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tv   News  RT  January 21, 2021 2:00am-2:31am EST

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it's that struggle the very real way our struggle on r.t. . we must get this on. the pitch really blew. the new u.s. president joe biden there vowing to end what he calls the uncivil war between democrats and republicans then immediately goes on to dismantle policies in the flurry of executive orders. a mainstream media swoons over the new commander in chief's inauguration speech these guests debate whether america really can be healed any time soon. either we're going to resolve these issues peacefully through the battle of ideas or in 10152100 years we will resolve them violently
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well blown songs eliminate any way straight any opposition any any political dissent that's going to challenge you know the radical left wing janda. in the powerful blast caused by a gas leak rips through a residential building in the dritte 3 people have been killed we hear from eyewitnesses. we heard a massive explosion and we all ran outside to help people. and when we went outside. to thanks for joining us here on martin international joe biden has been sworn in as the 46 president of the united states it brings to a close donald trump's 4 years in office but amid deep divisions in us society just hours after the inauguration people took their discontent to the streets.
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portland protesters were met by the police officers responded with tear gas and earlier 200 people had smashed the windows of the headquarters of the democratic party in oregon the ceremony itself was like no other security was so high d.c. resembled a war zone an unprecedented 25000 national guard were called in to avoid a repeat of scenes like that seen 2 weeks earlier during the capitol hill riot. we must end this civil war that pits red against blue. rural versus urban or rural versus urban conservative versus liberal we can do this if we open our souls to so harden our hearts if we show a little tolerance and you know lead and if. we're willing to stand in the other
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person's shoes as my mom would say just for a moment stand in their shoes. more on this now from our correspondent there is don in the studio morning joe biden saying all the right things open your soul but you serve another person's shoes didn't see a lot of that where donald trump was in power they were not really putting themselves in his shoes but like i said saying the things people want to hear what else they have to say well maybe just the wrong size of the shoes maybe they're all that matters here but really this is something that joe biden tries to put on this cloak of a peacemaker or someone in a surgical mask you know tending to and mending the wounds of the american democracy but as much as joe biden is trying to make it look like it's so when together the fabric of the american society world this is science he is not stitching together that easily because in effect what joe biden is doing so far his
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actions have been have boiled down to dismantling everything that donald trump has done in the past 4 years essentially joe biden he's expected to sign some 17 executive orders just on the 1st day in office this includes bringing america back into the world health organization into signing back the purse climate include a dismantling the infamous border wall that trump just kept throwing money at world still failed to erect and so on and so forth and there's plenty of policies that joe biden has a big problem with and while millions of people tens of millions of people would see no problem with that and just will cheer him on like go joe. there are also tens of millions of people who voted for donald trump and while of course not all of them agreed with all of the policies of the donald if they voted for him still it means that overruled they approved of what he was doing in office and those
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people they have again been left pretty much a voiceless so when when joe biden is trying to make it look as if. never happened in the american political history while. a lot of people who voted for trump would feel like their voices went for nothing like they and their political will was just nullified and an old and it shows i mean again we've already seen protests in portland people smashed windows of the democratic party headquarters there and while some might say it's just the beginning given the history of the capital of the of the riot at the capitol hill but one thing that joe biden does have and what donald trump didn't and still doesn't have is the world overwhelming support of the mainstream media just have a listen to this. those lights that are that are just shooting out from the lincoln
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memorial i look it's like almost extensions of joe biden's arms embracing america president elect joe biden and vice president harris told griffin regret out of the privacy of our hearts if just for a moment so that we all could share it he doesn't keep a lot of things secret when it comes to his emotions and his and his family and his love for his family well those were some very very passionate words just put it diplomatically almost like as if the journalist working there would not be so keen on you know putting joe biden under the same scrutiny as well they did with john and with donald trump because he's it's not rocket science is it that. you know joe biden is a democratic party president and the vast majority of the u.s. media is left leaning so there they want to like him they want to support him equally though they want to dislike and they very much did dislike donald trump he
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got a very tough deal from the media absolutely and just looking at how the media is treating joe biden and donald trump on their inauguration days it really paints a very very precise picture i should say because with joe biden he already he gets full credit just for being in the oval office just for existing if you if you like just for you know winning the election so he's there he's ready to heal america his hope for americans who and so forth while he still hasn't done a thing really apart from well you know raising very carefully and very thoroughly donald trump's legacy and with trump the media war with against him started instantly like with various outlets who are comparing his inauguration crowd with the obama's inauguration crowd and someone like you know getting down to the very single to single person you know nit picking on the smallest details because sometimes he was criticized very rightly so by the media but very often they were
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just you know what you need straws and with joe biden it isn't happening and again people who voted for do know something i was seeing such a coverage they might feel that well again their voices simply didn't matter but and more on top of that some media. figures they already have a. plan who those who voted for trump. there are millions of americans. work and. somehow need to be deprogrammed they are members of a cult cult there are republican members of congress i know who clearly have lost their minds who just will not accept reality when it comes to the facts about donald trump i'm comparing the words of. individual who would incite them radicalize somebody as osama bin laden did to what president trump did. and while
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the political discourse and the political you know scene has always been about winning the hearts and minds so it makes sense that one the democratic party would want to get more republicans on board and vice versa but when supporters of the one particular side of being almost like vilified and turned into villains and called member of a cult millions of millions of americans a lot of people well they might not like that being disregarded with their opinions being disregarded just like that and so when so right now with such love that joe biden gets from the media he has risking. not being the peacemaker that he seems to want to be but rather deepening the crisis by failing to understand why tens of millions of people more than 70 millions of people voted against him yesterday america is very much divided the honeymoon period let's say but as we know or any mains eventually have to run he thinks he gets down off with me in the
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studio now the media coverage of the inauguration a lot of people liked it specially those on the left but it left a bad taste in some people's mouse check this out this is legal media analyst lionel i've instructed my family in the event i were to somehow ingest some poison and you rushed me to an emergency room and you had to induce emesis vomiting for those at home if you don't have any syrup of please play today's media coverage because. i think i would upchuck it was the worst saccharin distance anadan nonsense the best of the best was a fellow by the name of chris wallace who was on fox news facts news much which used to be considered conservative whatever that means and he said that he's been covering inaugurations since 1961 says j.f.k.
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ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country when we had stentorian oratory the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and chris wallace said with a straight face this was the best inaugural address he's ever heard i'm in a parallel universe imagine every cliche everything you've ever heard thrown into a hat and just pulled out and read and this this finding this almost. cult like did these incantations of the stage at the you unity and what did he do within the 1st day he went straight to the white house walked in and basically reversed or a number of serious executive orders that president trump had such initially so in
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the day when he were to say we're all coming together we're all coming together the 1st he does is give me that pen around and there you go there's your unity. during a speech to a bun also said that america needs to confront white supremacist in apparent reference to certain trump supporters. a rise of political extremism white supremacy domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat. it comes of a day confrontational climate in which both democrats and republicans are using highly charged language to attack each other on to america spends one spoke his podcast guests about that hostility. but we constantly use language to to demonize and dehumanizing people on the other side it's leading us towards very drastic measures you're exactly right that it's dangerous and to call your
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next door neighbor who is a white male who voted for trump the mystic terrorist is not going to result in a good downstream effects and i always tell people there's only 2 options either we're going to resolve these issues peacefully through the battle of ideas or in 10152100 years we will resolve them violently add a moment where there is such rage toward the losing side i don't think we've ever seen this happen before where rather than taking a victory lap rather than celebrating the win we're seeing that almost like what you might call a sore winner is that is that how you would describe it the democrat party and their alliance with the tech social media and tyrants to eliminate any boy starting any opposition any any political dissent that's going to challenge you know the radical left agenda and so you're talking about your politics people have a reason to be scared one side is not allowed to speak and it's more than just not
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speaking is it not it's you don't have the right to speak and we're going to talk in your place in your stead about how you must be deprogrammed this is not a new phenomenon right this has been happening under the eyes and noses of lawmakers here in our country who have just decided to turn a blind eye to that because like you said it's easy for people to say well you know these things aren't happening or they can't happen on a bigger scale because you know maybe those people should have just found little quiet or you know maybe they were a bit you controversial ok then a now president biden about president biden due to to assure people that hey we're not all in the me here and we don't have to be in a means we don't have to continue to have the. as is growing animosity there's a part of america that feels left behind for whatever reason they feel forgotten and you know that neither the political parties back them. into that base in
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a considerable way so i think to bring unity we need someone to talk to that base there is talk of how do we deal with a troll supporters to extremely hypocritical one of the things that most one of the things that a lot of trouble opponents criticize donald trump for is that he is divisive and that he is polarizing and that he harms unity right so for people to say that and then at the same time be talking about you know reprogramming 75000000 americans or d. platforming them or trying to silence them or calling them you know nazis or nazi enablers all these very very you know inflaming terms it's extremely hypocritical because they're doing the exact same thing but actually far worse than what they complain that donald trump or even some of his supporters have been doing and it's weird how people can sort of see that blind spot due to their own political biases and spawn been sweeping changes to trump's domestic policy some wondering if they'll do the
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same dramatic shift in american foreign policy i guess if possible. it all depends on where you stand for some biden's inauguration maybe the beginning of for sad year is for others it's a light at the end of a dog dog tunnel the united states is back and europe stands ready to reconnect wouldn't old and trusted partner to breathe new life into our cherished alliance if only it were that simple trumps raid cond be easily undone old bones have been broken some irreparably so but some and only some can be salvaged we do have. a big task ahead of us in restoring revitalizing those relationships i do think it starts with showing up again some of our allies and partners question the sustainability of our commitments based on the experience of the last
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a recent years and that's going to be a hard hard hill to climb anyone hoping for a revolution a rethinking of american foreign policy a sadly going to be disappointed the new administration has inherited and braced trumps hostility to china for example so if you were hoping for an end to the trade war the tariff hikes or saber rattling your outta luck i also believe that president trump was right in taking a tougher approach to china i disagree very much with the way that he won about it in a number of areas but the basic principle was the right one the nominee for secretary of defense lloyd austin very much agrees with the nominee for secretary of state highlighting 2 primary potential threats to america clearly the strategy will be arrayed against. china is is presents the most significant threat going forward because china is ascending russia is all sorts
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right but it's it's in decline they are. also approve of trump's middle east policy specifically a huge diplomatic push to get muslim nations to establish relations with israel oh and the new you recognize capital of israel jerusalem abstaining 2 as is the rift in a 2 caused by turkey buying things it shouldn't such as russian missile systems turkey is an ally that in many ways is not acting as a now i should and this is a very very significant challenge for us and we're very clear eyed about it they also approve of trump's middle east policy they've already said they'll do everything in their power to stop the new gas pipeline being built by europe and russia which presumably includes sanctions against european nations no mention of the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan there presumably staying for
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a 20th year or 2 trumps record spending in the military no sign of that going away in fact the new administration believes defense capability should be increased even further there is one stark difference between trump's and biden's foreign policies it's iran in my judgment the. for whatever its limitations are succeeding on its own terms in blocking iran's pathways to producing for some material for nuclear weapons on short order. there you have it the only stark difference between america's old and new foreign policies donald trump may be gone but his political spirit lives on in the new administration joe biden terrifying i think to a lot of countries that will hope that his presidency does not mean a return to war. as was personified by barack obama in his libya and
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trencher i think another thing that we all fear is that biden was part of an obama administration that accelerates at the. ideas the diffusion of fundamentalist islam islam in the middle east isis day yes al qaeda so i think that is very worrying perhaps lincoln and others are thinking ok try and make some deal with iran supporting us we fight iran by defacto helping islam islam but of course the big danger here is we're back are we back to readers when the united states was supporting the mujahideen in afghanistan which led to the destruction of the twin towers and these are the sorts of foreign policy minded by griz that return to stack the senate foreign relations committee so it had to back the iraq war and then saying all changed because we heard from that speech full of the usual platitudes redolent of obama they all change because it by mistake and rule eschew
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changing glueing lincoln and all the rest of them that he's appointed around. powerful explosion in central madrid has destroyed a residential building owned by the catholic church that least 3 people have died and 11 have been injured authorities say the explosion was caused by a ghastly eyewitnesses gave us their accounts of what happened. here we were working near the building when we heard a massive explosion and. we all ran outside to help people but when we arrived smoke was coming out of the building had collapsed there was a pile of rubble on the ground crushed one of the seed was a gas leak i have no idea when it let's hope everything is ok but i mean only the walls vibrating at all and we thought it was in the university when we went outside and street one of our colleagues went out to rescue a person whose place began to arrive and evacuate the area they closed of the
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street so we could no longer see what was going on there were many injured. it seems to have been a gas explosion the city fire department is still working in the building inspector damage you can see at the top stories are destroyed firefighters are also going through the surrounding buildings checking whether they are safe and in. earlier we spoke with local journalist jaime velasquez who was at the scene of the blast. we see some flames developed on of the building still and we know that the 5 stories of the building the top of the building have seriously damaged there's a care home with 55 elderly people nearby these bilin and also a school yard of the school was absolutely full of rubble after the explosion and fortunately not any of the populace of the school and also.
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residents of this care home were injured the police has also sent some conine brigades on the rescue dogs to find out if they might have stills be somebody inside of the building they believe belonged to the church. it was the residence of some priest and church workers the neighbors started recording with the phones right away with the flames and a lot of just coming out of this building there were really. we worried about you know the situation finally when we found out that it was you know these buildings were not affected and it was just more reduced damage neighbors to started to be more. calm but but definitely they were really really really worried and some of them they are still not able to go back to the buildings because it's not safe
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because the structure has been seriously damaged and the firefighters are now says what are they going to do with the building there's a still some flints in the to bottom so this situation continues to be quite unstable and we don't know exactly how it is going to play yard what is going to happen with the building and when the neighbors will be able to go back to their homes. russia submitted its putting the coronavirus vaccine for approval by the european union with the evaluation process expected to start in february while the russian jobs being given the green light for phase 3 trials in india pharmaceutical company dr reddy's who are behind the trials in the country say they hope to get approval on march. will be used alongside the astra zeneca vaccine and india's kovacs in which have already been rolled out we spoke to dr reddy's managing director of g.b. put aside about why they chose spinning. the 1st roxanne's
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which are coming out in india are reserved for the government. public workers and all that but there are many many many people who need access to these vaccines and hence more better and i do believe that sputnik is also a very bad ones vaccine and we're hopeful that it will work when we we're very pleased with the science behind the work seen as you know all it does a human lives. are used but there's no. is there not one date then you have are 2 different back. seat or dives for the made vaccine and the booster goes that's another hard one dates we also saw the safety data and also some if you could see data and the science behind how this vaccine was deadlocked and the black swan which was in the ad if you want to know why it is like the best black on
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. the platform was considered but it's saying that if you concede not a good day don't look very good sold the liberty but have a legend in order to pocket of a deduction but russian company r.d.f. the 2 biggest nights into india. and i wraps it up for this news on don't forget you can check out most always by heading to our website all the old . so we were. going to be. you may.
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remember if you just came down forever up with a ticket did you hear that oh. i'm talking is a very international community. meeting yesterday are you going to. do this if. you do eat. there's a push at the would you still look at the business for their new coffee. is everything refuse to believe in front of t.v. with the above the. fact of the day i decided not to take people's life. with my gave you the. facts geysers financial survival they say money to develop. this is a central plank support diatomic don't call them right now say stop the.
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welcome to the alex salmond show we were right said but. we'll look at the political unit had the you've begun crisis well. and the law muleteer and how will the political parties fear in this do normal from the right we ask top commentator peter oborne ballers johnson be condemned for bungling the pandemic or will we be lauded for bringing the country flu vaccination and from the left professor for
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free we are skim through a secure start on those new labor party has the group to cut through the least tough economic times ahead all that coming up in the show promoted to me that was your tweet surely mails from your messages well we've had a tremendous response to my show last week featuring cambridge for only just dr chris smith and public health expert dr penn cannier steve altered says just watched dr chris smith on the alex aventura best bit of information about covert i've had since upon demick started follow the experts get advice steve bobby says i've been saying it since august mosques should be compulsory there are much fewer disabled and people with underlying illnesses venturing out there are few people with a genuine reason not to wear a mask larger shop says so many amateur epidemiologists under all ages spreading misinformation hopefully unintentionally i prefer to listen to experts and once more i thank them for their clear summations and advice also i thank out cintas
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mina for bringing us this week rachel it's much appreciated well thank you lorna garde mcentee says great show with 2 guesses everybody should pay attention to too many people simply don't understand the facts relating to this pandemic kizzy says gray sure alex into mena questions we're all asking thanks for some answers and maybe the 2 halves of the u.k. scotland and england will answer why we're behind other countries and finally i'm here with some good news who's had a vaccination says i let few walked 10 minutes to my local hospital for mine today . it seems like a lifetime ago but it's been a mere 13 months since boris johnson took the tories to a landslide general election victory in the christmas of 2019 now he has indeed struggled with a pandemic on the economy has collapsed but boris has got pricks it's done and the vaccination program is well underway but can tory supremacy.


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