of patients who recover from the virus are later admitted to hospital and the study also reveals some severe long term effects including heart problems and diabetes he spoke with one of the scientists behind the study. not only does corn
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a virus. cause death and most people emission but there are clear signals here of associations between medium term effects affect in the lungs affecting the heart affecting the liver and also the kidneys and we need to get better at seeing and stratifying who are the people that we need to act ideally we need kind of us attention if we have it we need to make sure that we treat underlying conditions and we're monitoring these people to see if they develop and if they do develop for example diabetes or kidney disease we need to do more research to see how that progresses over time. or with the trump administration heading for the exit many might expect to see some fresh faces in the white house but a number of joe biden's key cabinet picks hark back to the base of his old boss
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especially when it comes to the state department right down to the f. explained. alex with the old and then with the well even older it seems go ahead and flick through do biden state department nominations you'd be forgiven for thinking you'd slipped into a parallel above the presidency there back well almost all of back from the people who brought you look at cash if in libya the bungled war in syria got stuck into the coup in ukraine and brought relations with russia to what they are now well as the chief in waiting puts it this team behind me they embody my core beliefs that america's strongest when it works with the sellers it's a team that reflects the fact that america is back judging by the team's track record now is a good time for innocent civilians and potential collateral casualties around the world to start quaking in their boots because this cabal of liberal bruises seems
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to have much less compunction about dropping bombs than trump ever did such as mr blinken who believes that the us failed in syria because it didn't destroy it enough in syria we made the opposite error of doing too little without bringing appropriate power to bear no peace could be negotiated much less imposed or how about victoria nuland was her tool it's prefer jets and armies and bombs to take out anything that doesn't fit their picture perfect idea of democracy newlands more wily sheen gives in with with cookies and smiles and gets you to trust says you have friend and then says this behind your back. that would be great i think to help glue this thing and to have do you wonder how the glue it and you know you
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america is strongest when it works with its allies biden said. nuland is there to make sure that america doesn't become too strong and keep those allies guessing about who she's trash talking this stuff or take samantha power now slated to take over america's aid agency machine she's good at anything it's making sure that the u.s. doesn't work with other countries to get things done to the assad regime russia and iran 3 member states behind the conquest of and carnage in aleppo you bear responsibility for these atrocities these are the people who helped bring trump to power they are they are part of what voters grew disenchanted with the and lost wool is the endless deaths the endless failures but then again they would expect too much from a biden state department in the words of
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a famous defense secretary if it's foreign policy chances are biden will get it wrong. i think he's been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past 4 decades looks like it's going to be a continuation of a increasingly aggressive us foreign policy that makes sense because that has been the the trajectory that republican and democrat administrations have done over the past several decades and his most recent pick seem to be a continuation of that this is an ongoing thing and that coupled with his his defense department picks a 3rd of whom have major ties to the defense industry all signals are that we are about to see some serious neocon foreign policy problem is that you have this inertia within us foreign policy and there's 2 parts to the inertia one is just the fact that all of the think tanks all of the contractors everyone that is part of
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the military industrial complex is supporting and promoting these types of these types of aggressive war hawks to the state department and the department of defense but there's also something more sinister at play here is the fact that there's an underlying jingoism that is built into us foreign policy and has been for several decades in this jingoism tells us that the u.s. government the u.s. military can go wherever it wants whenever it wants and kill whomever they wish including civilian casualties and that there can be no negative blowback or consequences for if anyone so much as tries to defend themselves there are mediately a terrorist and when that is the over the underlying thought process and better on the founding principle of u.s. military and foreign policy it's going to lead to this type of aggressive posture around the world and it has to end. well as many wonder what biden's foreign policies will be a new poll shows growing support among veterans our military families for the
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withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq and afghanistan more than 2 thirds of our trends are in favor of withdrawing the u.s. military from the countries there's a strong support for the move to for military families the poll also suggests both groups believe the u.s. should be less engaged in conflicts around the world iraq war veteran vincent dimaio isn't exactly shocked by the findings. it's not surprising to me that veterans overwhelmingly want us out of these wars we are the ones who borne the brunt of these occupations and we still live with the ghosts and horrors of those wars and we will for the rest of our lives and it's not surprising to me that many veterans their families and the broader united states has no appetite for war right now this is part of a bigger picture problem for the united states and that is we operate a military empire at a time when the republic is sort of collapsing at home so the united states has major decisions to make in the coming years whether or not it wants to maintain
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a global military empire of over a 1000 military bases or the united states is going to have to choose to take care of people here where i live in the united states and you know break down the empire from abroad. still to come this hour russian opposition figure out x. and a values the taint for 30 days and trial for votto using his poor old story and the ball off to the right. one else seemed wrong. but all roles just don't call. me your world that is yet to stamp out this thing become educated and gain from it because the trail. went something and find themselves worlds apart. just of the
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common ground. the world is driven by dreams shaped by. the cares thinks. we dare to ask. will come back to the program the russian opposition activists that accent about
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only used to spend 30 days in pretrial detention center here in moscow he was arrested for parole violation after flying in from germany away underwent treatment for alleged poisoning he goes off reports. it took the judge several hours to deliver the verdict to the kremlin critic who came back to russia just yesterday from berlin there he was receiving treatment for what he and some western labs called a poisoning by a military grade nerve agent now alexina valmy he was a pretended at the border checkpoint now the thing is back in 2014 he was found guilty of embezzlement and received a suspended sentence with a probation period now while on probation he was supposed to report on his whereabouts to the authorities but when he fell into a coma and was transferred to the german capital for treatment obviously he couldn't do so but at the end of september last year election of ali was released
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from hospital so the authorities here in russia they expected to hear from him which they didn't this is why they are saying they put him back on the wanted list and this is why they're saying they are demanding that the suspended sentence is swapped for a real one for this opposition figure now this whole detention and this whole process sparked an outcry in the west starting from the secretary the u.s. secretary of state might bump a 0 to the chief of nato u.n. stoltenberg to france and some other european nations all calling on the kremlin to immediately release alexina volley in fact the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov had to answer a few questions about this whole situation during a media conference he held earlier today so here's how he commented on the situation. room no values cases got so much undue international political everything that happens to the valley regarding his return in detention is the
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business of law enforcement agencies we are talking about enforcing russian laws if in some of the countries simplemente should have their own laws is considered to be of secondary importance to achieving some geopolitical. goals this is there are problems in our case law enforcement agencies have made their position clear. because so for alexina valmy the next hearing issue to take place on the 29th of january and the authorities the prosecution will be looking and will be demanding a real sentence this time. well germany has condemned the arrest and urged russia to probe the valleys alleged poisoning in turn russian prosecutors have repeated their complaints of berlin but it's failed to provide the necessary data to back up their accusation the russian authorities say they sent 15 legal requests of those german he complied with to the transcripts of interviews with his wife. still waiting for medical files biomaterials on
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a german research that led to the novel shocked agnes's a spokesman for the russian prosecutor's office expressed doubt that germany and other western countries actually want to get to the bottom of what happened. and get a warning about germany has taken a formal approach in responding to russia's requests and in fact has not provided anything which could shed light on the alleged poisoning it seems that the clear intention of our foreign colleagues is to conceal the true circumstances of the incident in order to continue with the unfounded accusations against russia. out of the headlines an avalanche has been buried a part of a ski resort in southern russia rescue a captured this video showing the moment disaster struck in the caucasus mountains as people try to flee the slopes one person has been confirmed dead and 2 others are still missing a major search operation will resume at 1st light 6 people have been rescued so far . a group of around $7000.00 u.s.
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power migrants has been stopped in guatemala the human care about which is mostly comprised of people from honduras is said to be fleeing poverty at home where the situation has declined sharply due to the pandemic and moderates were met with truncheons and tear gas by security forces several people were injured. or violent protests erupted in the netherlands over the weekend against a coronavirus knocked out police used water cannons to disperse them. thracian arrest that around 100 people in december the government shut down schools and most shops in response to a spike in cases last week looked on was extended by a further 3 weeks. to musea has been gripped by nationwide riots over the country's deepening economic crisis 600 people were arrested on sunday night according to the interior ministry soldiers have been deployed in several
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cities to contain the rest. we're going to leave you now with a deep freeze taking hold in central asia resulting in some spectacular sights all these drone images from captured guard reservoir in kazakstan this year it froze over earlier than usual reservoirs fed by a river and in flowing river ice causes compression effect that pushes the sheets of ice up against each other causing the surface to crack on the theme of ice are the documentary heads to the world's coldest continent antarctica next to visit some penguins and scientists are back in half an hour with the headlines join us again then in the meantime enjoy the view.
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nuclear become a battleground in the u.s. . and people are demanding the shutdown of a local plant. yankee right now my focus because it's a very dangerous. power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limit this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on where's the power in this country where is it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy as powerline with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in very real ways a struggle. 2
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on december the 1st $959.00 the world decided it needed somewhere with no weapons no laws no bulldoze on exploitation of human body human. an ideal community of free people only ever engaged in peaceful activities.
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there are others it's not a decent an amazing place. amazing people. but the people who come here are really quite often. it's only after they've lived here even for a short time that people become special. because this is a place that changes everyone who visits. so it is a study to see if a. lot of the food you've been able to shoot. people. for.
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is. going to push. many different languages are spoken but the people all understand each other very well. some even talk to the animals and birds and commune with nature itself. the old get along. but also for the state and the from earth your fish serves for the curious as much o'shaughnessy to your for you much for the sort of shift evolution i might as he has for those who speak but don't shit on the keep it just for you so yeah you'll be sitting.


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