tv Watching the Hawks RT January 19, 2021 9:30pm-10:00pm EST
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it's not at the individual level it's not individual willpower and if you go on believing that it will never change this obesity epidemic that industry has been influencing very deeply the medical and scientific establishment. some of what's driving the obesity epidemic it's corporate profit. join me every thursday on the all excitement and i'll be speaking to get a little the politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then. when i was a child small seemed wrong all right all were all just don't call. me the world would be yet to shape our disdain you can't get out of jail and in gains from it because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we
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choose to look for common ground. greetings and sal you taishan us all right let's kick things off today with mr q. and non shaam on himself mr jake angele you remember little jake he was one of the most visible members of the modest seditionists who took over the capitol building in january 6th areas what with his you know buffalo horns and star spangled face paint looking like he got lost on the way to coachella and ended up in washington d.c. well it appears that the sharman whose real name is jacob chan's lee is not exactly handling incarceration all too well melissa blaze is a journalist for a.b.c.
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15 out of arizona reports that according to jacob's mom he hasn't eaten since friday because the detention facility won't feed him all organic food. yes the big bad q. and. is worried the prison food will give him a really bad tummy ache. and they call activists on the left snowflakes and while little jacob will soon be a hilariously hit areas footnote in future history books that doesn't mean that right wing extremism here in the united states is a laughing matter the wall street journal recently reported the president elect joe biden declared that he plans to make a priority of passing a law against domestic terrorism and he has been urged to create a white house post overseeing the fight against either a lot ideologically inspired violent extremists and increasing funding to combat
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them. not long after hearing biden's announcement on domestic terror laws c.n.n. and the rest of corporate media suddenly began reporting that according to an f.b.i. bulletin arm protests are being planned in all 50 states between now and inauguration day on january 20th. you know my friends as someone who lived through the post 911 fear mongering that led to the creation of the patriot act and the department of homeland security i can. honestly say it is beginning to look a lot like 2001 once again here we are putting fear before logic in the face of tragedy let's i mean are we really dumb enough to make that mistake again as new york magazine sarah jones correctly reminds us whatever powers by and creates today can be used by the enemies of democracy tomorrow our civil liberties are simply too fragile and the risk is much too great. let's take
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a look at this topic as we start watching homes. in a city street. there so you. see this is this you always see a. great city this least systemic dissent says so which . brings up the old. welcome aboard watching the hawks i am a rover and i'm a nice across so i don't know if i'm being paranoid when i say that the. national security state the hairs on the back of my neck are suddenly go on when i hear statements that we need new domestic terror laws and we need new this in order to combat the extremism we saw on january 6th no i think that you're spot on up 1st and foremost because we saw a lot of these things come into play after 911 there is always this fear of this surge of fear amongst our elected officials that pushes us to create laws that
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sometime. so look good in the interim but look horrible 10 years out and i think that because of the mistakes that we made post 911 we really need to go back and try to not make those same mistakes again but also fully recognize just how demonstrative and horrible what we saw happen last week was but to your point a lot of the laws that we enacted in the domestic terrorism laws as well that we had on the books since the ninety's timothy mcveigh we have these in place there's nothing we need to do to change those we can continue to use the exact same ones the issue here is whether or not we choose to apply that in this case that i think is with the nail in the head because the you know we haven't really apply i mean a lot of protesters from a lot of different areas and a lot of groups muslim groups things like that will tell you all we felt the full brunt of these laws that there are. 11 right after 911 but i think the people that you know. laid siege to the capitol last week they've never felt the brunt of those laws absolutely the difficult part here or what shouldn't be difficult is that when
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it comes to domestic terrorism or terrorism in general we have a far easier way of pushing it manfully it on those who are of the muslim or those who are african-american or those who are from the from the middle east we don't do it the same way and we try to find ways around it when the person is homegrown and white it's in and that's the problem it is in diyala sharma's a staff attorney with the center for constitutional rights told the intercept the quote anyone familiar with the scope of surveillance and targeting of black political decision dissidents or muslim communities knows that law enforcement has all the tools it needs to aggressively disrupt and hold accountable those who planned and participated the storming the capitol why they didn't raises serious questions but it was not because their hands were tied and i worry that as we see now report after report coming out and all the talking heads from c.n.n. the muslim b.c. to fox suddenly talking about this fear of you know people within the country i
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think the biggest. that scares me is that we are going to take 5 steps 10 steps ahead like you said and think about what we're doing out of fear and political convenience exactly and it's problematic because fear should never drive policy when fear drives policy we always end up in a place that we don't want to be there's often discrimination we've seen that time and time again and we also feel laws that we really want to eradicate and wish never happened just a few years down the road could the group be more. last week's insurrection continues to be the talk of the nation and the globe as america grapples with what to do next investigations abound and finger pointing knows no in law enforcement and security failures mount and with the resignation of the capitol police chief there are still questions a big one is why why wasn't the national guard called and early where were d.c. metro police why were some officers seen opening doors for the model mob and taking
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selfies and giving fist bones some congressional black caucus members have called out police forces for potential involvement in the insurrection house majority whip jim clyburn commented somebody on the inside was complicit in letting rioters in the building. in an interview with c.b.s. cliburn pointed to a few reasons why he thought rioters were assisted by the cops. he set up a group they knew where to go staff are saying that they saw people being allowed into the building through side doors somebody on the inside of those buildings was complicit in this. under fire several u.s. capitol police officers have been suspended for their actions during the attempted coup the announcement came on the heels of representative ryan's comments but the officer featured prominently in selfies with rioters and another who wore a maga hat while directing the rioters were both suspended. 10 to 15 more officers are having their actions are viewed as well and police officers also being investigated for involvement in the insurrection to seattle police officers have
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been placed on leave additionally departments in california washington state texas and pennsylvania are investigating their officers and it's well known and documented that white supremacists sit among the ranks of police departments across the country and the crisis at the capitol has a spotlight at this once more one d.c. police officer posted on facebook that insurrectionist included quote off duty police officers from all over the country they have the audacity to show their badges and id cards. it's important to note that house democrats are launching a review of the law enforcement response of the capitol attacks as well as any evidence of potential inside jobs conducted by police officers themselves. it doesn't surprise me hearing that because we've seen through the course of the summer in the black labs and matter protests just how integrated a lot of the police police forces and police individual police officers and law enforcement officials are kind of. you know. the problem
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for the what's a good word for worship you know indoctrination you know i think no no no you're right and this isn't something that we've known that police forces have been embedded in white supremacy for a very long time during the civil rights movement a lot of people who got stopped or be nor rest of a. oftentimes killed in prisons where they're literally because police officers were out on this do to actually find those and stop them from getting civil rights trafficking americans but f.b.i. report showed just last year that white supremacist and malicious infiltrated the police and more than 2 dozen states and they outlined that this is trumps the f.b.i. they outlined this in early 2020 they also found that they are tied to racist militia activity since 2000 and hundreds of officers have been caught posting racist and bigoted social media content to be fair one of the chief who was supposed to be teaching and training on a lot of the
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a lot of racial injustices he's suspended today because because of his illicit behavior on social media in terms of posting a lot of racist racist commentary himself so this isn't exactly new the comments from leaders like jim cliburn who is the majority whip he's obviously a congressional black caucus member comments from him saying that this was an inside job specifically noting that there were people who opened doors there were 2 levels in the in the capitol that no one would know about outside of that area there were spaces where there are meetings among congressional leaders that are an unnamed in a marked areas and yet these individuals knew exactly where they were that's a problem it's a security and safety issue but it also points to a much larger problem that it does i mean you know what all this reminds me of reminds me of the old as a child of the mind is reminds me of the old rage against the machine song lyrics was you know those who work forces are often those who burn crosses you know when you go back to the and this reminds me of that and but the biggest question moving forward i think and you know you mentioned it to me earlier today is how do you
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then trust your capital security forces if the how for good or bad how do you trust that moving forward how do the congressmen the senators representatives biden the merest how do you move forward if you know that ok these people might let we all know everyone's going to different politics you know but what happens when those politics suddenly get pushed to the side and. it comes of this like oh i'm a dissident i'm going to change the you know i'm going to take on the capital and like this i think there is you have to keep one eye open you also have to ensure that there is a no there's enough research into these individuals before they are given certain posts one of the other things that i find problematic is that many of the officers we're looking at now are being suspended with pay they're not automatically being fired again they're getting paid this whole time even though there is a lot of evidence of them being there for the insurrection as well as video of them committing a lot of insurrection acts and they're still collecting paychecks it goes to show that our system even the police to you know were a part of the these violent acts on the capitol still seem to be above the law
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themselves because of their bad we worship bad in this country we put too much faith them too much worship in the anyone who is holding a badge that they're always going to be this bright shining person when clearly history shows is there there are good people and there are bad people but we have to root out the bad people as quickly and as fast as quickly as possible you know it's just and those bad apples just keep on spreading always. all right as we go to break remember that you can always start watching the hawks on the man through the brand new portable t.v. app which is available all platforms as you can see there all right coming up we delve into the international connections to the rise of white supremacy and social media you definitely want to hear this conversation stay tuned to watch the whole.
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break absolutely awful. then a 2nd wave is coming now the virus is mutating i'd walk 2 blocks away from the apartment and i would get confused as to how to get not. meanwhile patients who recovered from cove it started to report some unusual aftereffects the symptoms were different but. my hearing has been ok i think. that's one of those things are at play research is all over the world are trying to determine the many takes pains and other problems and then turn it all into numbers showing my hair. but you appear to be the 1113 there this is throughout the day my hair just freakish.
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various sources reports that didn't just leave for 35 percent of recovered patients . so. does the bush. there have been many complaints of feral vision loss joint pain and fatigue in the us these patients are referred to as post coded long holos i talked to multiple doctors in my doctor and they said we have a feeling that you're going to have a hard time in recovery you're going to be one of those people that they consider a long haul or. was abundant make no certainly no borders just blind to nationalities. as much time with the we don't look like seeing the whole world needs to be.
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judged as commentary crisis that is interesting to modern times we can do better we should. everyone is contributing each or own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges create the response has been much so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we're in it together. in the wake of the events on january 6th here in the united states right wing militant extremism on social media platforms has once again come under the spotlight of journalists lawmakers and the public at large and while the united
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states currently wrestles with how best to combat this problem while still maintaining the freedoms of the 1st amendment it is important remember that the issue of right wing extremism is not unique or contained to just the shores of the red white and blue a new report by time magazine focuses on a focuses on a massive white supremacist militia headquartered in ukraine called the uls of but talian who according to experts over the past 6 years has been using social media companies including facebook to recruit and train white supremacists from around the world including u.s. citizens time reports that currently also of occupies a central role in the network of extremist groups stretching from california across europe to new zealand and it acts as a magnet for young men eager for combat experience interesting interestingly allie soufan a former f.b.i. agent who has studied the group told time magazine that he sees the rise of oslo and in ukraine similar to the rise of dangerous terror groups in afghanistan back
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in the early ninety's saying quote pretty soon the extremists took over the taliban was in charge and we did not wake up until 911 this is the parallel now with ukraine joining us to discuss the rise of the oz of battalion and the use of social media to build and recruit white supremacists groups is jeremy kumar of managing editor of covert action magazine and dr maya hostin a hoss can manage hoskin forbes contributor and assistant professor at loyola marymount university in the school of education thank you both so much for coming on and joining us. thanks for having me. jeremy and i want to start with you what is the cause of battalions history in regards to new young naziism and what role debate played today in the cultivation of white supremacy groups around the world. well my understanding is that the you know the war in eastern ukraine is
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a dirty war it hasn't been really very well covered in united states media but there's been a lot of atrocities in that war and there are elements of that ukrainian it's kind of like a vietnam war where the cranium military like the american army in vietnam was very divided and a lot of you know italian ukrainian military are ambivalent about fighting their own people of eastern ukraine because that whole war originated after a coup d'etat backed by united states in 2014 in those provinces in the east were lawit generally there are more and more similarities with the russians and their economies are integrated more with russia so it's a pro western government took root. in ukraine they separate is and so the creating the government had to rely on these militias because their own military wouldn't always fight and some of the militias were far right extremists are neo nazis and these of italian you know had that's the symbols 'd it was led by neo nazis and
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committed atrocities in eastern ukraine. and dr haass then why is it so difficult for social media companies like facebook to combat white supremacist recruitment by groups like maze out on their platforms we know that a recent survey from the anti-defamation league found that 61 percent of all americans believe that facebook and twitter are somewhat responsible and 75 percent of americans are worried about violent extremism. and. or you have a misconception we think about white supremacist organization in groups you know being clothed in white sheets but their eyes come out you know walking down the street with torches in their hands and white supremacy we're going to. have become arson is to comparatively speaking over the years and it also began to be true younger individuals who have learned how to push messaging that's
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a lot more palatable so especially when they're in we're talking about. broadening their messaging and recruitment efforts at recruiting younger individuals in fact shows are as young as 11 you know in some cases and they are who really individual . to think in certain ways right if you carry out a message that they're not very explicit at 1st it might start off with little need writers xenophobe aker racist or heterosexist however their guys as being come and help her and so it kind of mixed this type of rhetoric a lot more palatable and digestible for individuals and helps them to slowly each surely assure themselves into these. patterns and so in that case basically overlooks facebook and white organizations in many cases the overall look these mom are nuanced koger or our messaging in recruitment for my screen is organizations
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in general i want to ask you to is it look time magazine is reporting the vote in ukraine is often has its own political party had been publishing houses summer camps for kids and a vigilante force called the national militia you know you mentioned a little bit that they had to rely on this neo nazi group like a sub that is now you know according to time recruited us white supremacists into their ranks for training and things like that how did they acquire so much power in ukraine and then become a major recruiter. of white supremacists around the world how does that happen and not go unnoticed. well i think you have to look back at the events of 2014 and how the united states empowered. terrible government ukraine and unleashed these forces of white supremacy in the nets the ism i mean to my down protest because you know i mean the political backdrop was there was a production leader a victory on the covert and there was an uprising against him that was supported by the united states and it was presented as pro democratic forces but many actually
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worship stephen bend there of who was in that sea clobber in world war 2 and it empowered the far right in ukraine and just like here in the united states are coming more and more out of the woodwork and they've been able to infiltrate the government they have positions high positions within the governments and their activists and khadra feel more comfortable coming out in the open promoting their a chilled ideology and they've been in power they're getting money and they're building up these militias in part through foreign funding and getting these foreign mercenaries into the country to fight this dirty war and it's very dangerous and it's very shameful aspect of u.s. foreign policy that the united states has been helping to bankroll this but the progressive forces in the united states that usually oppose oppose shady u.s. foreign policy have been very quiet about this. for a variety of reasons and i think part is the media doesn't report the whole until
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you know with the exception of segments like the. dr hoskin there was a white supremacist writes a promise this nationalist movement that turned into an insurrection that we watched just last week in the nation's capital but here in the united states a lot of the conversation from the right has now leaned away from that into 1st amendment rights to free speech and the need to rein that in that's the conversation that we're having that's a conversation that we see on several news channels how do we manage to balance the 1st amendment rights with stopping the spread of violent white supremacist groups. well i think that it really irks begins with looking at rights of women on a much larger macro level and systemically instruction. i mean let's face it these organizations in groups in the u.s. the rag because white supremacy is systemic within the united states
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and if and if it works right if we were not if we see these forms of white supremacy in our systems in our structures in the united states is we're going to see scenes in groups would not be able to thrive and what happened in the capital would not have taken place and there have been multiple comparisons to have the insurrectionists last week were treated compared to how black eyes matter protesters have been treated in previous in much less by that protest right and so they had been allowed to kind of push the button because we live in a country that white supremacy is within our structures within our system and so i think what's happening now is now we're moving toward a place that you know our minutes in the freedom of speech and freedom to protest just are great. but what happens when you do that is it distracts from the larger issue of white supremacy again being in bed it within our system and within our
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structure and so we place the blame on to freedom of speech and protest and having that those liberties it takes only as a government officials to fight my supremacy at that at the power of the higher levels of where it exists why i want to thank you both for coming on today and truly educating our audience on these very interesting issues and where they come from and who was and who gets trained and how this is happening not just here in the states but also around the world thank you both once again the german cause more of managing editor of covert action magazine. and dr. forbes contributor and assistant professor at loyola marymount university thank you both so much for coming on today. thank you. it's a bird it's a plane no it's really definitely a bird a new study shows that air pollution laws might have saved over 1500000000 of our
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fine weather friends over the past 40 years pollution regulation specific to air force and across the u.s. have had positive effects lower emissions of ozone polluting and often factory different smoke and small have lead to clear airways a new study conducted by scientists at cornell university in the university of oregon found that improved air quality produced pollution thereby saving the lives of 20 percent of birds in the u.s. today according to ivan rudy the study's lead author reducing pollution has positive impacts in unexpected places and provides an additional policy lever for conservation efforts. looks like a little responsibility goes a long way in protecting mother earth and saving some of its most beautiful features environmental policies once thought soley to protect human life and help provide safety for wildlife see look at this we can actually do things that benefit ourselves and the world around us at the same time we so often get confused the positive unintended consequences wow once for once we don't see that in washington
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our look at all but great story thank you so was all right everybody that that is our show for you today a lot to think about all right remember in this world that we are definitely we are definitely not told we are loved ups or tell you all i love you. and i love the chicago people are watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and let everybody. become a battleground in the u.s. government people love demanding the shutdown of
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a local plant from mike is right now my focus because it's a very dangerous. power plant that was attempting to run the reactive beyond its operational limit this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass where's the power in this country where's it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is or how are people this case demonstrates that struggle in a very real way. a struggle on a. the world is driven by a dream shaped by those great.
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thinks. we dare to ask. goodbye from him donald trump bids farewell to the white house with a speech outlining his achievements but 2 weeks since should american democracy motions in the sub security head of joe biden's inauguration. germany extends and strengthens covert restrictions nationwide as the country steps up its fight against found. local mayors in france vent their anger over vaccine shortages and logistical setbacks we speak to one official. the main.
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