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tv   News  RT  January 20, 2021 6:00am-6:31am EST

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thinks. we dear to ask. in the day's headlines of the shopping centers food courts i mean even an opera house these are just some of the places moscow residents can get vaccinated as russia to its crown of our sox nation program. also this hour germany extends and strengthens covert restrictions nationwide as the country steps up its fight against the pandemic. as donald trump spends his last night in the white house washington d.c. it has been turned into a militarized zone hours and for joe biden's inauguration as the next u.s. president i guess it's a pretty good chance what they're doing but they closed
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a lot of pretty much the whole downtown area it's not a case check point you know concrete blocks everywhere every security is like this here or anywhere in america. you're watching arts international bring you your live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. russia is continuing to ratchet up its coronavirus mass vaccination program marsha points are opening up across the russian capital so muscovites can get a job while shopping grabbing a bite to eat or even at the opera is constant in a row score reported earlier from inside moscow's famous telecom opera house. russia's mass vaccination is picking up steam here in moscow vaccination houses are being set up across the city in addition to regular hospitals and this one for example is inside an opera house which is quite symbolic because this is
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a historic building right in the heart of russia's capital and it used to be a hospital during the 2nd world war besides the fact that this is an opera house that comes for the benefits well 1st of all the entourage of of this beautiful building and then while you're waiting in line to get inoculated you could listen to a relaxing opera music 1st few hours here at this vaccination is reserved for employees of moscow theaters let's have a listen to their take on the vaccination and the pandemic in general which is your boss la linea. first of all it's dangerous for me as a vocalist because the disease would severely affects my singing voice because it has an impact on the loans on the vocal operates itself or do you vote with which incident in august i was very sick so i decided that it's important to overcome it somehow because my contracts have brought a full and through here in the theater you have to constantly be on form 2 weeks
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after leaving the hospital i sank the battle parata but it was very difficult for small business the pandemic was difficult it is not yet clear how difficult because we do not know all the consequences if we believe in a bright future but it is not yet clear think gone we work in russia because everything is much more complicated abroad. so there are people who are reluctant to go to regular hospitals for vaccination because they might be where we have taken up infections it was dearest might be unfounded but mobile inoculation points like this one give these people psychological comfort and plus the pro says is really simple all you need to do is to show why it is done on 1st comp 1st served basis vaccination in russia is being done completely free of charge. and there are a few options there are 2 approved and registered vaccines that are available in the country 1st one sputnik v. and then there is another one at the corona and then there is a 3rd one that is common up and already showing promising results in clinical
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trials and top of that russia is conducting clinical trials on a one day life version of its major coronavirus vaccines russia's health care officials are setting their sights on achieving herd immunity before autumn and that means that at least 60 percent of the adult population or $40000000.00 russians must be vaccinated in the next 7 months this is school wide a task even production wise but according to denise monteiro who is russia's minister of industry in trade the plan of how to pull this off is there in the solution as of today almost 6500000 doses of the 2 components of sputnik v. have been produced we were expected to produce not less than 7000000 doses in january and 11 1000000 in february and 15 1000000 doses a plan from the language put in them and of course the vaccination points like this one are go into play a role besides theatres and cinemas themselves one population to get successful the
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vaccinated as much as anyone else because there have been hard times with a pandemic they're losing profits by the day due to restricted seeding the more jabs are taken the sooner life can get back to normal. but it's not just russians that are getting immunized in russia. you know in the house russians are going to be so wrong. so let's give these folks. that's israeli t.v. news anchor of the hill heart he came to moscow to report on russia's sputnik job but ended up deciding to get a knock they did hear himself and he joins us now. we're going to be joined by him gil har hello 2 and thank you for joining us so 1st off how are you feeling after getting the shot were there any side effects. it's so far so good it was a little bit called in mosco minus 24 but i don't think it has nothing to do with
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the vaccine. and what was it that made you decide to take the plunge and go ahead and get the job. look i must admit as you well aware russian vaccine was it didn't get much credit in the world and also israel it was a reason for jokes also on t.v. . because of the i wouldn't say haste but the speed that it was approved in russia only after stages say one in 2 and. the developers didn't wait for the stage 3 of the 10s of thousands of testers so we honestly wanted to come in and ask and see and interview in the we approach and fortunately the russian fund for direct investment was receptive and do we visited the. institute and talked with mr ginsburg head of family as you well aware and talked with the
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researcher and i think that the main thing i took is what mr ginsburg said look the people who died if you had asked them. do they want to wait till stayed through 3 or actually enjoy a vaccine that we believe is effective before of course the answer is obvious is so on one hand you have those researchers that did it can accumulate in their knowledge about vaccines for many years and you have something that they believe and they believe in so much that they vixen themselves right they were the 1st to be vaccines so i don't think you can underestimate the effort plus you know 2 other western journalists already took the vaccine i think it was the c.n.n. correspondent and the new york times in a 1000000 over a half of course of russian citizens did take the vaccine and myself who i'm very very little knowledgeable about science about vaccine and about medicine i
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asked him in mr ginsburg. easier it seems safe if i take it do you are you sure that i'll be ok and he said look you are welcome to take it since israel is now so super fast with the vaccines but i'm not in israel here in germany the elderly people are ahead of the line so i thought. yes why not let's try it and i'm still alive this is obviously add to a shot situation having already had a 2nd job. i know this will have to be in about 2 weeks i guess i will have to come back to moscow to take a 2nd the shot and i read this morning that. the fund did apply for approval of the vaccine to the european medicine authority and that will be a test case of course i accept the fact that it's
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a huge multi $1000000000.00 market and maybe some of the response to the russian book seen is nobody wanted their russian to take part in the cake in the party if you can call it that so i think the moment that the european medicine authority will sit on the papers going there and see kenny to prove be approved or not will be a really important day for this and the coffee and of course i'll be happy for you if you get the approval. thankfully i should be a little bit worried by the time we come back for that 2nd shot you were talking about going to the galileo institute and speaking to the people there they were of course the ones who developed the job what were your overall impressions of the institute. look some years ago i went to chernobyl to this story 30 years after it was 2016 i think
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and of course then came the h.b.o. with t.v. drama is that you actually see that hundreds of thousands of people went in to risk their lives because they knew that that's the only shot that russia has that the continent is maybe the world they risk their life so i'm not saying that when mr ginsberg understandings on the malaya took the show it was exactly like dealing with a nuclear reactor exposed but there was a risk and i think. there's something very generous of them to be the 1st to test it on themselves. see the effects and only then continue with experiments and only then are committed to the other so so yes i think those are brave people and i really enthusiastic and looking forward to see the results of the mass testing or the massive oxidation of the whole population. it least it would be just for the
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scientists the it got so much scrutiny in the beginning of the process. right we've been speaking with our israeli news anchor thank you for your time and your comments today. germany is extending and toughening its current coverage restrictions nation why did you spiking infection rates chancellor angela merkel's announcement comes amid rising public hostility towards the lockdowns. tonight all of our efforts to stop the spread of the virus faces a serious threat i would like to emphasize that we decided on measures that were limited until january 31st are now extended until february 14th that of course is a huge step in we understand what dam eans for citizens and others or private gatherings will be limited to one person from a household over than your own kindergartens and schools all closed right the way
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through until the 14th of february we've also heard a call for whoever can to work from home where that's possible masks will continue to have to be worn on public transport in shops and in places where you going to be in prolonged close contact inside with another person the new mutations of the covert 19 virus seem to of been very high up on the list of things causing concern to politicians here in germany we hear the angle of merkel talk about this in the press conference we also heard the health minister yen spawn saying that these mutations of covert 19 will cause for serious worry isn't would do it soon for this mutation is 1st and foremost more transmissible than others more transmission means more seriously ill people that's why limited contact and
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continuing to bring down infection numbers is so important. when it comes to increasing the severity of those measures that are being taken to prevent the spread of covert 19 there are signs that there's not much stomach for it here in the country at the moment only 28 percent of those polled in germany said they wanted to see tougher restrictions put upon them that's down 21 percent on a previous poll while politicians aren't really in any kind of agreement when it comes to what's the best way to move forward for germany if they're only vaccinated people in a restaurant or cinema they can no longer in danger each other as long as it's not clear whether a vaccinated person can transmit the virus they can be no exceptions i would consider a curfew after 8 pm to be justified i reject nationwide curfews on principle and also took time out to talk about vaccines saying that she will be speaking to
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brussels on thursday about the use one for all and all for one vaccine program it's something that has come in for a bit of criticism here in germany judy how slow it's taken to roll that out just over one percent of the population here in germany that received both jobs of a covert 1000 vaccine that are needed. joe biden will become the 46th president of the united states later today every an occupation is a momentous event her america but this time around the ceremony will look markedly different a large crowds and no parades instead almost 200000 flags have been placed on the national mall they're meant to represent the people who were prevented from coming by the pandemic other safety measures don't relate to cogan though thousands of national guard have been called in to maintain security creating an atmosphere and and around the capital that's more kin to a war zone as r
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t america correspondent john honey reports. we're at the corner of 14th street and ask and we're just away from the national mall the national mall is basically all this area is what's called the red zone it's in the d.c. metro area it is all locked down the streets the bridges the tunnels it's been like this for basically a week but it's really over the last 24 hours you know the amount of security the amount of intensity has ratcheted up you can see just yesterday when we were out here as i mentioned earlier it was pretty quiet couple media crews people like myself out here doing reports but now there's actually national guard members troops standing on the street you know in formation and that's the case behind me here you see the white tent that's one of the many checkpoints so that the latest works is in the red zone all the streets you have to go through checkpoints and that's already happening in a lot of these checkpoints in fact my photographer rode 17 miles incredibly from scouts this morning he wasn't allowed to bring his bike in to this area to this red
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zone controlled area right now there are no specific threats but the national guard has been doing additional security screening of its members the associated press is reporting that a dozen national guard members right now have been pulled from inauguration back just give me an example of the intense security the national guard the army looking at its own people to make sure there is no potential problem there and i want to be clear we're not hearing of any threats but security here is high and they're not taking any chances but it's not just in d.c. that security has been massively stepped up rallies are planned by both democratic and republican supporters nationwide and violation of anti pandemic rules that's led to fear is that a day i suppose that celebration could have disastrous consequences are to start. the good news is it will be a sunny inauguration for the 1st time and many many years it's about it for good news washington is on red alert had lucked out no huge crowds new fans that they've
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even divided the city into color coded zunes like baghdad residents could move around in green zones but red zones are restricted and guarded by 25000 troops there guarding not against an enemy not against terrorists but against their room population. all of this of course following what they call the insurrection at capitol hill on january 6th since then the secret service the f.b.i. the national god intelligence even the anyone with a badge has been moved to prevent trump supporters from trying it again and
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everyone's a suspect even the troops stationed in washington being screened for right wing sympathies by the f.b.i. this is like something out of north korea. we're continually going through the process and taking 2nd 3rd looks at every one of the individuals assigned to the suppression we need to be conscious of it and we need to put all of the mechanisms in place to thoroughly vet these men and women who would support any operations like this and. distrust and fear are in the air hagon like a like a poisonous me step 3 way it doesn't matter which way you voted people are statistically warrant this isn't the country they've lived in their entire lives i guess it's pretty. tense but they do it so they close a lot of pretty much the whole downtown areas to the barricades to check points
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that no concrete blocks everywhere so you really can't get anywhere near the national or constitutions i mean you know it's really sad. it's lived in washington for 20 more than 20 years i've been to a lot of inaugurations and i've never seen security like this here or anywhere in america and it isn't just washington d.c. it's it's all over the country and there is good cause one in 3 voters still believe that biden wasn't legitimately elected $1.00 and $3.00 hold this radical view and you were out so kay that's bad but in america where the most guns per capita in the world ats really really bad right now there's too much going on in our country when all the election is not one but by the troponin especially if you're scared of a long gun our country was born on long guns the revolutionary war was won and fought with longer we have a country that's getting more deeply polarized because we have 2 political parties
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that are playing each other for each other's problems. the issues the foundations of the parties something needs to be done these these congo on the country needs to heal right you can't very well run a country with this kind. divide brother against brother neighbor against neighbor and if you listen to democrat press statements ads what they've been trying to do think the events of the past few weeks have proved out just how damaged the soul of america has been and how important is to restore it that work starts on wednesday the thing with press statements and i can tell you this from experience as they are who always truthful and in this case it isn't they're preaching peace but what they're doing is something else entirely that turning the 74000000 people who voted for trump and to lampas to be shunned and costs that there has to be consequences
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but history shows it is not react not forcing accountability only and all the. people in those movements i don't know if there's such a job as a political exorcist but they need to do something to fix the republican party to get this demon out there are republican members of congress i know who clearly have lost their minds who just will not accept reality when it comes to the facts about donald trump if you voted for trump you voted for the person who the klan supported you voted for the person who nazis support you voted for the person who the all right supports that's the crowd that you are in a new ones trying to be the better person here trump is skipping the integration and flying those into florida not so much as the good luck to biden too offended themselves good riddance they say what next merica hasn't been this divided since
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the civil war but nice to think that little be better off for the inauguration. but why would it no one seems to be in any rush to make the 1st move passions run high in america today and i think every precaution has to be taken to ensure that a repeat of january 6th doesn't occur. on inauguration day or trying to disrupt the united nation of joe biden but the the imagery of 25 a nation governed. by a government that is not recognized as legitimate by that number that you know that percentage of the americans so you know this is it's going to be a very difficult 4 years for the united states i don't know if we're ever going to be able to recover from this the partisan political divide is so deep and so wide joe biden is not the politician to bridge it he is one of the reasons why this divide exists so is donald trump and there's there's not joe biden will speak of
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unity he will speak of healing but the fact of the matter is he has now the trust of a significant percentage of the american people and there will be no healing there will be no unity. a recent poll seems to confirm that grim assessments conducted after the storming of the capital it's all that 4 out of 5 americans believe that the u.s. is falling apart a similar proportion of those surveyed said though that they were still proud to be american the canvas opinions in new york and texas. there are real divisions and i think that comes from turning last the caste system at least now. i mean there's there's a kind of political divides that are often sort of manufactured i think that through walk through things that happen at the capitol but you get i mean it's really easy to feel like they're trying to be a school board i would say that really not a good spot there has to be a lot of should be made this country and i'm playing the part. you know that and then me to tell seriously everything you know about the president you have $400.00
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and individuals americans dying from for coronavirus you have millions of people unemployed you have business is falling for bankruptcy you can't play issues between the current president and the president coming in is not a very. it's a easy switch over i think a kind of what the current that the new president like biden is doing as far as trying to impeach steele trying to tell the president is kind of childish. still had a number of restaurants in italy while coronavirus restrictions by keeping their doors open in protest over the curbs we hear from one of the owners behind the protests after the short break.
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is you'll be a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led to see. what is true what is fake. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us on the death. or inmate in the shallowness. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world the politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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welcome back and adelaide a number of restaurants have refused to close their doors in protest over coronavirus roles the country is currently under tough restrictions requiring restaurants and cafes to close by 6 pm on business owner said she believed the infection risk posed by restaurants is being exaggerated. no i'm not afraid that we might spread called it because we respect all the regulations distance in masks disinfectants everything that is required of us i don't understand why in hotels and buy highways places that offer the same services as us seated lunches and dinners they say that the virus does not spread but here it does someone has to explain that to us i'm not an expert i'm not the one who has to say the measures that must be taken i hope that after
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a year they would be able to solve the problem at least partly but things are getting worse if we can fix it they should at least not make us fail so far. the protests kicked off on social media earlier this month under the i am open to hash tag but despite strong support online the number of restaurant owners taking part in the protest itself was reportedly low those that did flout the rules however were issued with fines by police. at least was the epicenter of the crown a virus pandemic last year in europe with the country introducing new restrictions only last week as a braces itself for a 3rd wave very market believes the curbs have pushed her sector to the brink. of the state support if we can call it that didn't even cover the basics deals rents and so on we haven't had any real help i could find on friday 400 euros which i have already paid but it was then reduced to 280 i will stay open until they give
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me explain chanson solutions i've had the same experience as most italians i don't know how our sector will survive we have very little work no endings are gone we at the end after a year of this we do have enough money to cover our expenses but. finally we bring you some news in brief from around the world. in the residents of the town of put on a colorful and musical display they were celebrating their patron saint st sebastian and people did their best to don anti covert masks along with their bright costumes. from sunny nicaragua to freezing cold russia where low temperatures have given a wintry touch to one of the best known buildings in moscow as temperatures in the capital plummeted the normally gold at 9 meter star on the moscow state university campus turned into something more closely resembling
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a giant snowflake the building is the tallest of the stalin era skyscrapers in the city and was the tallest in europe until 1990. and in the moscow region a very special employee has joined a local rescue team according to her colleagues the welsh corgi named marcel is obedient and a great swimmer and very outgoing the pop not only gives the rescue team a helping paul with their daily duties but also helps them unwind after a hard day. that's been your global news update for this hour but don't forget you can always had to our website r.t. dot com for the details on all of those stories and many more. well we said in 2008 right here on this show was that because there was no attempt to reform what the banks had done and the global financial crisis was caused by the banks who were hoarding the cash they were sitting on the cash they were lending it
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here we are in 2021 exactly as they predicted they did down reform the banks in fact they just expanded their credit card they expanded their capacity to print and borrow and then give away that cash to their friends causing now this huge crisis. the chain reaction process in the reactor 3 a tremendous heat which scientists are burned out of control. really. was so excited about nuclear engineering because i thought it would solve the world's energy crisis.


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