tv Keiser Report RT January 19, 2021 3:30am-4:00am EST
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amid the covert 1000 pandemic and the drag on the economy from these failures could be huge this we've of silent failures uncounted in part because real time data on small business is notoriously scarce and because owners of small firms often have no debt and thus no need for bankruptcy court. yeah this is curious what sticks out is that they're not tracking this information so the small businesses are the lifeblood of the economy is like saying i'm it's like saying the country decided not to keep track of its children right it's like saying we have 10 kids but they want our off one day and we found out a year later that they all died. but we don't care because we were busy doing whatever was watching netflix or something so it's interesting especially down in the era of big data and pervasive data and surveillance capitalism where these same companies that are benefiting by the extermination of
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a small firms can tell you how many nose hairs you have in your left nostril at any given moment and can tell you what your earwax tastes like jeff bezos is probably tasted more earwax than any executive we know in america today because he's got a fetish he should know that the small businesses that he's putting out of business will ultimately kill his customers but wait he doesn't care are. yeah right and i guess that's kind of old fashioned in a way we haven't emerged from the 1900 century when people used to have 1015 kids because half of them would die from all the diseases that we can now treat so now we have to have 10 or 15 companies because most of them are going to be killed off by a local police or monopolies that then use some of their ill gotten gains to finance political that one of the 2 political parties allowed and then of course they get the laws passed to put these people out of business so while the businesses are small individually the collective impact of their failures could be substantial
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firms with fewer than $500.00 employees account for about 44 percent of all u.s. economic activity according to a u.s. small business administration report and they employ almost half of all american workers again like everybody is on lockdown there are rent and mortgage moratoriums now being extended to may 1st in some locations like in new york city a o.c. was just bragging how they've extended the rent so you don't have to pay your rent you haven't had to pay your rent since march and most places and now you don't have to pay until may 1st in manhattan but of course that means like the person who owns the home or the property isn't getting paid as well but there's no compensation for them. so you see this playing out in the number so no no country for small businesses here small factor brick and mortar retail meltdown in stunning manhattan style years before and now during the pandemic store rents had already plunged amid surging vacancies then in spring the market froze when
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a thaw it rents dropped to 10 year lows 13 charts by quarter i'll just tell you that the area near trump tower so madison avenue 57th street a 472nd street and rents are down 54 percent so you know manhattan's famous for shopping right and it's because it doesn't have those huge malls it's all like boutique shops it's really interesting locations but it's rents are collapsing because the tenants are moving out they're going bankrupt all right so i mean we've talked about this in the past in terms of being medieval islam and we have the church at that time crew had a monopoly on heaven and would hand out these people indulgences for people who they deemed worthy and nobody could argue with that or else they would be crucified . and then we had the enlightenment and we had adam smith and we had free market capitalism and that was
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a short 200 year experiment because now we're back to this medieval model where instead of people indulgences from the pope we now have the money indulgences printed at the fed with the high priests like a yo see jerome powell and janet yellen so we're back to medieval ism and that's why i think it's correct to refer to the unwashed masses in america and elsewhere around the world who are participating in the global insurrection against banker occupation as peasants we have peasants that would be billions of people around the world and that would include about 200000000 americans and that number is growing almost exponentially because the high priests of the money printers believe that you must pay almost to their saintliness and godliness or they won't give you their free money oh it's so cozy a lot of times when you put corporations together with government poc recy
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it takes all other forms and names like. body specialist. and corporatism and fascism yes indeed well i then have another headline about what small business is looking at going into the future of 2021 is somebody has to pay is jeff bezos going to pay now amazon's not going to pay they've never paid taxes they don't pay taxes and decades that's how that's why jeff bezos is once again the richest man in the world. is no longer richer than he has that's why these huge corporations all the wall street banks they they paid less than 10 percent in tax rates because of all the write offs are able to so somebody has to pay for all this free money somebody has to pay for these rent moratoriums somebody has to pay. for all this right well small businesses freaking out about surging taxes under biden so this is
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a a quarterly report report that has been going on since the 1970 s. is the n f i b small business optimism index slumped by $5.00 points to $95.00 so this is december's report and this is the 1st month since donald trump lost can decisively everybody knows he lost so their optimism slumped. to 95.9 falling below the average index value since 1973 of 98 and missing expectation of a triple digit print 9 of the 10 index components the climb the only one improved of no owners expecting better business conditions over the next 6 months tumbled by a whopping $24.00 points to a net negative 16 percent realizing that a democrat and ministration is hardly conducive to small business growth so they're seeing these tech monopolies and giants already occupy being named to
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administrative positions and the by the new mensuration they don't expect any help there but they also are expecting a huge tax increase and that's the number one concern of small businesses across america are a you know the way to overcome these tax burdens and regulatory burdens would be to start a business work hard and become an independently wealthy individual in the land of the free home of the brave but we are talking about how the break of the majors like the amazons and the googles like they rake the bottom of the sea and they get all that fish they just rake all of the small businesses or anything they can and they leave them for dead on the roadside and thousands and tens and thousands of them are dying and this is predictable because again if you put the money printer in the hands of the worst amongst us and you
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have a winner in america anyway you have a caca stock or c. which is ruled by the worst amongst us and we see that all over the world as well not just in the u.s. and you give them a money printer that they can literally without restraint by just print untold some so then it's like magic of charles manson was running the central bank. and it was uninterrupted for 20 years he was running the central bank then serial killing would be america's number one industry ok let's flash forward to today we've got a central banker who's serial killing small businesses so the number one industry in america today is small enterprise serial killing. what's the attitude of the people in america well when they can stop vomiting for 5 minutes and look around at their family that the mare everyone forgot about and they can't find the kids anymore. they then decide well maybe it's time to think about. some other
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country and that's i think we've seen this before usually you know people go on the move the history of the world as migration people are constantly moving to find a better land a better but more hopeful. except for the fact that ok if you get kicked off twitter or if you get kicked off facebook well create your own app create your own website except a.o.s. 8 of us and all the stripe the financial services cut you off and you can't do that same with america you can leave if you want we're totally 100 percent free to leave if we want how i do it big how ever i want to say however try to open a bank account in any country as an american you can't so therefore yes you can take bitcoin with but you have to pay your utilities you have to pay you know you need a bank account for a lot of the basics of life like utilities internet all that sort of stuff. because
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when is the martin luther of the medieval age by pounding those dictates on the you know the door of the vatican essentially it's like all the people indulgences are done we have the beginning of a ecclesiastical revolution right and that's a big point is so as dire as us all sounds keep in mind that it's the end of the road for the monopolists of the gold accomplice the caucus stock persists well that's the point is that we are at the end of the road at that. because there's clearly as you can see what has been happening in america especially since 20082009 but around the world we have the giago we have the global insurrection against banker occupation that's an international thing and what we've seen is all of copley's and monopolies around the world have controlled a lot of the political power a lot of the monetary power and a lot of the well and people are angry about it and that's what you're starting to see here these people are worried that they no i mean it might not happen but
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they're. they see what's coming what's coming to them and that all these programs need to be paid for and they know that the elite don't pay for it the the mega corporations that you know hire these politicians aren't going to pay for it so that they're going to have to pay for it it says this survey shows that only 2 percent of them are concerned about inflation of these small businesses which is remarkable because obviously inflation is roaring towards us so they're not even concerned about that because they're more concerned about the structure of our financial and political economy whereby the whole of our police rule and the small businesses medium you know middle class people end up paying right do like to any restaurant in canada but all your reserves and typical and you'll survive this blight of fascism here and around the world all right don't go away got more coming your way.
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become a battleground in the us in vermont people of. the local plant from my yankee is right now my focus because it's a very dangerous oh no clare power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limit this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on where's the power in this country where's it going is it moving more towards corporate interests who are. more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy our live with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in the very real. struggle. elderly forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people.
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must obey the orders given by human beings except we're. sure there is a conflict with the 1st law show your identification you should be very careful about official intelligence and the point of view see is to face trust our government here. inflicting on various jobs and with artificial intelligence will summon the deal. of the obama's protect its own existence as a mixer. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being
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led to some. direction. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows. right now there are. people who are overweight or obese it's profitable to self. and sugary and solti and addict it's not at the individual level it's not individual willpower and if we go on believing that never change this obesity epidemic that industry has been influencing very deeply the medical and scientific establishment. so what's driving the obesity.
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it's. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max keiser time now to return to our conversation with dave colum chemistry professor who every year for the past decade has been writing a legendary year in review column dave welcome back glad to be here all right so you're 2020 year in review is called the year everything changed 8 half trillion of treasuries are maturing by the end of 2021 voters want free money from biden it's also the year that the u.s. dollar turns 50 will the dollar survive this year days. well
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that's a good that's got to wear snotty i mean one of the dollar for x. market so i never i'm saying my diamonds up and down round other currency and i think i understand why relative to hard assets because they're constantly working to destroy it so so dollar on the 4 x. markets i'm going to be what's going to do but i continued to road in terms of spending power against big time right but back in $1071.00 u.s. one off the gold standard then it was the birth of this world and the dollar was king it looks like it's losing its traction in the global economy and other countries are now doing bilateral deals outside of the dollar if the u.s. dollars is the reserve currency status then we're going to see stuff in the united states we haven't seen for a while like real inflation at the c.p.i. level like prices start to go up dramatically and i think that's part of the mix so in your your overview same thing to paint a picture of. not not
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a rosy picture i would say isn't the dollar kind of losing that status part of it dave. i was think so i think you can see evidence of consortium building and faraway lands where they want to. costly just some are not dependent on the dollar create their own reserve currency and so i would imagine the alliance russia and china we amass and i think there's absence of that once they can say you know you know they can slip off the dollar the end of dollars lost a lot of its skin and i don't blame them for doing it either it's not brain and so to push back to this we're hearing about a new bretton woods or the great new resets coming in order to quote build back better what do the global central planners have in mind with these phrases and ideas dave. well. i don't know anyone who actually knows now that
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question there got platitudes and details and appearance know it's a push of the united states out of its soul positions and super power and appears to be a pushchair dollar reserve currency out of the picture i don't know what else it could be it could they're going to roll out a war i'm cast into that story probably i'm scheduled to speak with a currency expert one of these days we had to cancel one and i'm he thinks you know so now don't tell me it's currency and how the world economic forum looks like they're shooting down global government to me global government world economic forum or davus and typically when the these groups get together and they start to realign global forex markets and kind of rejigger the global economy gold usually plays a part i think you may even all of a little gold dave is gold going to play
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a part in this. i would think only hard. probably gold will be underneath everything for a very long time. you know the bigger debate is digital currency is what they mean and you guys know more about this than me i think the hot debate is whether when their. nose will play a role or are become become at risk of having to do battle with the sovereign states i tend to follow and that means i think you guys. have done sam assume a big point at some point are going to have to do battle against sovereigns that's my doubts whether you win or not i don't know now i think it's an interesting matchup and what we're saying is that more and more various states various countries instead of trying to fight that coin they're adopting the client and so this ends up as creating a situation where countries are going to be competing for bitcoin not trying to quote regulate because i mean that seems to be built into the protocols part of the
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game theory layer of it but as you point out it's going to be a battle royale for sure christine legarde is i think out on her boxing gloves and she's ready to enter the ring with bitcoin you know or my money is on that day if that let's talk about civil unrest we've been seeing over the whole of 2020 how does that compare if at all to what was seen in the late sixty's and early seventy's in terms of the weather underground in those sorts of groups dave i don't want to you know say that you're of that age that you would know this stuff personally if i. am familiar with it. now in the same kind of weather underground bombings going on unrest days dave. yeah except i'm worried they're more state sponsored than they were in the 660 s. looked like an insurgency to me stuff i see now i doubt i doubt that it's grassroots and saved astroturfing and i'm going to the spinal paranoiacs not i
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think i'm starting to get your point. my head. but act i'm seeing things that are happening all over the place that did that i suspect you have serious serious backing to win i don't know what it is and i don't know how to think about it yet but i work hard and pray you now stay safe i just watched a documentary recently about the the weather underground and it was a time in america where we had hundreds of bombings from coast to coast and domestic terrorism was almost commonplace the 70s a liberation army patty hearst was robbing banks and the end of the vietnam war it was a tomato's period it was social unrest it was richard nixon it was watergate it was him resigning from the presidency it was a really small to us time how do we how do we compare with that i mean you mentioned more of some maybe some foreign influence but it seems how would you compare the 2 to me if the current situation seems to like a mild rerun of that period fave i would agree that 100 percent actually and
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that might be the tip of the spear so that when it's all really will not be putting the word mild on it i do remind people who think you know 2020 things off west you know we're not hiding in the london 2 from the loony right this is not the worst year ever. and at the same time this mess could be the beginning of something very shall not bothered by. one side i dishonor it's going i'm paying close attention and clueless i see any cultural revolution equivalent taking place right now and you can see in all past substance side and so on so now if we don't get a grip on. what what gave us the freedoms that americans so famous more we don't know her by herself so that we're we're in serious trouble yeah you said something there dave i got to pick up on a cultural revolution. brings images of mao. and everyone wearing
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their mouth and reading the little red book now that you mention it i'm just free associating here but now that you mention it it seems like that is an appropriate comparison to sam's like this new regime coming into washington wants everybody to look only at certain pages of certain books at certain times all the center squashed and you mention authoritarianism that seems to be an element to it is is the cyc a cultural revolution type moment in america where we're all going to enter into a malice type dictatorship dave yeah i mean it you know what different right you know american you centric phrase but it'll look different but yeah you know it's like me they're attempting to rewrite your race history and says classic stop the the media's now 100 percent propaganda machine and sod it all the critical ingredients that should be in place are whites and so we're reaching
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a point now europe where your political persuasion dictates whether you get ever points and i've you got i tweeted a couple things on where people got mad at me but i said what you know that the social media the governments resort of my did though i'm not so it was just did you don't merge should not be there clobbering facebook companies are now taking it upon themselves to. be platform legitimate concerns because they want to take a stance against free speech parlors getting attacked. our gab got attacked these are these are imus i am a signs that read i don't think and wouldn't consider possible 5 years ago. right now you know the bigger question is if we look at history and we see cultures and economies collapse and cultural revolutions occur and programs existed and we make comparisons to the united states so where is the see that the root
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cause of all this to me to kick this off i'll say it has to do with that money it has to do with that money printing where you've got mal investment and a lot of people are able to buy their way into washington and they attracted what i guess you could call attack a stock or see a war over the leadership by the worst amongst us so is it that money that's the base layer of problem here or am i missing something why not i think that's part of the story beyond we did now direct to draw between us and the sorry yes we're. the saudi royals made a fundamental mistake where they kind of haphazardly handed over to the school systems to the clerics and are then shocked 25 years later to have a buncha radical lobbyist running around country and we we inadvertently handed over our educational system to the last minute 1st that the changers were not
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saying what you know teach the kids not to discriminate stuff like that but now it's got more rather indoctrination a lot more and so now. there's a whole showing us some might be 5 or 40 percent of kids like college campuses think social is a must find so they have thrown away the whole idea of capitalism. and so on i think i think it we've been riding the educational system her several decades and so now you've got the youthful generation who doesn't even know that. that's what happens and now it's our changing regime and you just your memory of what you were yeah that saturday heading the education system over to the wahabi aesthetic there's a great documentary adam curtis in the u.k. it's called better lake now you might want to check that out but anyway dave cullum thanks so much for being on the kaiser report near very welcome and thanks for reminding me that's going to do it for this edition of kaiser report with may max
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kaiser and stacey have require thing i guess they have calm until next time i got. taste awful. first then a 2nd wave is coming now the virus is mutating walk 2 blocks away from the apartment and i would get confused as to colleague it's not. meanwhile patients who've recovered from covert started to report some unusual aftereffects the symptoms were different but. my hearing has been ok i think that's one of those things are at play research is all over the world are trying to determine the many pains and other problems and then turn it all into numbers showing my hair. if you
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like your 1113 there this is throughout the day my hair just freakish out loud various sources reports that didn't just leave for 35 percent of recovered patients . so. does the bush. there have been many complaints of feral vision loss joint pain and fatigue in the us these patients are referred to as post coded long holos i talked to multiple doctors and my doctor and they said we have a feeling that you're going to have a hard time in recovery you're going to be one of those people that they consider a long haul or. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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some rumors as soon as you. claim christmas you may. remember if you just can stuff it up with a ticket did you hear that oh. antarctica is a very international community. meeting us through the trip we are going to. do this together if it is this stuff that i need to eat. for the position at the works to use to look at the business for their new course we're going to go is everything because it was polluted with the front of t.v. with the above the. 5 i have i would have acted all day but i decided not to take
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this life. with my guy didn't tell you that. in germany politicians are at loggerheads over how to solve the worsening kovac 19 crisis that has public support for tougher restrictions plummets. as the mess in france vent their anger of the vaccine shortages in the just because the country faces teething problems here from one regional official. the main thing and this is just a joke it's a little bit we have to get the vaccine all cells. while following a wave of allergic reactions california calls for a batch of madonna jobs to be withdrawn.
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